ACU5000 Antenna Controller Unit - Manual
ACU5000 Antenna Controller Unit - Manual
ACU5000 Antenna Controller Unit - Manual
Vislink House
27 Maylands Avenue
Hemel Hempstead
The ACU5000 is supplied with configuration software to allow easy editing of the databases
and entering antenna setup parameters.
The extensive front panel menu allows in field verification of the databases and antenna
parameters whilst day to day menu functions are easily found and navigated.
The ACU5000 is designed to operate with the Newswift, Mantis, and Flydrive range of
antenna systems. Providing all power and communication interfaces for optional GPS and
compass modules.
The ACU provides a communication interface to the DCU (Drive Control Unit) mounted on
motorised antennas, which can be the 3000, 4000 or 5000 series DCU. All parameters of the
DCU can be read by the ACU5000.
IMPORTANT NOTE: On the right hand side of the front panel is a STOP key. Press this key
if you ever want to stop the antenna moving or re-gain LOCAL control. Section 5.3 provides
more information.
Angular Rates
Fast Maximum antenna axis allows.
Medium 0.4°/s.
Slow 0.1°/s.
Angular Steps
Fast 1.0°.
Medium 0.5°.
Slow 0.1°.
AZ Freq Freq
EL Signal Rate
POL Noise Mode
Sat ID
Line 1
Threshold Mode
AZ Range AZ Period
EL Range EL Period
Ref. Satellite Jog Size
Fixing State
Slope AZ +/-
EL +/-
Pol. Peaking
Rx Pol. Type
Once the antenna is deployed move the antenna round in azimuth using the ←or → keys,
elevation using the ↑or ↓ keys and if applicable, polarisation using the POL← or POL→
If a polarisation transmit waveguide switch is fitted, the position of the switch is toggled by
pressing the MUTE key whilst holding down the ENTER key.
To stow the antenna, select STOW from the START menu.
At any time pressing STOP will halt antenna movement. To restart press the START key and
choose the menu option required.
SatFinder 059-5111
AutoPoint 057-4530
AutoAcquire 057-4541
Pressing the START key guides the operator through the sequence of acquiring a satellite.
Depending on attached devices this sequence varies. See Section 9 for details.
DCU3000 and DCU4000 series Drive Control Units are fitted with flying communication and
power leads. These are normally supplied fitted with suitable D-type connectors to fit directly
in the rear of the ACU4000. If required to operate with an ACU5000 contact Advent
Communications for adaptor lead & connection information.
5.10.2 RESTART
Selecting RESTART clears the ACU5000 of any stored location, heading, or magnetic error
information. The SELECT SATELLITE procedure is then followed.
5.10.3 DEPLOY
The ACU will command the antenna to its deployed position.
5.10.4 STOW
The ACU will command the antenna to its stowed position.
5.10.5 PEAK
If the antenna is aligned and a valid beacon signal is being detected, selecting the PEAK
option will start a beacon signal peaking operation.
The antenna will move completely off the currently detected beacon and then scan through
the satellites position to estimate the peak beacon signal position. This will be done in
azimuth, elevation and polarisation axis if ‘Pol align’ option is selected.
Antenna Tab
This sets the orientation of the antenna fixing to the vehicle.
If the antenna stows pointing towards the front of the vehicle,
select ‘Antenna 0° forward’.
If the antenna stows pointing towards the rear of the vehicle
Antenna Fixing select ‘Antenna 0° backward’.
Note: The ACU5000 has options that display the azimuth angle
in the range 0° to 360°, rather than in the range ±180°. The
nominal 0° is at the antenna stow position irrespective of the
azimuth display option chosen.
Slope Compensation Control not implemented in current software release
If selected the system will align the polarisation axis to the
received beacon signal. This requires that the antenna system
Pol Align
has a linear feed fitted, and the beacon data in the satellite
database specifies a linear beacon.
Compass Interaction Control not implemented in current software release
RX Pol. Type. Control not implemented in current software release
Use Ref. Satellite If the final satellite required does not have a unique or easily
detected beacon, then a reference satellite can be nominated.
The system will then first search and peak on the reference
satellite, and once confirmed, move to the final chosen satellite
LNB drive under ACU If checked the LNB power supply and 22KHz tone is always set to
control suit the LNB when a satellite search is started.
LNB 10MHz Ref. under If this control is checked, then the LNB 10MHz reference output
ACU control signal is always turned on when a satellite search is started.
Number of LNBs If the antenna system has multiple LNBs fitted, the number of
different LNBs is entered here.
LNB data A fully description and setup of each LNB used with the system is
entered. If the 10MHz ref. output is required to the LNB then
check the “10MHz Reference” control
If the LNB is a multi-band version, the power supply, 22 KHz tone
and LO frequency for each band is specified.
The ‘RESTART’ menu option clears any previously user entered data and starts the ‘Select
Satellite’ procedure again.
This screen shows the position of the antenna. The front panel arrow keys control the motor
Manual control of the beacon receiver frequency. This screen also displays the status of the
beacon, signal power, noise power, signal frequency offset and lock state.
8.3 DVB
Manual control of the DVB receiver module frequency, symbol rate and DVB mode settings.
This screen also displays the current lock state, FEC/MOD rate, and satellite ID number.
The parameters of the current LNB in use can be entered. The display of the BRX and DVB
frequency use these values to display the true receive frequencies at the down converter.
LO Enter the LNB local oscillator frequency. Units GHz. This can be in the
range 0 GHz to 99GHz.
