Smith 19 (Pediatric Thermoregulation)
Smith 19 (Pediatric Thermoregulation)
Smith 19 (Pediatric Thermoregulation)
Pediatric Thermoregulation: Considerations in the
Face of Global Climate Change
Caroline J. Smith
Department of Health and Exercise Science, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608, USA;
[email protected]
Received: 1 July 2019; Accepted: 16 August 2019; Published: 26 August 2019
Abstract: Predicted global climate change, including rising average temperatures, increasing airborne
pollution, and ultraviolet radiation exposure, presents multiple environmental stressors contributing
to increased morbidity and mortality. Extreme temperatures and more frequent and severe heat
events will increase the risk of heat-related illness and associated complications in vulnerable
populations, including infants and children. Historically, children have been viewed to possess
inferior thermoregulatory capabilities, owing to lower sweat rates and higher core temperature
responses compared to adults. Accumulating evidence counters this notion, with limited child–adult
differences in thermoregulation evident during mild and moderate heat exposure, with increased
risk of heat illness only at environmental extremes. In the context of predicted global climate
change, extreme environmental temperatures will be encountered more frequently, placing children
at increased risk. Thermoregulatory and overall physiological strain in high temperatures may be
further exacerbated by exposure to/presence of physiological and environmental stressors including
pollution, ultraviolet radiation, obesity, diabetes, associated comorbidities, and polypharmacy that
are more commonly occurring at younger ages. The aim of this review is to revisit fundamental
differences in child–adult thermoregulation in the face of these multifaceted climate challenges,
address emerging concerns, and emphasize risk reduction strategies for the health and performance
of children in the heat.
Keywords: thermoregulation; children; sweating; skin blood flow; heat stress; climate change;
pollution; ultraviolet radiation; hydration; environmental stressors
1. Introduction
Globally, increased variability in environmental extremes and rising average global
temperatures [1], coupled with increasing ultraviolet (UV) exposure [2] and pollution [3–6], are
greatly impacting human health and performance [7–9]. The very limits of human thermoregulation
may be tested, with multiple combined stressors of heat, dehydration, UV radiation, pollution, and
noise and disease transmission all exacerbating physiological strain [10,11]. This review aims to
address the topic of thermoregulation in the context of global climate challenges with emphasis placed
on children, who are considered an ‘at risk’ population for increased morbidity and mortality during
heat events and a range of environmental stressors.
Concepts in pediatric thermoregulation have been revisited and challenged over the past 20 years,
countering the argument that children possess inferior thermoregulatory capabilities [12], particularly
in mild and moderate environmental conditions. However, greater risk of adverse health events
compared to healthy adults is widely recognized in more extreme environmental conditions and during
physical exertion. Considering the rapidity and magnitude of predicted global climate change and
adverse environmental conditions, it is prudent to understand the effects on physiological function
resulting from high ambient temperatures, UV radiation [2,13,14], and pollution [4,15–18]. In addition,
understanding the interplay between multiple environmental stressors and increasingly common
childhood diseases and comorbidities, including obesity and the onset of preventable ‘adult’ diseases in
children, is important in accurately predicting thermoregulatory responses and long-term health effects
in a rapidly changing environmental landscape. This review is not a comprehensive and exhaustive
review of thermoregulation in children, for which the reader is directed to other articles [19,20]. Rather,
the focus of the present review will be adult–child differences in thermoregulation, with an emphasis on
the adverse impact of projected environmental and climate change on thermoregulation, physiological
function, overall health, and precautions for risk reduction.
