Spe 131760 MS1
Spe 131760 MS1
Spe 131760 MS1
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This paper was prepared for presentation at the CPS/SPE International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition in China held in Beijing, China, 8–10 June 2010.
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restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.
One of the limitations of achieving full potential in pumped wells is the presence of excessive free gas at pump intake.
Presence of free gas at pump intake affects the pump performance negatively, reducing the liquid rates and the
pressure added by the pump. This performance reduction may sometimes be quite severe, resulting in unstable pump
operation, significant production losses, lower reliability and increased operating costs due to premature equipment
failure. Currently some operators need to produce wells under challenging operational conditions with very high free
gas ratios. ESP in wells with a high free gas liquid ratio that requires the use of special gas handling technologies is
becoming more and more common. Recent advances in ESP gas handling technologies expand the use of ESPs to
more gassy applications in the industry.
This paper presents the methods used, the results and learnings from the application of ESPs with various gas
handling technologies based on real field data. Present natural flow conditions were simulated to determine the
operating envelope for each well. ESPs were evaluated for the selected design ranges governed by the drawdown
(bubble point) constraints. The operating envelopes for each selected well were established over its life cycle with
various free gas volumes and water cuts.
The paper confirms that ESP can operate successfully with the pump intake gas fraction up to 75% through use of
appropriate gas handling technologies and challenging the norms.
Artificial lift can potentially improve the production performance in the short to medium-term by compensating for the
low reservoir energy levels and adding significant reserves in the long term by combating the negative lift impact of
increasing water cuts.
ESPs are widely used and have a wide range of applications in high rate lifting. They are applicable in deep and
deviated applications. The size (pump outer diameter) of the pump defines the maximum capacity of the ESP at a
given rotational speed. Therefore, the production casing size determines the maximum achievable pump size and rate.
The rotational speed of the ESP depends on the alternating speed (frequency) of the current supply. The alternating
frequency can be adjusted by use of variable speed drives, enabling production rate control over a range for each
pump. The pump performs at highest efficiency when pumping liquid only. ESPs can handle free gas up to
approximately 20% volume fraction without gas separation or gas handling equipment. Higher levels of free gas at the
pump intake require the use of gas separation and/or gas handling systems.
2 SPE 131760
The free gas at the pump intake was produced by either exposed gas sands, secondary gas cap, producing the wells
below the bubble point pressure and/or reservoir pressure depletion. The existing gas handlers are not capable of
handling free gas over 40%. ESP manufacturers developed new pumps have capability to handle a huge amount of
gas. Currently, they have multiphase pump to handle flow rate more than 5000 B/D (oil, water, gas) with 70% free gas
at pump intake.
Gas Management
Where the wells operate below the bubble point pressure, ESP may have to handle a lot of free gas. Standard ESPs
can handle up to 20% free gas. For free gas levels above this level, gas handling units (ESP with axial/mixed flow
profiles) are employed at the pump intake. These compress the gas back into the liquid before the fluid enters the ESP
pump itself. In this application all the gas is still produced through the flow conduit, this technology enables ESPs to
handle up to 45% gas. For free gas levels above 45%, gas separators in conjunction with gas handlers should be
used. These are placed below the gas handlers and ESP pump and separate the gas as it goes through the annulus
(through the packer if used). The separated gas can be used for the auto-gas lift of fluids in the annulus. The
separated gas (and any liquids lifted with it) is then recombined below the wellhead or at the surface into the flowline
through a gas lift valve or an injection system. Such systems enable operation of ESPs with free gas fractions up to
There are various types of gas separation devices for ESPs upturned shroud, rotary/vortex separators, bottom feeder
intake, drill the well with low spot at the kick-off and set pump there, use of high temperature cut-out and special ESP
stages like AGH, Poseidon-Schlumberger and Gas Master-Centrilift (Oyewole and Lea, 2008).
