The Extant Siddhanta Sekhara
The Extant Siddhanta Sekhara
The Extant Siddhanta Sekhara
Indian National Science Academy, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi
Hindu astronomers in their sine tables have given the values of R sin 9
and not of sin 9. The value of R adopted is 60' (Siddhanta-tattva-viveka1),
120' (Pafwasiddhdntikd'2 and Siddhantadiromani5), 150' (Khandakhddyakai),
3,270' (Brdhmasphutasiddhdnta5), 3,415' (Siddhdnta Sekhara6), 3,438' (Arya-
bhatiyam3, Mahasiddhdnta8, Siddhdntadiromani9 and Suryasiddhdnta10), 3,437'
44" (Vatesvara-Siddhdnta11) and 3,437' 44" 48'" (Madhava12). In the last
six works the value of R adopted is the circumference of a circle in minutes
divided by 2 n. In the Siddhdnta S ekhara of Sripati, the value of tt used is \/10,
which in turn gives the value of R as 3,415'. If we take 77 = 3-1416, as given
by Aryabhata I, R comes out to be nearly 3,437' 44". This is the value adop-
ted in Vatesmra-Siddhdnta. But in the Aryabhatiyam, the Mahasiddhdnta,
the SiddhdntaSiromani and the Suryasiddhdnta, the approximate value 3,438',
has been followed. Madhava, a fourteenth-century astronomer of Kerala,
was well aware of the value of n up to 11 decimal places13 and hence was able
to adopt the most accurate value of R. It would appear that the other four
values for R must have been adopted arbitrarily.
Aryabhata II '(the Mahasiddhdnta) and Bhaskara II (the Siddhdnta-
siromani) have given the same table of jyd which would be derived from the
table of differences of Aryabhata I with the exception that the value of jyd
for 60° given by them is 2,977', while that given by Aryabhata I is 2,978'.
In the Suryasiddhdnta the values given are exactly the same as those given
by Aryabhata I.
A study of the values given by Aryabhata I, Brahmagupta and &ripati
shows that, except in one case, the errors in the values of R sines stated by
them are nearly of the same order. Since the acharyas were unfamiliar with
the decimal fractional notation and stated the values of R sines only up to
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136 E. N. EAI
integral numbers, their values of sin 8 are not quite exact. If we denote
by 9' the angle calculated from their values of R sin 9, then A9 — 9'—9 has a
small value except for 9 = 30° and 9 = 90°. This is shown in Table I.
Table I
45' — 7" - 7" + 19"
22° 30' — 42" - 26" + 10"
26° 15'
— 39"
30' + 7"
+ 28" + 16"
41° 15' + 29" - 5" + 27"
+ 19"
45' + 16" + 47" + 42"
52° 30' + 45" — 27" — 30"
56° 15' + 42" + 11" — 52"
60° 0' + 72" + 12" + 64"
63° 45' + 75" + 31" + 25"
/ 30' + 111" - 14" — 9"
71° 15' + 85" — 93" + 46"
75° 0' + 33" + 104" + 84"
— 12"
90° 0' 0" 0" 0"
naga had been changed into naga. But an examination of the metre showed
that it cannot be naga. It was then conjectured that originally it must have
been nava which would give R sin (78° 45') = 3,349'. This would make A0 =
—117" which would be comparable to other values of A 9 in the neighbourhood.
This conjecture is supported by the Utlcramajya value of 11° 15'. It is
easy to prove that
R sind-\~R versing—= R. The Utlcramajya value for 11° 15' as
given by 6rlpati is 66' (sadrasa). Therefore R sin (78° 45') must be
3,415'-66' = 3,349' and not 3,347'.
Another method to get the same result would be to apply the method
given by Aryabhata I in the AryabhatiyamXi. This gives the relationship
between successive khandajyds. According to this
R sin (0+a)— R sin 6 = R sin 6—R sin (9—a)
_ R sin 6
R sin a'
where a = 3° 45'. Hence,
R sin (78° 45')— R sin 75° = R sin 75°— R sin (71° 15')
R sin 75°
223 *
Since Sripati states only the integral values, R sin (78° 45') = 3,349'.
The jyd values have been stated in the Katapayddi system by the com-
mentator, and here the value given is'savdngagah,' i.e. 3,347. Babuaji Misra,
who has edited and partly commented on the Siddhdnta Bukhara, after stanzas
75 of the fourth chapter, does not include the five stanzas giving the jyd and
Utkramajyd values as part of the main text, because the values of revolutions,
etc., are stated in the Katapayddi system only by Makkibhatta, the com-
mentator of the earlier portion. It seems therefore that the error in the
jyd value of 78° 45' in the Siddhdnta feekhara had crept in even before
Makkibhatta wrote his commentary.
Siddhanta-tattva-viveka of Kamalakara Bhatta, edited with notes by Sudhakara Dvivedi and
Muralidhara Jha, Banaras, 1925, p. 168.
Pafiehasiddhantika of Varaha Mihira, edited by G. Thibault and Sudhakara Dvivedi, 4, 6-11.
Siddhantasiromani, Spastddhikdra, 13.
Khandakhddyaka of Brahmagupta, 3, 6.
Brdhmasphutasiddhdnta of Brahmagupta, Spastddhikdra, 2-5.
Siddhdnta S'ekhara of Srlpati, edited by Babuaji Misra. Pt. I, 1932. Sphufddhydya, 7-10.
Aryahhatiyam of Aryabhata I, DaSagitikd, Aryd, 12.
Mahdsiddhdnta of Aryabhata II, edited with his own commentary by Sudhakara Dvivedi
1910. Spastddhikdra, 4—5£.
Siddhantasiromani, Spastddhikdra, 3-6.
Surya Siddhdnta, 2, 17-22.
VateSvara-S'iddhdnta, Vol. 1, edited by R. S. Sharma and M. Misra. Published by Institute of
Astronomical and Sanskrit Research, New Delhi, 1962, pp. 212—309.
Madhava as quoted by the commentator Sankara Variar in Tantrasarngraha of Nilkantha,
Somasutvan, edited by Suranad Kunjan Pillai, T.S.S. No. 188, p. 19.
Nllakantha's commentary on Aryahhatiyam, edited by K. S. Sastri. T.S.S. No. 101, p. 42.
Nilakantha says: Sahgamagrdmajo mddhavafr punaratydsannam paridhisankhydmuktavdn.
BihudhanetragajdhihutaSanatrigunavedabhavdran abdhavah navanikharvamite vrtivistare
paridhimdnamidam jagadurbudhdh.
Aryabhafiyam, Qanitapdda, 12.