2. Thermoregulation
Humans regulate internal body temperature at ~37 ◦ C via complex autonomic control of skin
blood flow (SkBF) and sweating, with further local modulation [21]. Afferent inputs from central
and peripheral (skin) thermoreceptors are sent to the thermoregulatory control center in the preoptic
anterior hypothalamus (POAH) [22–24]. Inputs are integrated in the POAH before efferent sympathetic
signals elicit appropriate sudomotor and vasomotor adjustments to regulate core body temperature
(Tc ) [21]. Heat exchange and Tc responses are conceptually demonstrated via the human heat balance
Equation (1), with additional adjustments for respiratory heat losses:
S = M − W ± K ± R ± C − E. (1)
Metabolic energy (M) is either converted into external work (W; negligible in most conditions) or
thermal energy, which must be dissipated from the body to avoid an increase in heat storage (S). Heat
exchange (both losses and gains) occurs via dry heat loss mechanisms; conduction (K), radiation (R),
convection (C), in addition to evaporative heat loss (E), primarily from sweat on the skin surface but to a
minor extent via the respiratory tract. Rates of heat gain and dissipation must be equivalent to maintain
heat balance (S = 0) and a stable Tc [25]. Under normothermic conditions, cutaneous vasomotor
adjustments facilitate convective heat loss (or gain) at the skin surface to counter minor fluctuations in
body temperature. During exercise and/or exposure to high ambient temperatures, heat gains exceed
heat losses (S > 0), and increased Tc and skin (Tsk ) temperatures elicit more pronounced cutaneous
vasodilation and initiation of sudomotor responses [26–28]. SkBF can increase from ~0.25–0.30 L/min
during normothermic conditions to 6–7 L/min during extreme heat exposure. To facilitate increased
SkBF (and muscle blood flow during exercise in the heat), in addition to providing blood plasma as a
precursor for sweat production, cardiac output (Q) increases to meet demands. Notably, when ambient
temperature (Ta ) exceeds Tsk , a reversal of the temperature gradient prevents dry heat losses from
the body, and heat is gained, increasing thermal load. Evaporation of sweat is the greatest avenue of
heat loss from the body during exercise and heat exposure, varying with age, exercise intensity, and
hydration status. Thermoregulatory function is influenced by many factors, including cardiovascular
responses, sweating rate (SR), body surface area (BSA) to mass ratio, body composition, hydration
status, and nonthermal inputs. During hyperthermia, increased Tc and Tsk elicit thermoregulatory
responses to balance heat losses and gains and stabilize Tc (compensable conditions) [25]. If heat loss
mechanisms are not sufficient, conditions are said to be uncompensable and Tc will continue to rise,
with potential progression to heat-related illness and injury, including fatal heat stroke [29].
Adult–child differences in thermoregulatory responses to warm environments are evident, largely
owing to immaturity of their physiological systems, morphological, and neuroendocrine differences.
Children exhibit a lower Q [30], lower whole-body SRs [31–34], and greater increases in Tc during
passive exercise in the heat [33,35]. Children consistently show higher SkBF responses in warm
conditions compared to adults, directing a significantly greater proportion of their lower Q to the
skin. Combined with significantly lower SRs, children are reported to rely more heavily on dry heat
losses compared to adults [31,35]. Historically, these differences have led to the view that children
possess inferior thermoregulatory responses and poorer tolerance to heat compared to adults, defined
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2010 3 of 24
as an inability to maintain heat balance, resulting in an amplified Tc response that may progress to
serious heat illness without intervention [36]. This notion has been challenged [37], with accumulating
evidence of compromised thermoregulatory function only at environmental extremes. This warrants
further investigation with rising average global temperatures and increased frequency of heat events.
The concept of children being classified as “at risk” of heat-related illness relates to increased
vulnerability to the effects of heat stress, with increased morbidity or mortality versus a healthy adult
reference population [38]. Epidemiological evidence is mixed but does indicate a distinct age-related
variation in heat-related morbidity and mortality [38]. Age groups at greatest risk of health-related
morbidity and mortality include older adults (≥75 years) and “young children” (0–4 years) [38,39].
Death rates are lowest among children aged 5–14 years at 0.1 per million, with considerably higher infant
death rates at 4.2 per million, in part owing to infants and younger children being unable to operate locks
or being restrained in vehicles, in which ambient temperature is exacerbated [38]. Between 17–74 years
of age, a progressive, moderate increase in heat-related deaths occurs, with considerable increases with
more advanced age (≥85 years, 12.8 deaths per million). Prediction models of weather-related deaths
due to excessive natural heat exposure suggest an odds ratio of 4.4 in infants (<1 year), 1.9 in young
children (1–4) versus an odds ratio of 1.0 in the young adult reference population (25–34 years) [38].
Overall, the World Health Organization (WHO) predicts child mortality related to heat exposure at
>100,000 deaths per year by 2050, with greatest climate change related mortality occurring in South
Asia [40].
