Form 5 RERA Certificate

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Annexure C

Chartered Accountants Certificate1

Report for quarter ending 31st March 2020
Subject Certificate for withdrawal of money from separate
RERA account
1. I/ we have undertaken assignment as Chartered Accountant for certifying withdrawal of money from separate RERA account.

Sr. Particulars Information

1. Project/phase of the project Eldeco Accolade
2. Location Sector-2, Sohna, Gurugram
3. Licensed area in acres 13.21875 acre
4. Area for registration in acres
5. HARERA registration no. 81 of 2017
6. Name of licensee Eldeco Sohna Projects Limited
7. Name of collaborator
8. Name of developer Eldeco Sohna Projects Limited
9. Estimated cost of real estate project 63521 Lacs
2. Details related to inspection are as under
1. Date of certifying withdrawal of money from separate
RERA account.
2. Name of chartered accountant firm/ individual
3. I certify withdrawal of money from separate RERA account for the aforesaid project as completed on the date of this certificate
is as given in table A and table B below;
4. This certificate is being issued as per the requirement of compliance in accordance with the Real Estate (Regulation and
Development) Act, 2016/ the Haryana Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules, 2017 by the company for the
project/phase under reference and is based on the records and documents produced before me and explanations provided to
me by the management of the company; it is based on the verification of books of accounts and other related documents till
(date 31-3-2020
5. Further to above, based upon our examination of books of accounts and related records, it is confirmed that no amount has
been withdrawn except for payment towards construction/ development, land cost and statutory dues/ charges. All statutory
approvals as applicable on promoter are also valid on date.
Date: 31-12-2020 Yours faithfully,
Kumar Gaurav
Place: New Delhi
KUMAR Digitally signed by KUMAR
For (name of CA firm) : Kumar Gaurav Agarwal & Co GAURAV Date: 2020.12.31 07:16:13

Partner/ proprietor Membership no. : 501252 Signature & name of the Chartered
UDIN: 20501252AAAAOQ7752 (in block letters) with stamp

1 On the letter head of the CA firm

Table -A

Sr. Particulars Amount (in Lac)

Estimated Incurred & Paid
(Column - A) (Column - B)
1. (I) Land Cost: 15813 Lac 15813 Lac
Cost of land or development rights (as per collaboration
agreement), lease premium, lease rent and legal cost
Total land cost 15813 Lac 15813 Lac
(II)Development Cost/Cost of Construction: Estimated Incurred & Paid
(Column -A) (Column -B)
a. (i) Estimated Cost of Construction as certified by 18323 Lac
Engineer (Column - A)
(ii)Estimated cost of internal services/community 5510 Lac
facilities based on service plan and estimates as
approved by competent authority(Column-A)
(iii) Actual Cost of Construction incurred and paid as 10318 Lac
per the RERA Bank Account/ books of accounts as
verified by the CA (column - B)
(iv)Actual cost of internal services /community 3038 Lac
facilities paid from RERA bank account/books of
accounts as verified by the CA(Column-B)
Note: (for adding to total cost of construction incurred,
Minimum of (i)+(ii) or (iii)+(iv) is to be considered)
(v) On-site overhead expenditure for development of 7384 Lac 4673 Lac
project excluding cost of construction as per (i) or
(ii) above, i.e. salaries, consultant’s fees, site
overheads, cost of machineries and equipment
including its hire and maintenance costs,
consumables etc.
b. Statutory payments (EDC/IDC, taxes, cess, fees, 5888 Lac 3475 Lac
charges and premiums to any statutory authority)
c. Interest paid to financial institutions, scheduled 10603 Lac 10599 Lac
banks, non-banking financial institution (NBFC) or
money lenders on construction funding or money
borrowed for construction

KUMAR Digitally signed by


GAURAV Date: 2021.01.23

00:03:20 +05'30'
Total development cost 47708 Lac 32103 Lac
2. Total estimated cost of the real estate project (1(I) + 1 63521 Lac
(II)) of estimated column –A
3. Total cost incurred and paid of the real estate project 47916 Lac
(1(I) + 1 (II)) of Incurred and Paid Column – B
4. Percentage of completion of construction work (as per 56.04%
project architect’s certificate by the end of
5. Proportion of the amount paid till the end of 77.03%
month/quarter towards land and construction cost vis-
à-vis the total estimated cost.
6. Amount which can be withdrawn from the separate 43243 Lac
RERA bank Account. Total estimated cost x proportion
of cost incurred and paid
7. Less: Amount withdrawn till date of this certificate as 14541 Lac (70% of 20773 lacs)
per the books of accounts and bank statement
8. Net Amount which can be withdrawn from the separate 28702 Lac
RERA bank Account under this certificate.

Table- B
Details of RERA Bank Account:
Bank Name HDFC Bank Ltd
Branch Name Jasola
Account No. 57500000062839
IFSC Code HDFC0000923
Opening Balance (as on 01.01.2020) 62.36 Lac
Deposits during the period 1197.94 Lac
Withdrawals during the period 1239.00 Lac
Closing Balance (as on 31.03.2020) 21.30 Lac

KUMAR Digitally signed by


GAURAV Date: 2021.01.23

00:03:34 +05'30'
1. This certificate is being issued as per the requirement of compliance in accordance with Real Estate
(Regulation and Development) Act/Rules by the company for the project/phase under reference and is
based on the records and documents produced before me and explanations provided to me by the
management of the Company; It is based on the verification of books of accounts and other related
documents till (date) 31-03-2020.

2. Further to above, based upon our examination of books of accounts and related records, it is confirmed
that no amount has been withdrawn except for payment towards construction/development, land cost
and statutory dues/ charges. All statutory approvals as applicable on promoter are also valid on date.

Yours Faithfully,
For Kumar Gaurav Agarwal & Co.
Chartered Accountants
FRN : 021759N
Digitally signed
GAURAV Date: 2021.01.23
00:03:52 +05'30'

CA Kumar Gaurav
M.No. 501252
Date : 22-01-2021
Place : New Delhi
UDIN: 21501252AAAABW5275

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