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Quarter 1 – Module 2:
TLE – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Prepare and Cook Egg Dishes
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

names, trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective
copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use
these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do
not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Rhea Q. Diaz
Editor: Jesusa D. Paladar
Reviewers: Jesusa D. Paladar & Joseph S. Mapili
Typesetter: Joseph S. Mapili
Layout Artist: Jefferd C. Alegado
Management Team: Senen Priscillo P. Paulin, CESO V Rosela R. Abiera
Fay C. Luarez, TM, Ed.D., Ph.D. Maricel S. Rasid
Adolf P. Aguilar, Ed.D.,TM Elmar L. Cabrera
Nilita R. Ragay, Ed.D.
Antonio B. Baguio, Jr. Ed.D.

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education –Region VII Schools Division of Negros Oriental

Office Address: Kagawasan, Ave., Daro, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Tele #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117
E-mail Address: [email protected]

Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Prepare and Cook Egg
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Welcome to TLE- Cookery Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Prepare and Cook Egg Dishes!

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by

educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher
or facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12
Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this
also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking
into consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing
them to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to
encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to TLE 10- Cookery Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Prepare and Cook Egg Dishes!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time.
You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while
being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

This will give you an idea of the skills or

What I Need to Know competencies you are expected to learn in the

This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
What I Know
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this
This is a brief drill or review to help you link
What’s In the current lesson with the previous one.

In this portion, the new lesson will be

What’s New introduced to you in various ways; a story, a
song, a poem, a problem opener, an activity
or a situation.
This section provides a brief discussion of the
What is It lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.

This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
What’s More
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.
This includes questions or blank
What I Have Learned sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.
This section provides an activity which will
What I Can Do help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.

This is a task which aims to evaluate your
Assessment level of mastery in achieving the learning
In this portion, another activity will be given
Additional Activities to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in

developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part
of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other
activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through
with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do
not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that
you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful

learning and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You
can do it!

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the nature of Cookery. The scope of this module permits it to be
used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can
be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module covers one lesson:

• Lesson 1 – Prepare and Cook Egg Dishes

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Discuss a variety of fillings and coating/icing, glazes and decorations for pastry
products according to standard recipes, enterprise standards and/or customer
2. Prepare fillings and decorate pastry products, where required and appropriate,
in accordance with standard recipes and/or enterprise standards and customer
4. Display creativity in presenting baked pastry products according to establish
standards and procedures.

What I Know

Let us determine how much you already know about how to prepare and cook
EGG DISHES. Take this test.

Direction: Read each item carefully choose a letter that corresponds to the correct.
Write your answer in your notebook.
1. Market form of eggs which are pasteurized and must be thawed before use.
a. Frozen Eggs c. Fresh Eggs
b. Dried Eggs d. shell eggs
2. These are foods that may have health benefits beyond their traditional
nutritional value.
a. Functional foods c. Designer foods
b. Zeaxanthin d. coddled eggs

3. Which of the following market forms of eggs is seldom used in cooking.
a. Dried egg c. Frozen egg
b. Fresh egg d. Shelled egg
4. Which kind of egg dish is prepared by slipping shelled eggs into barely simmering
water and gently cooking until the egg holds its shape?
a. Fried egg c. Scrambled egg
b. Poached egg d. Soft-boiled egg
5. Which of the following tools is not used in cooking omelet?
a. Bowls c. Sauté pan
b. Fork d. Skimmer
II. Essay. Discuss the following questions below. (5 pts.each)

1. Among the types of fried eggs, which do you think is easy to cook? Why?
2. Why do you need to eat eggs?

Prepare and Cook Egg
2 Dishes

In this part, you are expected to learn on how to identify and prepare
ingredients according to standard recipes, identify the market forms of egg, explain
the usage of eggs in culinary and cook egg dishes with appropriate taste and
seasoned in accordance with the prescribed standard.

What’s In

Direction. Enumerate the five uses of eggs. Write it on your test notebook.


Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will
help you in guiding the learners. The following are
information that would lead to the activities and
assessment. Some activities may need your own
discretion upon checking, or you may use rubric if
provided. Please review the activities and answer
keys and amend if necessary.

What’s New

Direction. Answer the following questions: Write it on your test notebook.

