Reviewed by:
Background: Psoriasis is a common, chronic, inflammatory, debilitating, systemic
Minxue Shen,
Central South University, China disease with a great impact on healthcare systems worldwide. As targeted therapies
Rosa Parisi, have transformed the therapeutic landscape, updated estimates of the Global Burden
University of Mancester,
United Kingdom
of Disease (GBD) imposed by psoriasis are necessary in order to evaluate the effects
of past health care policies and to orient and inform new national and international
Giovanni Damiani healthcare strategies.
[email protected]
Methods: Data were extracted from the GBD 2019 study, which collates a systematic
Specialty section: review of relevant scientific literature, national surveys, claims data, and primary care
This article was submitted to sources on the prevalence of psoriasis. Prevalence data were combined with disability
a section of the journal weight (DW) to yield years lived with disability (YLDs). Measures of burden at global,
Frontiers in Medicine regional, and national levels were generated for incidence, prevalence, and YLDs, due to
Received: 17 July 2021 psoriatic disease. All measures were reported as absolute numbers, percentages, and
Accepted: 17 November 2021
crude and age-adjusted rates per 100,000 persons. In addition, psoriasis burden was
Published: 16 December 2021
assessed by socio-demographic index (SDI).
Damiani G, Bragazzi NL, Karimkhani Findings: According to the GBD 2019 methodology, there were 4,622,594 (95%
Aksut C, Wu D, Alicandro G,
McGonagle D, Guo C, Dellavalle R,
uncertainty interval or UI 4,458,904–4,780,771) incident cases of psoriasis worldwide
Grada A, Wong P, La Vecchia C, in 2019. The age-standardized incidence rate in 2019 was 57.8 (95% UI 55.8–59.7)
Tam L-S, Cooper KD and Naghavi M
per 100,000 people. With respect to 1990, this corresponded to a decrease of 20.0%
(2021) The Global, Regional, and
National Burden of Psoriasis: Results (95% UI −20.2 to −19.8). By sex, the age-standardized incidence rate was similar
and Insights From the Global Burden between men [57.8 (95% UI 55.8–59.8) per 100,000 people] and women [(57.8 (95% UI
of Disease 2019 Study.
Front. Med. 8:743180.
55.8–59.7) per 100,000 people]. With respect to 1990, this corresponded to a decrease
doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.743180 by 19.5% (95% UI −19.8 to −19.2) and by 20.4% (95% UI −20.7 to −20.2) for men and
women, respectively. The age-standardized incidence rate per 100,000 persons was
found to vary widely across geographic locations. Regionally, high-income countries and
territories had the highest age-standardized incidence rate of psoriasis [112.6 (95% UI
108.9–116.1)], followed by high-middle SDI countries [69.4 (95% UI 67.1–71.9)], while
low SDI countries reported the lowest rate [38.1 (95% UI 36.8–39.5)]. Similar trends were
detected for prevalence and YLDs.
Conclusion: In general, psoriasis burden is greatest in the age group of 60–69 years,
with a relatively similar burden among men and women. The burden is disproportionately
greater in high-income and high SDI index countries of North America and Europe. With
advances in psoriasis therapeutics, objective evaluation of psoriasis disease burden is
critical to track the progress at the population level.
Keywords: psoriasis, prevalence, incidence, years lived with disability (YLDs), epidemiology, global health
Psoriatic disease is a complex, chronic, systemic, immune- Overview of the Methodology
mediated disease that represents a wide clinical spectrum This study is part of the GBD 2019 (16), which, to the best
ranging from cutaneous psoriasis to psoriatic arthritis, including of our knowledge, is the most comprehensive, methodologically
dactylitis, enthesitis, psoriatic axial spondyloarthritis, and robust report to date, which systematically estimates the spatial
psoriatic onychopathy (1–4). levels and temporal trends of the global burden caused by
Epidemiological data on psoriatic disease are uncertain, with 369 diseases and injuries, as well as by 87 risk factors, in the
estimates of psoriasis prevalence ranging from 0.91 to 8.5% in period from 1990 to 2019. Seven super-regions, 21 regions,
adults and 0.0 to 2.1% in children (5). The global psoriasis and 204 countries and territories were involved in the GBD
prevalence rate is around 2–3% of the world population (6), 2019. The GBD 2019 adopts a 4-level hierarchical framework
reaching 8–11% in some Northern European countries (7). to classify and list causes as aggregate groupings. While
Remarkably, concerning the full spectrum of psoriatic disease, level 1 causes include non-communicable disorders, injuries,
several observational studies pointed out that the proportion and a category combining infectious, maternal, neonatal, and
of undiagnosed psoriatic arthritis ranges from 10.9 to 29.0% nutritional diseases/impairments, level 2 lists 22 diseases and
in patients with psoriasis from European countries (8, 9), injuries such as respiratory infections, cardiovascular disorders,
thereby suggesting that the real burden generated by psoriasis and transport injuries. Level 3 and level 4 causes include specific
is significantly underestimated/under-reported. All the different causes, which differ based on the amount of details provided. For
manifestations of psoriatic disease share a similar pathogenetic, instance, psoriasis is a level 3 cause. Detailed GBD methodology
immunological (10, 11), and metabolic signature (12). Due to is published elsewhere (16, 17).
systemic inflammation, the psoriatic disease is often associated Briefly, data on the disease burden attributable to psoriasis
with other comorbidities that negatively impact social and private were extracted through a result tool on the website of the
life, resulting in overall poor quality of life (13–15). Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), University
Furthermore, the increase in life expectancy, as well as the of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA [http://ghdx.
