Experimental Study On Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Geopolymer-Stabilized Coarse-Grained Soils

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Acta Geotechnica

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-023-01876-7 (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().
,- volV)


Experimental study on static and dynamic characteristics

of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils
Shengnian Wang1,2 • Xinqun Gao1,4 • Wei Ma3 • Kai Zhao1,2 • Peiwen Xu1

Received: 4 November 2021 / Accepted: 21 March 2023

Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023

Cementitious coarse-grained soils are widely used as filling materials in infrastructure projects such as high-speed railway
subgrades, earth dams, and highway bases, due to their excellent strength, stiffness, and stability performances. This study
conducted unconfined compression tests on fine-grained soils first to investigate the optimal mixing ratio of the raw
material (metakaolin) and alkali activator (composed of quicklime (CaO) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)) for com-
prising the geopolymer binder. Then, the dynamic characteristics of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils with a
relatively fixed dosage of the geopolymer binder were studied by large-scale dynamic triaxial tests. The influences of rock-
block content and confining pressure on the dynamic parameters of the geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils were
further discussed. The results indicated that the ideal mixing ratio of metakaolin, CaO, and NaHCO3 for preparing the
geopolymer binder was 4:1:1, and their optimal mixing ratio for fine-grained soil stabilization was 15% by the weight of
dry soil. The maximum dynamic shear modulus of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils had an approximately linear
relationship with the rock-block content and a nonlinear relationship with the effective confining pressure. With the shear
strain being normalized, the dynamic shear modulus ratios of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils were distributed
in a narrow band with low dispersion, while the damping ratio increased with the shear strain and showed a relatively high
dispersion in values. The dynamic shear modulus ratio and normalized damping ratio of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-
grained soils could be described by functions of the normalized shear strain amplitude. The results of this study could
provide a design parameter basis for the application and popularization of similar geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained
soils in engineering practices.

Keywords Coarse-grained soil  Dynamic triaxial test  Dynamic shear modulus  Damping ratio  Empirical formula 
Geopolymer  Optimal mixing ratio

1 Introduction

The high-speed railway is essential for accelerating the

‘‘Belt and Road Initiative.’’ However, the service status and
dynamic performance of high-speed railway subgrades will
continue to change due to long-term exposure to vehicle
& Kai Zhao
[email protected] loads and periodic environmental effects [66]. They will
cause the desirable lifetime attributes (including high
College of Transportation Engineering, Nanjing Tech smoothness, high stability, and high reliability) of the high-
University, Nanjing 211816, China speed railway subgrade to be difficult to guarantee and may
Jiangsu Province Engineering Research Center of even threaten the safety of the railway [3, 36]. For exam-
Transportation Infrastructure Security Technology, Nanjing ple, subgrade diseases such as performance deterioration,
Tech University, Nanjing 211816, China
differential settlement, and cumulative deformation
State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Chinese exceeding the specification requirements have been dis-
Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
covered in large numbers in the construction and operation
China Design Group Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210014, China

Acta Geotechnica

of high-speed railways in China, including Harbin-Dalian, structure of coarse-grained fillings and improve their
Beijing-Harbin-Qinhuangdao, and Dandong-Dalian from physical and mechanical properties.
2012 to 2018, significantly affecting the running speed of Geopolymers are alkali-activated inorganic cementitious
the trains [13, 26, 28]. All these monitored results indicated materials, attracting widespread attention from researchers
that the quality of filling materials is a crucial factor in globally [23, 44, 56]. They have high strength, good
determining the safety of high-speed railway subgrade impermeability, low contractility, excellent durability,
engineering and is directly related to the long-term firm- chemical corrosion resistance, rich raw materials, energy-
ness, stability, and durability of subgrades [13, 14, 32, 67]. saving properties, and excellent potential for replacing
However, high-quality natural subgrade fillings are often ordinary Portland cement. Many scholars focused on the
scarce in most practical engineering. Even though natural types and ratios of raw materials and alkali activators of
subgrade fillings exist at or near high-speed railways, they geopolymers in recent decades [1, 53]. They indicated that
might not be directly used in high-speed railway subgrades the raw materials of geopolymers could be metakaolin
owing to specific weaknesses, such as not meeting the (MK), fly ash (FA), glass waste (GW), red mud (RM), and
current subgrade specifications [13]. Therefore, improving combinations of two or more of these materials, and the
the engineering performance of natural subgrade fillings alkali activator (AA) could be RxOH, RxCO3, RxHCO3,
and developing a better-quality and broader range of sub- RxO(n)SiO2, or other alkaline metal oxides (RxO) in which
grade fillings has become an urgent problem in current Rx represents an alkaline ion, such as Na?, K?, Li?, or
high-speed railway construction. Ca2?. They even pointed out that the mechanical properties
The engineering community generally recognizes of geopolymers were significantly affected by their alkaline
coarse-grained soils (including soil–rock mixtures, gravelly excitation environments, such as alkalinity, temperature,
soils, and rockfills) as an ideal filling material [28, 67]. and curing age [18]. Studies on geopolymer-stabilized fine-
However, engineering practices have proven the certainty grained soils proved that applying geopolymers could
of excessive deformation of subgrades subjected to long- significantly enhance the strength, ability to resist shrink-
term traffic loads and harsh service environments (such as age cracking deformation, and anti-corrosion performances
projects in cold areas), even with well-graded coarse- of soft soils [9, 15, 63, 68]. If geopolymers were used for
grained soils. Therefore, improving coarse-grained soils’ coarse-grained soil stabilization, the binding force among
physical and mechanical properties have become an particles and the ability to resist the deformation would be
inevitable choice [40]. Chemical stabilization of problem- enhanced. The common quality problems of high-speed
atic coarse-grained soils is a traditional but cost-effective railway subgrades would be reduced even though they were
technique for enhancing their properties, including exposed to long-term superstructural and traffic loads [66].
strength, stiffness, water stability performance, and dura- However, the documented literature related to geopolymer-
bility, by incorporating various industrial-based admixtures stabilized coarse-grained soils up to now is minimal.
such as lime, fly ash, cement, or other inorganic binders Phetchuay et al. [43] used calcium carbide residue as an
[30, 59, 65]. Jin et al. [21, 22] reported that lime and fly ash alkaline activator and fly ash as the raw material to
combinations would not be suitable for improving group improve the engineering properties of subgrade filling
filling A as they cause a considerable increase in the height materials. Sargent [48] summarized the research progress
of capillary water and exhibit poor water stability. How- and application of geopolymer-stabilized soils. These
ever, the strength and modulus of coarse-grained soils with studies can provide a valuable reference for further studies
a cement mixing ratio of 3% were significantly improved on the dynamic characteristics of geopolymer-stabilized
compared to a sample without cement. Deng et al. [12] coarse-grained soils. Nevertheless, it should be noted that
had found that the resistance of coarse-grained soils to the silicon and aluminum minerals’ polymerization
deformation could be enhanced dramatically after grouting, requires reaction environments with relatively high alka-
and their skeleton effect became more significant with the linity, which poses significant challenges to environmental
increasing content of coarse particles. Chen et al. [6] footprints and may cause difficulties in engineering con-
addressed that the stiffness of cement-stabilized argilla- struction [18, 43]. The application of geopolymers under
ceous coarse-grained soils could be enhanced with reduced ambient temperature and weak alkali environments thus
viscosity, and the confining pressure and loading frequency needs to be improved.
significantly affected their dynamic characteristics. Liu The dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio from
et al. [33] highlighted that the high-speed railway subgrade small to large shear strain levels are the key parameters in
could demonstrate excellent resistance to deformation if the design of subgrade structures under rapid and repetitive
4% cement were used in fillings containing fine particles loads [8]. The secant shear modulus and damping ratio on
(d B 0.075 mm) of less than 5%. They all indicated that the shear strain levels of shear strain–shear stress hysteresis
inorganic cementitious materials could change the internal curves has been investigated by many researchers via

