Cisco ISE CLI Commands
Cisco ISE CLI Commands
Cisco ISE CLI Commands
This chapter describes commands that are used in configuration (config) mode in the Cisco ISE command-line
interface (CLI). Each of the command in this chapter is followed by a brief description of its use, command
syntax, usage guidelines, and one or more examples.
• ip name-server, page 27
• ip route, page 28
• kron occurrence, page 30
• kron policy-list, page 32
• logging, page 33
• max-ssh-sessions, page 34
• ntp, page 35
• ntp authenticate, page 36
• ntp authentication-key, page 37
• ntp server, page 38
• ntp trusted-key, page 41
• rate-limit, page 42
• password-policy, page 42
• repository, page 44
• service, page 47
• shutdown, page 48
• snmp-server community, page 49
• snmp-server contact, page 50
• snmp-server location, page 51
• username, page 51
cdp holdtime
To specify the amount of time for which the receiving device should hold a Cisco Discovery Protocol packet
from the Cisco ISE server before discarding it, use the cdp holdtime command in configuration mode.
cdp holdtime seconds
To revert to the default setting, use the no form of this command.
no cdp holdtime
Syntax Description holdtime Specifies the Cisco Discovery Protocol hold time advertised.
seconds Advertised hold time value, in seconds. The value ranges from 10 to
255 seconds.
Usage Guidelines Cisco Discovery Protocol packets transmit with a time to live, or hold time, value. The receiving device will
discard the Cisco Discovery Protocol information in the Cisco Discovery Protocol packet after the hold time
has elapsed.
The cdp holdtime command takes only one argument; otherwise, an error occurs.
Related Topics
cdp timer, on page 6
cdp run, on page 5
cdp run
To enable the Cisco Discovery Protocol on all interfaces, use the cdp run command in configuration mode.
cdp run GigabitEthernet
To disable the Cisco Discovery Protocol, use the no form of this command.
no cdp run
Syntax Description run Enables the Cisco Discovery Protocol. Disables the Cisco Discovery
Protocol when you use the no form of the cdp run command.
Usage Guidelines The command has one optional argument, which is an interface name. Without an optional interface name,
the command enables the Cisco Discovery Protocol on all interfaces.
Note The default for this command is on interfaces that are already up and running. When you are bringing up
an interface, stop the Cisco Discovery Protocol first; then, start the Cisco Discovery Protocol again.
Related Topics
cdp holdtime, on page 4
cdp timer, on page 6
cdp timer
To specify how often the Cisco ISE server sends Cisco Discovery Protocol updates, use the cdp timer command
in configuration mode.
cdp timer seconds
To revert to the default setting, use the no form of this command.
no cdp timer
seconds Specifies how often, in seconds, the Cisco ISE server sends Cisco
Discovery Protocol updates. The value ranges from 5 to 254 seconds.
Command Default The default refreshing time interval value, in seconds is 60.
Usage Guidelines Cisco Discovery Protocol packets transmit with a time to live, or hold time, value. The receiving device will
discard the Cisco Discovery Protocol information in the Cisco Discovery Protocol packet after the hold time
has elapsed.
The cdp timer command takes only one argument; otherwise, an error occurs.
Related Topics
cdp holdtime, on page 4
cdp run, on page 5
clock timezone
To set the time zone, use the clock timezone command in configuration mode.
clock timezone timezone
To disable the time zone, use the no form of this command.
no clock timezone
timezone Name of the time zone visible when in standard time. Supports up to
64 alphanumeric characters.
Usage Guidelines The system internally keeps time in UTC. If you do not know your specific time zone, you can enter the
region, country, and city (see Tables 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3 for common time zones and time zones for Australia
and Asia to enter on your system).
Note Several more time zones are available to you. Enter show timezones and a list of all time zones available
appears in the Cisco ISE server. Choose the most appropriate one for your time zone.
Related Topics
show timezones
show timezone
Restoring the Time Zone in Cisco ISE Nodes, on page 8
Common Time Zones, on page 9
Australia Time Zones, on page 9
Asia Time Zones, on page 10
GB British
Note Enter the country and city together with a forward slash (/) between them for the Australia time zone; for
example, Australia/Currie.
