Chlorine Butane Realise ALOHA
Chlorine Butane Realise ALOHA
Chlorine Butane Realise ALOHA
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[email protected]
Received: November 16, 2017; Accepted: November 24, 2017; Published: January 17, 2018
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the extend of the threat zone of two mobile accidental atmospheric
releases of chlorine and butane on the I-95 Highway by estimating the downwind dispersion of the chemical plumes using the
numerical model ALOHA (Area Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) and by graphing the boundaries of the threat zone
using MARPLOT (Mapping Application for Response, Planning, and Local Operational Tasks). In addition, to assess the risk
of exposure at two points of interest from the chlorine accident, and to measure the extent of the flammable zone; the area
where a flash fire or a vapor cloud explosion could occur at some point after the release begins, resulting from the butane
accident. Moreover, the aim is to study the stability class effect on indoor and outdoor concentrations and its effect on distance
of the flammable zones. The paper conclude that the stability class has a significant effect on the prediction of the size of the
toxic threat zone under different atmospheric dispersion conditions. In addition, the size of the area impacted after a chemical
release depends on the characteristics of the chemical along with the meteorological and atmospheric conditions.
Keywords: Hazardous, Mobile Accidents, Atmosphere, Chlorine, Risk Analysis, Numerical Model
The numerical dispersion model ALOHA is a user-friendly release [11]. ALOHA was developed by the United States
Gaussian approach used to estimate the downwind dispersion Environmental Protection Agency and the National Oceanic
of a chemical cloud based on the toxicology and physical and Atmospheric Administration to assist chemical
characteristics of the released chemical, atmospheric emergency planners and responders. It can simulate the
condition, and specific circumstances of the accidental dispersion for over 900 chemicals and is primarily used in the
145 Noura Mohammad Al-Sarawi: Evaluation of Accidental Atmospheric Releases of Chlorine and Butane from a
Mobile Source Using ALOHA and MARPLOT
simulation of accidental release of hazardous substances and 3. The model is less reliable for conditions of low wind
the dispersion of chemical vapor [9]. ALOHA allows for the speed or very stable atmospheric conditions.
source to be defined in one of four ways (direct source, The rest of the limitations are not to be concerned about
puddle source, tank source, or pipe source) in order to model since the study did not look at point of interest very close to
various accident scenarios. ALOHA deals specifically with the source, Miami’s topography is fairly flat so there is no
human health hazards associated with inhalation of toxic need to account for terrain steering effects, for both scenarios
chemical vapors, thermal radiation from chemical fires, and pure chemicals was choose so there is no need to model
the effects of the pressure wave from vapor-cloud explosions evaporation of chemical constituents in a mixture or solution,
[5]. Yet, ALOHA have some limitations that the user should and since the release is instantaneous, there is no need for
be aware of. According to ALOHA Guidance Report, the more than one hour dispersion prediction and the predicted
model limitations are: dispersion is less than 6 kilometers. The strengths of the
1. Results are less reliable for conditions of low wind model can be summarized as user friendly, contains
speed or very stable atmospheric conditions. informative visuals, and designed to minimize operator
2. Results have high uncertainty very close to the source. errors.
3. ALOHA does not allow for one or more years of The model predicts the concentration of the chemical in the
meteorological data to be input and processed so that atmosphere and the plume boundaries then share the resulting
statistical methods can be employed to determine the threat zone simultaneously with MARPLOT. Threat zone
50th percentile (median) or 95th percentile represent the area where the ground level concentration
(unfavorable) concentration results. exceeds the range entered as the level of concern. MARPLOT
4. ALOHA does not model the initial momentum of the is a mapping application that can be used with ALOHA to
release. provide a visual of the extend of the plume using variety of
5. ALOHA does not account for the effects of fires or base maps. The importance of ALOHA simulation results is
chemical reactions. that they provide consequence analysis and risk assessment.
6. ALOHA does not account for terrain steering effects. Results of the simulation could serve as a useful guide to
7. ALOHA does not model dispersion effects associated create rescue plans, emergency responses, and neighborhood
with building wakes. warnings to ensure safety of all the people in the area.