Despite wide-scale scientific evidence associating greenhouse emissions and global climate change,
there is limited evidence of emission reductions. The accelerated rate of increase is unparalleled
in human history. Populations who are heat-sensitive or possess underdeveloped or compromised
thermoregulatory responses will be most at risk of heat-related morbidity and mortality. Particular
attention should be focused on the elderly, infants and children, individuals with cardiovascular,
renal, metabolic diseases and related comorbidities, and individuals using medications that alter or
limit mechanisms of heat dissipation. The limits of human thermal tolerance and ability to adapt to
increasing global temperatures, even in healthy populations, will be tested.
4.1. Morphology
Understanding alterations in thermoregulation in the context of growth and development is
complex and multifaceted. Not only do children grow and mature at differing rates, but the many
physical and physiological changes that impact thermoregulation during this time also occur at varied
rates and times, making the pediatric population challenging to assess. Understandably, as children and
adolescents grow and develop towards full maturity, adult–child differences become less pronounced.
During the 1990s, several investigators suggested that thermoregulation in children differed from adults
for physiological reasons beyond morphology [53–55], but this remains a prominent physical difference
with important consequences for thermoregulation. Children are smaller than adults, with associated
smaller total body surface area (BSA), lower total muscle mass, and metabolic heat production during
exercise [37,56]. Notably, children have a larger BSA to mass ratio, with more effective dry heat loss
and evaporative efficiency versus adults. This is advantageous in cooler and moderate conditions
when Ta < Tsk [32,57] but also provides a greater surface area to take on heat in hot conditions. Several
studies support the beneficial larger BSA:mass ratio in children during exercise in the heat [58], but this
may increase the risk of heat illness as global temperatures continue to rise.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2010 5 of 24
responses at fixed relative workloads corrected to provide a body mass specific Q (based on the data of
Turley and Wilmore [95]), with values that were in fact ~10% higher in children than adults.
Despite the lower, albeit size-appropriate exercise Q in children, differences in cardiovascular
responses associated with thermoregulatory challenges become apparent. Children possess a greater
(~20%) BSA compared to adults, shunting a greater proportion of Q to the skin to maximize dry
heat losses [31,33,35]. Higher SkBF responses are evident during exercise (50% VO2max ) in hot–dry
conditions [55] and for similar rectal temperature (Tre ) responses [31]. Notably, comparisons of
cardiovascular responses to heat are typically standardized to metabolic load (relative intensity). If
absolute workloads were utilized, group differences would be artificially exaggerated owing to factors
including differing locomotion and therefore greater physiological strain in children, differences in
body mass and size, and potentially greater SkBF responses for dissipation of additional heat [19].
The high SkBF response declines with increasing maturational development throughout adolescence.
Falk and colleagues [55] observed progressively lower SkBF responses in pre-, mid-, and late pubertal
boys (significant between all groups) during cycling at 50% VO2max in a hot–dry environment (42 ◦ C,
20% rh). Considering the proportionally higher SkBF responses in children, declines in performance
are understandable. Venous return and thus Q are compromised, coupled with relatively lower
muscle blood flow, presenting competing demands on the cardiovascular system during exercise in the
heat [99]. If conditions (heat and exercise intensity) are sufficiently extreme and exposure continues,
particularly without adequate rehydration, SkBF and sweating responses may decline, compromising
thermoregulatory function with potential development of heat illness [100].
thermoregulate under mild to moderate passive heat stress in the specified conditions, relying on
differing mechanisms and perhaps displaying greater efficiency.
Greater evaporative efficiency can also be attributed to the lower sweat electrolyte concentration
in children [107] and serves to conserve body fluids. Children typically have higher Tsk , and thus
higher sweat temperatures, resulting in higher water partial pressure. The result is increased water
vapor pressure and higher sweat evaporation [37]. A greater evaporative efficiency and the ability
to conserve water may actually serve as an argument for thermoregulatory superiority in children
versus adults in mild and moderate conditions. Maximal SRs in children have never been established
for ethical reasons, but it is reasonable to assume that in the context of global climate change and
increasing heat waves, children may be unable to achieve sufficient sweating rates for heat balance
(maximal evaporation < required evaporation) more frequently. Maximal SRs may be improved
with heat acclimation, but in uncompensable conditions, children will be unable to thermoregulate
adequately, with the potential for progression to developing heat illness if precautionary measures are
not employed.