If below 2GHz the BRX and DVB display frequency displays do not use
the LNB data. The display will be the direct L-band input frequency.
Sideband The receive sideband the LNB uses is entered. If the receive frequency
is above the LO frequency then the upper sideband is being used.
RECALL The system database can have a list of the available LNBs in use with
PRESET the system. This function recalls one of these entries to use.
LNB power Direct control of the power voltage supplied to the LNB. The
options are OFF, 13V or 18V
22 KHz tone Direct control of the LNB 22 KHz tone generator.
Band Control Options: AUTO or MANUAL.
If AUTO, the ACU will automatically set the LNB supply and
22KHz tone to suit the LNB band data being recalled. So if an
LNB recall preset is selected, or a search for a satellite is
started, the correct supply voltage and 22KHz tone state will
be set by the LNB data.
If in MANUAL mode then it is up to the user to correctly set
the LNB voltage and 22 KHz tone state to suit.
Note: 22KHz tone generator requires a hardware modification
to the standard ACU5000. Contact Advent Communications
for further details.
LNB 10MHz Ref Options: ON or OFF.
Direct control of the 10MHz reference signal output on the L-
Band input cable for externally referenced LNBs.
Ref Control Options: AUTO or MANUAL.
If AUTO, the ACU will automatically set the 10MHz reference
to suit the LNB data being recalled. So if an LNB recall preset
is selected, or a search for a satellite is started, the reference
output will be set by the LNB data.
If in MANUAL mode, then it is up to the user to correctly set
the reference state to suit the LNB.
The DVB status shows the current measured DVB signal characteristics.
This menu level allows the recall of any DVB presets that have been stored in the unit.
Currently these can only be created using the ACU5000 PC software.
Any actions not available in the START menu are located under the ACTIONS option within
the ACU CONTROL menu.
Start Tracking
Peak on Beacon
Action Calibrate
This command requests the antenna DCU to enter the recalibrate state.
If any one of the antenna drive axis is uncalibrated the DCU will enter the recalibrate
state. To recalibrate the elevation or polarisation axis they only required to be
moved. The azimuth axis is required to be driven over its stow marker.
Action Deploy
This command requests the antenna DCU to automatically deploy the antenna
Action Stow
This command requests the antenna DCU to automatically stow the antenna system.
Magnetic Error
Mag Error Displays the current magnetic error value. When the antenna system
is confirmed as aligned to a known satellite, the error between the
actual and expected azimuth angles is due to the local magnetic
error. This value is calculated and used in future searches until the
system is restarted or the unit is turned off.
Clear This clears the current magnetic error to 0°, and sets the state to
Calibrate This calculates the magnetic error assuming the antenna is aligned
correctly with the currently selected satellite. The system cannot be
calibrated using a satellite in an inclined orbit.
Eutelsat Autopoint
Note: These options are only visible if the Eutelsat AutoPoint licence option is enabled.
Antenna Turns the antenna movement and action inhibit on or off. If on the
Inhibit antenna cannot be moved, or an automatic action be started.
Deploy angle Range: 0 to 90°.
Sets the approximate elevation the antenna will deploy to if the
deploy command is used.
Elevation trim This allows the displayed RF elevation of an antenna to be adjusted
by ±5° from its factory default value.
DCU type Displays the type number of the antenna DCU unit.
Serial No. Displays the serial number of the antenna DCU unit.
Build Displays the build standard of the DCU software.
Configuration Displays the DCU options enabled. The options are GPS and
compass. To change the options contact Advent Communications
for further details.
Information Licence data
The ACU5000 options are controlled by a software licence enabling/disabling
features dependant on the configuration required. This menu allows the licence ENS
(Electronic Serial Number) to be viewed and a licence code entered.
The licence code is supplied as a 28 digit hex coded number. Either the code can be
entered using the ACU5000 PC program, or it can be entered from the front panel.
ESN This is the units’ unique electronic serial number.
Line 1 The first 14 digits of the licence code.
Line 2 The last 14 digits of the licence code.
State The state of the licensing system. This is updated at unit power on.
When a new licence code has been entered, power cycle the unit to
update the licence state.
To restart the satellite selection process completely from scratch, select the ‘Restart’ option
from the Start menu.
10.2 SET UP
NOTE. Advent Communications products are normally operated in RS485 mode. In order to
control the units a converter from RS232 to RS485 (not supplied) may have to be fitted
between the PC and the unit.
10.2.2 ADDRESS
When being controlled remotely all Advent units must be allocated an address.
When multiple units are connected on the same bus, it is essential that each be provided
with a unique, individual, address otherwise communications will be corrupted.
The address is normally settable from the front panel, although some units are factory
configured to a preset address.
The address range for Advent units is 1-255.
Result – this response indicates that the unit will set the transmit gain to –20.0dB
Result – the response indicates that the command was not valid (the command sent should
have been GT200 as in the example above). The unit will not action this command.
All message bytes are ASCII coded characters. For channel 0 (zero), the channel number is
coded as two bytes, values ‘<48><48>’, decimal ASCII coded ‘00’, (zero zero).
Note spaces.
x A
y 01
a GPS hardware
0 Disabled.
1 GPS (12V).
2 GPS (5V).
3 DCU fitted.
b Compass
0 Disabled.
1 C100.
2 HMR3300.
3 DCU fitted.
c Compass fixing
0 Vehicle Fixed.
1 Antenna Fixed.
d DCU.
e Beacon receiver.
f DVB-S module.
g AutoPoint Option.
j Eutelsat Autopoint.
Unit Reboot
Write: WURBT
Response: No response.
