Lecture B2

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Introduction to Programming

Lecture B2

Holger Hermanns

partly rooted in lecture notes

by Gert Smolka
- Programmer produces character representation.

- Lexer turns this into word representation.

- Parser turns this into syntax tree.

Elaborator (1) scans for unbound identifiers
and (2) checks types.

- Typing judgements

- Typing rules - Inference rules

- Free / bound identifier occurrences - Binding occurrence

- Open / closed programs - Using occurrence
More Rules

Assume : and f : ∗ → .

Provide a typing judgement for

if f (x, true) then 5 + x else xelse x

How does she know?
The interpreter collects information about identifiers declared upfront in a type environment.

Assume : and f : ∗ → .

A type environment collects bindings of identifiers to typing judgments.

[ : ,f: ∗ → ]

- Environments are functional. ... in that they describe a partial function from identifiers to types.

- Environments can be updated. overwriting insertion "adjunction", mathematically.

[ : , : ] , (z : )=[ : , : , : ]
[ : , : ] , ( : bool) , ( : ) = [ : bool, : , : ]

- This is an environment as well: []

Rules Revisited

Assume E = [ : ,f: ∗ → ].

Provide a typing judgement for

if f (x, true) then 5 + x else x

Typing judgements are now interpreted
in the given type environment
Free or Bound?
let p (x : int) : int = if x > 0 then 3 else 4
known or unknown?

let p = if x > 0 then 3 else 4

We distinguish binding occurences

and using occurences of identifiers.

Another example:

let rec h (y : int) : int = h y

let p = (fun (y : int) : int -> y)
let y = y
let q (y : int) : int = 3 + (p y)

Everything bound? Your program is closed. Good!

Otherwise? It is open. Not good.

Free or Bound revisited
let p (x : int) : int = if x > 0 then 3 else 4
known or unknown?

let p = if x > 0 then 3 else 4

We distinguish binding occurences

and using occurences of identifiers.

Another example:

let rec h (y : int) : int = h y

let p = (fun (y : int) : int -> y)
let y = y
let q (y : int) : int = 3 + (p y)

Everything bound? Your program is closed. Good!

Otherwise? It is open. Not good.

Free or Bound Assume X is a set of bound identifiers.

Is a given atomic expression closed in X? e

If e is a constant c then yes. If instead it is an identifier x
then it is closed if we find x in X.
Is a given operator application closed in X? e1 o e2
If e1 and e2 are each closed in X then it is closed in X.
Is a given function application closed in X? e1 e2
If e1 and e2 are each closed in X then it is closed in X.
Is a given conditional closed in X? if e1 then e2 else e3
If e1, e2 , and e3 are each closed in X then it is closed in X.
Is a given tuple expression closed in X? (e1, ... , en )
If e1 to en are each closed in X then it is closed in X.
Is a given let expression closed in X? let x = e1 in e2
If e1 is closed in X then it is closed in X if e2 is closed in X ∪ { x }.
Is a given lambda expression closed in X? fun (x : t1) : t2 -> e
If e is closed in X ∪ { x } then it is closed in X.
Is a given let rec expression closed in X? let rec f (x:t) : t = e1 in e2
If e1 is closed in X ∪ { f, x } then it is closed in X if e2 is closed in X ∪ {f }.
Free or Bound Assume X is a set of bound identifiers.

Is a given atomic expression closed in X? e

If e is a constant c then yes. If instead it is an identifier x
then it is closed if we find x in X.
Is a given operator application closed in X? e1 o e2
If e1 and e2 are each closed in X then it is closed in X.
Is a given function application closed in X? e1 e2
If e1 and e2 are each closed in X then it is closed in X.
Is a given conditional closed in X? if e1 then e2 else e3
If e1, e2 , and e3 are each closed in X then it is closed in X.
Is a given tuple expression closed in X? (e1, ... , en )
If e1 to en are each closed in X then it is closed in X.
Is a given let expression closed in X? let x = e1 in e2
If e1 is closed in X then it is closed in X if e2 is closed in X ∪ { x }.
Is a given lambda expression closed in X? fun (x : t1) : t2 -> e
If e is closed in X ∪ { x } then it is closed in X.
Is a given let rec expression closed in X? let rec f (x:t) : t = e1 in e2
If e1 is closed in X ∪ { f, x } then it is closed in X if e2 is closed in X ∪ {f }.
Alonzo Church
1903 – 1995

- Mathematician and Philosopher.

- Showed undecidability of the "Entscheidungsproblem".

- Showed undecidability of Peano Arithmetics.

- Mother of the lambda calculus, as

"a method for defining functions".

- Originator of the Church-Turing conjecture.


let rec h (y : int) : int = h y in

let p = (fun (y : int) : int -> y) in
let y = y in
3 + (p y)

Is this a closed expression ?