advent of targeted therapies and the improvement of healthcare healthdata.org/gbd-results-tool]. The original data sources used
services, could have increased the burden of the disease. for the estimations of the burden imposed by psoriasis can
Moreover, the dramatic demographic changes that occurred be found on the GBD 2019 Data Input Sources Tool website
over the last four decades, including population growth and [http://ghdx.healthdata.org/gbd-2019/data-input-sources].
aging, could have impacted the burden of psoriatic disease Since no identifiable data were used in the GBD 2019, a waiver
as well; therefore, reliable, statistically robust, and updated of informed consent was in-depth reviewed and approved by the
estimates of psoriatic disease burden are necessary in order University of Washington Institutional Review Board (IRB).
to evaluate the impact of past healthcare policies and, at the
same time, to orient and inform new healthcare strategies Definition
in a data-driven, evidence-based fashion. Since the resolution A brief overview specific to the psoriasis estimation strategy is
by the World Health Assembly (WHA 67.9 2014), which presented in this study. Psoriasis was defined as an autoimmune
aims to improve the healthcare and inclusion of people living disorder clinically characterized by areas of raised, red skin
with psoriasis, the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) initiative with silvery scales, which may be itchy. The pathogenesis and
has increased its attention to the global epidemiology of the the precise mechanisms underlying the disease are complex
burden imposed by psoriasis, and the present study attempts to and multi-factorial and yet to be fully elucidated. They include
quantify it. the immune-mediated activation of inflammatory pathways and
cascades, resulting in the abnormal growth and behavior of Data Inclusion and Exclusion
certain types of skin cells. The case definition of psoriasis is based According to the GBD methodology, outpatient data from
on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10 codes, healthcare settings based in the USA and Sweden were potentially
L40 and L41. eligible. However, after a thorough assessment, they could not
be retained in the present investigation due to violations of
Data Sources well-consolidated regional patterns and age-related distribution
The GBD 2019 has pooled together several input data obtained trends. These violations could not be observed for other data
from four main sources, which include: (i) available scholarly sources from other countries as well, such as Norway.
literature; (ii) various large, nation-wide epidemiological surveys; Retained data were subsequently re-evaluated in terms of the
(iii) claims data obtained from the United States, Taiwan, Poland, presence of outliers (i.e., high values in young age groups), the
and Russia; and (iv) outpatient/primary care data from Norway. inclusion of which would have resulted in a poor model fit
Concerning the former data source, in the GBD 2010 study, or significant distortion/over-estimation of sub-national pseudo-
a systematic review of the literature using an ad hoc devised random effects. Moreover, data found to be incoherent when
search strategy had been carried out by the authors and compared to regional, super-regional, and global rate trends were
collaborators of GBD 2010, using two major scholarly electronic excluded. None of the latter violations could be detected when
databases (namely, PubMed/MEDLINE and Google Scholar) to data quality assessment was performed.
retrieve and collect all relevant epidemiological data related to
psoriasis (18, 19). This search was re-run and updated in the Statistical Analysis
subsequent GBD 2013 and 2016 studies to capture all eligible Several health metrics indicators were computed, including
studies published in the interim period (from 2012 to 2014 and prevalence, incidence, and disability-related estimates. More
from 2014 to 2016) (20, 21). Investigations were retained and in detail, incidence and prevalence data related to diagnoses
included if (i) incidence or prevalence data of psoriasis were ascertained as psoriasis cases and extracted from the previously
provided; (ii) samples representative of the general population described data sources (administrative databases, physical
(for instance, in order to avoid selection biases, subjects enrolled examination-based studies) were used as input and entered
into experimental arms of randomized clinical trials or recruited into Disease Modeling—Meta-regression (DisMod-MR) 2.1,
in dermatological clinics were not considered) were utilized; (iii) a Bayesian meta-regression tool, to estimate epidemiological
large samples (i.e., sample size >100 participants) were utilized; metrics by age [23 age groups: (i) early neonatal, (ii) late neonatal,
and (iv) judged of high-quality in terms of methodology and (iii) post-neonatal, (iv) 1–4, (v) 5–9, (vi) 10–14, (vii) 15–19, (viii)
study design. 20–24, (ix) 25–29, (x) 30–34, (xi) 35–39, (xii) 40–44, (xiii) 45–49,
Several epidemiological surveys were included: (i) the (xiv) 50–54, (xv) 55–59, (xvi) 60–64, (xvii) 65–69, (xviii) 70–74,
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) conducted in the (xix) 75–79, (xx) 8–84, (xxi) 8–89, (xxii) 90–94, and (xxiii) 95+
United States between 2000 and 2009; (ii) the Australian National years], sex (male, female, and male/female combined), year (from
Health Survey (ANHS) carried out in several subsequent waves 1990 to 2019), and geography (in terms of super-regions, regions,
(from 1995 to 1996, in 2001, from 2004 to 2005, and from 2007 to countries, and territories).
