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Department of Education Teaching Dates and Time
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
A. Content Standards The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of 21 st century Philippine literature from the regions.
The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21 st Century Philippine literature from the regions through:
B. Performance Standards 1. a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived from research; and
2. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
C. Learning
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Recap what students have learned about Recall the previous lesson.
Ask students if they have ever read a
the history of the Philippines and its
book or story that was based on the
Ask students to share their insights and literature.
author's life experiences.
1. Reviewing previous lesson or knowledge about the importance of
presenting the new lesson understanding the context of literary Ask students to share their insights and
Introduce the concept of biographical
works. knowledge about the importance of
context and how it can be used to
understanding the context of literary
interpret literary texts.
Explain that the purpose of this lesson is Tell the students that they will be given a
Explain that the purpose of this lesson is Explain that the purpose of this lesson is
to help students identify and evaluate the test to assess their learnings.
2. Establishing the purpose of the to help students understand how to help students develop a critical
strengths and weaknesses of using
lesson biographical context can be used to understanding of the relationship
biographical context in literary
interpret literary texts. between an author's life and their work.
Provide examples of literary texts that are Let the students give examples of the
based on the author's life experiences, topics that were discussed for the whole
such as "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath or week.
"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Discuss how biographical information Discuss how understanding an author's
3. Presenting examples/instances of Salinger. about the authors can provide insights life experiences can provide insights into
the new lesson into the themes, characters, and messages the themes, characters, and messages of
Discuss how knowing the author's life of the texts. the texts.
experiences can help readers better
understand the themes and messages in
the text.
Introduce the concept of strengths of Give a short time for the learners to
using biographical context in literary Introduce the concept of the relationship review their notes ready for the test.
interpretation. between an author's life and their work.
Define biographical context and provide
examples of how it can be used to
Discuss how understanding an author's Discuss how an author's life experiences
interpret literary texts.
life experiences can enhance the reader's can shape their writing and influence the
4. Discussing new concepts and
understanding and appreciation of the themes and messages of their work.
practicing new skills #1 Have students work in pairs to analyze a
short story or poem and identify elements
Have students work in pairs to analyze a
of biographical context that may have
Have students work in pairs to analyze a short story or poem and identify how the
influenced the author's writing.
short story or poem and identify the author's life experiences may have
strengths of using biographical context in influenced their writing.
interpreting the work.
Introduce the concept of weaknesses of Introduce the concept of critical
Discuss how biographical context can be using biographical context in literary understanding and analysis of the
used to analyze characters in a literary interpretation. relationship between an author's life and
text. their work.
Discuss how relying too heavily on
Have students work in pairs to analyze a biographical information can limit the Discuss how critical analysis can help
5. Discussing new concepts and
reader's interpretation and overlook other readers better understand the themes,
practicing new skills #2 character from a novel or play and
important aspects of the text. characters, and messages of literary texts.
identify how the author's life experiences
may have influenced the character's Have students work in pairs to analyze a Have students work in pairs to analyze a
development. different short story or poem and identify different short story or poem and
the weaknesses of using biographical critically evaluate the relationship
context in interpreting the work. between the author's life and their work.
Conduct a class discussion where Conduct a class discussion where
students share their findings on the students share their findings on the
Have students work in small groups to strengths and weaknesses of using relationship between an author's life and
analyze a literary text and identify biographical context in literary their work.
elements of biographical context that may interpretation.
have influenced the author's writing and Encourage students to provide examples
characters. Encourage students to provide examples and evidence to support their arguments.
6. Developing Mastery
and evidence to support their arguments.
Each group should present their findings Facilitate a debate or role-playing activity
to the class and discuss how biographical Facilitate a debate or role-playing activity where students take on different
context enhances their understanding of where students take on different perspectives and argue for or against the
the text. perspectives and argue for or against the importance of understanding the
use of biographical context in literary relationship between an author's life and
interpretation. their work.
7. Finding practical applications of Discuss how understanding biographical Discuss how understanding the strengths Discuss how understanding the
concepts and skills in daily living context can help students better and weaknesses of using biographical relationship between an author's life and
understand the world around them. context in literary interpretation can help their work can help students become
students become more critical readers
more critical readers and thinkers.
Have students reflect on how their own and thinkers.
life experiences may influence their
Have students reflect on how they can
Have students reflect on how they can apply this knowledge to analyze other
apply this knowledge to analyze other
writing or reading of literary texts. forms of media or literature they
forms of media or literature they
encounter in their daily lives. encounter in their daily lives.

Discuss how understanding biographical Summarize the main points discussed in Summarize the main points discussed in
context can help readers better the lesson, emphasizing the importance the lesson, emphasizing the importance
understand the themes and messages in of considering both the strengths and of developing a critical understanding of
literary texts. weaknesses of using biographical context the relationship between an author's life
8. Generalizing and abstractions
in literary interpretation. and their work.
about the lesson
Have students reflect on how
biographical context can be used to Encourage students to think critically and Encourage students to think critically and
analyze other forms of media, such as consider multiple perspectives when consider multiple perspectives when
movies or TV shows. analyzing literary texts. analyzing literary texts.
Have students write a short reflection The teacher will create a quiz to assess
essay discussing the strengths and the learnings of the students. Make sure
weaknesses of using biographical context that the quiz covers all the topics that
in literary interpretation. were discussed for the whole week.
9. Evaluating Learning
Ask students to provide specific
examples and evidence to support their
Have students research a literary work
Have students research an author and
and its author, and write a critical
Have students research an author and write a critical analysis that considers the
analysis that considers both the strengths
write a short biography, highlighting how relationship between their life
and weaknesses of using biographical
their life experiences may have experiences and their writing.
context in interpreting the text.
influenced their writing.
10. Additional Activities for
Organize a group activity where students
Application or Remediation Organize a group activity where students
Have students work in pairs to analyze a create presentations or posters that
create presentations or posters that
movie or TV show and identify elements showcase the relationship between an
showcase the strengths and weaknesses
of biographical context that may have author's life and their work, using
of using biographical context in literary
influenced the writer or director. specific examples from different literary
interpretation, using specific examples
from different literary works.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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