Functional, Kinematic, and Wear Assessment of Total Disc Prostheses

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Designation: F 2423 – 05

Standard Guide for

Functional, Kinematic, and Wear Assessment of Total Disc
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2423; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope that which may occur during the routine daily activities of a
1.1 This guide is intended to provide guidance for the typical patient. It should be noted, however, that a full
functional, kinematic, and wear testing of total disc prostheses characterization of a candidate IVD prosthesis should include
and, to this end, describes test methods for assessment of the testing under both typical and extreme conditions.
wear or functional characteristics, or both, of total disc 1.10 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
prostheses. standard with the exception of angular measurements, which
1.2 Both lumbar and cervical prostheses are addressed. may be reported in either degrees or radians.
1.3 Load and kinematic profiles for lumbar and cervical 1.11 This guide is not intended to be a performance stan-
devices are not identical and, therefore, are addressed sepa- dard. It is the responsibility of the user of this guide to
rately in the guide. characterize the safety and effectiveness of the prosthesis under
1.4 Partial disc replacements, such as nucleus replacements evaluation.
or facet joint replacements, are not intended to be addressed. 1.12 This standard does not purport to address all of the
1.5 Wear is assessed using a weight loss method in a testing safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
medium as defined in this guide. responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
1.6 This guide is not intended to address any potential priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
failure mode as it relates to the fixation of the implant to its bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
bony interfaces. 2. Referenced Documents
1.7 It is the intent of this guide to enable comparison of
intervertebral disc (IVD) prostheses with regard to kinematic, 2.1 ASTM Standards: 2
functional, and wear characteristics when tested under the F 561 Practice for Retrieval and Analysis of Medical De-
specified conditions. It must be recognized, however, that there vices, and Associated Tissues and Fluids
are many possible variations in the in vivo conditions. A single F 1582 Terminology Relating to Spinal Implants
laboratory simulation with a fixed set of parameters may not be F 1714 Guide for Gravimetric Wear Assessment of Pros-
universally representative. thetic Hip-Designs in Simulator Devices
1.8 In order that the data be reproducible and comparable F 1877 Practice for Characterization of Particles
within and between laboratories, it is essential that uniform F 2077 Test Methods For Intervertebral Body Fusion De-
procedures are established. This guide is intended to facilitate vices
uniform methods for testing and reporting of data for total disc 3. Terminology
replacement prostheses.
1.9 Without a substantial clinical retrieval history of IVD 3.1 Definitions—All functional and kinematic testing termi-
prostheses, actual loading profiles and patterns cannot be nology is consistent with the referenced standards, unless
delineated at the time of the writing of this guide. It therefore otherwise stated.
follows that the load and motion conditions specified by this 3.1.1 coordinate system/axes, n—global XYZ orthogonal
guide do not necessarily accurately reproduce those occurring axes are defined following a right-handed Cartesian coordinate
in vivo. Rather, the maximum loads and motions specified in system in which the XY plane is to bisect the sagittal plane
this guide represent a severe and therefore conservative case angle between superior and inferior surfaces that are intended
for testing the wear properties of IVD prostheses. Because of to simulate the adjacent vertebral end plates. The global axes
this, a substantially greater rate of wear may be realized than are stationary relative to the IVD prostheses’ inferior end plate

1 2
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F04 on Medical and For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Surgical Materials and Devices and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
F04.25 on Spinal Devices. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved Nov. 15, 2005. Published January 2006. the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

