Signals - Systems Syllabus Spring 2023
Signals - Systems Syllabus Spring 2023
Signals - Systems Syllabus Spring 2023
Prof. Gwo Giun (Chris) Lee (李國君教授)
奇美樓 Rm. 95611
x 62448
[email protected]
Teaching Assistances:
Head TA: 郭岳璁 Email: [email protected]
TA: 李瑋杰 Email: [email protected]
TA: 洪識凱 Email: [email protected]
TA: 郭慶安 Email: [email protected]
Lecture Hours:
Office Hours:
Class Webpage:
To be announced by TAs
Course Summary:
Signals and Systems is a rudimentary course which will lead to further studies in
signal processing, communication systems and control systems. This course
introduces the fundamental tools required in the analysis of both the continuous-time
and discrete-time signal and systems. Matlab examples and assignments are included
to help students acquire an in-depth understanding of the key concepts. Topics
included are linear time-invariant system analysis, Fourier series and transform,
Laplace transform, Z transform, and introduction to sampling theory.
Course Outline:
1. A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Wilsky, and S.H. Nawab, Signals and Systems, 2nd Ed.,
Pearson Education Limited, 2014.
Grading Policy:
Two Mid-Term Exams (20% each), Final Exam (20%), Homework and class
performance including pop quizzes (40%)