MM Apr2023
MM Apr2023
MM Apr2023
[email protected]
The IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) will award up to ten undergraduate/pre-
graduate scholarships in two competitions a year. The purpose of these scholarships is to attract BS
and MS students to the microwave and RF discipline, and to encourage them to pursue a job in the
field or a PhD degree in this field.
1. $1500 cash award. Funds may be used for project materials and/or stipends
2. Certificate of recognition. There is a Student Awards Luncheon held on Thursday at every IMS
conference to recognize student contributions to the MTT-S Society.
3. Travel supplement (up to a maximum of $1000 USD) to attend the next IMS or an MTT-S
sponsored regional conference (e.g. European Microwave Conference, Asia-Pacific Microwave
Conference, etc.). A limited number of travel supplements would be available upon request to
the Scholarship Chair prior the conference. This additional financial support is paid on the
basis of receipts and does not include expenses related to registering for the conference.
1. Applicant must be a BS, BS/MS or MS student in electrical engineering (or related field). The time
of application (Fall or Spring) should not coincide with the semester in which the student graduates.
The student must identify a faculty mentor who will supervise the applicant’s project or thesis work in
the microwave/RF area and verify that the student will not graduate during the semester of
application submission. Alternatively, project work may be conducted in conjunction with industry, but
a faculty mentor must still be identified.
3. At the application time, the applicant is not requested to be an IEEE member. However, if selected,
the applicant must join the IEEE (if not a member at the application time) and provide their IEEE
membership number to receive the award.
5. There is no limit to the number of applicants from an institution. However, awards are limited to
one per faculty mentor.
6. Applicants are permitted to compete for the award more than once. A given student will be awarded
this scholarship only once.
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rests upon the authors and not upon the IEEE, the Society, or its members. IEEE Service
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Telephone: +1 732 981 0060, +1 800 678 4333. Individual copies: IEEE members US$20.00
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Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2022.3224626
4 April 2023
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elcome to the April The next technical feature by
2023 issue of IEEE Mertens et al. [A3] describes
Microwave Maga- using typical microwave labo-
zine. This month’s theme has ratory vector network analyz-
a very similar theme to sev- ers (VNAs) to observe unique
eral issues in the first quarter reflected frequency signatures
of 2022: research by women in from biological materials as
microwaves. This month, we a way to deter m i ne t hei r
focus on more contributions various biological character-
to microwave technology by istics. T h e l a s t t e c h n i c a l
s e ve r a l wo m e n r e s e a r c h - f e a t u r e, authored by Qi n
ers from the United States, et al. [A4], covers design tech-
niques that can be employed
years ago, I recall having con- to increase the tuning range
versations with several AdCom and guest editor, Jasmin Grosinger, for of these widely used oscillator cir-
other members of the Microwave this month’s issue and for writing a cuit topologies.
Theory and Technology (MTT) com- technical article for the focus issue As w it h ever y mont h, IEEE
munity about a focus issue for IEEE as well as for working with the oth- Microwave Theory and Technology
Microwave Magazine that highlights er authors, to give us a total of four Soc iet y (MTT-S) President Nu no
research performed by women in technical features. Borges Carvalho provides his message
the microwave engineering field. The first article by Grosinger [A1] about some aspect of the Society. This
Last year’s focus issues were the looks at ultralow-power microwave month, Nuno [A5] discusses the MTT-S
result of these conversations, and circuits and systems that help meet AdCom’s efforts to increase aware-
this month’s issue continues this some of the needs and challenges of ness about microwave engineering by
hopef u l ly new t radit ion for t he Internet of Things applications. The highlighting the Education Committee
magazine. I would like to thank our second technical feature by Yuan and Membership and Geographic
[A2] presents an approach using Activities Committee Activities and
S-parameters to calculate the wire- their respective chairpersons. Keeping
Robert H. Caverly (robert.caverly@villanova.
less power transfer efficiency for both with the MTT AdCom theme, we
edu) is with Villanova University, Villanova, single-input, single-output as well as have reports [A6], [A7] from two of the
PA 19085 USA. multiple-input, multiple-output sys- MTT-S Technical Committees (TCs)
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2023.3234344
tems and provides some examples
Date of current version: 10 March 2023 to show the benefits of the method. (continued on page 15)
6 April 2023
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Education and Awareness of Microwave Activities
■ Nuno Borges Carvalho
ducators, students, Young Pro- increase our ability to educate students stage Ph.D. students to attend MTT-S-
fessionals (YPs), and engineers in areas that they usually consider com- sponsored conferences in 2023. The
worldwide love to meet and plex but that can be transformed into motivation is to help this group of stu-
discuss IEEE activities. The IEEE Mi- exciting and enthusiastic topics that are dents carry out quality future research.
crowave Theory and Technology Soci- simple to understand and unique and New science, technology, engineering,
ety (MTT-S) is there to help when that can contribute to the advance- and mathematics activities to engage
we discuss activities related ment in human sustainability on K-12 students will be proposed in 2023.
to m icrowave t heor y Earth in a way that we can- In addition, low-cost portable vector
and technologies. not imagine. In the MTT-S, network analyzers and test kits will be
In December, I was we have two committees acquired from Amazon and distributed
present as a speak- that promote these ac- to MTT-S Chapters or Student Branches
er at the YP in Space tivities in our commu- based on needs and requests. Finally,
event, which was nity: the Education three ebooks focusing on tutorial topics
organized in Sousse, Committee and the will be published by the end of 2023.
Tunisia. Our col- IMAGE LICENSED BY INGRAM PUBLISHING Membership and The Education Committee will be
leagues there created Geographic Activi- chaired by Xun Gong (Senior Mem-
a symposium dedicated to IEEE YPs, ties (MGA) Committee. This month’s ber of IEEE) (Figure 2). Xun received
and they meet yearly. More than 1,100 focus is on those committees. his B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical
YPs and students came from all parts engineering from Fudan University,
of Tunisia to discuss topics related to 2023 Education Shanghai, China, in 1997 and 2000, re-
IEEE, electrical engineering, and com- Committee Activities spectively, and his Ph.D. degree in elec-
puter-based issues that are at the core of In 2023, the Education Committee trical engineering from the University
their discussions. Like any young team, will continue the Distinguished Mi- of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 2005. He
they also network to celebrate technol- crowave Instructor (DMI) program
ogy. Figure 1 is a photo of the chair and to attract undergraduate students at Nuno Borges Carvalho
cochairs of the IEEE Tunisian Students the freshman/sophomore level. Three ([email protected]),
and Young Professionals. DMI workshops will be organized for 2023 MTT-S president,
This is where the future of our Soci- 1) Regions 1–7 and 9; 2) Region 8; and is with the Department
ety lies; it is essential to increase aware- 3) Region 10, respectively. It is expect- of Electronics,
ness of microwave engineering and ed that DMIs will travel to some uni- Telecommunications,
and Informatics,
versities to meet these undergraduate
University of Aveiro,
students. A new Ph.D. initiative was
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233799 Aveiro 3810-193 Portugal.
Date of current version: 10 March 2023 approved in 2022 to support early-
8 April 2023
10 April 2023
■ Fred Schindler
any of us enjoy watching
and participating in sports.