F 2423 – 05
fixture, which, in this guide, is also considered to be stationary 3.1.8 kinematic profile, n—relative motion between adja-
with respect to the test machine’s frame. Lower case letters, cent vertebral bodies that the IVD prosthesis is subjected to
xyz, denote a local, moving orthogonal coordinate system while being tested.
attached to the superior end plate fixturing with directions 3.1.9 load profile, n—loading that the device experiences
initially coincident with those of the global XYZ axes, respec- while being tested under a defined kinematic profile or the
tively. The 3-D motion of the superior relative to inferior end loading that the IVD prosthesis is subject to if tested in load
plate fixture is specified and is to be measured in terms of control.
sequential Eulerian angular rotations about the xyz axes, 3.1.10 mechanical failure, n—failure associated with a
respectively (z, axial rotation; x, lateral bending; and y, defect in the material (for example, fatigue crack) or of the
flexion-extension). bonding between materials that may or may not produce origin, n—center of the global coordinate system is functional failure.
located at the initial position of the total disc replacement’s 3.1.11 net wear NWi of wear specimen (g), n— NWi 5
instantaneous center of rotation (COR). F 1582 ~W0 – Wi! 1 ~Si – S0!; loss in weight of the wear specimen X-axis, n—positive X-axis is a global fixed axis corrected for fluid absorption at end of cycle interval i.
relative to the testing machine’s stationary base and is to be 3.1.12 net volumetric wear NVi of wear specimen (mm3),
directed anteriorly relative to the specimen’s initial unloaded n— NVi 5 NWi/r at end of cycle interval i where r = mass
position. density (for example, units of g/mm3) of the wear material. Y-axis, n—positive Y-axis is a global fixed axis 3.1.13 preload, n—The resultant force Fpreload applied to
relative to the testing machine’s stationary base and is directed the superior or inferior fixture-end plate that simulates the in
laterally relative to the specimen’s initial unloaded position. vivo load that an IVD prosthesis (original healthy disc) must
resist. Z-axis, n—positive Z-axis is a global fixed axis Discussion—Based on a healthy disc, the primary
relative to the testing machine’s stationary base and is to be
component would be an axial compressive force FZ in the
directed superiorly relative to the specimen’s initial unloaded
direction of the negative global Z axis, and it would pass
through the in vivo physiologic instantaneous center of rotation x-axis, n—positive x-axis is a fixed axis relative to (COR) of the IVD prosthesis. Shear components in the XY
the IVD prosthesis and a moving axis relative to the global plane would be FX and FY. Lateral bending moment MX and
coordinate system and is directed anteriorly relative to the flexion/extension moment MY components would be created
prosthesis. about the initial COR when the preload force does not pass y-axis, n—positive y-axis is a fixed axis relative to through it.
the IVD prosthesis and a moving axis relative to the global 3.1.14 run out (cycles), n—maximum number of cycles that
coordinate system and is directed laterally relative to the a test needs to be carried to if functional failure has not yet
prosthesis. occurred. z-axis, n—positive z-axis is a fixed axis relative to 3.1.15 wear, n—progressive loss of material from the de-
the IVD prosthesis and a moving axis relative to the global vice(s) or device components as a result of relative motion at
coordinate system and is directed superiorly relative to the the surface with another body as measured by the change in
prosthesis. mass of the IVD prosthesis or components of the IVD
3.1.2 degradation, n—loss of material or function or mate- prosthesis. Or in the case of a nonarticulating, compliant IVD
rial properties as a result of causes other than that associated prosthesis, wear is defined simply as the loss of material from
with wear. the prosthesis.
3.1.3 fluid absorption, n—fluid absorbed by the device Discussion—Note that inferior and superior bone
material during testing or while implanted in vivo. interface components are excluded from this definition; see
3.1.4 functional failure, n—permanent deformation or wear 5.2.2.
that renders the IVD prosthesis assembly ineffective or unable 3.1.16 weight Si of soak control specimen (g), n—S0 initial
to resist load/motion or any secondary effects that result in a and Si at end of cycle interval i.
reduction of clinically relevant motions or the motions in- 3.1.17 weight Wi of wear specimen (g), n—W0 initial and Wi
tended by the design of the device. at end of cycle interval i.
3.1.5 interval net volumetric wear rate VRi during cycle 4. Significance and Use
interval i (mm3/million cycles), n—VRi = WRi/r, where r = 4.1 This guide can be used to describe the function, kine-
mass density (for example, units of g/mm3) of the wear matics, and wear behavior of IVD prostheses subjected to
material. cyclic loading/motion for relatively large numbers of cycles
3.1.6 interval net wear rate WRi during cycle interval i (for example, various designs of IVD prostheses, as well as the
(g/million cycles), n—WRi = ((NWi – NWi-1)/(number of cycles effects of materials, manufacturing techniques and other design
in interval i))*106. variables on one particular design can be studied using this Discussion—For i = 1, NWi-1 = 0. guide).
3.1.7 intervertebral disc (IVD) prosthesis, n—nonbiologic 4.2 This guide is intended to be applicable to IVD prosthe-
structure intended to restore the support and motion or a ses that support and transmit motion by means of an articulat-
portion thereof between adjacent vertebral bodies. ing joint or by use of compliant materials. Ceramics, metals, or

F 2423 – 05
TABLE 1 Test Profiles and Associated Parameters for Cervical TABLE 2 Test Profiles and Associated Parameters for Lumbar
IVD Prostheses IVD Prostheses
Preferred Alternate Preferred Alternate
Axial Axial
Displacement Control: Load Control: Displacement Control: Load Control:
Test Profile Preload, N Test Profile Preload, N
Range of Motion Applied Moment Range of Motion Applied Moments,
(3-5) (6)
(ROM),A degree (4) Ranges, Nm (4) (ROM), degree NmA
Flexion/extension 100 67.5 62.0 Flexion/extension 1200 67.5B 610
Lateral bend/ 100 66 62.0 Rotation 1200 63 (7,9) 610
rotation 66 64.0 Lateral bending 1200 66 (7,9) 612
The user of the guide must determine whether the ROM will be equally divided Approximated based on a review of ROM (p. 111) and average flexibility and
between flexion and extension or weighted more toward one of the motion stiffness coefficients (p. 47) (7).
directions. Depending on the device design, the balance of ROM should be appropriate
to the expected ROM in a clinical situation (8).

