Reaching The Age of Adolescence

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Reaching the Age of


n the previous Chapter we have learnt the human male and female reproductive systems. We have also
learnt how human beings reproduce
by giving birth to babies. Babies and become children.
LChildren grow further and become adolescents. And finally, adolescents grow and become adults. It
is only after growing up to a 'certain
age' that humans are able to reproduce.The human beingsstart
reproduce (by giving birth to babies) only after a 'certain age' because their reproductive systems
In working only after a 'certain age'. In this Chapter we will learn about the changes which take place in a
human 'male body' and a 'female body' after which a
person becomes capable of reproduction. In other
words, we will learn about the changes which take place in a boy's body and in a girl's body after which
they become capable of reproduction. We will also discuss the role played by hormones in initiating the
working of a male (boy's) and a female (girl's) reproductive systems, and make them fit for the process of
reproduction. So, it is the hormones which bring about changes that make a child grow into an adult.

Growing up is a natural process. Growth begins from the day a baby is born. A baby grows and
becomes a child. A young human being below the age of full physical development is called a child.
When a child crosses the age of 10 years or 11 years,thereis a sudden spurt in his (or her) body growth
which becomes noticeable. The rapid changes which take place in the body from this age onwards are the
part of 'growing up. These changes indicate that the person is no longer a child but he (or she) is on the
way to becoming an adult. A mature human being who is fully grown and developed is called an adult.
There is a period of life in human beings when a person is neither a child nor an adult. The
transitional period of physical and mental development which occurs between childhood and adulthood
s called adolescence. In most simple words, the period of life between childhood and adulthood is called
adolescence. Adolescence is the time when a lot of changes take place in the bodies of boys and girls which
make their reproductive systems 'mature. we can now write another definition of adolescence as follows:
The period of life of a person when the body undergoes a lot of changes leading to reproductive

maturity, is called adolescence. Some of the changes which take place in boys during adolescenco
Facial and body hair grow; voice deepens; and testes start to make sperms. And some of the
w take place in girls during adolescence are: Breasts grow; ovaries start
menstruation (monthly va);an
periods) begin.
Adolescence usually begins around the age of 10 or 11 years and lasts upto 18 or 19 years.
The perioy
of adolescence, however, varies from person to person. In girls, adolescence may begin a year or tw
two earlie
tnanin A person who is in
An adolescent can be a
of growing from a child to an adult is called an
the process adolesceai
boy or a girl. Between the ages of 10 or 11 years and 18 or 19 years, the
growing children are called adolescents. Since the period of adolescence covers the "teen' years (thirten
etee years), therefore, adolescents are also called 'teenagers. The human body undergoes many change
auring adolescence. These changes mark the onset of puberty. Puberty is the period during whi (
adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction. From this discussion we conclyi,
() Adolescence is the time between childhood and adulthood. W
(ii) Puberty is the time when adolescents become
sexually mature. of
We will now discuss the
in detail.

Although baby is born with a full set of reproductive organs (male or female organs), these organs

do not function during the first 10 or 12 re

years of life. Under the influence of hormones produced in the
body, the reproductive organs become active at the time known as puberty. In other words, the
reproductive systems of humans (boys and girls) start functioning at the time called puberty. At puberty
sex hormones (or
gametes) begin to be produced due to which the boys and girls become sexually mature
The period during which adolescent
boys and girls reach sexual and become maturity of
capable he
reproduction is called puberty. In other words, after attaining puberty, an adolescent (boy or girl) becoms ler
capable of having a
baby. Puberty is a
period of several years in which
rapid physical rapi fa
body growth) occurs leading to sexual maturity. In fact, puberty is the time when growthbody
a child's
(or star
changing into an adult's body.
Puberty tends to start earlier in girls (females) than in boys (males). Generally, PL
at lower age of 10 to 13 years while boys reach
girls attain puber
puberty at a
comparatively higher
At puberty, many changes occur in the bodies of boys and girls. In both, boys as well age as 12 to 14 year
of girls, there 1s t
rapid increase in the rate of growth (height, etc.) during puberty.
of secondary sexual characteristics in boys and girls (such as Puberty is marked by the developmen in

growth of facial hair and th

and development of breasts and start of menstruation in deeper voice in boy
girls). The most significant sign of puberty in g
is the beginning of menstruation (or monthly periods).
The various changes which occur in boys during
puberty are as follows
i) Hair grow on the face of boys (in the form of moustache and
(i) Voice deepens in boys. It becomes low pitched voice.
beard), and on chest.
(ii) Testes start to make sperms.
(io) Testes and penis become larger.
(o) Chest and shoulders of boys broaden (become wider).
(aui) Body becomes muscular (due to development of muscles).
(1hii) Hair grow in armpits and in pubic regions (genital area) between the thiohs
increase in height occurs.
(vii) Rapid
(ix Feelings and sexual drives associated with adulthood begin to devele

are as follows:
The various changes which occur in girls during puberty
(Breasts develop and enlarge in girls.
( Ovaries start to release eggs (or ova).
(i) Menstruation (monthly periods) begin.
(ir) Ovaries, oviducts, uterus and vagina enlarge.
fat is deposited on hips and thighs.
() Hips ot giris broaden (become wider). Extra is the same
area) between the thighs (This change
(Ti) Hair grow in armpits and in pubic regions (genital
as in boys).
occurs (This change is the same as
in boys).
(Tii) Rapid increase in height (This change is also the same as
and sexual drives associated with adulthood begin to develop
( i ) Feelings
in boys). various hormones.
in and girls at puberty are brought about by
All the changes which occur boys the age
Adolescence continues until
a boy o r girl reaches puberty,
he (or she) becomes an adolescent. describe
When and the person becomes a n
adult. We will n o w
of about 18 (or 19) years when the growth stops
during puberty in detail)
the changes taking place
when one becomes capable
Puberty marks the beginning of the reproductive period boys and girls at
which take place in adolescent
reproduction. We will n o w discuss some of the changes
puberty, in detail.

is the sudden increase in
ubem1. Increase (clearly visible change) during puberty
The most conspicuous change bones (the bones of arms and legs) elongate

and girls. At the time of puberty, the long

eheight of boys Initially, girls grow
tall. Thus, children gain a lot of height during puberty.
lengthen and make a person and reach their maximum height. Generally,
18 years of age, both boys
faster than boys but by about than that of boys.
is slightly less
the maximum height of girls and girls may grow suddenly
varies in different persons. Some boys
The rate of growth in height All the parts of the body do
not grow at

then slow down, while others may grow gradually. look oversized
puberty and or hands and feet
of adolescent boys and girls
a r m s and legs,
the same rate. Sometimes the catch up with them in growth. This results
But soon the other parts
the body. with age is given in
and out of proportion with in height of boys and girls
The average rate of growth
in a m o r e proportionate body.
e t h efollowing table.
Percentage of full Percentage offull
Age height in girls
height in boys
8 years 81%
9 yearss 84%
10 yearS
81% 88%
11 years 91%
84 %
12 years 95%
13 years 98%
14 years 99%
15 years 98% 99.5%
16 years 100%
17 years 100%
18 years
The tigures given n seond and third column of the above table tell us the full heighs
percentage ot
whidh a person (bov or girl) has reached at the age given in the first column. For example, at thene .
age of 10
a boy reaches only 78 per cent of his full height whereas a girl reaches 84 per cent of her
are only
full height
EUat the igures on the rate of growth in height given in the above table indicative
There may be variations from to
person person. to show the Variation in the
data given in the above table, we can draw a graph
geeot tull height' in bovs and girls with 'age'. We take 'age' on t-axis and percentage of full
height on gyais and plot the various readings given in the above table on the graph paper. ine graph thus
otained is shown in Figure 1. We can see from the graph shown in Figure 1 that inthally the height of girs




11 12 13
Re bodyse
15 16 17 18
Age (in years) which ma
Figure 1 Graph showing the variation of percentage of full height with age in boys and girls.
SUnd ovard
increases at a faster rate than that of boys but
by about 18 vears of age, both boys and girls reach their innt ways.
maximum height. By using the graph shown in
Figure 1, we can find out the percentage of full height of a nt Some-
bov or girl at anv age, sav 125 years. We can also calculate the full
eventuallv reach. This will become more dear from the following discussion.
which a or boy girl might ate puber-
If we know the present height of a person (boy or girl) and the percentage of his (or her) full oysde
present age, we can calculate the full height of the person which he (or she) will heightat Girls dew
be done by using the formula eventually reach. This can
Re Fig
Present buys de
Full height of a person = height of person 100 Grt's de
Percentage full height at present age
We can use the unit of centimetre or metre for
height. The calculation of full height of a person (boy or
girl) will become clear from the following example. uys dies
Sample Problem. A ten year old boy is 125 cm tall. If the present
height, calculate the full height which the boy will eventually reach at height of the boy is 78% of his tll
the end of
Solution. Here, Present height of boy =125 cm growth period.
Percentage of full height = 78