1. Explain the Market Forms of Egg in 1 sentence.

2. Explain the uses of eggs in culinary .

Essay Rubrics

Areas of
Assessment A B C D
Presents ideas Presents ideas
in an original in a consistent Ideas are too Ideas are vague
Ideas manner manner general or unclear
1 point
10 points 7 points 4 points
Organization Strong and Organized Some No
organized beg/mid/end organization; organization;
beg/mid/end attempt at a lack
beg/mid/end beg/mid/end
10 points 7 points 4 points 1 point
Understanding Writing shows Writing shows Writing shows Writing shows
strong a clear adequate little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
10 points 7 points 4 points 1 point
Mechanics Few (if any) Few errors Several errors Numerous
errors errors
10 points 7 points 4 points 1 point


What is It

Market Forms of Egg

There are three market forms of eggs namely: fresh, dried (whole, egg whites/egg
yolks), and frozen (whole, egg whites/egg yolks).

1. Fresh Eggs or shell eggs may be purchased individually, by dozen or in trays of
36 pieces.
2. Frozen Eggs – are made of high quality
fresh eggs. They come in the form of whole
eggs with extra yolks and whites. Frozen
eggs are pasteurized and must be thawed
before use.

3. Dried Eggs – are seldom used. Their whites

are used for preparing meringue. Dried
eggs are used primarily as ingredients in
food industry. They are not commonly sold
directly to consumers.

Eggs are also sold in several processed forms: bulk or fluid whole eggs (which
sometimes includes a percentage of extra yolks to obtain a specific blend), egg
whites, and egg yolks. Pasteurized eggs are used in preparations such as salad
dressings, eggnog, or desserts, where the traditional recipe may have indicated that
the eggs should be raw. These products generally are available in liquid or frozen
form. Frozen egg products on the other hand are used as ingredients by food
processors. Products containing egg yolk usually have salt, sugar or corn syrup
added to prevent gelation or increased viscosity during freezing. They are packed in
30lB.containers and in 4-, 5-, 8-, and 10-lB.pouches or waxed or plastic cartons.

Dried powdered eggs are also sold and may be useful for some baked goods or
in certain circumstances. For food service use, they are generally sold in 6-oz.
pouches, and 3-lB.and 25-lB.poly packs.

Egg substitutes may be entirely egg-free or may be produced from egg whites,
with dairy or vegetable products substituted by yolks. These substitutes are
important for people with reduced-cholesterol diet requirement.

Uses of Eggs in culinary

Egg is cooked in many ways. It can be the main protein dish; it can be a main
or accessory ingredient in dishes from appetizers to desserts. It can be cooked by
dry heat, moist heat, with or without oil, as simply or as elaborately as one‘s
inclination for the moment. Indeed, it can be eaten anywhere.
Effect of Heat on Eggs

1. Coagulation of proteins: white at 60-65 ºC, yolk at 65-70ºC.

Beyond this temperature, over coagulation occurs and water is squeezed out
causing shrinkage resulting in a tough product.

3. Formation of greenish discoloration at the interface of the yolk and white when
egg is overcooked

Due to the reaction between the iron in the yolk and the hydrogen sulfide liberated
from the sulfur containing ferrous sulfide.

Reaction is favored by

- High cooking temperature
- Prolonged cooking

Reaction is prevented by immediate cooling of the egg (e.g. immersing in cold water)
after cooking

Uses of Egg
1. and served ― “as is”, e.g.

in the shell – soft cooked ( 5 minutes simmering) or hard cooked (15 minutes

poached – cooked in simmering water; addition of salt and vinegar hastens

fried – keep low to moderate temperature
scrambled – addition of sugar delays coagulation; addition of liquids and acids
decreases coagulation point

2. Eggs as emulsifier

*Lecithin and lysolecithin are responsible for the remarkable ability of egg yolk to
act as an emulsifying agent; both are phosphoproteins containing polar and non-
polar ends such that the polar end holds water while the non-polar end holds the
fat, thus, prevent oil droplets in suspension from coalescing.

4. As binding, thickening agent, and gelling agents

*Eggs are useful as binding, thickening and gelling agents because they contain
proteins that are easily denatured by heat.

*Using whole egg requires lower coagulation temperatures resulting in a stiffer gel

*Addition of sugar, raises coagulation temperature producing softer, weaker gel

*Softer gel is produced with the addition of scalded milk and acid

*In cooking custards, Bain Marie, double boiler or steamer is used to avoid boiling
which can produce a porous custard

*Soft custards are produced by constant stirring.