Gas Handlers
An Advanced Gas Handling (AGH) device is a highly modified multistage centrifugal pump designed to increase the
primary pumps gas handling ability, was included as part of the ESP system. This was required as the completion
method did not allow the use of a gas separator. The AGH centrifugal stage design alters the pressure distribution of
the impeller, creating a homogenized mixture with a smaller gas bubble size. This conditioned fluid behaves as a
single phase fluid entering the primary pump. Reda (Schlumberger), Centrilift (Baker) and Weatherford have similar
With Poseidon (Schlumberger product, common issues are given in Table 1):
• Size of the system is 5.62”.
• Schlumberger gives a maximum allowable gas fraction as high as 75% at 65 Hz.
• Achievable rate is max 9000 downhole barrel per day at pump conditions and depth (giving liquid rate of 2250
bpd at 75% free gas).
With advanced gas handler (AGH, common issues are given in Table 2)
• Rates of 10000-25000 bpd at pump conditions.
• Max gas fraction at pump is 45%.
• Inclusion of this unit increases the power requirement for pump up to 100 hp.
Table 1 Common Issues with ESPs - Gas handling with Poseidon Multiphase Pump
Gas Separators
For applications where free gas levels exceed 45%, it is assumed that gas separators will be used. Similar gas
separator designs are available from the major ESP suppliers. These enable gas separation at efficiencies as high as
95%. An ESP design with a gas separator system and live gas annulus will be very complex and difficult to implement
in offshore and subsea installations, but is commonly used for onshore applications where no production packers are
Field Applications
In Ratawi field, Kuwait, shrouds and XGC gas handler had been used to control gas production. Several cases of “Gas
Lock” were faced where the annulus (casing & tubing or tubing & pump) were full of gases. At this stage the pump will
be operated without producing any fluid and that will lead to over heat the motor as well as pump. The types of failures
that are faced in this situation were burnt cable/motor and/or stuck pumps. In this application, the shroud “Jacket” is
covering pump intake, seal section & motor. The production liquid is directed from the perforations downwards along
the OD of the shroud and is further routed to the pump intake through the annular space between motor OD and
shroud ID. The gas is accumulated in the annulus above the perforations, which should be vented through the casing
valve. As a result of this modification the mean time to failure of the pump on that Ratawi well was raised from 24 days
to 371 days. The main purpose in the use of XGC gas handlers is to pressurize the gas back into solution and produce
it in the oil through the pump. In this application, this device was limited with GLR, that it was used adequately with a
range of GOR from 500 to 1000 scf/bbl. As a result of this modification the mean time to failure of the pump on that
well was raised from 65 days to 292 days (Mubarak et al. 2003).
During the last 10 years Khalda field, Egypt have been suffering from gas production result in ESP gas locking
problem which may lead at the end to abandoning the wells. KPC studied the possibility of using the ESP new
technologies to handle the huge amount of gas to overcome the gas production problem to subsequently increasing
ultimate recovery. The main job of the gas handler is to compress the gas into the produced liquid which reduces the
total volume down hole. Based on this, KPC started to equip the ESP string with gas handler to maintain the gassy
4 SPE 131760
wells on production. The total cumulative oil that was produced since utilizing this new technique is ± 10.4 MMstbo till
the end of the previous year 2004. Figure 1 illustrates the yearly oil recovery increase with increasing the number of
the gas handler usage (Mahgoub, et al. 2005).
