Finals Module
Finals Module
Finals Module
Building Technology 5
Alternative Building
Construction Systems
Advanced Construction and
Building Technology
This module aims to discover technological advances and trends in modern high-rise
building construction. It is planned to develop student’s research skills as a way of
advancing knowledge and translating this new information into design projects. This
module not only aims to gain comprehensive knowledge of emerging construction
methods, but to create documentation with a highly communicational value to
practitioners and students alike.
In this module,
you will learn to:
1) Develop
research skills
that can
advance the
design thinking
in studio through
an awareness of contemporary materials, construction methods and systems;
2) Advance the ability for research and its translation into relevant information;
1) Technological Advances & Trends in Modern Hi-Rise Buildings
2) Construction Technology to Watch in 2021
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part of this document, without prior written permission of SLU is strictly prohibited. [MCPSORIANO-AR4151/D-AY 2021-2022]
• Rotor skyscraper • Tube structural • Very high-strength
• Twister skyscraper system concrete
• Tordos skyscraper • Diagrid system • Self-consolidating
• Rigid frame structural • Dissipation dampers concrete
system • Hysteretic dampers • Moving formworks
• Shear frame • Viscous dampers • Thermo-Mechanical
structural system • Steel damper Conctrol Process
• Flat plate • Steel joint damper • DP steel
• Mega column • Viscoelastic damper • TRIP steel
structural system • Lead damper • Nanotechnology
• Core structural • Friction damper • Solar architecture of
system • Tuned mass damper buildings
• Mega core structural • Tuned liquid damper • Ventilated double
system • Active mass damper skin facades
• Outriggered frame • Active variable • Active wall façade
structural system stiffness devices • Interactive wall
1) Szolomicki, J. & Golasz-Szolomicka, H. (2019) Technological Advances & Trends in
Modern Hi-Rise Buildings. Buildings 2019 (193). MPDI.
2) Bock, T. (2016). Advanced Construction and Building Technology for Society. In T.
Bock (Ed.), Proceedings of the CIB*IAARC W119 CIC 2016 Workshop. Chair for
Building Realization and Robotics.
3) Bock, T., Gerogoulas, C., & Linner, T. (2012). Advanced Construction and Building
Technology for Society. In T. Bock, C. Gerogoulas, & T. Linner (Ed.), Proceedings
of the CIB*IAARC W119 CIC 2012 Workshop. CIB Publication 367.
4) Sadana, Nishtha. (2021). (Materials and Construction) 10- Innovative construction
materials. (Rethinking Internet Media Pvt. Ltd.) Retrieved from Rethinking the
5) BigRentz-Inc. (2021, March 22). Construction Technology to Watch in 2021.
Retrieved from BigRentz, Inc.:
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assumptions to provide aesthetics based on complex engineering technologies. At the
end of this unit, you must develop research skills that can advance the design thinking in
studio through an awareness of contemporary materials, construction methods and
systems (TLO 9).
(Szolomicki & Golasz-Szolomicka, 2019)
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➢ Smart Material and Nanotechnology
➢ Glass
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✓ Read the following article and be guided with the keywords to help you
identify important concepts:
a. Section 3. Technological Innovations in High-Rise Buildings from:
Szolomicki, J. & Golasz-Szolomicka, H. (2019) Technological Advances &
Trends in Modern Hi-Rise Buildings. Buildings 2019 (193). MPDI – pages 2-15.
❖ NB
✓ Note-taking is a formative activity that is ungraded and will not be submitted.
Your notes may be used to increase your scores should your final grade fall
short of passing.
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Assessment 9_M3-U1_TLO9: Research
➢ Research and give brief descriptions (3-10 sentences) and pictures or illustrations
on the following keywords and concepts. Number the items and present in a
tabular presentation.
➢ All pictures or illustrations should have a title and a reference
e.g. Picture 1. Skyscraper (
➢ Attach reference after every description
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• Very high-strength concrete
• Self-consolidating concrete
• Moving formworks
• Thermo-Mechanical Conctrol Process
• DP steel
• TRIP steel
• Nanotechnology
• Solar architecture of buildings
• Ventilated double skin facades
• Active wall façade
• Interactive wall facade
➢ Assessment Criteria:
o 10 points Format and documentation
o 10 points Completeness
o 10 points Presentation
o Name the file or e-file of your plate: class code (as enrolled)_course
number_ assignment number_short title_student’s surname as follows:
2833_2834_AR4151D_M3-U1-TLO9_Assess9_Research_PEREZ.pdf and
2833_2834_AR4151D_M3-U1-TLO9_Assess9_Research_PEREZ.dwg or
2833_2834_AR4151D_M3-U1-TLO9_Assess9_Research_PEREZ.skp or
o Submission
• Upload your files in pdf to the google classroom
• Submit hard copy to your instructor
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part of this document, without prior written permission of SLU is strictly prohibited. [MCPSORIANO-AR4151/D-AY 2021-2022]
Module 3 – Unit 2: Construction Technology to Watch in 2021
Building technology is always evolving and research is the key to coping up with the
technological changes in the building and construction industry. This unit presents the
current innovations in materials and the emerging technologies in building construction.
At the end of this unit, you must advance the ability for research and its translation into
relevant information (TLO 10).
(Sadana, Nishtha, 2021)
➢ Augmented Reality
➢ Construction Wearables
➢ Construction Exoskeletons
➢ Construction Robots
➢ Drones
➢ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
➢ Modular Construction
➢ 3D Printing
➢ Building Information Modeling
➢ Block Chain
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part of this document, without prior written permission of SLU is strictly prohibited. [MCPSORIANO-AR4151/D-AY 2021-2022]
✓ Read the following articles and be guided with the keywords in the lecture
outline to help you identify important concepts:
1. Sadana, Nishtha. (2021). (Materials and Construction) 10- Innovative
construction materials. (Rethinking Internet Media Pvt. Ltd.) Retrieved
from Rethinking the Future:
2. BigRentz-Inc. (2021, March 22). Construction Technology to Watch in
2021. Retrieved from BigRentz, Inc.:
❖ NB
✓ Note-taking is a formative activity that is ungraded and will not be submitted.
