Plot # 15, Block # B, Admin Building, Level-3, Bashundhara, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh
‘Phone: BE0(2) 55668200, Fax: 880(2) 55668202, email: registrar@
‘Website: wir
Registrar's Office
In order to better manage course load in the bi-semester system, a short academic term
("Intersession’) is going to be offered in the following manner:
Start date: 29 Nov 2023 End Date: 20 Jan 2024
Total 7 weeks and 4 days out of which
6 weeks of classes
5 days of final exam
6 days of others - 2 holidays, 1 makeup day and 3 grading days.
(This period will be considered a Break for those not taking courses)
Class time ~ total 36 hours for a 3-credit course
Each class 3-hour
2 classes per week
6 weeks of classes
}6 hours
Slots -8-11:00 am, 11:15 am - 2:15 pm, 2:30-5:30 pm,
1, Pre-advising: Students will do pre-advising ofa limited number of courses from 8 October
2023 to 21 October 2023, tentatively. Students will be notified of the actual schedule in due
2. Ad
a. Advising will be held on 27 November 2023 in two phases, tentatively.
Regular students will be allowed to take a maximum of 2 courses.
Probation 1 and 2 students will be able to advise courses. Each of them will be
allowed to take 1 course only.
4. Who cannot advise -
{. Students who have payment due, did not complete faculty evaluation in
Summer 2023, and has unauthorized semester drop of Summer 2023 WILL.
NOT be able to advise in the Intersession.
ii.Probation 3 and above students WILL NOT be able to register courses in the
Students who will not take courses in the Intersession will not have to submit
semester drop form for the Intersession.
f. Course drop after advising WILL NOT be allowed.g Readmission cases WILL NOT be considered.
h. Advising schedule will be circulated in due time.
3. Payment:
a. The payment must be made in full, No installment process will be followed
b. A fixed late fee of Tk. 2000 will be added if the payment is not completed within the
given date in the calendar. Last date for full payment: 12 December 2023.
c. There will be no activity fee for the Intersession.
d. The Tk.100 late payment fine per day WILL NOT be included for the Intersessjon,
4. Final exam schedule: 5 days will be allocated for the final exam to be taken in the morning
and afternoon shift. Each exam duration will be 2 hours. Controller office will circulate exam
schedule in due time,
5. Incomplete “I”: A student who will receive “I” grade in Summer 2023 will complete the
course in Spring 2024.
6. Academic Calendar: The tentative academic calendar for Intersession 2023 is appended
Date Day Event
25-Nov-23 | Saturday | Last day of grade submission (Summer 2023)
Wednesda | Classes begin Short Semester (Winter Intersession 2023)
29-Nov-23 |" y | Payment of tuition fee: BEGINS
12:Deo-23 | Tuesday _| Last day of payment of tuition without late fee
is.nee.25 | YR | Payment of ition with late fee of Tk2,000 begins
16-Dec-23 | Saturday | Holiday- Vietory Day
25-Dee-23 | Monday _| Holiday- Christmas Day
28-Dec-23 | Thursday | Online Teaching Evaluation: BEGINS
o-jan-24 | Tuesday _| Last day of ST classes
10-Jan-24 Last day of MW classes
11-Jan-24 | Thursday | Last day of RA classes, Online Teaching Evaluation: ENDS
12-Jan-24 | Friday | No classes-Reading / Makeup
13-Jan-24 | Saturday | Final Exam: BEGINS.
17-Jan-24 Final Exam: ENDS
20-Jan-24 | Saturday _| Last day of grade submission Short Semester (Winter Interse:
Classes begin (Spring 2024)
28-Jan-24 | Sunday | payment of tuition fee: BEGINS
BT Ou ror oo Slofte23
Dr. Ahmed Tazmeen
Registrar, North South University