ODE Report
ODE Report
ODE Report
We would like to thank our teacher and mentor, Dr Harendra Pal Singh,
who helped render this project an adequate success.
Certificate of Completion 2
Acknowledgement 3
Abstract 4
Body 6
Results 15
Future Work 19
References 21
Appendix 23
= σ(𝑦 − 𝑥),
= 𝑥(ρ − 𝑧) − 𝑦,
= 𝑥𝑦 − β𝑧,
which attains the shape of a two fixed point attractor for the values
ρ = 28, σ = 10, and β = 3
Under different input flow rates, you should convince yourself that the
wheel will spin one way under just the right flow rate and then the other
The Lorenz system is deterministic, which means that if you know your
variables’ exact starting values, then, in theory, you can determine their
future values as they change with time. Lorenz demonstrated that if you
begin this model by choosing some values for x, y, and z, and then do it
again with just slightly different values, you will quickly arrive at
fundamentally different results. You can never know the exact value of any
physical measurement in real life, although you can get close.
For example, in the above plotted graph f(z) = x2 - y2 the point (0,0) is the
saddle point.
For ρ < 1, origin is a sink since τ2 – 4△ = (σ + 1)2 – 4σ(1 – ρ) = (σ – 1)2 –
4σρ > 0
A sink is defined as a point where all the local sets of points in the traced
function seem to coalesce towards, it can be thought to be analogous to a
regular kitchen sink installed in our homes and how the fluid entering the
sink wishes to exit from one specific point.
Actually, for ρ < 1 it can be shown that every trajectory approaches the
origin as t → ∞ the origin is globally stable, hence there can be no limit
cycles or chaos for ρ < 1
The substitution method
Diffusion refers to the process of every part of the input data affecting
every part of the output to render the analysis of the cryptosystem a more
demanding task. In encryption, as opposed to confusion, diffusion is done
to reduce the number of attempts to deduce the key in itself.
Based on the progress we have made so far in our effort towards this work,
we have come up with certain ideas we aim to implement in the future
regarding the same:
1. Chen, Jun-xin & Zhu, Zhi-liang & Fu, Chong & Yu, Hai & Zhang,
Li-bo. (2015). A fast chaos-based image encryption scheme with a
dynamic state variables selection mechanism. Communications in
Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 20. 846–860.
5. https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1211/1211.0090.pdf
9. https://youtu.be/DOwy0SuGD7Q
12. Zhang, Jiangang & Zhang, Li & An, Xinlei & Luo, Hongwei &
Yao, Kutorzi. (2016). Adaptive coupled synchronization among
three coupled chaos systems and its application to secure
communications. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications
and Networking. 2016. 10.1186/s13638-016-0630-4.