BFS School Rules and Regulations - Revaug2023

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BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.




The school has the same rules and regulations for from Junior High to Senior High School. The
Committee on Discipline is composed of the Principal, Guidance Advocates and Advisers. It
aims to solve reported cases of violations of the students from minor to serious and very
serious offense.

A. School Uniform Policies

1. Class Regular Uniform:

All students are required to wear the prescribed school uniform. No student will be allowed
to enter the school campus without wearing the prescribed school uniform during
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays unless authorized by the school
administration. Every Wednesday is wash day, and all learners are required to follow the
proper dress code. A student who is caught in improper uniform/ improper dress code
will be given Improper Uniform Slip/Dress Code (please see appendices) by his/her
adviser and might be reprimanded if habitually done.


🗸 Boys
a) White polo
b) White t-shirt (undergarment)
c) Navy Blue Pants for JHS & Black for SHS
d) Black shoes and white socks (optional)
🗸 Girls
a) White blouse
b) Checkered skirt
c) Black Shoes and white socks (optional)


🗸 Boys
a) Polo shirt/ T-shirt with sleeves, any plain color with minimal prints
b) Long pants (not tattered)
c) Footwear – any
🗸 Girls
a) Dress with sleeves (not tight, not above the knee)
b) Blouse (not plunging, not crop top)
c) Skirt (knee level)
d) Long pants (not tattered)
e) Footwear – any
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023

2. Grooming Policies
• Haircut
🗸 The hair around the ears of the boys must be cut so that the whole ears are
visible. The hair at the back must not touch the collar nor cover the
eyebrows when pulled down.
🗸 Haircut measurement for boys shall be 2 x 3 inches unless prescribed by a
military training. Girls are expected to have well-combed, and properly kept
hair. In case girls have bangs, it should always be above the eyelashes.
Colored or highlighted hair will not be allowed.
🗸 Highlighted/dyed or bleached hair is not allowed.
🗸 Haircut shall be inspected every first Monday of the month or the following day
in case Monday is a non-class day. A student who is not in proper hair- cut will be
given an Improper Haircut Slip (please see appendices) by his/ her adviser and
might be reprimanded if habitually done.
• Accessories
🗸 Unauthorized patches, scarves, jewelries (dangling earing and necklaces
and brooches) are not allowed.
🗸 Earrings are for girls only. Boys are not allowed to wear earrings.
🗸 Tattoo for boys and girls are strictly prohibited
🗸 Putting on cosmetics is prohibited. Proper grooming shall be observed at
all times. Painted nails are not allowed.
🗸 Body piercing is strictly prohibited especially in males.

3. Identification Cards
• The school shall provide I.D. Cards with their official learner reference number.
Students shall wear their I.D cards at all times inside the school during class days,
as well as in important activities where their attendance is required or even out
of school campus.
• Tampering ID card is considered a serious offense.
• Lost ID can be replaced with the payment of pertinent fees. Temporary ID cards
should be secured from the Principal’s Office.
• It is a grave offense to use the ID card of another person as this would constitute
misrepresentation. Both the owner of the card and the person responsible for
misusing it will be strongly sanctioned.
• Students are encouraged to uonly use the prescribed ID lace of the school.

B. Attendance Policies

1. Tardiness
• Regular classes start at 7:45AM however, all learners are required to be in school
at 7:30am every Monday for the flag ceremonies. Late comers will be given a
Tardy Slip by the guard and shall proceed to a designated area and follow
the last queue when entering the school. Students are given 10-minute grace
period before being considered late.
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023

• Furthermore, a student is considered late also for other classes once the subject
period is in progress. It will also be marked on the tardy slip to be given to them.
• Three tardy marks whether consecutive or not will constitute an absence. A
Parent-Teacher Conference will be conducted if the student has already incurred
five consecutive days of tardiness.
• In case of an absence, a student must present an excuse slip (please see
appendices) signed by the parent/guardian, stating the reason/s for the absence
immediately when he/she reports to school.
🗸 The excuse slip is subject for the approval of the adviser.
🗸 Once an excuse slip is approved, the student may attend the class and
may complete the requirements completion form to schedule the taking of
class activities he/she missed.
🗸 If the student is not granted an excuse, he/she may attend the class but is
given the lowest possible score to all the class activity he/she missed.
• The student shall be held responsible for all the assignments and related
classroom work missed during his/her absence.
• After three (3) consecutive absences, the Class Adviser will call the attention of
the parents/guardian.
• Any student who incurs absences equivalent or beyond 20% of the total number
of the class days shall be automatically dropped from the school roll and will be
given a failing grade, unless find justifiable reasons, the school head decides
• In case a student is not able to go school due to a serious health problem,
he/she may study online with the help of the teacher.