Acta Geotechnica

multi-scale indoor tests, including resonant column tests activator. The optimal mixing ratio of the raw material
[17, 39, 52], cyclic torsional shear tests [7], cyclic triaxial (metakaolin) and alkali activator (composed of quicklime
tests [8, 13, 16, 45, 50], shaking table tests [5, 47], and (CaO) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)) for preparing
dynamic centrifuge tests [70]. However, only a few were the geopolymer and their optimal mixing ratio in the fine-
performed on gravel and gravelly soils due to the sam- grained soil were investigated first. Then, the large-scale
ple’s size limitation of the experimental apparatus. Clayton dynamic triaxial tests of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-
[10] and Chen et al. [8] indicated that the dynamic shear grained soil with different rock-block contents were carried
modulus of coarse-grained soils at small strain levels was out. The dynamic characteristics of geopolymer-stabilized
affected by the void ratio, interparticle contact stiffness, coarse-grained soils with different rock-block contents
and deformation and flexing within individual particles. were studied. The influence of the rock-block content and
Wang et al. [61] reported that the dynamics properties of confining pressure on the dynamic parameters of the
coarse-grained soils were significantly controlled by the geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils were discussed
interaction and properties of rock blocks and the external in the final.
environment. Zhao et al. [69] pointed out that the coarse
grain content with diameters larger than 5 mm significantly
impacted saturated gravel soils’ dynamic residual defor- 2 Materials and methods
mation characteristics. Payan et al. [42] and Sun et al. [55]
investigated the effect of granule shape on the shear 2.1 Experimental materials
modulus and damping ratio of gravel soils. Liu et al. [34]
further found that the effect of particle shape on the max- (1) Coarse-grained soils.
imum dynamic shear modulus varied with the particle The original gradation curve of coarse-grained soil in this
gradation. These studies proved that the structure effect study was designed according to that of a typical soil–rock
was one of the critical factors affecting the dynamic mixture in southwestern China, as shown in Fig. 1. To
properties of coarse-grained soils. Some researchers facilitate the sample preparation, coarse-grained soils were
devoted themselves to investigating the small strain shear considered as the soil matrix and rock blocks. If Rc denotes
modulus of coarse-grained soils and proposing empirical- the rock-block content in coarse-grained soils, the content
type formulas for its prediction. Hardin and Drnevich [16] of the soil matrix should be 1 - Rc. The statistical law of
proposed a function of void ratio and effective confining the soil–rock threshold (dthr) proposed by Medley [38] and
pressure for gravelly soils’ shear modulus and damping Lindquist [31] was used to distinguish the soil matrix and
ratio. Seed et al. [50] summarized empirical prediction rock blocks.
formulas for cohesionless soils. Iwasaki and Tatsuoka [20]
found a strain-dependent empirical equation for sands dthr ¼ 0:05Lc ð1Þ
irrespective of grain shape and size. Ye et al. [64] proposed where Lc is the characteristic dimension. For three-di-
a method to determine the dynamic modulus of coarse- mensional engineering problems, the diameters of the
grained soil filling with the reasonable range of the work- samples were considered. The diameter of large-scale
ing dynamic modulus ratio. Some studies pointed out that samples in this study was 100 mm. Therefore, the threshold
the dynamic shear modulus strongly depended on the type of the soil matrix and rock blocks should be 5 mm.
of particles, including morphology and mineralogy
[10, 51]. Other studies considered the influence of loading
frequency on the dynamic properties of coarse-grained Original grading curve
Test grading curve
soils [42, 70]. Besides, the hyperbolic model reported by
Kondner and Zelasko [24] and improved by Stokoe et al.
Percent finer by weight (%)

[54] was always used to describe the nonlinear stress–strain

behavior of soils ranging from small to medium strains.
Wichtmann and Triantafyllidis [62] improved the damping
ratio formula proposed by Hardin and Drnevich by 40

employing a minimum damping ratio at a small shear Rock blocks

strain. These documented studies could provide a con- 20

structive reference for a better understanding of the Soil matrix

dynamic behavior of coarse-grained soils. 0

100 10 1 0.1
This study conducted the unconfined compression tests
Grain size (mm)
of metakaolin-based geopolymer-stabilized fine-grained
soil with different mixing ratios of raw material and alkali Fig. 1 Gradation curve of coarse-grained soils in this study

Acta Geotechnica

Fig. 2 Coarse-grained soils with different rock-block contents

Table 1 Physical parameters of clay used in this study

Natural density /g Specific gravity of Liquid Plastic Plasticity Optimal moisture Maximum dry density/g
cm-3 solids limit/% limit/% index content/% cm-3

1.64 2.72 34 21 13 18.3 1.72

clay and crushed stone were used to configure the coarse-

grained soil samples with different rock-block contents
(volume fractions back-calculated from their mass frac-
tions). Fine-grained clay, as the soil matrix, was collected
from a construction site on the Jiangpu campus of Nanjing
Tech University. The physical and mechanical indices of
the undisturbed soil are listed in Table 1. The crushed stone
mainly comprised limestone particles with a natural density
of 2100 kg/m3. It was collected from the Shelu quarry in
Jiangning District, Nanjing, China.
Fig. 3 Powder of metakaolin
(B) Raw material.
However, for the sake of conservativeness, this value was The raw material for preparing the geopolymer binder in
limited to 2 mm. this study was white powdered metakaolin produced by
The maximum rock-block size was usually considered Shengyun Mining of Hebei Province, as shown in Fig. 3.
to be 0.2 times the diameter of the samples to eliminate the Its model was AS2-1250 mesh. The chemical composition
influence of rock-block size effect on testing results as of metakaolin is shown in Table 2.
much as possible. Thus, the maximum rock-block size was
considered to be 20 mm. However, the rock-block sizes in (C) Alkali activator.
natural coarse-grained soils were 2–60 mm. This study Many studies have shown that a strong alkali (NaOH) and
used methods of combining grading similarity and water glass (Na2SiO4) have an excellent excitation effect
replacement for sample preparation. Rock blocks with a on geopolymer raw materials [35, 44, 48]. However, sig-
size of greater than 60 mm were replaced with the equiv- nificant difficulties could be encountered in their trans-
alent weight of rock blocks with a size of 2–60 mm by portation and storage in practical applications, and the
following the same grading curve of the original coarse- environmental footprints may also not be neglectable. This
grained soils first, and then the replaced grading curve was study used powders of quick lime (CaO) and sodium
scaled down to the size of 2–20 mm. As shown in Fig. 2, bicarbonate (NaHCO3) to create an alkali-simulated