Present height of boy

So Full height ot boy
Percentage of full height x 100

78 cm
= 160.25 cm
Thus, the full height ofboy will be 160.25 centimetres.
Please note that the
height of a
person depends on the genes inherited from the
example, if both the parents (or one of the parents) are very tall, the son or parents. ro
The height of a person is more
or less similar to
daughter is likely to be very tal.
that of some family member.
2. Change in Body Shape and
When child is
small, sometimes it becomes difficult
tell from appearance whether it is a boy or a
girl. This is because small boys and girls have the same
of clothes worn by a small child which body shape (see Figure 2). So, it is usually the type
help us in
telling whether it is a boy or a girl (and not its
shape). When puberty sets in, a time of rapid changes in
body shape and appearance starts in boys and

Figure 2. Small boys and girls have the

Figure 3. Grown up boys and girls have
body shape. So, they look alike.
different body shapes. So, they look different.
girls which make the boys and girls look different from one another
(see Figure 3). Actually, testes in
boys and ovaries in girls make different hormones which make the bodies of
ris re different ways. So, the changes in body boys and
girls to develop in
shape occurring in adolescent boys and girls at puberty are
ull different. Some of the changes in body
shape and appearance in boys and girls brought about by the
or g onset of puberty are as follows:
i) Boys develop broader shoulders and wider chests than
girls (see Figure 3).
full (ti) Girls develop broader hips than boys. Due to this, the
region below the waist becomes wider in girls
(see Figure 3).
ii) Boys develop more muscle than girls. So, the body of boys looks more muscular
than that of girls.
(iv) Girls develop breasts. This also changes the body shape of
grown up girls and makes them 1look
different from boys.
(v) Boys develop Adam's Apple (a bulge in front of throat) which makes them look different from
(vi) Boys develop facial
hair (moustache and beard) but the girls.
erso girls do not have facial hair. So,
facial hair makes boys look different from girls
of growth
%d Change in Voice
iod When we are talking, our voice (or sound) is produced by the voice box. The
voice box is in our throat.
Voice box is also called larynx. At puberty, the voice box (or
larynx) begins to in boys as well as in
girls. The growth of voice box in boys is much more than the growth of voicegrow box
the voice box in boys becomes much bigger than the voice box in in girls. Due to thi.
have a bigger voice box in their throat whereas grown up girls have a smaller
This means that the
grown up boys
voice box in their throats.
The bigger voice box in boys gives deeper voice (or low
of bovs chanees at
pitched voice) to the boys. Thus, the voice
puberty and becomes deeper because their voice boxes
bigger in size. The bigger (or larger) voice box in a grown up boy can be seen enlarge too much and become
as a
bulge (or projection) in
tront of the throat (or neck). The bulge (or projection) at the tront ot tnd
4). Adanns
or neck in grown
up boys is called Adam's Apple (see Figure
APPle is tormed in grown up boys because of their bigger voice bON m i

throat. It is called an Adam's Apple after the story of Adam (the tirst mat

created by God) and Eve (the first woman created by Goi) describt
Bible in which Adam ate a piece of forbidden fruit (apple) in the Cxa Adams
Eden which got stuck in his thYoat. An Adam's Apple sometimes loxoks like
a small rounded apple just under the skin in front of the throat. Ihus,

Adam's Aple is a feature of throat (or neck) of grown up boys. lt is a bulge (

bump) in the throat or neck. Figue 4 Aiam's Appie
A rough and harsh voice is called 'hoarse' voice. Hoarse voice is callet
'phati avaaz' in Hindi. In adolescent boys, sometimes the muscles ot the
VOice bOx go out of control due to which their voice bevomes hoase hoNNIeS O
This statr ot
voice may remain for a few days or few weeks after which the voice bervmes normal. Murng this tinme. the
vocal cords of the voice box (or larynx) get adjusted to the new, bigger size ot the voie
In girls, the voice box (or larynx) is comparatively small in size due to which it is hantly visidle trom
outside. So, girls do not develop Adam's Apple at puberty. The smaller voice bor in girls gives shrll
voice (high pitched voice) to the girls.
Before we go further, we should know the meaning of the terms such as pimplks. ane. sbamus
glands and sweat glands. Pimples are small red spots on the face of a person. Acne is a skin conditioa
marked by the eruption of numerous red pimples on the face. Sebacevus glanuis aw the small glands in
the skin which secrete an 'oil' (called sebum) through skin pores to lubricate and protert the surtade of skin
Sebaceous glands' are commonly known as 'oil glands'. Sweat glands are the tiny glands in the skin which
secrete 'sweat' (pasina).

4. Development of Pimples and Acne on the Face

Many young boys and girls get pimples and acne on the face during puberty. The pimples and aene
are formed due to the increased activity of sebaceous glands and sweat glands present in the skin. Is
happens as follows: The level of hormones in boys and girls rises too much at
puberty. These hormones stimulate the sebacious glands and sweat glands
present in the skin. The increased activity of sebaceous glands (oil glands)
causes them to secrete more 'oil' and the increased activity of sweat glands
makes them secrete more sweat. The excess oil and sweat get collected in the
tiny pores of the skin. The accumulation of oil, sweat and dead skin cells blocks
the tiny pores in the skin of the face. Bacteria grow in the mixture of oil; sweat
and dead skin cells in the blocked skin pores' causing the swelling and redness
of skin which leads to the formation of pimples (see Figure 5). Thus,
are caused by the clogged and infected skin pores. When outbreaks of too
many pimples occur often, it is considered acne. imples and acne occur most
Figure 5. Ntans aoles
commonly during adolescence. In most boys and girls, pimples and boys
diminish over time and tend to disappear by the time one reaches the age of 18
acne and pinpes
girts get
the favr during pubeity.
or 19 years. In some, they continue into adulthood.

5. Development of Sex Organs

The onset of puberty brings about complete growtn and
development of sex organs in bovs and g
d e to hich their reproductive systems
start ranctionin8 at this stage. For example
(a At puberty, the male sex organs
like testes atand penis enlarge and develop completeh, The test
duce male sex cells called "sperms puberty. This makes the male
at puberty.
(bov's) repradux
(i) At puberty, the female sex organs like ovaries, oviducts and uterus enlarge
completely. Ine eggs (or ova) begin to mature at this stage. The ovaries start releasing mature egEs tor
ova) puberty. This makes the female (girl's) reproductive system functional at

6. Reaching Mental, Intellectual and

Emotional Maturity
When a person reaches
puberty, he (or she) becomes an adolescent. Adolescence continues up to the
age of 18 or 19 years. During adolescence, a boy (or girl) reaches mental, intellectual and
maturity (Mental is called emotional
maansik, intellectual is called baudhik and emotional is called bhavatamak in
(a) Adolescence is a
period which brings maturity in a person's way of thinking. At this sta8e,
Pbo adolescent boys and girls spend considerable time thinking about many things occurring in their minds.
During adolescence, mental maturity makes the boys and girls more independent than before.
aiget (b) Adolescence isperiod which also brings intellectual maturity. Due to intellectual development,