Unit system reboot.
x Action request.
I Index database.
E Erase database.
A Abort current database action.
y Database selector.
L Location Database.
S Satellite Database.
D DVB Database.
y Database selector.
L Location Database.
S Satellite Database.
D DVB Database.
a Database State
L Idle.
I Indexing.
E Erasing.
W Write enabled.
X State Error.
nn Progress. 00-99, % progress.
mmm Number of entries.
In this case the satellite cannot be directly ‘searched’ for. The only use is to ‘goto’
the expected position, ideally after calibrating the system on a reference satellite.
Reference satellites cannot have a detection type of none.
Narrow aaaaaaaabcdde±ffg
beacon aaaaaaaa Beacon frequency (KHz).( 8 Chars )
detection. b Beacon polarization.
X Horizontal.
Y Vertical.
C Circular.
c Beacon type.
0 CW
1 Modulated.
dd LNB used. Range 01 to 10.
e LNB band. (1 to 4)
±ff Expected beacon power. Range ±99dBm. Units dBm.
g Detection bandwidth.
0 Full. (±75kHz)
Wide band aaaaaaaabcdde±ffg (Software version C.45 or later.)
detection. aaaaaaaa Carrier frequency (KHz).( 8 Chars )
b Carrier polarization.
X Horizontal.
Y Vertical.
C Circular.
c Carrier type.
0 Flat noise. (Future use.)
dd LNB used. Range 01 to 10.
e LNB band. (1 to 4)
±ff Expected power. Range ±99dBm. Units dBm.
g Detection bandwidth. (Future use.)
0 Full. (±75kHz)
DVB data aaaaaaabssssssdccciiiimmxxy (Not implemented yet.)
aaaaaaaa DVB frequency (KHz).( 8 Chars )
b DVB polarization.
X Horizontal.
Y Vertical.
C Circular.
ssssss Symbol Rate. (Units 0.0001 MSymbols/sec.)
Range 1.0-45.0 MSymbols/sec.
d Mode.
0 DVB-S.
1 DVB-S2.
ccc Capture Range. Units 0.1MHz. Range 1.0-5.0MHz
iiii Satellite ID number. Hexadecimal coded.
0000-FFFF SatID check.
XXXX Unknown. (Not checked.)
mm FEC/MOD number.
00 Unknown. (Not checked.)
See DVB QQ response for coding.
(16ASK and 32ASK not supported by current hardware)
xx LNB used. Range 01 to 10.
y LNB band. (1 to 4)
If both SatID and FEC/MOD are unknown, then confirmation is by DVB signal
being locked
Ext. Lock bett (Not implemented yet.) (See system database for setup.)
b Signal polarization.
X Horizontal.
Y Vertical.
C Circular.
e LNB band. (1 to 4) (Must be same LNB number as
detection type information)
tt Confirmation timeout.
Units seconds. Range 5 to 60 secs.
PDS000. Location database has no entries.
PDSnnnaabbb… Response coded as QPDB.
PDC00. Location database has no entries.
PDCnnaabbb… Response coded as QPDB.
If response gives number of regions as 2, then region number 0,1 and 2 can be used.
a Antenna fixing.
F Forward
R Reverse.
b Compass interaction.
0 Disabled
1 Enabled.
c Rx Pol.
X Cross-pol. (Default.)
C Co-polar.
±ddd Azimuth centre. Units 1°. (Range ±180)
eee Azimuth range. Units 1° (eg Interaction range = ±ddd±eee)
(Range 5 to 90.)
±fff Elevation centre. Units 1°. (Range 0 to 90)
ggg Elevation range. Units 1°.(eg Interaction range = ±fff±ggg)
(Range 5 to 90)
hh Beacon detection threshold. Units dB. (Range 5 to 30dB)
i Slope Compensation.
0 Disabled.
1 Enabled. (Future use.)
jj Azimuth search range. Units 1°. (Range 5 to 90)
kk Elevation search range. Units 1°. (Range 2 to 30)
lll Reference satellite.
000 No reference in use.
001-zzz: Preset satellite to use as reference.
Where zzz is size of satellite database.
M Tracking Mode.
F Fixed rate.
A Adaptive. (Future use.)
nnn Azimuth tracking period. Fixed length. Units minutes.
(Range 2 to 120 minutes)
ppp Elevation tracking period. Fixed length. Units minutes.
(Range 2 to 120 minutes)
qqq Antenna tracking jog size. Fixed length. Units 0.01°.
(Range 0.10° to 1.00°)
r: LNB supply under ACU control.
0 No.
1 Yes
s LNB 10MHz ref. under ACU control
0 No
1 Yes
t Polarisation peaking.
0 Disabled.
1 Enabled. (Future use.)
u External Lock Source. (C.45 or later)
0 Not in use. Off.
1 External input. High.
2 External input. Low.
z Motorised antenna
0 Not Fitted
1 Fitted.
±aaaa Antenna azimuth angle. Fixed length. Units 0.1°
±bbbb Antenna RF elevation angle. Fixed length. Units 0.1°
±cccc Antenna polarisation angle. Fixed length. Units 0.1°
d Waveguide switch position.
M Moving.
X X(H) TX polarisation.
Y Y(V) TX polarisation.
E Error.
N Not fitted.
e Antenna State.
a Stowed.
b Stowing.
c Deployed.
d Deploying.
e Calibrating.
f Halted.
g Measuring
h Ext. Inhibit.
f Antenna Calibration
U Uncalibrated.