Team sports, amateur and
professional, let us associate with a
group—a surrogate tribe. I live in the
Boston area, which we like to refer to
as title town, and we are fanatical about
our Red Sox, Bruins, Celtics, and Patri-
ots. These teams play games that take
the place of battles between tribes. We
relish our victories against the “evil”
teams representing New York. These
games excite and energize us. In some
ways, they are emotional substitutes for enthusiasm or distract us from more States. There are rich and longstand-
real battles. Occasionally, passions boil meaningful concerns? ing rivalries between universities.
over and result in real violence on the There is tribalism in business too. We seem to create tribalism every-
field and off. Companies compete with each other. where we are.
As I’m writing this, the 2022 World We compete in the marketplace; we So, of course, there is tribalism in
Cup just had its final match. Congrat- compete for investors; and we compete microwave technology. I recall at-
ulations to Argentina! The World Cup for talent. Most companies want their tending some exciting panel sessions
and the Olympics provide a place for employees to feel an affinity for the in the 1990s. GaAs monolithic micro-
countries to compete. Here, too, we organization; to show some loyalty; wave integrated circuit technology
are energized and excited. Are these and to see competitors as rivals. I’ve had been primarily developed around
useful surrogates for war? Are they a enjoyed challenging my local competi- the field-effect transistor (FET) since
relief valve that allows us to vent our tors to soccer (football), softball, and its inception. The FET had evolved into
resentments and express our pride? other matches. We are friendly com- the pseudomorphic HEMT (pHEMT),
Or are they just tools to profit from our petitors in the marketplace. Why not which was by then showing impres-
on the playing field, too? sive results as a power, low noise, and
Fred Schindler ([email protected]) Universities also compete with switch device. A more recent develop-
consults on management issues in the Boston, one another. They compete for re- ment had been the heterojunction bi-
Massachusetts, area. search funding, for talent, and for polar transistor (HBT). By the 1990s, a
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233476
prestige. Some also compete in sport- number of groups had demonstrated
Date of current version: 10 March 2023 ing events, especially in the United its capabilities as a microwave power
12 April 2023
device. The panel sessions were battles standard was introduced not long af- support their side of the argument. Just
between advocates for the pHEMT ter. We had carriers providing 2G ser- as we can’t determine if HBT or pHEMT
and the HBT. vice with GSM, NADC/TDMA, and is a universally better technology, we
It was tribalism. I was in the pHEMT CDMA. There was a significant com- can’t say if Si is universally better than
camp. I worked in an organization that petition between the carriers and their GaAs. Yes, Si dominates, but for some
had a strong FET heritage and was standards. Tribal lines were drawn. applications, GaAs has advantages.
demonstrating some excellent pHEMT With time, it became clear that al- We see similar tribalism and selec-
performance. The HBT camp was even though CDMA is more difficult to im- tive use of data outside of science and
more enthusiastic, representing an up- plement, it provides far more efficient technology. Facts used to be a given, but
start device. In some ways, it was useful use of bandwidth. With the advance- now, they are variables. Everyone seems
tension—we were energized to com- ment of electronics being what it is, to have their own facts. For the most
pete and develop ever better devices. complexity is ever easier to achieve, so part, we don’t have an issue with peo-
But it was also a distraction. the added complexity of CDMA didn’t ple making up their own facts in the
With time, have we learned which turn out to be a significant barrier. For microwave technology space. But we
device is better? It turns out they each microwave technologists, it meant we certainly have the selective use of facts.
have a place, and both continue to be needed to develop linear amplifiers Let’s go back to the HBT versus
developed and manufactured. The and work at improving efficiency. The pHEMT controversy. Both sides pre-
was no need to prove which device 2G tribalism continued as 2.5G capabili- sented their case, supported by hard
was best. Instead, what we should ties rolled out. Even though 3G and 4G data, physical characteristics, and inher-
have done is determine what each de- were based on CDMA, it is only recent- ent properties. There may have been
vice was best at doing—how to best ly that schism has disappeared among some hyperbole, but for the most part,
apply each device. mobile network operators as 2G access everyone spoke the truth. And, in the
Around the same time, there was a is phased out. end, each device was superior for certain
competition in the application space, We see plenty of other controver- uses. We needed a broader perspective—
between 2G mobile phone standards. sies—Si versus GaAs; GaN on SiC ver- it wasn’t about identifying the winner;
In Europe, the Global System for sus GaN on Si; and the legitimacy of it was identifying where each would
Mobile Communications (GSM) had composite right/left-hand techniques, win. Tribalism generates creative energy,
been adopted. It used time-division to name a few. Advocates for either side but it also blinds us. Tribalism can be
multiple access (TDMA). In the United of these issues almost always cite data, constructive, but it can also be counter-
States, a different TDMA standard figures of merit, calculations, and anal- productive. Sometimes we need to take
was developed, Digital Advanced ysis—facts that are beyond reproach. a step back and a deep breath.
Mobile Phone System (D-AMPS). A But, of course, these are selective facts. Go Celtics!
code-division multiple access (CMDA) People always reference the facts that
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yushman Raghuvanshi received on IEEE TechRxiv at https://tinyurl. available polynomials: Butterworth
his B.Tech. degree in electri- com/26ut7ffd, is designed to help many and Chebyshev. The Butterworth
cal engineering from National engineering college students under- polynomial has a maximally flat re-
Institute of Technology Rourkela. He stand the mechanism behind filter de- sponse in the passband, whereas the
is an analog design intern with Texas sign and realization, especially in the Chebyshev one provides control over
Instruments. He is also an intern with case of analog and microwave filters. passband ripples. After designing a
the Defense Research and Develop- There are many filter design software prototype filter, it scales the element
ment Organization. packages, but one way or another, they values to match the source imped-
Dr. Rakesh Sinha received his B.Tech. are not fit to the low-cost tool for filter ance and transforms the prototype
degree in electronics and communica- design. This article introduces the au- elements to achieve the desired filter
tion engineering from Kalyani Govern- thors’ developed Microwave Filter De- type based on user selection.
ment Engineering College, Kalyani, sign Kit to fill in this gap and to provide The authors explain two types of
India, in 2008, and his M.Tech. and solutions based on various polynomials, filters topologies: lumped filter and
Ph.D. degrees in RF and microwave along with microwave implementation distributed filter design, and the ap-
engineering from the Indian Institute of the filters. The package includes the plications of both. In the article, the au-
of Technology, Kharagpur, India, in scattering parameters of the filter for thors gave many examples on different
2011 and 2016, respectively. Sinha has a extended analysis. The simple user in- type of filters, including the circuit de-
number of IEEE publications on phase- terface makes it easy for new students to sign, analysis, and simulation, by fol-
shifting [1] and multisection matching try filter synthesis themselves. It estab- lowing their Microwave Filter Design
networks with desired phase shifts [2]. lishes a clear link between filter design Kit procedure.
This excellent article on microwave components and the mathematical mod- This design kit is a multifunctional
filter design, which can be accessed el of the filter, making it a crucial aid for package with enormous potential. It
instructing undergraduate students. automates the filter design and real-
The design kit works on the princi- ization process, developing various
James Chu ([email protected]), IEEE ple of insertion loss: it takes specifica- implementations for high-frequency
Senior Life Member, is an adjunct professor at tions from the user through the simple applications. It complements the de-
the Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering, user interface and uses these specifi- sign of projects by providing filters
Kennesaw State University, Marietta, cations to design a normalized unit of precise specifications. Moreover, it
GA 30060 USA.
source impedance and unit cutoff fre- links the mathematical model and an
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233477 quency of a low-pass filter prototype. actual filter, helping engineering stu-
Date of current version: 10 March 2023 It develops the prototype from two dents and academicians with the filter
14 April 2023
design methodology and giving them In conclusion, this article gave a References
the freedom to design filters easily. very good explanation of how the [1] R. Sinha and A. De, “Synthesis of multiport
networks using port decomposition technique
This kit can be downloaded by visit- Microwave Filter Design Kit works.
and its applications,” IEEE Trans. Microw.
ing the IEEE DataPort at https://ieee Based on this article, it seems that this Theory Techn., vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 1228–1244, design kit is an alternative way for Apr. 2016, doi: 10.1109/TMTT.2016.2532868.
