Research in Veterinary Science: Katarzyna Slizewska, Adriana Nowak, Zdzislawa Libudzisz, Janusz Blasiak
Research in Veterinary Science: Katarzyna Slizewska, Adriana Nowak, Zdzislawa Libudzisz, Janusz Blasiak
Research in Veterinary Science: Katarzyna Slizewska, Adriana Nowak, Zdzislawa Libudzisz, Janusz Blasiak
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of a probiotic preparation on the genotoxicity of faecal
Accepted 5 April 2010 water of broiler chickens fed with a fodder contaminated with aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) at 1 or 5 mg per kg.
Human blood lymphocytes were exposed to chicken’s faecal water samples and DNA damage was mea-
sured using the comet assay. Genotoxicity of faecal water did not depend on the AFB1 concentration in
Keywords: the fodder. The mean DNA damage, measured as the percentage of DNA in the tail of the comets, for
Aflatoxin B1 chickens fed with fodder with AFB1 at 1 mg/kg was 16.80 ± 0.66, at 5 mg/kg – 16.73 ± 1.51 and in the con-
trols – 12.79 ± 0.66. The supplementation of fodder with the probiotic preparation decreased the extent
of DNA damage to 10.02 ± 0.39 for 1 mg/kg AFB1 and to 11.89 ± 0.72 for 5 mg/kg.
Fodder Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0034-5288/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
392 K. Slizewska et al. / Research in Veterinary Science 89 (2010) 391–395
2. Materials and methods tric field strength 0.73 V/cm (30 mA). Then, the slides were neu-
tralized with 0.4 mol/l Tris and stained with 1 lg/ml DAPI (40 ,6-
2.1. Probiotic preparation diamidino-2-phenylindole) and covered with cover slips. Comets
were observed at 200 magnification in a fluorescence microscope
The probiotic preparation consisted of (per 1 kg): 1010 of Lacto- (Nikon, Japan) attached to a video camera and connected to a per-
bacillus cells (L. paracasei LOCK 0920, L. brevis LOCK 0944 and L. sonal computer-based image analysis system Lucia-Comet v. 4.51
plantarum LOCK 0945), 106 of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae LOCK (Laboratory Imaging, Prague, The Czech Republic). Fifty images
0140 and 50 g of Yucca schidigera extract. The strains derived from were selected from each sample and DNA damage measured as
Centre of Industrial Microorganisms (LOCK), Institute of Fermen- percentage of DNA in the tail of the comets was determined. Two
tation Technology and Microbiology, Technical University of Lodz parallel tests with aliquots of the same sample were performed
in Poland. The strains used in the studies as the preparation pos- for a total of 100 cells and the mean of DNA damage was calcu-
sess full probiotic documentation (Smulikowska et al., 2005) and lated. Each experiment was repeated three times. Comet results
they were licensed (Michalowski et al., 2004; Slizewska et al., were analysed using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
2008). a particular mode of interaction time was used to compare ef-
fects evoked by chemicals at this mode of interaction and suitable
2.2. Animals treatment control. No statistically significant interaction was found, so one-
way analysis of variance was applied. The differences between
The study was performed on 30 healthy female Ross broiler means were compared using Scheffe’s multiple comparison test.
chickens divided into six groups, five animals each, kept separately Results were presented as mean ± SEM.
at Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of
Sciences, Jablonna, Poland. The groups were: control chickens – fed 3. Results
with non-supplemented fodder; PP chickens – fed with fodder sup-
plemented with the probiotic preparation (2 g/kg of fodder be- 3.1. DNA damage
tween 1st and 14th day of life and 1 g/kg until the end of the
experiment); 1AFB1 chickens – fed with fodder contaminated with Non-exposed samples (lymphocytes in RPMI 1640, a negative
1 mg per kg of AFB1; 1AFB1 + PP chickens – fed with fodder con- control) displayed DNA damage of 1.68 ± 0.13. Treatment of cells
taminated with 1 mg per kg of AFB1 and supplemented with the with 20 lM hydrogen peroxide (positive control samples) resulted
probiotic preparation; 5AFB1 chickens – fed with fodder contami- in the damage of 26.36 ± 1.62 (results from three independent
nated with 5 mg per kg of AFB1; 5AFB1 + PP chickens – fed with experiments).