versus plain during 3 h of intermittent exercise in the heat (35 ◦ C, 40–45% rh). Further increases in fluid
consumption were observed when the beverage was not only flavored but also contained carbohydrates
(6%) and NaCl (18 mmol/L), resulting in mild overhydration (0.47% increase body weight). Physiological
and perceptual variables, including Tre , Tsk , HR, thirst, and stomach fullness did not differ between
conditions, which may be explained by the relatively minimal dehydration of only−0.65%, −0.32%,
and+0.47% of body weight for plain water, flavored water, and flavored carbohydrate/NaCl water,
respectively. Current guidelines by The American Association of Pediatricians [52] recommend
consumption of cooled, flavored beverages to mitigate dehydration in the heat, with the addition
of 15–20 mmol/L NaCl increasing ad libitum drinking by up to 90% versus plain water. Sweat
composition and optimal composition of fluid-replacement beverages has been extensively studied
in adults [150–154], but limited data are available in children, with an emphasis on pathophysiology,
specifically cystic fibrosis.
There are many individual factors that can influence sweat electrolyte losses and therefore
replacement, including age, physical fitness [155,156], and acclimation status [126,157]. Sweat
electrolyte concentrations are a function of SR [158], with higher sweat Na+ and Cl− concentrations
evident at higher SRs resulting from reduced reabsorption in the sweat duct [157,159]. Wide variation
in sweat lactate concentrations has been reported, with data indicating an inverse correlation with
SR [160,161], positive correlation [162], or no correlation [163]. Several studies have demonstrated
significantly lower sweat lactate concentrations with maturational age (pre- versus late-pubescent
boys) [164] and in children versus adults [160] during the initial stages of moderate exercise in the heat,
but not during subsequent bouts. Despite varying data concerning the relationship between sweat
lactate and SR, it has been proposed that sweat lactate is higher in children owing to their lower SR
compared to adults. However, sweat lactate tends to decrease with increasing exercise duration in the
heat [160], and the similarity in child and adult sweat lactate during latter stages of exercise cannot
be explained by SR. One proposed mechanism is the reliance on anaerobic metabolism in a sweat
gland during the initial stages of sweating, and an increasing reliance on oxidative phosphorylation
as exercise progresses [160]. Regardless of the mechanism, identifying sweat electrolyte losses and
adapting hydration strategies is vital.
Similarly to lactate, sweat NH3 is significantly higher during initial stages of exercise than adults,
which is thought to prevent further decreases in sweat pH through protonation of NH3 to NH4 + . This is
also reflected in the lower sweat pH observed in children during the initial stages of moderate exercise
in the heat (≤20 min) [160]. Further, an inverse correlation has been observed between sweat H+
and Na+ , thought to relate to acidification of sweat via tubular antiporters reabsorbing HCO− and/or
secreting H+ in exchange for Na+ reabsorption, potentially explaining the greater Na+ reabsorption
in children [160].
Understanding optimal fluid composition and replacement strategies should be a priority in
children, not only for performance but also overall health and safety. Hydration guidelines in
children are often based on adult data, yet adult–child differences in sweat electrolyte concentrations,
variation with intensity and duration, and marked differences in SR are evident. Coupled with
greater voluntary dehydration in children [101], beverage composition and hydration guidelines
need tailoring specifically to children and the intensity and environment in which they are exercising.
Drink palatability, including flavor and temperature, are also important when considering fluid
replacement in children. In the face of predicted rising average global temperatures, increased severity
and frequency of heatwaves, and predicted water shortages, tailored hydration strategies will be
increasingly important not only for those exercising in the heat, but for daily activates and prolonged
periods outside in the heat (i.e., summer camps).
emerging environmental stressors and strategies for exposure reduction [165]. Rising global
temperatures and heat waves are only one component of environmental hazards facing children,
with exposure to multiple physiological and psychological stressors influencing growth, development,
and long-term health. In the context of thermoregulation, stressors including pollution, UV exposure,
and water shortages may not only directly affect physiological function, but a complex interplay of
multiple stressors may plausibly modulate thermoregulatory function in children (e.g., via impacts on
the cardiovascular system), potentially increasing risk associated with heat-related illness and associated
complications. Currently, little is known about the effects of multiple stressors on thermoregulatory
function in children.
