Aabb Accredited Guidelines

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Brand Usage Guidelines

AABB-accredited facilities are invited to use the Facilities that are currently accredited by AABB may
“AABB-accredited” logo to promote their accreditation refer to their facility and/or accredited activity as
status and to highlight their commitment to the “AABB Accredited.”
highest levels of quality and safety. The “AABB- This logo may not be used by facilities or organizations
accredited” logo may only be used by AABB member that are not currently accredited by AABB or by
facilities in good standing. organizations that use AABB-accredited labs.

LOGO USAGE AREA OF ISOLATION No other graphics, images or logos should intrude on this area.
Distance will vary with size of the logo. Allow a minimum of ¼”.
The “AABB-accredited” logo must
be used in its original format,
color, and aspect. The logo may
not be modified or distorted.
Allow an area of isolation–based
on the height the lowercase
letters (X)–around the logo (A).
When sizing the logos, reduce (A)
or enlarge the graphic staying
true to original proportions. Do
APPROVED LOGO FORMATS Only use the provided art files for reproduction.
not add or apply other graphical
treatment to the logos.

Logo Style Formats

The logo is provided in three file (B)
formats: EPS, PNG and JPG. In
addition, three style formats are
provided: line (B), and stacked
with (C) and without the full
name (D).
Select the appropriate format
(C) (D)
based on the design application
and available space.
APPROVED COLOR APPLICATION SAMPLES Art provided for each format.
Logo Color Applications
The logo should be used in the
AABB brand colors whenever
possible. In instances where this
is not possible, it is acceptable to
use the reverse (E), white (F) or
grayscale (G) version.
(E) (F)

Proudly Display Your AABB Accreditation
ALONG WITH LOGOS AT: aabb.org/accreditedresources
on facility communications and promotional
vehicles, including websites, collateral, ads and
social media. The logo must be used in a way PRESS RELEASE
that makes it clear that the facility has achieved
AABB accreditation and is in no other way
representative of the AABB accreditation program
or AABB as an organization. Whenever possible,
the logo should link to aabb.org/accredited.


The following phrases may be used in announcing or

describing AABB accreditation.
[Facility Name] has earned AABB accreditation,
achieving the highest standards of quality and For information visit:
Association for the Advancement
of Blood & Biotherapies

safety in [activity]. For information visit:

Association for the Advancement
of Blood & Biotherapies

AABB accreditation follows an intensive assessment

by specially trained AABB assessors and recognizes
that the level of technical and administrative
performance of the facility meets or exceeds the
highest standards of quality and safety.

Advancing Quality,
AABB’s accreditation program is the leader in Quality, Safety &
Safety & Patient Care
ensuring the highest level of quality and safety for
Patient Care AABB accreditation follows

the blood and biotherapies field.

an intensive assessment
by specially trained AABB
AABB accreditation follows
assessors and recognizes
an intensive assessment
that the level of technical
by specially trained AABB
and administrative
assessors and recognizes
performance of the facility
that the level of technical

AABB’s accreditation program promotes the

meets or exceeds the
and administrative
highest standards of quality
performance of the facility
and safety.
meets or exceeds the

highest standards of care for patients, donors,

highest standards of quality
and safety. [Facility Name] is proud to be an AABB
Accredited Facility. To find out more visit

processes and products in all aspects of transfusion [Facility Name] is proud to be an AABB
Accredited Facility. To find out more visit

medicine, biotherapies and relationship testing.

For questions regarding usage, please

contact AABB ([email protected]). We
look forward to helping you promote your
AABB-accredited facility. POPUP BANNER ART FOR LOBBY

Terms of Use sole discretion, it finds use of the AABB logos expenses or losses of any nature (including
AABB may request at any time that an entity does not conform to these Guidelines or is reasonable attorney’s fees) resulting from any
using AABB’s logos discontinue and/or otherwise objectionable to AABB for any other claim arising out of licensee use of the AABB
substitute new or different logos, in which case reason. The license to use any AABB logo is logos to the full extent permitted by the law.
prompt compliance with the request is required. automatically terminated if an institution loses The AABB logos are provided as-is without
its AABB accreditation for any reason, including warranty of any kind, whether express or
Entities using AABB logos must not take any failure to pay dues. In either event, the licensee
action inconsistent with, or challenge AABB implied, including any implied warranty of
must immediately stop all use of the AABB non-infringement. In no event shall AABB
ownership of, the logos. logos and destroy any material, goods or other be liable for any direct or indirect damages,
AABB owns and is entitled to claim any benefits documentation in its possession or control that including, but not limited to, those for lost
accruing from use of its logos. contain the AABB-accredited logos. profits or business interruption, speculative,
Title to, and ownership of, the logos and all Limitation of Liability consequential, incidental, special, punitive or
goodwill associated with the logos, shall at all AABB disclaims all liability to any licensee, exemplary damages regardless of whether such
times remain with AABB. their clients, customers, and any third-parties, liability is based in tort, contract or otherwise,
Termination of License relating to the use of AABB logos, or the goods so long as such limitations are consistent with
or services provided by a licensee. The licensee state law. AABB reserves the right to modify
AABB may suspend or terminate license to use these guidelines from time to time in any way
the AABB-accredited logos at any time if, in its agrees to indemnify, defend and hold AABB
harmless from any and all costs, damages, that best protects its interests.

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