Aims To evaluate the safety and efficacy of levosimendan P=0·033) and over 24 h (4·0% vs 8·8%; P=0·044). Mor-
in patients with left ventricular failure complicating acute tality was lower with levosimendan compared with placebo
myocardial infarction. at 14 days (11·7% vs 19·6%; hazard ratio 0·56 [95% CI
0·33–0·95]; P=0·031) and the reduction was maintained at
Methods and Results Levosimendan at different doses the 180-day retrospective follow-up (22·6% vs 31·4%; 0·67
(0·1–0·4 g . kg 1 . min 1) or placebo were administered [0·45-1·00], P=0·053).
intravenously for 6 h to 504 patients in a randomised,
placebo-controlled, double-blind study. The primary Conclusions Levosimendan at doses 0·1–
end-point was hypotension or myocardial ischaemia of 0·2 g . kg 1 . min 1 did not induce hypotension or is-
clinical significance adjudicated by an independent Safety chaemia and reduced the risk of worsening heart failure and
Committee. Secondary end-points included risk of death death in patients with left ventricular failure complicating
and worsening heart failure, symptoms of heart failure and acute myocardial infarction.
all-cause mortality. The incidence of ischaemia and/or (Eur Heart J, 2002; 23: 1422–1432, doi:10.1053/euhj.2001.
hypotension was similar in all treatment groups (P=0·319). 3158)
A higher frequency of ischaemia and/or hypotension was 2002 The European Society of Cardiology. Published by
only seen in the highest levosimendan dose group. Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Levosimendan-treated patients experienced lower risk of
death and worsening heart failure than patients receiving Key Words: Left ventricular failure, myocardial infarction,
placebo, during both the 6 h infusion (2·0% vs 5·9%; levosimendan, hypotension, ischaemia, mortality.
0195-668X/02/$35.00 2002 The European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The RUSSLAN study 1423
504 patients
8 withdrawals (7·8%) 10 withdrawals (9·7%) 6 withdrawals (6·0%) 5 withdrawals (5·1%) 12 withdrawals (12·0%)
94 completed (92·2%) 93 completed (90·3%) 94 completed (94·0%) 94 completed (94·9%) 88 completed (88·0%)
Investigators were mandated to stop the infusion of 1 mm in a 12-lead ECG. Clinically significant hypoten-
the study medication if patients experienced: sympto- sion and/or ischaemia, reported by the investigator, were
matic hypotension, heart rate >130 beats . min 1 sus- evaluated by the Safety Committee. For the evaluation,
tained for 10 min, or any serious adverse event. Baseline investigators provided the committee with case record
assessments included blood pressure (measured with a forms, ECGs and copies of patients’ hospital files.
sphygmomanometer or with an automatic blood press- Committee meetings were held after every 100 patients
ure measuring device), heart rate (determined from the recruited. Members of the Committee were unaware of
ECG) and respiratory rate. Baseline assessments of patient treatment allocation at the time of assessment.
dyspnoea, fatigue, anginal pain and physical signs of Secondary end-points included the combined risk of
heart failure were also made. Patients were permitted to death and worsening heart failure during the first 6 and
receive all appropriate therapy for the management of 24 h after the start of the infusion, a change in dyspnoea
both acute myocardial infarction and heart failure. and fatigue at the end of the infusion and death for any
Patients developing persistent hypotension or reason over 14 days after the start of the infusion.
refractory heart failure during infusion, were permitted Patients were considered to have worsening heart failure
intravenous dopamine (3–9 g . kg 1 . min 1). if they experienced onset or worsening of any following
Throughout the 6-h infusion period, patients were conditions: dyspnoea, fatigue, pulmonary congestion or
assessed for hypotension or myocardial ischaemia of oedema, heart failure or cardiogenic shock. The severity
clinical significance, symptoms of heart failure, haemo- of dyspnoea and fatigue was assessed both by the patient
dynamics, urinary output and adverse events. In ad- and the investigator before and after the infusion as
dition to spontaneous reporting, an adverse event a score from 1 to 4, where 1 represented none and
inquiry was undertaken by an investigator at the end of 4 disabling. An increase in score was categorized
the infusion and at 24 h after the start of the infusion. as ‘worse’, a decrease as ‘better’, and no ‘change’ as
Patient survival was evaluated at 14 days following the ‘unchanged’. In the worst-rank symptom analysis,
start of the infusion. An additional 180-day mortality patients were considered to be worse if, in addition to
follow-up was conducted after the end of the study. The the changes in actual dyspnoea and fatigue scores during
information for the 180-day follow-up was obtained the 6 h study infusion, they (1) died; (2) developed
from Official Inhabitant Registries and patients’ hospital worsening heart failure; or (3) received a new drug for
files. Confirmation of survival was obtained through the treatment of heart failure.
telephone contact with the patients.