2. Truancy
• A student is considered truant if his/her absence is NOT justified by his/her
parents or legal guardian.

3. Leaving the Classroom/School Premises During Class Time

The school is responsible for the student’s whereabouts during school hours. Thus,
he is expected to remain in the school from the time of arrival until dismissal without
permission from the teacher. The school provided different kinds of pass slips to
ensure that students’ whereabouts are monitored.
• Clinic Pass
🗸 Clinic Pass is issued to the student upon his/ her visit to the
school clinic. (Please see appendices)
🗸 It is indicated in the clinic pass whether the student is advised to go home
or back to the class.
🗸 If the student is advised to return to the class, he/she should present the
clinic pass. If a student is advised to go home, the clinic teacher will notify
the parent/guardian to fetch him from the school. The student will not be
allowed to go home without a fetcher.
🗸 The clinic pass should be presented to the guard to be allowed to leave
the school.
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023
• Student Pull-Out Permit (Please see appendices)
🗸 There are two types of Student Pull-Out Permit. First is the Permit to Leave
the Classroom which is used to request the students to be pulled
out from the class of the concerned teacher due to some valid reasons
(such as training for any-related school competition, practice for an up-
coming school activity, etc.). The second is the Permit to Leave the School
which is used to allow the students to leave the school during class hours
due to some valid reasons (such as official training or seminar outside the
school, emergencies, natural disaster, sudden death of immediate family
🗸 A student must secure a Permit to Leave the Classroom or Permit to Leave
the School from the Guidance Office. This should be fully accomplished by
the authorized school personnel/or the teacher pulling out the student.
🗸 A student may leave the classroom once approved by the teacher concerned
or Grade Level Coordinator. On the other hand, the student may leave the
campus once the Permit to Leave the Classroom was approved by the
adviser/guidance advocate. The student who will leave the school shall
present the permit to the guard and be accompanied by their parent, legal
guardian, authorized relative, school personnel or teacher concerned as they

C. Student Discipline Policies

1. Offenses, Sanctions and Penalties

• Minor Offenses

a) Three incidents of unjustified tardiness in class day (flag ceremonies or any

subject class in a day)
b) Two consecutive unjustifiable absences.
c) Bringing of mobile or any electronic devices or gadgets without the
consent or approval of the authorities.
d) Violation of school dress code and grooming
e) Improper wearing and using of School ID and uniform.
f) Failure to perform assigned academic tasks (homework, project, report,
g) Negligent or improper use of school rooms, facilities, supplies or
equipment (Non-serious vandalism, etc.)
h) Playing, shouting and loitering in corridors or hallways or in any off-limit
i) Littering, eating or spitting in the classroom, lobbies or hallways.
j) Disrespect/ridicule to the teachers and non-teacher personnel, students,
his/her family. (Bullying, practical joking, etc.)
k) Note: The school has adopted the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 in preventing
and addressing the acts of bullying in the school)
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023

l) Disturbance, obstruction or interference with the normal functioning of

classes, offices or any recognized school activities.
m) Use of obscene or foul languages.
n) Unauthorized posting of bulletins or announcements.
o) Bringing of pets or endangered species unless unauthorized.
p) Failure to comply in using the prescribed slips/forms.
q) Leaving the classroom without permission from the teacher.
r) Any other causes analogous to the foregoing provisions.

 Sanctions:
First Offense: - Incident Report written in the logbook/
Verbal warning
Second Offense: - Incident Report written in the logbook
Parent-Teacher Conference
Third Offense: - Incident Report written in the logbook
- Violation slip (Please see appendices)
- Parent-Teacher Conference
- Extra-Curricular Engagement
 Four minor offenses are equivalent to one very serious offense punishable
with equivalent sanctions.