Australian Capital Adelaide Brisbane Broken_Hill
Territory (ACT)
Canberra Currie Darwin Hobart
West Yancowinna
Note The Asia time zone includes cities from East Asia, Southern Southeast Asia, West Asia, and Central Asia.
Enter the region and city or country together separated by a forward slash (/); for example, Asia/Aden.
Aden Almaty Amman Anadyr
Kuwait Krasnoyarsk
To configure the limit of incoming TCP connections from a source IP address, use the conn-limit command
in configuration mode. To remove this function, use the no form of this command.
Usage Guidelines Use this conn-limit command for more than 99 TCP connections. For less than 100 connections, the system
displays the following warning:
% Warning: Setting a small conn-limit may adversely affect system performance
Related Topics
rate-limit, on page 42
To execute an EXEC-system level command from configuration mode or any configuration submode, use
the do command in any configuration mode.
do EXEC commands
Syntax Description EXEC commands Specifies to execute an EXEC-system level command (see Table 4:
Table 4-4 Command Options for Do Command (Continued) ).
Command Description
application configure Configures a specific application.
backup Performs a backup (Cisco ISE and Cisco ADE OS) and places the
backup in a repository.
backup-logs Performs a backup of all logs in the Cisco ISE server to a remote
debug Displays any errors or events for various command situations; for
example, backup and restore, configuration, copy, resource locking,
file transfer, and user management.
forceout Forces the logout of all sessions of a specific Cisco ISE node user.
Command Description
ping Determines the IPv4 address or hostname of a remote system.
terminal session-timeout Sets the inactivity timeout for all terminal sessions.
terminal session-welcome Sets the welcome message on the system for all terminal sessions.
terminal terminal-type Specifies the type of terminal connected to the current line of the
current session.
write Erases the startup configuration that forces to run the setup utility
and prompt the network configuration, copies the running
configuration to the startup configuration, displays the running
configuration on the console.
Command Modes Configuration (config)# or any configuration submode (config-GigabitEthernet)# and (config-Repository)#
Usage Guidelines Use this do command to execute EXEC commands (such as show, clear, and debug commands) while
configuring the Cisco ISE server. After the EXEC command is executed, the system will return to configuration
mode you were using.
To end the current configuration session and return to EXEC mode, use the end command in configuration
This command has no keywords and arguments.
Usage Guidelines This command brings you back to EXEC mode regardless of what configuration mode or submode you are
Use this command when you finish configuring the system and you want to return to EXEC mode to perform
verification steps.
ise/admin(config)# end
Related Topics
exit, on page 15
To exit any configuration mode to the next-highest mode in the CLI mode hierarchy, use the exit command
in configuration mode.
This command has no keywords and arguments.
Usage Guidelines The exit command is used in the Cisco ISE server to exit the current command mode to the next highest
command mode in the CLI mode hierarchy.
For example, use the exit command in configuration mode to return to EXEC mode. Use the exit command
in the configuration submodes to return to configuration mode. At the highest level, EXEC mode, the exit
command exits EXEC mode and disconnects from the Cisco ISE server.
ise/admin(config)# exit
Related Topics
end, on page 14
exit, on page 15
To set the hostname of the system, use the hostname command in configuration mode.
hostname hostname
Syntax Description hostname Name of the host. Supports up to 19 alphanumeric characters and an
underscore ( _ ). The hostname must begin with a character that is
not a space.
Usage Guidelines
Note If 'Ctrl-C' is issued during the CLI configuration change of 'hostname' command, in case of hostname
change the system may end up in a state where some application components have the old hostname and
some components use the new hostname. This will bring the Cisco ISE node into a non-working state.
The workaround for this is to issue another 'hostname' configuration CLI to set the hostname to the desired
Use the hostname command to change the current hostname. A single instance type of command, hostname
only occurs once in the configuration of the system. The hostname must contain one argument; otherwise, an
error occurs.
If you update the hostname of the Cisco ISE server with this command, the following warning message is
% Warning: Updating the hostname will cause any certificate using the old
% hostname to become invalid. Therefore, a new self-signed
% certificate using the new hostname will be generated now for
% use with HTTPs/EAP. If CA-signed certs were used on this node,
% please import them with the correct hostname. In addition, if
% this ISE node will be joining a new Active Directory domain,
% please leave your current Active Directory domain before
% proceeding. If this ISE node is already joined to
% an Active Directory domain, then it is strongly advised
% to rejoin all currently joined join-points in order to
% avoid possible mismatch between current and previous
% hostname and joined machine account name.
icmp echo
To configure the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo responses, use the icmp echo command in
configuration mode.
icmp echo {off | on}
Command Default The system behaves as if the ICMP echo response is on (enabled).