-filter-design-kit. The author, Sinha, engineering college students to use [2] R. Sinha, “Computer-aided design of mul-
tisection matching networks with desired
has posted many very interesting and this CAD software program to learn phase-shift,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., II, Exp.
short educational articles on LinkedIn, microwave filter design theory and Briefs, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 5074–5078, Dec. 2022,
and readers can contact him through practice without breaking a school’s doi: 10.1109/TCSII.2022.3201114.
his posts there. bank account.
describing their activities over the what can’t you get without a full-cost [A5] N. B. Carvalho, “Education and aware-
ness of microwave activities [President’s
last two years, which include a sig- VNA?” [A9].
Column],” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 24,
nificant amount of time under the We also have many of our regular no. 4, pp. 8–10, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.1109/
restrictions of the pandemic. The two columns this month. In [A10], Fred MMM.2022.3233799.
reports are provided by TC-8 and Schindler talks about teams of all sorts, [A6] D. Baillargeat and J. Russer, “Tech-
nical committee 8 report [MTT-S Soci-
TC-14, the TCs on RF Nanotechnol- whether in sports or business. In [A11],
ety News],” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 24,
ogy and Microwave and Mm-Wave an open source microwave filter design no. 4, pp. 16–19, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.1109/
Integrated Circuits, respectively, and software package is reviewed by James MMM.2022.3233462.
show no slowdown in activity due to Chu. In [A12], we cover a summary of [A7] A. Valdes-Garcia and J. Buckwalter,
“Technical committee 14 report [MTT-S
the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. the activities at the 2022 IEEE MTT-S
Society News],” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol.
In [A8], we have a contribution first International Microwave Workshop 24, no. 4, pp. 19–21, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.1109/
published in the James Clerk Maxwell Series on Advanced Materials and Pro- MMM.2022.3233461.
Foundation Newsletter on black holes cesses for RF and THz Applications [A8] N. C. Robertson, “An introduction to black
holes [Around the Globe],” IEEE Microw.
as well a short sidebar that describes held in Guangzhou, China, in mid- Mag., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 22–28, Apr. 2023,
how microwave engineering is used December 2022. We finish up the issue doi: 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233478.
in radio astronomy. Moving to other with Sherry Hess’s column [A13] on a [A9] N. Hunt, J. Scott, and L. Streeter, “Nano ver-
columns, one of the microwave engi- series of videos highlighting impor- sus commercial [Educator’s Corner],” IEEE
Microw. Mag., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 88–95, Apr.
neer’s key measurement instruments tant women in engineering, Takashi 2023, doi: 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233500.
is the VNA. Over the last few years, Ohira’s solution [A14] to last month’s [A10] F. S c h i nd ler, “Tr iba l i sm [M ic roBu si-
low-cost VNAs have been increasingly puzzle, and our summary [A15] of up- ness],” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
12–13, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.1109/MMM.2022.
used in microwave and RF education coming MTT-affiliated conferences.
to provide students the opportunity to See you next month, and enjoy this [A11] J. Chu, “An alternative method for learn-
explore microwave measurement tech- month’s issue! ing microwave filter design theory [Book/
niques, either in a laboratory setting Software Reviews],” IEEE Microw. Mag.,
or at home. As an educator myself, I
Appendix: Related Articles vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 14–15, Apr. 2023, doi:
[A1] J. Grosinger, “Robustly operating,” IEEE Mi- 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233477.
have used the NanoVNA in my under- crow. Mag., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 30–39, Apr. 2023, [A12] Q. Xue et al., “The IMWS-AMP 2022 post-
graduate laboratories and can attest doi: 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233508. conference report [Conference Report],” IEEE
to improved student understanding [A2] Q. Yuan, “S-parameters for calculating Microw. Mag., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 84–87, Apr.
the maximum efficiency of a MIMO- 2023, doi: 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233491.
of S-parameter measurements. I, as WPT system,” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 24, [A13] S. Hess, “The rich history of women in
well as many other educators, have no. 4, pp. 40–48, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.1109/ tech [Women in Microwaves],” IEEE Mi-
also observed the limitations of these MMM.2022.3233509. crow. Mag., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 82–83, Apr.
low-cost NanoVNAs, and so, Jonathan [A3] M. Mertens, M. Chavoshi, O. Peytral- 2023, doi: 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233490.
Rieu, K. Grenier, and D. Schreurs, “Di- [A14] T. Ohira, “Solution to last month’s quiz
Scott provides a detailed measure- electric spectroscopy,” IEEE Microw. [Enigmas, etc.]” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol.
ment comparison of these low-cost Mag., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 49–62, Apr. 2023, 24, no. 4, p. 96, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.1109/
NanoVNAs compared with commer- doi: 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233510. MMM.2022.3233506.
[A4] P. Qin, Q. Xue, and W. Che, “Microwave [A15] “Conference calendar,” IEEE Microw. Mag.,
cial/industrial grade VNAs and helps
LC oscillators,” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 24, vol. 24, no. 4, p. 98, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.1109/
answer the question, “How much no. 4, pp. 63–81, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.1109/ MMM.2022.3233507.
can be done with a NanoVNA, and MMM.2022.3233511.
April 2023 15
Technical Committee 8 Report
■ Dominique Baillargeat and Johannes Russer
echnical Committee (TC) 8 is
the IEEE Microwave Theory and
Technology Society (MTT-S)
TC on RF Nanotechnology, and our
website can be found at https://mtt.
org/tech n ical-com m it tees/tc-8 -rf
16 April 2023
and nanotechnologies for RF appli- RF packaging and sensors. In 2022, 13 dressed diverse topics related to the
cations and to participate in MTT-S honorees were awarded the status of fields of interest of TC-8.
and TC-8 activities related to TC-8’s Fellow of IEEE with the MTT-S as the Four special sessions on “Micro-
fields of interest. During the two last evaluating Society. wave Quantum Information Tech-
years, TC-8 members contributed nology” were organized by Johannes
to the nomination of Distinguished Distinguished Microwave Russer (cochair of TC-8) and his
Microwave Lecturers as well as to Lecturers of the TC colleagues at URSI NRSM2021 and
proposals for workshops and focus Our Distinguished Lecturers gave NRSM2022 for the modeling of sto-
sessions for the MTT-S International virtual and in-person talks during chastic EM problems, including those
Microwave Symposium (IMS). TC-8 the period: in the context of microwave quantum
members also play pivotal roles in • James C.M. Hwang delivered 10 technologies, at the 2021 Interna-
several MTT-S-sponsored confer- talks in 2021 in virtual format tional Applied Computational Elec-
ences, including the IEEE MTT-S and 20 talks in 2022 in person, in tromagnetics Society Symposium
International Conference on Numeri- Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Afri- (August 2021) and at the 15th Inter-
cal Electromagnetic (EM) and Multi- ca, Europe, and the United States. national Conference on Advanced
physics Modeling and Optimization • Goutam Chattopadhyay gave Technologies, Systems, and Services
(NEMO2022), the International Scien- two talks in person and at least in Telecommunications.
