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Middle ear anatomy

Etiology, pathogenesis of Conductive deafness? Types of tympanoplasty?

Conductive deafness

Conditions producing conductive deafness ? Explain ASOM

Pain in one ear. Causes, clinical features of various condition

Causes - conductive deafness with intact tympanic membrane ? 4 year old child, otitis
media with effusion.

Clinical features and management Secretory otitis media

Give an account of etiology, clinical features and treatment of Glue Ear


Chronic suppurative Otitis Media (9)

What are the complications of chronic suppurative otitis media? Describe briefly about
clinical features, investigations and treatment of lateral sinus thrombophelibitis.

50 year old male presents with history of left ear discharge for 3 years. What are the
routes of spread of infection to the intracranial structures in this patient? Enumerate the
intracranial complications expected. Describe in detail about

otogenic brain abscess

Otosclerosis (3)

Bell's Palsy

Define Meniere's disease. Discuss the etiopathology, clinical features and management of
the same

Causes - Deaf Child? Investigation - Hearing assessment ? About auditory training and
hearing aids?
Short notes

Middle ear cleft (2)


Theories of Hearing

Organ of corti
Organ of corti

Physiology of hearing

ABC Test (3)

Rinne's Test (3)

Pure tone audiometry

Impedance audiometry

Tympanometry (2)

Stapedial Reflex

Hearing loss


Ototoxicity (3)

Causes and management of sudden sensorineural hearing loss

Presbyacusis (2)

Fistula test

Optokinetic nystagmus

Caloric test

Kobrak Test


Swimmer's Ear

Furunculosis ear (2)

Allergic Otitis Externa

Malignant otitis Externa (5)

otomycosis (7)


Keratosis obturans (4)

Eustachian tube (ET) (2)

Functions of eustachian tube

Acute otitis media

Management of secretary otitis media

Management of secretary otitis media

Glue ear (3)

Secretory otitis media (4)


MERI index (Middle Ear Risk Index)

Extra cranial complications of chronic suppurative otitis media

Acute Mastoiditis

Bezold's abcess


Otogenic brain abcess (2)

Lateral sinus thrombosis (3)

otitic hydrocephalus

Management of intracranial complications of CSOM (2)

Otosclerosis (5)

complications - Stapedectomy

Bell's Palsy (5)

Frey's syndrome

Endolymphatic hydrops

Meniere's Disease (5)

Glomus Tumour

Deaf Mute (5)

OAE (Otoacoustic Emission)

Cochlear implant (2)

Referred otalgia (2)

Scarlet Fever

Tuning fork tests for Non Organic Deafness

Short answers

Nerve supply of external auditory canal

Nerve supply of external auditory canal


Intratympanic muscles


Auditory pathway


Rinne's Test

Weber test

Tuning fork tests (2)

Mention any two tuning fork tests

Pure Tone audiometry

Impedance audiometry



Mention the any four causes of Sensory Neural Hearing loss

Tullio's phenomenon

Fistula test

Caloric test (2)

Pseudocyst Pinna

Two causes for perichondritis of pinnae


Signs of malignant otitis externa

Sings of retracted tympanic membrane

Causes of red ear drum

Glue ear (2)

Valsaiva maneuver

Define cholesteatoma and draw diagram

Perforations of tympanic membrane.

Perforations of tympanic membrane.

Mention the different types of perforations of tympanic membrane

Four intra temporal complications of CSOM


Gradenigo syndrome (4)

Otogenic brain abscess


Surgery for facial palsy

Medical treatment for meniere's disease

Hearing aids

Cochlear implant - Indications


Four important causes of referred otalgia

Referred otalgia

Tinnitus- Classify

Trautmann's triangle

Traveling wave theory

Nose & Paranasal Sinuses

Atrophic Rhinitis (2)

50 year old male C/o bleeding, fleshy mass nasal cavity. DD & Investigations

Describe the etiology, clinical features and management of Rhinosporidiosis

Describe the anatomy of lateral wall of nose. Describe the types and management of nasal

Causes - Unilateral nasal obstruction ? Explain anyone

Enumerate in detail the various causes of epistaxis. How will you manage epistasis in a 6
year old child (3)

Acute frontal sinusitis

Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic Maxillary sinusitis

Discuss Etiology, Pathology and management of Carcinoma of Maxilla (5)