polymers, or combination thereof, are used in IVD prosthesis

design, and it is the goal of this guide to enable a kinematic Torsional load and motion are positive and negative
wear comparison of these devices, regardless of material and moments, MZ and rotations about the z-axis.
type of device.
5.2.6 Frequency—Test frequency is to be determined and
5. Apparatus justified by the user of this guide, and shall not exceed 2 Hz
without adequate justification ensuring that the applied motion
5.1 Total Disc Prosthesis Components—The total disc re- (load) profiles remain within specified tolerances and that the
placement may comprise a variety of shapes and configura- IVD prosthesis’ wear and functional characteristics are not
tions. Some known forms include ball and socket articulating significantly affected. See 6.1.5.
joints, biconcave joints having a free-floating or semi- 5.2.7 Cycle Counter—One complete motion is the entire
constrained third body, metallic endplates bonded to elastomer range from starting position through the range of motion (or
cores, and single-axis hinge joints. load when in load control) and returning to the starting position
5.2 Spinal Testing Apparatus: (load). Cycles are to be counted using an automated counting
5.2.1 Test Chambers—In case of a multispecimen machine, device.
each chamber shall be isolated to prevent cross-contamination
of the test specimens. The chamber shall be made entirely of
6. Reagents and Materials
noncorrosive components, such as acrylic plastic or stainless
steel, and shall be easily removable from the machine for 6.1 Testing Medium:
thorough cleaning between tests. 6.1.1 A solution containing bovine serum diluted to a
5.2.2 Component Clamping/Fixturing—Since the purpose protein concentration of 20 g/L in deionized water shall be
of the test is to characterize the wear and kinematic function of used as the testing medium.
the IVD prosthesis, the method for mounting components in 6.1.2 To retard bacterial degradation, freeze and store the
the test chamber shall not compromise the accuracy of assess- serum until needed for test. In addition, the testing medium
ment of the weight loss or stiffness variation during the test. may contain 0.2 % sodium azide (or other suitable antibiotic/
For example, prostheses having complicated superior and antimycotic) to minimize bacterial degradation. Other lubri-
inferior surfaces for contacting bone (for example, sintered cants should be evaluated to determine appropriate storage
beads, hydroxylapatite (HA) coating, plasma spray) may be conditions.
specially manufactured to modify that surface in a manner that 6.1.3 It is recommended that ethylene-diaminetetraacetic
does not affect the wear simulation. acid (EDTA) be added to the serum at a concentration of 20mM
5.2.3 The device should be securely (rigidly) attached at its to bind calcium in solution and minimize precipitation of
bone-implant interface to the mating test fixtures. calcium phosphate onto the bearing surfaces. The latter event
5.2.4 The motion of the superior test fixture relative to the has been shown to affect the friction and wear properties
inferior testing fixture shall be unconstrained in three- strongly, particularly of polyethylene/ceramic combinations.
dimensional space except for the components in the direction The addition of EDTA to other testing media should be
of specified test motions/loads. evaluated.
5.2.5 Load and Motion (components in Table 1 and Table 6.1.4 The bulk temperature of the testing medium shall be
2): maintained at 37 6 3°C, unless otherwise specified. An axial preload is to be a compressive load applied 6.1.5 The user is cautioned that internal heating of the
in the direction of the negative Z-axis. Deviations from this as prosthesis may cause localized temperatures to fall outside the
the IVD moves from its initial position are to be reported as 37 6 3°C of the testing medium. Internal local temperatures
shear components FX, FY, and moments MX and MY. may depend on a number of factors, including but not limited Flexion load and motion are positive moment, MY, to joint friction, material hysteresis, conductivity of the device-
and rotation about the y-axis. fixture materials, design, and test frequency. Localized el- Extension load and motion are negative moment, evated temperatures may have an effect on the mechanical as
MY, and rotation about the y-axis. well as wear properties of the prosthesis. If the device Lateral bend load and motion are positive and experiences localized elevated temperatures, the user must
negative moments, MX, and rotations about the x-axis. describe the effect that the selected frequency and resultant

F 2423 – 05

A. Neutral Position (t = 0)
B. Flexed Position Rotated Through Angle u(t)
g = Angle of the Preload Relative to the Global Z-Axis
FIG. 1 2-D (XZ Plane Only) Loading Diagrams Showing Fpreload and its resultant Reaction Force-Moment Components Shown Acting at
the Initial Physiologic Center of Rotation of the IVD Prostheses