Blood samples, drawn before the start of infusion and
immediately after infusion, were used to determine Statistical analysis
serum creatine kinase-MB levels. A chest X-ray was
repeated within 12–30 h after the start of the infusion. Statistical analyses were based on the intention-to-treat
principle, performed at a two-sided 0·05 level of signifi-
cance. Analyses were carried out using SAS 6.12 statisti-
End-points cal software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, US) for
The primary end-point was the proportion of patients In a separate pilot study, evaluating the effects of
developing hypotension or ischaemia of clinical signifi- three bolus infusions of levosimendan in patients with
cance adjudicated by an independent safety committee. acute myocardial infarction, levosimendan improved
Clinically significant hypotension was defined as: (1) haemodynamics, but did not cause myocardial
symptomatic hypotension (obligatory) or (2) an asymp- ischaemia in Holter-recordings and did not cause hypo-
tomatic drop in systolic blood pressure of more than tension[24]. However, the regulatory authorities (FDA)
10 mmHg (at the discretion of the investigator). Clini- required that a population of about 500 patients would
cally significant ischaemia was defined as: (1) aggrava- be required to assess the risk/benefit ratio of levosi-
tion or a new onset of anginal pain; or (2) further mendan in patients with acute myocardial infarction.
depression or elevation of the ST-segment by more than A placebo-controlled study with 6 h infusions was
therefore conducted and the incidence of clinically sig- dyspnoea and about 90% had pulmonary rales at rest
nificant hypotension and ischaemia in the placebo group despite previous treatment).
represents the spontaneous variation of the primary
end-point in this patient population.
Baseline characteristics were summarized using ap-
propriate descriptive statistics; values for each character- Primary end-point
istic were compared among the five treatment groups
The safety committee considered that 65 patients had
using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with effects for
clinically significant ischaemia or hypotension (Table 3).
treatment, centre and treatment by centre interaction or
No significant differences among the five treatment
the non-parametric Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel (CMH)
groups were observed in the proportion of patients who
test, controlling for centre. In a primary analysis for a
experienced the primary end-point (P=0·319). When all
primary end-point, the differences between treatment
four levosimendan groups were combined and compared
groups in the proportions of patients experiencing clini-
with placebo, the proportions of patients who experi-
cally significant ischaemic and/or hypotensive events
enced clinically significant hypotension and/or ischaemia
were tested using the CMH row means score test,
in the placebo and levosimendan groups were similar
controlling for centre. The same analysis was tested
(10·8% vs 13·4%, respectively, P=0·456). There was,
comparing the placebo group and the pooled levosi-
however, a weak relationship between the dose of lev-
mendan group. The relationship between dose and
osimendan and the risk of hypotension and/or ischaemia
frequency of event(s) was evaluated using the CMH
(P=0·054), which was attributable to a higher frequency
non-zero correlation test; the effects in each treatment
(19·0%) of ischaemia and hypotension among patients
arm were weighed according to the total quantity of
who received the highest levosimendan infusion rate
drug (in mg . kg 1) due over the 6 h infusion period.
(24 g . kg 1 +0·4 g . kg 1 . min 1).
The combined risk of death and worsening heart
failure were expressed using a time-to-event model. The
log-rank test was used for detecting differences between
placebo and pooled levosimendan groups. Cumulative Secondary end-points
survival curves for placebo and pooled levosimendan
groups were constructed by the Kaplan–Meier method Death and worsening heart failure
and the differences between the curves were tested for The combined risk of death and worsening heart failure
significance using the Cox proportional hazards model. was lower among patients treated with levosimendan
Survival time in the model was calculated as the differ- than among patients receiving placebo during both the
ence in days from the start of infusion to the event or to 6 h infusion period (2·0% vs 5·9%, respectively;
the last follow-up date. The relationship between dose P=0·033), and 24 h after the start of infusion (4·0% vs
and frequency of event(s) was evaluated using the CMH 8·8%, respectively; P=0·044) (Fig. 2). There was no
non-zero correlation test, controlling for centre. relationship between the dose of levosimendan and the
Changes in overall clinical status, symptoms of heart combined risk of death and worsening heart failure
failure, anginal pain, jugular venous distension, periph- during both the 6 h infusion and 24 h after start of
eral oedema, urinary output, pulmonary congestion and infusion (Table 4). All-cause mortality among
creatine kinase-MB values were evaluated using levosimendan-treated patients was significantly lower
ANOVA methods or by use of the CMH row mean than with placebo for the 14-day period after the start of
scores test, controlling for centre. The frequency of the treatment (11·7% vs 19·6%, respectively; 0·56 [95%
adverse events in the five treatment groups was com- CI 0·33–0·95]; P=0·031); this difference was also seen
pared using Fisher’s exact test. Dose-relations of adverse when the follow-up was extended to 180 days (22·6% vs
events were tested using the CMH non-zero correlation 31·4%, respectively; 0·67 [0·45-1·00]; P=0·053) (Fig. 3).
test, controlling for centre. There was no relationship between the dose of levosi-
mendan and all-cause mortality during both the 14-day
and 180-day follow-up (Table 4).
