Real Arco
Real Arco
Real Arco
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The Royal Arch Jewel is arguably the most important of all Masonic
core of the Masonic credo, covering not only our behaviour towards
our fellow men in this life but, more importantly, our relationship
most the matter ends there and the Jewel becomes just another piece
of the relationship between its angles and those of the five Platonic
some form of explanation but, again, this deals solely with angles and
time to before the Union early in the 19th century when Freemasonry
reflected in the Royal Arch and its Ritual. And since the Royal Arch
Volume of the Sacred Law was invariably opened at the first verse of
the Gospel according to St John, which begins: “In the beginning was
the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”.
The crucial and central issue of ‘the Word’ will be returned to later.
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concentric circles, the outer denoting Eternity and the inner the
which is a Triple Tau: at its head is another scroll, this being purely
explained in due course. If you have been looking at your own Jewel,
• 3 Greater Lights
• 3 Lesser Lights
• 3 Principals
• 3 Sojourners
According to an old RA manuscript, the six lights and Triple Tau are
explained thus:
• The three Taus forming the Triple Tau also referred to the
The Greek letter ‘Tau’ is the nineteenth letter of the Greek alphabet
centrality within the Royal Arch. This will become apparent as the
“ ….. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had
the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set
a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry
Those who did not bear the ‘mark’ were slain. But, as so often
occurs, Masonry itself seems to have decided upon the use of the
Triple Tau, since the Bible certainly bears no reference to it. This
“ ….. for God said, in strength I will establish this Mine house
However, that the Triple Tau acquired special sanctity in the Royal
Companions – three times three – and has long been regarded as the
that deals in triads for there are many present, too, in Craft
Masonry. You can find these yourselves but the following are worth
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admission at Initiation
the maker of the Jewel – Thomas Harper. The latter aberration was
the Triple Tau is a scroll with only one-third engraved. The vacant
and, whilst this is non-essential, the same does not apply to the vacant
The two triads are to be read conjointly and translate literally as follows:
back to the 14th century. The actual lines of the poem which have been
(Deo Honor)
(Regi Fidelitas)
(Fratribus Benevolentia)
The final inscription on the reverse of the Jewel is once more in the
OE word meaning 'at any rate', ‘by all means'
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neither the Wisdom of King Solomon, nor the Strength of King Hiram,
of the True and Living God Most High, those attributes of God recited
The inscription between the two concentric circles has similar import:
We now come to the crux of the Jewel. On the interlaced triangles there
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The triangle with its apex pointing upwards is the spiritual triangle
having on its base the inscription "We have found" which is repeated in
On the material triangle - the one with its apex pointing downwards the
triangle with "Cultor Dei" and "Civis Mundi" on the material triangle,
Century Dictionary as 'one who venerates'. And even if the word had
accounted for the vacant space on the base of the material triangle.
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4. The Key
When you received your Grand Chapter Certificate there was a vacant
space that you were required to fill with your signature, as you did also
on the Grand Lodge Certificate. Similarly, when you received the Royal
Arch jewel there was this vacant space on the material triangle for your
'name'. When this has been inserted the triad on that triangle will be
does more than that for at the same time he subscribes to the wording
However, the Jewel does not tell us what is found – the Key is still
Name of the Most High, but the "WORD" that has come down to us
This is the Key, so that the Companion who thinks he has found the Key
is not sufficient to say "Lord! Lord!" but rather to do the will of God.
under the rubble because, during the past 150 years, so-called
clues to the great allegory of the “Search for the Word”. No longer is the
Volume of the Sacred Law in our Lodges opened at the first verse of the
The phrase “In the beginning was the Word" has disappeared from
constantly in old Masonic rituals and manuscripts: the same can be said
of the phrase:
A plain clue to the meaning of the search was to be found in the old
Herein lies the Key to that allegory which commenced with the second
Thus, the Companion who has found the Word should certainly have
his name inserted on the jewel in the vacant space on the triangle. He
because the WORD, the Will of God, comprises all the tenets, precepts,
Happy is the Mason that finds the ‘Word’ and achieves understanding,
for that ‘Word’, amongst other things, incorporates the grand design of
of just why the Royal Arch Jewel has the form that many take for
And where is that depth better expressed than in the conclusion of the
Mystical Lecture when this points out that the Holy Royal Arch ought
to inspire its members with the most exalted ideas of God, leading them
Heavily edited and with additional original material, this exposition adheres faithfully to the intellectual and
historical theses promoted by E Comp Shepherd-Jones OBE, PAGSoj as printed in the Aldersgate Ritual.
Jack E Leggett PGStdB October 2001