the boys and girls get into the habit of reasoning, and understanding things objectively. In fact, adolescence
is the time in one's life when the brain has the
greatest capacity for learning.
(c) The changes which occur in the body of boys and girls during adolescence may cause emotional
RiVes swings. These emotional swings show intense feelings such as joy, anger, boredom, worries or sadness
which are not based on reasoning or knowledge. The adolescents also become self-conscious (unduly aware
of one's actions leading to nervousness). Sometimes, the adolescents feel insecure (not confident) while
SeC trying to adjust to the changes in body and mind. There is, however, no reason to feel insecure. The
changes which take place in body and mind during adolescence are a natural part of the growing up
process. Every human being has to pass through this stage. Our parents have passed through this stage,
ace ot now we are passing through this stage, and one day our children will also pass through this stage in life.
skin vi
There are two types of sexual characteristics (or sex characteristics) in human beings : Primary sexual
characteristics and Secondary sexual characteristics. The sexual characteristics which are present at birth
are called primary sexual characteristies. Primary sexual characteristics include internal and external sex
organs which are present in babies at the time of their birth. The primary sexual characteristics in males (or
boys) are: Testes, Penis and Seminal vesicles, etc. The primary sexual characteristics in females (or girls)
are: Ovaries, Oviducts, Uterus and Vagina, etc. The primary sexual characteristics are directly involved in
The sexual characteristics controlled by hormones which distinguish between sexually mature
males and females (sexually mature boys and girls) but are not directly involved in reproduction, are
called secondary sexual characteristics. In secondary sexual characteristics, the body parts (other than sex
organs) develop special features which make it easier to distinguish a boy from a girl. For example, the
growth of facial hair (like moustache and beard) in boys is a secondary sexual characteristic which helps
to distinguish between a mature boy and a girl (because facial hair do not grow in girls). Similarly, the
development of breasts in girls is a secondarysexual characteristic which helps to distinguish a girl from
a boy (because boys do not develop breasts). The secondary sexual characteristics start developing at the
time of puberty and continue to develop through the period of adolescence.
The main secondary sexual characteristics in males (or boys) are the following:
(i) Hair grow on face (in the form of moustache and beard) in boys.
(ii) Shoulders and chest broaden (become wider) in boys.
i ) A deeper voice (or low pitched voice) in boys.
( ) Adam's Apple develops in front of throat (or neck) in boys.
The secondary sexual characteristics in boys are produced by the male sex hormone called
testosterone' made in testes.

,e main secondary sexual characteristies in females (orgirls) ane the folloWh}

)Development of breusts in girls
Hips broaden and become more curved and
(in) A shrill voice (or
prominent in girt
high pitched voice) in giris.
. e secondary sexual characteristics in girls ane produced by the lenmale sex hornoe callet estrogen
ndae in ovaries. We will now discuss the role of hormones in initiating reproduetive fmtioww
Hormones are the chemical substances which co-ondinate the activities of 1lving organis
(incuding human beings), and also their growth. Hormones are made and seereted by spectalised tiseues
the body called 'endocrine glands'. The hornones are poured direetly into te bloont and caried
throughout the body by the blood circulatory system. The hormones act on 'srcitic tisstues or 'pecifie
organs' in the body called 'target sites'. A hormone is proaduced by an enudoerie gland in ome
human body but causes a part of
particular ettert in another part of the body. lorons are ot many dilerent
types and perform different functions in the body. The hormones involved in the development and
control of the reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristies are called nes horonex. The two
common sex hormones are testosterone and
estrogen (Fstrogen is also sypelled as nlrogen).
Exocrine Glands and Endocrine Glands
A gland is
structure which secretes a specific substance (or substanees) in the
made up of 'a group of body. A gland is
cells' or 'tissue'. There ane two types of glands in our body:emerine glands and
endocrine glands. A gland which secretes its
product into a duet (or tube) is called an ewcrine gland. So
exocrine glands are the glands having ducts. 'For
into a duct called 'salivary duct', theretore,
example, the salivary gland seretes its produet (saliva)
salivary gland is an exocrine gland. Sweat glands and
sebaceous glands (or oil glands) are also exocrine
A gland which does not have a duct and secretes
glands which reloase their seeretions tlhrough dut
its product directly into the blood
an endocrine gland. Thus, endocrine glands are ductless stream, is called
a chemical substanee called hormone'. Some of the
glands. An endocrine gland nakes (and severetes)
examples ot endocrine glands (or ductless glands) ln
our body are pituitary gland, thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Some of the
both, as endocrine glands as well as exocrine glands. For glands in our bady funetlon
endocrine glands as well as exOcrine glands. Endocrine
example, panoreas, testes and ovaries functiom aN
blood stream of a person. These hormones reach the concermed
release their hormones directly into the
body part (called target site)
blood and act on it. through tne
The hormones play an important role in initiating the reproductive functions ot
because the changes which oceur at adolescence are controlled adoleseents. This
by hormones. In other words, the onset t
Duberty is controlled by hormones. Puberty begins with a sudden
increase in the production of
in the body which cause a number of changes in boys and giris. We hormone
have alrvady studiod that testes
ovaries are the real reproductive organs in humans. The testes and an
ovaries produce seN colls o8 8ametew

(sperms, and eggs orova).

In addition to
producing gametes (sperms and eggs), testes and
sex hormones which bring about changes in the bodies of ovaries prona
boys (males) and girls
make their reproductive systems functional. (ftemales) at uber
The testes make male hormone called testosterone. The ovaries
make female tled
hormmone cal
estrogen. The production of these sex hormones is under the sex
est control
horone) secreted by pituitary gland. The production ot sex ot anwther hormone

'estrogen increases dramatically at the stage of human growth called hormones 'tostustero"
hormones is responsible
tor the changes in the bodies ot
puberty, This rise in the levelot
le se
boys and girls at puberty.
(a) The hrmones trum
pituitary glant stimulate teutew to relvane male aws hornne tenlnterone n
thenset ot puberty in bovs.
Testosterone hormone pertomma the tollowing (unetions
)Testosterone hornune prduces male sevvnmtary esual characterintin iun buya at
ulrty (ch (
deeper voie growth ot tacial hair like mustache and beand broad aloullera and heat Atlam's
Apple and more nuuseles),
(i) Testosterone hornane cauIses the growth and develoment of male N'n orga at pubety
(it) Testosterone hurmone causes 'grwth in bovs at
spurt' pulrty.
() The hormnes tnom
gland stimulate ovarien to eleane the temale ae"n hormne 'eutrogen
at the onset ot puberty in girls.
Estrogen hormone pertorms the tollowing functtons
) Estrogen hormone producs temale seemdary sevual characteriatica in
voice; development ot
girls at jpuberty (stnh an nhri
breasts; and broader hips).
(i) Estrogen hormone causes the growtlh and derelopnent ot lemale ner organs at
(it) Estrogen hormone brings about the monthly preparatiom ot ulerus or pregnany.
The pituitary gland secretes many hormones. One ot these hormonen
stimuulaten the lormation of
sperms in testes and maturation ot egg cells (or ova) in ovaries. A yet another hormone develops the
mammary glands (nmilk produwing glands) insicde the breasts.
Adolescents become capable ot reproduction at puberty wlhern their testes and ovaries bepin to produce
gametes (sperms and egg). Adolesvent boys grow and bevcome men. Adolewcent girls grow and become
women. In men, the capacity to produce male gametes for sperms) usually lasts throughout life. But in
women,the capacity to produce female gametes (eggs or ova) lasts only up to about 45 to 50 years of age.
Due to this, the reproductirve phase of lifte in men (or males) lasts much longer than in uvomen (or femates). We will
now discuss the reproductive phase of lite in human females (or women) in detail. In femalen (or women),
the reproductive phase of life begins at puberty (10 to 12 years of age) and generally lants till the age of
approximately 45 to 50 years.
a) With the onset of puberty, the eggs (or ova) begin to mature in the ovaries of a woman. One mature
eg8 (or ovum) is released by one of the ovaries of the woman once in about 28 to 30 days. During this
period, the inner lining of uterus grows and becomes thick and spongy, and prepares itself to receive the
fertilised egg (see Figure 6). So, in case the fertilisation of egg cell occurs by a sperm, the tertiliscd egg cell
begins to divide to form an embryo. The embryo then gets embedded in the thick uterus lining, This results

Thiok linin0
s Thick lining of uterua
of uterus breaka towin


Figure 6. A thick lining grows in the

Flgure 7, In case the ogg cell iN not
fertilined, the
to receive the fertilised egg cell (if any). hick uterus lining breuks
dlown leading to
bleeding. This is called meuntruation (or period),
in pregnancy which ultimately leads to the birth of a baby. We will now describe what hapens if the
Jertilisation of egg cell does not take place.
(b) If fertilisation does not occur (due to lack ot sperm), then the egg released by the ovary dies
few davs and the thick lining breaks down (becauNe it ts no longer required). Since the thick uterus
ntains a lot of ucr us in the produces
blood vessels, therefore, the breaking down (or disintegration) o woman
of vagina of form of
alongwith other tissues. This blood and other tissues come out

bleeding'. The bleeding from the uterus which occurs in a woman (or mature girl)
every month (if the A r

eg8 cell has not been fertilised) is called enstrual flow or menstruation
(sce Figure 7). Me
Menstruation occurs every 28to
Menstruation P EA A

occurs once in about 28 to 30

days (which is almost a month). after every 28 to 330
30 days
because ovulation (release of egg or ovum by of woman) occurs
the ovary
It is also called
days. In
weryday language, menstruation is called 'monthly periods' or just 'periods'. 'mensee hesex

