Discuss how understanding biographical Summarize the main points discussed in Summarize the main points discussed in
context can help readers better the lesson, emphasizing the importance the lesson, emphasizing the importance
understand the themes and messages in of considering both the strengths and of developing a critical understanding of
literary texts. weaknesses of using biographical context the relationship between an author's life
8. Generalizing and abstractions
in literary interpretation. and their work.
about the lesson
Have students reflect on how
biographical context can be used to Encourage students to think critically and Encourage students to think critically and
analyze other forms of media, such as consider multiple perspectives when consider multiple perspectives when
movies or TV shows. analyzing literary texts. analyzing literary texts.
Have students write a short reflection The teacher will create a quiz to assess
essay discussing the strengths and the learnings of the students. Make sure
weaknesses of using biographical context that the quiz covers all the topics that
in literary interpretation. were discussed for the whole week.
9. Evaluating Learning
Ask students to provide specific
examples and evidence to support their
Have students research a literary work
Have students research an author and
and its author, and write a critical
Have students research an author and write a critical analysis that considers the
analysis that considers both the strengths
write a short biography, highlighting how relationship between their life
and weaknesses of using biographical
their life experiences may have experiences and their writing.
context in interpreting the text.
influenced their writing.
10. Additional Activities for
Organize a group activity where students
Application or Remediation Organize a group activity where students
Have students work in pairs to analyze a create presentations or posters that
create presentations or posters that
movie or TV show and identify elements showcase the relationship between an
showcase the strengths and weaknesses
of biographical context that may have author's life and their work, using
of using biographical context in literary
influenced the writer or director. specific examples from different literary
interpretation, using specific examples
from different literary works.