2008); and (iii) the USA National Health Nutrition Examination Instead of DisMod-MR, another biostatistical approach
Survey (NHANES) conducted in 2002 and 2005. termed as Meta-Regression—Bayesian Regularised Trimmed
Claims data obtained from the United States (until 2015– (MR-BRT) was utilized to process the USA Marketscan
2016) and Taiwan, as well as from Poland (2015–2017) and data, along with rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis extracted
Russia (2010–2017) were utilized, linking claims for multiple from administrative data, adjusting them toward the level
inpatients and/or outpatient encounters to single individuals. of other prevalence datapoints, which were deemed to be
These were extracted as prevalent cases if having one or more representative of the general population. Data related to
more inpatient/outpatient diagnosis encounters with a psoriasis- rheumatoid arthritis were also extracted since the differential
related ICD code. The Norwegian outpatient/primary care diagnosis of psoriatic disease includes rheumatoid arthritis.
database had diagnoses linked to individuals, which were as such Concerning modeling strategy, psoriasis remission and
extracted as prevalent cases. duration ranges were set at 0.05–0.15, and 6.6–20 years,
In summary, 8 sources were utilized for calculating psoriasis respectively, based on the current knowledge of psoriasis-related
incidence (from four contributing countries) and 123 sources for epidemiology, the consensus of expert opinions, the existing
computing psoriasis prevalence (from 31 contributing countries), scientific literature, and previously published GBD studies.
whereas 15 additional sources (from one contributing country) Excess mortality due to psoriasis was measured in years of life lost
were used for quantitatively assessing the proportion of psoriasis and assumed to be zero. Data collated and compiled generated
cases and computing the prevalence rate. Overall, 132 unique a database large enough to ensure the possibility of utilizing
data sources were employed in the present investigation (from relatively short time spans (10-year windows) to compute the
31 contributing countries). The detailed data sources used to goodness-of-fit of the datapoints.
estimate and compute the burden of psoriasis in the different Study-level covariates (including the main features of
countries can be found by accessing the GBD 2019 Data Input the populations under study, such as age or gender) were
Sources Tool at the following link: http://ghdx.healthdata.org/ utilized in order to mark data extracted from self-report,
gbd-2019/data-input-sources5. outpatient/primary care, and claims data. From the MR-BRT
cross-walk adjustment analysis, setting the gamma parameter that ensures estimate robustness and reliability, with
at 0.63, the beta coefficient (logit) for studies without physical respect to “conventional” techniques that rely on sampling
examination was computed at −0.12 (ranging from −1.36 to error alone.
1.12), for studies utilizing the USA Marketscan 2000 data at Epidemiological and disability indicator estimates are
−1.23 (ranging from −2.50 to −0.01), for studies employing the also presented stratified according to the location/country
USA Marketscan 2010–2016 data at −0.82 (−2.06 to 0.43), and level. Within the GBD methodological framework, countries
for studies with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) diagnosis obtained are classified based on an objective measurement of their
from administrative data at −0.87 (ranging from −2.12 to 0.37). developmental status, namely, the SDI. This is a composite
The corresponding related adjustment factors yielded 0.47, 0.22, metric, which combines and summarizes various variables,
0.31, and 0.29, respectively. including average income, educational attainment, and total
Socio-demographic index (SDI) and the absolute value fertility rate (TFR) under 25 years of age. Based on this
of average latitude served as location-level (country-level) computation, SDI is calculated and assigned to each country
covariates to inform the estimation of the variables for countries (24). SDI is scaled from zero, which represents the lowest
and territories with the dearth of data. Exponentiated beta income, educational attainment, and the highest TFR possible,
values (which can be understood as odds ratios, ORs) were to one, which, on the contrary, represents the highest income,
computed at 0.19 (ranging from 0.17 to 0.20) and 1.01 (ranging educational achievement, and the lowest TFR possible. The
from 1.01 to 1.01) for SDI and the absolute value of average relationship between epidemiological and disability rates
latitude, respectively. and SDI status (categorized as high, high-middle, middle,
Prevalence estimates were multiplied by a multiplier known low-middle, and low SDI countries) was conducted and is
as disability weight (DW), computed from population-wide presented here.
epidemiological surveys and an open-access web-based study, to Our present study reports findings in compliance with the
yield years lived with disability (YLDs) and disability-adjusted Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates
life years (DALYs). The latter indicator combines in one measure Reporting (GATHER) statement (25).
the time lived with disability and the time lost due to premature
mortality. A severity split analysis with DWs was conducted,
according to the type and extent of sequelae (assessed as RESULTS
functional consequences and symptoms of the disease stage) (22).
In other words, as done in previous GBD studies, different DWs Incidence of Psoriasis in 2019 and Its
for psoriasis were assigned based on its degree of disfigurement Spatio-Temporal Trend
with itch/pain (levels of severity 1, 2, and 3) (23). Worldwide, there were 4,622,594 (95% UI 4,458,904–4,780,771)
In the case of mild psoriasis, the subject reports a slight, even incident cases of psoriasis in 2019. The age-standardized
though visible physical deformity, which can be sore and/or itchy, incidence rate in 2019 was 57.8 (95% UI 55.8–59.7) per 100,000
besides causing psychological discomfort and worries. In this people. With respect to 1990, this corresponded to a decrease by
case, DW is 0.027 (ranging from 0.015 to 0.042). In the case 20.0% (95% UI −20.2 to −19.8). By sex, the age-standardized