5. As foam

*When egg is beaten albumen is denatured, air is incorporated as white is

stretched into thin films

*With continued beating, the air cells are subdivided and volume is increased

*Protein network dries up and stabilizes the gas or air foams

*If only egg whites are used, the color turns white and soft peaks are formed. The
egg proteins collect at the air/liquid interface of the air bubble and undergo
surface denaturation.

*If whole eggs or only egg yolks are used, the color becomes pale yellow with
continued beating; volume is increased (but not as much as when only whites are
used); no surface denaturation occurs.

*With further beating of egg whites, liquid drains out, air bubbles coalesce and
foam breaks.

*The same changes occur when the foam is allowed to stand too long.

*Maximum stability is reached at soft stage while maximum volume attained is at

stiff stage

Stages in foam formation

A. frothy – large air bubbles that flow easily
B. soft foam – air cells are smaller and more numerous; foam becomes whiter;
soft peaks are formed when beater is lifted
C. stiff foam – peaks hold their shape; when bowl is tipped, it holds, moist and
D. dry – moistness and glossiness disappear; specks of egg white are seen

Factors to be considered in foam formation (leavening agent)

A. Beating time and temperature: as the time of beating increases, both volume and
stability of the foam increases initially, then, decreases; white can be
beaten/whipped more readily at room.
B. Temperature than at refrigerator temperature – refrigerated eggs are more
viscous, thus, hard to beat/whip.

C.Eggs beaten at room temperature whip better resulting in bigger volume and finer

D.Whole eggs or egg yolk require more beating to produce a good foam

E.Stored eggs foam faster but produce smaller volume than fresh eggs.

F.Acids (e.g. cream of tartar, 1 t per cup) increase the stability of foams, but when
added too early, delay foam formation (reduced volume) thus, increases the time
necessary for beating

G.Sugar also increases the stability of foams but delays foams formation (reduced
volume), thus, it should be added after foaming has started and soft peaks are
formed; sugar retards the denaturation of egg white

H.Addition of soda increases stability and volume

I. Addition of salt lowers quality of the foam i. Type of egg: duck eggs do not foam
well because they lack ovumucin

J.Dilution of egg white by water produces bigger volume but lesser foam; this
produces more tender cakes, but in meringues, syneresis occurs.

K.Applications of foam in cookery

* as leavening e.g. in angel cake, sponge cake, chiffon cakes

* as meringue, e.g.

(a)soft meringue for topping of cream, chocolate, or lemon pie, requires a proportion
of two tablespoons sugar per egg white

(b)hard meringue for confections, base of fruit pies or Sans Rival Cake, requires a
proportion of ¼ cup sugar per egg white

*structural and textural agent – tenderness and fluffiness to products, e.g. fluffy or
foamy, soufflé, divinity, foam cakes, popovers

As coloring and flavoring agent

Egg Products

1. Balut from duck eggs

2. Pidan eggs
3. Century eggs
4. Pickled eggs

Eggs may be cooked in a lot of ways:

Egg Dishes

Eggs cooked in a shell

Hard and soft-cooked eggs are cooked this way. Eggs should only be simmered
and not boiled to prevent over coagulation which would cause the eggs to be tough.
The optimum cooking time for eggs in shells is 20 to 25 minutes. To avoid cracking
of the eggs during cooking, refrigerated eggs should be warmed at ambient
temperature before cooking. Before boiling, water at room temperature should be

Sometimes yolks of eggs may become greenish during cooking. This color is
due to the formation of iron sulfide. Darkening often occurs in eggs wherein the pH
of the albumen is high. It may also be a result of cooking too long at very high

To avoid this, fresh eggs should always be used. Eggs should be cooked within
a minimum period and cooled immediately in running water after cooking.

Culinary Uses:

*Eggs as a thickening agent and binder

When used as a binder or thickener, the hydrophilic colloids of yolks and
whites, due to the presence of proteins are converted into a hydrophobic colloid thus
turning it into a gel.

At high temperature, the gel toughens. This explains why the white becomes
an opaque mass when cooked at a temperature of 62ºC. For egg yolk, coagulation
starts at 65ºC.

*Eggs as leavening agent Baked products such as sponge cakes, chiffon cakes,
meringues, and soufflés make use of eggs as leavened resulting in a light, airy
texture. This is explained by the incorporation of air during the beating of eggs. Foam
is formed when the albumen surrounds a colloidal system of air bubbles. When
beating egg whites, overbeating must be avoided as this tends to stretch the albumen
and would result in a dry, watery appearance.

Why do you need to eat eggs?