localized temperature have on the test results, or justify that the 9. Procedure
effects are physiologically relevant. Refer to X1.6 for further 9.1 As a weight control for the testing, a minimum of two
information. identical loaded soak control specimens in testing medium (see
6.1) shall be used. In other words, the loaded soak control
7. Sampling and Test Specimens specimen must be loaded with the same preload as is applied to
7.1 It is suggested that a minimum sample size of five be the wear test specimens, since it is well known that load can
used for each kinematic/load profile. However, note that, as for significantly affect fluid absorption.
any experimental comparison, the total number of needed
NOTE 1—The user of this guide may justify not performing control tests
specimens will depend on the magnitude of the difference to be
in certain circumstances (for example, all metal components). Before, and
established, the repeatability of the results (standard deviation), at all specified time intervals (determined by the user) of the presoak
and the level of statistical significance desired. period (defined in Guide F 1714), the wear components and soak controls
7.2 The test assemblies (that is, IVD prosthesis components should be removed from the soak bath, cleaned, dried, and weighed three
in the tested configuration) shall be labeled so they can be times, in rotation, keeping the same specimen sequence each time. The
traced, and must be kept in a clean environment to avoid average of the three weights may be used for the wear calculations. An
contamination. The test assembly can be disassembled to analytical balance with a sensitivity of 610 µg or less shall be used. This
degree of sensitivity for weighing is necessary to detect the slight loss in
facilitate examination of surface conditions. weight of highly wear-resistant bearing materials (1).3
8. Preparation of Apparatus 9.2 Always weigh specimens in the clean, dry condition (see
8.1 The functional portion (components producing motion Annex A4 of Guide F 1714). Keep the components in a
between vertebral bodies) of the device to be tested must be dust-free container and handle with clean tools or gloves or
produced using equivalent manufacturing methods as the both to prevent contamination that might affect the weight
implantable form of the IVD prosthesis, including sterilization. measurement. Weigh each wear and control component three
8.2 It is permissible to exclude nonfunctional features that times in rotation to detect random errors in the weighing
may interfere with obtaining wear/functional measurements. process.
For example, bone-implant interfaces such as HA, plasma- 9.3 Record weights, W0 and S0, as the initial weights of the
spray titanium, and beads may be omitted, since they may wear and soak controls, respectively. Place the loaded soak
abrade the fixtures and, thereby, produce an unwanted mixture control specimens in holders in a soak chamber of the testing
of functional and nonfunctional component wear particles (see medium, such that the total surface area exposed to the testing
5.2.2). medium is the same as that of the wear components when
8.3 It is permissible to fabricate entirely different bone- mounted in the spinal testing apparatus. Maintain the soak
implant interface components (that is, superior and inferior chamber temperature at 37 6 3°C, or specify if different.
surfaces) provided that the modification does not interfere with 9.4 For all components, measure the geometry of relevant
an accurate measurement of the wear and functional charac- functional surfaces or features before starting the test. For
teristics of the device. For example, a ball and socket joint example, articulating joints should have measurements of the
prosthesis may be manufactured having the polished articula- bearing area. Prostheses having bonded polymer cores should
tion component (that is, the functional surfaces or features of have measurements of the external geometry such as starting
the device) and an opposite side that mounts directly to the
testing apparatus, thereby simplifying the fixturing demands.
8.4 The requirements of Guide F 1714, Specimen Prepara- 3
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
tion section, shall be followed. this standard.