8. ALOHA does not model the evaporation of chemical ALOHA have very powerful integral databases. It includes
constituents in a mixture or solution. data files with physical, chemical, and toxicological
9. ALOHA limits predictions to one hour after the release properties for hundreds of pure chemicals and some common
begins or to distances up to ten kilometers (6 miles). chemical solutions [5]. A chemical name, CAS registry
10. ALOHA does not model processes that affect the number, molecular weight, and toxicological data are
dispersion of particles, such as deposition from included for every chemical in the data file. These are the
gravitational settling [10]. minimum data required for the Direct Source option and the
The model strengths are: Gaussian dispersion model in ALOHA. For other modeling
1. Provide an assessment of the threat zones using options, such as source strength, heavy gas, and modeling for
information that is commonly available to respond fires and explosions require more extensive datasets. Full
during an emergency. datasets are available for about half the chemicals in the data
2. Designed to be easy to use so that responders can use it file; the additional physical property data required were
during a spill event. extracted from the DIPPR data compilation, a proprietary
3. Designed to minimize operator error. database containing physical constants and formulas for
4. Navigation through the model input screens is designed temperature dependent properties (American Institute of
to be intuitive and quick. Chemical Engineers) [5]. Data are available for the following
5. User input data is checked for consistency and properties: critical temperature, critical pressure, critical
reasonableness scenarios. volume, freezing point, normal boiling point, vapor pressure,
6. Results are presented graphically. liquid density, gas density, heat of vaporization, heat of
7. Provide methods for estimating the release and combustion, liquid heat capacity, and vapor heat capacity.
volatilization rate of chemicals for many common Therefore, the model accounts for all the physical and
accident scenarios. chemical difference between the chemicals.
8. Runs quickly on small computers that are easily After evaluating historical accidents and related statistical
transported and affordable for most users sources sponsored by the United States Department of
9. Designed to predict hazards associated with spills of a Energy, chlorine has the highest percentage of fatality risk
scale that are typical of transportation accidents [10]. from exposure to spills and leaks (Figure 1). Therefore, for
It is believed that the model’s limitations affecting the the purpose of this study, the first scenario involves an
predicted results from the simulations are: accident of a transport truck carrying four 62-kilograms
1. The model does not account for fires and chemical chlorine cylinders in the truck bed. The cylinders were
reactions. damaged during the collision and simultaneously release
2. The model does not account for gravitational settling. their contents.
American Journal of Environmental Protection 2017; 6(6): 144-155 146
B. Acquisition of Level of Contaminants (LOC) provides the option of user specified. For the first case
ALOHA uses the 60-minute exposure period of AEGL scenario of chlorine spill, since the release is instantaneous, it
(Acute Exposure Guideline Levels) as a default option for was decided to use the 10-minute exposure levels of AEGL
determining toxicity levels (Table 2). The model also to analyze the data with more confidence.
Table 2. Final AEGLs for Chlorine in ppm [6].
C. Tank and Cylinder Dimensions Butane Tank - According to the HAZMAT Guide for First
Chlorine Cylinder - “The most common sizes are 100 lb Responders, butane tank truck capacity is 11,500 gallons
(45 kg) and 150 lb (68 kg)” (Figure 4). To resembles a real- (Figure 5). To resemble a real-life scenario, not all the
life scenario, it was supposed to be more realistic that not all material will be disposed due to the accident. It was also
the material is disposed due to the accident. It was decided decided that the accident will result in 10,000 gallon of
that the accident will result in 62 kg of chlorine release. butane release.
147 Noura Mohammad Al-Sarawi: Evaluation of Accidental Atmospheric Releases of Chlorine and Butane from a
Mobile Source Using ALOHA and MARPLOT
D. Data Input
Location, Date and Time- From the location tab under site
data, Miami, Florida was chosen (Figure 6). From the date
and time tab (Figure 7), August 15, 2016 at 5pm was chosen
as the time the accidents occur.
From the setup menu, direct source was chosen for this
scenario. A total of 250 kilograms (Figure 10) were released
into the atmosphere instantaneously. Figure 12. Butane State and Temperature.
149 Noura Mohammad Al-Sarawi: Evaluation of Accidental Atmospheric Releases of Chlorine and Butane from a
Mobile Source Using ALOHA and MARPLOT
Scenario A B
Chemical Chlorine Butane
Total Amount Released 250 kg 10,000 gallons
Model of Release Direct Release Leaking tank
Temperature 29C 29C
Humidity 50% 50%
Cloud Cover Clear Clear
Figure 15. Scenario (A) Toxic Level of Concern.