• Serious Offenses
a) Truancy
b) Leaving the campus without any permit.
c) Bringing, possessing, exhibiting and/or displaying pornographic materials
or acts in school.
d) Possession of firecrackers, weapons or any destructive material.
e) Cutting of classes or any official school function.
f) Public display of affection.
g) Insubordination or instigating others to insubordination to school
h) Giving misleading informations about parents/guardians to school
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023
A student is removed from conduct probation if she/he has satisfied the
following conditions:

h) Unbecoming (non-major offense) behavior during assemblies and similar

i) Gambling in any from within the school premises.
j) Fighting and inciting of fights.
k) Depending on the gravity of the category depending on the injury inflicted.
l) Unbecoming behavior inside and outside the classroom resulted to physical

 Sanctions:
First Offense: - Incident Report written in the logbook
- Parent-Teacher Conference

Second Offense: - Incident Report written in the logbook

- Parent-Teacher Conference
- Violation slip
- Extra-Curricular Engagement
Third Offense: - Incident Report written in the logbook
- Parent-Teacher Conference
- Violation slip
` - Extra-Curricular Engagement

 Two to three times of serious offenses (depending on the gravity of the case)
are equivalent to one very serious offense punishable with equivalent

m) Cheating/Academic Dishonesty
🗸 Applicable to any academic requirement, evaluation or examination.
🗸 For this purpose, “cheating” shall constitute but not limited to the fol-
lowing acts:
1. changing test questionnaires/answers;
2. communicating answers to another during test through signs an
notes, electronically or otherwise;
3. exchanging answer sheets while taking tests;
4. copying the answers from another student’s test papers;
5. allowing another student to copy from one’s test paper;
6. possession of notes (codigo) or crib books or materials expressly
prohibited during examinations or tests;
7. talking, standing or transferring seats while inside the testing room
without the authority/consent of the examination proctor;
8. Plagiarism or submission of somebody else’s work whether partially
or completely copied, otherwise cited specifically in the
requirement. (This applies also to online references).
9. Dishonesty in giving scores.
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023

 Sanctions:
Minor Exam
First Offense - Incident Report written in the logbook
- Verbal Warning
- Retake the said exam/Take another set of

Second Offense - Incident Report written in the logbook

- Retake the said exam/Take another set of
- Extra-Curricular Engagement
- Parent-Teacher Conference
Third Offense - Incident Report written in the logbook
- Retake the said exam/Take another set of
- Extra-Curricular Engagement
- Parent-Teacher Conference
- Violation Slip
Major Exams
First Offense - Incident Report written in the logbook
- Verbal Warning
- Retake the said exam/Take another set of
- Extra-Curricular Engagement

Second Offense - Incident Report written in the logbook

- Violation Slip
- Parent-Teacher Conference
- Retake the said exam/Take another set of
- Extra-Curricular Engagement

 Three cheating (minor) offenses are tantamount to major exam

 Three cheating major offenses are equivalent to dismissal.
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023
• Very Serious Offense
a) Possession of deadly weapons.
b) Organizing, joining or recruiting for any fraternity/sorority or organization
not authorized by the school, especially any subversive organization in or
outside of the school.
c) Smoking/Possession of cigarettes in the school premises
d) Unauthorized use of the school or school official name for any purpose such
as for socialization of donations.
e) Tampering with the school records, forging signatures in notebooks,
permits or any other school forms.
f) Vandalism in any school premises.
g) Habitual violation of school rules and regulations.
h) Immoral conduct/behavior, committed within the school and in certain
places, outside the limits of the school premises.
i) Destruction of the school properties and facilities.
j) Possession or use of alcoholic drinks in the school premises, extension
facilities or school functions.
k) Writing or uttering defamatory or libelous statements against school
administrators, teachers, employees and schoolmates.
l) Using firecrackers. When in explosion causes damage or injury, restitution
or reparation shall be made. The penalty may be increased to dismissal
depending on the circumstances and/or the gravity of the damage or injury
m) Theft consists of the actual taking, assisting in taking or participating in any
manner in the acquisition of materials belonging to someone without the
owner’s consent within and outside the school jurisdiction. Restitution or
reparation shall be made for the damage caused.
 Sanction:
First offense: - Incident Report written in the logbook
- Violation slip (Please see appendices)
- Conduct of “NO” or below 75 for the
quarter/grading period
- Parent-Teacher Conference
- Extra-Curricular Engagement
 In case a very serious is committed for the second or third time, the student
might be dismissed from the school.