C Calibrated.
g ACU state.
a No action in progress.
b Local inhibit active.
c Going to a position.
d Searching for a satellite.
e Peaking on a beacon.
f Calculating slope compensation.
g Powered down.(Only ACU&GPS powered).
h Re-calibrating an axis.
i Tracking satellite.
j Goto satellite position.
k Manual Align Sequence.
l Polarisation Alignment Sequence.
m ManPack Deploy Sequence.
n ManPack Stow Sequence.
h Beacon.
a No Beacon receiver fitted.
b Beacon detected.
c No beacon detected.
j Tracking
a Not available.
b Tracking off.
c Tracking waiting.
d Azimuth tracking action.
e Elevation tracking action.
f Polarisation tracking action.
g Tracking on Hold.
z tracking state error.
A halt command sent to the ACU channel aborts the Select satellite procedure.
Any problems are reported in the QQ <System Information String>.
A halt command sent to the ACU channel aborts the Select satellite procedure.
Any problems are reported in the QQ <System Information String>.
A halt command sent to the ACU channel aborts the Select satellite procedure.
Any problems are reported in the QQ <System Information String>.
The system information string displays the current LNB supply voltage.
A halt command sent to the ACU channel aborts the manual align procedure.
Any problems are reported in the QQ <System Information String>.
The system information string contains the antenna azimuth, elevation and polarisation
settings for the selected satellite coded as :-
These are all variable length, comma separated ASCII coded text.
A halt command sent to the ACU channel aborts the manual align procedure.
Any problems are reported in the QQ <System Information String>.
Inhibit Antenna
Command: SAI
Response: SAI
Sets the antenna into the inhibit state
Only available if Eutelsat Autopoint option is enabled. Allows the Eutelsat Autopoint
process to be turned off
Only available if Eutelsat Autopoint option is enabled. Allows the SSPA enabled signal to
be changed.
Yes/No/Abort Response
Command: SIYNAb
Response: SIYNAb
b Response control character.
Y Yes.
N No
A Abort.
If the ACU system information state is ‘Yes/No/Abort response required’, see bulk status
request message above, the system waits for this command on the ACU channel.
The new compass offset takes about 1 second to update. During this time, the offset value
is fixed at -800.0°.
Receiver mode cannot be set if mode is ‘Not fitted’. See QQ response. (C.45 or later)
Defaults on power up to 2.
Defaults on power up to 2.
Symbol Rate
Write: WDSYMxxxxxx
Response: RDSYMxxxxxx
xxxxxx Symbol rate. Units 0.0001 MSym/sec. Range 1.0 to 45.0MSym/sec
DVB Mode
Write: WDMODx
Response: RDMODx
x DVB Module Mode
1 DVB-S2
RX Capture Range
Write: WCRNGxxx
Response: RCRNGxxx
xxx Frequency. (Units 0.1MHz) Range 1.0MHz to 5.0MHz.
<Unit data>
If unavailable, <unit data> is empty.
Note: The elevation axis uses the internal elevation axis values as its ‘goto’ values. The
offset between the RF and internal values must be calculated from the QQ response.
Command: H
Response: H
Halt all current movement. Stops any AutoSearch/Track operational at the time.
Deploy Antenna
Command: Dnn
Response: Dnn
nn Optional. Deploy to RF angle nn° (Units 1°)
Stow Antenna
Command: S
Response: S
The start page is shown above. This is the initial page displayed on first connecting to the
unit, or after using the ‘home’ link on the top right of the ACU5000 web page.
The top row of 6 fast keys allows direct control of the most used antenna control functions.
On the right the summary status displays whether the antenna system is reporting any
alarms. The text boxes below this display the current state and antenna position.
12.4.1 STOP
The ‘STOP’ button stops any current antenna action or movement.
12.4.2 STOW
The ‘STOW’ button will start the automatic stowing sequence of the antenna.
12.4.3 DEPLOY
The ‘DEPLOY’ button will start the automatic stowing sequence of the antenna.
12.4.4 FIND
The ‘FIND’ button transfers the control tabs to the ‘AUTO’, ‘FIND SATELLITE’ control tab.
(See Section 12.5.1)
12.4.5 PEAK
The ‘PEAK’ button transfers the control tabs to the ‘AUTO’, ‘PEAK’ control tab. (See Section
12.4.6 TRACK
The ‘TRACK’ button transfers the control tabs to the ‘AUTO’, ‘TRACK’ control tab. (See
Section 12.5.3)
12.5.2 PEAK
The ‘Peak on beacon’ starts a peaking operation on a currently detected beacon signal.
12.5.3 TRACK
The ‘Track beacon’ command will start the autoTracking process. This will track the currently
detected beacon using the settings in the ‘SETUP’, ‘TRACK’ settings.
The currently used location information is displayed. This can either be from a GPS attached
to the antenna system, or from one of the user entered locations stored in the location
database within the unit.
The currently used heading information is displayed. This can either be from a compass
attached to the antenna system, or a user supplied heading value.
The current state of the local magnetic error is displayed. If a satellite is confirmed this will be
The ‘Calibrate magnetic error’ command will calibrate the system assuming it is correctly
aligned with the currently selected satellite.
The ‘Reset magnetic error’ command will set the magnetic error state to uncalibrated.
The current settings for the antenna in use are displayed. (See Section 8.6.2 for more
The current settings used during the search process are displayed. (See Section 8.6.2 for
more details.)
The settings used for the track processing are displayed. (See Section 8.6.2 for more
This displays system setup properties used if a compass is fitted. The interaction range is
used to specify a range of antenna positions that interact with the compass value if
applicable. This is usually due to the antenna polarisation motor sweeping close to the
compass unit. (See Section 8.6.2 for more details.)