Usage Guidelines Use this icmp echo to turn on or turn off ICMP echo response.
Related Topics
show icmp-status
To configure an interface type and enter the interface configuration mode, use the interface command in
configuration mode. This command does not have a no form.
Note VMware virtual machine may have a number of interfaces available that depends on how many network
interfaces (NIC) are added to the virtual machine.
interface GigabitEthernet {0 | 1 | 2 | 3}
Note After you enter the Gigabit Ethernet port number in the interface command, you enter the
config-GigabitEthernet configuration submode (see the following Syntax Description).
Syntax Description do EXEC command. Allows you to perform any EXEC commands in
this mode.
ip Sets the IP address and netmask for the Gigabit Ethernet interface.
Usage Guidelines You can use the interface command to configure subinterfaces to support various requirements.
Related Topics
do, on page 11
ip address, on page 22
ipv6 address autoconfig, on page 19
ipv6 address dhcp, on page 21
shutdown, on page 48
Usage Guidelines IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration has the security downfall of having predictable IP addresses. This downfall
is resolved with privacy extensions. You can verify that the privacy extensions feature is enabled by using
the show interface command.
ise/admin(config-GigabitEthernet)# ipv6 address autoconfig
Related Topics
show interface
ip address, on page 22
shutdown, on page 48
ipv6 address dhcp, on page 21
show running-config
Configuring IPv6 Auto Configuration, on page 20
Verifying the Privacy Extensions Feature, on page 20
In the example below, the MAC is 3ffe:302:11:2:20c:29ff:feaf:da05/64 and the non-RFC3041 address contains
the MAC, and the privacy-extension address is 302:11:2:9d65:e608:59a9:d4b9/64.
The output appears similar to the following:
Usage Guidelines
Note The IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration and IPv6 address DHCP are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to
have both IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration and IPv6 address DHCP on the same interface.
You can use the show interface command to display what IPv6 addresses are in use for a particular
When both the IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration and IPv6 address DHCP are enabled, the running configuration
shows the interface settings similar to the following:
interface GigabitEthernet 1
ipv6 address dhcp
ipv6 address autoconfig
ipv6 enable
Related Topics
show interface
ip address, on page 22
shutdown, on page 48
ipv6 address autoconfig, on page 19
show running-config
ip address
To set the IP address and netmask for the GigabitEthernet interface, use the ip address command in interface
configuration mode.
ip address ip-address network mask
To remove an IP address or disable IP processing, use the no form of this command.
no ip address
Note You can configure the same IP address on multiple interfaces. You might want to do this to limit the
configuration steps that are needed to switch from using one interface to another.
Usage Guidelines
Note If 'Ctrl-C' is issued during the CLI configuration change of 'ip address' command, in case of IP address
change the system may end up in a state where some application components have the old IP address, and
some components use the new IP address.
This will bring the Cisco ISE node into a non-working state. The workaround for this is to issue another
'ip address' configuration CLI to set the IP address to the desired value.
Requires exactly one address and one netmask; otherwise, an error occurs.
Related Topics
shutdown, on page 48
ip default-gateway, on page 23
interface, on page 17
show interface
ip default-gateway
To define or set a default gateway with an IP address, use the ip default-gateway command in configuration
ip default-gateway ip-address
To disable this function, use the no form of this command.
no ip default-gateway
Usage Guidelines If you enter more than one argument or no arguments at all, an error occurs.
Related Topics
ip address, on page 22
ip domain-name
To define a default domain name that the Cisco ISE server uses to complete hostnames, use the ip domain-name
command in configuration mode.
ip domain-name domain-name
To disable this function, use the no form of this command.
no ip domain-name
Usage Guidelines
Note If 'Ctrl-C' is issued during the CLI configuration change of 'ip domain-name' command, in case of ip
domain-name change the system may end up in a state where some application components have the old
domain-name and some components use the new domain-name.