2. Grievances
• Definition of Grievance
A grievance is any question or complaint by a student or his/her parent
arising from disagreement or difference of opinion between him/her, his/
her parent and the school authorities as to the meaning interpretation, and
application of the school manual or any regulation/policy of the school.
• Grievance Procedures
🗸 The complaining party must submit a written complain address to the
School Head.
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023
🗸 The letter must contain detailed and specific items being complained.
🗸 The School Head upon receipt of the letter will appoint members of
the investigating committee who will conduct the investigation and will
submit recommendations.
🗸 After the investigation, the investigating committee shall submit in writing
all acquired data and evidences to the School Head together with the
appropriate recommendation and resolutions.
🗸 Upon approval on the submitted recommendation. The School Head will
call for a conference together with the concerned parties to discuss
implementation of the approved resolutions. In cases where the
complainant is not satisfied with the action of the administration, a
letter of appeal shall be submitted to the School Director who may
consider another investigation or may set the prior decision to be final.
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023

BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023

These expected manifestations of good behavior show that the student has understood and
internalized the philosophy of the school and is convinced of the core values that the institution upholds.
These show that the students achieved some degree of growth as a gentleman or lady, a worthy
member of the society.

It is our hope that a BFS student shares these signs in all of his/her undertakings, wherever
he may be under whatever circumstances the may find themselves in.

Before Coming to School

A. He/she sees to it that he/she wears the proper uniform, he/she has the I.D. and all the
materials which he/she needs for school.
B. He/she leaves the house early enough so as to arrive in time for his/her class, or earlier.
C. He/she avoids bring anything which is not allowed in school under the regulations.
D. He/she looks at himself/herself at the mirror to be sure that he/she looks neat and tidy.

Before Going to Class

A. He/she enters the campus as soon as he/she arrives; he/she does not loiter outside.
B. He/she shows respect to guards, obeying their instructions, like showing his/her I.D.
and presenting himself/herself in proper school uniform.
C. He/she looks for a convenient place and makes last minute preparations for his/her
class, checking homework, ball pens, etc.
D. When the bell rings, he/she immediately proceeds to his/her formation or classroom.

During Flag Raising Ceremony or Morning Assemblies

A. When the bell rings, he/she goes to the designated place for his/her class and joins the
line formation.
B. He/she keeps quiet in line; avoids talking or roaming around.
C. He/she prepares himself/herself in the presence of God; joins in the prayer, singing of
national anthem and other hymns and recitation of the pledge.
D. He/she listens attentively to announcements that may be made.

In Going to the Classroom

A. When the bell rings, or when told to proceed to the classrooms after the assembly, he/
she goes to the classroom silently and orderly.
B. He/she avoids talking, shouting, pushing, holding, running, eating while he/she is going
to the classroom.
C. Upon reaching the classroom, he/she proceeds to his/her assigned seat and waits for
D. He/she places his/her bag or materials in a place near him/her where she can see them
and prepares for the first activity of the day.
E. He/she waits patiently for the arrival of the teacher, if he/she is not yet in. He/she may
also volunteer to call the assigned teacher.
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023
F. If he/she happens to have been absent on the previous day, or he/she comes late to class,
he/she goes to his/her adviser to show his/her excuse slip or tardy slip before going to
the classroom.

At the Start of the Class

A. He/she stands when the call of prayer is announced, or when the teacher enters the
B. He/she joins the prayers, standing erect and bowing his/her head reverently.
C. He greets the teacher after the prayers, and takes his/her seat and listen to
announcements, any.
D. He/she remembers that he/she should contribute to the atmosphere that is conducive to
learning and facilitating.
E. He/she prepares the materials which are needed for the classroom work.

During Class

A. He/she listens attentively to the lesson, either to the teacher or a classmate who is
B. He/she raises her hand if he wants to recite or ask a question.
C. He/she lowers his/her hand once somebody else has been called to recite.
D. He/she avoids borrowing materials.
E. He/she avoids prompting, commenting, distributing, making noise, or any form of
distraction when somebody is reciting or when the teacher is talking.
F. If he/she should go to the comfort room, he/she raises his/her hand, he/he does not go
without proper permission from the teacher. When allowed, he/she should wear the Class
Pass, as he/ she goes to the comfort room.
G. He/she avoids eating, doing the work on other subjects, sleeping, turning around,
standing, using her gadgets without permission from the teacher or not paying attention.

