2012 Efficient Big Data Processing in Hadoop MapReduce
2012 Efficient Big Data Processing in Hadoop MapReduce
2012 Efficient Big Data Processing in Hadoop MapReduce
ABSTRACT creation phases. Over the past years researchers have actively stud-
This tutorial is motivated by the clear need of many organizations, ied the different performance problems of Hadoop MapReduce.
companies, and researchers to deal with big data volumes effi- Unfortunately, users do not always have a deep knowledge on how
ciently. Examples include web analytics applications, scientific to efficiently exploit the different techniques.
applications, and social networks. A popular data processing en- In this tutorial, we discuss how to reduce the performance gap
gine for big data is Hadoop MapReduce. Early versions of Hadoop to well-tuned database systems. We will point out the similarities
MapReduce suffered from severe performance problems. Today, and differences between the techniques used in Hadoop with those
this is becoming history. There are many techniques that can be used in parallel databases. In particular, we will highlight research
used with Hadoop MapReduce jobs to boost performance by orders areas that have not yet been exploited. In the following, we present
of magnitude. In this tutorial we teach such techniques. First, we the three parts in which this tutorial will be structured.
will briefly familiarize the audience with Hadoop MapReduce and
motivate its use for big data processing. Then, we will focus on dif- 2. HADOOP MAPREDUCE
ferent data management techniques, going from job optimization to We will focus on Hadoop MapReduce, which is the most popu-
physical data organization like data layouts and indexes. Through- lar open source implementation of the MapReduce framework pro-
out this tutorial, we will highlight the similarities and differences posed by Google [6]. Generally speaking, a Hadoop MapReduce
between Hadoop MapReduce and Parallel DBMS. Furthermore, we job mainly consists of two user-defined functions: map and reduce.
will point out unresolved research problems and open issues. The input of a Hadoop MapReduce job is a set of key-value pairs
(k, v) and the map function is called for each of these pairs. The
map function produces zero or more intermediate key-value pairs
1. INTRODUCTION (k′ , v ′ ). Then, the Hadoop MapReduce framework groups these in-
Nowadays, dealing with datasets in the order of terabytes or even termediate key-value pairs by intermediate key k′ and calls the re-
petabytes is a reality [24, 23, 19]. Therefore, processing such big duce function for each group. Finally, the reduce function produces
datasets in an efficient way is a clear need for many users. In this zero or more aggregated results. The beauty of Hadoop MapRe-
context, Hadoop MapReduce [6, 1] is a big data processing frame- duce is that users usually only have to define the map and reduce
work that has rapidly become the de facto standard in both industry functions. The framework takes care of everything else such as
and academia [16, 7, 24, 10, 26, 13]. The main reasons of such parallelisation and failover. The Hadoop MapReduce framework
popularity are the ease-of-use, scalability, and failover properties utilises a distributed file system to read and write its data. Typi-
of Hadoop MapReduce. However, these features come at a price: cally, Hadoop MapReduce uses the Hadoop Distributed File Sys-
the performance of Hadoop MapReduce is usually far from the per- tem (HDFS), which is the open source counterpart of the Google
formance of a well-tuned parallel database [21]. Therefore, many File System [11]. Therefore, the I/O performance of a Hadoop
research works (from industry and academia) have focused on im- MapReduce job strongly depends on HDFS.
proving the performance of Hadoop MapReduce jobs in many as- In the first part of this tutorial, we will introduce Hadoop MapRe-
pects. For example, researchers have proposed different data lay- duce and HDFS in detail. We will contrast both with parallel
outs [16, 9, 18], join algorithms [3, 5, 20], high-level query lan- databases. In particular, we will show and explain the static phys-
guages [10, 13, 24], failover algorithms [22], query optimization ical execution plan of Hadoop MapReduce and how it affects job
techniques [25, 4, 12, 14], and indexing techniques [7, 15, 8]. The performance. In this part, we will also survey high level languages
latter includes HAIL [8]: an indexing technique presented at this that allow users to run jobs even more easily.
VLDB 2012. It improves the performance of Hadoop MapReduce
jobs by up to a factor of 70 — without requiring expensive index
One of the major advantages of Hadoop MapReduce is that it
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are allows non-expert users to easily run analytical tasks over big data.
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies Hadoop MapReduce gives users full control on how input datasets
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to are processed. Users code their queries using Java rather than SQL.