This will bring the Cisco ISE node into a non-working state. The workaround for this is to issue another
'ip domain-name' configuration CLI to set the domain name to the desired value.
name will be generated now for use with HTTPs/EAP. If CA-signed certificates were used on
node, please import them with the correct domain name. In addition, if this ISE node will
joining a new Active Directory domain, please leave your current Active Directory domain
Related Topics
ip name-server, on page 27
ip host
To associate a host alias and fully qualified domain name (FQDN) string to an ethernet interface such as eth1,
eth2, and eth3 other than eth0, use the ip host command in global configuration mode.
When Cisco ISE processes an authorization profile redirect URL, it replaces the IP address with the FQDN
of the Cisco ISE node.
ip host [ipv4-address | ipv6-address] [host-alias | FQDN-string]
To remove the association of host alias and FQDN, use the no form of this command.
no ip host [ipv4-address | ipv6-address] [host-alias | FQDN-string]
host-alias Host alias is the name that you assign to the network interface.
• Dotted-quad notation (IPv4-mapped and IPv4 compatible-IPv6 addresses): For example, ::ffff:
Use the ip host command to add host alias and fully qualified domain name (FQDN) string for an IP address
mapping. It is used to find out the matching FQDN for ethernet interfaces such as eth1, eth2, and eth3. Use
the show running-config command to view the host alias definitions.
You can provide either the host alias or the FQDN string, or both. If you provide both the values, the host
alias must match the first component of the FQDN string. If you provide only the FQDN string, Cisco ISE
replaces the IP address in the URL with the FQDN. If you provide only the host alias, Cisco ISE combines
the host alias with the configured IP domain name to form a complete FQDN, and replaces the IP address of
the network interface in the URL with the FQDN.
Example 1
ise/admin(config)# ip host ise1
Host alias was modified. You must restart ISE for change to take effect.
Do you want to restart ISE now? (yes/no) yes
Stopping ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Log Processor...
Stopping ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Log Collector...
Stopping ISE Application Server...
Stopping ISE Profiler DB...
Stopping ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Session Database...
Stopping ISE Database processes...
Starting ISE Database processes...
Stopping ISE Database processes...
Starting ISE Database processes...
Starting ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Session Database...
Starting ISE Profiler DB...
Starting ISE Application Server...
Starting ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Log Collector...
Starting ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Log Processor...
Note: ISE Processes are initializing. Use 'show application status ise'
CLI to verify all processes are in running state.
Example 2
Related Topics
ip domain-name, on page 24
ip name-server
To set the Domain Name Server (DNS) for use during a DNS query, use the ip name-server command in
configuration mode. You can configure one to four DNS servers.
ip name-server ip-address {ip-address*}
To disable this function, use the no form of this command.
no ip name-server ip-address {ip-address*}
Note Using the no form of this command removes all name servers from the configuration. Using the no form
of this command and one of the IP names removes only that name server.
Usage Guidelines The first name server that is added with the ip name-server command occupies the first position and the
system uses that server first to resolve the IP addresses.
You can add name servers to the system using IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. You can configure one to three IPv4
addresses through a single command. If you have already configured the system with four name servers, you
must remove at least one server to add additional name servers.
To place a name server in the first position so that the subsystem uses it first, you must remove all name
servers with the no form of this command before you proceed.
Note If you modified this setting for AD connectivity, you must restart Cisco ISE for the changes to take effect.
Also, ensure that all DNS servers configured in Cisco ISE are able to resolve all relevant AD DNS records.
If the configured AD join points are not correctly resolved after the DNS settings are changed, you must
manually perform the Leave operation and re-join the AD join point.
Example 1
ise/admin(config)# ip name-server ?
<A.B.C.D> Primary DNS server IP address
<A.B.C.D> DNS server 2 IP address
<A.B.C.D> DNS server 3 IP address
<X:X:X::X> IPv6 DNS server address
ise/admin(config)# ip name-server
Example 2
You can see the following output after you configure the IP name server.
Example 3
ise/admin(config)# ip name-server ?
ip name-server
DNS Server was modified. If you modified this setting for AD connectivity, you must restart
ISE for the change to take effect.