of severe psoriasis, the individual has an obvious, very painful, incidence rate was similar between men [57.8 (95% UI 55.8–
itchy physical deformity, which causes psychological discomfort, 59.8) per 100,000 people] and females [57.8 (95% UI 55.8–59.7)
worries, poor sleep quality, avoidance of social contacts, and per 100,000 people]. With respect to 1990, this corresponded
suicidal thoughts. In this case, DW is 0.576 (ranging from to a decrease by 19.5% (95% UI −19.8 to −19.2) and 20.4%
0.401 to 0.731). The intermediate case of moderate psoriasis is (95% UI −20.7 to −20.2), respectively. Figure 1 and Table 1
characterized by impaired sleep and concentration issues. In this show the age-specific numbers and rates of incident psoriasis
case, DW is 0.188 (ranging from 0.124 to 0.267). cases at the global level and stratified by sex and GBD region
Measures of burden at the global, regional, and national in 2019. As it can be seen, the age-standardized incidence rate
levels were generated and estimated, both for epidemiological per 100,000 persons was found to vary widely across geographic
(incidence and prevalence) and disability (YLDs and DALYs) locations. Regionally, high-income countries and territories had
indicators due to psoriatic disease. All measures were reported the highest age-standardized incidence rate of psoriasis [112.6
as absolute (counts) and relative (percentages) numbers, both (95% UI 108.9–116.1)], followed by high-middle SDI countries
as crude and age-adjusted rates per 100,000 persons, where the [69.4 (95% UI 67.1–71.9)], while low SDI countries reported
procedure of age-standardization was applied based on the WHO the lowest rate [38.1 (95% UI 36.8–39.5)]. Low-middle SDI
world population age structure. All estimates were reported with countries [(45.1 (95% UI 43.4–46.6)] and middle-SDI countries
their 95% uncertainty intervals (95% UI). These intervals were [41.7 (95% UI 40.2–43.1)] reported a similar burden. Middle
estimated by taking 1,000 samples from the posterior distribution SDI countries documented the highest change in the age-
of each quantity and using the 25th- and 97.5th-ordered draws standardized incidence rate in 2019 with respect to 1990, with
of the uncertainty distribution. UIs are different from “classical” a decrease by 21.8% (95% UI −22.1 to −21.4), whereas high
CIs, in enabling to capture and model uncertainty from multiple SDI countries reported the lowest change with a decrease by
steps (such as model estimating, and parameter specifying 10.2% (95% UI −10.6 to −9.7). In terms of GBD regions, the
steps), incorporating several, and also highly heterogeneous data age-standardized incidence rate was highest in Western Europe
sources. This is a considerable methodological advancement [204.5 (95% UI 197.6–211.4)], followed by Australasia [145.4
FIGURE 1 | The national age-standardized incidence rate of psoriasis (per 100,000) in 2019.
(95% UI 139.6–151.4)] and high-income North America [92.7 prevalence rate per 100,000 persons was found to vary widely
(95% UI 89.7–95.5)], whereas it was lowest in Southeast Asia across geographic locations. Regionally, high-income countries
[20.1 (95% UI 19.3–20.8)], followed by central Latin America and territories had the highest age-standardized prevalence rate
[20.7 (95% UI 19.9–21.5)] and Eastern Sub-Saharan Africa [25.1 of psoriasis [1,072.7 (95% UI 1,038.7–1,106.0)], followed by
(95% UI 24.2–26.1)]. The GBD region which reported the highest high-middle SDI countries [589.9 (95% UI 569.2–608.5)], while
decrease in the age-standardized incidence rate was North Africa low SDI countries reported the lowest rate [300.8 (95% UI 290.5–
and the Middle East, with a decrease by 23.1% (95% UI −23.7 311.1)]. Low-middle SDI countries [352.1 (95% UI 340.3–363.7)]
to −22.5) in 2019 with respect to 1990. The lowest change was and middle SDI countries [338.6 (95% UI 327.5–348.9)] reported
documented in the high-income Asia Pacific, with a decrease a similar epidemiological burden. The most important temporal
of 3.4% (95% UI −4.0 to −2.7). At the national level, the changes occurred in high-middle SDI countries [−21.1% (95%
country with the highest rate was France [251.7 (95% UI 242.5– UI −21.4 to −20.7)] and middle SDI countries [−20.6% (95% UI
261.0)], whereas the lowest rate was reported in Indonesia [12.9 −21.0 to −20.2)], whereas the lowest change was documented
(95% UI 12.4–13.4)]. For further details, the reader can refer to in low SDI countries [−11.1% (95% UI −11.5 to −10.6)]. In
Supplementary Table 1. terms of GBD regions, the age-standardized prevalence rate was
highest in Western Europe [1,884.1 (95% UI 1,817.4–1,948.3)],
Prevalence of Psoriasis in 2019 and Its followed by Australasia [95% UI 1,506.1 (1,448.9–1,560.8)] and
Spatio-Temporal Trend high-income North America [1,081.6 (95% UI 1,048.9–1,115.4)],
Worldwide, there were 40,805,386 (95% UI 39,421,384– whereas they were lowest in Southeast Asia [128.8 (95% UI
42,076,746) prevalent cases of psoriasis in 2019 (Figure 2). The 124.5–133.2)], followed by central Latin America [132.0 (95%
age-standardized prevalence rate in 2019 was 503.6 (95% UI UI 127.7–136.5)] and Eastern Sub-Saharan Africa [166.8 (95%
486.9–519.2) per 100,000 people. With respect to 1990, this UI 160.8–172.9)]. The GBD region which reported the highest
corresponded to a decrease of 23.7% (95% UI −24.0 to −23.5). decrease in the age-standardized prevalence rate was North
By sex, the age-standardized prevalence rate was similar between Africa and the Middle East with a decrease of 26.9% (95%
men [510.7 (95% UI 493.4–526.4) per 100,000 people] and UI −27.5 to −26.2) in 2019 with respect to 1990. The lowest
women [497.5 (95% UI 481.1–513.1) per 100,000 people]. With change was documented in the high-income Asia Pacific, with a
respect to 1990, this corresponded to a decrease by 22.9% (95% decrease of 4.3% (95% UI −5.0 to −3.6). At the national level,
UI −23.3 to −22.6) and by 24.4% (95% UI −24.6 to −24.1), the country with the highest rate was France [2,503.8 (2,395.4
respectively. Table 1 shows the age-specific numbers and rates of to 2,608.6)], whereas the lowest rate was reported in Indonesia
prevalent psoriasis cases at the global level and stratified by sex [79.8 (95% UI 76.9–82.7)]. For further details, the reader can
and GBD region in 2019. As it can be seen, the age-standardized refer to Supplementary Table 2.