The entries in the satellite database can be viewed and edited, showing the name, satellite
orbital position and the detection and confirmation method used during the autoSearch
process if applicable.
Enter a suitable name for the satellite database entry. The satellites longitude position in
either degrees east or west in then entered. If the satellite is in an inclined orbit select
‘Inclined’ for the orbit type, otherwise leave as geostationary. The approximate inclination of
the orbit can be added, although currently the software does not use this value.
The polarisation error is a value added to the calculated polarisation angle from the satellites
longitude and systems location on the earth. The polarisation angle is calculated assuming
the satellite has aligned its vertical transmit polarisation to the spin axis of the earth. A
number of satellites deliberately tilt the satellites transmit polarisation so that the polarisation
in the transponders beam centre is aligned to the local vertical axis at the receivers location.
This polarisation offset allows this tilt to be compensated for.
A number of characters are not allowed in the name field, such as ‘/’ or ‘_’, a warning will
appear if an illegal character is being used when the ‘Next >’ button is clicked.
Satellite Detection Values
The values the system will use to detect and acquire the satellite are then entered.
Select the ‘Confirmation Type’ to ‘DVB Data’. Set the correct DVB channel frequency, symbol
rate, capture range and mode to use.
Set the relevant LNB band to use if a multiband LNB has been selected as the detection type
LNB. The detection and conformation signals must both use the same LNB, but can be on
different bands if applicable. Also set the DVB signal polarisation reference.
The DVB signal can be confirmed using the signals known FEC/MOD rate and/or the Sat. ID
number broadcast on the DVB signal. If neither of these are specified the satellite will be
confirmed if the DVB module locks on to a signal with the specified settings within the
confirmation timeout period.
If an FEC/MOD rate has been specified (as shown above) then the signal must be at the
matching rate to be confirmed. If a Sat ID number is used then a matching Sat. ID must be
extracted for the DVB signal.
The Sat. ID could take between 10-20 seconds after a signal lock to become valid. So it’s
recommended to set the time out period to 30 seconds to allow the unit to lock and extract
the Sat. ID from the DVB signal.
The entries in the location database can be viewed and edited, showing the name and full
latitude and longitude for each entry.
If a new item is created, or a current entry edited, the following data entry dialog appear.
Enter a suitable name for the location database entry. Select the correct region for the
location being entered, then the correct state. This allows the database entries to be sorted
by region, state and alphabetically by name.
The location latitude and longitude position can be entered in either decimal or DMS format.
A number of characters are not allowed in the name field, such as ‘/’ or ‘_’, a warning will
appear if an illegal character is being used when the ‘Submit’ button is clicked.
The entries in the DVB preset database can be viewed and edited, showing the name, DVB
channel frequency, symbol rate, capture range and DVB mode for each entry.
If a new item is created, or a current entry edited, the following data entry dialog appear.
Enter a suitable name for the DVB preset database entry. Set the correct channel frequency
and symbol rate, capture range (MHz) and DVB mode. The capture rate for low symbol
rate/narrow band channels may need to be reduced; otherwise the DVB receiver could lock
on to an adjacent channel.
A number of characters are not allowed in the name field, such as ‘/’ or ‘_’, a warning will
appear if an illegal character is being used when the ‘Submit’ button is clicked.
The entries in the LNB database can be viewed and edited, showing the name, whether a
10MHz reference is required, LNB type and the first two band details for each entry.
The ACU can handle system with multiple different feeds, using a different LNB with each
feed. The antenna system will automatically ask the user to confirm that the correct LNB type
is fitted to the system during the autoAcquisition sequence.
If a new item is created, or a current entry edited, the following data entry dialogs will guide
the user through the process.
LNB Name and Type
The first dialog allows a name for the LNB to be entered. If a 10MHz reference is required,
check the ’10 MHz Ref’ control. The select the type (number of bands) for the LNB in use.
A number of characters are not allowed in the name field, such as ‘/’ or ‘_’, a warning will
appear if an illegal character is being used when the ‘Next >’ button is clicked.
LNB Band information
The LNB data for each of the LNB bands is entered using the dialog below.
Enter the LNB band LO frequency in GHz. Select the correct sideband used, if the receive
band is higher if frequency than the LO, set the ‘Side Band’ to ‘Upper. If the receive
frequency is lower than the LO, set to ‘Lower’.
The set the required LNB supply (13/18V) and 22 KHz tone state (on/off) for correct
operation of that band of the LNB.
Enter a suitable letter to designate the band of the LNB. The ACU front panel will display the
information as LNB name(letter) on the front panel.
Note: The 22 KHz tone generation requires a hardware modification to the ACU5000.
Contact Advent Communications for further details if required
The ‘SETTINGS’ tab allow the current values for the LNB to be viewed and set by the user.
The ‘CONTROL’ tab configures how the LNB is controlled during an autoAcquistion
sequence. If the control is set to ‘Auto’ the value is set by the ACU to suit the values in the
satellite and LNB databases.
The ‘CONTROL’ sub tab on the DVB tab page displays and allows the setting of the DVB
tuner controls.
The ‘SETUP’ sub tab enables the adjustment of the DVB tuner module settings, which
currently only consists of the receiver capture range.
The ‘BRX’ tab page displays the current settings of the beacon receiver section if fitted. The
beacon receiver centre frequency can be set on this tab page.
The ‘MOVE’ sun tab allows the user to request the antenna to move to a required antenna
angle, toggle the polarisation waveguide switch position if fitted.