Eggs may be considered as "functional foods". Functional foods are foods

that may have health benefits beyond their traditional nutritional value. Eggs as
functional foods contain lutein and zeaxanthin that reduce the risk of cataracts and
macular degeneration. Eggs may also belong to "designer foods". Designer foods are
foods that have been modified through biotechnology to enhance their quality or
nutritional value. Eggs as designer foods contain omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty
acids and vitamin E. So learn now and explore the various egg dishes below.

Variety of Egg Dishes

Cooking Eggs in the Shell

Although the term boiled may appear in the name, eggs prepared in the
shell should actually be cooked at a bare simmer for best results. Eggs are cooked
in the shell to make hard- and soft-cooked and coddled eggs. They may be served
directly in the shell or they may be shelled and used to make another preparation,
such as deviled eggs, or as a garnish for salads or vegetable dishes.

Select a pot deep enough for the eggs to be submerged in water. Have on
hand a slotted spoon, skimmer, or spider to remove eggs from the water once they
are cooked.

Fried Eggs
Fried eggs call for perfectly fresh eggs, the correct heat level, an appropriate
amount of cooking fat, and a deft hand. Fried eggs may be served sunny side up (not
turned) or over (turned once). Fried eggs may be basted with fat as they fry. Using
very fresh eggs is the only way to ensure a rich flavor and good appearance of the
finished dish.

Standard Qualities of Fried Eggs

1. White should be shiny, uniformly set, and tender, not browned, blistered or crisp
at edges.

2. Yolk should be set properly according to desired doneness. Sunny side-up yolks
should be yellow and well rounded. In other styles, the yolk is covered with a thin
layer of coagulated white.

3. Relatively compact, standing high. Not spread out and thin.

4. A fried egg should have a yolk covered with a thin film of coagulated egg white
and still remain slightly fluid.

5. The egg white should be opaque, firm and tender, not chewy, crisp or brown.

6. A perfectly fried egg is a glory to behold – crispy edges and a wobbly, pinkish yolk.

7. It will provide a fried egg with a slightly crispy, frilly edge; the white will be set
and the yolk soft and runny.

Types of Fried Eggs

1. Sunny side up

Cook slowly without flipping until white is completely

set but yolk is still soft and yellow. Heat must be low
or bottom will toughen or burn before top is completely set.

2. Basted
Do not flip.
Add a few drops of water to pan and cover to steam cook the
top. A thin film of coagulated white will cover the yolk
which should remain liquid.

3. Over easy Fry and flip over.

Cook just until the white is just set but the yolk is still liquid.

4. Over medium Fry and flip over.

Cook until the yolk is partially set.

5. Over hard Fry and flip over.

Cook until the yolk is completely set.

Fried Eggs

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Sauté pan (preferably non-stick)
Dish, turner

Ingredients Needed:
Fresh egg
Oil or clarified or whole butter, as needed for frying
Salt, as needed
Ground black pepper, as needed

1. Select very fresh grade AA eggs for best results.
2. Break the eggs into a dish.
3. Add about 1/8 inch fat to the sauté pan and set it to a moderate heat. Too
much fat will make the eggs greasy. Less fat will cause them to stick, unless a
pan with the nonstick coating is used.
4. When the fat is hot enough, slide the egg into the pan.
5. Tilt the pan, allowing the fat to collect at the side of the pan, and baste the
eggs with the fat as they cook.
6. Season the eggs with salt and pepper and serve at once.

Watch Me If gadget is available, if not you may

study the procedures in the module.

How to Fry Eggs Like a Pro | Food Network

Select very fresh grade AA eggs for best results.
Break the eggs into a dish.
Add about 1/8 inch fat to the sauté pan and set it to a moderate
heat. Too much fat will make the eggs greasy. Less fat will cause
them to stick, unless a pan with the nonstick coating is used.
When the fat is hot enough, slide the egg into the pan.
Tilt the pan, allowing the fat to collect at the side of the pan, and
baste the eggs with the fat as they cook.
Season the eggs with salt and pepper and serve at once.

Eggs over Easy, Medium or Hard: turn the eggs over near the end of their cooking
time with a spatula and cook them on the other side until done as desired, 20 to 30
seconds for over easy, 1 minute for over medium, 2 minutes for over hard.

