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Personality I

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Vocabulary: personality adjectives

Adjective Definition Example: sentence

Affectionate Showing feelings of liking or love Afectuoso
Assertive Behaving confidently; not frightened to Resuelto, Seguro, firme, que
say what you want or believe se hace valer
Bossy Always telling people what to do Mandón
Curious Interested in learning about people or Curioso
things around you
Easy-going Relaxed, not easily upset or worried Despreocupado
Loyal Firm, not changing your friendship with or Leal
support for a person or organization, or in
your belief in your principles
Moody Changing your moods suddenly, becoming Temperamental,
angry or unhappy easily malhumorado
Outgoing Friendly and energetic, finding it easy and Extrovertido
enjoyable to be with others.
Rebellious Difficult to control, not behaving in the Rebelde
way that is expected.
Reliable That can be trusted or believed Fiable
Sensible Acting on good judgement and practical Sensato
ideas or understanding
Cheeky Slightly rude or showing no respect, but Descarado
often in a funny way
Sensitive Easily upset by the things people say or do

Also: able to understand what people are Sensible

feeling and behave in a way that doesn’t
upset them
Honest Telling the truth or able to be trusted Honesto
Stubborn Determined to do what you want and Tozudo
refusing to do anything else
Confident Being certain of your abilities or having Confiado, Seguro
trust in people, plans, or the future
Conscientious Putting a lot of effort into your work Meticuloso, aplicado
Determined Wanting to do something very much and
not allowing anyone or any difficulties to Reduelto, decidido
stop you.
Steady That can be trusted to show good Constante, sensato,
judgement and act in a reasonable way. trabajador.
Also: sensible and hardworking in habits
Bright Intelligent and quick to learn Brillante
Gentle Calm, kind, careful not to hurt or upset Suave, dulce, agradable,
anyone amable
Resourceful Skilled at solving problems and making Habilidoso, ingenioso
decisions on your own
Sarcastic Using sarcasm in order to hurt someone’s
feelings or to humorously criticise Sarcástico
Self-sufficient Able to take care of yourself, be happy, or
deal with problems, without help from Autosuficiente
other people
Straightforward Honest, not likely to hide your opinions Franco, honesto, sincero
Sympathetic Someone who shows, especially by what
they say, that they understand and care Empático, comprensivo
about someone else’s feelings
Shy Nervous and uncomfortable with other Tímido
Cheerful Happy and positive Alegre
Friendly Behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards Amigable
Good-natured Pleasant, friendly and welcoming toward Bueno, de natural
other people bondadoso
Insecure Having little confidence and being
uncertain about your own abilities or if Inseguro
other people really like you
Reserved Not talking about or showing their feelings Reservado
or thoughts
Serious Quiet, thinking carefully about things, not Serio
laughing a lot
Sociable That likes to meet and spend time with Sociable
other people
Sophisticated Having a good understanding of the way
people behave and / or a good knowledge Sofisticado
of culture and fashion
Trustworthy Able to be trusted Confiable
Clever Having the ability to learn and understand Inteligente, listo
things quickly and easily; skilful
Mature Behaving like adults in a way that shows Maduro
you are well developed emotionally
Introverted Shy, quiet and preferring to spend time Introvertido
alone rather than being with other people
Extroverted Energetic, enjoying being with other Extrovertido
Amiable Pleasant and friendly Amigable
Funny Humorous, causing laughter Divertido
Hilarious Extremely funny and causing a lot of Divertidísimo
Humorous Funny, or making you laugh Divertido
Prudent Wise, careful and avoiding risks and Prudente
Cautious Avoiding risks Prudente


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