Chemotherapy and surgery for Carcinoma Maxilla

Short note

Lateral wall of nasal cavity

Osteomeatal complex (3)

Middle meatus

Hiatus Semilunaris

Physiology of nose

Nasal cycle

Mucous Blanket of nose

Mucociliary clearance mechanism


Deviated nasal septum

Cottle test (2)

Septal hematoma (3)

Nasal Septal perforation(2)

Nasal Septal perforation(2)

Atrophic rhinitis & its management (5)

Rhinitis Caseosa


Nasal Cholesteatoma

Rhinosporidiosis (6)

Fungal Polyposis

Nasal myiasis(3)

Rhinolith (5)

CSF - Rhinorrhoea

Choanal atresia(3)

Seasonal allergic rhinitis(2)

Allergic rhinitis (2)

Vasomotor Rhinitis (3)

Ethmoidal Polyp

Ethmoidal polyposis (2)

Nasal polyp (4)

Antro-Choanal polyp (8)

Difference between antro choanal polyp and Ethmoidal polyp

Little's area(2)

Anterior nasal packing

Nasal bone Fracture

Le-Fort Fracture

Oro - antral fistula

Oroantral Fistula

Acute frontal sinusitis


Allergic fungal sinusitis

Allergic fungal sinusitis

Fungal sinusitis

FESS (4)

Orbital complications of sinusitis

Frontal mucocele

Etiology of Carcinoma maxilla

Short answers

Haller cell

Functions of nose (2)

Potato nose

Furuncle nose

Cottles line and its significance

Management of septal Hematoma

Surgical management of atropic rhinitis

Rhinitis sicca


Rhinolith (2)

Nasal myiasis.

Two common sites of CSF leak in nose

Any two clinical finding in nasal cavity of a patient suffering from allergic rhinitis

Rhinitis medicamentosa

Vasomotor rhinitis

Antrochoanal polyp.(2)

Dangerous area of face

Bleeding polyps septum

Mention the arteries involved in kisselback's plexus

Kiesselbach's plexus
Kiesselbach's plexus

Little's area (2)

Name major complications of FESS(2)

Orbital blow out fractures

Sphenoid sinus (2)

Mention two important causes of sinusitis

Two important clinical features in fungal sinusitis


Inverted papilloma

Ringertz tumor
Oral Cavity & Salivary Glands
Short note

Submucous fibrosis

Pleomorphic adenoma


Leukoplakia - palate (2)

Short answers

Aphthous ulcers (2)

Oral submucous fibrosis(2)

Premalignant lesions of oral cavity(2)


Discuss in etiology, clinical features, and management of stricture esophagus

Carcinoma Esophagus

65 year adult, C/o Difficulty in swallowing. DD, Investigations & Management (2)

Enumerate the causes of dysphagia. Describe about etiology, clinical features,

investigations and treatment of Plummer vinson syndrome

Enumerate the causes of dysphagia. Write in detail about acute retropharyngeal abscess
Short note

Plummer Vinson Syndrome

Achalasia cardia

Etiology of carcinoma Esophagus

investigations for Dysphagia (3)

Patterson Brown Kelly syndrome

Short answers

esophageal diverticulum

Strictures of esophagus (2).

PV syndrome (Plummer Vinson syndrome) (2)

Achalasia cardia

Investigations in a case of Dysphagia

Larynx, Trachea & Thyroid

What are the causes of stridor in children? Discuss the management modalities of stridor

Causes - Childhood stridor. Explain Tracheostomy (4)

Discuss etiology, pathology and management of Carcinoma Larynx (2)

55 year old male C/o hoarseness of voice. Causes and investigations. Add a note on Role
of microlaryngeal surgery in papilloma larynx

A male patient aged 60 yrs chronic smoker, comes with hoarseness of voice of 1 year
duration. How do you investigate and treat him
Short note

Reinke's space

Functions of larynx

Acute supraglottic laryngitis

Acute epiglottitis (3)


TB - Larynx

Stridor (3)

Vocal cord paralysis-Theories on position

Left Vocal cord paralysis

Vocal cord paralysis

Bilateral abductor palsy

Benign tumor - larynx (2)

Vocal nodule(3)

VC - Nodules (4)