At the End of the Period

A. He/she stands for the closing prayer; bids the teacher “Good-bye!”.
B. He/she takes his/her seat and keeps the materials for the subject just finished and
prepares for the next subject.
C. He/she avoids roaming around, talking, throwing things, littering or making noise, joking
and shouting.
D. He/she prepares for the next subject, or prepares to leave the class if it is the last

After Class (After the last period, before morning recess)

A. He/she checks his/her belongings and keeps them.

B. He/she stands for the closing prayers; he bids his/her teacher “Good Bye!”.
C. He/she helps rearrange the chairs; sees to it that the lights and fans are switched off.
D. He/she picks up the litter and places it in the trash can.
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023
E. He/she leaves the room in an orderly manner and joins the class formation at the
F. He/she proceeds directly down to the ground floor using the designated route.
G. He/she avoids mischievous acts like pushing, running, making noise, throwing paper or
chalk at others, etc.
H. He/she obeys instructions, if any; avoids delaying along the stairs.

During Recess or Lunch Break

A. He/she leaves the room promptly when dismissed for recess or lunch break.
B. He/she goes down in a very orderly manner.
C. He/she falls in line; never cuts into line formation in the canteen.
D. He/she uses trash cans properly; avoids littering on campus, in corridors and along
E. He/she avoids bringing to class any food to eat.
F. He/he uses the comfort room so that he/she does not have to ask permission as soon as
she gets into the class.
G. He/she prays before starting to eat his/her food.
H. He/she does not play with the utensils in the canteen.
I. He/she shows respect to the personnel.
J. He/she avoids running, smoking, making any form of foolishness on campus.

During Assemblies and Convocations

A. If he/she leaves the class, he/she sees to it that he/she leaves the class in an orderly
manner, bringing with him/her belongings.
B. He/she occupies the designated place of assembly or place to sit and keeps quiet.
C. He/she stands at attention during prayers, the singing of national anthem and other
hymns and when guests leave the stage or assembly place.
D. He/she avoids commenting, laughing, shouting, or stamping his/her feet.
E. He/she considers eating in the hall as uncalled for or impolite.
F. He/she feels it good manners to stay from the beginning until the end of the program or
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023

During School Activities

A. He/she behaves well because he/she is host to visitors.

B. If he/she has visitors, he/she escorts them around; if he/she meets his/her teachers, he/
she greets them and introduces his/her guests.
C. If there are exhibits, he/she respects them and obeys notices which may have been
placed to safeguard them.
D. He/she avoids off-limits areas.
E. He/she contributes to the cleanliness of the campus by not littering.
F. He/she considers that being a show-off is in poor taste and unbecoming of a gentleman
or a lady.
G. He/she addresses himself/herself as befits the occasion.

At the Library

A. He/she observes library rules strictly.

B. He/she respects the property of others.
C. He/she treats library materials carefully, knowing that they belong to all.
D. He/she remembers that the library is for studying and learning, not for playing, talking,
E. He/she does not roam around; he/she simply take his/her seat and studies.
F. He/she avoids eating; helps keep the library neat, clean and orderly.
G. He/she follows all library rules and procedures.
H. He/she gives due respect to all library personnel.

In the Canteen

A. He/she falls in line; never cuts into the file.

B. He/she respects the servers as human beings just like him.
C. He/she says his/her orders and pays for them honestly.
D. He/she avoids littering.
E. In the canteen, he/she prays before and/or after eating.
F. He/she reads, and obeys whatever notices may have been placed to guide the students.
G. He/she observes table manners while eating; avoids loud talking, shouting, and
throwing things at one another.
H. He/she uses canteen equipment and utensils properly.
I. He/she lifts the chair rather than drags it in order to avoid noise.

In the Offices

A. He/she observes office notices.

B. He/she respects the staff.
C. If he/she enters, he/she stands in front of the table, not at the side.
D. He/she talks respectfully, in low tones; he/she considers arrogance as a sign of bad
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023
E. He/she is an active listener.
F. He/she does not appear in the office with an undignified appearance.
G. He/she shows self-control and self-respect; he/she knows that he/she too demands

In Moving Around from One Classroom to Another (Library, Laboratory,


A. Before leaving the classroom, he/she helps arrange the seats, turns off the lights and/or
B. He/she joins the line formation along the corridor; walks down to the ground floor in an
orderly manner.
C. He/she proceeds to the assigned place.
D. He/she avoids noise, pushing, shouting during transit.
E. He/she shows respect and cooperation with the student leaders, teachers, and other duly
constituted authorities.
F. He/she does not drop by the canteen, comfort room in transit since this will disturb the
flow of the formation.