Menstruation (or periods) usually lasts for about 3 to 5 days in a

month. l a s

c nrst menstruation (or menstrual flow) begins at puberty (when the girl or woman is around 10
12 years of age). The first occurrence of menstruation (or periods) at puberty is called menarche
gint (orlenr
Menarche is the beginning of the reproductive life of a girl (or woman). In other words, menarche is the
time from which a girl (or woman) becomes capable of having a baby. Menstruation stops temporaril
when a woman becomes pregnant. Menstruation restarts after the birth of the baby. Menstruation stops
permanently when a woman reaches the age of about 45 to 50 years. With the permanent stoppage of
menstruation, a woman loses her ability to bear children. The permanent stoppage of menstruation lor
periods) in a woman is called menopause. Menopause occurs in women at the age of about 45 to 50 yean
A woman stops ovulating at menopause and can no longer become pregnant. Menopause is the end of the
reproductive life of a woman. We can now say that the reproductive life of a wvoman starts at menarche
and ends at menopause.
Menstrual Cycle
The process of ovulation and menstruation in women is called menstrual cycle (because it ocurs
again and again after a fixed time period). The menstrual cycle is a period of about 28 to 30 days during
which an egg cell (or ovum) matures, the mature egg cell is released by the ovary, thickening of uterus
lining takes place, and finally the uterus lining breaks down causing bleeding in women (if the egg cel
has not been fertilised). Initially, the menstrual cycle in girls may be irregular (it may not be of 28 to30
days). It becomes regular after some time. Menstrual cycle in women is controlled by hormones. We ill
now discuss the determination of sex in humans which involves the role of sex chromosomes. ) la sp
barbe zygot
Sex Chromosomes
Chromosomes are present inside the nucleus of every cell of the human body. All the human being
aboy (or male
have 23 pairs of chromosomes in the nuclei of their normal body cells. Out of these 23 Thus, the
pairsd lefilisation ha
chromosomes, one pair of chromosomes (or two chromosomes) are called sex chromosomes. The two
chromosomes that determine the sex of an offspring (or baby) are called sex chromosomes. The two
Konitbination o
THKes he chiul
chromosomes are named X chromosome and Y chromosome. The
gametes (or sex cells) are not norm
body cells, they are special cells called reproductive cells. The gametes contain
only 23 single chromosome
and hence they have only one of the two sex chromosomes (X or Y) that exist
in the normal body cell.
females (or women), all the gametes or all the egg cells (ova) contain X chromosomes.
Females (or wome
have no Y chromosomes in their gametes (egg cells or ova). On the other
hand, in males (or men), halr uweh the
gametes (or sperms) have X chromsomes and half of gametes (or sperms) have Y
chromosomes. The ba
developed from XX combination of sex chromosomes in
zygote is a girl. And the baby
XY combination of sex chromosomes in ZYgote will be a boy. Let us
discuss this in detail.
r developed Asarnmsesne a
When a womangives birth to a baby it can be a boy (male) or a girl (female).
The sex of a baby to bë
is decided at the monment the egg cell of woman (mother)
gets fertilised by the sperm man
occurs. This is
because the ructions for determining the sex of (father) andpregnany
which are in the nucleus of
of baby (whether it will be r girl)a
boy sexd
present in the sex chromosomes
the fertilised
chromosomes present in the fertilised egg called zygote. Tne
baby is determined by the type
te) from wh
olons. This will become nmore clear trom the
following discussion.
egg (or zygote)

There are two

types of sex chromosomes X chromosomes and Y chromosomes.
() A female (woman or mother) has only X chromosomes in all her gametes called eggs (or ova). 1nis
means that all the female gametes called eggs (or ova) have X
only chromosomes.
(ii) A male (man or father ) has X chromosomes as well as Y chromosomes in male gametes called
sperms. Actually, halt the male gametes or sperms have X chromosomes and the other half of male
gametes or sperms have Y chromosomes.

The sex of a child

depends on what happens at fertilisation:
OUnd (a) If a sperm carrying X chromosome fertilises an egg cell (or ovum) which carries X chromosome,
then the zygote formed will have XX combination of sex chromosomes due to which the child born will be
a girl (or female) (see Figure 8)
adons Mother's Father's sperms
tope eggs (or ova) (Half X;
(All X) Half Y)

e enda

t mau


Ise t XX Zygote XY Zygote

days d (Femalechild Girl) (Malechild: Boy)

Figure 8. Determination of sex in humans.
(b) If a
sperm carrying Y chromosome fertilises an egg cell (or ovum) which carries X
then the formed will have XY combination of sex chromosomes due to which the child born will be
boy (or male) (see Figure 8).
Thus, the sex of unborn child (or unborn baby) depends on whether the zygote formed at the time of
fertilisationhas XX combination of sex chromosomes or XY combination of sex
chromosomes. XX
combination of sex chromosomes makes the child a girl whereas XY combination of sex chromosomes
makes the child a boy. Please note that it is the sperm of man which determines the sex of the
child. This
is because half of the
sperms have X chromosomes and the other half have Y chromosomes. Thus, there is
na a 50
per cent chance of a boy and a 50 per cent chance of a girl being born to the parents. This is
why the
human population is roughly half males and half females. The egg cells (or ova) of woman cannot decide
the of the child because all the egg cells (or ova) contain the same sex
chromosome, X chromosome.
From the above discussion we conclude that if the father (man or
husband) contributes X sex

chromosome at fertilisation through his sperm, the baby born will be a girl. On the other hand, if the father
(man or husband) contributes a Y sex chromosome at fertilisation
will be a bov. This means that it is the sex chromosome contributed
through his sperm, then the baby born
el by father (man or husband) which
decides the sex of the baby which the mother (woman or wite) will birth give to. Thus, father
(man or
husband) is responsible for the sex of the
baby (boy or girl) which is born. The belief that mother
(Woman wife) is responsible for the sex
or ot her
baby, is absolutely wrong. In many ignorant Indian
families, the mother (woman of wife) is held responsible for the birth of a girl child and
harassed. Such people should understand that it is the husband who is unnecessarily
Child (and not his wife). Moreover, a girl is no less than a responsible for the birth of a girl
A widely held but false belief is known as myth. And something prohibited by social customs is
cailed taboo. We will now describe some myths and taboos related to the process of reproduction in
mans. In the previous Chapter of this book and in this Chapter, we have learnt the scientific facts related
to the process of reproduction in humans. There are, however, many wrong notions or beliefs in the minds

O a n y people connected with the process of reproduction (especially in relation to girls or women) which
are based ignorance of facts.

An important myth (wrong belief) in the minds of many people is that mother is responsible for the
sex of her child (male or female). This is absolutely wrong. The scientific facts tell us that it is the father
(or man) who is responsible for the sex of the child born (whether it is a boy or girl). It is great foolishness Thef
on the part of society to hold the mother (or woman) responsible for the sex of child born.

