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 EN10LC-Ig-8.7: Make generalizations

 EN10LT-Ih-2.3: Draw similarities and differences of the featured selections in relation to the

1. Explain the main idea of the story.
2. Use graphic organizers for better understanding of the text.
3. Summarize important details from the reading selection
4. Show understanding of the theme through a photo essay

Lesson: Arachne translated by Olivia Coolidge

• Copy of the reading text
• Camera
• Paper and Pen

Curriculum Guide (May 2016) pp. 222
English Learner‘s Material for Grade 10 pp. 68-77

III - LEARNING TASKS  Introduction:

“It’s our ability to deal with the challenges and not their
absence that givessutrue glory, comfort, and happiness in life.”
– Anonymous
o Read the quotation and try answering these questions:

 Whose face flashed at the back of your mind?

 How do you feel as you read it?
 What are its aspects / details that relate to, or show the importance of dealing
with personal challenges in life?

 Preliminary Activity:
 Think about a puzzling problem, a trial, or a challenge you have experienced.
 Find a partner, and take turns in explaining what happened.
 Tell what you like / dislike about it. Use these guide questions:
• How did you feel about it?
• How did you deal with it?
• What are the things about it that you‘d like to change / improve?
• What‘s your next move?
 Share your experiences with others.

Read ―Arachne,‖ a myth from Ancient Greece, translated by Olivia Coolidge. Find out how
human desires, intuitions, and motives lead to dealing with personal challenges. Use the graphic
organizer below to note important details from the story.


Form four groups, and work on your assigned task. Remember to share your ideas, thoughts,
and experiences with the class.

Group 1 Word Finder

Find difficult/unfamiliar words in the selection, and look up the meaning of each through the use
of a dictionary or context clues.
Group 2 Image Makers
Discuss the answers to these questions:
1. What caused Arachne‘s fears and failures?
2. How did Arachne try to fight her fear and carry out the conditions of the
3. How does she feel about her weaving skill?
4. What prevailing mood is conveyed in ―Arachne‖? Find words/phrases in the
selection that convey that mood clearly.
5. What tone is used in the selection? Cite paragraph/s that support your
6. Describe how the mood and the tone contribute to the total effect of the story.

Group 3 Justifiers
Discuss the answers to these questions:
1. What is the nature of the conflict in Arachne?
2. What does Arachne do that makes it difficult for her to solve her
3. What happens to her as she lives through her experience?
4. What character trait is clearly shown by Arachne?
5. What are some details in the story that will prove that Arachne‘s pride
is the reason for her downfall?
6. What is your opinion on the characteristics of the following based on
their words and actions, especially in dealing with challenges?
a. Arachne
b. the old woman (Athene)

Group 4 Theme Builders

Discuss your answers to these questions:
1. Is the use of poetic justice (a happy ending where a virtue is rewarded and the
vice/wrong doing is punished) as a literary device effective in ―Arachne‖? Explain.
2. Had Arachne changed her attitude, do you think the old woman would have
punished her? Explain.
3. Does the story help you understand the value of dealing with challenges?
4. What generalization or statement about human experience (theme) does the
story make?
5. Ponder on the title ―Arachne.‖ In what way does it relate to the theme (general
truth or observation about human experience/message) of the selection?
6. Is it used as a symbol to clarify the theme? Explain.

Form four groups and draw lots for a task to work on. Share your ideas, thoughts, and
experiences with the class. After the sharing, make your own summary in your notebook.

Group 1 Thematic Funny Home Videos

• Recall examples of funny movies or videos you have watched or viewed.
• Relate ―Arachne‖ to the movies or videos.
• Discuss how these movies and selection influence your views on life‘s challenging events and
• Report back to class and share your thoughts with other groups.

Group 2 The Best Advice

• Retain your groupings and list problems that young people like you encounter in dealing with
• Pose as guidance counsellors, and think of the advice you would give students on how to
manage the problems.
• Write a short script to illustrate your conversation with your advisees.
• Use a dialog format and include stage direction.
• Enact the script. Choose one member to play the role of a guidance counsellor and the rest as
troubled young people.