A. The Parent-Teacher/Counselor Conference is held every quarter during the distribution of

cards to ensure parents’ involvement with their child’s school progress. Parents are
required to attend this meeting to be able to see their child’s adviser, subject teachers
and/or the guidance counselor.
B. A conference whenever necessary can also be requested by the teacher or parent
concerned through the Guidance Office by filling out a Parent Call Slip to confirm the
receipt. (Please see appendices)
C. Venue is at the Guidance Office/Conference Room.
D. Walk-in parents may stay at the Guidance Office for proper scheduling of conference.
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023

BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023


Prk. Mahogany, Brgy. Bulanon, Sagay City, Negros Occidental


Ako si na magulang / guardian ni

ng (pangkat/bilang) ay sumasang-ayon
na isailalim sa conduct probationary period sa panuruang taon bilang paraan ng
pagdidisiplina at pagwawasto ng mga kamaliang kanyang nagawa na:

Kung sakaling siya ay muling makakagawa ng paglabag: magaang pagkakasala, seryosong paglabag
o pinakamabigat na paglabag man, ay kusa kong ililipat ang aking sa ibang paaralan.

(Pangalan at Lagda ng Mag-Aaral) (Pangalan at Lagda ng Magulang/Guardian)

(Pangalan at Lagda ng Gurong Tagapayo/Adviser) (Pangalan At Lagda ng G.C.)

BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023


Prk. Mahogany, Brgy. Bulanon, Sagay City, Negros Occidental


To whom it may concern;

Please excuse my son/daughter of (gr. and section) for

being absent for day(s), from to .
He/she was absent because of .

Hoping for your kind consideration regarding this matter.

Thank you.
With medical certificate: ( ) yes ( ) no

Respectfully yours,

Signature of Parent/Guardian
Contact #
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023


Prk. Mahogany, Brgy. Bulanon, Sagay City, Negros Occidental


Grade and Section:
Date Reason No. of late Student’s signature Parent’s Signature
1 late

2nd late
3rd late
4th late
5th late

A student who is late three times will receive a written reminder from the class adviser. Student who incurred (2)
written reminders will be advised for a Teacher-Parent Conference.

Adviser (Signature Over Printed Name) GC (Signature Over Printed Name)

BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023


Prk. Mahogany, Brgy. Bulanon, Sagay City, Negros Occidental




Grade and Section:

Date Reason No. of inicident Student’s signature Parent’s Signature
1 st


A student who violated the uniform/ DRESS CODE / ID/ haircut policy twice will receive a written reminder from
the class adviser. Student who incurred a written reminder will be advised for a Teacher-Parent Conference.

Adviser (Signature Over Printed Name) GC (Signature Over Printed Name)

BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023


Prk. Mahogany, Brgy. Bulanon, Sagay City, Negros Occidental


Name of the Student: Grade/Section:

Teacher: Date:


Reported by:

Signature Over Printed Name of the Teacher


I, , parent/guardian of , received
this letter and will take an appropriate action on this.

Signature Over Printed Name of the Parent

Contact #:
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023


Prk. Mahogany, Brgy. Bulanon, Sagay City, Negros Occidental


Date: Time-In:

Name of the Student:

Action Taken:

Advised to:
( ) go home
( ) return to the class

Signature Over Printed Name of the Adviser Signature Over Printed Name of the Clinic Teacher
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023


Prk. Mahogany, Brgy. Bulanon, Sagay City, Negros Occidental



I is allowing of to leave the

campus from to due to .

Signature Over Printed Name of the Concerned Teacher Signature Over Printed Name of the Requesting Teacher/


Prk. Mahogany, Brgy. Bulanon, Sagay City, Negros Occidental



I is allowing of to leave the

campus from to due to .

Signature Over Printed Name of the Concerned Teacher Signature Over Printed Name of the Requesting Teacher/
BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023


I acknowledge and understand all the important information on policies and

procedures. I realize this is not intended to cover every situation which may arise but is
simply a general guide to refer to. I understand that is it my responsibility to familiarize
myself with the information and that I agree with the policies and rules of the school. I
further understand and acknowledge that BFS may change, add or delete any policies or
provisions as it sees fit in its sole judgment and discretion.




BFS School Rules & Regulations rev.Aug2023

1. Child Protection Policy

2. DepEd Memorandum No. 143, s. 2016
3. DepEd Operation Manual
4. Division eLearning Manual
5. DepEd Order No. 56, s. 2001
6. DepEd Order 92, s 2009
7. DepEd Order no. 74 s 2012
8. Deped Order No. 8, 2015
9. DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2016
10. DepEd Order No. 66, s. 2017
11. DepEd prescribed Guidance Forms

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