Desirable Qualities of Fried Eggs


Common pitfalls

eggs brown and crisp

eggs white blistered
eggs odd-shaped
eggs sticking

Scrambled Eggs
Scrambled eggs can be made in two ways: the eggs can be stirred constantly
over low heat for a soft delicate curd and a creamy texture, or stirred less frequently
as they cook for a larger curd and a firm texture. Whether prepared to order or to
serve on a buffet line, scrambled eggs must be served hot, fresh and moist.
Choose eggs that are fresh, with intact shells. Adding a small amount of water
or stock (about 2tsp/10ml per egg) to the beaten eggs will make them puffier as the
water turns to steam. Milk or cream may be used to enrich the eggs. Scrambled eggs
can be seasoned with salt and pepper, and/or flavored or garnished with fresh herbs,
cheese, sautéed vegetables, smoked fish, or truffles.
Eggs can be scrambled in a sauté pan or on a griddle. Nonstick surfaces make
it easy to prepare scrambled eggs with a minimum amount of added fat. Pans used
for eggs should be reserved for that use only, if possible. A table fork, wooden spoon,
or spatula is needed for stirring the eggs in cooking.
Do not overcook scrambled eggs or hold them too long. Overcooked eggs are
tough and watery and will turn green in steam table. Scrambled eggs should be soft
and moist.
For flavor variations, the following ingredients may be added to scrambled eggs
before serving.
Chopped parsley or other herbs
Grated cheese
Diced ham
Crumbled bacon
Sautéed diced onions and green bell pepper
Diced smoked salmon
Sliced cooked breakfast sausage

A good scrambled egg must not be tough nor burned but completely

What’s more

Directions: With the guidance of your parents/guardians, do the activity provided

below. Given the different recipes in preparing and cooking egg dishes, perform the

suggested activities below. Your product and performance will be evaluated using
the given rubric.
Let any member of the family to check your performance. Or you may take
video if gadget is available. The said family member must check/monitor your
performance and accomplish the Scoring Rubrics/Checklist provided below after the

Hard – Cooked Eggs

Makes 10 servings
Tools/Equipment Needed: Observe safety while working on the task.
Gas range
Ingredients Needed:
20 Eggs
Cold water
1. Prepare tools, equipment and food items.
2. Place the eggs in a pot. Fill the pot with enough cold water to cover the eggs by
3. Bring the water to a boil and immediately lower the temperature to a simmer.
Begin timing the cooking at this point.
4. Cook small eggs for 12 minutes, medium eggs for 13 minutes, large eggs for 14 to
15 minutes, and extra-large eggs for 15 minutes.
5. Drain immediately and cool under cold running water to stop cooking.
6. Peel as soon as possible by cracking the shell starting from the large end. For
easier peeling, peel while still warm, and hold under running water to help loosen
the shell.
7. Serve the eggs or refrigerate until needed.

Watch Me (If gadget is available, if not you may study the procedures in the
How to Make Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs that are Easy to Peel

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached egg

4 and performs the skill very satisfactorily without supervision and with
initiative and adaptability to problem situations.
Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached egg
and performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or supervision.
Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached egg
2 with minor errors and performs the skill less satisfactorily with some
assistance and/or supervision.
Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking poached
egg and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.

Preparation of tools, equipment and food items needed
Prompt timing of the cooking
Drain immediately and cool under cold running water to stop
Peel as soon as possible by cracking the shell starting from the
large end. For easier peeling, peel while still warm, and hold
under running water to help loosen the shell.
Presentation and serving the egg dish

Coddled Eggs.
Put cold eggs into already simmering water and simmer for 30 seconds.

Soft-Cooked Eggs.
Put cold eggs into already simmering water and simmer for 3 to 4 minutes.

Medium-Cooked Eggs.
Put cold eggs into already simmering water and simmer for 5 to 7 minutes.

Poached Eggs

Poached eggs are prepared by slipping shelled eggs into barely simmering
water and gently cooking until the egg holds its shape. The fresher the egg, the more
centered the yolk, the less likely the white is spread and become ragged.
Poached eggs can be prepared in advance and held safely throughout a typical
service period to make the workload easier during service. Slightly under poach the
eggs, shock them in ice water to arrest the cooking process, trim them, and hold
them in cold water. At the time of service, reheat the eggs in simmering water.
Eggs are most often poached in water, though other liquids, such as red wine,
stock, or cream, can also be used. Add vinegar and salt to the water to encourage
the egg protein to set faster. Otherwise, the egg whites can spread too much before
they coagulate.