Damiani et al.
TABLE 1 | Incidence, prevalence, and YLDs of psoriasis in 2019 and percentage change of age-standardized rates, by sex and GBD region.
Number Age-standardised Percentage change Number Age-standardised Percentage change Number Age-standardised Percentage change
rate (per 100 000 in age-standardised rate (per 100 000 in age-standardised rate (per 100 000 in age-standardised
people) rates, 1990–2019 people) rates, 1990–2019 people) rates, 1990–2019
Global 4,622,594 57.8 −20.0% 40,805,386 503.6 −23.7% 3,505,736 43.3 −23.6%
(4,458,904 to (55.8 to 59.7) (−20.2 to −19.8) (39,421,384 to (486.9 to 519.2) (−24.0 to −23.5) (2,504,956 to (30.9 to 57.4) (−24.2 to −23.0)
4,780,771) 42,076,746) 4,638,757)
Male 2,315,841 57.8 −19.5% 20,448,885 510.7 −22.9% 1,772,054 44.2 −22.8%
(2,232,986 to (55.8 to 59.8) (−19.8 to −19.2) (19,749,817 to (493.4 to 526.4) (−23.3 to −22.6) (1,261,969 to (31.5 to 58.7) (−23.7 to −22.0)
2,395,283) 21,083,370) 2,355,815)
Female 2,306,753 57.8 −20.4% 20,356,501 497.5 −24.4% 1,733,683 42.5 −24.2%
(2,224,308 to (55.8 to 59.7) (−20.7 to −20.2) (19,672,490 to (481.1 to 513.1) (−24.6 to −24.1) (1,241,898 to (30.4 to 56.1) (−25.1 to −23.4)
2,384,894) 20,990,702) 2,282,839)
GBD region
Central 61,984 51.6 −16.5% 445,748 412.7 −19.1% 39,139 35.6 −18.2%
Sub-Saharan (59,320 to 64,656) (49.4 to 53.8) (−17.8 to −15.0) (427,754 to 462,996) (397.2 to 427.9) (−20.1 to −18.0) (27,548 to 52,169) (25.0 to 47.1) (−23.9 to −12.4)
Eastern 89,695 25.1 −9.8% 551,213 166.8 −9.4% 48,807 14.5 −8.8%
Sub-Saharan (86,383 to 93,561) (24.2 to 26.1) (−10.3 to −9.2) (530,511 to 573,329) (160.8 to 172.9) (−10.0 to −8.9) (34,514 to 65,163) (10.3 to 19.2) (−12.7 to −5.2)
Southern 25,357 32.9 −10.6% 168,145 223.0 −10.5% 14,553 19.2 −11.0%
Sub-Saharan (24,396 to 26,331) (31.7 to 34.1) (−11.3 to −10.0) (162,227 to 174,017) (215.2 to 230.2) (−11.0 to −9.8) (10,384 to 19,199) (13.7 to 25.3) (−15.2 to −6.6)
Western 131,825 32.5 −20.2% 840,876 225.2 −23.1% 74,188 19.5 −22.7%
Sub-Saharan (127,072 to 137,224) (31.3 to 33.6) (−20.5 to −19.8) (810,132 to 871,926) (217.3 to 232.9) (−23.5 to −22.7) (52,193 to 98,677) (13.9 to 25.9) (−24.9 to −20.7)
Andean Latin 52,103 82.4 −13.1% 444,522 (427,695 to 712.9 −16.3% 38,808 62.1 −16.2%
America (49,796 to 54,275) (78.8 to 85.8) (−14.3 to −11.9) 461,805) (685.9 to 739.6) (−17.3 to −15.2) (27,362 to 51,290) (44.0 to 82.0) (−20.2 to −11.9)
Tropical Latin 202,572 87.1 −5.7% 1,830,253 767.2 −5.2% 157,656 66.2 −4.6%
America (195,312 to 209,349) (84.1 to 90.0) (−6.2 to −5.1) (1,765,446 to (741.1 to 792.9) (−5.7 to −4.6) (112,010 to (46.9 to 87.6) (−6.9 to −2.5)
America (50,378 to 54,362) (19.9 to 21.5) −11.7) (322,899 to 345,848) (127.7 to 136.5) (−12.8 to −11.8) (20,556 to 39,034) (8.1 to 15.4) (−15.4 to −8.3)
Southern Latin 70,211 102.1 −7.3% 650,187 898.7 −12.9% 56,128 78.0 −12.9%
America (67,264 to 73,298) (97.9 to 106.3) (−8.8 to −5.7) (624,126 to 674,258) (863.3 to 933.3) (−14.1 to −11.7) (39,341 to 74,462) (54.5 to 103.2) (−17.3 to −8.1)
Caribbean 27,467 56.9 −7.1% (−8.1 to −6.1) 202,492 413.1 −7.5% 17,529 35.8 −7.6%
(26,394 to 28,614) (54.7 to 59.2) (195,171 to 209,683) (398.4 to 427.7) (−8.3 to −6.6) (12,493 to 23,481) (25.5 to 47.9) (−12.2 to −2.9)
Central Europe 76,996 60.3 −15.5% 624,819 440.8 −18.1% 53,356 38.3 −17.8%
(74,396 to 79,469) (58.5 to 62.2) (−16.3 to −14.6) (606,034 to 641,226) (428.2 to 452.1) (−19.0 to −17.2) (38,034 to 70,323) (27.0 to 50.8) (−20.2 to −15.5)
Eastern Europe 139,976 59.5 −11.3% 1,072,655 423.7 −13.0% 91,625 36.7 −12.5%
(134,745 to 144,910) (57.6 to 61.5) (−11.9 to −10.6) (1,036,778 to (410.5 to 436.8) (−13.7 to −12.2) (64,980 to 120,358) (25.8 to 48.4) (−15.0 to −10.2)
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Damiani et al.