Do you want to restart ISE now? (yes/no)
Related Topics
ip domain-name, on page 24
ip route
To configure the static routes, use the ip route command in configuration mode. To remove static routes, use
the no form of this command.
ip route prefix mask gateway ip-address
no ip route prefix mask
ip-address IP address of the next hop that can be used to reach that network.
Usage Guidelines Static routes are manually configured, which makes them inflexible (they cannot dynamically adapt to network
topology changes), but extremely stable. Static routes optimize bandwidth utilization, because no routing
updates need to be sent to maintain them. They also make it easy to enforce routing policy.
While the ip route command can be used to define static routes on individual Cisco ISE node, this command
is enhanced to define a default route for each interface and reduce the effects of asymmetrical IP forwarding,
which is inherent in multi-interface IP nodes.
When a single default route is configured on a multi-interface node, all IP traffic received from any of the
node's IP interfaces is routed to the next hop of the default gateway that produces asymmetrical IP forwarding.
Configuring multiple default routes on the Cisco ISE node eliminates the effects of asymmetric forwarding.
The following example describes how to configure multiple default routes:
Consider the following interface configuration on Cisco ISE node eth0, eth1, eth2, and eth3 interfaces
ISE InterfaceIPNetworkGateway
The ip route command is used here to define default routes for each interface.
ise/admin(config)# ip route
ise/admin(config)# ip route
ise/admin(config)# ip route
ise/admin(config)# ip route
ise/admin(config)# ip default-gateway
Note The "ip default-gateway" shown above is the route of last resort for all interfaces.
The show route command displays the output of the static routes created using the ip route command (default
routes and non-default routes) and system created routes including the one configured using "ip default
gateway" command. It displays the outgoing interface for each of the routes.
Note When you change the IP address of an interface and if any static route becomes unreachable due to an
unreachable gateway, the static route gets deleted from the running configuration. The console displays
the route that has become unreachable.
Example 2
kron occurrence
To schedule one or more Command Scheduler commands to run at a specific date and time or a recurring
level, use the kron occurrence command in configuration mode. To delete this schedule, use the no form of
this command.
kron occurrence occurrence-name
Note After you enter the occurrence-name in the kron occurrence command, you enter the config-Occurrence
configuration submode (see the following Syntax Description).
Syntax Description at Identifies that the occurrence is to run at a specified calendar date
and time. Usage: at [hh:mm] [day-of-week | day-of-month | month
Usage Guidelines Use the kron occurrence and policy-list commands to schedule one or more policy lists to run at the same
time or interval.
Use the kron policy-list command in conjunction with the cli command to create a Command Scheduler
policy that contains the EXEC CLI commands to be scheduled to run in the Cisco ISE server at a specified
Note When you run the kron command, backup bundles are created with a unique name (by adding a time
stamp) to ensure that the files do not overwrite each other.
Note It is recommended that you schedule configuration or monitoring backups through the GUI by using the
Administration > System > Backup and Restore page.
Related Topics
kron policy-list, on page 32
kron policy-list
To specify a name for a Command Scheduler policy and enter the kron-Policy List configuration submode,
use the kron policy-list command in configuration mode. To delete a Command Scheduler policy, use the
no form of this command.
kron policy-list list-name
Note After you enter the list-name in the kron policy-list command, you enter the config-Policy List
configuration submode (see the following Syntax Description).
end Exits from the config-Policy List configuration submode and returns
you to EXEC mode.
Usage Guidelines Use the kron policy-list command in conjunction with the cli command to create a Command Scheduler
policy that contains the EXEC CLI commands to be scheduled to run on the ISE server at a specified time.
Use the kron occurrence and policy list commands to schedule one or more policy lists to run at the same
time or interval.
Note You cannot use the kron policy-list command to schedule configuration and operational data backups
from the CLI. You can schedule these backups from the Cisco ISE Admin portal.
Related Topics
kron occurrence, on page 30
To configure the log level, use the logging command in configuration mode.
logging loglevel {0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7}
To disable this function, use the no form of this command.
no logging
Syntax Description loglevel The command to configure the log level for the logging command.
0-7 The desired priority level to set the log messages. Priority levels are
(enter the number for the keyword):
• 0-emerg—Emergencies: System unusable.
• 1-alert—Alerts: Immediate action needed.
• 2-crit—Critical: Critical conditions.
• 3-err—Error: Error conditions.
