May-June 2016

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Maturita Card 60: Geography and Nature

zzWhat is the countryside like common birds are magpies / jays / pigeons / ducks
in the Czech Republic? / pheasants. Less frequently / sometimes you can
The countryside in the Czech Republic is quite see beavers / weasels / deer / wild boar / foxes
varied / diverse. There are many beautiful areas / pine martens. Rare / more unusual animals here
/ picturesque regions / pretty places / nature are otters / wolves / lynx / bears.
reserves. There are magnificent / striking / stunning
zzWhat kinds of weather can you experience in
mountain ranges and green / grassy lowlands. There
the Czech Republic?
are numerous / lots of forests / woods / woodland
areas with many types / species of trees. Trees The Czech Republic generally has a temperate
typically found in the Czech Republic include spruce / relatively mild climate and extreme weather is rare
/ pine / beech / oak. Tourists are often attracted / uncommon. Summers are sunny and warm / hot
to / can visit incredible / amazing / unique rock / humid and winters can be cold / freezing with
formations / cave systems / four national parks. temperatures around / just above / below zero with
a lot of / some rain / snow. Spring tends to be / is
zzName some famous natural attractions in often rainy / cool with changeable weather. Autumn
the Czech Republic is cloudy / wet / cold / damp but with beautiful
Some of the most interesting natural attractions colours. Extreme weather can happen / occur and
/ landmarks are the stalactite caves in Moravian occasionally / sometimes there are hailstorms
Karst / Bohemian Paradise with sandstone rocks / droughts / strong winds / floods.
/ Pravčická brána in “Czech Switzerland”, which
zzWhat is your favourite season and why?
is the largest natural sandstone arch in Europe
I am a summer / winter person. I generally prefer
/ the Krkonoše Mountains with the highest Czech
/ I don’t like autumn / winter. I love summer
mountain, Sněžka (1603 m) / the Šumava Mountains
because I like sunbathing / swimming in lakes
/ the Beskydy Mountains / South Bohemia, which
/ the sea / doing sport / cycling / enjoying life
has a lot of lovely ponds and lakes.
outdoors. I like warm temperatures / feeling the sun
zzCan you tell me something about the landscape on my skin. I enjoy long evenings with my friends
around your home / school / city? / barbecues / garden parties. I am a fan of winter
There is a park with oak / lime / birch trees and sports / I like to go skiing / snowboarding / ice
flower beds / a children’s playground. There are hills skating. I love to see snow and blue skies. I like
/ fields / farmland around the city / town. There is to keep warm / cosy inside / by the fire / watch
no / not much vegetation / are not many plants and the snow from the window with a hot drink.
trees around, only blocks of flats / houses / roads I appreciate / adore beautiful autumn colours
/ patches of grass / shrubs. Near / behind / in front / the colourful autumn trees / crisp mornings
of my house there is a wood / forest with evergreen / walking through fallen leaves. Spring is my
/ spruce / pine trees. There are orchards with fruit favourite season because of the rebirth of nature
/ apple / cherry trees / vineyards / wheat / maize after the long winter / spring flowers sprouting in
/ sunflower fields around the place I live. gardens / trees blossoming / days getting longer.

zzWhat kind of landscape do you prefer? zzWhat are some things you personally can do to
I like high / rocky mountains with clean / fresh air protect the planet?
and great / beautiful views. I love spending time I am quite an environmentally conscious person
in quiet forests / woods with tall trees and little / I do quite a lot for the environment / I am a bit
streams / hiking through meadows with wild flowers. lazy about it but I would like to do more. There are
I prefer urban landscapes / cities with great nightlife many ways / things we could do to help. We could
/ interesting monuments / lots of people / museums use our cars less / use public transport more / walk
/ galleries. My favourite place is the coast, with or cycle more often. I recycle paper / glass / plastics.
rugged cliffs / crashing waves / peaceful sandy We could try to produce less waste / choose products
beaches with palm trees and calm seas. with less packaging. Drinking tap water instead of
bottled water is one way to reduce / cut down on
zzWhat wild animals and birds can you find in waste. We can buy energy‑efficient products like LED
your country / region? light bulbs. Another good idea is to plant more trees
The Czech Republic / my region is home to all / start a recycling programme at school / at work.
kinds of / many different sorts of / a wide variety Other things we can do include turning off lights
of animals and birds / wildlife. Common animals when we leave the room / switching off televisions
include hares / squirrels / mice / bats and some / computers when we are not using them.

May–June 2016
Vltava river 01 Pravčická brána

03 04

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