Gender & Society, Lesson 1-9, Module 1

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Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4


Lesson 1 - Themes in Understanding the Subject ------------------ 9

* Definition of Knowledge
 The Work of Judith Butler
 Definition of Gender Equality
Lesson 2 - Sex and Gender ----------------------------------------------- 15
* Definition of Sex and Gender
 The Social Learning of Gender
 Functionalists and Essentialism
 Conflict Theorists and Gender Inequality
 Gender Socialization
 The Mass Media and Body Image
Lesson 3 - What is Sexuality? ------------------------------------------------ 22
* Challenging biological determinism and defining sex,
gender and sexuality
 The Gay Gene
 Caribbean theoretical definition
 Defining Sexuality

Lesson 4 - LGBTQHIA ---------------------------------------------------------- 29

* History & Impact of the Movement
 Sexual Orientation
 Gender Identity
 Legislation: Sexual Orientation

Lesson 5 - Gay Issues and Transgender Issues -------------------- 37

* Gay Marriage and Gays in Military
 Equality
 Discrimination
 Arguments against Gay Marriage
 Gay in Military: Policy Outcome
 Transgender Issues
 Sogie Bill.

Lesson 6 - Gender Roles and Gender Identity --------------------- 47

* What is Gender Roles?
 Women Stereotype
 Men Stereotypes
 Gender Role assumptions
 Cultural Gender Roles
* What is Gender Identity?
 Identity Crisis
 Issues in Identity Crisis

Lesson 7 - Gender Equality and Inequality ------------------------------ 61

* Gender Equality what I want to see in the world
 What is gender Equality
 What is Gender inequality
 Causes and sample of Gender Inequality
 Ways to promote Gender Equality

Lesson 8 - Gender Issues -------------------------------------------------- 70

*Gender Discrimination
 Gender Gap
 Skin Gap

Lesson 9 - GBV --------------------------------------------------------------------- 80

* Gender Based Violence
 Human Rights
 Different Types of Power
 Root causes and contributing factors of GBV
 Types of Gender Based Violence

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