• 4-warn—Warning: Warning conditions.
• 5-notif—Notifications: Normal but significant conditions.
• 6-inform—(Default) Informational messages.
• 7-debug—Debugging messages.
Related Topics
show logging
To configure the maximum number of concurrent command-line interface (CLI) sessions for each of the node
in the distributed deployment, use the max-ssh-sessions command in configuration mode.
max-ssh-sessions {0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10}
Command Default The default number of maximum concurrent CLI sessions allowed is set to five from the Cisco ISE Admin
Usage Guidelines The max-ssh-sessions parameter is not configurable from the command-line interface. The maximum number
of active CLI sessions is replicated from the primary administration ISE Admin portal.
When you exceed the maximum number of CLI sessions, the “Maximum active ssh sessions reached” message
is displayed in the command-line interface closing that session, and you can see the “Not connected - press
Enter or Space to connect” message at the bottom.
You can log in to the CLI through the console and use the forceout username command to log out users to
reduce the active SSH sessions.
The navigation path to configure the maximum number of command-line interface (CLI) sessions is in the
Session tab of the Cisco ISE Admin portal in the following location: Administration > System > Admin
Access > Settings > Access .
Related Topics
show running-config
To specify an NTP configuration, use the ntp command in configuration mode with authenticate,
authentication-key, server, and trusted-key commands.
ntp authenticate
ntp authentication-key <key id> md5hash | plain<key value>
ntp server {ip-address | hostname} key <peer key number>
ntp trusted-key <key>
no ntp server
ise/admin(config)# ntp ?
authenticate Authenticate time sources
authentication-key Authentication key for trusted time sources
server Specify NTP server to use
trusted-key Key numbers for trusted time sources
ise/admin(config)# no ntp server
ise/admin(config)# do show ntp
% no NTP servers configured
Related Topics
ntp authenticate, on page 36
ntp authentication-key, on page 37
ntp server, on page 38
ntp trusted-key, on page 41
show ntp
ntp authenticate
To enable authentication of all time sources, use the ntp authenticate command. Time sources without the
NTP authentication keys will not be synchronized.
To disable this capability, use the no form of this command.
ntp authenticate
Usage Guidelines Use the ntp authenticate command to enable authentication of all time sources. This command is optional
and authentication will work even without this command.
If you want to authenticate in a mixed mode where only some servers require authentication, that is, only
some servers need to have keys configured for authentication, then this command should not be executed.
Related Topics
ntp, on page 35
ntp authentication-key, on page 37
ntp server, on page 38
ntp trusted-key, on page 41
show ntp
ntp authentication-key
To specify an authentication key for a time source, use the ntp authentication-key command in configuration
command with a unique identifier and a key value.
ntp authentication-key key id md5 hash | plain key value
To disable this capability, use the no form of this command.
no ntp authentication-key
Syntax Description authentication-key Configures authentication keys for trusted time sources.
key id The identifier that you want to assign to this key. Supports numeric
values from 1–65535.
key value The key value in the format matching either md5 plain | hash, above.
Usage Guidelines Use the ntp authentication-key command to set up a time source with an authentication key for NTP
authentication and specify its pertinent key identifier, key encryption type, and key value settings. Add this
key to the trusted list before you add this key to the ntp server command.
Time sources without the NTP authentication keys that are added to the trusted list will not be synchronized.
Note The show running-config command will always show keys that are entered in Message Digest 5 (MD5)
plain format converted into hash format for security. For example, ntp authentication-key 1 md5
Example 1
ise/admin# configure
ise/admin(config)# ntp authentication-key 1 md5 plain SharedWithServe
Example 2
Example 3
Related Topics
ntp, on page 35
ntp authenticate, on page 36
ntp server, on page 38
ntp trusted-key, on page 41
show ntp
ntp server
To allow for software clock synchronization by the NTP server for the system, use the ntp server command
in configuration mode. Allows up to three servers each with a key in a separate line. The key is an optional
parameter but the key is required for NTP authentication.
The Cisco ISE always requires a valid and reachable NTP server.
Although key is an optional parameter, it must be configured if you need to authenticate an NTP server.