*Comparison of levosimendan groups versus placebo based on CMH test (except ANOVA for age and weight).
Table 2 Baseline and concomitant medication during 24 h after start of infusion
Table 3 Incidence of clinically significant ischaemia or hypotension, adjudicated by the Safety Committee
*P=0·319 for comparison between all treatment groups (CMH row means score test).
†P=0·456 for comparison of combined levosimendan groups versus placebo (CMH row means score test).
§P=0·054 for dose–response relation (CMH non-zero correlation test).
investigator (10·6% vs 17·0%, respectively, P=0·047) Fewer patients treated with levosimendan required a
and patient assessments (10·8% vs 16·7%, respectively, new vasodilator, diuretic or positive inotropic drug for
P=0·045). the treatment of heart failure than with placebo (7·2% vs
13·7%, respectively, P=0·003) during the 6 h infusion.
Other indices of clinical status
There were no significant differences among the five
treatment groups as regards change of overall clinical
status, anginal pain, jugular venous distension, periph-
Haemodynamic responses
eral oedema, urinary output and pulmonary congestion. Levosimendan produced dose-dependent decreases in
systolic and diastolic blood pressure and increases in
heart rate at the end of the 6 h treatment period (Table
Patients without event (%)
Table 4 Incidence of death and worsening heart failure and all-cause mortality in all dose groups
Figure 3 Overall survival in 180 days after start of
infusion. The mortality rates at 14 days were 11·7% in the This study demonstrates that levosimendan is both well
levosimendan group and 19·6% in the placebo group
tolerated and effective in patients with left ventricular
(P=0·031, Cox Proportional Hazards); at 180 days the
rates were 22·6% and 31·4%, respectively (P=0·053). failure complicating acute myocardial infarction. The
patients enrolled into the study were highly sympto-
matic. Of the 504 randomized patients, nearly all had
in the highest levosimendan dose (24 g . kg 1 + either dyspnoea at rest, pulmonary rales or signs of
0·4 g . kg 1 . min 1) group (5·0%). Myocardial rup- peripheral hypoperfusion (Table 1). Earlier studies in
ture occurred more frequently with placebo than with post-acute myocardial infarction patients with similar
levosimendan (3·9% vs 0·25%, respectively, P=0·027). clinical characteristics have identified them to be at very
Of the 41 patients who experienced adverse events high risk of death[1–3]. In common with these earlier
Table 5 Mean changes in blood pressure and heart rate after 30 min and 6 h
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 123·5 (21·1) 123·3 (19·5) 128·0 (19·7) 125·0 (22·2) 125·5 (18·7)
baseline mean (SD)
30 min 1·6 3·0 1·7 2·1 3·0
6 h* 1·3 2·1 4·2 5·4 7·9
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 76·8 (13·2) 74·7 (11·4) 76·0 (12·8) 75·0 (12·4) 74·9 (12·9)
baseline mean (SD)
30 min 2·4 3·4 3·0 4·5 3·8
6 h† 2·5 3·1 4·3 4·6 8·0
Heart rate (beats/min) 83·8 (16·0) 81·8 (13·9) 81·5 (17·8) 84·7 (16·9) 80·0 (17·2)
baseline mean (SD)
30 min 1·5 0·5 1·1 4·7 5·2
6 h† 0·0 2·0 3·7 3·9 11·4
findings[1–3], the 14-day follow-up showed a 20% was associated with a significant reduction in the com-
mortality in the placebo group; this rose to 31% at the bined risk of death and worsening heart failure and also
180-day follow-up. Compared with the recent large-scale in the need for new medications for heart failure during
observational studies in patients with acute myocardial the infusion period. The treatment benefit on combined
infarction, there were no major differences between these risk of death and worsening heart failure was still
and RUSSLAN-study regarding the use of concomitant evident 24 h after the start of the treatment.
