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Ojsadmin, 50
Ojsadmin, 50
In this project we have designed an adjustable hearing aid by using android smartphone application
via Bluetooth connection for controlling the amplification process. Arduino Nano is used to execute all
commands and HC-06 Bluetooth module is used in this system. The Bluetooth connection transmit the data
to Arduino to provide digital outputs to the programmable gain amplifiers (PGA) and outputs the tone during
the tuning state. The final constructed hearing aid’s device was experimented on different set of people with
different hearing loss degree .The final test showed that the device could improve the hearing for people with
partial hearing problems.
Keywords: Smartphone application, PGA (Programmable Gain Amplifier), adjustable hearing aid,
Bluetooth module, Arduino Nano.
Figure (1). (a) Arduino IDE for Generate Tone and No Tone, (b) Arduino IDE for All- Reset Function
Arduino IDE for increasing –Decreasing gain according to patient’s need as in figure (2). Where a two conditions
(if-break) is made, one for increasing gain and the other for decreasing gain then save gain function is used to save
setting to EEPROM.
For programming the PGA with arduino, firstly these three-bit digital outputs(G0-G1-G2) must be defined with
Arduino IDE using for loop. On startup after Bluetooth connection, the EEPROM will be checked if there were a
previous setting, outputs it and if not or want to start a new tune set all gain to zero and set gains from application as
explained previously in 3.2 android application as in figure (3 (a,b))
Figur (3). (a). Arduino IDE for PGA , (b) Save Gain and Set Gain Function Code
Figure (4). LT6910-2 gain selection relation state with the number of pressing button
With 500 Hz (30 dB) HL ,the patient press four •Degree of hearing loss: (Right ear) slight loss to
times until she get hearing and restore normal hearing mild and mild (Left ear)
with (20dB).
•Occupation: Soldier
With 1000 Hz (30dB) HL, the patient press five
times until she gets hearing and restore normal hearing •Aided side : Right side
with (15dB). •Improvement: The same steps that have been
With 2000 Hz (40dB) HL, the patient press six mentioned in the first case are also will be followed in
times until she gets hearing and restore normal hearing each next case .
with (10dB). With 500 Hz (25 dB) HL ,the patient press three
The unaided-aided of the female’s audiogram is times until he gets hearing and restore normal hearing
shown in figure (5 (a)). with (20dB).
Male -32 years old With 1000 Hz (30dB) HL, the patient press five
times until he gets hearing and restore normal hearing
•Type of hearing loss: Bilateral sensory HL with (15dB).
Figure (5). (a) The Unaided-Aided Female’s Audiogram, (b) The Unaided-Aided Male 1’s Audiogram
It can be seen clearly that a Smartphone’s application Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they
programmable Hearing aid (HA) will have a bright have no conflict of interest.
future. It should be continued and developed in the future
as it has a huge potential to improve its performance, Funding: Self-funding
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