Standard Qualities of Poached Eggs and Cooked Eggs in the Shell

1. Bright, shiny appearance
2. Compact, round shore, not spread or flattened
3. Firm but tender whites
4. Warm, liquid yolks

Poached Eggs Makes

10 servings

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Ingredients Needed:
1 gal/3.84L water
1tbsp/15g salt
1 floz. /30ml distilled white vinegar
20 eggs

1. Prepare tools, equipment and food items. Be sure that eggs are chilled until ready
to poach.
2. Combine the water, salt and vinegar, in a deep pan and bring it to a bare simmer.
3. Break each egg into a clean cup, and then slide the egg carefully into the poaching
4. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes, or until the whites are set and opaque.
5. Remove the eggs from the water with a slotted spoon, blot them on absorbent
toweling, and trim the edges if desired.
6. Serve or chill and refrigerate for later use.

Watch Me (If gadget is available, if not you may study the procedures in the
How to Poach Eggs For Beginners | Food Network

Prepare tools, equipment and food items. Be sure that eggs are
chilled until ready to poach.
Combine the water, salt and vinegar, in a deep pan and bring it
to a bare simmer.
Break each egg into a clean cup, and then slide the egg carefully
into the poaching water.
Cook for 3 to 5 minutes, or until the whites are set and opaque.
Remove the eggs from the water with a slotted spoon, blot them
on absorbent toweling, and trim the edges if desired.
Serve or chill and refrigerate for later use.

A good-cooked poached egg has a compact, glossy, tender white, and
unbroken, thickened yolk

Critical factors:
quality of the egg
amount of liquid
the way the egg is put in the pan

What I Have Learned

To sum it up, below are important points one should remember to be able to perform
the job discussed in this lesson:

1. There are three market forms of eggs namely: fresh, dried (whole, egg whites/egg
yolks), and frozen (whole, egg whites/egg yolks).

2. Eggs are also sold in several processed forms: bulk or fluid whole eggs (which
sometimes includes a percentage of extra yolks to obtain a specific blend), egg
whites, and egg yolks.

3. Pasteurized eggs are used in preparations such as salad dressings, eggnog, or

desserts, where the traditional recipe may have indicated that the eggs should be

4. Eggs may be considered as "functional foods". Functional foods are foods that
may have health benefits beyond their traditional nutritional value.
5. Eggs should only be simmered and not boiled to prevent over coagulation which
would cause the eggs to be tough.
6. Lecithin and lysolecithin are responsible for the remarkable ability of egg yolk to
act as an emulsifying agent; both are phosphoproteins containing polar and non-
polar ends such that the polar end holds water while the non-polar end holds the
fat, thus, prevent oil droplets in suspension from coalescing.

7. Eggs are useful as binding, thickening and gelling agents because they contain
proteins that are easily denatured by heat.

What I Can Do

Directions: Given the different recipes in preparing and cooking egg dishes,
perform each of the activity and you will be evaluated using a rubric.
Let any member of the family to check your performance. Or you may take
video if gadget is available. The said family member must check/monitor your
performance and accomplish the Scoring Rubrics/Checklist provided below after the

Observe safety while working on the task.

Scrambled Eggs

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Stainless bowl
Fork or egg beater
Sauté pan, steam kettle or tilting skillets
Ingredients Needed:
30 Eggs
1 tbsp. /15g salt
1 tsp/2g ground pepper
5 floz. /50ml water or milk (optional)
2 ½ floz. /75 ml clarified butter or oil


1. Collect equipment and food items.

2. Break eggs into a stainless steel bowl and beat until well blended. Season with
salt and pepper.
3. Add small amount of milk or cream about 1 to 1 ½ t, if desired.
4. Heat butter in a small sauté pan or heat nonstick pan over medium heat and add
butter or oil, tilting the pan to coat the entire surface. The pan should be hot but
not smoking.
5. Pour the egg mixture into the pan.
6. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently with the back of the fork or wooden spoon
until the eggs are soft and creamy.
Remove the eggs from the heat when fully cooked, but still moist.
7. Serve at once.

Watch Me (If gadget is available, if not you may study the procedures in the
How to Make Scrambled Eggs

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached egg and
4 performs the skill very satisfactorily without supervision and with initiative
and adaptability to problem situations.
Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached egg and
performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or supervision.
Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached egg with
2 minor errors and performs the skill less satisfactorily with some assistance
and/or supervision.
Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking poached egg
and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.

Collect equipment and food items.
Break eggs into a stainless steel bowl and beat until well blended.
Season with salt and pepper.
Add small amount of milk or cream about 1 to 1 ½ t, if desired.
Heat butter in a small sauté pan or heat nonstick pan over
medium heat and add butter or oil, tilting the pan to coat the
entire surface. The pan should be hot but not smoking.
Pour the egg mixture into the pan.
Cook o
ver low heat, stirring frequently with the back of the fork or
wooden spoon until the eggs are soft and creamy.
Remove the eggs from the heat when fully cooked, but still moist.
Serve at once.