4.0 70
Cum. Mstbo/year
Cum. Mstbo/year (Thousands)
0.0 0
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Figure 1 Cumulative oil production due to gas handler application (Mahgoub, et al. 2005)
The design has been developed to overcome the production engineering challenges which have been encountered
following the commencement of production from the Stag oil field. The flow from the horizontal section of the wells has
a high gas fraction, continuously slugs with a very short frequency, and carries large volumes of sand following the
onset of water production. The initial completion design incorporated a shrouded ESP system, with no gas venting
facility. Special gas handling stages were however installed in the pumps which are designed to pre-condition the
gassy crude prior to entering the conventional pump stages. Effective ESP lift was not possible due to gas locking of
the pump. This was caused by the very high free gas fractions, which were in excess of 80% at pump suction
conditions. In an attempt to address the poor performance of the wells, conventional vent packer high gas ESP
completions were installed in the wells. The vent packer completions incorporated a vortex rotary gas separator
upstream of the pump, which separates a proportion of the free gas and exhausts it via the annulus. As a
consequence the free gas fraction entering the special gas handling pumps stages, and from there to the pump
section, is reduced. Vented packers, with surface controlled sub surface safety valves were included above the pump
to provide downhole isolation of the annulus flow path. A sliding sleeve was also incorporated below the vent packer to
facilitate natural flow while by-passing the pump. The vent packer completions enabled increases of 15 - 20% in
production rate compared to the original completion design (Aitken et al. 2000).
High GOR ESPs have been successfully implemented in Lekhwair Field. Most of the ESPs have been operating
continuously under down hole “free gas” conditions with gas volumes ranging from 20% to 75%. The majority of these
ESPs have now been running for 1-1/2 years. The evaluation of their performance so far gives confidence that run life
of 2-3 years under high free gas conditions is achievable (Brinkhorst, 1998).
Oil production using electrical submersible pumps (ESP) in RN-Purneftegas was initially complicated by a strong gas
influence. The main method to increase ESP performance in wells with a high GOR is using rotary gas separators.
Subsurface equipment adjustment for high GOR conditions, including gas separator calibration is of primary
importance due to a strong influence of the ESP design on well performance. The main goal of tests was gathering
information for parameter analysis and proper timing of ESPs with malfunctions in rotary gas separators. The collected
information about real field performance was then used for validation of the accuracy of the lab data for gas separator
performance. It was concluded that the gas separator performance data obtained in laboratory if combined with
correlation for natural separation prediction can be used for total separation efficiency estimation (Drozdov, et al.
SPE 131760 5
The field tests were conducted under new technologies system project of Rosneft Oil Company. Field tests estimated
technical limits for ESP gas handling technologies for up to 75% of volumetric gas fraction at pump intake conditions,
as well as confirmed the possibility of oil production enhancement with the tests. It is estimated that more than a 100
wells would benefit from ESP gas handling technologies in Purneftegas alone, yielding significant economic impact for
the company, increasing oil production by more than 700 tons/day. It was proved that ESP can operate successfully
with the pump intake gas fraction up to 75%. Determined factors which influence on ESP operation with high gas
fraction, were ESP head degradation, water cut and pump intake pressure (Bedrin, et al. 2008).
The operating strategy has been maintaining the reservoir pressures at or above the bubble point pressures. However
this has not been achievable due to almost saturated reservoir conditions in some fields, the lack of aquifer pressure
support, reservoir depletion and the drive to optimize production. Most fields and wells are operating with FBHPs
below bubble point and some fields have reservoir pressures already below the field bubble point. The prevailing low
reservoir pressures and encroachment of water in some wells are already creating non-optimal lift conditions.
The artificial lift through ESP system for the selected wells has investigated in this study. One of the main advantages
of ESPs is that they afford a wide flexibility with respect to off take levels. The main concern in the operation of an ESP
installation is the ability to handle free gas production. High GOR is common been observed in the water flooded fields
as the localised low pressure areas due to poor water injection and in the fields where the production is below bubble
point pressure. It is standard practice to install ESP system with gas separation or gas handler equipment to
accommodate gassy environment for an improved run-life.
This study describes ESP applications to handle high GOR in a land field different candidate wells (Well – A, Well –B,
Well – C, Well – D and Well – E). The selected wells having various GORs were evaluated for natural flow at the
current and minimum possible flowing tubing head pressures (FTHP). The input base case data for each well is given
in Table 3. The well production data for each well obtained from well tests is also given in Table 4.