tific Radio Union (URSI) U.S. Nation- 35 talks virtually in 2021. Two sessions were organized at the
al Radio Science Meeting (NRSM), • Luca Pierantoni gave the talk IMS: one in 2021 by Dominique Bail-
and others. TC-8 members also rep- “Multiphysics Modeling of the EM largeat and Valentina Palazzi, “Addi-
resent the MTT-S in the IEEE Nano- Transport Problems in Nanodevic- tive Manufacturing-Based RF Sensors
technology Council (NTC) and chair es: A New Challenge in Computa- and RFIDs for Rugged Internet of
the Nanomaterials Committee of the tional Engineering” several times. Things and Digital Twins in Smart
NTC. TC-8 members give keynote Cities,” and one in 2022 by Jeong-Sun
and other important talks related to Total Number of Papers Moon and David Brown, “Next-Gener-
nanotechnology and nanocompo- Published by TC Members ation mm-Wave Gallium Nitride Tech-
nents dedicated to RF applications. In Over the Period nologies and Monolithic Microwave
addition, over the period, TC-8 also Over the period, more than 50 papers Integrated Circuits for 5G/6G and U.S.
contributed to a focus issue related and articles were published by TC-8 Department of Defense Applications.”
to nanoscale ferroelectrics in IEEE members in IEEE transactions and Dimitri Pavlidis was involved in
Microwave Magazine. other high-level journals relevant to the International Organizing Commit-
the fields of interest of our committee. tee of two conferences, Wocsdice and
Activities Report TWHM.
(2021 and 2022) Workshops Organized by TC-8 Kamel Haddadi organized two spe-
Workshops and special sessions were cial sessions during the period: one ses-
Prestigious IEEE Awards organized at several conferences. These sion during NEMO2022 (July 2022 in
Presented to TC Members workshops and sessions addressed Limoges, France), “EM and Multiphys-
Over the Period diverse topics related to the fields of ics Multiscale Modeling and Charac-
Stephen Goodnick received the Dis- interest of TC-8. terization for Advanced and Efficient
tinguished Educator Award from the At IMS2021, TC-8 sponsored the Materials,” and one session at the 2021
MTT-S in 2021. The Distinguished workshop “Materials by Design for International Conference on Electro-
Educator Award recognizes a distin- Microwave and Millimeter-Wave magnetics in Advanced Applications
guished educator in the field of mi- (mm-Wave) Communications.” The (August 2021 in Honolulu, HI, USA).
crowave engineering and science who workshop was organized by Nathan
best exemplifies the special human Orloff and Mitch Wallis. This workshop Year/Issue of the TC’s
qualities of Fred Rosenbaum, who brought together researchers in materi- Last Focus Issue in IEEE
considered teaching a high calling and als synthesis and experts in microwave Nanotechnology Magazine
demonstrated his dedication to the So- and mm-wave modeling to show how A special issue, “Nanoscale Ferroelec-
ciety through tireless service. devices based on new materials can be trics for Advanced Microwave Ap-
designed and validated with computa- plications,” was organized by TC-8
Names of Members Elevated to tional and analytical approaches. with guest editors Luca Pierantoni
Fellow of IEEE Over the Period Eight special sessions were spon- and Davide Mencarelli. The issue was
Dominique Baillargeat was elevated sored by TC-8 during the period. published in September 2021 and in-
to Fellow of IEEE for contributions to These special sessions were organized cluded two articles. They report recent
developments of nanomaterials for at several conferences, and they ad- developments in nanoferroelectrics.
April 2023 17
The first, written by Dragoman et al. by Das and Khan [2], discusses fer- Other News That Might Be
[1], presents a comprehensive review roelectricity in CMOS-compatible of Interest to the General
of emerging nanoscale ferroelectric hafnium oxides and the revival of fer- Microwave Community
materials in novel nanoelectronics roelectric FET technology. In particu-
devices, including phase shifters, lar, the demonstrated ferroelectricity, Focus on NEMO2022
phased antenna arrays, filters, field- low permittivity, high coercive field, After an interruption in 2020 due to
effect transistors (FETs), ferroelectric environmentally friendly composition, COVID-19, the NEMO2022 was held
tunneling junctions, memristors/ and excellent CMOS compatibility in from 6 to 8 July in Limoges, France
memtransistors (neuromorphic nano- doped thin-film hafnium is expected (Figures 1 and 2). NEMO is an annual
electronics), and negative-capacitance to unleash the promise of ferroelec- event, founded by the MTT-S, focused
ferroelectric transistors. The second, tric FETs. on EM and multiphysics-based CAD
(EM-CAD), that rotates among Eu-
rope, North America, and Asia. It aims
to stimulate a broad exploration of
“disruptive” technologies of EM-CAD
and traditional topics. The confer-
ence is sponsored by the MTT-S, and
the general chair was Dominique
Baillargeat. More than 120 attendees
participated in the conference. Five
half-day sessions were proposed by
the Organizing Committee compris-
ing technical and special sessions,
keynote speeches, and one focused
session. There were 16 technical ses-
sions with 10 regular sessions on
• machine learning, artificial in-
telligence (AI) and uncertainties,
and AI–deep learning for RF
component design
• EM and multiphysics multiscale
Figure 1. Information panel for the day’s sessions. modeling and characterization for
advanced and efficient materials
• the modeling and design of pas-
sive circuits, of microwave filters,
and of antennas and networks
• advanced transmission-line matrix
methods for microwave applica-
tions and on the finite difference
time domain method for EM com-
patibility and microwave struc-
ture modeling
• recent advances in metasurface
and six special sessions:
• “Modeli ng, Simulat ion, a nd
Design of RF, mm-Wave, and
Terahertz Devices and Circuits”
(parts 1 and 2)
• “Computational Electromagnetics,
Algorithms, and Applications”
Figure 2. (From left) Prof. Dominique Baillargeat (NEMO2022 chair), Dr. Stéphane (parts 1 and 2)
Bila (NEMO2022 TPC chair), Prof. Rashaunda Henderson (2022 MTT-S president), • “Multiphysics Modeling and De-
and Dr. Qi-Jun Zhang (NEMO ExCom chair) at the City Hall of Limoges for the sign of Microwave Circuits and
welcome reception. Components”
18 April 2023
• “Modeling of Inverse EM Prob- Microwave Applications,” co-organized “The rise of ferroelectricity at nanoscale:
lems and Design of Metasurfaces.” by Johannes Russer, and the workshop Nanoelectronics is rediscovering the ferro-
electricity,” IEEE Nanotechnol. Mag., vol. 15,
“Engineered Surfaces for EM Propaga-
no. 5, pp. 8–19, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1109/MNA-
Plans for the Next Period tion Control in Emerging Applications,” NO.2021.3098217.