Table 2 Chemical composition of metakaolin

Chemical composition SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O SO3 TiO2

Proportion/% 57.16 37.7 1.28 0.13 0.09 0.55 0.01 0.01 3.06

Acta Geotechnica

environment based on the feasibility of engineering appli- Table 3 Test scheme for the optimal mixing ratio of geopolymer
cations. The reactions that were expected to occur were components
CaO ? H2O ? Ca(OH)2; Ca(OH)2 ? NaHCO3- Ratios of Ratios of alkali activator
? CaCO3; ? NaOH ? H2O. It should be noted that this metakaolin
3% 5% 7% 9% 11%
reaction only occurs when excess quick lime is used. That
is, the molar ratio of quick lime to sodium bicarbonate 6% M6A3 M6A5 M6A7 M6A9 M6A11
should be greater than 1:1. However, it is well known that 8% M8A3 M8A5 M8A7 M8A9 M8A11
excessive Ca(OH)2 will also cause significant dry shrink- 10% M10A3 M10A5 M10A7 M10A9 M10A11
age and cracking in lime soil. Therefore, the amount of 12% M12A3 M12A5 M12A7 M12A9 M12A11
quick lime should be controlled appropriately. The mass
ratio of quick lime and sodium bicarbonate in this study
was selected to be 1:1 to configure an alkali activator. This
ratio can satisfy the amount of quick lime required to create (1) Test scheme for the optimal mixing ratio of
an alkali-stimulated environment and facilitate the mea- geopolymer components.
surement of material consumption dosage. The quick lime Table 3 shows the testing scheme of geopolymer-stabi-
and sodium bicarbonate used were collected from the State lized clay prepared with metakaolin contents of 6, 8, 10,
Key Laboratory of Materials and Chemical Engineering of and 12% and alkali activator contents of 3, 5, 7, 9, and
Nanjing Tech University. The sodium bicarbonate com- 11%. Here, the dosage of these constituents in each sample
prised 100-mesh powder particles, and the quick lime was determined based on the relative mass of dry soil.
comprised powder-fine particles, as shown in Fig. 4. They Theoretically, the diameter of cylindrical specimens less
were both chemically pure. than five times the size of the biggest particles in samples
would significantly impact the experimental results.
2.2 Experimental schemes Namely, the size effect of grain particles should be con-
sidered. For the metakaolin-based geopolymer-stabilized
This study investigated the optimal mixing ratio of raw fine-grained soil matrix, since the maximum size of parti-
material and the alkali activator for preparing the cles was less than 2 mm, the specimens were prepared with
geopolymer binder and their optimal ratio in soil matrix sizes of 39.1 mm in diameter and 80.0 mm in height to
stabilization by unconfined compressive strength tests first. reduce the work of experiment workload. These dimension
Then, the geopolymer usage in coarse-grained soils was selections evidently could meet the above requirements of
determined based on the relative content of fine-grained specimen size. Three specimens from each group were
soil as the cementation of the geopolymer functions pri- used in parallel tests. Since the previously published
marily on the soil matrix. This strategy, on the one hand, studies had proven the stabilization of geopolymer binder
can reduce the experimental workload while ensuring the to soils within seven days, all the specimens were cured at
research purpose; on the other hand, it can ensure the ambient temperature for seven days [60, 61]. A YSH-2
consistency of the clay and geopolymer in all coarse- electric unconfined pressure gauge was used to obtain the
grained soil samples. Finally, the influence of the rock- unconfined compressive strength. The strain loading rate
block content and confining pressure on the dynamic was 1.0 mm/min, determined following the Specification
characteristics of the geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained for Mix Proportion Design of Cement Soil issued by the
soils was studied via large-scale dynamic triaxial tests and Ministry of Housing and Urban–Rural Development of
then discussed. China [58].

Fig. 4 Components of alkali activator

Acta Geotechnica

(B) Test scheme for the dynamic characteristics of displacement and axial force sensors was better than
geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils. 0.1%FS.
The purpose of the large-scale dynamic triaxial tests was During testing, the specimen was soaked in water for
to study the dynamic characteristics of geopolymer-stabi- 24 h before being set up on the instrument and then satu-
lized coarse-grained soils and explore the influences of rated following the vacuum method. The back pressure was
rock-block content and confining pressure on their dynamic increased to 400 kPa. The specimen was considered fully
shear modulus and damping ratio. However, with the saturated when the B-value was greater than 0.95. It should
increase in rock-block content, the aerial phenomenon of be noted that the chemical interaction during saturation was
rock blocks became more and more severe in sample limited. Theoretically, the geopolymerization rate mainly
preparation. Although there had an attempt to make depended on material composition, high alkalinity, and
geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soil samples with ambient temperature [53, 63]. This study determined the
rock-block content higher than 60%, it failed because the mixing ratio of material constituents and their alkali
geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils cannot be environment by the unconfined compression tests on
completely packed into the mold by following the design metakaolin-based geopolymer-stabilized fine-grained soils.
gradation. Therefore, only five rock-block contents (0, 15, The dosage of the geopolymer binder in coarse-grained
30, 45, and 60%) and four confining pressures (50, 100, soils was then specified by the relative content of the soil
200, and 400 kPa) were considered in the undrained mul- matrix multiplied by the optimal ratio of the geopolymer in
tistage strain-control triaxial cyclic tests, as listed in fine-grained soil. Since the ratio of the geopolymer binder
Table 4. Each specimen was 100 mm in diameter and to the mass of dry fine-grained particles in coarse-grained
200 mm in height. The dosage of the geopolymer in each soils was the same, the alkalinity of prepared samples was
sample was determined based on the relative mass of dry constant. Namely, both of them did not affect the
fine-grained particles (less than 2 mm) in the coarse- geopolymerization rate. And thus, the ambient temperature
grained soils. Namely, the final dosage of geopolymer became the most significant influence factor on the chem-
binder was the mass of dry fine-grained particles multiplied ical reaction rate of geopolymers in coarse-grained soils.
by the optimal mixing ratio obtained from the above tests. However, some studies also reported that the ideal reaction
Since dry rock blocks could absorb water when sampling, temperature for aluminosilicate polymerization in an alkali
the final water consumption for the sample preparation was environment was greater than 40 °C [46]. The lower the
the amount of water required for the soil matrix to reach temperature, the slower the reaction rate. This requirement
the optimal moisture content plus the water consumption was difficult or even impossible for actual engineering
for realizing a water–binder (geopolymer) ratio of 0.35 practices. Hence, the chemical reaction rate of the
with the consideration of a 5% surplus. As shown in Fig. 5, geopolymer should not change dramatically at the ambient
a large-scale triaxial cyclic shear instrument developed by temperature. In addition, although the saturation might
the American company GCTS was used for dynamic test- reduce the alkaline concentration of the samples to some
ing. This device used an electrohydraulic servo and could extent, the formation of cementitious material did not
independently control dynamic loads, including the axial change due to the short saturation time and low ambient
force, confining pressure, and back pressure. The maxi- temperature. Therefore, the inner structural changes of
mum designed working frequency was 20 Hz. The maxi- geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils induced by the
mum confining pressure and backpressure were 3.0 MPa. ambient temperature and saturation in a short curing age
The full scales (FS) of axial displacement and force sensors can be neglected. When the test began, each confining
were 7.5 mm and 4 kN, respectively. The range of the pore pressure was applied to consolidate the specimen for more
pressure sensor was ± 3.0 MPa, and the test accuracy of than six hours. The axial strain was then applied through
compressive waves. The axial strain amplitude ea was
increased from 1 9 10–5 to 1 9 10–2 in a step-by-step
Table 4 Test scheme for geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils manner, as shown in Fig. 6. Considering that the pore
Confining Rock-block content/% water pressure in the soil would increase with continuous
pressure/ cyclic loading, the number of cyclic loadings at each strain
kPa 0 15 30 45 60
amplitude was limited to 5. When the cyclic loadings at
50 R0P50 R15P50 R30P50 R45P50 R60P50 one strain amplitude were completed, the testing specimen
100 R0P100 R15P100 R30P100 R45P100 R60P100 was reconsolidated at the same confining pressure for at
200 R0P200 R15P200 R30P200 R45P200 R60P200 least 15 min to ensure an effective pore water pressure
400 R0P400 R15P400 R30P400 R45P400 R60P400 dissipation. The loading frequency in this study was 0.5 Hz
due to the device’s limitations.