The current pressures and the FBHP design cases are presented in Figure 2. The absolute and current flow rates are
compared in Figure 3 for overall natural flow parameters. The wells are all naturally flowing at present at flowing
bottom hole pressures (FBHP) significantly below the bubble point pressure and FTHPs above the minimum available
levels. At minimum FTHPs the wells can operate at even lower FBHP and higher delivery rates. Table 5 shows all
overall natural flow conditions for each well.
6 SPE 131760
Pb - 500
Pb - 1000
Pb - 2000
Pressure (psi)
Well A Well B Well C Well D Well E
Well Name
20000 14
6000 4
0 0
Well A Well B Well C Well D Well E
Well Name
Current Liquid Rate Absolute Open Flow Rate Well Productivity Index
Figure 3 Current liquid, absolute open flow rates and productivity indexes
SPE 131760 7
Well - A was evaluated for natural flow at the current and minimum FTHPs. This well is naturally flowing at present at
FBHPs significantly below the bubble point pressure and FTHPs above the minimum available levels. At minimum
FTHPs the wells can operate at even lower FBHP and delivery higher rates. Natural flow evaluation of the Well - A at
design conditions and at FTHP = 300 psi, indicates that this well will cease natural flow when the water cut (WC)
reaches to 80%, depending on PI and prevailing reservoir pressure levels. At this water cut, artificial lift will be required
to sustain production level in this well.
Well - B is producing with FTHPs above the minimum available levels and FBHPs of well below the bubble point
pressure. At minimum FTHPs this well can deliver higher rates. Natural flow evaluations confirm that this well will
cease natural flow when the water cut reaches 80%. This well is one of the high PI wells (7 bpd/psi) with a high locked-
in potential.
Well - C can sustain natural flow for a long time until water exceeds at least 70%. Relatively high PI, lower Pb and
GOR make this well a more suitable candidate for ESP application. This well has one of the highest PIs of 12.5
stb/d/psi, but was completed with a 3 ½” tubing only. The reservoir pressure is relatively low and the well is producing
at FBHPs above bubble point.
Well - D is also producing with FTHPs above the minimum available levels and FBHPs of well below the bubble point
pressure. At minimum FTHPs, this well can deliver higher rates. Simulations confirm that the wells will cease the flow
when the WC reaches 70% depending on PI and reservoir pressure. This well has a relatively low PI of 1.4 stb/d/psi
and it is completed with 2 7/8” tubing. The reservoir pressure and the design FBHPs are well below the bubble point
pressure. The well has at test GOR of 3175 scf/stb.
Well - E seems depleted and operating below bubble point pressure. With high GORs, this well is behaving as a
gas/condensate well and suffering from liquid loading and instability. This well has a low PI of 0.4 stb/d/psi and very
high bubble point pressure. The current FTHP and the well test GOR are very high (>5000 scf/stb) behaving a gas
condensate well. This well is producing with FTHPs close to the minimum available levels and FBHPs well above the
bubble point pressure. Simulation confirms that the well will cease flow when the WC reaches to 65%.
ESP performances for each well were evaluated using the ESP design cases given in Table 6 at FBHP scenarios
(500, 1000, 2000 psi below bubble point). ESPs can achieve the drawdown and production rates for all FBHP design
cases. Overall results are discussed in following section for each well.
8 SPE 131760
Well – A
ESPs were evaluated for lifecycle scenarios at various water cuts with ESP gas handling capacity limited to 45%.
Because of the high PI of the well, the use of tubing larger than 3 ½”. ESPs can achieve the drawdown and production
rates for all FBHP design cases for all water cuts values. Figure 4 presents the estimated ESP liquid rates for all
design cases. For FBHP = 4235 and 3735 psi, the liquid rates are still constant and lower than the target rates with
water cuts up to 95%. At water cut >95%, the free gas volume (FGV) at intake of the ESP pump is stabilized around
2.0%. For FBHP = 2735 psi, ESP can provide upside and will achieve higher liquid rates. The effect of FGV at intake of
the ESP pump on liquid rates is presented in Figure 5.