Group 3 Power Play

• Identify a controversial issue (subject in the news or in personal life) that is related to a
personal challenge that you and your groupmates feel strongly about.
• Discuss how this can be dealt with.
• Talk about how people might argue against your ideas or how you would defend your point of
• Share and consolidate your ideas.

Group 4 Fact + Opinion = The Best Way to Deal with Challenges

• Imagine you are living in a world where there are lots of challenges that you‘re constantly
learning to cope with.
• Write a reflective journal about the challenges you are facing now and clarify the effects.
• Present them with factual recounts of incidents to support your ideas. • Explain what
challenges you will expect to find and will try to resolve successfully.
• Share and consolidate your ideas.

Obviously, you are now ready for the major task for this lesson. With your classmates, you will
create an impressive photo essay. Remember, you have everything you need to come up with a very
impressive photo essay where you‘ll use graphics or visuals and text representation / captions. This is
another concept that uses comic book format to present information in new ways to make learning fun.
For you to make it as the best, you must follow some steps. Here are some ideas for the production of
your photo essay. Study the tips before you plunge into it. Keep these points in mind as you go through
the process of creating your photo essay.


Form small groups of five (5) and do the following tasks.
A. Connect and Decide
• Think about the five top strategies you would do when dealing with personal challenges.
• Make a ranked list of these ideas, and the reasons for your ranking.
• Discuss the choices and decide on the top three.
• Choose one literary selection (from those you have explored in class) that interests the
majority of the group members.
 Which is most liked?
 Which do you feel a close connection with?
 Which do you want to read more and enjoy reading in public?
• Decide which selection is the best for the core or main idea of your photo essay.
• Make a stand on which of the ways of dealing with these challenges you will use as your
photo essay‘s main or controlling idea.
• Choose a surprising incident, interesting question, or character from your chosen literary
• Use this for your introduction.
B. Scout for Remarkable/Influential Figures
• From the literary selections you have explored in class, choose at least three characters (e.g.,
in mythology, classics, or oral tradition) who have made a great impression on you about
resolving personal conflicts or who have influenced your outlook in life.
• Rank them according to your preference.
• Do a character inventory of the qualities, attitude, or traits of your chosen characters.
• Highlight three (3) outstanding or dominant traits of these characters that helped them resolve
personal conflict.
• Consider what they have in common and how they differ.
• Use these to support your ideas.

C. Unlimited
• Take a closer look at these samples of photo essay (to be provided by your teacher) and find
out how each establishes the tone, mood, and theme of the essay through visuals and text.
• Since visuals are keys to the meaning of your work, collect photos, pictures (from
magazines, newspapers, print ads, commercial ads, journals, etc.), drawings, video segment
(if possible), or illustrations that show and relate to the theme or the message of your chosen
literary selections.
• Display these pictures, drawings, illustrations, or video segments. Use the visuals / graphics
to highlight the incidents and examples which are used as support and evidences for impact.
Remember to explain the significance of each illustration or drawing. The text should be
serious and straightforward. Your opinion (personal feelings or beliefs) about the characters
and the incidents must support the drawing or illustration.
• Organize these visuals and text according to your preference, and establish the connection
between and among your visuals, texts, and main idea. Do not forget to show how the visuals
and text convey your main idea, then use them to prove your stand about how one can deal
with personal challenges.
• Summarize the ideas you have presented, restate your position or stand, and invite your
audience to deal with personal challenges positively. Provide a catchy and meaningful title of
your photo essay.
• Edit, refine, and polish your work.

• Use the following rubric as your guide.

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 TOTA
Creativity (presents original or unique style to make it

Visual Graphics (uses sound, color, content of photos and

graphics that represent the argument and convey persuasive

Text Representation Captions (uses words and phrases that call

up strong feeling; uses logical and emotional appeal; examples,
statistics to prove one‘s stand; has convincing tone)

Organization (has logically organized arguments, facts, and

reasons around a particular point)

Impact (convinces the audience to accept the ideas and moves

them to action)


Rating – Description
5 - Excellent
4 - Very Impressive
3 - Impressive
2 - Needs Revision
1 - Inadequate
• Be open to comments and suggestions.

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