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific This makes Hadoop MapReduce easy to use for a larger number
permission and/or a fee. Articles from this volume were invited to present of developers: no background in databases is required; only a ba-
their results at The 38th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, sic knowledge in Java is required. However, Hadoop MapReduce
August 27th - 31st 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Vol. 5, No. 12 jobs are far behind parallel databases in their query processing ef-
Copyright 2012 VLDB Endowment 2150-8097/12/08... $ 10.00. ficiency. Hadoop MapReduce jobs achieve decent performance
through scaling out to very large computing clusters. However, this CIDR 2011, a CS teaching award for database systems, as well as
results in high costs in terms of hardware and power consumption. several presentation and science slam awards. His research focuses
Therefore, researchers have carried out many research works to ef- on fast access to big data.
fectively adapt the query processing techniques found in parallel Jorge-Arnulfo Quiané-Ruiz is a postdoctoral researcher at Saar-
databases to the context of Hadoop MapReduce. land University, Germany. Previous affiliations include INRIA and
In the second part of this tutorial, we will provide an overview University of Nantes. He was awarded with a Ph.D. fellowship
of state-of-the-art techniques for optimizing Hadoop MapReduce from the Mexican National Council of Technology (CONACyT).
jobs. We will handle two topics. First, we will survey research He obtained, with highest honors, a M.Sc. in Computer Science
works that focus on tuning the configuration parameters of Hadoop from the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico. His research
MapReduce jobs [4, 12]. Second, we will survey different query mainly focuses on big data analytics.
optimization techniques for Hadoop MapReduce jobs [25, 14].
Again, we will highlight the differences and similarities with par- 6. REFERENCES
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One of the main performance problems with Hadoop MapRe- Environment. In EDBT, pages 99–110, 2010.
duce is its physical data organization including data layouts and [4] S. Babu. Towards automatic optimization of MapReduce programs.
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Data layouts: Hadoop MapReduce jobs often suffer from a row- [5] S. Blanas et al. A Comparison of Join Algorithms for Log Processing
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Indexes: Hadoop MapReduce jobs often also suffer from the lack [11] S. Ghemawat, H. Gobioff, and S.-T. Leung. The Google file system.
of appropriate indexes. A number of indexing techniques have been In SOSP, pages 29–43, 2003.
proposed recently [7, 15, 17, 8]. [12] H. Herodotou and S. Babu. Profiling, What-if Analysis, and
In the third part of this tutorial, we will discuss the above data Cost-based Optimization of MapReduce Programs. PVLDB,
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5. CONCLUSION [14] E. Jahani, M. J. Cafarella, and C. Ré. Automatic Optimization for
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[15] D. Jiang et al. The Performance of MapReduce: An In-depth Study.
state-of-the-art approaches (presented in the first three parts) to sig-
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nificantly improve the performance of Hadoop MapReduce jobs. [16] A. Jindal, J.-A. Quiané-Ruiz, and J. Dittrich. Trojan Data Layouts:
In particular, we will identify open challenges. In addition, we will Right Shoes for a Running Elephant. In SOCC, 2011.
sketch a vision on how future Hadoop MapReduce platforms may [17] J. Lin et al. Full-Text Indexing for Optimizing Selection Operations
look like. Finally, we will open the floor for questions on dedicated in Large-Scale Data Analytics. MapReduce Workshop, 2011.
topics presented in this tutorial. [18] Y. Lin et al. Llama: Leveraging Columnar Storage for Scalable Join
Target Audience. The first part of this tutorial covers the basics Processing in the MapReduce Framework. In SIGMOD, pages
961–972, 2011.
of Hadoop MapReduce. Therefore this part is interesting for all
[19] D. Logothetis et al. Stateful Bulk Processing for Incremental
VLDB attendees who want to learn how Hadoop MapReduce can Analytics. In SoCC, pages 51–62, 2010.
be used for big data analytics. The second and third part of this [20] A. Okcan and M. Riedewald. Processing Theta-Joins Using
tutorial are designed for attendees — researchers as well as practi- MapReduce. In SIGMOD, pages 949–960, 2011.
tioners — with an interest in performance optimization of Hadoop [21] A. Pavlo et al. A Comparison of Approaches to Large-Scale Data
MapReduce jobs. Analysis. In SIGMOD, pages 165–178, 2009.
[22] J.-A. Quiané-Ruiz, C. Pinkel, J. Schad, and J. Dittrich. RAFTing
Acknowledgments. We would like to thank all students of the sem-
MapReduce: Fast Recovery on the RAFT. ICDE, pages 589–600,
inar Efficient Parallel Data Processing in MapReduce Workflows 2011.
at Saarland University, summer term 2012, for the fruitful discus- [23] A. Thusoo et al. Data Warehousing and Analytics Infrastructure at
sions. We would like to thank the entire Hadoop++/HAIL team for Facebook. In SIGMOD, pages 1013–1020, 2010.
their feedback and support. [24] A. Thusoo et al. Hive – A Petabyte Scale Data Warehouse Using
Hadoop. In ICDE, pages 996–1005, 2010.
Biographical Sketches [25] S. Wu, F. Li, S. Mehrotra, and B. C. Ooi. Query Optimization for
Jens Dittrich (@jensdittrich) is an Associate Professor of Com- Massively Parallel Data Processing. In SOCC, 2011.
puter Science/Databases at Saarland University, Germany. Previ- [26] M. Zaharia et al. Improving MapReduce Performance in
ous affiliations include U Marburg, SAP AG, and ETH Zurich. Heterogeneous Environments. In OSDI, pages 29–42, 2008.
He received an Outrageous Ideas and Vision Paper Award at