Acta Geotechnica

1. FRM-100-TQ-40
test paltform
2. PCP-300-HCA
3. Computer
4. SCON-2000 digital
servo controller
and acquisition
5. HPS-15-50-380
hydraulic source
6. Vacuum pump

Fig. 5 Large-scale triaxial cyclic system GCTS HCA-300

Consolidation time


Axial strain amplitude




-1×10-3 10s 1200s


0 10 20 1220 1230 2430 2440 3640 3650

Time (s)

Fig. 6 Time history of strain or stress for dynamic load

2.3 Sample preparation It can be seen from the above equations that the
depolymerization of aluminosilicate minerals in an alkaline
(1) For the optimal mixing ratio of geopolymer environment requires the participation of water. On the
components. contrary, the polycondensation of alumina and silicon
The fine-grained clay was dried in an oven at 105 °C for monomers in an alkaline environment is a dehydration
24 h, then crushed and passed through a 2-mm sieve. The process. This difference means that the geopolymerization
amount of water for each specimen preparation was of aluminosilicate minerals in a suitable alkaline environ-
determined by the amount required for the soil to reach the ment should not consume the water in the soil. The water
optimal moisture content plus the water consumption for consumption in the whole process of soil stabilization thus
realizing a water–binder (geopolymer) ratio of 0.35. The should be due to the hydration of CaO. Theoretically, the
reason for selecting this water–binder ratio was that the
geopolymerization of aluminosilicate minerals in meta-
kaolin at a suitable alkaline environment has to experience
two phases: depolymerization and polycondensation as
(Si2 O5 Al2 O2 Þn þ H2 O þ OH
! Si(OH)4 þ Al(OH)4 ; depolymerization
j j
Si(OH)4 þ Al(OH)4 ! ð Si O  Al OÞn
j j
þ 4H2 O, polycondensation
Fig. 7 Clay mixed with the geopolymer

Acta Geotechnica

CaO can consume water at an ideal molar ratio of 1:1 to 500

Unconfined compressive strength (kPa)

Mk 6%
produce Ca(OH)2. However, this study used a water– 418.63 Mk 8%
geopolymer ratio of 0.35 for sample preparation. The 400 M8A4 Mk10%
corresponding molar ratio of water to geopolymer was M6A3 M12A6

1.225:1, which was greater than the ideal molar ratio of 300

1:1. Namely, the water used for sample preparation was

enough. 200
When sampling, the dried soil, metakaolin, quick lime,
and sodium bicarbonate were weighed and mixed accord- 100
ing to the design proportion, as shown in Fig. 7, and the
water was then added to them. Each evenly mixed soil 0
2 4 6 8 10 12
sample was divided into four equal parts, placed in a mold
Alkali activator content (%)
comprising petroleum jelly coated on its inner wall, and
compacted to the specified height in a layer-by-layer Fig. 9 Unconfined compressive strength of geopolymer-stabilized
manner. When they were completed, all prepared speci- clays (Mk indicates metakaolin)
mens were numbered and placed for 24 h in the standard
curing conditions suggested by the Standard for Geotech- after curing under the same environmental conditions for
nical Testing Method GB/T 50,123–2019 issued by the another 6 days.
Ministry of Housing and Urban–Rural Development of
China [57]. The temperature and humidity of a standard
curing environment were required to be 20 ± 3 °C and 3 Results
90–95%, respectively. Then, the mold was removed, as
shown in Fig. 8. After curing under the same environ- 3.1 Optimal mixing ratio of the geopolymer
mental conditions for another six days, unconfined com-
pression tests were conducted on the samples using an Figure 9 presents the 7-day unconfined compressive
electric unconfined pressure gauge. strength of geopolymer-stabilized clay with different mass
mixing ratios of raw material and the alkali activator. It can
(B) For the dynamic characteristics of geopolymer- be observed that the unconfined compressive strength of
stabilized coarse-grained soils. geopolymer-stabilized clay first exhibited an increasing
According to the test scheme in Table 4, the dosages of the trend and then decreased with the increasing ratios of raw
clay, rock blocks, and geopolymer binder for each case material and alkali activator. The maximum compressive
were carefully calculated. The samples were weighed and strength was obtained when the ratios of the raw material
mixed; water was added, and the mixtures were stirred and alkali activator in the clay were 10 and 5%, respec-
well. After that, each sample was divided into several parts, tively. The maximum average compressive strength of the
successfully filled into the specimen mold, and compacted geopolymer-stabilized clay was 418.63 kPa.The uncon-
to the specified height layer by layer. All the specimens fined compressive strength of geopolymer-stabilized clays
were numbered and placed in a standard curing environ- with the same raw material content exhibited the maximum
ment for 24 h. Then, the mold was removed. The undrained values when the mixing ratios of the raw material and
multistage strain-control triaxial cyclic test was conducted alkali activator were approximately 2.0. Namely, the ideal
mixing ratio of the raw material and alkali activator for
stabilizing the synthetic geopolymer could be 2:1. To fur-
ther verify this inference, unconfined compression tests on
geopolymer-stabilized clays with metakaolin contents of 8
and 12% were performed, wherein the corresponding alkali
activator contents were 4% and 6%. It can be observed that
the peak values of the four unconfined compressive
strength curves corresponding to the raw material contents
of 6, 8, 10, and 12% were just obtained when the alkali
activator contents were exactly 3, 4, 5, and 6%. All this
evidence proved the previous inference that the ideal mass
mixing ratio of the raw material and alkali activator for
preparing the geopolymer was 2:1. Therefore, the mixing
Fig. 8 Specimens of geopolymer-stabilized clay