An important taboo in the minds of many people is that a girl (or woman) should not be allowed to
work in the kitchen
during the days of menstruation (or periods). This taboo (or custom) is also ainerals)

absolutely wrong. Menstruation is a natural process in girls (or women). There is absolutely no harm ifa aleda b
girl (or woman) works in the kitchen or goes out for other work during the days of menstruation. The only
thing is that the girl (or woman) should take proper care of personal hygiene (body cleanliness) during the Ealthy.
days of menstrual flow. dolescen
halanced c
we know the scientific facts
regarding the process of reproduction in humans, it is our duty
help in eradicating (or removing) such myths and taboos from our society. Remember, God has made herapid
women to create human life. So, women should be held in to meet
esteem in our society. Why
look down
upon women who give birth to men ! Our mother is a woman, our sister isa woman, and a man's wife is () T
also a woman. Then why not have provide c=
a woman as our
daughter! It is the duty of our Government as well as
our society to save,
protect and educate the girl child who will become the woman of tomorrow. faour, ancd
Adolescent Pregnancy iErgy. S
The formal union of a man and a woman by which
they become husband and wife is called marriage. wisch can
In our country, the legal age (as per law) for marriage is 18 years for girls (and 21 years for
the functions of married life in our society is to have a boys). One of oul, musta.
baby. With the birth of baby, a becomes a mother
(or she enters motherhood). The legal age for the marriage of girls has been fixed at girl
18 years because early
motherhood (at an age lower than 18 years) causes a lot of
the baby. Some of the problems brought about by
problems for the young mother as well as for
early marriage in girls leading to early motherhood
are given below:
(i) The girls younger than 18 years of age are not prepared
physically and mentally for motherhood.
(it) Early marriage and motherhood cause health problems in the mother and
the child.
(ii) Early marriage and motherhood cause agony (extreme
fulfil the responsibilities of motherhood involved in
suffering) to the
girl as she is not prepared
bringing up the baby.
(iw) Early marriage and motherhood curtails (reduces) the chances
of higher education for
(o) Early marriage and motherhood curtails the employment girls.
opportunities for the young girls.
Unfortunately, in some of the areas of our country there is a tradition of child
is harmful for the growth arnd development of marriages. This traditio
not only the giris but also
ie making great efforts to stop child marriages but these etforts can succeed for boys. Though our
Government Figure
de to co-operate. So, as fully only
responsible citizens, all of us should do our best to stop child when the people a
country. We will now discuss the reproductive health of adolescents. marriages in o

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), reproductive health is defined as a
According d social
mental and social well-being
of a person in all matters
physical, to relating to the ren at

of life, but it isreproductive syste

reproductive health is required at all
ages of life. Though stages more essentialdu

theperiod ol dolesCOnCe when the body IN growing rapilly and many changen are taking jplace n
of the myortant conditions to maintain
() It is necessary to rat good reproductive health during adolencence are given beloOw
balunced diet
during adolenconce,
(i) lt is ncessary to
personal hygiene during adolencence,
(ii) lt is necesnary to take
adequate phynical exercine during ncdolecence
(ir) It is necessary to
avoid taking any
We will now deseribe all
druga durhng adolecence
these conditions for
maintaining good reproductive health in detail, one by
1. Nutritional Needs of Adolescents
The tood which we eat cach
upday makeN
'diet'. A diet consists of many food items made from
cereal grains (like wheat and rice),
pulses, Iruits,
vegetables, meat, fish, eg, and milk, etc. The diet which
contains the correct amount of each
constituent (such as carbohydrates, fats,
minerals) sufticient for the normal proteins, vitamins and
growth and development of the
body, and keep a person healthy, is
called a balanced diet. lEvery human being, at any age, needs to have a balanced diet to keep the
healthy. 1l is all the body
inmportant to eat balanced diet (containing the right kinds of foods) during
adolescence because a rapid growth and
development of the body takes place during this period. A
balanced diet helps the bones, muscles and other
for rapid
parts of the body to get adequate nourishment required
The various typesof food items which should be inclided in the diet of
adolescents so
as to mevt their
nutritional needs are discussed below.
() The diet of adolescents should include food items
made from cereals (like wheat and rice) which
provide carbohydrates for energy. The food items like chupati (roti), bread, and
flour), and cooked rice and its preparations like dosa, iulli and poori (made from wheat
biryani, etc., provide us carbohydrates for
energy. Sugar and jaggery (gul) also contain carbohydrates that give us
(i) The diet of adolescents should include fats which also
which can be incuded in the diet for
give us energy. The common food items
providing fat to our body are butter, glhec, cooking oils (like groundnut
oil, mustard oil, suntlower oil and coconut oil),
vanaspati gher, groundnuts and fatty meat.

Figure 9, Examples of types of food in a balanced diet. These iiclude loods made
from ccreal gruins (wheat and
milk, butter, cggs, ricc)
pulses, meat, fish, fruits and
iil The diet of adolescents should include food items
containing proteins which are required for
the growth of their body. The common food items which contain a lot of
proteins are
beans, cheese (paneer), egH5, lean meat (meat without fat), fish, milk and groundnuts. pulses (dal), peas,
ip) The diet of adolescents should include fruits and
vegetables which provide many vitamins and
minerals necessary for keeping good health. 'ruits and vegetables are called
protective foods because they
protect our body from many ailments Dy Supplying various vitamins and minerals, and
healthy. citrus fruits like orange, lime and lemon contain
us help stay
For example, vitamin C which builds up
resistance and helps fight infection. arrots contain vitamin A which is body
necessary for keeping healthy
esignt. Iron is a mineral which is necessarv for making blood in the body. The iron-rich toods such as
eyvegetables, Indian gooseberry (amla), meat and jaggery (gud) are good for adolescents as thhey help in
making blood. Milk contains a lot of calcium mineral which is necessary for making neatny oones of the

growing adolescents.
Our Indian meal of roti (or rice), pulses (dal) and vegetables is a balanced meal. Milkis a balaneced fond
in itself. For infants (small babies), mother's milIk provides all the necessary nourishment which they need,
Chips and packed (or tinned) snacks, though very tasty, should never be taken in place ot regular meals
because chips and other such snacks do not have adequate nutritional value. Similarly, other junk foods
such as burgers, noodles, vegetable cutlets and soft drinks do not form part of a balanced diet.

2. Personal Hygiene for Adolescents

Keeping our body clean is called personal hygiene. The maintenance of personal hygiene (or
cleanliness) is necessary for adolescents for preventing diseases and keepin8 good health. The
adolescents can maintain personal hygiene by adopting the following practices
(i) Adolescent boys and girls should take bath regularly (at least once everyday). Though having
bath is good for everyone, it is more necessary for adolescents (or teenagers) because the increased activity
of sweat glands and oil glands sometimes makes the body smelly. Bathing removes the sweat, oil and dirt
etc, and cleans the body. During bathing, all parts of the body should be washed and cleaned everyday.
(i) Adolescent girls should take special care of cleanliness of the body during the time of dnug
menstrual flow (or periods). The girls should keep a track of their menstrual cycle and be prepared for the dru
onset of menstruation. ninted
If personal hygiene (or cleanliness of body) is not maintained by adolescent boys and girls, there are inuted
chances of catching bacterial infections. These infections can make a person ill and spoil good health. ONMs pre-