Your notes may be used to increase your scores should your final grade fall
short of passing.
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part of this document, without prior written permission of SLU is strictly prohibited. [MCPSORIANO-AR4151/D-AY 2021-2022]
Assessment 10_M3-U1_TLO10: Research Slideshow 50 points
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part of this document, without prior written permission of SLU is strictly prohibited. [MCPSORIANO-AR4151/D-AY 2021-2022]
o Research and any current innovations on the technology and examples of
buildings which utilized the technology.
o Write a draft. Use the same order as in the article itself. Adjust the length
accordingly depending on the content of your particular article and how
you will be using the summary.
▪ State the research focus and explain why it is interesting
▪ State the technology being discussed
▪ Briefly describe the characteristics of the technology
▪ Describe the applications and building examples
▪ Explain the key implications of the adopting the technology in
today’s building construction
▪ Select drawings, photographs and images that best illustrate the
building technology
▪ Explain how you can adopt the building technology in architectural
[Adapted from: Summarizing a Research Article 1997-2006, University of Washington]
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part of this document, without prior written permission of SLU is strictly prohibited. [MCPSORIANO-AR4151/D-AY 2021-2022]
Topic Assignments
➢ Assessment Criteria:
o 10 points Introduction of the topic
o 10 points Body of the Speech or Content
o 15 points Knowledge
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o 10 points Conclusion
o 15 points Voice, Quality of Oral Delivery, Body Language
o 10 points Time Limit
o 30 points Slideshow Organization and Infographics
➢ Format of Presentation:
o Be innovative and creative in the presentation of your research. Create
your work in “MS Powerpoint,” “Google Slides” or any presentation
software. Use any appropriate medium to record your presentation. You
may record using “Google Meet” or “Zoom.” For uniformity, the following
format must be observed:
• Landscape page layout
• Observe standards in graphics design and good composition
• Use the official title SLU-AR Logo
• Indicate your references – use the APA Reference Format
• Text – use any font style but observe minimum Font Size 18
• Choose an appropriate scale for each architectural drawing
– the size of the drawing must be proportional to the size of
the slide (not too small, not too big)
• Scanned images should be clear and edited to produce high
definition quality
o Name the file or e-file of your slideshow and presentation: class code (as
enrolled)_course number_ assignment number_short title_student’s
surname as follows:
o Submission
• If OBL, upload your file directly under the specified assessment
page in Google Classroom
• If CBL, include the assessment in the package you will send
me through express mail correspondence at the end of the
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Adriaenssens, S., Block, P., Veenendaal, D., & Williams, C. (2014). Shell Structures for
Architecture Form Finding and Optimization. (S. Adriaenssens, P. Block, D. Veenendaal,
& C. Williams, Eds.) Routledge.
Allen, E., & Thallon, R. (2011). Fundamentals of Residential Construction (3rd Edition ed.).
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Allen, J., & Iano, J. (2014). Fundamentals of Building Construction Materials and
Methods (6th Edition ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Barry, R. (1996). The Construction of Builidngs (4th Edition ed., Vol. 4). Blackwell Science.
Bock, T. (2016). Advanced Construction and Building Technology for Society. In T. Bock
(Ed.), Proceedings of the CIB*IAARC W119 CIC 2016 Workshop. Chair for Building
Realization and Robotics.
Bock, T., Gerogoulas, C., & Linner, T. (2012). Advanced Construction and Building
Technology for Society. In T. Bock, C. Gerogoulas, & T. Linner (Ed.), Proceedings of the
CIB*IAARC W119 CIC 2012 Workshop. CIB Publication 367.
Ching, F. D. (2014). Building Construction Illustrated (5th Edition ed.). John Wiley & Sons,
Chudley, R., & Greeno, R. (2006). Advanced Construction Technology (4th Edition ed.).
Pearson Education Limited.
Consenza, E., & Zandonini, R. (1999). Composite Construction. CRC Press LLC.
Genov, N. (2018, Januray 16). How to create 3D printed scale models. Retrieved from
Hepler, D. J., Wallach, P. R., & Helper, ,. E. (2013). Drafting & Design for Architecture &
Construction. Delmar, Cenage Learning.
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part of this document, without prior written permission of SLU is strictly prohibited. [MCPSORIANO-AR4151/D-AY 2021-2022]
Hoke, J. (Ed.). (2000). Architectural Graphic Standards (10th Edition ed.). John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
MasterClass. (2021, June 22). Architectural Model Guide: How to Make an Architectural
Model. Retrieved from MasteClass:
RJModels. (2021). Architectural Models: The Ultimate Guide. Retrieved from RJ Models:
Souza, E. (2020, October 6). Miniature Construction: Modeling From Structure to Finish.
Retrieved from ArchDaily:
Szolomicki, J., & Golasz-Szolomicka, H. (2019, August 26). Technological Advances and
Trends in Modern. Buildings 2019 , 9 (193).
Watson, D. (Ed.). (1997). Time-Saver Standards for Archiectural Design Data (7th Edition
ed.). McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Watson, D. (1997). Time-Saver Standards for Architectural Design Data, The Reference
of Architectural Fundamentals (7th Edition ed.). (D. Watson, Ed.) McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Willige, A. (2017, March 3). 6 Buildings that are Revolutionizing the Construction Industry.
Retrieved from World Economic Forum:
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