TABLE 1 | Continued
Number Age-Standardised Percentage change Number Age-Standardised Percentage change Number Age-Standardised Percentage change
rate (per 100 000 in age-standardised rate (per 100 000 in age-standardised rate (per 100 000 in age-standardised
people) rates, 1990–2019 people) rates, 1990–2019 people) rates, 1990–2019
North Africa and 336,787 55.5 −23.1% 2,426,320 414.3 −26.9% 211,107 35.8 −26.9%
Middle East (324,072 to 349,591) (53.5 to 57.5) (−23.7 to −22.5) (2,342,733 to (400.3 to 427.8) (−27.5 to −26.2) (149,579 to (25.5 to 47.3) (−29.0 to −24.6)
2,509,856) 279,840)
Central Asia 58,976 62.2 −16.0% 420,455 454.9 −19.9% 36,746 39.6 −19.8%
(56,469 to 61,360) (59.7 to 64.7) (−16.9 to −15.0) (404,188 to 436,205) (437.6 to 471.2) (−20.6 to −19.2) (25,998 to 49,012) (27.9 to 52.8) (−23.2 to −16.3)
South Asia 792,848 44.4 −8.2% 5,873,201 334.5 −5.1% 507,805 28.7 −4.6%
(765,638 to 821,309) (42.9 to 46.0) (−8.6 to −7.8) (5,668,229 to (322.9 to 345.6) (−5.6 to −4.7) (359,434 to (20.4 to 37.8) (−6.8 to −2.1)
6,075,556) 669,841)
Southeast Asia 139,036 20.1 −12.9% 887,599 128.8 −14.3% 77,728 11.2 −13.8%
(133,404 to 144,184) (19.3 to 20.8) (−13.4 to −12.4) (856,929 to 918,713) (124.5 to 133.2) (−14.8 to −13.7) (55,264 to 104,730) (8.0 to 15.2) (−17.2 to −10.2)
East Asia 925,967 54.1 −20.8% 7,948,327 436.6 −24.7% 688,337 38.1 −24.4%
(891,325 to 958,216) (52.2 to 55.9) (−21.3 to −20.4) (7,669,027 to (422.0 to 450.1) (−25.1 to −24.2) (490,650 to (27.1 to 50.2) (−26.0 to −22.8)
8,215,035) 909,286)
Oceania 4,694 39.2 −9.1% 31,161 278.0 −9.2% (−10.5 to 2,711 23.8 −9.3%
(4,512 to 4,889) (37.6 to 40.8) (−10.5 to −7.7) (29,970 to 32,394) (267.9 to 288.3) −7.8) (1,891 to 3,664) (16.7 to 31.9) (−16.9 to −0.7)
High-Income 83,991 40.0 −3.4% 613,404 262.2 −4.3% 52,711 23.0 −4.1%
Asia Pacific (80,923 to 86,862) (38.5 to 41.4) (−4.0 to −2.7) (591,525 to 633,631) (253.4 to 270.8) (−5.0 to −3.6) (37,862 to 69,195) (16.4 to 30.7) (−8.4 to 0.1)
High-Income 359,271 92.7 −11.8% 4,693,639 1,081.6 −14.9% 392,467 92.0 −15.3%
North America (347,584 to 370,502) (89.7 to 95.5) (−12.5 to −11.0) (4,553,019 to (1,048.9 to 1,115.4) (−15.8 to −14.0) (282,948 to (66.2 to 121.5) (−16.8 to −13.7)
4,837,451) 516,020)
Western Europe 946,916 204.5 −5.7% 10,236,919 1,884.1 −9.4% 871,673 163.1 −9.4%
(913,064 to 979530) (197.6 to 211.4) (−6.2 to −5.2) (9,862,029 to (1,817.4 to 1,948.3) (−10.0 to −8.9) (623,279 to (115.8 to 216.7) (−10.7 to −8.1)
10,589,120) 1,153,354)
Australasia 43,553 145.4 −7.9% 509,347 1,506.1 −12.3% 43,378 129.9 −12.3%
(41,826 to 45,339) (139.6 to 151.4) (−9.5 to −6.3) (490,055 to 528,245) (1,448.9 to 1,560.8) (−13.7 to −10.9) (30,992 to 57,275) (92.1 to 171.1) (−16.6 to −8.0)
Data in parentheses are 95% uncertainty intervals (UI). GBD, global burden of disease, injuries, and risk factors study; YLDs, years lived with disability.
FIGURE 2 | The national age-standardized prevalence rate of psoriasis (per 100,000) in 2019.
FIGURE 3 | National age-standardized years lived with disability (YLDs) rate of psoriasis (per 100,000) in 2019.