3. Physical Exercise for Adolescents

Physical exercise is an activity requiring 'physical effort' which is carried out for the sake of health and ADSV
fitness. All the adolescent boys and girls should do physical exercise such as brisk walking, jogging
(running), swimming. cycling, dancing, playing outdoor games (like hockey, football, badminton
basketball, etc.) or any other type of exercise, regularly. Regular physical exercise has the following
beneficial effects:
i) Regular physical exercise in fresh air keeps the body fit.
(i) Regular physical exercise also improves the mental health.
(iii) Physical exercise protects a person from heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and
(io) Physical exercise builds and maintains nealthy muscles, bones and joints.
() Physical exercise increases our efficiency in studies, sports and work.
(vi) Physical exercise improves the general sense ot well-being and makes a
person feel happier.
4. No Drugs for Adolescents
Drugs are chemical substances which when taken into the body change the functions of the
influence the mind and sometimes even change the behaviour of the person. Some of the
dr1os are heroin, cocaine, alcohol, paracetamol and penicilin. Drugs can be
examples or
inhaled orswallowed, injextu
into the body.
Adolescence is a period of much activity in the body and mind of young boys and girls, Sometines an
aloscent boy or girl undergoes emotional swings such as feeling confused, insecure, bored, worrie
stressed out, tense or angry, etc. we should not worry about such things because these emotio
tional swings
are a normal part of the growing up process and disappear automatically with time. If somebody suga
that vou will get relief from confusion, tension, boredom and worries, etc., and feel better by taking S
i 1 s t say 'No' (unless the drugs have been presçribed by a doctor). Dr
rugs are very powertul chenu
ra doctor's
substancesand should be
used only
supervision. Adolescent should avoid
boys and girls
o ds su
thy bones drugs to
and satisfying life in this mental and social well-being which are
world. Some of the necessary to live a purposeful, frutrul
ch the n
) Drugs are addictive.
person feels he (or she) you
(11) Drug addicts become
harmful effects of taking
take drugs once,
cannot live without
drugs are as followS
you feel like taking them
drugs and becomes a
again and again. Soon the
irritable and lose interest in
other junk N
college, or lose job. their studies or jobs.
They may drop out of school
(in) Drugs do
physical harm to the body.
drugs ruin health and Drugs can damage brain, liver,
happiness. lungs and kidney. In this way,
(iv) People taking drugs run
nal hygau () The sharing of
the risk of accidents
because they get confused.
ood health syringes injecting drugs spreads AIDS
AIDS stands for disease among the drug addicts.
Acquired Immune Deficiency
caused by a virus called
. Though h HIV (HIV stands for Syndrome. AIDS is
dangerous disease which 1s
This virus is
present in the blood of AIDS Human Immunodeficiency
increased a virus (HIV) can be patients.
easily passed on from an infected The AIDS
weat, oil ad in a number of
ways given below: person to a healthy person
leaned even (i) AIDS virus (HIV) can
pass from an infected
the sharing of
ring the tin syringes used for injecting drugs. person to a healthy person by
e prepared If a drug addict has
AIDS virus in
injecting drugs into his body, then thehis needle
blood and he uses a
syringe for
contaminated with AIDS virus of this
nd girls, te syringe will get
contaminated needle is then used (seea Figure 10). When this syringe with
g0od heah AIDS virus by healthy person for
present on the injection needle injecting drugs, the
enters into his blood. In
healthy person injecting drugs into his this
will also get AIDS disease.way,
sake of heah (i) AIDS virus (HIV) can be body
contact with a
transmitted to a healthy
walking i person infected with HIV.
person through sexual Figure 10. A drug addict
tball, badni (iii) AIDS virus (HIV) be injecting himself with a
infected mother
transmitted to an infant
(small baby) from the drug. This is the beginning
has the folo through her milk. of a life of
AIDS is mainly misery and
sexually transmitted disease. There is no cure for
disease. AIDS patients die probably an early death.
their body due to which their
even from
simple diseases because AIDS virus weakens the
body cannot fight disease-causing germs. immunity of
etes and os
We have just
discussed two sex
hormones called testosterone and
secreted by endocrine estrogen. Testosterone hormone is
glands called 'testes' (which are found
secreted by endocrine
glands called only in males) whereas
only in females). There estrogen
eelhappiër 'ovaries' (which are found hormone is
other than sex hormones. Some of
the are
important hormones (other than sex
hormones, Thyroxine, Insulin and Adrenaline.
Growth hormone is secreted hormones) are : Growth
ctionsofthe hormone is secreted by thyroid by pituitary
hormone is gland; insulin hormone is secreted gland ; thyroxine
o fthee x a n secreted by adrenal glands. by pancreas; whereas
found in both, males as well as Pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenaline
females. The positions of pancreas and adrenal glands
shown in Figure 11. We will now describe the major endocrine glands in the are
functions of the hormones human body are
secreted by various endocrine (other than sex hormones)
g r sS
. omet
e boredna

Pituitary Gland (or Pituitary)

emotiona Pituitary is an endocrine gland. Pituitary gland is attached
to the base of
Somebodys pituitary gland secretes a number of hormones. One of the
the brain (see
Figure 11). The
growth hormone (or human growth hormone). The hormones secreted
growth hormone controls the by pituitary gland is the
body (like the growth of bones and muscles). growth of the human
POWerti Proper amount of growth hormone is
necessary for the
normal growth of the body. A person having the
deficiency of growth hormnone in childhood remains
very short and becomes a dwarf On the other hand, a
person having too much growth hormone becomes Pituitary gland
gust below brain)
very tall (or a giant).
Pituitary gland is the most important endocrine
Thyroid gland
gland in the body. Pituitary gland is called 'master (in the neck)
gland' because many of the hormones which it secretes blC
control the functioning of other endocrine glands in the
body. For example, pituitary gland secretes hormones
that make other endocrine glands such as testes,
ovaries, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands to secrete
their hormones. In other words, the testes, ovaries,
thyroid gland and adrenal glands secrete their hormones Pancreas
when they receive orders from the pituitary gland (below stomach)
through its hormones. Adrenal giands
(above kidneys
2. Thyroid Gland (or Thyroid)
Thyroid is a large endocrine gland in the neck. It is
attached to the wind pipe in our body (see Figure 11).
Thyroid gland makes a hormone called thyroxine (only in female
(which contains iodine). Thyroid gland secretes its -Testes
hormone (thyroxine) when it receives instructions from (only in mas
the pituitary gland through its hormones. Thyroxine
hormone controls the rate of body's metabolism (the Figure 11. The positions of major endocrine
chemical processes which occur continuously in human glands in the human body.
body to maintain life). Thyroid gland needs a constant
supply of iodine in order to produce thyroxine hormone. This iodine normally comes from the diet we eat. Sine

iodine is
necessary for the making thyroxine hormone, therefore, a deficiency of iodine in the diet can cas
a deficiency of thyroxine hormone in the body.
The deficiency of thyroxine hormone
causes a disease known as
goitre. Since the deficiency
thyroxine hormone is caused by a deficiency of iodine in the diet, so we can also say that the deficiengy
iodine in the body causes a disease known as goitre. The main
symptom of goitre disease is that the neck of the person
suffering from goitre appears to be swollen (see Figure 12).
The person appears to have a big and bulging neck. Goitre is a
disease of the thyroid gland. If people do not have enough
iodine in their diet, they will get goitre disease caused. by the
lack of thyroxine hormone in the body. People are advised to
use iodised salt for cooking food so as to prevent goitre
disease. Iodised salt contains appropriate amount of iodine
compounds (such as potassium iodide). lodised salt can provide
all the iodine needed by thyroid gland to make sufficient
thyroxine hormone for our body. Since there will be no
Figure 12. A woman ffering from thyrd
deficiency of thyroxine hormone in the body, goitre cannot
disease called 'goitre". Please nole
develop. So, the inmportance of consuming 1odised salt is that it Swollen neck of the woman
prevents goitre disease.
3. Pancreas

P'anereas acts as arn endocrine

gland as well as an exocrine gland. Pancreas is just below the stomacn
in our body (see Figure 11). Pancreas secretes the
hormone called insulin. The function of insulin
hormone is to lower the blood sugar level (or blood glucose level). Deficiency of insulin hormone in the
Nady causes a disease known as diabetes. Diabetes disease is characterised by large quantities of sugar in

the blood (and even urine). The

insulin hormone controls the metabolism of
Nneras does not produce and secrete sufficient amount of insulin into blood,
If, due to some reason,
then the sugar level in the
blood rises. The high sugar level in the blood can cause
many harmful effects to the body of a
person. The
person having high sugar level in blood (or diabetes) is called a diabetic. Diabetic advised
dortors to take less sugar in their diet. persons are by
Common diabetes be controlled
by controlling
can diet, reducing
weight. doing regular physical exercise and taking medicines. The persons having severe diabetes are
tnuted by giving injections of insulin.
4. Adrenal Glands (or Adrenals)
Adrenals are endocrine
glands. There are two adrenal glands in our body which are located on the top
of two kidneys (see Figure 11). The adrenal
glands produce adrenaline hormone (Adrenaline is also
written as adrenalin). The adrenaline hormone
prepares our body to function at maximum efficiency
during emergency situations (like danger, fear, shock, surprise, anger or excitement, etc.) This
as tollows: When we are faced with a
dangerous situation (say, like being chased by a ferocious dog), then
the adrenal glands secrete more adrenaline hormone into our blood.
This adrenaline hormone speeds upP
the heartbeat, inereases
breathing rate, raises blood pressure, and causes liver to release more stored
glucose into the blood. All these actions of adrenaline hormone produce a lot of energy in our body
ery quickly. And this energy helps us to run away very fast fromn the dog to save ourselves. In this
the adrenaline hormone prepares our way,
body to function at maximum efficiency during the emergency
situation of being chased by a ferocious dog. It is also the adrenaline hormone
which prepares our
body to
tight an enemy (say, a burglar in our house) by providing a lot of energy in a very short time. A lot of
adrenaline hormone is also secreted by adrenal
glands when we are angry or excited. The
neenergv thus caused helps us to cope with these extreme emotional situations.
rapid output of
The adrenal glands alsoand secrete another hormone called 'aldosterone'. The
produce aldosterone
hormone secreted by adrenal glands maintains the correct salt balance in the blood. The adrenals
adrenal glands) secrete their hormones when they receive instructions from the
pituitary gland through its
hormones. We will now discuss the role of hormones in completing the life of history
and frogs insects.