fodder contaminated with 5 mg per kg of AFB1 and supplemented
with the probiotic preparation. 3.2. Chickens fed with fodder supplemented with probiotic preparation
2.3. Faecal water preparation Supplementation of fodder with probiotic preparation only (PP –
probiotic group of chickens) decreased genotoxicity of faecal water
Faecal water samples were extracted from faecal samples col- comparing to the control group of chickens (with no supplementa-
lected on 35 day of life. Samples were homogenized for 2 min tion) (Fig. 1 and Table 1). In the control group DNA damage was in
and then centrifuged (7100g for 30 min). Aliquots of the superna- the range from 10.46 ± 0.89 to 14.94 ± 1.17, while in the probiotic
tants (aqueous faecal extracts) were distributed to 1.5 ml Eppen- preparation group of chickens (PP group) it was from 8.07 ± 0.69
dorf tubes and stored at 20 °C prior to analysis. to 13.36 ± 1.06 (Fig. 2A and B). Probiotic effect in reducing genotox-
icity was appreciable (p < 0.05) as shown in Fig. 1.
2.4. Lymphocyte isolation and cell treatment
3.3. Chickens fed with fodder contaminated with AFB1
Blood was obtained from young, healthy, non-smoking donors.
Peripheral blood lymphocytes were isolated by centrifugation in a Incubation of human lymphocytes with faecal water of the
density gradient of Histopaque-1077 (15 min, 1100g). The pellet chickens induced considerable DNA damage, yielding comet tail
containing peripheral blood lymphocytes was suspended in RPMI from 12.83 ± 1.02 to 22.02 ± 1.24 for chickens fed with fodder con-
1640 medium. The final concentration of the lymphocytes in each taminated with 1 mg/kg of AFB1 (1AFB1 group) and from
sample was adjusted to 1 105 cells/ml. Lymphocytes were incu-
bated with 100 ll of faecal water for 1 h at 37 °C. The control cells
received only RPMI 1640 medium. The experiment included a po-
sitive control, which was hydrogen peroxide at 20 lM applied for
10 min at 4 °C.
Table 1
DNA damage measured as percentage of DNA in the comet tail in alkaline comet assay in human peripheral blood lymphocytes induced by faecal water of broiler chickens.
The number of cells analysed in each treatment was 100. Data are mean values (±S.E.M.) from all chickens of each group for which faecal samples were available.
the results displayed are the mean of three independent experiments; x,y,zstatistically different from: xcontrol, yAFB1 (1 mg/kg), zAFB1 (5 mg/kg), ANOVA (P < 0.05).
Fig. 2. Representative comets of DAPI stained human blood lymphocytes incubated for 1 h at 37 °C with faecal water of broiler chickens: (A) control groups of chickens; (B)
chickens fed with fodder supplemented with probiotic preparation; (C) chickens fed with fodder contaminated with 5 mg/kg of AFB1; (D) chickens fed with fodder
contaminated with 5 mg/kg of AFB1 and supplemented with probiotic preparation.