F 2423 – 05
circumference (to calculate changes caused by equatorial that the application of a constant preload to a spine arthroplasty
bulging) and prosthesis height. during wear testing may lead to unrealistically high wear due,
9.5 Testing medium, temperature, and removal periods for in part, to depletion of the lubricant between the bearing
weighing components shall be identical for all control and test surfaces. Alternatively, the user may apply a cyclic preload,
specimens. since this may drastically affect the lubrication and, thereby,
9.6 Unless otherwise justified by intended use and life the rate of wear of the prosthesis. If a cyclic axial preload is
expectancy of the IVD prosthesis, all tests should be conducted employed, minimum and maximum axial preloads shall be
to a run out of 10 000 000 cycles (see Appendix X1). 50 % and 150 % respectively of the axial preloads listed in
9.7 The testing medium shall be collected for subsequent Tables 1 and 2 unless otherwise justified.
analysis at least once every one million cycles, and shall be
NOTE 3—If a cyclic axial preload is applied, the user must determine
replaced with fresh testing medium. and justify the phase angle used between the axial preload and the other
9.8 Place the prostheses in the spinal testing apparatus, add applied motions.
testing medium, and subject the IVD prosthesis to each of the
tests as listed in 9.10. The prostheses shall be visually analyzed 9.10.6 Cervical IVD Prostheses Tests:
at a minimum once per 1 000 000 cycles, with mechanical Table 1 lists the test profiles and associated param-
failures noted (see Note 2). A mechanical failure (for example, eters for testing cervical spine IVD prostheses. The user shall
considerable wear of the bearing surface) may not necessitate test the same devices for each of the parameters listed. For
termination of the test since this guide attempts to characterize example, after completing 10 000 000 cycles in flexion/
the time dependent wear properties of the device. The test shall extension, the user shall conduct lateral bend and rotational
be terminated if functional failure occurs (for example, gross coupled motions on the same device.
fracture or the bearing seizes). An alternate method in which all of the simple
motions are combined in one test may be used in lieu of testing
NOTE 2—The user may choose to analyze the specimen more fre- each device sequentially under each test profile as stated in
quently than recommended by the guide. Note that each component motion in this combined
9.9 A new, unused specimen shall be used to start each test motion test must complete at least 10 000 000 cycles.
series according to 9.10.6 and 9.10.7. For all coupled motions, the user must report and
9.10 Tests: justify the phase angle used between the motions.
9.10.1 Tests should be conducted under displacement con- The sequence of motions shall be determined and
trol. Load control may also be used with adequate justification. justified by the user of this guide. It should be noted, however,
9.10.2 The preload (initial axial load) is to be an axially that the sequence of motions can affect the wear properties of
applied compressive force parallel to the global Z direction the IVD prosthesis, and therefore, the user may wish to
through the in vivo physiologic instantaneous center of rotation consider testing under different sequences to analyze their
of the IVD prosthesis (that is, the expected initial center of effect on the wear properties of the IVD prosthesis.
rotation of the IVD prosthesis when implanted in vivo (see 9.10.7 Lumbar IVD Prostheses Tests:
X1.5). The specific methodology for fixturing and applying the Table 2 lists the test profiles and associated param-
preload will dictate the resultant shear load, FX, axial load, FZ, eters for testing lumbar spine IVD prostheses. There are several
and bending moment, M, the device will be subject to options open to the user for testing the prosthesis as described
throughout the motion profile. (FX, FZ, and M, are shown in in this section; however, justification for the chosen method-
Fig. 1 acting at the physiologic center of rotation of the IVD ology must be provided. As with all device testing, the user is
prosthesis.) u is the rotation angle (that is, flexion/extension reminded that the selected test methods should provide the
angle) of the prosthesis in flexion/extension motion, and g is most rigor and enable the most accurate characterization of the
angle of the preload force relative to the global Z-axis. See device as possible (that is, strive for identifying and then using
Cripton et al (2) for a discussion of the effects of various test conditions that would produce the worst case wear that the
preload fixturing configurations. (Also, see X1.7 for further device may experience in vivo). To this end, the user may wish
comments and information about preload configurations.) to test according to more than one of the following options (see
9.10.3 Loading diagrams, along with their reaction forces X1.3 for further comments):
acting on the physiologic center of rotation of the IVD (1) The user may test the same device under the single
prosthesis in the neutral position (t = 0) and flexed position, motion parameters defined in Table 2 (that is, the user shall test
that describe the preload configuration are given in Fig. 1. the device in flexion/extension loading for 10 000 000 cycles,
9.10.4 An example of a specific method and fixture design followed by lateral bend testing for 10 000 000 cycles on the
for achieving the preload configuration depicted in Fig. 1 is same device and finally rotational testing for 10 000 000 cycles
described in Appendix X1. on the same device).
9.10.5 A constant preload for all testing is to be applied with (2) The user may wish to perform a test in which the device
the use of a mechanism that can apply a constant magnitude is tested following one of the prescribed single motions
force (65 %) throughout the ranges of motion that the test rig followed by a coupled test (on the same device) for the
will undergo during testing. Pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders, remaining two motions. As way of example, the user may wish
by virtue of their ability to apply a nearly constant force but to test the device in flexion/extension for 10 000 000 cycles
allow movement of the actuator, are examples of devices that and then perform a coupled test of lateral bending and rotation
would be appropriate for use to apply the preload force. Note on the same device (10 000 000 cycles for each motion).