Acta Geotechnica

1000 3.2 Characteristics of stress–strain hysteresis

Peak compressive strength (kPa)

800 Figure 11 presents the stress–strain hysteresis curves of

geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils with different
rock-block contents. It can be observed that the gradient of
the hysteresis curves of the geopolymer-stabilized coarse-
grained soils with the same rock-block content increases
with the confining pressure. In contrast, the area of the
400 Test values
Average value
hysteresis curves decreases. For a constant confining
pressure, the gradient of the hysteresis curves of the
0 5 10 15 20
Geopolymer content (%)
geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils increased with
the rock-block content. Still, the area of the hysteresis
Fig. 10 Unconfined compressive strength of clay stabilized with curves first decreased and then increased with the
different ratios of the geopolymer increasing rock-block content. The rock-block content and
confining pressure should significantly impact the dynamic
ratio of metakaolin, CaO, and NaHCO3 used for preparing characteristics of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained
the geopolymer was 4:1:1. soils.
Figure 10 illustrates the peak compressive strength of
fine-grained clay stabilized with different ratios of the 3.3 Definition of dynamic shear modulus
geopolymer. The mean peak strength of geopolymer-sta- and damping ratio
bilized clay increased first and then decreased slightly as
the geopolymer ratio increased. The maximum mean The dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio are two
compressive strength of geopolymer-stabilized clay was basic parameters that reflect the nonlinear and hysteretic
obtained when the ratio of the geopolymer was 15%. characteristics of the soil’s dynamic stress–strain relation-
Therefore, the optimal ratio of the geopolymer in the clay ship. The dynamic shear modulus is commonly defined as
should be 15%.
400 400 400 400 400
Case: R0P50 Case: R15P50 Case: R30P50 Case: R45P50 Case: R60P50
300 300 300 300 300
Deviator stress σd (kPa )

200 200 200 200 200

Deviator stress σd (kPa )
Deviator stress σd (kPa)

Deviator stress σd (kPa)

Deviator stress σd (kPa)

100 100 100 100 100

0 0 0 0 0

-100 -100 -100 -100 -100

-200 -200 -200 -200 -200

-300 -300 -300 -300 -300

-400 -400 -400 -400 -400

-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%)

400 400 400 400 400

Case: R0P100 Case: R15P100 Case: R30P100 Case: R45P100 Case: R60P100
300 300 300 300 300
Deviator stress σd (kPa)

Deviator stress σd (kPa)

Deviator stress σd (kPa)

Deviator stress σd (kPa)

Deviator stress σd (kPa)

200 200 200 200 200

100 100 100 100 100

0 0 0 0 0

-100 -100 -100 -100 -100

-200 -200 -200 -200 -200

-300 -300 -300 -300 -300

-400 -400 -400 -400 -400

-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%)

400 400 400 400 400

Case: R0P200 Case: R15P200 Case: R30P200 Case: R45P200 Case: R60P200
300 300 300 300 300
Deviator stress σd (kPa)

Deviator stress σd (kPa)

200 200 200 200 200

Deviator stress σd (kPa)

Deviator stress σd (kPa)

Deviator stress σd (kPa)

100 100 100 100 100

0 0 0 0 0

-100 -100 -100 -100 -100

-200 -200 -200 -200 -200

-300 -300 -300 -300 -300

-400 -400 -400 -400 -400

-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%)

400 400 400 400 400

Case: R0P400 Case: R15P400 Case: R30P400 Case: R45P400 Case: R60P400
300 300 300 300 300
Deviator stress σd (kPa)

Deviator stress σd (kPa)

200 200
Deviator stress σd (kPa)

Deviator stress σd (kPa)

200 200 200

Deviator stress σd (kPa)

100 100 100 100 100

0 0 0 0 0

-100 -100 -100 -100 -100

-200 -200 -200 -200 -200

-300 -300 -300 -300 -300

-400 -400 -400 -400 -400

-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%) Axial strain εa (%)

Fig. 11 Stress–strain hysteresis curves of coarse-grained soils stabilized with different ratios of the geopolymer

Acta Geotechnica

Table 5 Test scheme and test results

No Maximum shear Reference Damping ratio
modulus shear strain
Gmax,c/ Gmax,t/ cr,c/ cr,t/% kmin/ kmax/
MPa MPa % % %

R0P50 28.59 30.40 0.118 0.084 3.28 16.74

R0P100 52.73 49.43 0.144 0.117 2.92 16.87
R0P200 74.33 76.95 0.190 0.139 2.65 16.39
R0P400 113.2 112.8 0.217 0.166 2.18 14.70
R15P50 32.59 30.52 0.094 0.055 3.81 17.71
R15P100 50.86 51.16 0.119 0.092 3.35 16.97
R15P200 86.14 84.22 0.153 0.115 2.97 18.43
Fig.12 Hysteretic shear stress–strain relationship R15P400 126.1 120.9 0.180 0.143 2.59 15.22
R30P50 40.33 42.35 0.083 0.054 4.13 18.56
the gradient at both ends of the stress–strain hysteresis R30P100 54.78 55.22 0.104 0.080 3.68 17.11
curve under one cyclic loading. The damping ratio is R30P200 96.44 100.8 0.134 0.091 3.19 16.21
related to the area of the hysteresis loop. Considering the R30P400 145.2 146.4 0.147 0.125 2.94 16.68
asymmetry of the dynamic stress–strain hysteresis curves R45P50 47.39 46.57 0.064 0.046 4.65 18.38
in the compression and tension status obtained in this R45P100 64.27 67.67 0.079 0.064 4.15 17.48
study, the data processing method proposed by Kumar R45P200 118.5 112.9 0.109 0.084 3.59 16.13
et al. [25] was used to obtain the dynamic shear modulus R45P400 163.6 160.4 0.128 0.105 3.34 17.37
and damping ratio of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained R60P50 55.06 55.52 0.055 0.036 4.84 19.08
soils. As shown in Fig. 12, the dynamic Young’s modulus R60P100 75.82 74.69 0.060 0.047 4.47 18.04
Esec can be obtained from the corresponding axial strain R60P200 126.3 126.6 0.071 0.059 3.82 17.70
amplitude ea and the peak deviator stress rd, max. The shear R60P400 178.4 176.3 0.076 0.075 3.85 19.37
strain amplitude ca and dynamic shear modulus G (in-
cluding compression and tension status, Gc and Gt) can be
obtained with the aid of basic formulas of material
mechanics. of elastic strain energy is the sum of the areas of the two
ca ¼ ð1 þ tÞea ð2Þ triangles AD1 and AD2 and a rectangle Ah. Hence, the
damping ratio can be calculated using the following
G ¼ Esec =½2ð1 þ tÞ ð3Þ formula:
where t is the Poisson’s ratio. 1 ALðoabcdÞ
k¼  ð6Þ
Considering that the specimens do not produce volume p AD1 þ AD2 þ Ah
strain under an undrained load, Poisson’s ratio t could be
where A denotes the area of the identification zone.
considered 0.5. This selection referred to some published
The maximum dynamic shear modulus, reference shear
works by Prof. Chen [8, 29]. The above formulas for the
strain, and damping ratio of the geopolymer-stabilized
shear strain amplitude ca and dynamic shear modulus G
coarse-grained soils with different rock contents and con-
can be rewritten as
fining pressures are listed in Table 5. The maximum
ca ¼ 1:5ea ð4Þ dynamic shear modulus Gmax was the dynamic shear
G ¼ Esec =3 ð5Þ modulus when ca = 1 9 10–6. However, since it was
challenging to realize a small strain level by dynamic tri-
The damping ratio is usually defined as the ratio of the axial tests, Gmax was always determined by extrapolation.
dissipated energy to the elastic strain energy in a loading
loop. As shown in Fig. 12, the damping ratio was defined 3.4 Characteristics of dynamic shear modulus
as the ratio of the area of the hysteresis curve to the curves
equivalent area of elastic strain energy within the loading
loop according to the energy calculation formula, owing to Figure 13 presents the dynamic shear modulus curves of
the asymmetry of the hysteresis curves of geopolymer- geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils. It can be
stabilized coarse-grained soils. The area of the hysteresis observed that the maximum dynamic shear modulus of
curve can be obtained via integration. The equivalent area geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils with different