Vocal cord polyp

Laryngeal papilloma

Multiple papilloma (2)

NM classification
NM classification

Functional aphonia

Tracheostomy (3)

Bronchial foreign bodies

Short answers

Unpaired cartilages of larynx

Rima Glottidis


Microbiology of acute epiglottitis

Steeple sign

Reinke's Edema

Turban Epiglottis

Features of laryngeal tuberculosis

Signs of tuberculosis of larynx

Laryngomalacia (3)

Causes of Right Recurrent Laryngeal nerve palsy- Any 3 causes

Name four causes for left recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy

Wegner Grossmann Theory

Bilateral abductor paralysis

Pre malignant conditions of larynx.

Juvenile papilloma of larynx.

Laryngeal papillomatosis


Premalignant lesions of larynx

Two important indications for total laryngectomy

Any four speech rehabilitation methods after laryngectomy

Functional Aphonia

Rhinolalia Clausa

Rhinolalia Aperta
Rhinolalia Aperta



Immediate complications of tracheostomy(2)

Heimlich manure.

Sulcus vocalis

Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma / JNA (3)

Discuss the etiology, spread, clinical presentation and management of juvenile

nasopharyngeal angiofibroma

Describe in detail etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of a patient with

nasopharyngeal carcinoma

DD - Tonsil, conditions producing membranous lesion in throat? (2)

Mention the differential diagnosis of white patch in tonsil

Describe the diagnosis, complications and treatment of acute follicular tonsillitis

Acute Tonsillitis

Acute faucial diptheria (2)

Describe the etiopathology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of chronic

tonsillitis. Mention complications of tonsillitis (2)

Peritonsillar abscess

Disease Producing Trismus - Explain QUINSY

Retropharyngeal abscess
Short note

Killian's dehiscence (2)

Waldeyer's Ring (2)

Pyriform fossa (2)

Adenoid facies (4)

Juvenile angiofibroma(2)

JNPA (4)

Vincent's Angina

Acute Tonsillitis

Membranous tonsillitis

Differential diagnosis of membran on the tonsil

Cardinal features of chronic tonsillitis

Cardinal features of chronic tonsillitis

Faucial Diptheria (2)

Lingual tonsil

Parapharyngeal abscess

Ludwig's Angina (4)


Potential Neck spaces, Acute

Retropharyngeal abscess

Chronic Retropharyngeal abscess Retropharyngeal abscess (4)

Eagle's syndrome

Pharyngeal pouch


Sleep apnea syndrome

Short answers

Components of waldeyers ring

Killian's dehiscence

Tubal tonsil

Parts of hypopharynx

Nasopharyngeal tonsil.

Adenoid Facies

White patch over tonsil - 3 conditions


Ludwig's angina

Boundaries of parapharyngeal space

Parapharyngeal space(2)


Prevertebral shadow widening

Four causes of unilateral tonsillar enlargement

Eagle's Syndrome
Eagle's Syndrome

Pharyngeal pouch

Obstructive sleep apnea(2)


Keratosis tonsil (2)

Gerlach's Tonsil
Recent Advances

Acquired Immuno Deficiency

Syndrome- AIDS in ENT- Discuss

Short note

CP angle tumors

Short answers

Four uses of laser in ENT

Clinical Methods & Surgery

Tonsillectomy (2)
Short note

Indirect Laryngoscopy (2)

Thyroglossal cyst(3)


Antral wash

Caldwel-luc surgery

Septoplasty (2)

Difference - SMR and Septoplasty

Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy


Lasers in ENT (2)

Sluder's Neuralgia

Foreign body ENT

Short answers

Laryngeal crepitus


Name four complications of cortical mastoidectomy

Indications of radical mastoidectomy (2)


Two surgical approaches to maxillary sinus

Maxillectomy - Types an indications

Indications for caldwel-luc operation.

Complications of septal surgery Septoplasty(2)

Complications of septal surgery.

Two absolute indications for tonsillectomy

Four modalities for tonsillectomy

Four modalities for tonsillectomy

Secondary hemorrhage

Name four complications of


Causes & treatment of secondary


Causes of Reactionary haemorrhage

after tonsillectomy (2)

Dysphagia lusoria

Trotters triad (2)

Lignocaine in ENT

Ventilation tube

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