Plans for the next two years might be of co-organized by Ryan Cadwell. [2] D. Das and A. I. Khan, “Ferroelectricity in
interest to the general microwave com- CMOS-compatible hafnium oxides: Reviv-
ing the ferroelectric field-effect transistor
munity. For IMS2023, TC-8 will spon-
References technology,” IEEE Nanotechnol. Mag., vol. 15,
sor the workshop “Quantum Circuits, [1] M. Dragoman, M. Aldrigo, D. Dragoman, S. no. 5, pp. 20–32, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1109/MNA-
Methods, and Algorithms in EM and Iordanescu, A. Dinescu, and M. Modreanu, NO.2021.3098218.
echnical Committee (TC) 14 is relationships with other MTT-S TCs.
the IEEE Microwave Theory and These include RF and mm-wave
Technology Society (MTT-S) packaging, active device technolo-
TC on Microwave and Millimeter- gies, passive circuit technologies,
Wave (mm-Wave) Integrated Circuits and system applications. Spe-
April 2023 19
r e search from a set of academic and and what could be improved to drive for 5G and Future Wireless Networks”;
industrial institutions from around better learning and engagement. Such “Beamforming in Massive MIMO for
the globe, in particular from North an opportunity for dialog in the context mm-Wave New Radio”; “mm-Wave
America, Europe, and East Asia. Ex- of TC meetings was an important fac- Phased-Array Transceiver Design:
amples of key technical areas where tor in improving the adaptability of the From Basics to Advancements”; “Ma-
our community has made impor- MTT-S and its key events to these un- chine Learning and Artificial Intel-
tant contributions in recent years familiar circumstances. ligence Techniques With Intelligent
include 1) the maturation of a wide Systems for Wireless Communication,
set of technologies for 5G includ- IMS Workshops and Events Sensing, and Computation”; and “Ad-
ing power amplifiers, phased arrays, TC-14 members contributed to the or- vanced MCMs and Packaging for 5G
i nteg rated t ra n sceivers for hand- ganization of four workshops that were and Beyond.” Right after IMS2021, TC-14
sets, a nd 2) t he i ncor porat ion of accepted and planned for IMS2020: started planning activities for the 2022
t hese technologies into 5G testbeds “Fully Integrated Silicon Versus Hy- workshops. Examples of workshop
and products. brid Radio Frequency Front End Sys- proposals that were submitted and ac-
The members of TC-14 are expect- tems for 5G mm-Wave Highly Efficient cepted in 2021 for inclusion in IMS2022
ed to be active in the mm-wave IC or Power Amplifier Design Tradeoffs”; and that were either co-led or support-
MCM design fields and to participate “mm-Wave Phased-Array Transceiver ed by TC-14 members are “Front-End
in MTT-S activities related to TC-14’s Design: From Basics to Advancements”; Module Integration and Packaging
areas of interest. Such activities include “Platforms, Trials, and Applications— for 6G and Beyond 100-GHz Com-
proposing, leading, and participating The Next Step for 5G and Future Wire- munication and Radar Systems” and
at workshops, short courses, and focus less Networks”; and “Beam Forming “Large-Scale Antenna Arrays: Circuits,
sessions; nominating Distinguished in Massive Multiple Input, Multiple Architectures, and Algorithms.”
Microwave Lecturers (DMLs); and Output (MIMO) for mm-Wave New
serving in the Speaker Bureau, among Radio.” While it was unfortunate that Participation in MTT-S-
others. TC-14 members also play key these workshops had to be cancelled in Sponsored Conferences
roles in several MTT-S-sponsored con- the context of IMS2020 replanning ac- and Publications
ferences, including the IEEE Interna- tivities, they served as a basis for sub- Members of TC-14 held prominent
tional Microwave Symposium (IMS), sequent workshops and events in 2021. roles in leading MTT-S-sponsored
European Microwave Week (EuMC), Although IMS2020 did not feature any conferences and publications. Key
IEEE Radio and Wireless Week, IEEE workshops, it did include prerecord- examples are now described. Prof.
International Symposium on RF Inte- ed technical lectures for on-demand Jim Buckwalter from the University
gration Technology (RFIT), and IEEE viewing. TC-14 supported this educa- of California, Santa Barbara served as
RFIC Symposium. tion initiative with the approximately TPC cochair of IMS2020, which was
2-h lecture “Silicon-Based mm-Wave a particularly challenging role due to
Activities Report (2020–2021) Phased-Array Design,” given by Al- the unexpected need to adapt the con-
berto Valdes-Garcia and Bodhisatwa ference to a virtual format. Prof. Ahmet
Adapting to the Unexpected Sadhu of IBM Research. Cagri Ulusoy from the Karlsruhe
Pandemic-Related Challenges For IMS2021, the workshops were, Institute of Technology served as
A major challenge that TC-14—and, fortunately, not cancelled. To accommo- the general chair of the 20th IEEE
naturally, the entire IEEE MTT-S date the different time zones in virtual Topical Meeting on Silicon Mono-
and the world—had to face at the start attendance, workshops were carried lithic ICs in RF Systems 2020. Prof.
of 2020 w a s t h e u n e x p e c t e d set out in a hybrid format with both 1) a Huei Wang f rom Nat iona l Ta i-
of restrictions that arose because video recording available on demand wa n University served as executive
of the global COVID-19 pandemic. and 2) a virtual live presentation at committee member of the IEEE Inter-
IMS2020 had to be restructured “on the a scheduled event time. This format national Symposium on RFIT and
fly” to enable online participation. required significant extra effort from became the chair of this conference
Moreover, in-person meeting participa- both participants and organizers; how- in 2022. He also served in the selec-
tion uncertainties remained a major ever, the effort was required to provide tion committee for the MTT-S DMLs
factor for the planning of conferences broad access to this anchor aspect of and in the Best Paper Award selec-
in 2021. TC-14 annual meetings were the IMS. The IMS2021 workshops that tion committee of IEEE Microwave
held virtually in both 2020 and 2021, were either led or supported by TC- Magazine, 2021.
and a key agenda item during these 14 members included “mm-Wave and Dr. Alberto Valdes-Garcia from
meetings was to gather feedback about Terahertz Technologies for Multi-Gb/s IBM Research has been serving on
what our TC and the MTT-S in general Wireline Interconnects”; “Platforms, the inaugural editorial board of the
were doing right about virtual events Testbeds, and Trials—The Next Step open access IEEE Journal of Microwaves,
20 April 2023
which launched its first issue in Janu- notable examples are as follows: Prof. • the design of silicon-based trans-
ary 2021. Dr. Debabani Choudhury Jim Buckwalter from the University ceivers and phased arrays operat-
from Intel had multiple notable of California, Santa Barbara was el- ing at the D band
s er vice appointments, including evated to the rank of IEEE Fellow • novel packaging approaches
IMS2021 TPC cochair, guest co-editor “for extraordinary accomplishments for the cointegration of anten-
for the first IEEE Microwave and Wire- in mm-wave power amplifiers and op- nas, silicon-based ICs, and III-V-
less Components Letters special issue tical transceivers,” and Dr. Debabani based ICs
on IMS2021, guest co-editor for the Choudhury from Intel was a corecipi- • mm-wave systems for joint sens-
Ja nuary 2022 IEEE Transactions on ent of the 2019 Journal of Solid-State ing and communications.