Acta Geotechnica

180 180
R0P50 R15P50 R0P50 R15P50
R30P50 R45P50 R30P50 R45P50
160 160
R60P50 R0P100 R60P50 R0P100
R15P100 R30P100 R15P100 R30P100
140 R45P100 R60P100 140 R45P100 R60P100
R0P200 R15P200 R0P200 R15P200
120 R30P200 R45P200 120 R30P200 R45P200
R60P200 R0P400 R60P200 R0P400
Gc (MPa)

Gt (MPa)
R15P400 R30P400 R15P400 R30P400
100 R45P400 R60P400 100 R45P400 R60P400

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20
(a) under compression (b) Under tension
0 0
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Shear strain amplitude (%) Shear strain amplitude (%)

Fig. 13 Dynamic shear modulus curves of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils

rock-block contents under different confining pressures where cr is the reference shear strain. To simplify the
decreased as the shear strain amplitude increased, irre- calculation, cr took the value of ca when G/Gmax = 0.5. The
spective of compression or tension status. With the same cr value for each sample is listed in Table 5.
rock-block content, the maximum dynamic shear modulus Figure 14 presents the geopolymer-stabilized coarse-
of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils under high grained soils’ dynamic shear modulus ratio envelope
confining pressure was always greater than that under low curves. The dynamic shear modulus ratio envelope curves
confining pressure. The greater the confining pressure of sand, gravelly soil, and gravel are also presented, which
deviation was, the more significant the difference in the were summarized by Seed et al. [50], Rollins et al. [45],
maximum dynamic shear modulus was. With the same and Oztoprak and Bolton [41]. The results show that the
confining pressure, the lower the rock content was, the dynamic shear modulus ratio envelope area of geopolymer-
smaller the difference in the maximum dynamic shear stabilized coarse-grained soils was wider than that of the
modulus was. However, as the confining pressure other three types of soils and decreased with the overall
increased, this difference became more significant with an increase in the shear strain amplitude. When the shear
increase in the rock-block content. strain amplitude was less than 0.01%, the reduction rate of
the dynamic shear modulus ratio of geopolymer-stabilized
3.5 Characteristics of dynamic shear modulus coarse-grained soils was significantly slower than that of
ratio curves the other three types of soils. When the shear strain
amplitude was greater than 0.01%, the dynamic shear
Since the structural effect significantly affected the modulus ratio of the geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained
mechanical properties of geopolymer-stabilized coarse- soils began to decrease rapidly. When the shear strain
grained soils due to the content and random distribution of amplitude was between 0.01 and 1.0%, the reduction rate
rock blocks, the differences in their dynamic shear modulus of the dynamic shear modulus ratio of the geopolymer-
could not be studied comparatively. Fortunately, this stabilized coarse-grained soils was significantly greater
unexpected inexecution could be solved easily by applying than that of the other three types of soils. When the shear
normalized data. The dynamic shear modulus ratio G/Gmax strain amplitude was greater than 1.0%, the reduction rate
usually describes the relationship between the dynamic of these four soils’ dynamic shear modulus ratio decreased
shear modulus and shear strain amplitude. Martin and Seed and tended to be equal. The dynamic shear modulus ratio
[37] proposed a nonlinear elastic model for soils, namely distribution of the geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained
the Davidenkov model described in Eq. (7). This model soils under compression and tension status was generally
has been proven effective in characterizing the nonlinearity higher than that of the other three types of soils, and their
of coarse-grained soils. Therefore, it was also used in this area under tension was wider.
study to explore the relationship between the dynamic
shear modulus and shear strain amplitude of geopolymer-
stabilized coarse-grained soils.
G=Gmax ¼ 1=ð1 þ ca =cr Þ ð7Þ

Acta Geotechnica

1.0 1.0
R0P50 R15P50 R0P50 R15P50
R30P50 R45P50 R30P50 R45P50
R60P50 R0P100 R60P50 R0P100
R15P100 R30P100 R15P100 R30P100
0.8 R45P100 R60P100 0.8 R45P100 R60P100
R0P200 R15P200 R0P200 R15P200
R30P200 R45P200 R30P200 R45P200
R60P200 R0P400 R60P200 R0P400

0.6 R15P400 R30P400 R15P400 R30P400


Gt / Gmax,t
R45P400 R60P400 R45P400 R60P400
Gravelly soil (Seed et al,1986) Gravelly soil (Seed et al,1986)
Gravel (Rollins et al,1998) Gravel (Rollins et al,1998)
Sand (Oztoprak et al,2013) Sand (Oztoprak et al,2013)
0.4 This study 0.4 This study

0.2 0.2

(a) Under compression (b) Under tension

0.0 0.0
1E-4 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1E-4 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Shear strain amplitude (%) Shear strain amplitude (%)

Fig. 14 Dynamic shear modulus ratio curves of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils

