RIAA With Tubes Revisited - Borbely
RIAA With Tubes Revisited - Borbely
RIAA With Tubes Revisited - Borbely
with only a slight response peak a little 1% silver micas, which is a very controver- of copper-clad PC board material as the
over 20kHz with my particular cartridge. sial choice. Many folks seem to find them original with the same phenolic tube sock-
metallic sounding and some engineers ets. I have changed nearly every other com-
PARTS IS PARTS have reported hysteresis distortion with ponent. All connections on the board are
In my original article, I stated that I pre- them. I’ve found that placing a large DC component-to-component, with the copper
ferred the sound of carbon composition re- bias across them (in this case, the plate cladding forming an excellent ground plane.
sistors despite their relatively poor objective voltage of the stage, which should negate
noise performance. Several readers took any hysteresis effects) makes a world of POWER SUPPLY
exception to this, mostly on the grounds difference, and they sound truly transpar- At the moment, I’m using a tube-regulated
that they also suffer from poor tolerance ent to my ears. I use the old types which Gen-Rad laboratory power supply from
and drift. Well, you guys were right: Car- are reportedly made of cleaved sheets of the 1960s, which is especially nice because
bon comps really aren’t stable enough for natural mica, as opposed to modern ones it’s not mine (thanks, Chris). It provides
complex equalization networks, particu- which are a ground-up slurry. But again, very well regulated 300V B+ and 6.3V fil-
larly those that must be both accurate to don’t sweat the small stuff. The precision ament supplies, both of which are essential
a reference standard and precise channel- polypropylene film-and-foil types available
to-channel. I now reserve them solely for now would probably work and sound just
restoration of older equipment and occa- fine if you don’t choose to use micas.
sionally in grid-stopper applications.
I prefer non-inductive precision wire- TUBES AND WIRE
wound resistors by Shallcross, Ultraohm, The 1980s JAN Raytheon 5842Qs that
Mepco, and Daven for their sound and ac- were very plentiful a few years ago work
curacy, but if you don’t have access to them, fine in the second stage of the amplifier, but
you can use regular metal films with per- I had a little trouble with them in the front-
fectly acceptable results. For plate-load re- end due to microphonics. I ended up scav-
sistors, I used 7W half-percent non-induc- enging some late-60s Amperexes, which
tives made by Tepro, but any quality wire- were much quieter. Strangely enough, these
wound of at least 5W would work, provided seem to have much more subjective bass
it’s within the specified tolerance of 1%. response than the Raytheons, but only in
The blocking capacitors make a subtly the first stage; probably because the second
audible difference, but I wouldn’t lose sleep amplifier stage has a negative feedback loop.
over it. I happen to really enjoy the sound The extra bass is lovely, but this type of
of extended-film/paper-in-oil Sprague Vi- thing can drive an electrical engineer crazy.
tamin-Qs (196P-series) and also use them The short IERC heatsink/shields are nice if
in my power amps (and even the crossover you can find them.
capacitors on my horn tweeters). But, like Does the type of wire used really make
the non-inductive resistors, if you don’t that much of a sonic difference? The engi-
have a good supply of them, it’s certainly neer in me doubts it at audio frequencies,
not the end of the world. I had some SBE but, then again, it seems to. I used Teflon-
716P polypropylene film-and-foil “orange insulated silver-plated stranded hookup
drop” capacitors in there for a while and wire because I had access to it. No ques-
they sounded very good; maybe a little “ar- tion Teflon is much more forgiving toward
tificially detailed” for my tastes, but it’s an soldering technique.
entirely subjective call. Photo 3 shows my preamplifier in its cur-
The equalization capacitors are old-style rent modified state, still on the same piece