English 7 W5 Q1
English 7 W5 Q1
English 7 W5 Q1
C. Learning Competencies/ Use phrases, clauses, and Use phrases, clauses, and Use phrases, clauses, and Use phrases, clauses, and
Objectives( Write the Lode for each) sentences appropriately and sentences appropriately and sentences appropriately and sentences appropriately and
meaningfully meaningfully meaningfully meaningfully
1. Define and differentiate a 1. Define and differentiate a 1. Define and differentiate a 1. Define and differentiate a
phrases, a clause, and a phrases, a clause, and a phrases, a clause, and a phrases, a clause, and a
sentences. sentences. sentences. sentences.
2. Differentiate the two types of 2. Differentiate the two types of 2. Differentiate the two types of 2. Differentiate the two types of
clauses. clauses. clauses. clauses.
3. Write meaningful sentences. 3. Write meaningful sentences. 3. Write meaningful sentences. 3. Write meaningful sentences.
A. References
3. Textbook pages
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or Presenting the new lesson: eviewing the different types of reviewing the concepts of Start by reviewing the different
presenting new lesson Activity 1: Identify CS and IS phrases with the students: noun independent and dependent sentence types with the
Direction: Write CS if the phrases, verb phrases, adjective clauses with the students. students: simple, compound,
sentence is complete phrases, adverb phrases, Explain that they are going to complex, and compound-
and write IS if the prepositional phrases, infinitive become "Clause Detectives" and complex. Explain the basic
sentence is incomplete. phrases, participial phrases, and analyze a text for different types structure and purpose of each
1) ___ because it is already gerund phrases. of clauses. sentence type.
2) ___ They had a wonderful
time during their
vacation in Baguio
3) ___ into the woods
4) ___ She speaks fluently.
5) ___ The beautiful and wide
room of my dearest
6) ___ Many Filipinos love
watching Korean
B. Establishing a purpose for the What observations have you made B-Clause – is a group of words C. Sentence – is a set of words
lesson between having both a that contains a subject ( what the
complete and incomplete subject and a verb. topic of the sentence is) and a
sentences. Can you - It can sometimes act as a predicate ( what is said about the
further distinguish the two? If your sentence subject) - It expresses a
answer is not but it is not always complete thought, begins with
yet, then take note of the following. the case the capital letter and ends with a
Phrase, Clause and Sentence 2 Types of Clause full stop- a period, a question
A-Phrase- phrase is a group of Independent Clause- is one that mark or an exclamation point.
words that can stand alone as a sentence.
stands together as a - It does not require additional Example: Everyone needs food
single grammatical unit, typically information for you to Subject complete predicate Are
as a part understand it. you okey? Lookout! I like you.
of a clause or a - It has a subject, a verb and a Study hard. When the teacher
sentence. complete thought. makes a subject fun, we learn a
- It cannot stand alone as it does Examples: lot. As a boy scout, you should
not contain Independent clauses are in bold know how to fix your tent. She
a subject and a letters. got lost because she failed to
Verb I love my country, so I will make read the directions. I was very
- It does NOT give a complete sure to tired so I decided to stay at
idea protect its sovereignty. When we home. Four kinds of sentences:
D. Discussing new concepts and What is a Basic Phrase? Independent Clause: An Simple, Compound, and Task: 2 Differentiated
practicing new skills. #1 independent clause (also called Complex Sentences: Instruction (DI) Group 1 “Box
A basic phrase is a group of a main clause) can stand alone and underline Math”
related words within a sentence as a complete sentence Simple Sentences: These consist Direction: Read the
that functions as a single unit but because it expresses a full of one independent clause and mathematical problem
does not contain both a subject thought. express a complete thought. For Rational Numbers , then box
example, "She sings beautifully." the independent clause,
and a predicate. Instead, it
Example: "She is reading a Compound Sentences: These
typically consists of a head word underline the dependent
book." are made up of two independent
(often a noun, verb, adjective, or clause. 1. Helen had
clauses joined by a coordinating
adverb) and any associated Dependent Clause: A dependent conjunction (e.g., and, but, or) or Php7500 pesos while
clause (also called a subordinate a semicolon. For example, "She shopping at Gaisano. When
modifiers or complements.
clause) cannot stand alone as a sings beautifully, and he plays she got home, she had
complete sentence. It needs an the guitar." Php132.75 in her pocket.
independent clause to make Complex Sentences: These How much did she spend
E. Discussing new concepts and Identify Phrases: Read sentences Identify Clauses: Read Sentence Combining: Practice
practicing new skills #2. and identify the basic phrases sentences and identify the combining simple sentences to
within them. Look for the main independent and dependent create compound or complex
word and its modifiers. clauses.
Example: Combine "She dances
well" and "He sings beautifully"
Example: "When the sun sets, into a compound sentence.
we'll have a picnic."
Result: "She dances well, and he
sings beautifully."
F. Developing Mastery Define the following terms and give Define the following terms and Define the following terms and Diffentiate the following terms
2 example each. give 2 example each. give 2 example each. a. Phrase
(Lead to Formative Assessment 3)) a. Phrase a. Phrase b. Clause
a. Phrase b. Clause b. Clause c. Sentence
c. Sentence
G. Finding practical application of Write a friendly or a love Write a friendly or a love Write a friendly or a love Write a friendly or a love letter.
concepts and skills in daily living statement. Use phrases to express statement. Use clauses to statement. Use sentences to Use phrases, clauses and
feelings, thoughts you want to tell express feelings, thoughts you express feelings, thoughts you sentences to express feelings,
want to tell to a friend or a loved want to tell to a friend or a loved thoughts you want to tell to a
to a friend or a loved one.
one one. friend or a loved one.
H. Making Generalizations and What is the most exciting part What is the most exciting What is the most exciting What is the most exciting
Abstraction about the Lesson. of the topic , why? part of the topic , why? part of the topic , why? part of the topic , why?
I. Evaluating Learning
Prepared by:
Jonesse Dean F. Dela Cruz
Teacher I
Noted by:
Annaliza D. Tuazon
Principal I