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1. Nennen Sie mind.

4 externe/interne Einflussgrößen, die Änderungsprozesse anstoßen

oder beeinflussen können! Bitte geben Sie je ein praktisches Beispiel!

Interne/ Internal
Carrying out organizational changes
A company decides to transition from a traditional office-based work environment to a
remote or hybrid work setup.
Creating an intact social work environment
foster a supportive and cohesive work environment
Dismantling of hierarchical barriers
employees at all levels are encouraged to contribute ideas and participate in
decision-making processes.
Achieve performance through synergy
Two software companies with complementary expertise decide to merge in order to create
a more comprehensive suite of products and services.

Externe/ External
Ongoing scientific and technical progress
Microelectronics, physics, chemistry, energy
Change of customer requirements
Online, chat-bots, 24/7/365 service, Return & Refund
Competitive processes
Smart phone camaras, other features, app stores, connectivity
Globalization in economics
Delivery time, access to data, replacebility
2. Was ist eine Innovation? Was beschreibt dieser Begriff? – Erklären Sie in eigenen
Worten den Begriff Innovation!
Differentiation according to the novelty level
Basic Innovation: Breakthrough in new technologies or organizational principles. Usually
attracts a variety of follow-up innovations in the form of improvements and new
applications. For example, AI, Netflix, low cost carriers (Easy Jet)
Improvement: Improvement of single or multiple benefit parameters. Basic features and
properties are preserved. For example, VR, AR, XR.
Adaption Innovation: Adaption of existing service or products specifically to the wishes of
the customers. For example, E-market: amazon, Alibaba, wechat, snapchat…
Imitation: Imitating solutions that already exist in other companies and are used
successfully. For example, smartphones: apple, Samsung…
Translucent invention: “Pseudo-improvement” that does not really add new or additional
benefits to the customer. For example, iphone12, iphone 12s.

When is an innovation?
List of evaluation points (example)
• qualified new products or processes or results, which declare or shown differences to a
former status
• The piece of news must be perceptible
• The innovation shows finally a new concept of means and purposes
• uncertainty (Ungewissheit)
• inexperience (Unerfahrenheit)
• costs for the new technology (ROI)
• market access or business experience (newcomers)
3. Sie sind Innovations- und Technologieberater! Sie sollen eine Innovation identifizieren
(ein Gespräch mit einem CEO und CTO). Welche abstrakten Kernfragen sollten Sie
idealerweise stellen? Wie könnten Sie sehr abstrakt ein Schema erstellen, das Antworten

4. Warum investieren Unternehmen (die Industrie allgemein) in Innovationen? Nennen Sie

bitte mind. 4 praxisnahe Argumente/Beispiele!

Product Innovations ⟹ New, market oriented services from companies

Process Innovations ⟹ New, value creation processes in companies
Social Innovations ⟹ Improvements in any social aspect or human fields

• Ensuring viability
• Improvement of the profit situation
• increase in market share
• maintaining independence
• increase prestige
• Improvement of the profit situation productivity increase
• Reduction of production factor use
• Increasing safety in the workplace
• Avoiding or reducing environmental damage
• Increasing job attractiveness
• Strengthening the identification of employees with the business goals
Increase investment in human capital
• Greater social responsibility towards employees and society
5. Folgende Situation: Sie sind Gründungsmitglied eines Start-ups, seit 10 Jahren
erfolgreich. Sie leiden unter zu viel Abstimmung, zu viele Diskussionen mit Ihren
TOP-Managern, zu viele Fehler! Die Innovationen sind mangelhaft, die Kunden
unzufrieden. Was können Sie jetzt tun? – Verwenden Sie, sofern möglich, GREINER`S
Modell für einen Lösungsansatz!

6. Was bedeutet Change Management? Bitte erläutern Sie diesen Begriff mit eigenen

The planned transformation of companies referred to in Anglo-American literature as

"strategic change," "organizational change," "entrepreneurial change," or "business
transformation" has been the subject of many change management approaches.
Above all, they are based on a stronger process, customer and competence orientation
and pursue the continuous development or radical reorganization of corporate strategy,
structures and processes, corporate culture and the methods and procedures used.
These fields of action must be coordinated in the best possible way in the sense of an
"optimal fit".
In doing so, the dependencies of the objective and effect contexts must be taken into
account in the planning and implementation of the change measures.

7. Mit welchen drei Dimensionen könnte man sehr abstrakt die Wirkung von Change
Prozessen beschreiben?
8. Change Prozesse können in ihrer Dimension nach unterschiedlichen Graden unterteilt
werden. Was bedeutet Wandel 1. Grades? – Erläutern Sie in Worten oder skizzieren Sie
eine Grafik (vollständig)!

In the case of first-order change (gradual change, evolutionary / adaptive change), "only
an incremental modification of the functioning of an organization takes place without
changing the prevailing frame of reference or the dominant interpretation paradigm". So
there is no fundamental transformation of corporate values, strategic orientation,
behavioral norms, processes and structures. Rather, they are primarily quantitative and
evolutionary-continuous adjustments in the context of corporate growth, which are limited
to individual organizational units or areas. The intensity and complexity of the change are
manageable. The whole thing seems logical and rational. The fear of the affected persons
from the change is therefore limited.

The change of 2nd order (radical change, revolutionary / transformative change), on the
other hand, involves a “drastic, paradigmatic change in the working of an organization as
a whole, with a change in the frame of reference”.

The change is fundamental, complex and, above all, qualitative (paradigm shift). It
encompasses the entire organization with all its dimensions and is discontinuous,
revolutionary and, as it were, "from today to tomorrow". Many things seem irrational or at
least not immediately tangible.

Accordingly, the fear of those affected by such fundamental processes and their effects,
which represent a far-reaching "break with the past" (turn-around), is correspondingly
9. Mit Hilfe eines 4-Stufen-Modells kann der Wandel / Change beschrieben werden. Wie
lauten diese 4 Stufen in korrekter Reihenfolge?

10. Sie haben einen Studenten als Praktikant bei Ihnen im Team. Der Student fragt Sie:
„Was sind Erfolgsfaktoren in Change- Prozessen?“ – Wie lautet Ihre Antwort?
11. Folgende Situation: ...... Welches theoretisches Modell würden Sie als Lösung vorschlagen
und in die Diskussion einbringen. Begründen Sie Ihre Idee! Folgende Situation..... Erläutern Sie
die eine Lösung. Verwenden Sie das Human Relation Modell!


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