5.1. Pollution
Acute exposure to pollutants and toxic substances can impair thermoregulatory responses [166],
with chronic exposure resulting in a multitude of long-term health complications. Children are
reported to spend significantly greater periods of time outdoors compared to adults, potentially
increasing their likelihood for exposure to toxicants. It is widely recognized that high ambient
temperatures increase the uptake of many pollutants and play a critical role in increasing toxicity [167],
which may be further compounded by exercise in the heat [167]. Pollutants and toxins that alter
metabolism, SkBF, and/or sweating responses may have a profound effect upon thermoregulation
responses of both children and adults [168]. In rodents, an acute, protective hypothermia followed
by a rebound, sustained hyperthermia is observed following dosing with many toxic substances,
including insecticides. Humans do not typically experience the magnitude of hypothermia observed
in rodents following toxicant exposure, although marked hypothermia has been observed in specific
instances [169]. More common is a hyperthermic or fever response that may persist for several days
after exposure to a toxic agent [167]. Importantly, Tb affects both uptake and toxicity of substances,
which in turn impacts Tb regulation. Based on increasing levels of pollution from vehicles, insecticide
use, and byproducts from industry, an understanding of routes of absorption, toxicity, modulation of
physiological responses, including temperature regulation, and long-term health effects is necessary.
Increasing interest in the complex interplay among pollutants, mortality, and heat stress in older
individuals is evident [17,170], which should be extended to other vulnerable populations.
The WHO estimates the global cost resulting from pollution at 1.7 million children deaths per
year [171]. High ambient temperatures and airborne pollutants independently increase morbidity
and mortality, but few studies have investigated the interplay between both stressors [172,173]. A
limited number of studies have attempted to do so, yielding mixed results. Several studies indicate an
interaction effect, with pollution effects being greater on days with higher ambient temperature [17],
whilst others found limited or no interaction [172]. Toxicity of air pollutants can be modified by
atmospheric transformations, with greater primary pollutants forming toxic secondary products under
conditions of higher temperature, greater sunlight exposure, and in the presence of copollutants [174].
Considering predicted elevations of both stressors in the future, and limited current knowledge
of how their interactions affect thermoregulation and overall health, further research is urgently
needed. The physiological strain associated with exposure to high ambient temperatures may alter the
physiological response to pollutants and other chemicals, increasing susceptibility to the negative health
effects [172,173]. A further plausible consideration is the deleterious cardiovascular and respiratory
effects of airborne pollution that may lead to compromised thermoregulatory function both in children
and later in life, raising health risks in an already vulnerable population during extreme heat exposure.
An increasing number of studies have elucidated an association between residential proximity
to high traffic roads and, thus, airborne vehicle pollution and a multitude of adverse health events
and conditions. Impacts on the respiratory system have been widely studied [175], and increasing
literature is indicating a concerning impact on the cardiovascular system.
Air pollution has been implicated as proatherogenic, increasing likelihood of cardiovascular
events [176]. Vehicle emissions are a major contributor to outdoor pollution, accounting for up to 90% of
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2010 12 of 24
pollutants, including carbon dioxide (CO2 ), carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx ), particulate
matter (PM), ozone (O3 ), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including benzene and formaldehyde,
and other byproducts. Many of these pollutants are linked to numerous adverse health conditions and
events, particularly relating to respiratory function [177] and cancer risk [178]. Specifically, PM from
vehicle exhaust emissions has been linked to adverse cardiovascular events [179,180]. Of concern to
climate change, higher ambient temperatures are linked to greater respiratory uptake of pollutants
such as O3 and greater toxicity [167].
In adults, literature is varied, with some evidence that long-term exposure to urban pollution may
increase arterial stiffness and carotid intima–media thickness, regardless of pre-existing Cardiovascular
disease (CVD) [181]. Potential mechanisms include signaling cascades stimulating pro-inflammatory
cytokine release, ROS production, endothelial dysfunction, and vascular smooth muscle remodeling,
ultimately attenuating vascular function and promoting atherogenesis [182,183]. Children are at
greater risk of negative health effects associated with pollution, owing to a complex interplay of factors,
including immature immune responses, small lung volumes, higher respiratory rates, tendency for
mouth breathing, and longer time periods spent outside [184]. Children exposed to urban air pollution
show increased markers of oxidative stress, inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction [16,185].