F 2423 – 05
(3) An alternate method in which all of the component methods used. Note that several stages of filtration may be
motions are combined in one test may also be employed. Note necessary to effectively isolate the different particles of inter-
that each component motion in this combined motion test must est.
complete at least 10 000 000 cycles. 9.16.2 The particulate debris should be analyzed as appro- For all coupled motions, the user must report and priate. The user may wish to reference Practices F 1877 and
justify the phase angle used between the motions. F 561 for further information regarding particle characteriza- The sequence of motions shall be determined and tion or debris isolation or both.
justified by the user of this testing guide. It should be noted,
however, that the sequence of motions can affect the wear 10. Calculation
properties of the IVD prosthesis, and therefore, the user may 10.1 Correcting for Fluid Absorption—Calculate the net
wish to consider the use of different sequences to analyze their wear NWi at the end of each cycle interval i using the equation
effect on the wear properties of the IVD prosthesis. in 3.1.11 and definitions for Si and Wi in 3.1.16 and 3.1.17, If the device is intended for use in situations in respectively. Calculate the interval net wear rate WRi during
which the facet joints are compromised, selection and justifi- cycle interval i using the equation in 3.1.6.
cation for the amount of rotation should be provided. 10.2 Conversion to Volumetric Wear—Convert net wear
NWi to volumetric wear NVi using the equation in 3.1.5 and
9.10.8 Regardless of the selected test method, ROM data
interval net wear rate WRi to interval net volumetric wear rate
shall be recorded during the test.
VRi using the equation in 3.1.5. This is recommended for
9.10.9 If a device ceases to function (for example, the comparison of wear between different materials or material
bearing surface has worn through, the bearing seizes, or a grades (UHMWPE wear versus cobalt-chromium-
polymer core cracks or separates from a metal endplate), the molybdenum wear, for example). The accuracy of this calcu-
test shall be terminated. The mechanism of failure and number lation is dependent on the material being reasonably homoge-
of cycles at which the functional failure occurred, or was neous, that is, having a constant density with wear depth.
discovered, shall be noted. Report the density value used in this conversion. See Section 3
9.10.10 Angular motions shall be controlled with an accu- for details.
racy of 60.5°.
9.10.11 Applied moments shall be controlled to 65 % of the 11. Report
maximum moment value for the complete motion cycle when 11.1 Provide materials traceability information for all com-
tested in load control. ponents used, such as part and lot numbers of finished parts or
9.11 At the indicated inspection interval, remove the wear material grades, batch numbers, manufacturing certifications,
and soak components, wash, rinse, and dry concurrently, in processing variables, and any other pertinent manufacturing/
accordance with the procedure in Annex A4 of Guide F 1714. material information.
It is important that both the wear and soak components be 11.2 All pretest bulk material properties characterizations
treated identically to ensure that they have the same exposure shall be provided (for example, molecular weight average,
to the wash, rinse, and drying fluids. This will provide the most range and distributions, percent crystallinity, density, and
accurate correction for fluid absorption by the wear specimens. degree of oxidation).
9.12 After rinsing and drying, weigh the wear components 11.3 The surface finish of both counterfaces shall be char-
and soak controls (610 µg). acterized by profilometry, photomicrography, replication, or
9.13 Thoroughly rinse the wear chambers and component other applicable techniques and included within the report.
surfaces with distilled water. 11.4 All relevant geometric measurements of the IVD
prosthesis throughout the duration of the test shall be reported.
9.14 Inspect the bearing surfaces of the components and
11.5 Report the method of sterilization, sterilization test
note the characteristics of the wear process. Visual, micro-
dates, and sterilization expiration dates. In case of sterilization
scopic, profilometric, replication, or other inspection tech-
using gamma radiation, report the time and storage conditions
niques can be used. Geometric measurements of relevant
(for example, air, inert gas, vacuum, and so forth) between
features should also be taken. Care must be taken, however,
fabrication and irradiation, the atmosphere irradiation, the total
that the surfaces do not become contaminated or damaged by
gamma dose and dose rate, and the duration and condition of
any substance or technique that might affect the subsequent
storage between sterilization and the beginning of the test,
wear properties. If contamination occurs, thoroughly reclean
since each of these may affect the amount of oxidative
the specimens before restarting the wear test.
degradation during or after the radiation sterilization process. If
9.15 Replace the wear components and soak controls in sterilization information is not available, this must be clearly
fresh testing medium and continue wear cycling. stated in the report.
9.16 Gathering of Particulate: 11.6 Loading Conditions:
9.16.1 At appropriate intervals, representative particles 11.6.1 Report the motion profile, load, frequency, and phase
should be isolated from the testing medium with appropriate angles when using position control. When using load control,
digestion and filtration methods. Submicron filters (0.2 µm or report the load profile and the associated angular motion of
below) are suggested; though, ultimately, the material type of superior relative to inferior end plate rotations that resulted in
the wear particles and their size distribution will dictate the terms of Eulerian angles. Report the maximum deviation of the

F 2423 – 05
3-D components of the resultant preload from the specified data in each sample interval. If the sample intervals are not
axial load through the initial COR. identical for all test samples of multisample tests, regression
11.6.2 The user should report the method (that is, hydraulic/ analysis should be used to fit an equation as a function of the
pneumatic cylinders or other method) as well as the testing total cycles along with determination of 95 % confidence
apparatus used to apply the preload force and kinematic profile interval lines. Plot these in the corresponding graph. The
to the IVD prosthesis. A diagram of the testing set-up indicat- method used is to be justified, described, and the limitations
ing all loading and boundary conditions should also be identified in the report.
included. All deviations (with adequate justification) from the 11.7.2 Report the test duration in cycles.
recommended test procedures shall be reported, along with all 11.7.3 All initial and secondary failures, modes of failure,
relevant testing parameters. and deformations of components shall be reported for the
11.6.3 The rationale for not using any of the testing con- device. Failures (mechanical and functional) should be de-
figurations specified in this test method shall be reported. scribed completely, including a description of the failure or
11.6.4 Report all data acquisition filtering methods used crack initiation site, or both. Any wear or loosening of the
during the testing (whether continuously, periodically, or inter- assembly must be described. Any other noteworthy observa-
mittently). tions should be included.
11.7 Wear Rates: 11.7.4 Report the following information for the particulate
11.7.1 For each motion/load profile used, include a table debris:
with data for the net volumetric wear NVi (mm3) and interval The source of the particles and materials and
net volumetric wear rate VRi (mm3/million cycles) of each methods for generation.
specimen as a function of total test cycles at end of test interval Methods used to digest and separate the particles.
i. Plot all of the NVi data points on one graph and the VRi data
points on another to display trends graphically. If multisample 12. Keywords
tests have been conducted over the same cycle intervals, 12.1 intervertebral disc prosthesis; IVD; spinal implants;
include in the table the average and standard deviation of the wear assessment; weight loss method


