Final Peppa Pig Bookletrgb 1679110
Final Peppa Pig Bookletrgb 1679110
Final Peppa Pig Bookletrgb 1679110
E E fu
5 F R
p l a n s
les s o n
Y e a r s
for Early S1
and K
For more
fun Peppa Pig
activities visit ISBN 978–9 – 99 – 961656 – 0
From the book “Peppa’s Veg
etable Garden”.
Growing and
eating vegetables
them being munched by carrot flies, plant a row of
marigold seeds between each row of carrots. The
carrots should be ready to harvest in the summer
Mathematics: Children recognise, create and
describe patterns.
d vegetables Physical Development: Children can handle tools
re n to na m e all the fruit an a
Ask the ch ild children name and equipment effectively.
ca n th in k of . Did any of the ar d
that they have not he Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
e that the others
fruit or vegetabl k it is important to
Children can work as part of a group or class.
re ? As k th em why they thin pl es of ex otic
of befo g in exam
d ve ge ta bl es ever y day. Brin t ha ve se en
fruit an ildren may no
bles that the ch it. KS1 Curriculum Link:
fruit and vegeta te or passion fru
ple, pom rana
before, for exam t th e ch ild re n
al permission, le Design and Technology, Cooking and Nutrition:
Pending parent e fru it an d vegetables.
uc h an d ta ste th Children can use the basic principles of a healthy
smell, to
and varied diet to prepare dishes and understand
where food comes from.
HELMET a bike. Can they think of some other ways to keep
What to do:
Peppa and her family go on a bike ride together
in “Peppa’s Big Race”. Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig,
Peppa and George all wear bike helmets to help Let the children look closely at some real bike
keep them safe. Talk to the children about the helmets. Look at the designs on Peppa and her
importance of wearing a bike helmet when riding friends’ helmets in the image above. Peppa has
flowers on her helmet and Danny Dog’s helmet is
covered in flames. Print copies of the ‘Design a
new bike helmet’ template. Ask children to design
a new helmet for Peppa Pig or one of her
p have fun
g and Suzy Shee
Peppa and her
frien ds Da
’s Big Race’. G
o outside and Early Learning Goal:
bi ke s in ke, tricycle or
racing on their ild re n to choose a bi Expressive Arts and Design: Children
of ch e,
ask a small gr ou p are not availabl
e in th e ra ce (if ride-on toys ra ce th at represent their own ideas through design
sit-on toy to rid mpete in a
co ul d ra ce to y vehicles or co ). Sh ow th e and technology.
the children ipping race
qu ire eq ui pm ent such as a sk rti ng lin e.
does not re behind the sta
to sit and wait ilar such as
children where
s honkin g ho rn so un d, or something sim
pe at the end
KS1 Curriculum Link:
Use Daddy Pig’ ce . H ol d a skipping ro
a whistle, to sta
rt th e ra a Pig’s Race Physical Education: Children should
in g lin e. H and out the Pepp
to mark the fin ish be able to engage in competitive (both
l the riders.
certificates to al against self and against others) and
cooperative physical activities, in a range of
increasingly challenging situations.
Well done!
for completing
Peppa Pig’s race today.
GYM themselves wide. Grampy Rabbit tells Peppa and
uk/muddy-puddle-walk). Set up a circuit in an
inside or outside space in your setting. Use some
equipment as obstacles to run or walk around,
When I
little… the baby pictures? Encourage the staff to join in
and present events Print the ‘Peppa portraits’ and ask children to look
at the pictures of Baby Peppa and draw a picture
of themselves as a baby in the first box. Talk about
the things that Peppa can do now she is bigger
What you need: such as running, singing, dancing and jumping in
Baby photographs muddy puddles. Can they draw a self-portrait of
Display board themselves as they are now in the second box?
What to do:
Read “The Big Tale of Little Peppa” story to the
children if you have a copy available or show
the children the above image. In the story, Peppa
looks at photos of herself and Suzy Sheep as little
babies. At first, Peppa doesn’t believe her friend
Suzy Sheep when she tells her that they were
both once babies like George. Mummy Pig shows
Peppa a picture of herself as a baby and asks her
who she thinks it is. Can the children remember
being babies like Suzy and Peppa? Did they cry
and burp and laugh like Peppa? Ask the children
to bring in photos of themselves as babies. Make
a display on the wall using their photos. Can the
children identify themselves and each other from
Peppa portraits