Notably, this an understudied area of toxicology and physiology, with only one study indicating that
long-term urban residency of children living in close proximity to a major road (30–300 m) was linked
to increased carotid arterial stiffness versus those living further away.
Armijos and colleagues [186] observed that long-term residency in close proximity to a high traffic
road (<100 m), and thus airborne pollution, stimulates arterial remodeling (carotid intima–media
thickness) in children aged 7–12 years versus those living further away (>200 m), with control for
covariates and risk factors for atherosclerosis [186]. Many factors can influence inflammation and CVD
risk, but there is a need for long-term, longitudinal, epidemiological studies to determine the cumulative
effects of pollution on cardiovascular health, with putative implications for thermoregulatory function
and exercise capacity. Exposure to proatherogenic environmental factors may cause early progression
to clinical disease, rendering current knowledge of vascular responses in children inaccurate with the
potential for overestimating heat loss potential in certain conditions. Whilst currently speculative,
elucidating if pollution has functional consequences for thermoregulation in children is vital in the
face of multifaceted physiological stressors, including climate change and increasing prevalence of
noncommunicable diseases.
impacts immune function, is a reminder of how limited current knowledge is on topics such as UV
and effects on many physiological processes. UV radiation is typically immunosuppressive, yet
increasing evidence suggests a protective role of UV radiation in autoimmune diseases, including
Type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis [14]. This occurs via multiple signaling
mechanisms, including local and systemic immunosuppression, the immunomodulatory effects of
vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol), and suppression of melatonin secretion and subsequent
T cell responses [190–193]. Overall, it appears that UV radiation exerts immunomodulatory effects,
primarily via suppression of helper T cell type-1 mediated responses thorough multiple mechanisms.
This may be beneficial in specific circumstances, including autoimmune diseases, but requires further
investigation in humans.
Excessive exposure to UV radiation is associated with many negative health effects, including
increased skin cancer risk [13,194,195], eye damage, and suppressed immune function [196], with further
deleterious health effects becoming more apparent. In instances of sunburn, skin injury results from
penetration of UVB into the dermal and epidermal layers, causing damage to cutaneous blood vessels
and eccrine sweat glands [197]. Mild artificial sunburn appears to attenuate SRs and sensitivity for at
least 24 h, with potential for impaired thermoregulatory function if this occurs over a large body surface
area [197]. Greater time spent outdoors by children compared to adults, poor sunscreen habits, and
increasing UVB levels increase the likelihood of sunburn in a pediatric population, with potential for
thermoregulatory dysfunction. Specific dermal conditions have been shown to impair thermoregulation
and reduce heat tolerance [198]. Evidence is currently limited with regard to sunburn and thermal
tolerance, but further studies examining the acute and chronic effects on eccrine sweat gland function
and vascular responses are necessary in light of changing environmental conditions. Evidence of
UVB-induced alterations in cutaneous vasodilation have recently been reported in adults but, as an
important component of the thermoregulatory response, may have relevance for thermoregulation
in both children and adults. Children rely more heavily on cutaneous vasodilation and ‘dry’ heat
losses for thermoregulation compared to adults, making decrements in this response potentially more
problematic. Nitric oxide (NO) is a potent vasodilator, produced from the substrate L-arginine via
nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms, and is necessary for full expression of the cutaneous vascular
response to both local [199–201] and whole-body heating [202]. Recent work by Wolf et al. [203,204]
indicates deleterious effects of acute UV radiation exposure on cutaneous microvascular function.