medication, except for the lower usage of thrombolytics The continued mortality benefit up to 180 days after a
compared with Western Europe. This, however, was 6-h infusion is noteworthy. It is evident, however, that
similar to that reported in the U.S.A.[25–27]. It is note- the risk reduction attributable to levosimendan was
worthy that the study was performed without invasive achieved during the first 14 days of follow-up. After 14
haemodynamic monitoring, thus reflecting common days the Kaplan–Meier curves are parallel indicating no
clinical practice[28], which also helped to ensure that further additional survival benefit after that time (Fig.
investigators’ knowledge of the changes in haemody- 3). Similar long-term results have also been seen in trials
namic parameters did not bias the assessments of with short-term therapy with thrombolytic agents and
symptoms of heart failure. beta-blockers[31–33]. However, this is the first time, that
In post-acute myocardial infarction patients it is the decrease in mortality in this patient population was
especially important not to increase the ischaemic achieved by the use of an intravenous positive inotropic
burden. An improved cardiac contractility must not be drug. This interesting finding is in accordance with
obtained at the expense of an increase in oxygen demand previous pharmacological results. In a dog study levosi-
and further ischaemic events. The study was therefore mendan was found to reduce myocardial infarct size,
designed primarily as a randomized double-blind dose- suggesting cardioprotective effects[19]. In another,
safety trial with a placebo group. The end-points chosen recently published study racemic simendan improved
for this study — hypotension and ischaemia, are survival in rats with healed myocardial infarction[34]. It
relevant to both the study population and to the has also been shown that the haemodynamic benefits of
mechanisms of action of levosimendan — improved a 6-h levosimendan infusion in patients with heart
cardiac contractility and vasodilation[11–13,17–20,29]. The failure were not at the expense of increased sympatho-
proportion of patients experiencing hypotension mimetic stimulation or autonomic imbalance, which are
and/or ischaemia during the 6 h infusion was similar in known to be associated with an increased proarrhythmic
the combined levosimendan groups and the placebo risk[35]. Thus levosimendan possesses a unique combina-
group. A higher risk of hypotension and/or ischaemia tion of antiischaemic and inodilatory properties and
compared with placebo was observed only with therefore favourable clinical results in patients with
the highest levosimendan dose (24 g . kg 1 + ischaemic pump failure are not surprising[36].
0·4 g . kg 1 . min 1). These findings are consistent Given the similarity in patient populations, differences
with the results of a previous dose-finding study in in mortality rates cannot be attributed to the differences
patients with congestive heart failure, excluding patients in the baseline characteristics. Especially noteworthy is
with acute myocardial infarction, that identified 0·05– the finding that the prevalence of diabetes, a disease
0·2 g . kg 1 . min 1 as the optimal infusion rate for known to have an adverse effect on survival in patients
levosimendan[21]. with acute myocardial infarction[37–38], was higher
The effects of levosimendan on the improvement of among levosimendan-treated patients. However, when
symptoms of heart failure during the infusion period evaluating the mortality results, one should take into
were small. Given the short duration of the study and account that the study was not prospectively designed
the relatively insensitive methods used to appraise and powered to show a difference in mortality as
changes in symptom severity, this finding is not unex- an end-point. Nevertheless, the significant difference
pected. There have been few studies in patients with left observed suggests that levosimendan may have favour-
ventricular failure due to acute myocardial infarction; able effects on long-term mortality outcomes in addition
moreover, no published placebo-controlled double- to its beneficial effects on haemodynamics (such as
blind study has reported significant improvement of increased stroke volume and cardiac output, reduced
symptoms in this patient population. pulmonary capillary wedge pressure)[21–23]. This
As clinical measures like symptom inquiry provide possibility needs to be confirmed in a prospective
only subjective evidence of changes in clinical status, mortality trial.
there was a need to provide more objective evidence, The combined risk of death and worsening heart
which would better characterize the change in clinical failure and all-cause mortality at 24 h, 14 days and 180
status[30]. Especially in the acute setting, the clinical days showed no dose-relation, and the frequency
stabilization of the patient (i.e. prevention of heart of events was lower in all the levosimendan groups
failure worsening) is also an important clinical goal. For than in the placebo group (Table 4). However, a
this purpose, ‘the combined risk of death and worsening dose-relation regarding all-cause mortality was seen
heart failure’ was used as a pre-defined end-point in our during the 6 h infusion period. It is important that the
study. ‘Worsening heart failure’ included all possible highest levosimendan dose (24 g . kg 1 . min 1 +
adverse clinical events, indicating deterioration of clini- 0·4 g . kg 1 . min 1), showing a higher incidence of
cal condition in this patient population. Levosimendan ischaemia and/or hypotension during the 6 h infusion,
[22] Slawsky MT, Colucci WS, Gottlieb SS, Greenberg BH, Appendix
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[23] Follath F, Hinkka S, Jäger D et al. Dose-ranging and safety (non-voting secretary)
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