The rolled, or French-style, omelets start out like scrambled eggs, but when
the eggs start to set, they are rolled over. A folded or American style, omelet is
prepared in much the same manner, though it is often cooked on a griddle rather
than in a pan, and instead of being rolled, the American omelet is folded in half.
There are two other styles of omelets, both based upon a beaten mixture of eggs,
cooked either over direct heat or in an oven.
Choose eggs that are fresh, with intact shells. As with scrambled eggs, the
ability of the egg to hold its shape is irrelevant, but fresh eggs are preferable. Omelets
can be seasoned with salt, pepper, and herbs. Clarified butter or oil is the most
common cooking fat.
Omelets may be filled or garnished with cheese, sautéed vegetables or
potatoes, meats, and smoked fish, among other things. These fillings and garnishes
are incorporated at the appropriate point to be certain they are fully cooked and hot
when the eggs have been cooked. Grated or crumbled cheeses will melt sufficiently
from the heat of the eggs, and are often added just before an omelet is rolled or

Two Factors for Making Quality Omelets

1. High Heat. This is an opposite to the basic principle of low temperature egg
cookery. The omelet cooks so fast that its internal temperature never has time to
get too high.
2. A conditioned omelet pan. The pan must have sloping sides and be of the right
size so the omelet can be shaped properly. It must be well seasoned or
conditioned to avoid sticking.

Suggested Omelet Fillings

Cheese Sautéed or creamed Creamed or curried

mushrooms chicken

Creamed or Sautéed onions and

Sautéed onions with
buttered spinach diced potatoes
or without bacon

Plain Rolled Omelet
Tools/Equipment Needed:
Small bowls
Sauté pan
Ingredients Needed:
30 eggs
1tbsp/15g salt
1tsp/2g ground pepper
5fl oz. /150 ml water, stock, milk, or cream (optional)
2 ½ fl.oz. /175 ml, as needed clarified butter or oil

1. Prepare equipment and food items.
2. For each portion, beat 3 eggs well and season with salt and pepper. Add the liquid,
if using.
3. Heat a nonstick omelet pan over high heat and add the butter or oil, tilting the
pan to coat the entire surface.
4. Pour the entire egg mixture into the pan and scramble it with the back of the fork
or wooden spoon.
5. Move the pan and the utensil at the same time until the egg mixture has
coagulated slightly. Smooth the eggs into an even layer.
6. Let the egg mixture finish cooking without stirring.
7. Tilt the pan and slide a fork or a spoon around the lip of the pan, under the
omelet, to be sure it is not sticking. Slide the omelet to the front of the pan and
use a fork or a wooden spoon to fold it inside to the center.
8. Turn the pan upside down, rolling the omelet onto the plate. The finished omelet
should be oval shaped.

Options for filling an omelet:
A pre-cooked filling may be added to the eggs after they have been smoothed
into an even layer and before the omelet is rolled. Alternatively, the rolled omelet can
be slit open at the top, and a precooked filling can be spooned into the pocket. To
give the omelet, additional sheen, rub the surface lightly with butter.
A perfect omelet is fluffy, moist and tender, soft in the center, yellow in color
with no brown at all or just a hint of it, oval in shape, and all in one continuous

Ham and Cheese Frittata

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Skillet/Non-stick pan
Non-stick turner
Fork or wire whisk
Small bowl
Chopping board

1 cup diced cooked ham
½ cup sliced tomato
1pc white onion (cut into ring)
½ cup stripped sweet bell pepper
10pcs lightly beaten egg
¼ tsp ground black pepper
¼ cup shredded cheddar cheese
¼ cup evaporated milk
¼ tsp iodized salt
1. In a skillet coated non-stick turner, put little oil, sauté the ham, onion, tomato,
red bell pepper and season to taste.
2. In a bowl, combine the egg and milk, salt, black pepper and pour over ham
mixture. Let eggs set on the bottom, then lift the edges to allow any uncooked egg
to flow underneath. Cover and cook until the eggs are set for about 3 minutes.
Sprinkle with cheese and cut into wedges to serve.