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Artificial intervertebral discs (IVD prostheses) are include those that occur during daily activity, in addition to a
manufactured in a variety of sizes, materials, and shapes with “worst case” combination of load and motion. It is generally
various design features. The purpose of this guide is to allow accepted that coupled motion profiles have been observed to
for a consistent, repeatable comparison of different artificial cause more rapid wear of some materials than single-axis
IVD prostheses through a series of mechanical tests. profiles. However, with other materials, such as metal on metal
or ceramic on ceramic bearings, linear “single axis” motion
X1.2 All of the spinal implants that fall into the category of may produce the most rapid wear. Therefore, since “worst
artificial IVD prostheses are intended for the purpose of disc case” wear rate is material- and motion-profile dependent, and
replacement. All of the implants may reside in the disc space,
there is no known predominant coupled in vivo motion
with varied orientations and methods of fixation to the adjacent
profile(s), three different testing options are given as the initial
vertebral bodies. This guide will allow for comparison of these
tests to be conducted on lumbar IVD prosthetic devices, and
devices, since the methods and loading configuration remain
one single-axis “simple” motion and one coupled motion/load
consistent regardless of method of application. Biologic disc
are recommended as the initial tests to be conducted on
replacements and nucleus replacements are excluded from the
cervical IVD prosthetic devices. However, no claim can be
scope of this guide, since biologic structures that share the in
made relative to assuring that any of these tests will produce
vivo loads vary among designs, making total disc test methods
the “worst” rate of wear. Use of these profiles will, however,
serve as a common starting base to compare wear rates of
X1.3 Motion of the superior relative to the inferior vertebra different IVD prosthetic devices and their materials. As expe-
in a “normal” in vivo functional spinal segment is three rience is gained in testing IVD prosthetic devices or knowledge
dimensional, with predominant components being: axial trans- becomes available indicating that other profiles would produce
lation, flexion/extension, lateral bend, and axial rotation. These greater wear rates or both, the user of this guide is encourage
motions may occur independently, or they may be coupled in to define, use, and report on other potentially more detrimental
some fashion. There may be predominant in vivo coupled motion/load profiles.
motion profiles; however, if they exist, they are currently
unknown. Ideally, the in vivo motion profile(s) used in the X1.4 Since one purpose of an artificial IVD is long-term
complete evaluation of a candidate IVD prosthesis would restoration of function, “runout” has been defined as ten

F 2423 – 05

FIG. X1.1 Diagram of Cable-Type Preload Application Apparatus in Initial No Load Position

million cycles. As justification for this runout cycle count, or the lubricating fluid (for example, serum) or both. If it is
flexion/extension is expected to be the dominant loading necessary (and a proper rationale is provided) to run at such a
condition influencing the wear performance of the disc. While high frequency, the user should consider cooling the test
estimates vary on the number of significant bends (flexion/ lubricant, or the specimens directly, as means of removing
extension) a person makes per year, one conservative estimate excess frictional heat.
(in terms of severity or worst case) has been as high as 125 000
per year (10). Since this amounts to an average of about 342 X1.7 Further notes regarding alternate methods for apply-
full range-of-motion bends per day, it likely represents a ing a preload are discussed in 9.10:
substantially greater activity level than a typical patient with a X1.7.1 The preload application (as determined by the user)
spinal arthroplasty, and ten million cycles of such bending and the resulting shear loads and moments imparted on the
would correspond to 80 years’ worth of this extreme activity. IVD prosthesis will dictate the ultimate fixture design for a
However, note that there has been much debate on what should particular IVD prosthesis. For example, moment arms may be
be defined as a realistic target lifetime for in vitro testing, target minimized throughout the motion/loading profile to reduce or
clinical lifetime, and the minimum acceptable clinical lifetime negate possible moments imparted to the device. For a harsher
for the artificial disc replacement. Therefore, if appropriate and loading situation, moment arms may be desired such as to
justified, the user may choose to define a lower runout cycle impart wanted moments during motion/loading profiles. For
count and/or lower magnitudes of loading and motion that are shear loading, the axial preload vector throughout the motion/
more applicable for the device being tested and the clinical loading profile will dictate the amount of shear imparted to the
setting in which the device will be used. IVD prosthesis. Shear loading may be increased or decreased
X1.5 Testing the IVD prosthesis using constraints on 3-D accordingly, depending on the intended use and the expected in
motion other than specified in this guide (which are intended to vivo environment of the device.
simulate conditions expected after in vivo implantation) could X1.7.2 The point of preload application on one of the IVD
produce different wear results. Thus, use of different con- prosthesis’ fixtures may move during application of motion/
straints must be justified with respect to those occurring in vivo load profile cycles. It is important that this motion does not
after implantation, or that doing so produces only insignificant result in significant fluctuation of the applied preload force and
differences in wear results. the creation of unwanted shear force and bending moment on
the IVD prosthesis. Figs. X1.1 and X1.2 illustrate a cable
X1.6 Paragraph 6.1.5 stipulates that the testing medium arrangement for applying the preload, which is discussed and
shall be maintained at 37 6 3°C. Note that while this will be analyzed in more detail in Cripton et al (2). A pushrod with
the temperature of the surrounding tissues in vivo, it is possible sphere joints on each end, similar to that shown for the
that the temperature of the implant surfaces will be substan- compression-testing configuration in Test Methods F 2077, is
tially higher than that of the testing medium, as a result of another alternative. Use of a hanging weight or “dead weight”
frictional heat that is generated during movement. Since the would result in fluctuations of the preload force associated with
temperature of the implant surfaces may affect their physical the inertia of the hanging weight if it moves during a
properties, including wear resistance, as well as affecting the motion/load profile cycle and, for this reason, is not recom-
lubricating properties of the fluid in contact with the implant mended. Inertia of the articulating fixture, pushrod, cable-
surfaces, the goal of the guide should be to ensure that the connecting members, and the pneumatic/hydraulic cylinders
implant surface temperatures that occur in the wear machine used to create the preload force would also contribute to
are reasonably close to those that occur in vivo, which may or unwanted forces, which should thus be minimized or taken into
may not be 37 6 3°C. Particularly, if frequencies greater than account or both and documented. Friction forces in pneumatic/
2 Hz are used, care should be taken that running the wear test hydraulic cylinders would also produce an error and, likewise,
at this high frequency does not seriously overheat the materials should be minimized and documented in the report.