We have already studied the life history of frog. In a frog, the tadpole (or
larva) hatched from the eggs
passes through certain stages to become a frog. The change from tadpole (or larva) to the adult frog is
calledmetamorphosis. In a frog, metamorphosis is brought about by thyroxine hormone (produced by
thethyroid gland). The production of thyroxine hormone requires the presence of iodine in water. So, if the
pond water in which the tadpoles are growing does not contain sutticient iodine to make
hormone, there will be deficiency of thyroxine hormone due to which tadpoles cannot thyroxine
metamorphosis and hence cannot become adult trogs. It is not only the frogs which require thyroxine
hormone complete their life history, in tact, all the amphibians need thyroxine hormone
to undergo
metamorphosis and change from larvae into adults.
We have also studied the life history ot a silk moth. Ihe caterpillar (or
larva) has to pass through
Various stages and undergo metamorphosis to become an adult silk moth. Silk
moth is
kind of insect.
There are a large number of other insects too. All the insects
undergo metamorphosis to change from larvae
adult forms. The process of metamorphosis in insects (such as silk
moth) is controlled by insect
metamorphosis brought aho.
is Name hormone whose deficiency in body causes goitre.
insects during DOay goitre.
Other words, the change from larva to adult
are now
in a position to answer 41. Name the gland which secretes inea
We the Name the disease caused by the insufficient
by insect hormones (which are made in their endocrine glands).
nornmone which prepares our bodyproduction
of insulin hormone
following questions 43. Namethe by pancreas
for action to face
anger or excitement. emergency situations like danger, Tears
Very Short Answer Type Questions and adulthood? 44. Name the endocrine gland which secretes hormone that
n a t is the special name
the period of life between childhood A5.Name a hormone (other than maintains correct salt balance in the blooda.
2. Name another term for 'adolescents, the
adrenalin) secreted by adrenals.
and the age up to
it lasts. 46. Name hormone whose deficiency causes diabetes.
the age at which adolescence usually begins the hormone which is
.State boys and girls during puberty ? 47. Name required for the metamorphosis of larvae (tadpoles) into adult
is the most conspicuous change (clearly visible change), in frogs.
Which 48. Name the
hormone which brings about metamorphosis in silk moth and
. How does the height of boys and girls change during puberty adult silk moth. changes caterpillar (larva) into
6. Name one factor on which the height of a person depends.
of the boy is 75% of his
full height, calculate the fu 49. State whether the tollowing statements are true or false:
A nine year old boy is 120 c m tall. If the present height (a) The estrogen hormone
which the
boy will
eventually reach at the end of growth period. develops deeper voice in males at puberty.
8. How do shoulders and chest change in boys during puberty?
(b) Menstruation stops in men permanently around the
age of 45 to 50 years.
(c) Man (father) is responsible for the sex of the
9. How do hips of girls change during puberty baby.
(d) The sex chromosomes in all the
gametes (sperms) of a man are not
Halt the female gametes contain X chromosomes and the other halfidentical.
10. What is the other name of 'voice box? (e) contain Y chromosomes.
11. Which of the two have a smaller voice box: grown up boys up giris
or grown
front of throat in grown up boys ? ) It is the sperm which determines the sex of a child.
12. What is the common name of the bulge (or projection) at the
13. What substance is secreted by sebacious glands ? g) Each normal cell in our body contains 23 chromosomes.
14. Name the time period in one's life when the brain has the greatest capacity for learning
and acne.
(h) Agirl should not be allowed to work in the kitchen during menstruation.
() A woman (mother) is responsible for the sex of her child.
causes pimples
15. Name two glands present in the skin whose increased activity
) Metamorphosis in insects (like silk moth) is brought about by thyroxine hormone.
16. What name is given to those sexual characteristics in humans:
50. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words :
(a) which are present in babies at birthh?
(b) which develop in mature boys and girls ? (a) Sexual maturity is reached at..
17. Name any two glands which function as endocrine glands as well as exocrine glands. (b) The changes which occur in boys and girls at puberty are brought about by various... *********

of ductless (¢) Initially, girls grow.than boys.

18. What is the other name
glands ?
19. What term is used for the secretions of endocrine glands?
(d) The changes occurring in body and mind during adolescence are a natural part of .
between mature boy and a girl are called.. sexual
20. Name : (a) female sex hormone, and (b) male sex hormone. (e) The features which help us to distinguish a

21. Name the hormone which develops secondarysexual characteristics: characteristics.

(a) in females (girls). ) The onset of puberty is controlled by...

(b) in males (boys). (g) Menstrual cycle in women is controlled by..
22. State the function of male sex hormone 'testosterone'. (h) Each normal body cell in humans contains....pairs
of chromosomes out of which. pair is of sex
23. Name the endocrine gland which controls the production of sex hormones 'testosterone' and 'estrogen chromosomes.
24. What is the name of the process in which the thickened uterus lining alongwith its blood vessels is removed (i) X and Y chromosomes are called. ...chromosomes.
cause health pfoblems in
t h e . . . a n d the..
from the body of a woman through vaginal bleeding ? ) Early marriage and motherhood
25. Which comes earlier in the life of a woman : menarche or menopause ? (K) The protective foods are. and..
when they receive instructions from.gland through
26. (a) Around which age menarche occurs in girls ? () Thyroid and adrenals secrete their hormones
(b) Around which age menopause occurs in women ? its hormones. hormone.
than amphibians is brought about by ...
27. State
one situation (other menopause) when ovulation
and menstruation
28. Which of the two has a shorter reproductive phase of life : men or women?
stop in a woman m) Metamorphosis in

29. Which of the following combinations of sex chromosomes produces a male child (or boy)? Short Answer Type Questions
State s o m e of the changes
which take place boys girls during
in and adolescence.
XX or
.Define adolescence. in human beings: male (boy) or female (girl)?
30. Which of the two, sperm or egg cell (ovum), decides the sex of the child ? What is puberty ? Who attains puberty
an earlier ageboth
. during puberty to (@)
boys and
girls (6) boys only (c) girls only.
31. What is the legal age tor the marriage ot (a) boys, and (6) girls, in our country ?
Write two changes that happen the body shape of boys changes during
32. Name a natural balanced food for infants 54. State two ways in which
a) in which the body shape of girls
changes during puberty.
During which time the adolescent
33. take special care
giris should of personal hygiene State two ways of grown up boys and
one change in the body shape of grown up girls
34. Write the full name of (i) AIDS, and (ii) HIV. S t a t e o n e change in the body shape
35. Write the name of the virus which causes AlDS disease. look different.
which makes them box in grown up boys
36. Name the endocrine gland attached to the base of brain. larger voice
W h a t is the effect of a smaller voice box in grown up girls ?
37. Name the endocrine gland which secretes the growth hormone. is the effect of a Adam APple grown up boys
o r grown
What up-
57. What is Adam's Apple ? Which of
the two usually
have an
38. Name the substance whch is neeaed conunuousiy by thyroid gland to make thyroxine hormone.
of goitre.
39. State the main symptom girls?
reach puberty? What is the cause ofthis h (b) What is meant 185)
place when they
Describe menstrualby cycle.
secondary sexual characteristics' in
VOICe of takes
59. (a) Name ttwo nmale sex organs
ta) Name and two female sex organs which develop compietety at puberty. What is humans ?
() Name two things which nmay develop
on the face of adolescent boys and girls.during puberty due to
94 (a) What is exocrine gland ? the duration of menstrual cycle Explain
with the help
in women
in the skm
ne increased activity of sebacious glands and sweat glandsand (b)What is endocrine gland ?Name
an two exocrine
Name two glands.
secondary sexual characteristics in mature boys
Oof the
two in mature giris. 95. (a) What is meant by
the conditione
endocrine glands.
glands. rine