Microwave Theory and Techniques (T-MTT) Circuits Best Paper Award (awarded We expect that the vibrant nature
special issue on IMS2021, and mem- in 2020 at the International Solid-State of these activities will be reflected in
ber of the IEEE Antennas and Prop- Circuits Conference) for the paper “A significant publications, demonstra-
agation Society Fellows Evaluation 42.2-Gb/s, 4.3-pJ/b, 60-GHz Digital tions, workshops, and special ses-
Committee in 2020 and 2021. Dr. Kamal Transmitter With 12-b/Symbol Polar- sions in 2023 and beyond. In terms
Samanta from Sony Europe also had ization MIMO.” of TC vitality-related activities, the
multiple prominent service appoint- recruitment and involvement of YPs
ments in this reporting time pe- Next Steps and affiliates will continue to be an
riod, including associate editor for As 6G research and development ac- important focus area. Please reach
T-MTT, IEEE Microwave Magazine, and tivities have started to gain momen- out to our TC if you have interest in
IET Journal of Microwaves Antennas and tum, our TC members have engaged supporting the technical contribu-
Propagation; topic editor for IEEE Jour- in and will continue to drive key 6G tions of RFICs and MMICs in the
nal of Microwaves; and awards chair for exploration and definition activities, MTT-S community.
all three conferences of the 2021 IEEE including the following:
EuMC (EuMC2021, EuMIC2021, and
Keynote Presentations
In addition to participating as present-
ers in technical workshops and invited TAP.
speakers for technical conference ses-
sions, TC-14 members also delivered CONNECT.
prominent keynote presentations at NETWORK.
conferences sponsored or cosponsored
by the MTT-S. Examples of these pre-
sentations, which highlight the multi-
disciplinary nature of the technologies
driven by TC-14, include “Vertical Inte-
Connect to IEEE–no matter where
gration for mm-Wave Systems: Building
a Bridge Between Antennas and Artifi- you are–with the IEEE App.
cial Intelligence,” a keynote presenta- Stay up-to-date with the latest news
tion of the 2020 (postponed to 2021)
IEEE Latin America Microwave Confer- Schedule, manage, or join
ence given by Dr. Alberto Valdes-Garcia meetups virtually
from IBM Research, and “Advanced Get geo and interest-based
Multilayer Components and Front- recommendations
End Module for mm-Wave 5G Appli-
cations,” a keynote presentation of the Read and download your IEEE magazines
2020 (postponed to 2021) IEEE Euro- Create a personalized experience
pean Microwave Symposium, given by
Dr. Kamal Samanta of Sony Europe. Locate IEEE members by location,
interests, and affiliations
Notable Awards
Members of TC-14 were also recog-
nized for their outstanding techni-
cal work and notable careers. Two
April 2023 21
An Introduction to Black Holes
■ Naomi C. Robertson
black hole is region of space It took until the 1960s for the idea of The discover y by Ole R ømer
where the gravitational pull is black holes to gain any observational (Figure 3) that light travels at a finite
so strong that light is unable support but they are now firmly estab- speed led to the notion that gravity
to escape. Since no light can escape, lished in our cosmic inventory. could potentially slow down light. John
we are not able to observe black holes Michell put forward the idea of the pos-
directly. The physicist John Wheeler From Dark Star to Black Hole sible existence of stars that had a gravi-
(Figure 1) is often credited with being In the late 1700s, natural philosophers tational pull so great that light itself
the first to coin the term black hole in were debating whether the nature of would be slowed down to the extent
1969; however, the concept dates back light was a particle or a wave. When that it would not even be able to be
much further to the Reverend John considering light as a wave. it was dif- emitted. The celebrated mathematician
Michell (Figure 2), who hypothesized ficult to envisage how light could feel Pierre-Simon Laplace (Figure 4) inde-
the existence of a “dark star” in 1783. the force of gravity. However, if light pendently made the same prediction as
was made up of particles, it was easier Michell around a similar time. Michell
Naomi C. Robertson ([email protected]) is to imagine how gravity might affect further proposed that these dark stars
with the Institute of Astronomy, University of particles in the same way that gravity might be numerous across the night sky
Cambridge, CB3 0HA Cambridge, U.K. dictates the motion of the planets or but, since they emitted no light, their
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233478
of a “Newtonian” apple falling from positions would appear to correspond
Date of current version: 10 March 2023 a tree. to apparently empty regions of space.
22 April 2023
Following this initial suggestion of of a curved space and time, such Formation of a Black Hole
a black hole by Michell and Laplace, that the planets, stars, and galaxies A star begins its life as a huge ball of
the concept was not picked up by sci- tell space and time how to curve, hydrogen gas. As the gravitational
entists at the time. It seemed possible which dictates how objects then move pull squeezes the gas closer together, it
to explain all the properties of light through space. heats up until a nuclear fusion reaction
using the wave description, and so The astronomer Karl Schwarzschild begins in the core, causing the star to
the particle theory for light fell out of (Figure 6) used Einstein’s equations to start shining. This process converts the
fashion and the idea of dark stars was show that if matter was compressed to hydrogen into helium and continues
probably lost as a result. Although it a point, which is now referred to as a until the hydrogen in the core is almost
seemed plausible that gravity could singularity, nothing would be able to depleted. The core of the star then
impact light, Newtonian physics was escape the region of space around it. begins to contract and heats up further,
not able to explain it. The extent of this region is known as causing the helium to burn to carbon.
This required Einstein’s (Figure 5) the event horizon and defines the region The radiation pressure generated by
theory of general relativity, put for- of space where it is no longer possible the nuclear fusion reaction inside the
ward in 1915, which described cos- to observe anything that is going on star causes it to expand until it bal-
mic bodies living within the fabric inside this region. ances the gravitation pull holding the
April 2023 23
star together. This process of contrac- our understanding of subatomic phys- What Happens Inside a
tion and expansion is repeated while ics, we know that particles can be Black Hole?
heavier and heavier elements are cre- squeezed together only so much. Thus, The event horizon, which defines the
ated in the core of the star. The evolu- when a star starts to contract at the edge of this region, is the point of no
tion and eventual fate of the star is end of its life, this contraction will, at return; any object that is traveling
determined by how much mass the some point, stop as the outward pres- toward this black hole will not be able
star contains and, for the most massive sure from the particles counteracts the to escape once it has crossed over into
stars, this process will continue until inward gravitational pull. This is how a this region. As an object approaches
the element iron is formed. No heavier “white dwarf star” or a “neutron star” the event horizon, the end of the object
elements can be produced beyond iron, is formed and is the fate of stars that that is nearer to the black hole feels a
as the nuclear burning of iron does not have a mass of around three times that stronger gravitational force than the
produce enough energy for the process of our Sun. other end. As a result, the object is
to continue. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar pulled apart or “spaghettified.”
Once a star has run out of fuel, it (Figure 7), who went on to win a Nobel In the late 1960s, Stephen Hawking
begins to collapse under gravity. From Prize for physics, questioned what (Figure 9) and Roger Penrose (Figure 10)
would happen if a star was more mas- showed, from considerations of gen-
sive than this. What he found was eral relativity, that within the black
that the pressure from the already hole there must be a singularity of
compressed particles would not be infinite density and curvature (of
sufficient to support the star against space and time). At this point, the laws
its own gravity. At the time, this idea of science break down. Observers out-
seemed completely off the wall. side the black hole would, however,
The American scientist, Robert be oblivious to this as they would not
Oppenheimer (Figure 8)—famous for be able to see beyond the event hori-
leading the Manhattan atomic bomb zon. This event horizon essentially
project in World War II—investigated acts as a cloak of invisibility around
this further and in 1939 showed that the singularity.
as the gravitational pull of a star Another prediction from general
increases, the path on which light relativity is that, as cosmic bodies move
travels becomes so distorted that through space and time, they send out
nothing can finally escape, not even ripples or “gravitational waves” that
light. This region of space from which carry energy away from the object. For
light cannot escape is now known as example, as planets orbit around the
Figure 7. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar a black hole. Sun in our solar system, they send out
(1910 –1995). (Source: Wikipedia gravitational waves. As a result, their
Commons.) orbits are ever so slightly reduced due
to the loss of energy. This effect is so
small that fortunately we do not have
to worry! However, a gradually reduc-
ing orbit has been seen in pairs of stars
that are orbiting each other and, as a
result, spiral in toward one another.