The arrow keys at the bottom of the page request axis rate movement, the speed is
dependent on which of the fast, medium or slow buttons is selected. The ‘STOP’ button stops
any antenna movement.
The ‘JOG’ sub tab commands antenna axis movements in fixed 1.0° or 0.1° steps.
The ‘CALIBRATE’ sub tab displays the current axis calibration state. The ‘Re-calibrate’
command puts the antenna into its ‘Calibrate’ state. Any uncalibrated axis then can be
automatically recalibrated. See Section 8.6.1 for further details.
The ‘MANTIS’ sub tab is only relevant if a Mantis antenna type is in use. The ‘Reset Mantis?’
command resets the Mantis to its stowed state and the axis angles to match the stowed
physical position. See Section 8.6.2 for more details.
The ‘ALARMS’ sub tab will list any active alarms being reported by the antenna system. A
request can be sent to clear any latched alarms by using the ‘Clear alarms’ command.
The ‘VERSIONS’ sub tab display the ACU unit serial number and software version
The ‘CONFIGURATION’ sub-tab displays the sub unit licensed status. These are controlled
by a software license entered into the unit. See Section 8.6.4 for further details.
The licence web page shows the units unique ESN, required to generate licences for a
particular unit.
The licence is a 28 digit hexadecimal text string. This is required to be entered as two 14 digit
stings. The first 14 digits are entered on ‘Line 1’, the last 14 on ‘Line 2’.
The licence state is shown below. When a new licence is entered either power cycle the unit
to load the new data, or select ‘Yes’ on the ‘Reboot’ command line.
The web page displays the current IP settings for the unit.
PRECAUTIONS Some components are static sensitive and
certain handling precautions must be taken to
SENSITIVE prevent these being permanently damaged by
DEVICES static charges or fast surges.
Before removing a Module or Printed Circuit Board containing static sensitive devices, a wrist
strap and earth cord must be used to discharge static.
Place the board in a conductive plastic bag before transporting.
When removing a CMOS static sensitive component from a PCB, the following equipment
should be used:
(a) A workbench with an earthed conductive surface
(b) Metallic tools earthed permanently or by repeated discharges.
(c) Low-voltage earthed soldering iron.
(d) An earthed wrist strap and a conductive earthed seat cover for the operator, whose outer
clothing must not be of man-made fibre.
The installation CD is supplied with this manual. Run the install.exe program on the CD and
follow the instructions.
The main program window top section displays the channel tab controls. Each tab control,
Unit, Database, Antenna Control, Location, Direction, BRX, DVB, and DCU display the
information and control features for that channel.
The bottom section contains the following general control and display sections.
This is used to set up the communications between the PC ACU5000 PC Software and the
ACU5000 unit. The available Com Ports are displayed in the ComPort Control selection box.
The PC can either use a suitable com port, or an ethernet connection to the ACU5000 unit.
If a serial com port is being used, the communications link baud rate and unit address must
match the setting used in the ACU5000 remote control port settings.
If a suitable network is being used, the IP address and port number much match the
ACU5000 unit settings, and the network being used. (See Section 8.6.2).
The Unit tab channel displays and controls general unit features.
The ‘Unit Data’ panel displays the unit specific information such as type, serial number and
Software version.
The ‘Hardware Configuration’ panel displays which hardware features are enabled.
The ‘Set Unit Time’ button sets the units internal clock to the PC system clock.
The options DCU, AutoPoint, BRX and DVB displayed in the hardware configuration panel
are enabled/disabled using a software licence system. To upgrade a units functionality a new
licence code is required. The unit serial number and licence ESN are required to generate a
valid licence. Contact Advent Communications for further details.
Copy the new licence code into the edit box and press the ‘Upload Licence Code’ button.
The unit is required to be re-booted for the new licence to be read and activated. Press the
‘Reboot Unit’ button or power cycle the unit.
The database control tab is used to initialise and maintain the four, location, satellite, system
and DVB, internal ACU5000 databases.
The Location Database manager displays the location database state, the number of entries
in the ACU5000 unit, and the number of entries currently in the PC manager.
The current database in the ACU5000 unit can be downloaded to the PC ACU5000 PC
Software by pressing the ‘Download From Unit’ button.
Select the required region and state; enter a location name, then press the ‘Change’ button
to edit the locations longitude and latitude. The Software has a magnetic model built-in
allowing the Software to estimate the magnetic variation at the location when the data is
uploaded into the ACU5000 unit.
To update the world magnetic model carry out the following steps.
1. Download the latest wmm.cof file from the website
2. Rename and save this file as wmm.dat.
3. Open with a text editor, scroll to the bottom of the file. Delete the
bottom two lines. Replace with ‘9999’.
12 10 0.2 -0.9 0.0 0.0
12 11 -0.8 -0.2 -0.1 0.0
12 12 0.0 0.9 0.1 0.0
12 10 0.2 -0.9 0.0 0.0
12 11 -0.8 -0.2 -0.1 0.0
12 12 0.0 0.9 0.1 0.0
4. Save as wmm.dat
5. Replace the wmm.dat in the ACU5000 PC program directory with the
new wmm.dat file version.
The top section of the Satellite Database entry edit’ form contains the general satellite
information. The satellites name and longitude position are entered. The inclination value is
currently not used and is for future use.
The polarisation offset is a value added to the calculated polarisation angle from the satellites
longitude and systems location on the earth. The polarisation angle is calculated assuming
the satellite has aligned its vertical transmit polarisation to the spin axis of the earth. A
number of satellites deliberately tilt the satellites transmit polarisation so that the polarisation
in the transponders beam centre is aligned to the local vertical axis at the receivers location.