3.6 Characteristics of damping ratio curves k ¼ kmin þ k0 ð1  G=Gmax Þb ð9Þ

The damping ratio k is an important input parameter for where kmin is the basic damping ratio related to the nature
evaluating the seismic performance of engineering sites of the soil and its consolidation state, and k0 and b are the
and is closely related to the properties of the soil itself. If curvature coefficients of the damping ratio curve, which
the soil is a viscoelastic material, the energy loss caused by could be obtained via data fitting.
the elastomer is zero, and the work done by the damping Figure 15 presents the damping ratio curves of geopoly-
ratio on the soil is just the energy loss of the soil. The mer-stabilized coarse-grained soils. It can be observed that the
greater the damping ratio was, the faster the attenuation minimum and maximum damping ratios of geopolymer-sta-
rate of energy was, and the greater the energy loss was. In bilized coarse-grained soils with different rock-block contents
1972, Hardin and Drnevich [16] found a connection increased with the shear strain amplitude. When the shear
between the dynamic shear modulus ratio G/Gmax and strain amplitude was between 0.001% and 0.01%, the damp-
damping ratio k as ing ratio curves tended to be flat, and the curve deviation could
be ignored. When the shear strain amplitude was between 0.01
k ¼ f ðG=Gmax Þ ð8Þ
and 1%, the damping ratio curves changed significantly. It was
Thus, an improved empirical formula proposed by Chen known that the increase in the damping ratio was an inherent
et al. [4] was used to describe such a connection relation- property of geotechnical engineering materials. Their damp-
ship, which was developed through many newly deposited ing ratio should be constant at a given stress state and strain
soil tests based on Eq. (8). level. However, the results of this study showed that the
damping ratio of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils
changed for the same shear strain amplitude. It can be inferred
18 that both rock-block content and confining pressure could
R0P50 R15P50
16 R30P50 R45P50 affect the damping ratio of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-
R60P50 R0P100
14 R15P100 R30P100 grained soils. The laws that determine their influence on the
R45P100 R60P100
damping ratio thus should be paid more attention.
Damping ratio (%)

R0P200 R15P200
12 R30P200 R45P200
R60P200 R0P400
10 R15P400 R30P400
R45P400 R60P400
8 4 Discussion

4.1 Influence of rock-block content on dynamic
shear modulus and damping ratio

0 4.1.1 Maximum dynamic shear modulus

0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Shear strain amplitude (%)
Figure 16 presents the relationship between the maximum
Fig. 15 Damping ratio curves of geopolymer-stabilized coarse- dynamic shear modulus and rock-block content of
grained soils

Acta Geotechnica

200 200
50kPa 100kPa 50kPa 100kPa
200kPa 400kPa 200kPa 400kPa
Gmax,c = 26.70 + 0.466P Gmax,t = 27.60 + 0.436P
Gmax,c = 48.23 + 0.317P Gmax,t = 46.00 + 0.446P
150 Gmax,c = 71.60 + 0.933P 150 Gmax,t = 74.40 + 0.826P
Gmax,c = 108.8 + 0.940P Gmax,t = 109.2 + 1.120P

Gmax,t (MPa)
Gmax,c (MPa)

100 100

50 50

(a) Under compression (b) Under tension

0 0
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Rock-block content(%) Rock-block content (%)

Fig. 16 Relationship between the maximum dynamic shear modulus and rock-block content

geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils. It can be 4.1.3 Normalized damping ratio

observed that the maximum dynamic shear modulus
always increased with the rock-block content linearly, This study used the normalized damping ratio knor to
irrespective of their loading status. The fitting lines’ gra- investigate the relationship between the damping ratio and
dient variation indicates that the maximum dynamic shear rock-block content.
modulus increased with the effective confining pressure. knor ¼ ðk  kmin Þ=ðkmax  kmin Þ ð10Þ

4.1.2 Dynamic shear modulus ratio where kmin and kmax were the minimum and maximum
damping ratios, respectively.
Figure 17 presents the dynamic shear modulus ratio curves Theoretically, the kmin of an ideal viscoelastic material
of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils with differ- should be zero. However, energy dissipation during cyclic
ent rock-block contents. It can be observed that when the loading was inevitable, even at low strain levels. Therefore,
confining pressure was constant, a higher rock-block con- the kmin of an ideal viscoelastic material should be deter-
tent would result in a lower dynamic shear modulus ratio of mined by other means. Chen et al. [7] highlighted that
geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils at the same because the damping ratio of the soil increased very slowly
shear strain amplitude. The gradient characteristics of these when the shear strain amplitude was less than 5 9 10–5, the
curves illustrated that the geopolymer-stabilized coarse- approximate damping ratio value when the shear strain
grained soils with a low rock-block content had the fastest amplitude was 5 9 10–5 should be adopted as the mini-
reduction rate. The opposite was the case for high rock- mum damping ratio. The maximum damping ratio kmax of
block content. The reason for this phenomenon might be: the soil was the sum of kmin and k0 in Eq. (9).
(1) With the increasing rock-block content, the skeleton Figure 18 presents the normalized damping ratio curves
structure of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils with differ-
gradually changed from the fine-grained matrix to rock ent rock-block contents. It can be observed that the growth
blocks and became the main load-bearing component. (2) of the normalized damping ratio can be divided into three
When the shear strain amplitude increased, the pores inside stages overall: the initial, growth, and stable stages. In the
the sample would shrink under the loading normally, and initial stage, the higher rock-block content would result in a
the structure would be more compact. However, when the smaller shear strain amplitude corresponding to the nor-
shear strain amplitude was greater than 1.0%, coarse- malized damping ratio that starts to increase. It might be
grained soils with a high rock-block content would be because the failure of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-
difficult to compact. The dynamic shear modulus ratio grained soils always began at the contact surface between
curves thus decreased slowly and tended to be flat. This the soil matrix and rock blocks. The higher rock-block
difference implied that when the shear strain amplitude content signified a large number of contact surfaces, which
exceeded a certain level, the influences of rock-block implied the higher failure probability of these contact
content on the dynamic shear modulus ratio of geopoly- surfaces at the same strain level and the greater energy
mer-stabilized coarse-grained soils could be neglected. consumption. In the growth stage, the normalized damping
ratio growth rate of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained

Acta Geotechnica

Fig. 17 Relationship between dynamic shear modulus ratio and rock-block content

soils with different rock-block contents was approximately damping ratio curves had a good coincidence in different
identical, which meant that the rock-block content had a rock-block contents overall, which implied that the rock-
limited influence on the normalized damping ratio. In the block content has a limited effect on the normalized
stable stage, the normalized damping ratio gradually damping ratio of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained
became constant because the structure of geopolymer-sta- soils.
bilized coarse-grained soils was dense. The normalized

