PN134-241-1 20132110 (18ea)

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oe con! No 2120-048 BREE + ipgarg Nata aon Fon TRS “Eiko Seer * AUTHORIZED RELEASE CERTIFICATE % For Topocosoucozte89 FAA [UNITED STATES FAR FORM 8130-3, AIRWORTHINESS APPROVAL TAG. snenso, Page 1 of 1 7. Grganizaen Nama and Address 3 Werk OrderiGontraciinvoles Number GOODS SEEPS ATION, SRCRAFT WHEELS ard BRAES OWISION 101 WACO STREET, P.O.BOK 340 = ‘TROY, OHIO USA 453733972 Pow Cerificate No. PT2042CE/PQ2042CE — Sam [7 Deseo 3 Par wa a a 1 Savanon OT | BRK ASST OF aT wa * WA Tew 3: Remarks Purpose Export Aiworthiness Approve) THIS BART [SA SUBCOMPONENT OF A TSO ARTICLE, Export lo County Malaysia PIN tstaatet REVE. TA Gerios the Wems Wanliied above ware manufactured conform Ta 7 (ts cFR 43.9 Retum to Service (other regulation specified in Block 13 [Ey tensor nce Tg etree ay ec o eae Tistwotk, tievomeare approved orth seve. [EK] Approved design data and ane ina condition for safe operation, 75 Auhoraed Signals 75 Approval Raaarizaion No 2 Authorized Signature V7. Name (Typed or Pregl 78. Date (may 2B Name (Typed or Prniedy Bs, Date mnayy TERRY ELLINGER ocr ai 2013, User Installer Responsibilities Tis iporant fo wndersand tha re existence of his dacumant alone dose nol aulomaliealy constitute author to fsa Be paricomponenvassemBly. Where the userinstaller performs workin aceordonce with the naional regulations ofan airworthiness aulhoriy diferent than the airworthiness auhority of the caunty specie in Block 1, iis Cree el nal he oxeringlaer ensures that hamher siwarhiness author accepts parsicempanents/assembiies from the ainworhiness aulhariy of ti country specie in Block 1. Statamens in Blacks 14 and 19 de nat constitute installation cetifcaton. In alleasos, aera maintenance records must conain an installation eeriicatlon issued in accordance with the national Fegulctons by the userinstalerbofere the acraft may be fiw FRAFam S036 TiS aT SORE Soc ST WAT TE TOCA la NENT OORVODT GUTS sea agnor etag ie koteneon sso CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE Goodrich Aircraft Wheels and Brakes 101 Waco Street, Troy, OH 45373 USA Sold-to Address: 4304 LION AIR SLHASYIM ASHARI NO. 35 10130 JAKARTA, INDONESIA, Ship-to Address: 42010 LION AIR, CIO KLAS ENGINEERING SERVICES SDN MEZZANINE FL, KLAS CARGO TERMINAL BUILDING 64000 SELANGOR-SOUTHERN SUPPORT ZONE MALAYSIA, =" GOODRICH Date: Page tft 21-SEP-2013 Delivery No: 85980506 ‘Customer Poritem: PO149105 tem Material Description Total ty UOM BatchNbr_—_Gountry of Origin Sub tem Material Description Balch Qty _UOM Batch Nbr Country of Origin yo 134.281-1 DISK - ASSY. OF 18 EA us Customer Part Number: 134-241-1 We certify that the parts supplied and identified horein were manufactured in accordance with an approved Goodrich Corporation (formerly known as BFGoodrich) quality assurance program, conform to all applicable Goodrich specifications and requicements Contract requirements, and are approved under TSO C26 or C135 Certificate per federal aviation regulations, part 21 or other applicable regulations and spocifications for Goodrich Aircraft Wheol & Brake assemblies and sub-assembiles, ll substantiating documents regarding the subject parts aro on fle at Aircraft Whools & Brakes, Goodrich Corporation, Troy, Ohio, USA, and are available for inspection upon request. SAP-1031-1 Yes (Wehbe ——> Ene 0, Wallace Senior Qually-Acsurance Engines AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE 214-007-2013 DATE

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