Again More Typing Rules

Assume E = [ : ,f: ∗ → ].

Provide a typing judgement for

let y = true in f (x,y)

Typing judgements are now interpreted
in the given type environment

let y = true in f (x,y)

Again More Typing Rules

has type t
if e1 has type t1 in E,
and e2 has type t in E
where x is updated to have type t1.

has type t
if e2 has type t in E
where f is updated to have type t1 →t2
and e1 has type t2 in E
where f is updated to have type t1 →t2 , and
where x is updated to have type t1.

has type t1 →t2

if e has type t2 in E
where x is updated to have type t1.
Static Semantics Are all identifiers known? Is it well-typed?

1) Checking for absence of unbound identifiers.

2) Type checking.

Works with
syntax tree
- unique representation
- no parentheses

The parser has produced a syntax tree.

The elaborator has two tasks.

Static Semantics Are all identifiers known? Is it well-typed?

1) Checking for absence of unbound identifiers.

It has no unknown identifiers if it is closed in {}.
2) Type checking.
It is well-typed if the type checker returns a type judgement in [].

Works with
syntax tree
- unique representation
- no parentheses

The parser has produced a syntax tree.

The elaborator has two tasks.

Execution [ ▷ 0, y ▷ 3 ]

The interpreter collects information about identifiers declared upfront in a value environment.

Given a value environment V and a well-typed and closed* program P:

* in the set of identifiers
appearing in V

Intuitively, the interpreter does

what we do when writing down
an execution log.

It does so along the syntactic structure

of the program.

Upon termination, the execution of P

will have updated V by new bindings.
Execution along the structure of the program
How to execute a program?

How to execute a declaration?

How to execute an expression?

How to execute an atomic expression?

How to execute an operator application?

How to execute a function application?

How to execute a conditional?

Evaluation of expressions
How to execute a tuple expression? so that they get a value

How to execute a let expression?

How to execute ...?

Evaluation of expressions
How to evaluate an atomic expression? e
If e is a constant then return its value. If instead it is an
identifier then return the value the identifier is bound to in V.
How to evaluate an operator application? e1 o e2
Evaluate e1 and e2 in V. If these evaluations return values v1 and v2,
then evaluate v1 o v2 in V and return the value thus obtained.
How to evaluate a conditional? if e1 then e2 else e3
Evaluate e1 in V. If this results in value true then evaluate
e2 in V and return the value thus obtained. If instead the result
is false then evaluate e3 in V and return the value thus obtained.
How to evaluate a tuple expression? (e1, ... , en )
Evaluate e1 to en in V. If these evaluations return
values v1 to vn then return the value (v1, ..., vn ).
How to evaluate a let expression? let x = e1 in e2
Evaluate e1 in V. If this results in value v then evaluate e2 in V, x ▷ v, and return the value thus obtained.
How to evaluate a function application? e1 e2
Evaluate e2 and e1 in V. If these evaluations return value v2 and function f, the latter as a triple (x, e, V' ),
then evaluate e in V', x ▷ v2 , and return the value thus obtained.
How to evaluate a lambda expression? fun (x : t1) : t2 -> e Return the triple (x, e, V ).
Evaluation of expressions
How to evaluate an atomic expression? e
If e is a constant then return its value. If instead it is an
identifier then return the value the identifier is bound to in V.
How to evaluate an operator application? e1 o e2
Evaluate e1 and e2 in V. If these evaluations return values v1 and v2,
then evaluate v1 o v2 in V and return the value thus obtained.
How to evaluate a conditional? if e1 then e2 else e3
Evaluate e1 in V. If this results in value true then evaluate
e2 in V and return the value thus obtained. If instead the result
is false then evaluate e3 in V and return the value thus obtained.
How to evaluate a tuple expression? (e1, ... , en )
Evaluate e1 to en in V. If these evaluations return
values v1 to vn then return the value (v1, ..., vn ).
How to evaluate a let expression? let x = e1 in e2
Evaluate e1 in V. If this results in value v then evaluate e2 in V, x ▷ v, and return the value thus obtained.
How to evaluate a function application? e1 e2
Evaluate e2 and e1 in V. If these evaluations return value v2 and function f, the latter as a triple (x, e, V' ),
then evaluate e in V', x ▷ v2 , and return the value thus obtained.
How to evaluate a lambda expression? fun (x : t1) : t2 -> e Return the triple (x, e, V ).
Where we stand
The programmer produces a character representation.

The lexer produces a word representation.

The parser produces a syntax tree representation.

The elaborator checks for unbound identifiers and checks typing.

The executor evaluates expressions, resulting in fresh bindings.

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