Acta Geotechnica

Fig. 17 continued

4.2 Influence of effective confining pressure where C is a structure-related parameter of the soil and
on dynamic shear modulus and damping could be obtained via data fitting.
ratio The fitting parameters of Eq. (12) for geopolymer-sta-
bilized coarse-grained soils’ maximum dynamic shear
4.2.1 Maximum dynamic shear modulus modulus are also listed in Fig. 19a and b. It can be
observed that the fitting parameter n exhibited a small
Figure 19a and b presents the relationship between the fluctuation in its values. Hence, the influence of the con-
geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils’ maximum fining pressure on the maximum shear modulus may be
dynamic shear modulus and the effective confining pres- limited. Figure 19c and d presents the relationship between
sure. It can be observed that the maximum dynamic shear the fitting parameter C and the rock-block content. It can be
modulus increased with the effective confining pressure, known that the fitting parameter C exhibited an approxi-
and the relationship between the maximum dynamic shear mately linear relationship with rock-block content. This
modulus and confining pressure had a noticeable nonlinear relationship implied that the structure of geopolymer-sta-
feature. Hardin and Drnevich [16] found an approximately bilized coarse-grained soils significantly influenced the
exponential relationship between the maximum dynamic maximum dynamic shear modulus. Namely, the C value
shear modulus and confining pressure and proposed an could be regarded as an index for evaluating the influence
empirical formula for soils’ maximum dynamic shear of rock-block content on the maximum dynamic shear
modulus. modulus of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils.
Gmax ¼ f ðeÞrn ð11Þ
4.2.2 Dynamic shear modulus ratio
where r was the effective confining pressure, n was the
fitting parameter related to soil characteristics, and f(e) was
Figure 20 presents the geopolymer-stabilized coarse-
a function of the porosity of the soil. Since the triaxial
grained soils’ dynamic shear modulus ratio curves under
cyclic tests in this study were undrained, the geopolymer-
different effective confining pressures. As the shear strain
stabilized coarse-grained soils did not produce volume
amplitude increased, the greater the effective confining
strain under the load. Thus, the f(e) could be considered a
pressure was, the larger the gradient of the dynamic shear
modulus ratio curves was, and the faster the reduction rate
However, both rock-block content and confining pres-
of the dynamic shear modulus ratio of geopolymer-stabi-
sure had an important influence on the maximum dynamic
lized coarse-grained soils was. The dynamic shear modulus
shear modulus. The empirical formula shown in Eq. (11)
ratio of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils tended
can thus be further improved.
to be equal when the shear strain amplitude exceeded a
Gmax ¼ Cf ðeÞrn ð12Þ certain level. This flattening change indicated that the

Acta Geotechnica

Fig. 18 Relationship between normalized damping ratio and rock-block content

influence of effective confining pressure on the dynamic pressure, the inner gaps disappeared, the wave propagation
shear modulus ratio of geopolymer-stabilized coarse- accelerated, and the normalized damping ratio decreased.
grained soils was weakened as the shear strain amplitude
increased. 4.4 Empirical formula of dynamic characteristic
4.3 Normalized damping ratio
4.4.1 Dynamic shear modulus ratio
Figure 21 presents geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained
soils’ normalized damping ratio curves with different Normally, the secant modulus was always used to express
effective confining pressures. It can be observed that as the the dynamic shear modulus. Kumar et al. [25] conducted an
confining pressure was increased, the difference in the exemplary record of discussion on the dynamic character-
normalized damping ratio of geopolymer-stabilized coarse- istics of sand. As the dynamic stress–strain hysteresis
grained soils decreased gradually. High confining pressure curves of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils with
could decrease the normalized damping ratio at the same different rock-block contents were in an asymmetric dis-
shear strain amplitude. Since the contact between the soil tribution under different confining pressures, the data pro-
matrix and rock blocks in geopolymer-stabilized coarse- cessing following such a method was feasible. The
grained soils became closer with the increasing confining previous results presented in Fig. 13 showed that the rock-

Acta Geotechnica

Fig. 19 Relationship between the maximum dynamic shear modulus and confining pressures

block content and confining pressure affected the dynamic Figure 22 presents the relationships between the
properties of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils. dynamic shear modulus ratio and normalized shear strain
The results further presented in Figs.16 and 19 illustrated amplitude of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils
that the maximum dynamic shear modulus of geopolymer- under compression and tension conditions. It could be
stabilized coarse-grained soils had an approximately linear observed that the dynamic shear modulus ratio of
relationship with the rock-block content and an exponential geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils exhibited a
relationship with the confining pressure. Several studies lower dispersion and decreased smoothly as the normalized
presented the same conclusions. But they did not provide a shear strain amplitude increased. Therefore, a modified
correlation between the maximum dynamic shear modulus, Davidenkov model was used to describe the nonlinear
rock-block content, and effective confining pressure elastic behavior of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained
[2, 19, 27]. In 1972, Seed and Idriss [49] plotted the G/ soils. If cnor denotes the normalized shear strain amplitude
Gmax * logc curve for sand. In the same year, Hardin and ca/cr, the dynamic shear modulus ratio empirical formula of
Drnevich [16] described the nonlinear stress–strain geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils could be
behavior of soils at small to medium strains using Eq. (7). expressed as
Menq [39] and Darendeli [11] further proposed a modified 8
> 1
hyperbolic model based on the testing of sand and gravel >
< ; R2 ¼ 0:983; under compression
G 1 þ c0:877
samples and could provide a good reference for this study. ¼ 1
Gmax > > ; R2 ¼ 0:997;
: under tension
G=Gmax ¼ 1=½1 þ ðca =cr Þa  ð13Þ 1 þ c0:996

where a is the curvature coefficient. ð14Þ

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Fig. 20 Relationship between dynamic shear modulus ratio and effective confining pressures

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Fig. 20 continued

knor ¼ nor
; R2 ¼ 0:977 ð17Þ
4.4.2 Normalized damping ratio 1 þ c0:934

According to the normalized formula (10) of the damping

5 Conclusion
knor ¼ ð1  G=Gmax Þ ð15Þ
This study investigated the mixing ratio of the metakaolin-
That is, based geopolymer binder and their optimal mixing ratio in
 a b
cnor fine-grained soil by unconfined compression tests. Then,
knor ¼ ð16Þ the dynamic characteristics of geopolymer-stabilized
1 þ canor
coarse-grained soils were studied and discussed via
It could be observed that the normalized damping ratio undrained multistage strain-controlled triaxial cyclic tests.
was a function of the normalized shear strain amplitude. Some main conclusions were obtained: (1) The ideal
Figure 23 presents the relationship between the normalized mixing ratio of the raw material and alkali activator for
damping ratio of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained preparing the geopolymer binder was 2:1, and their optimal
soils and the normalized shear strain amplitude. Their ratio for soil stabilization was 15%. (2) The maximum
normalized damping ratios were distributed in a narrow dynamic shear modulus of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-
band. Based on Eq. (16), the normalized damping ratio grained soils had an approximately linear positive corre-
empirical formula for geopolymer-stabilized coarse- lation with the rock-block content but a power function
grained soils could be expressed as growth relationship with the effective confining pressure.

Acta Geotechnica

Fig. 21 Relationship between normalized damping ratio and confining pressure

(3) The dynamic shear modulus ratio envelope area of soils. (4) The damping ratio appeared slightly affected by
geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils was wider than rock-block content and confining pressure. A normalized
that of sand, gravel, and gravelly soils. It exhibited a lower shear strain amplitude function could describe the nor-
dispersion and decreased smoothly as the normalized shear malized damping ratio. (5) The results of this study could
strain amplitude increased. Hence, the modified Davi- provide a reference for understanding the dynamic char-
denkov model could be used to characterize the nonlinear acteristics of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils
elastic behavior of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained

Acta Geotechnica

1.0 1.0
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(a) under compression (b) under tesnion

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