Survey Questionnaire Sleep Deprivation

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Dear Students,

We, researchers of GAS 1, are conducting a study entitled “Sleep

Deprivation:Reasons and Effects on the Critical Thinking and Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students at Nagpayong High School “ S.Y. 2022-2023 as our
requirement for 3 I’s and need your answers on particular questions to conclude.

Please answer the questions truthfully. Please be assured that your answers will
remain confidential and will be used as data for our research.

Thank you for your honest cooperation. May God bless you!

Sincerely yours,
GAS 1 Researchers
Instruction: Put a check on the designated column.

Part I: Respondent’s Demographic Profile

I. A. Name:________(optional)________
Age: ( ) 16-17 ( ) 18-19 ( )20- above

Strand: ( ) HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences)

( ) GAS (General Academic Strand)
( ) ICT (Information and Computer Technology)
( ) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

General Average: ( ) 75 – 80
( ) 81 – 85
( ) 86 - 89
( ) 90 – 93
( ) 94 – 96
( ) 97 – 100

I.B. Number of hours of sleep.

Number of hours you
1-3 4-6 5-8 More
1. What is the average number of hours you
2. How many hours of sleep do you need to
function at your best?
Part II.) Reasons for Sleeping Late
Read each item and put a check mark (√) on the response that best
indicates your answer.

Using FB and Messenger

Playing mobile games

Making assign/homework

Watching TV

Reading books

Studying lessons

Emotional Stress


Part III. A. ) Critical Skills and Sleep Deprivation

Instructions: Below are items related to the effects of sleep deprivation on the critical
skills e. There are four modes of response: Strongly Agree – SA, Agree – A, Strongly
Disagree – SD, and Disagree - D. Read each item and put a check mark (√) on the
response that indicates your answer towards the item. Please answer truthfully.

Numerical Value Verbal Interpretation

4 Strongly Agree (SA)
3 Agree(A)
2 Disagree(D)
1 Strongly Disagree (SD)
4 3 2 1
1. I feel that that I have problems in
analyzing information when I don’t have
enough sleep

2. I tend to waver on my decision-making if I

don’t have enough sleep
3. I find it hard to process visual images if I
lack sleep
4. I find it really hard to interpret and
evaluate ideas or messages if I don’t
have enough sleep
5. I can think rationally if I don’t have
enough sleep
6. I tend to focus more on the important
information, instead of the less important
7. I feel that there is no change in my
B). creative ability even if I lack sleep

Academic Performance and Sleep Deprivation

Instructions: Below are questions related to the effects of sleep deprivation on the
academic performance. There are four modes of response: Strongly Agree – SA, Agree
– A, Strongly Disagree – SD, and Disagree - D. Read each question and put a check
mark (√) on the response that indicates your answer towards the question. Please
answer truthfully.

4 3 2 1
1.I feel less
active during
class hours
2.I find it hard
to focus and
answer the
questions of
my teachers
3.I feel that I
am not
very well in our
group task
4.I tend to fail
complying on
all my tasks
5.My test
scores did drop
6.My school
does not
improve nor
decline even if
I don’t have
enough sleep
7. There is no
change in my
grades even if I
don’t have
enough sleep

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