Worksheet 2 Nayla Tanaya Nur Ridha 9B - 23

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Chapter 2

What should I do in order to get it?

Pada bab kita akan belajar ;

3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait maksud, tujuan, persetujuan melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan to, in order to, so that
4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait maksud, tujuan,
persetujuan melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

before is hard
it is easy.

I. A. Get the information for your health from text below!

Many people think that being healthy is difficult. But that’s not actually true.
You can do these advices in order to be healthy. Firstly, you should drink roughly 8
glasses per day to keep your body at the correct temperature. Secondly, you don’t
have to ignore your breakfast so that you get good energy to face your day. Don’t
forget to eat well for your daily meal in order to get good nutrition because it is
good for your body. Then, doing exercise regularly to keep your body fit. Fourthly,
you should get a good night’s sleep so that you don’t look tired to do your activities
all day. Develop a good balance between school, work and social life so that you
look happy and fresh. Don’t try to take on too much to get away from stress. At last,
avoid drugs, don’t smoke and have alcohol to keep your health well.

B. Rewrite the sentences in these tables!

Sentence To Sentence
Fristly, you should To Keep your body at the
drink roughly 8 correct temperature
glasses per day

Then, doing exercise To Keep your body fit


Don’t try to take on To Get away from stress

too much

Avoid drugs, don’t To Keep your health well

smoke and have
Sentence in order to Sentence
You can do these In order to Be healthy

Don’t forget to eat In order to Get good nutrition

well for your daily because it is good for
meal your body

Sentence so that Sentence
Secondly, you don’t So that You don’t look tired to
have to ignore your do your activities all day

Develop a good So that You look happy and

balance between fresh
school, work and
social life

II. A. Rewrite the provided sentences to continue the sentences below!

1. I bought a dictionary in order to earn some pin money.

2. I went to bed early so that I wouldn't be tired in the morning.
3. I have to get up early so that I set the alarm for five o'clock oversleep.
4. You need to achieve a score of 60% or more to pass this test.
5. I started early in order not to miss the train.
6. I'm studying very hard at the moment so that I can pass my exams next month.
7. I waited for an hour in order to meet her.
8. Some people do not eat before exercises so that they feel exhausted.
9. My sister gave English lessons to help with my vocabulary.
10. Do exercise regularly in order to have excellent health and well-being.
- I set the alarm for five o'clock oversleep.
- pass this test.
- I can pass my exams next month.
- meet her.
- miss the train.
- help with my vocabulary.
- I wouldn't be tired in the morning.
- they feel exhausted.
- have excellent health and well-being.
- earn some pin money.

B. Change these sentences using “ in order to “ into “ So that”
Number 1 has been done for you.

1. His parents borrowed the money in bank in order to finish his education.

He has to finish his education so that his parents borrowed the money in bank.

2. I withdrew some money from ATM in order to have enough money to have shopping.

I with drew some money from ATM so that i will have enough money to go


3. I turned off the TV in order not to disturb my study.

I turned off the TV so that the TV will not disturb my study.

4. I’m going to leave the party early in order to get a good night’s sleep tonight.

I’m going to leave the party early so that i will get a good night’s sleep tonight.

5. Please be quiet in order to hear what our teacher is saying.

Please be quiet so that we can hear what our teacher is saying.

6. Don’t forget to pay the fee for picnic to join it next week.
Don’t forget to pay the fee so that we can join the picnic next week.
7. Everyone must not be individually in order to make lot of friends.

Everyone must not be individually so that everyone will make a lot of friend.

8. We should brush our teeth twice a day in order to get fresh breath.

We should brush our teeth twice a day so that we will get fresh teeth.

9. My father often works overtime in order to get extra salary at the end of the month.

My father often works overtime so that he will get extra salary at the end of the


10. I put the milk in the refrigerator in order not to spoil.

I put the milk in the refrigerator so that it will not be spoil.

C. Continue the sentences below!
Number one has been done for you.

1. Hasan likes to help his friends so that they love him so much.

2. I go to the door to open it.

3. They took the taxi in order not to be wet because of the rain.

4. I'm going to Australia in order not to bored during my holiday.

5. She is very diligent so that she gets the first rank in her class.

6. I turned off the TV so that i can study.

7. My mother spends a lot of money so that she doesn’t have money at all.

8. She likes to eat many fruits in the morning so that she looks healthy.

9. She is very attractive and smart so that a lot of friends like her.

10. My father is planning to move house in order to have a new.

III. A. Complete the text with to , in order to / in order not to or So that

Joice is a very fat girl. She is 120 kilograms. She looks very heavy so (1) her
body moves very slowly. She exercises regularly to (2) lose her weight, but she is
still very fat. She also takes some sliming herbs in order to (3) get an ideal body
but it still makes her depressed.

One thing that she cannot stop is having snacks while watching TV. She enjoys
eating oily snacks so that (4) the fat in her body becomes higher and higher. When
she has shopping for his dress, it never fits with her so that (5) her mother makes
her very big dress for her.

B. Do as the example above with your group!

Let me tell you why my father is very energetic so that (1) his activities
perfectly. My father usually gets up at 4 p.m. to (2) he can do join the "Subuh"
prayer together at the mosque near his house. He also has a walk in early morning
to (3) get fresh air. Then, he sits on his rocking chair to read the newspaper. He
wears the glasses in order to (4) make his reading more clearly and he doesn't
miss his cup of coffee. He will finish it about 7 in order not to (5) be late to his
office. He always has breakfast at home to (6) be healthy. He always has nutritious
meal and much water. He takes some vitamins and supplement in order to (7) get
more energy for working. He gets dressed and ready to go. He usually takes his
motorcycle to his office in order to (8) be on time. He often gets traffic jam if he
has his car so that (9) he goes by his motorcycle. He often has many brilliant ideas
so that (10) his boss often gives him much bonus. He is also so friendly and kind
that everyone like him very much. He is really a perfect father for me, too.

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