To disable this capability, use the no form of this command only when you want to remove an NTP server
and add another one.
ntp server {ip-address | hostname} key <peer key number>
Syntax Description server Allows the system to synchronize with a specified server.
ip-address | hostname IPv4 or IPv6 address or hostname of the server providing the clock
synchronization. Arguments are limited to 255 alphanumeric
Usage Guidelines Use this ntp server command with a trusted key if you want to allow the system to synchronize with a specified
The key is optional, but it is required for NTP authentication. Define this key in the ntp authentication-key
command first and add this key to the ntp trusted-key command before you can add it to the ntp server
The show ntp command displays the status of synchronization. If none of the configured NTP servers are
reachable or not authenticated (if NTP authentication is configured), then this command displays synchronization
to local with the least stratum.
If an NTP server is not reachable or is not properly authenticated, then its reach as per this command statistics
will be 0.
To define an NTP server configuration and authentication in the Cisco ISE Admin portal, see the System
Time and NTP Server Settings section in the Cisco Identity Services Engine Administration Guide.
Note This command gives conflicting information during the synchronization process. The synchronization
process can take up to 20 minutes to complete.
Related Topics
ntp, on page 35
ntp authenticate, on page 36
ntp authentication-key, on page 37
ntp trusted-key, on page 41
show ntp
Configuring Trusted Keys for NTP Server Authentication, on page 39
Verifying the Status of Synchronization, on page 40
Example 1
Example 2
ntp trusted-key
To add a time source to the trusted list, use the ntp trusted-key command with a unique identifier.
ntp trusted-key key
To disable this capability, use the no form of this command.
no ntp trusted-key
Syntax Description trusted-key The identifier that you want to assign to this key.
key Specifies key numbers for trusted time sources that needs to be defined
as NTP authentication keys. Supports up to 65535 numeric characters.
Usage Guidelines Define this key as an NTP authentication key and then add this key to the trusted list before you add this key
to an NTP server. Keys that are added to the trusted list can only be used that allows synchronization by the
NTP server with the system.
Example 1
ise/admin# configure
ise/admin(config)# ntp trusted-key 1
ise/admin(config)# ntp trusted-key 2
ise/admin(config)# ntp trusted-key 3
ise/admin(config)# no ntp trusted-key 2
(Removes key 2 from the trusted list).
Example 2
Related Topics
ntp, on page 35
ntp authenticate, on page 36
ntp authentication-key, on page 37
ntp server, on page 38
show ntp
To configure the limit of TCP/UDP/ICMP packets from a source IP address, use the rate-limit command in
configuration mode. To remove this function, use the no form of this command.
rate-limit 250 ip-address net-mask port
Related Topics
conn-limit, on page 11
To enable or configure the passwords on the system, use the password-policy command in configuration
mode. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.
password-policy options
Note The password-policy command requires a policy option (see Syntax Description). You must enter the
password-expiration-enabled command before the other password-expiration commands.
Note After you enter the password-policy command, you can enter the config-password-policy configuration
disable-cisco-password Disables the ability to use the word Cisco or any combination as the
disable-repeat-chars Disables the ability of the password to contain more than four identical
do Exec command.
password-time-lockout Sets the time in minutes after which the account lockout is cleared.
Supports time values from 5 minutes to 1440 minutes.
ise/admin(config)# password-policy
ise/admin(config-password-policy)# password-expiration-days 30
ise/admin(config-password-policy)# exit
To enter the repository submode for configuration of backups, use the repository command in configuration
repository repository-name
Note After you enter the name of the repository in the repository command, you enter the config-Repository
configuration submode (see the Syntax Description).
Syntax Description do EXEC command. Allows you to perform any of the EXEC commands
in this mode.
end Exits the config-Repository submode and returns you to EXEC mode.
Note Server is the server name and path refers to /subdir/subsubdir. Remember that a colon(:) is required after
the server for an NFS network server.
http: Source or destination URL for an HTTP network server (read only).
https: Source or destination URL for an HTTPS network server (read only).
sftp: Source or destination URL for an SFTP network server. Use url
tftp: Source or destination URL for a TFTP network server. Use url
Note You cannot use a TFTP repository for performing a Cisco
ISE upgrade.
Usage Guidelines When configuring url sftp: in the submode, you must first load the RSA fingerprint (AKA host-key) from
the target SFTP host into ISE. You can do this by using the crypto host_key add command through the CLI.