Baked Eggs
Baked eggs are also quick and easy to prepare.
1. Place a little butter in a custard cup. Put the cup in 1750C (3500F) oven
until the butter melts.
2. Break an egg into the cup, and sprinkle with salt and pepper, then top the
egg with a little milk.
3. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until the egg white is set.


Direction: Label the types of fried eggs. Write your answers in your notebook.

1. _____________

2. _______________

3. ________________

4. ________________

5. _________________

B. Direction: Read each item carefully choose a letter that corresponds to the
correct. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. Market form of eggs which are pasteurized and must be thawed before use.
A.Frozen Eggs C. Fresh Eggs
B.Dried Eggs D. shell eggs
2. These are foods that may have health benefits beyond their traditional
nutritional value.
A.Functional foods C. Designer foods
B.Zeaxanthin D. coddled eggs
3. Which of the following market forms of eggs is seldom used in cooking.
A.Dried egg C. Frozen egg
B.Fresh egg D. Shelled egg
4. Which kind of egg dish is prepared by slipping shelled eggs into barely
simmering water and gently cooking until the egg holds its shape?
A.Fried egg C. Scrambled egg
B.Poached egg D. Soft-boiled egg
5. Which of the following tools is not used in cooking omelet?
A.Bowls C. Sauté pan
B.Fork D. Skimmer
6. A type of fried egg that is cook slowly without flipping until white is completely
set but yolk is still soft and yellow.
A.Sunny side up C.Over medium fry and flip over
B.basted D.Over easy fry and flip over
7. Cook until the yolk is partially set.
A.Sunny side up C.Over medium fry and flip over
B.basted D.Over easy fry and flip over
8. A thin film of coagulated white will cover the yolk which should remain liquid
A.Sunny side up C.Over medium fry and flip over
B.basted D.Over easy fry and flip over

9. It is prepared by slipping shelled eggs into barely simmering water and gently
cooking until the egg holds its shape.
A.Soft – Cooked Eggs C. Poached Eggs
B.Medium – Cooked Eggs D. Coddled Eggs
10.In preparing soft – cooked eggs put cold eggs into already simmering water and
simmer for how many minutes?
A.30 seconds C. 8 – 10 minutes
B.5-7 minutes D. 3 – 4 minutes

Additional Activities

A.Direction: With the guidance of your parents/guardians, prepare poached egg

individually following the procedures below.
Let any member of the family to check your performance. Or you may take
video if gadget is available. The said family member must check/monitor your
performance and accomplish the Scoring Rubrics/Checklist provided below after the

Fried Eggs
Tools/Equipment Needed:
Sauté pan (preferably non-stick)
Dish, turner

Ingredients Needed:
Fresh egg
Oil or clarified or whole butter, as needed for frying
Salt, as needed
Ground black pepper, as needed


1. Select very fresh grade AA eggs for best results.

2. Break the eggs into a dish.
3. Add about 1/8 inch fat to the sauté pan and set it to a moderate heat. Too much
fat will make the eggs greasy. Less fat will cause them to stick, unless a pan
with the nonstick coating is used.
4. When the fat is hot enough, slide the egg into the pan.
5. Tilt the pan, allowing the fat to collect at the side of the pan, and baste the eggs
with the fat as they cook.
6. Season the eggs with salt and pepper and serve at once.

Observe safety while working on the task.

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached egg

4 and performs the skill very satisfactorily without supervision and with
initiative and adaptability to problem situations.
Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached egg
and performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or supervision.
Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached egg
2 with minor errors and performs the skill less satisfactorily with some
assistance and/or supervision.
Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking poached
egg and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.

Select very fresh grade AA eggs for best results.
Break the eggs into a dish.
Add about 1/8 inch fat to the sauté pan and set it to a moderate
heat. Too much fat will make the eggs greasy. Less fat will cause
them to stick, unless a pan with the nonstick coating is used.
When the fat is hot enough, slide the egg into the pan.
Tilt the pan, allowing the fat to collect at the side of the pan, and
baste the eggs with the fat as they cook.
Season the eggs with salt and pepper and serve at once.

Direction: Prepare and cook any egg dishes of your choice

Let any members of the family to check your performance. Or you may take
video if gadget is available. Allow as many family members as you can to taste your
cooked egg dish. And let them decide if it is or .
Let them choose the “sad face” if they think that the taste is undesirable
and the “happy face” if they think that the taste is desirable. Record and tally.

Observe safety while working on the task.















For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Negros Oriental

Kagawasan, Avenue, Daro, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Tel #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117

Email Address: [email protected]
Website: lrmds.depednodis.net

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