YLD of Psoriasis in 2019 and Its (Figure 3). With respect to 1990, this corresponded to a decrease
Spatio-Temporal Trend by 23.6% (95% UI −24.2 to −23.0). By sex, the age-standardized
Worldwide, psoriasis generated 3,505,736 (95% UI 2,504,956– YLD rate was similar between men [44.2 (95% UI 31.5–58.7)
4,638,757) YLD cases of psoriasis in 2019. The age-standardized per 100,000 people] and women [42.5 (95% UI 30.4–56.1) per
YLD rate in 2019 was 43.3 (95% UI 30.9–57.4) per 100,000 people 100,000 people]. With respect to 1990, this corresponded to a
decrease by 22.8% (95% UI −23.7 to −22.0) and by 24.2% (95% newly identified monogenic factors such as IL36RN and AP1S3
UI −25.1 to −23.4), respectively. Table 1 shows the age-specific associated with significantly increased risk for psoriasis, perhaps
numbers and rates of YLD psoriasis cases at the global level and the higher rate of consanguinity observed in the Middle East
stratified by sex and GBD region in 2019. As it can be seen, the puts this population at greater risk for the development of
age-standardized YLD rate per 100,000 persons was found to vary psoriasis (26, 27).
widely across geographic locations. Regionally, high-middle SDI Broad-scale genetic susceptibilities due to ethnicities and
countries [51.1 (95% UI 36.5–67.7)] and high SDI countries [92.3 ancestries could also account for the difference in incidence
(95% UI 65.6–122.2)] reported the highest age-standardized YLD and prevalence across various populations, particularly when
rates, whereas low SDI countries [25.9 (95% UI 18.2–34.0)], low- considering regions of similar SDI that should have equal access
middle SDI countries [30.3 (95% UI 21.6–40.2)], and middle SDI to necessary diagnostic and treatment modalities (28). In fact,
countries [29.4 (95% UI 20.8–38.8)] reported comparable rates in the highest SDI regions, the incidence of psoriatic disease
for both sexes combined and also when stratifying according and associated YLDs was more than two times higher in central
to gender, as pictorially shown in Supplementary Figure 1. The Europe than in the high-income Asia Pacific.
most important temporal changes occurred in high-middle SDI Our study adds to and complements the existing literature.
countries [−20.8% (95% UI −21.9 to −19.6)] and middle SDI Utilizing data from the GBD 2017, AlQassimi et al. (29) found
countries [-20.5% (95% UI −21.9 to −19.1)], whereas the lowest that in 2017, the age-standardized prevalence psoriasis rate
change was documented in low SDI countries [-10.6% (95% UI globally was 811 per 100,000 population (around 0.84% of the
−12.9 to −8.2)]. In terms of GBD regions, the age-standardized world population, ∼64.6 million subjects). The incidence rate
YLD rate was highest in Western Europe [163.1 (95% UI 115.8– increased from 92 to 99 per 100,000 in 1990–2017, with the
216.7)], followed by Australasia [129.9 (95% UI 92.1–171.1)] highest and the lowest rates being reported in North America
and high-income North America [92.0 (95% UI 66.2–121.5)], and Western Europe, and in Asia and Western Pacific regions,
whereas it was lowest in Southeast Asia [11.2 (95% UI 8.0– respectively. In terms of age distribution, a peak in the incidence
15.2)], followed by central Latin America [11.6 (95% UI 8.1– was noted around 55–60 years, with women being slightly more
15.4)] and Eastern Sub-Saharan Africa [14.5 (95% UI 10.3–19.2)]. affected compared to men. Another study (30) utilized data
The GBD region which reported the highest decrease in the age- from the GBD 2017 and came to similar conclusions. Mehrmal
standardized prevalence rate was North Africa and the Middle et al. (30) were able to find positive linear relationships between
East with a decrease of 26.9% (95% UI −29.0 to −24.6) in psoriasis prevalence and several comorbidities, including mental
2019 with respect to 1990. The lowest change was documented and cardiovascular disorder, stroke, metabolic impairment and
in the high-income Asia Pacific, with a decrease by −4.1% diabetes, malignancies (non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin lymphoma,
(95% UI −8.4 to 0.1). For further details, the reader can refer and non-melanoma skin cancers), and inflammatory bowel
to Supplementary Table 3. Furthermore, the age-standardized diseases, with the lowest and the highest associations being
YLD rate per 100,000 persons was found to gradually increase reported for stroke and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, respectively.
in the groups from 1–4 to 60–64 years, reaching its plateau in Parisi et al. from the “Global Psoriasis Atlas” (31) deployed
the 65–69 years group, and decreasing afterward, as pictorially Bayesian inference, and the Hamiltonian Markov chain Monte
shown in Supplementary Figures 2–4. In terms of YLDs, among Carlo method, to inform and enrich a systematic review of
level 3 causes, psoriasis was ranked as the 49th cause for both the literature on the global burden of psoriasis, and found
sexes combined, while it was ranked 50th and 52nd in 2010 and that about 81% of the countries in the world lacked detailed
2019, respectively. information concerning psoriasis criteria. In adults, authors
estimated an incidence rate varying from 30.3 to 321.0 per
100,000 person years in Taiwan and Italy, respectively. The
DISCUSSION prevalence of psoriasis was computed to range from 0.14% in East
Asia to 1.10–1.50% in high-income southern Latin and North
The most recent iteration of the global disease burden estimation, America, 1.83–92% in central and western Europe, and 1.99%
GBD 2019, reveals that psoriasis burden is greatest in the age in Australasia.