24 April 2023
Properties of Black Holes an incredibly high density due to large an accretion disk around the black
Given that only a stellar mass of a few external pressure. Such high tempera- hole. Friction inside the disk causes it
tens of times that of the Sun is required tures and high-pressure conditions to heat up, with the inner region clos-
to form a black hole, it was not clear existed in the very early universe, and est to the black hole being heated more
whether other stellar properties made a so these black holes are referred to as than the outer parts. As the material
difference to the black hole that finally primordial black holes. Being able to find falls toward the black hole and loses
resulted. Werner Israel (Figure 11) these primordial black holes could gravitational potential energy, part of
showed that, according to general inform astronomers about conditions
relativity, for a nonrotating black just after the Big Bang.
hole, only the mass of the star that
was present beforehand mattered. All Observing the Invisible in
nonrotating black holes were shown Binary Systems
to be spherical in shape and their size By the late 1960s, the mathemati-
determined by their mass alone; all cal description and theoretical pre-
of the other characteristics of the star diction for the existence of black holes
were lost once it became a black hole. was well established; however, there
This result was the were no observational
solution to Einstein’s Being able data to support this.
equations that Karl The question was: How
Schwarzschild had to find these could this evidence
found decades earlier. primordial be collected if black
Figure 11. Werner Israel (1931–2022).
A star need not be per- black holes holes do not emit light
(Source: Courtesy of
fectly spherical to form directly? The key was
a black hole as the gravi- could inform recognized back in the
tational waves emitted astronomers 1700s, in John Michell’s
when the star collapses about conditions original work, where he
would make it spheri- noted that a black hole
cal in its final black just after the (his dark star) would
hole state. Big Bang. still exert a gravita-
For the case where tional force on nearby
the initial star is rotating, Roy Kerr objects. Pairs of stars orbiting each other,
(Figure 12) discovered solutions to referred to as binary systems, that were
Einstein’s equations which showed locked together by gravity had been
that, for rotating black holes, the final regularly observed. Single stars that
black hole rotates at a constant rate, appeared to be orbiting around some
and that their size and shape is deter- unseen object had also been observed,
Figure 12. Roy Kerr (born 1934).
mined by their mass and rate of rota- hinting at the presence of a black hole
(Source: Courtesy of ICRA.Net-
tion. Rotation means that the black (the unseen object). This was not con- ISFAHAN Astronomy Meeting.)
hole is no longer perfectly spherical crete evidence however, as the unseen
and bulges around its equator; the object might not be a black hole, just a
faster a black hole rotates, the bigger very faint star.
the bulge becomes. These two sce- In a binary system, if the two
narios define the two types of black objects are close enough to each other,
hole: a Schwarzschild black hole, which the outer atmosphere of one or both
is nonrotating, and a Kerr black hole, stars can be gravitationally distorted
which rotates. and, in some instances, material can
be exchanged from one to another
Low Mass Black Holes (Fig ure 13). Considering the case of a
Low mass black holes could intrigu- black hole (or other compact object like
ingly also exist (because they would be a neutron star or a white dwarf) in a
Figure 13. Artist’s impression of a
well below the mass limit required for binary system with a star, gas from the stellar-mass black hole (on the left)
stellar mass black holes to be formed). star can fall onto the black hole, releas- accreting material from its companion
These would have a mass of as little as ing gravitational potential energy by star as they orbit one another in a binary
that of a planet. This type of black hole emitting X-rays. As the material is system. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada/M.
could form if matter were compacted to transferred from the star, it forms into Kornmesser.
April 2023 25
this energy is released by jets of parti- servations. The mechanism is like much matter that they grow to become
cles that are directed perpendicular to the above description of X-ray emis- supermassive black holes
the accretion disk. sion from stellar black holes, with ma- A further possibility is that black
The galactic X-ray source, known terial falling in toward the black hole, holes, which are sufficiently close to
a s Cyg nus X-1, wa s d i s covere d in creating an accretion disk around the one another, merge to form a super-
1964 and was the first observation of black hole. massive black hole. These are still
a black hole–star binary system. Since As the matter spirals in, the black open questions and an active area
X-rays cannot penetrate through the hole rotates in the same direction, of research.
Earth’s atmosphere, which creates a mag-
early observations of netic field, similar in The Photographing, for the
X-rays from space were The galactic form to the magnetic First Time, of a Black Hole
made using suborbital X-ray source, field around the Earth. One of the most exciting develop-
rockets. Nowadays,
known as As this material gets ments in recent times was the first
a st ronomers h ave closer to the black hole, ever photograph of a black hole in
m a ny s p a c e - b a s e d Cygnus X-1, the energy contained 2019. The black hole was at the center
X - ray telescopes. By was discovered within the particles of a relatively nearby galaxy called
measuring the orbit of
in 1964 and increases and they are M87 (Figure 14). It was a historic first
the star, astronomers then ejected out along for astronomers that was only made
were able to conclude was the first the axis of rotation by possible due to the advanced technol-
that the object the star observation of a the magnetic field, cre- ogy used along with modern compu-
was circling must be a
black hole–star ating jets of high-ener- tational facilities. It was accomplished
black hole as nothing gy particles. These jets by using a network of telescopes
else would be massive binary system. have now been seen which together form the Event Hori-
enough. Since the dis- for many galaxies. zon Telescope (EHT) (see “The Event
covery of Cygnus X-1, there have been It is still not clear, however, how Horizon Telescope Collaboration”).
several other similar systems found supermassive black holes, which have
within our galaxies providing more a mass of millions to billions of times The Supermassive Black Hole
support that black holes do exist. that of our Sun, are formed. Some have at the Center of Our Galaxy
suggested that the collapse of massive As early as the 1930s however, a source
Supermassive Black Holes clouds of gas during the formation of a of radio emission was discovered in
Known as Quasars galaxy could produce a supermassive the constellation of Sagittarius close to
Similar observations have been made black hole or, alternatively, that stel- where the center of the Milky Way was
for the case of supermassive black lar mass black holes could accrete so believed to be; this radio source became
holes, which are known as quasars. known as Sagittarius A (Figure 15).
These are extremely luminous objects Later observations in the 1980s found
that were first detected from obser- that this was a complex radio source
vations made with radio telescopes. consisting of several components,
When they were first discovered, there including a very compact source that
was a great mystery as to what could was called Sagittarius A*.
possibly be producing this emission Stars and gas close to the center of
since they appeared so bright and galaxies have been observed to have
yet so far away. It has since been con- high orbital velocities, which can
cluded that only a supermassive black most easily be explained by a massive
hole could be the source of these ob- object at the center that is creating a
strong gravitational field close by.
Direct evidence for this being a super-
massive black hole was inferred from
looking at how material near the cen-
Figure 15. The center of the Milky Way.
ter of galaxy is orbiting.