Specifically, an acute dose of UVB radiation (300 mJ.cm2 , 75 s) was shown to attenuate NO-dependent
vasodilation on the ventral forearm, likely via its putative degradation of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate
(5-MTHF) and subsequent reactive oxygen species (ROS) signaling [203]. A further study by this
group [204] indicated attenuated NO-dependent skin blood flow responses to a local heating protocol
(42 ◦ C) following acute broad spectrum UV radiation exposure (450−2 , 75 s) versus control
(non-exposure). UV radiation-mediated reductions in NO-dependent vasodilation were prevented
with application of SPF 50 sunscreen or ‘simulated sweat’. Notably, this was conducted under very
acute conditions (60–75 s) in a young, healthy adult population, but consideration must be given to
implications in children and adolescents. Children often spend greater time outdoors than adults, and
rely more heavily on dry heat losses, shunting a greater proportion of Q to the skin during passive and
exercise heat exposure. Whether long-term effects of chronic, repeated UV exposure on cutaneous
vascular reactivity translate to meaningful physiological outcomes and compromised thermoregulatory
function is currently unknown. As average global temperatures rise and broad spectrum UV radiation
exposure increases, in part due to decreasing atmospheric ozone [187], understanding if these factors
modulate cutaneous vascular responses, and thus thermoregulation, is certainly warranted.
(particularly vomiting and diarrhea), and conditions and medications that affect thermoregulation,
exercise tolerance, and water–electrolyte balance should be addressed. Common examples include
type 2 diabetes [205–207], obesity [72,208], cystic fibrosis [209], diabetes insipidus, anticholinergic
medications, diuretics, dopamine [210], and serotonin uptake inhibitors.
A second important step in the prevention of heat-related illness and injury is understanding
and implementing HA. Children acclimate to heat more slowly than adults [72] but will beneficially
increase sweat capacity, reduce the onset threshold for sweating, and reduce overall physiological
strain [72,208]. Obese children possess lower levels of acclimation and therefore should be acclimated
more progressively during summer months [72]. When exercising in the heat, children should follow
appropriate hydration and exposure guidelines for the ambient conditions, with special consideration
and awareness of their propensity for greater voluntary dehydration [101]. Hypohydration compromises
thermoregulatory function to a greater extent in children compared to adults, making it an import
factor to mitigate health risks during exposure. The American Academy of Pediatrics position stand
addressing “Climatic Heat Stress and Exercising Children and Adolescents” [52] recommends multiple
risk reduction strategies, including but not limited to:
1. Increasing rest periods. Activities lasting >15 min should be reduced in conditions of high solar
radiation, high humidity, and ambient temperatures above critical limits.
2. When beginning a strenuous exercise program or travelling to a warmer climate, HA over
10–14 days should be planned with reduced exercise intensity, duration, and protective clothing.
3. Ensure adequate hydration prior to extended exercise in the heat. Intermittent drinking
periods should be enforced, regardless of thirst (100–250 mL every 20 min). Weighing a
child pre/post-exercise can assist with verifying hydration.
4. Lightweight, light-colored, single-layer clothing should be worn that is absorbent. Sweat-soaked
garments should be replaced.
5. Child education on heat illness and hydration practices should be adopted to help raise awareness
of prevention, and recognition of the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness and injury.
Trained staff should be present, and an emergency plan should be in place.
7. Summary
Understanding physiological responses to heat exposure is of increasing importance in the face
of extraordinary environmental and climate change facing humans. In particular, emphasis should
be placed on ‘at risk populations’, including children and infants, the elderly, and individuals with
obesity and chronic pathologies, including cardiovascular, renal, and metabolic diseases. Many
physiological differences exist between adults and children of varying developmental stages in their
responses to exercise and exposure to environmental extremes, including morphological, endocrine,
cardiovascular, metabolic, and thermoregulatory responses. The classic notion that children possess
inferior thermoregulatory capabilities and reduced thermal tolerance has been vigorously challenged
over the past 25 years and may only hold true in extreme conditions. Of course, this is particularly
relevant in light of global climate change where ‘extremes’ are more likely to be encountered, evidenced
by patterns of increasing average global ambient temperatures, increased frequency and severity of
heat waves, and increased pollution and UV exposure. The complex interplay between increasing
environmental stressors should be carefully considered when coupled with concerning health statistics
that negatively affect thermoregulation in children, including prevalence of inactivity, childhood obesity,
and the earlier onset of preventable ‘adult’ diseases, including type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemia.
The long-term impact of multiple environmental–physiological stressors, including heat, UV exposure,
and pollution on physiological function in children, is not fully understood and warrants further
investigation as a significant future global health challenge.
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