groups of 60–64 and 65–69 years, with relatively similar burden To the best of our knowledge, no study exists relying on
among males and females throughout all age groups. The high- data from the GBD 2019 study. Only two studies (32, 33) have
income GBD super-region, specifically North America, Western recently reported and analyzed such data, but only partly, with
Europe, Australasia, and Southern Latin America, shared the one focusing only on China (32) and the other (33) investigating
greatest incidence, prevalence, and DALY rates from psoriasis high-level changes in the GBD imposed by psoriasis. More in
compared to the other world regions. Congruently, high SDI detail, utilizing an innovative decomposition-based modeling
countries shared a greater psoriasis-registered burden compared method, Xu et al. (33) have identified four major demographic
to low or middle SDI countries. Our results indicate that the and epidemiological patterns explaining the spatio-temporal
burden of psoriasis has varied little over the past 29 years. heterogeneity of the global burden of psoriasis, which include
Though marginally all <0.5% increased, the greatest percentage (i) a substantial increase in population growth (observable in
change in DALY rate from 1990 to 2019 was found in North regions such as North Africa and the Middle East, Western,
Africa and the Middle East, followed by East Asia, Southeast Eastern, and Central Sub-Saharan Africa, Andean, and Central
Asia, and high-income North America. Given the various Latin America, South Asia, and Oceania); (ii) a moderate
increase in population growth (like in Western Europe, and Concerning the strengths of the present study on a global
high-income North America, Caribbean, Tropical, and Southern scale, GBD 2019 assembles the most reliable epidemiological
Latin America, Southern Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, data available to estimate disease burden and, more specifically,
and Australasia); (iii) increase in population aging (observable the burden imposed by psoriasis across countries. In addition,
in the high-income Asia Pacific); and (iv) combined effect of GBD estimation is internally consistent, eliminating biases from
the increase in population growth and aging (as in Central, and external estimation strategies (41). The GBD process is repeated
Eastern Europe, Central, and East Asia). for each data iteration as new data sources are identified,
There are limitations of this study, which will be briefly and further refinements are made to analytic approaches.
discussed. Psoriasis is not solely a skin disease. Approximately The fluid, high-quality, and transparent nature of GBD has
30% of psoriatic patients develop psoriatic arthritis, which can transformed the epidemiological landscape for psoriasis. With
be debilitating and both physically and emotionally devastating future iterations, GBD strives to estimate psoriasis comorbidities
(34). Psoriatic arthritis burden is not assessed in GBD psoriasis including autoimmune, cardiovascular, metabolic, cutaneous,
estimates. In addition, GBD does not address the significant and psychiatric conditions. As more data sources become
and potentially deadly comorbidities associated with psoriasis, available on the local burden of disease, more precise estimates
including cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome (34). are generated at local, national, regional, super-regional, and
While the DW does attempt to capture worry, trouble global levels. Overall, the burden from psoriasis remains
sleeping, difficulty in concentrating, and suicidal ideation due to substantial, with little change over time, despite significant
disfigurement and itch/pain from skin diseases, the psychological therapeutic advances.
sequelae from psoriasis may be more severe than from other
skin diseases and could be disproportionate to body surface area DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
involvement (35). GBD estimation methods are dependent on the
availability of data. Prevalence data sources informing psoriasis The datasets presented in this study can be found in online
estimation represent 7 of 7 GBD super-regions, but only a part of repositories. The names of the repository/repositories
GBD regions and countries. Geographic differences in psoriasis and accession number(s) can be found in the
burden could be at least partly due to ascertainment bias in higher article/Supplementary Material.
SDI countries. Conversely, future estimation of psoriasis burden
must address the lack of data from low SDI countries, which is ETHICS STATEMENT
related to access to healthcare, diagnostic rate, and dependence
on national and regional registers. The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
The GBD-based estimations allow for objective data to approved by University of Washington Institutional Review
inform multiple levels of public policy. Since 2015, GBD has Board (IRB). Written informed consent to participate in this
sought to measure progress toward sustainable development study was provided by the participants’ legal guardian/next of kin.
goals, which were set forth by the United National General
Assembly to ensure healthy well-being for the current and future AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
populations at large (36). Just as importantly, many countries
and regions around the world have created partnerships with GD, CK, DW, and GA: substantial contributions to the
GBD in order to enhance local data collection systems, conception or design of the work. CK, NB, GA, and RD:
strengthen subnational collaborations, and ultimately, orient substantial contributions to the acquisition and substantial
national healthcare strategies. contributions to analysis or interpretation of data. GD, NB, and
The therapeutic landscape for psoriasis has been CK: drafting the work. GD, NB, CK, DW, GA, DM, CG, RD,
revolutionized by biologic therapies over the most recent AG, PW, CL, L-ST, KC, and MN: revising the work critically
decade by increasing disease-free or disease-minimal periods for important intellectual content and provide approval for
(37). These therapies are postulated to alter the epidemiological publication of the content. All authors contributed to the article
landscape for psoriasis burden, though this has not been captured and approved the submitted version.
in our study. The global psoriasis treatment market is projected
to generate $10.68 billion by 2022 (38). As molecular pathways FUNDING
of psoriasis immunopathogenesis are elucidated, a mechanistic
approach to therapy has revolutionized medicine. As of the GD was supported by the P50 AR070590 National Institute
writing of this study, the list of commercially available biologic of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)
agents for psoriasis is constantly growing, including, but not and NB was funded by the Celgene supported PARTNER
limited to, inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin fellowship program.
(IL)-17 receptor, IL-17, IL-12/23, IL-23, phosphodiesterase, and
Janus kinases. Clinical studies to assess treatment efficacy have SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
identified tools such as the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index
(PASI), with increasing benchmark endpoints of PASI 50, PASI The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
75, and PASI 90 (39, 40). This individual clinical approach must online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.
be balanced with a population-level view. 2021.743180/full#supplementary-material
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41. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Protocol for the Global Burden McGonagle, Guo, Dellavalle, Grada, Wong, La Vecchia, Tam, Cooper and
of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD). IHME (2018). Available Naghavi. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
online at: http://www.healthdata.org/sites/default/files/files/Projects/GBD/ Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or
GBD_Protocol.pdf (accessed May 23, 2021). reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s)
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