Form 5 RERA Certificate
Form 5 RERA Certificate
Form 5 RERA Certificate
Partner/ proprietor Membership no. : 501252 Signature & name of the Chartered
UDIN: 20501252AAAAOQ7752 (in block letters) with stamp
Table- B
Details of RERA Bank Account:
Bank Name HDFC Bank Ltd
Branch Name Jasola
Account No. 57500000062839
IFSC Code HDFC0000923
Opening Balance (as on 01.01.2020) 62.36 Lac
Deposits during the period 1197.94 Lac
Withdrawals during the period 1239.00 Lac
Closing Balance (as on 31.03.2020) 21.30 Lac
2. Further to above, based upon our examination of books of accounts and related records, it is confirmed
that no amount has been withdrawn except for payment towards construction/development, land cost
and statutory dues/ charges. All statutory approvals as applicable on promoter are also valid on date.
Yours Faithfully,
For Kumar Gaurav Agarwal & Co.
Chartered Accountants
FRN : 021759N
Digitally signed
GAURAV Date: 2021.01.23
00:03:52 +05'30'
CA Kumar Gaurav
M.No. 501252
Date : 22-01-2021
Place : New Delhi
UDIN: 21501252AAAABW5275