7000 6000
0 0
0 25 50 95
Water Cut (%)
Liquid Rate (FBHP = 4235 psi) Liquid Rate (FBHP = 3735 psi) Liquid Rate (FBHP = 2735 psi)
Target Rate (FBHP = 4235 psi) Target Rate (FBHP = 3735 psi) Target Rate (FBHP = 2735 psi)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Free Gas Volume (%)
Well - B
ESPs were evaluated for various water cuts and ESP gas handling capacity was assumed to be limited to 45%. For
the Pb-500 and Pb-1000 psi FBHP cases, ESP with 4 ½” tubing can achieve the design rates and the required
drawdown. For Pb-2000 psi design case, the ESP performance is constrained by power availability. Any power in
excess of 750 hp will be difficult due to pump cooling and erosion requirements for deployment in the 7” liner. ESPs
can provide an upside if they are installed in 9 5/8” casing and large pumps up to 1000 hp are used at high water cuts.
ESP will require gas handling because of high GOR. 4 ½” and 5 ½” tubing sizes can be justified for the ESP designs
due to high productivity of this well. The estimated ESP liquid rates and target rates are presented in Figure 6.
14000 18000
0 0
0 25 50 95
Water Cut (%)
Liquid Rate (FBHP = 4080 psi) Liquid Rate (FBHP = 3580 psi) Liquid Rate (FBHP = 2580 psi)
Target Rate (FBHP = 4080 psi) Target Rate (FBHP = 3580 psi) Target Rate (FBHP = 2580 psi)
The effect of FGV at intake of the ESP pump on liquid rates for FBHP of 3580 psi and 2580 psi is presented in Figure
7. The liquid rates increase with increasing free gas volume at high pressure drawdown (FBHP = 2580psi). The liquid
rates increase with low free gas volumes up to 10%, after that the liquid rates stabilised with increasing free gas
volume at FBHP = 3580 psi.
10 SPE 131760
Liquid Rate (stb/day)
FBHP = 3580 psi
FBHP = 2580 psi
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Free Gas Volume (%)
Figure 8 shows the effect of downhole separator (DHS, Efficiency = 75%) and downhole gas handler (DHGH) on the
performance of ESP for FBHP of 3580 psi with 3 ½” tubing. The same liquid rates are obtained when downhole
separator is used instead of donwhole gas handler with water cuts of 0 – 50%. With increasing water cut (95%), the
liquid rate is also increased due to down hole separator usage.
9600 20
WELL B FBHP = 3580 psi
Liquid and Target Rates (stb/day)
8800 10
8000 0
0 25 50 95
Water Cut (%)
Target Rate Liquid Rate (No DHS, with DHGH) Liquid Rate (With DHS, Efficiency = 75 %)) FGV (No DHS, With DHGH) FGV (With DHS, Efficiency = 75%)
Figure 8 Change of liquid rates and free gas volume with water cut in gas separation/handling
(FBHP = 3580 psi)
Figure 9 shows the effect of downhole separator (DHS, Efficiency = 75%) and downhole gas handler (DHGH) on the
performance of ESP for FBHP of 2580 psi with 4 ½” tubing. The same liquid rates can be obtained when downhole
separator and downhole gas handler are used with all water cuts. Only for high water cut (95%), the liquid rates
achieve target rates with low free gas volume at pump.