13.68 ± 0.78 to 22.18 ± 1.02 for chickens fed with fodder contami- 4. Discussion
nated with 5 mg/kg of AFB1 (5AFB1 group) (Fig. 2C). Therefore, the
genotoxicity of faecal water of chickens was independent of AFB1 There are reports on massive poisonings of poultry and cattle
concentration in the fodder in the range of 1 and 5 mg/kg (Fig. 1 due to the presence of aflatoxins in feed (Rodricks et al., 1977;
and Table 1). Galvano et al., 1996; Akande et al., 2006). The major reason for this
was feeding animals with contaminated bruised peanut grain or
corn. Chickens are relatively resistant, however longer application
3.4. Chickens fed with fodder contaminated with AFB1 of feed contaminated with AFB1 may lead to adverse effects. The
and supplemented with probiotic preparation symptoms of poisoning may include: loss of weight, depression,
muscle paralysis and cyanosis of combs and wattles. In addition
After supplementation of fodder with probiotic preparation, we fast breathing, chronic inflammation of mucous membrane of the
observed a statistically significant decrease in the level of DNA digestive tract, sporadic focal congestion, and particularly local
damage, which was in the range from 7.3 ± 0.59 to 12.98 ± 1.29 ecchymosis on the surface of liver, kidneys and heart may be ob-
for chickens fed with fodder contaminated with 1 mg/kg of AFB1 served (Rodricks et al., 1977; Akande et al., 2006).
(1AFB1 + PP group) and from 9.10 ± 0.84 to 16.74 ± 1.69 for chick- Biological detoxification of mycotoxins in food, raw products,
ens fed with fodder contaminated with 5 mg/kg of AFB1 mixed protein feeds and also in human and animal organisms is
(5AFB1 + PP group). Therefore, the protective effect of the probiotic relatively new and promising method. Several microorganisms
preparation seems to depend on the concentration of AFB1 have been used to eliminate mycotoxins: Acinetobacter calcoaceti-
(Fig. 2D). Supplementation with the probiotic preparation reduced cus, Aspergillus niger, Lactobacillus sp. strains and Saccharomyces
the genotoxicity of faecal water in chickens fed with fodder con- sp. (Styriak et al., 2001). Special attention should be paid to lactic
taminated with 1 or 5 mg/kg of AFB1 (Fig. 1 and Table 1). acid bacteria because of their favourable influence on human
394 K. Slizewska et al. / Research in Veterinary Science 89 (2010) 391–395
organisms (probiotic bacteria) and the widespread use in the pro- the metabolites diffuse back into the lumen and probiotics bind
duction of fermented foods. These bacteria inhibit the growth of it and excrete via the faeces – L. rhamnosus GG is known to bind
moulds as well as mycotoxins production (Wiseman and Marth, AFM1 equally efficiently as AFB1 (Kabak and Var, 2004; Gratz,
1981). 2007). AFM1 and AFM2 are excreted with milk of cows fed with
The aim of our study was to check if the probiotic preparation aflatoxin contaminated feed what implies on gastrointestinal
(composed of lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and Yucca schidigera ex- metabolism of the mycotoxins. Microorganisms reduce tissue up-
tract) influenced the genotoxicity of faecal water of chickens fed take of AFB1 from duodenum of chickens what may point out on
with AFB1 contaminated fodder. We observed that genotoxicity the reduction of aflatoxins absorption in the human gastrointesti-
of faecal water did not depend on the AFB1 concentration in the nal tract (El-Nezami et al., 2000). These data imply that intestinal
fodder. After supplementation of the fodder with probiotic prepa- metabolism of AFB1 is an important process and that probiotic bac-
ration observed genotoxicity was decreased and it was statistically teria impact upon these processes.
significant. The decrease was more pronounced for the group of
chickens fed with the fodder contaminated with lower concentra-
tion of AFB1 (1AFB1 + PP). Therefore, supplementation with the 5. Conclusion
probiotic preparation contributes to reduction of genotoxicity of
faecal water of chickens fed with AFB1 contaminated fodder. The In summary our results show that probiotic preparation de-
mechanism underlying this effect may be associated with the abil- creases genotoxicity of faecal water of chickens fed with aflatoxin
ity of probiotic preparation to bind AFB1, resulting in its decreased B1 contaminated fodder within the range of 1 and 5 mg/kg and can
concentration in chicken colon, although supplementation of fod- be considered as a preventive agents in poultry breeding.
der with probiotic preparation only (PP) also decreased DNA dam-
age of the control group.
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