() State the condons

(b) State
Which following are secondary sexual characteristics neceSsary to maintain good
Ovaries, Moustache, Penis, Broad hips,,Vagina, Beard, Breasts, Adam's Apple, Wides shoulders, Uterus, reproductive health during adolescence
Testes, Deeper voice. Multiple Cholce Questions (MCQs)
61. Which of the
following are endocrine 96. Reproductive age in women starts when
Salivary gland, Thyroid gland, Adrenalglands
gland, Sweat gland, Pituitary glang,Sebaceous gland (Oil gland (a) menstruation starts their:
62. (a) What name is given to the onset of menstruation in human females (or giris) A what age does this (c) body weight increases (b) breasts start developing
Occur 97. The sex of a child is determíned (4) height increases
what is in women f At What the
name given to the permanent stoppage of menstruation age doesthis (a) presence ot an X chromosome in egg (or
(b) the presence of a Y chromosome ovum).
h 0 1s ?
in sperm.
O responsible for the sex of the unborn child : father or mother ? Why (c) the age ot tather and mother.
64. What will be the of the child born
sex d) the length
of the mother's
carrying X chromosonme ? pregnancy.
ait chromosome carrying sperm fuses with an egg cell 98. The legal age for the
marriage of in boys our
country is:
chromosome carrying sperm fertilises an ovum containing X chromosome ? (a) 16 years
(6) 18 years
65. What are hormones ? Where are hormones made in the human (c) 21 years (d) 24 years
body ? 99. The legal age for the
66. What are sex hormones ? Name two sex hormones.
a) 16 years
marriage of girls in our
country is:
67. Define (i) menarche, and (ii) (b) 18 years (c) 21 years
menopause. 100. The (d) 24 years
68. What is menstruation ?
right meal for adolescents consists of
Explain. chips, noodles, coke
69. What are sex chromosomes ? Name the two
types of sex chromosomes.
(a) (b) chapati, dal, vegetables
(c) rice, noodles and burger
Explain how sex is determined in the unborn baby. (a) vegetable cutlets, chips, and lemon drink.
101. Adolescents should be careful about what
71. What are the various
ways in which AIDS virus (HIV) can be transmitted ? they eat because:
72. (a) proper diet develops their brains.
Explain how, the use of drugs helps in spreading AlDS disease.
73. State the harmful effects of taking (b) proper diet is needed for the rapid growth taking
drugs. place in their body.
74. Name one hormone secreted (C) adolescents feel hungry all the time.
by pituitary gland. State the function of this hormone. (d) taste buds are well developed in teenagers.
75. Explain why, people are advised to use iodised salt in cooking food. 102. AIDS disease is caused
76. What is goitre ? What causes
goitre ? by:
77. Which hormone lowers the blood sugar in humans ? (a) bacteria (b) virus (c) worms (d) protozoa
Name the gland which secretes this hormone. 103. Which of the
78. Name the hormone secreted by
pancreas. What is the fuFction of this hormone? following human disease can be prevented by the same hormone which brings about
79. What is the function of adrenaline hormone in the
body ? metamorphosis in frogs ?
80. Name six endocrine glands in the human (a) diabetes (b) anaemia (C) goitre (d) rickets
body. Also name the hormones secreted 104. Which of the following is a mis-matched pair ?
glands. by each one of these
81. Where are the following glands located in the (a) adrenaline : pituitary gland (b) estrogen: ovary
() Pituitary (ii) Thyroid (ii) Pancreas
human body? (C) pancreas : insulin (d) testosterone: testis
82. What will
(iv) Adrenals 05, The hormone which is associated with male puberty is called:
happen if the water in which tadpoles are
growing does not contain
83. What-is acne? sufficient iodine ? (a) oestrogen (6) adrenaline (c) testosterone (d) progesterone
84. What are pimples ? How are 06.
pimples formed? The dramatic changes in body features associated with puberty are mainly because of the secretions of
85. Name two food items each which A. Thyroxine B. Estrogen C. Adrenaline
D. Testosterone
provide mainly : (a) carbohydrates
for energy (b) fats for (c) A and C
(c) proteins for growth (d) vitamins and minerals for ene6 (a) A and B (b) B and C (d) B andD
86. Why is iron mineral needed good health 07. Which of the following endocrine gland does not occur as a pair in the human body ?
by our body ? Name some of the iron-rich
87. State any two
which be foods. (a) adrenal (6) pituitary (c) testis (d) ovary
88. Why is it more necessary for adolescents to take
can by adolescents
to maintain
108 lodine is necessary for the synthesis of one of the following hormones. This hormoneis
bath personal hygiene.
89. What will if
happen regularly
(at least once
everyday) ? (a) adrenaline (6) auxin (c) insulin (d) thyroxine
personal hygiene (cleanliness of body)
is not
maintained by 109. sexual characteristic in females ?
90. State the various ways in which early
marriage and motherhood is harmful to adolescents? Which of the following is not a primary
(c) seminal vesicles
the girls. (a) fallopian tubes (6) ovaries (4) vagina
Long Answer Type Questions characteristic in females?
91. (a) What changes take place in boys during Which of the following is the secondary sexual
puberty ? (b) broadening of chest
(a) low pitched voice
() What changes take place in girls during puberty? c) broadening of hip (d) developing Adam's apple
92. (a) What is meant by the 'primary * Which of the following can lead to menstruation in a 21year old woman during ovulation ?
sexual characteristics'
characteristics in boys and two in girls.
in humans ? State sexua
B. Oviducts blocked
two primary A. Sperms available for fertilisation

C. Sperms not D. Oviducts not blocked

available for fertilisation
(a) A and B (d) B and D
(b) B and C (c) A andC
he faulty functioning of an endocrine gland can make a person very short or very tal. This glandi
(a) thyroid (b) pituitary c) adrenal (d) pancreas
T13. Which of the
following hormone prepares our body for action emergency situauons
(a) testosterone (b) insulin (c) thyroxine (d) adrenaline
114. A doctor advised a
to take person injection of insulin because
(a) his blood pressure was high (b) his heart beat was high
(c) his blood sugar was high (d) his thyroxine level in blood was high
115. Pimples and fomed due
acne are to the increased activity of:
A. Adrenal glands B. Sebaceous glands D. Sweat glands
C. Thyroid gland
(a) A andB (b) B and C (c) A and C (d) B andD
Questions Based on High Order Thinklng Skills (HOTS)
116. When a human female reaches a certain age, then vaginal bleeding occurs for a few days after regu
intervals of time
(a) What is this process known as (i) in scientific terms, and (ii) in everyday language ?
(b) What is the human female said to have attained at this
stage ?
(c) What does the onset of this process in human female signify ?
(d) At what particular event in the life of a human
female this process stops
again ? temporarily but starts
(e) What name is given to the event when this process stops permanently ?
117. A woman is in her reproductive phase of life. Even when the sperms are available at the time of releasect
a mature ovum by her ovary, fertilisation does not take place. Due to this, the woman is unable
baby. to beara
(a) What is the most likely defect in the reproductive system of this woman ?
(b) Name the technique by which this
woman can also have a
Raj Kumar and his wife Sunita
have been blessed with a
baby girl. On the other hand, Kripa
his wife Vimla have been blessed with a baby
boy. What type of sex chromosome has been contribute
(a) by Raj Kumar (b) by Sunita (c) by Kirpa Shanker
119. A gland W is located just below the stomach in the human
(d) by Vimla
body. The gland W secrets a hormone
deficiency of hormone X in the body causes a disease Y in which the blood a person rises
much. The person having high blood sugar is called Z. What sugar level of
120. It was observed that the tadpoles are not growing into adult
are W, X, Y and Z?
asked to find the reason for this concluded that the
frogs in a village pond. A scientist wn
pond water did not contain sufficient
mineral P which could make a hormone Q. The hormone Q can cause a amou
they become adult frogs. phenomenon R in tadpolesS
(a) What are (i) P (i) Q, and (ii) R?
(b) Name one human disease which can also be caused due to the ater
deficiency of P in the food and wa

2. Teenagers 7. 160 cm 25. Menarche 27. Pregnancy 28. Women 29, Xy
(c) True 30. Sperm 32. Mothers
49. (a)False (b) False ()True (e) False y) True (g) False (h) False (i) False () False 50. (0)P ber
(b) hormones (c) faster (d) growing (e) secondary ) hormones (g) hormones
child (k) fruits; vegetables () pituitary (m) thyroxine 64. (a) Female (h) 23;1 (i) sex )
(Girl) (6) Male
a98. (e) 99. (b) 100. (b) 101. (b)
102.(0) 03. 04.(a) (c) 106. (d) 107. (b) 108.(Boy)
105. 9.1
(d) 109.
(b) 112. (b) 113. (d) 114. (c) 115. (d) 116. (a) (i) Menstruation (i) (0)
Periods (b) Pubertyrty () Tha
reproductive system of female has started working
blocked (due to which
(d) Beginning of
(e) Menopa

(a) The oviducts of

woman are
by her. meet
fertilised) (b) In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) 118.
sperm and get (a) X (b) X
(c) Y (d) x 119.

Diabetes; Diabetic
120. (a) lodine (i) (i) Thyroxine (ii) Metamorphosis (b)WGoitre

Insulin; Y:

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