SPE 131760 11
16500 40
WELL - B FBHP = 2580 psi
16000 35
Liquid and Target Rates (stb/day)
12500 5
12000 0
0 25 50 95
Water Cut (%)
Target Rate Liquid Rate (No DHS, With DHGH) Liquid Rate (With DHS, Efficiency = 75 %) FGV (No DHS, With DHGH) FGV (With DHS, Efficiency = 75 %)
Figure 9 Change of liquid rates and free gas volume with water cut in gas separation/handling
(FBHP = 3580 psi)
ESPs were evaluated for various water cut values and FBHPs. The ESP is set in 9 5/8” casing and the gas handling
capacity is assumed to be limited to 45%. ESP results are for 4 ½” tubing for high rates with FBHP << Pb. The
estimated ESP liquid rates and target rates for various design cases (FBHP = 2305 psi, 1805 psi and 805 psi) are
presented in Figure 10. ESP requires up to 1000 hp downhole power. Due to high PI, Well – C, ESP is power
18500 50000
18000 45000
17500 40000
17000 35000
16500 30000
16000 25000
15500 20000
15000 15000
14500 10000
14000 5000
13500 0
0 25 50 95
Water Cut (%)
Liquid Rate (FBHP = 2305 psi) Liquid Rate (FBHP = 1805 psi) Liquid Rate (FBHP = 805 psi)
Target Rate (FBHP = 2305 psi) Target Rate (FBHP = 1805 psi) Target Rate (FBHP = 805 psi)
ESPs were evaluated for various water cut values and FBHP = 745 psi. The current FBHPs are below the two design
cases of FBHP = 2245 psi and FBHP = 1745 psi, as a result there are no solutions for these cases. The estimated
12 SPE 131760
ESP liquid rates for FBHP = 745 psi and various water cuts are presented in Figure 11. ESP performance is
constrained due to very high free gas levels. ESP with gas separation/gas handling may be considered as a
Deliquification systems.
600 800
300 400
0 0
0 25 50 95
Water Cut (%)
Liquid Rate (FBHP = 745 psi) Target Rate (FBHP = 745 psi)
ESPs were evaluated for various water cuts and FBHP = 3573 psi, 3078 psi and 2578 psi cases. For FBHP = 3575 psi
and 3078 psi, the estimated liquid rates can achieve target rates. ESP will not achieve target rate with 25% and 50%
water cuts due to high FGV in pumps. Only for 95% water cut, ESP almost gives the same liquid rate as target rate
with FGV = 35%. The estimated and target liquid rates for various water cuts are presented in Figure 12.
700 700
600 600
500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
0 25 50 95
Water Cut (%)
Liquid Rate (FBHP = 3575 psi) Liquid Rate (FBHP = 3078 psi) Liquid Rate (FBHP = 2578 psi)
Target Rate (FBHP = 3575 psi) Target Rate (FBHP = 3078 psi) Target Rate = 2578 psi)
Use of ESPs with gas handling and separation systems in applications with large volumes of free gas at pump intake is
technically feasible. The technology is mature and available.
For the subject field, it was concluded that some high PI wells will benefit from ESPs with gas separation and/or gas
handling system when operating at FBHPs significantly below the bubble point pressures. For all wells, ESP with gas
separation system can provide a better means of off-loading the liquids and achieve the production targets at the
design conditions.
• In Well – B, ESP can provide an upside if they are installed in 9 5/8” casing and large pumps (up to 1000 hp)
are used at high water cuts. ESP will require gas handling because of high GOR. Large tubing sizes can be
justified for the ESP designs due to high productivity of this well.
• In Well – C, ESP requires up to 1000 hp downhole power in order to achieve the high liquid rates. ESP can be
set in 9 5/8” casing with gas handling capacity limited to 45%.
• In Well – D, ESP performance is constrained due to very high free gas levels. ESP with gas separation & gas
handling systems may be used for deliquification.
• In Well – E, ESP achieves high liquid rates for all design cases when used with gas handling systems.
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Drozdov, A.N., Verbitckiy, V.S., Dengaev, A.V., Arseniev, A.A., Litvinenko, V.A., Khabibullin, R.A., Litvinenko, K.V. and
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