F 2423 – 05

FIG. X1.2 Diagram of Cable-Type Preload Application Apparatus in Arbitrary Motion Profile Position

X1.7.3 With respect to the preload apparatus in Figs. X1.1 displaced during its motion/load profile cycle, with preload
and X1.2, two cables of adequate strength are attached to the force vector for the cable arrangement at angle g(t) relative to
testing fixture one on each side of the specimen, which pass the Z-axis and intersecting point 0 with a zero moment arm or
through two lateral guides mounted on the testing fixture below a point shifted along the XY plane to produce a nonzero
the prosthesis. Fig. X1.1 shows the IVD prosthesis in its initial moment arm, thus imparting desired moments on the IVD
no load state with the cables attached to the superior fixture at prosthesis. In general, the greater the distance L1, the greater
a distance L1 above the XY plane (IVD prosthesis’ transverse the moment arm for either preload apparatus. This discussion
plane through its geometric center or instantaneous center of of preload apparatus is by no means comprehensive, but is
rotation). For a pushrod aligned with the Z-axis, L1 would be given as a guide to possible types of preload apparatus and
the distance the center of the sphere joint is above the XY plane. factors to consider in their design to minimize errors in preload
In this position, the resultant preload would be along the Z-axis application during motion/load profile cycling. The design of
and pass through the origin 0 of the global XYZ axes. Fig. X1.2 the preload apparatus and the analysis of its associated preload
shows the superior fixture-end plate of the IVD prosthesis errors shall be included in the report.

F 2423 – 05

(1) McKellop, H., Clarke, I. C., Markolf, K. L., and Amstutz, H. C., “Wear Measurement of Neck Loads,” J Orthop Res, Vol 6, No. 5, 1988, pp.
Characteristics of UHMW Polyethylene: A Method for Accurately 713–720.
Measuring Extremely Low Wear Rates,” J Biomed Mater Res, Vol 12, (6) Nachemson, A. L., “Disc Pressure Measurements,” Spine, Vol 6, No. 1,
No. 6, 1978, pp. 895–927. 1981, pp. 93–97.
(2) Cripton, P. A., Bruehlmann, S. B., Orr, T. E., Oxland, T. R., and Nolte, (7) Clinical Biomechanics of the Spine, A. A. White and M. M. Panjabi,
L. P., “In vitro Axial Preload Application During Spine Flexibility Eds., J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1990.
Testing: Towards Reduced Apparatus-Related Artefacts,” J. Biomech,
Vol. 33, No. 12, 2000, pp. 1559–1568. (8) Pearcy, M., Portek, I., and Shepherd, J., “Three-dimensional X-ray
(3) Hattori, S., Oda, H., and Kawai, S., “Cervical Intra-Discal Pressure in Analysis of Normal Movement in the Lumbar Spine,” Spine, Vol 9,
Movements and Traction of the Cervical-Spine,” Zeitschrift Fur No. 3, 1984, pp. 294–297.
Orthopadie Und Ihre Grenzgebiete, Vol 119, No. 6, 1981, pp. (9) Pearcy, M. J. and Tibrewal, S. B., “Axial Rotation and Lateral Bending
568–569. in the Normal Lumbar Spine Measured by Three-Dimensional Radi-
(4) Miura, T., Panjabi, M. M., and Cripton, P. A., “A Method to Simulate ography,” Spine, Vol 9, No. 6, 1984. pp. 582–587.
in vivo Cervical Spine Kinematics Using in vitro Compressive Pre- (10) Hedman, T. P., Kostuik, J. P., Fernie, G. R., and Hellier, W. G.,
load,” Spine, Vol 27, No. 1, 2002, pp. 43–48. “Design of an Intervertebral Disc Prosthesis,“ Spine, Vol 16, No. 6,
(5) Moroney, S. P., Schultz, A. B., and Miller, J. A., “Analysis and Suppl., 1991, pp. S256–S260.

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