The Noor School Re-Take Test 2022
The Noor School Re-Take Test 2022
The Noor School Re-Take Test 2022
(C)333423 (D)780000
ii.The River Indus originates from lake -----------------
(A)Indus (B)Atta abad
(C)5 (D)6
(C)1800 (D)2250
The Noor School Re-Take Test 2022
The Noor School Re-Take Test 2022
SECTION – B (3x8=24)
Note: Answer any eight parts from Section ‘B’ and attempt any two questions from Section ‘C’ on the
separately provided answer book. Write your answers neatly and legibly.
Q.2 Attempt given parts from the following. All parts carry equal marks. Be brief and to the
i.Narrate the location of Pakistan.
ii. Write a short note on the economic basis of the Pakistan movement.
iii.Describe the coastal areas of Pakistan.
iv.. How did the Provincial Groups formed in the Cabinet Mission?
v.What is meant by Two-Nation Theory in the historical prespective of the Sub- continent?
vi.Write a short note on Jinnah Ghandi Talks.
vii.Write a short note on Delhi Convention.
viii.Explain foundamental principles of Pakistan Ideology.
i x.Write the name of four temperature Zone of Pakistan.
x. What were the primary objectives of the Muslim League at the time of its formation?
xi. What was the purpose of Indian National Congress?
Answer the following question in detail. ( 2x8=16 )
Q:3Define environmental pollution.Identify environmental pollutants.
Q:4Describe Two Nation Theory.
Q:5Give an account of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s role in creation of Pakistan.