Wind Speed 9mph 9mph
Atmospheric Stability Class D D
Ground Roughness Urban Urban After that, toxic threat zone graph showing the boundaries of
the dispersive plume was created using ALOHA, and is shown
in figure 16. It shows in the figure that the plume spreads to 3.7
3. Results and Analysis miles. Table 5 summarize the results of dispersion using data
Scenario A from the threat zone graph. Figure 17 shows MARPLOT map of
The first scenario source strength is summarized below in the dispersion using satellite base map.
table 4.
American Journal of Environmental Protection 2017; 6(6): 144-155 150
There is a neighborhood located in a very close proximity threat zone. Since Universities are also a major concern
from the highway. MARPLOT was used to create a point of because of the presence of many students attending, it was
interest in this residential area to examine the severity of the important to look at the estimated threat on campus. Figure
exposure. Figure 18 shows the point of interest that was 20 shows the second point of interest which resembles
created, which resembles a house. By examining figure 19, Barry’s University campus. By examining Figure 21, you can
you can see that the outdoor concentration line rises above see that the outdoor concentration line rises above zero about
zero about one minute after the release begins, then remains 3 minutes after the release begins, then remains above zero
above zero for about 3 minutes. According to the estimates, for about 5 minutes. According to the estimates, the outdoor
the outdoor concentration may reach a maximum value of concentration may reach a maximum value of 15.3 ppm,
177 ppm, above the 10-min AEGL-3 value for chlorine (50 above the 10-min AEGL-2 value for chlorine (2.8 ppm). On
ppm). On the other hand, the estimated maximum indoor the other hand, the estimated maximum indoor concentration
concentration at this location is 2.39 ppm, just above the 10- at this location is 0.267 ppm, which is below the 10-min
min AEGL-1 value for chlorine (0.5 ppm), but very close to AEGL-1 value for chlorine (0.5 ppm).
the 10-min AEGL-2 value (2.8 ppm).
conditions. Stability is usually estimated as a function of It was determined to analyze the flammable area of vapor
wind velocity and solar radiation [8]. So, unstable explosion for this scenario. Figure 23 shows the flammable
atmospheric conditions, will yield high turbulence, frequent level of concern for butane. ALOHA assumes that the threat
flocculation in wind directions, and strong solar radiation. On zone from a flash fire is closely related to the lower
the other hand, stable atmospheric conditions, will result in flammability or explosive limit threat zone (ground level
low turbulence, limited flocculation in wind direction, and concentration contour) for the cloud. Based upon
less solar radiation. Table 6 shows the specific state of each recommendations of the project external review team the
stability class. The comparison will be examined in this choice was made to use 60% of the lower flammability limit
section, and discussion will follow in the Discussion and as the level of concern in defining this threat zone [5].
Conclusions section of this report.
Scenario B
The second scenario, involving the butane leak, source
strength is summarized below in table 8.
The stability class effect on the distance (Table 9) of the flammable threat zone shows similar pattern to its effect on outdoor
and indoor concentrations. That is, the more stable the atmosphere, the longer the distance of the flammable zone (Figure 26).
Red 37 yards 41 Yards 45 Yards 47 Yards 50 Yards 57 Yards
Yellow 132 Yards 140 Yards 150 Yards 154 Yards 160 Yards 181 Yards
Figure 26. Stability Class Effects on the Distance of the Flammable Zone.
American Journal of Environmental Protection 2017; 6(6): 144-155 154
4. Discussion and Conclusions atmosphere, and therefore lower concentrations, and vice
versa. Therefore, the optimal condition of air pollution
Scenario (A) is a direct source case of chlorine release, dispersion is class A, which is the most instable
which allows to directly specify the amount of chemical atmospheric conditions. After comparing the simulation
vapors introduced into the air from a point in space. This results by changing 6 different atmospheric stability classes
option can be used with gasses denser than air, which is the for both scenarios, we can conclude that the stability class
case of chlorine. The accident simulation using ALOHA has a significant effect on the prediction of the size of the
resulted in 1576 yards of red threat zone, covering a part of a toxic threat zone under different atmospheric dispersion
residential area close to the road where the spill occurred. conditions [4]. In addition, the size of the area impacted
Being outdoor at the time the spill occurred, which means after a chemical release depends on the characteristics of
being exposed to 50 ppm of chlorine, could result in life- the chemical along with the meteorological and atmospheric
threatening health effects or death. Unfortunately, being conditions.
indoor will not create a shield and dodge the dispersive
plume in this case. People who were in the residential area
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