This polarisation offset allows this tilt to be compensated for.
The system can use the beacon receiver section to detect the satellite. If the satellite has a
know beacon frequency select the Narrow band detection type option. The details of the
beacon frequency, expected beacon power, polarisation, and which system LNB is used are
then entered.
If the satellite has a known wide band carrier, then the beacon receiver section can be used
to directly search for this. Select the wideband carrier option and enter the details. The
expected power value is used to set a detection threshold 5dB below this value.
If the satellite has known DVB compatible signals these can be used as a confirmation that
the correct satellite has been found. Select the DVB data confirmation type.
Set the correct DVB channel frequency, symbol rate, capture range and mode to use. Set the
relevant LNB band to use if a multiband LNB has been selected as the detection type LNB.
The detection and confirmation signals must both use the same LNB, but can be on different
bands if applicable. Also set the DVB signals polarisation reference.
The DVB signal can be confirmed using the signals known FEC/MOD rate and/or the Sat. ID
number broadcast on the DVB signal. If neither of these are specified the satellite will be
confirmed if the DVB module locks on to a signal with the specified settings within the
confirmation timeout period.
If an FEC/MOD rate has been specified then the signal must be a matching rate to be
confirmed. If a Sat ID number is used then a matching Sat. ID must be extracted for the DVB
The Sat. ID could take between 10-20 seconds after a signal lock to become valid. So it is
recommended to set the time out period to 30 seconds to allow the unit to lock and extract
the Sat. ID from the DVB signal.
Antenna Tab
The system setup antenna data configures the orientation details of the antenna fixing to a
vehicle and other antenna settings.
The antenna fixings sets the orientation of the antenna fixing to the compass heading
information, and is more relevant to vehicle mounted systems. Vehicle systems can have
the antenna stowing forward or backward, with the compass always pointing towards the
front of the vehicle.
The ‘Pol Align’ check box enables a polarisation alignment procedure during the peaking of
the antenna. This will only work with linear polarised antenna systems, with a linear
polarised beacon signal.
For ALL MOTORISED FLYAWAY systems this must be set to ‘Antenna 0° forward’.
Currently the slope compensation, compass interaction and RX Polarisation type controls
have yet to be implemented.
On antenna systems with multiple band LNBs, the details of all these are entered in this
dialog box. Up to 10 different cartridge/LNBs can be entered. Select the ‘LNB’ tab and enter
the number of LNBs the system is using, and a name and the details for each.
Each cartridge LNB can have either 1, 2, 3 or 4 bands. The LNB supply voltage and 22 KHz
tone state for each LNB and band can be specified and also a letter used for each band.
If high and low band LNB is being used, it is suggested to set the letters to ‘H’ and ‘L’. The
display on the unit will then show ‘Ku Band (H)’ and ‘Ku Band (L)’ on the front panel display.
Note: The ACU requires hardware modification to enable the 22 Hz tone generator. Contact
Advent Communications for further details.
The ‘Track’ configuration tab sets the control of the antenna tracking process.
The ACU5000 has two possible tracking modes, currently only the fixed rate tracking mode is
fully implemented. The elevation and azimuth rates are re-peaked at the time periods set in
the axis tracking rates. The adaptive tracking rate mode will be available in a future software
The ‘Axis Tracking Rates’ sets the period of the azimuth and elevation track peaking
operations. These are set such that the satellite drift between track peak operations does not
result in too significant a loss in signal strength. The values depend on the greatest
movement rate during the satellite orbital movement. The default values of elevation every 4
minutes, and azimuth every 8 minutes, can handle the most inclined satellites that are likely
to be encountered. Advent Communications can advise on individual cases if required.
The ‘Jog Step Size’ control sets the angular step used in the tracking algorithm. This should
be set to get a 0.2 to 0.3dB signal change if the antenna were pointed correctly at the
satellite and the antenna steps off. This step size is dependant on the antenna size and
beacon frequency in use. The table below shows the recommended step size for different
antenna diameters at 2 different beacon frequencies. For a 1.5 meter antenna and a beacon
frequency of about 11.5GHz, a step size of 0.12° is recommended. Advent Communications
can advise on individual cases if required.
The ‘Antenna Control’ tab controls and display the automatic antenna control functions,
AutoSearch, AutoTrack, beacon peaking and positional ‘goto’ commands.
The current state of the antenna system is shown on the left hand side, with the current
system information string and ACU state at the top. These show the current activity state and
any actions, errors, information requests currently active.
The ‘Halt’ button will stop any current ACU action and return the ACU state to ‘Idle’.
Two control sub-tabs are to the right hand side, ‘Control’ and ‘Search, Peak & Track’
controls. These are described in further detail below.
The ‘Goto Commands’ issue positional go to requests to the ACU. The ‘Stow’ button will
request the antenna system to stow. The ‘Position’ button allows actual antenna angles for
all the axis, and waveguide switch position to be requested. The antenna will move to this
requested position if possible, deploying the antenna if required.
The ‘Position Jog Controls’ requests small axis movements, in the range 0.06° to 5.0° in
0.01° units.
The ‘Toggle WGS’ button will change the position of the antenna polarisation waveguide
switch, if fitted.
If the Eutelsat AutoPoint option is licensed the AutoPoint process can be temporarily turned
off by double clicking on the text. The system will not automatically align the polarisation and
will not enable the SSPA. If the Eutelsat AutoPoint process has successfully completed, and
the SSPA is enabled, double clicking on the text will disable the SSPA.