To disable this function, use the no form of host-key host command in the submode.
Cisco ISE displays the following warning when you configure a secure ftp repository in the Cisco ISE Admin
portal in Administration > System > Maintenance > Repository > Add Repository.
The host key of the SFTP server must be added through the CLI by using the host-key option before this
repository can be used.
A corresponding error is thrown in the Cisco ADE logs when you try to back up into a secure FTP repository
without configuring the host-key.
Example 1
Example 2
Related Topics
show backup
show repository
To specify a service to manage, use the service command in configuration mode.
service sshd
To disable this function, use the no form of this command.
no service
Syntax Description sshd Secure Shell Daemon. The daemon program for SSH.
Loglevel Specifies the log level of messages from sshd to secure system log.
• 3— ERROR
• 4—INFO (default)
• 7—DEBUG1
• 8 —DEBUG2
• 9—DEBUG3
To shut down an interface, use the shutdown command in the interface configuration mode. To disable this
function, use the no form of this command.
This command has no keywords and arguments.
Usage Guidelines When you shut down an interface using this command, you lose connectivity to the Cisco ISE appliance
through that interface (even though the appliance is still powered on).
However, if you have configured the second interface on the appliance with a different IP and have not shut
down that interface, you can access the appliance through that second interface.
To shut down an interface, you can also modify the ifcfg-eth[0,1] file, which is located at
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, using the ONBOOT parameter:
• Disable an interface: set ONBOOT="no”
• Enable an interface: set ONBOOT="yes"
You can also use the no shutdown command to enable an interface.
Related Topics
interface, on page 17
ip address, on page 22
show interface
ip default-gateway, on page 23
snmp-server community
To set up the community access string to permit access to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP),
use the snmp-server community command in configuration mode.
snmp-server community community-string ro
To disable this function, use the no form of this command.
no snmp-server
community-string Accessing string that functions much like a password and allows
access to SNMP. No blank spaces allowed. Supports up to 255
alphanumeric characters.
Usage Guidelines The snmp-server community command requires a community string and the ro argument; otherwise, an
error occurs.
The SNMP agent on the Cisco ISE provides read-only SNMP-v1 and SNMP-V2c access to the following
• RFC1213-MIB
• ENTITY-MIB-Only 3 MIB variables are supported on the ENTITY-MIB:
◦Product ID: entPhysicalModelName
◦Version ID: entPhysicalHardwareRev
◦Serial Number: entPhysicalSerialNumber
Related Topics
snmp-server location, on page 51
snmp-server contact, on page 50
snmp-server contact
To configure the SNMP contact Management Information Base (MIB) value on the system, use the snmp-server
contact command in configuration mode. To remove the system contact information, use the no form of this
snmp-server contact contact-name
Syntax Description contact Identifies the contact person for this managed node. Supports up to
255 alphanumeric characters.
contact-name String that describes the system contact information of the node.
Supports up to 255 alphanumeric characters.
Related Topics
snmp-server community, on page 49
snmp-server location, on page 51
snmp-server location
To configure the SNMP location MIB value on the system, use the snmp-server location command in
configuration mode. To remove the system location information, use the no form of this command.
snmp-server location location
Syntax Description location Configures the physical location of this managed node. Supports up
to 255 alphanumeric characters.
location String that describes the physical location information of the system.
Supports up to 255 alphanumeric characters.
Usage Guidelines Cisco recommends that you use underscores (_) or hyphens (-) between the terms within the word string. If
you use spaces between terms within the word string, you must enclose the string in quotation marks (“).
Example 1
Example 2
Related Topics
snmp-server community, on page 49
snmp-server location, on page 51
To add a user who can access the Cisco ISE appliance using SSH, use the username command in configuration
mode. If the user already exists, the password, the privilege level, or both change with this command. To
delete the user from the system, use the no form of this command.
username username password hash | plain {password} role admin | user email {email-address}
For an existing user, use the following command option:
username username password role admin | user {password}
Syntax Description username Only one word for the username argument. Blank spaces and quotation
marks (“) are not allowed. Supports up to 31 alphanumeric characters.
role admin | user Sets the user role and the privilege level for the user.
Usage Guidelines The username command requires that the username and password keywords precede the hash | plain and the
admin | user options.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Related Topics
password-policy, on page 42
show users