The ‘Search, Peak & Track’ sub-tab controls the systems automatic searching, peaking and
This allows the remote user to start a search for a satellite stored in the unit’s internal
satellite database. The location and direction settings may need to have been entered for a
successful satellite AutoAquisition. The unit will prompt the user if any required data is
The location tab shows the current status of the ACU5000 location data. Generally this will
be valid GPS data. But if a location database entry and been used the data here will show
the entry data values.
The direction tab shows the current status of the ACU5000 direction data. If no compass is
fitted to the system, the user can enter a manual value.
The ‘Set Frequency’ button sets the DVB receiver frequency to the value entered in the text
dialog. The frequency displayed takes account of the current LNB in use.
The ‘Set Symbol Rate’ set the entered symbol rate value, and the DVB mode is selected
using the ‘DVB-S’ and ‘DVB-S2’ buttons.
The capture range is set to suit the frequency bandwidth of the DVB signal. If low symbol
rate signals are being used it can be useful to reduce the capture range, otherwise the DVB
module may lock to an adjacent carrier.
The current DVB settings can be saved as a presser by pressing the ‘Save As Preset’ button.
This is enabled if the DVB module is correctly locked to a signal.
One of the units DVB presets can be recalled by pressing the ‘Select DVB Preset’ button and
selecting the required preset.
The ‘Unit Data’ sub-tab displays the antenna DCU (Drive Control Unit) unit information.
The ‘Control’ sub-tab requests movement commands direct to the antenna drive control unit.
The axis buttons can control movement rates or step moves selectable by the ‘Mode’ radio
The ‘DCU Reprogramming’ button allows the uploading of Software updates to the antenna
The Eutelsat Autopoint operation is very similar to the standard autoAcquisition system as
outlined in Section 9 and 9.2. The Eutelsat Autopoint system does not ask the user to
confirm that the correct satellite has been found, if the confirmation tests are passed the
process continues. The system always peaks up on the detection signal even if the magnetic
error has been previously calibrated by locating a different satellite.
An overview of the operation is as follows. It has been assumed that the satellite database
entries have been pre-loaded.
Press the START key. The process is started by selecting the ‘Select Satellite’ option from
the start menu, select the required satellite.
The antenna will deploy, move to the scan start position and start searching for the satellite
If a possible detection signal is found, the antenna will peak the azimuth and elevation
responses. The satellite confirmation signal is then used to confirm that the correct satellite
has been located. If the confirmation fails, the search will continue until the complete search
box specified (Section 8.6.2) has been searched.
Once the satellite has been confirmed, if the satellite detection signal is a linear polarised
signal, the system will start the polarisation alignment process. If a circular feed is being used
this stage is missed out.
Once this has completed, the SSPA will be enabled after the user has confirmed that is now
required. Once the SSPA has been enabled the user can turn on the RF transmit channel.
The antenna will be in an inhibited state, all antenna movement is blocked. To exit the
‘inhibited’ state press the ‘START’ button, and disable the inhibit control.
It is possible to override the following Eutelsat controls.
Click on the ‘Compass Calibration’ button on this dialog to start the calibration procedure.
Say 'Yes' to the confirmation box.
Position the vehicle at the start position, and click on the 'Next' button. Follow the instructions
on the screen. Moving the vehicle 45°, and collecting data.
After the 8 points the program produces two calibration scores, a calibration score and a
magnetic environment quality count. These values should be environment quality better or
equal to 5, the calibration score better or equal to 8. To view these scores, close the
‘AutoPoint Calibration’ dialog, and then click on the ‘View Compass Data’ button on the
‘Direction’ control tab of the ACU5000 PC program. The dialog shown below will appear.
If the environment score is less than 5, then the compass is situated in an unsuitable
magnetic environment. Either the metal of the vehicle or a magnetic field is interfering with
the compass. Re-position the compass on the vehicle, moving it away from any metal or
possible source of magnetic fields. If the calibration score is less than 8, recalibrate the
compass but take more care in getting the 45° steps more accurate.
Select the 'Antenna' tab page, and click 'Reset' Magnetic Error button. The magnetic error
should be (UNCAL).
AutoPoint Systems
Using the ACU5000 unit, select the ‘Select Satellite’ option from the ‘Start’ menu. Select a
satellite from the list that can easily be recognised. Allow the antenna to finish moving to the
satellites estimated position. Record these predicted antenna settings.
Manually align the antenna to the chosen satellite. Note the actual antenna settings
If the predicted and actual elevation required differ by more than 0.1°, trim the elevation
calibration so the measured elevation angle is correct. Adjust the elevation axis using the
ACU5000 unit menu, ACU CONTROL, SETTINGS, ANTENNA, EL.trim control.
AutoAcquire Systems
Using the ACU5000 unit, select the ‘Select Satellite’ option from the ‘Start’ menu. Select a
satellite from the list that can easily be recognised. Allow the antenna to finish searching for
and acquiring the requested satellite. Manual confirm that the correct satellite has been
The error is directly displayed on the ACU5000 unit in the menu, ACU CONTROL,
SETTINGS, AUTO_ACQUISTION, MAGNETIC ERROR options. Confirm that the magnetic
error is calibrated, and record the error value.
Repeat with the vehicle in two other orientations, ideally turning approximately 120° between
Calculate the average difference between the predicted and measured antenna azimuth
settings. (Error = Predicted azimuth - Actual azimuth)
Elevation ±0.2°
Azimuth ±10°
Average Error °