This image is made from observations
Andrea Ghez (Figure 16) and Rein-
(in blue) of X-rays using the Chansra
Telescope and infrared data from the hard Genzel (Figure 17) were awarded
Hubble Space Telescope (shown in purple). the Nobel Prize for physics in 2020 for
Figure 14. The first image of a black hole The inset shows the X-ray emission from their work on showing that Sagittarius
using data collected by the EHT from Sagittarius A*. Credit: X-ray: NASA/ A* is the supermassive black hole at
2017 to 2019. Credit: EHT Collaboration. UMass/D.Wang et al., IR: NASA/STScI. the center of our own galaxy, the Milky
26 April 2023
The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration
The EHT is an international collaboration to capture images resolution, m/D is required to be as small as possible, so
of black holes/quasars. The Collaboration has been formed future developments require submillimeter wavelengths.
to continue the steady long-term progress of improving the The required surface of each telescope’s parabolic
capability of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) at ever dish is required to be almost perfectly parabolic, with a
shorter (submillimeter) wavelengths. tolerance of within m/10 (where m = 1.3 mm is the current
VLBI is a technique to measure the time difference wavelength of the EHT observations).
between the arrival, at two Earth-based antennas, of a Future EHT effort includes deployment of submillimeter
radio wavefront emitted by a distant black hole/quasar, dual polarization receivers at a wavelength shorter than 1 mm
thereby enabling phase coherence (between the different (230–450 GHz) and highly stable frequency standards.
telescopes) to be maintained and data to be sensibly In April of 2019, the EHT enabled the first supermassive
merged. Using this technique, radio telescopes all over the black hole to be photographed. This was M87* in the
world effectively observe the same source at the same time center of the Messier 87 galaxy (Figure 14). In May of 2022,
at the same frequency. This is achieved by linking together the EHT photographed Sagittarius A* (Figure 18) as being
radio dishes across the globe to create an Earth-sized the black hole at the center of our own galaxy, the Milky
interferometer. Thus, many independent radio antennas, Way. M87* is some 55 million light-years from Earth. M87*
separated by hundreds or thousands of kilometers, are is considerably more massive than Sagittarius A*, which is
arranged to act as one array with an effective aperture only 27 thousand light-years away from Earth.
of the diameter of the entire Earth. The atomic clocks In both cases, the size of the emission regions matched
which are used have a timing accuracy of a few billionths that of the predicted silhouettes caused by the black
of a second (light travels about 30 cms in a billionth of a hole after allowing for the gravitational lensing of the
second). The frequency stability of these clocks is about light that reaches us. The addition of key millimeter and
one part in a million billion. submillimeter wavelength facilities (at high altitude sites)
The EHT array made observations at a wavelength of has now opened the possibility of sensing the dynamic
m = 1.3 mm (230 GHz). For the EHT, the letter D (see evolution of the accretion of incoming matter caused by the
below) is broadly the diameter of the Earth (about 13,000 immense gravitational pull of the black hole.
km), giving an effective angular resolution of about 25 By linking together telescopes in widely distant places
microarc-seconds and with a much higher bandwidth than of the Earth using novel systems, the EHT creates a
a single telescope (the angular resolution of a telescope is fundamentally new instrument with angular resolving
the angle between close objects that can be seen clearly power that is the highest possible when observing from the
to be separate and is measured as m/D radians). For better surface of the Earth.
Way. It is about four million times the galaxies have a supermassive black behind Hawking radiation is that
mass of the Sun. This black hole has hole at their center. empty space is not empty of energy
been recently photographed for the first after all but contains what is called the
time (Figure 18). It is believed that most Can Black Holes vacuum energy. Although, in a vacuum,
Radiate Energy?
In the 1970s Stephen Hawking con-
jectured that black holes can radiate
energy. This concept is now known
as Hawking radiation. The concept
April 2023 27
there may be no particles present, there Primordial black holes, on the other long time and during the process very
may still be gravitational and electro- hand, have a lot less mass than stellar weak gravitational waves are emit-
magnetic fields with their own energy. black holes. As such, they have much ted. As the distance between the
From Heisenberg’s uncertainty prin- smaller evaporation timescales and black holes becomes ever smaller, the
ciple, there are quantum fluctuations therefore it is possible that the smallest speed at which they orbit increases,
in these fields. These fields can generate black holes could have already radiated which, in its turn, increases gravi-
pairs of virtual particles, which appear themselves away through Hawking tational wave emission. Eventually,
together before annihilating each other, radiation. The primordial black holes they get close enough that they can
effectively zipping in and out of exis- with a slightly larger mass will not have merge; this is when the emission of
tence. These virtual particles cannot be had enough time to evaporate com- gravitational waves is at its high-
detected with a particle detector in the pletely and could still be emitting radi- est. Once the merger has occurred, a
same way as real particles; however, ation through X-rays and gamma rays. single black hole is left that will then
their existence can only be inferred It is possible then to find these black “ringdown,” by emitting further grav-
from indirect effects, such as changes in holes from flashes of gamma rays dur- itational waves (Figure 19).
the energy of electron orbits in atoms. ing the final stages of their existence. In the case of the first merger de-
Virtual particles are created in par- The astonishing concept by Hawking is tected, a black hole that was around 62
ticle/antiparticle pairs, such that one that black holes do not live forever and, times the mass of the Sun was created
particle has positive energy and the other while a black hole may have appeared by the merging event. The sum of the
has negative energy (in relation to the to be the full stop at the end of a star’s two masses of the original black holes
vacuum energy) since energy cannot be life, it may continue its own slow evo- was 65 times the mass of the Sun so
created out of nothing. Normally, these lution and eventual demise. that three solar masses were lost imme-
pairs of particles would rapidly anni- diately as gravitational radiation. This
hilate each other. Close to a black hole When Black Holes Collide measurement was the first-time gravi-
though, it becomes possible that one of Pairs of black holes, which orbit in a tational waves were detected, provid-
the negative energy particles crosses the binary system, have been shown to ing further support for Einstein’s the-
event horizon (thus reducing the energy occur, with the Laser Interferometer ory of general relativity.
and mass of the black hole), while the Gravitational-Wave Observatory being
remaining positive energy particle might the first to measure the case of two Conclusion
travel away from the black hole and thus black holes merging. These black holes Current questions include, for exam-
be emitted from the black hole. This emis- were estimated to have masses around ple: How do black holes impact the
sion is the Hawking radiation. However, 36 and 29 times the mass of the sun. evolution of the galaxy they inhabit
the timescale for a stellar mass black hole The merging event begins with the (this is important for understand-
to evaporate completely is expected to be two black holes spiraling in toward ing galaxy formation)? We still need
much longer than the age of the universe. each other. This initial phase takes a to understand the implications of
Hawking’s conception of black hole
evaporation. Measuring the gamma-
Distance Between Black Holes
ray background in order to study pri-
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 40
mordial black holes is also an active
Inspiral Merger Ringdown field of research.
From its beginnings as being only
a mathematical concept to black holes
Strain (10–21)
28 April 2023
Celebrating Forty Years of high-quality publications in
all aspects of optical guided-wave science, technology, and engineering.
he Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a struc- The microwave community’s work aims to solve, at
ture that links everyday objects and the least to some extent, these sustainability issues by pre-
Internet. To enable the IoT, a massive de- senting design solutions for the IoT. Researchers have
ployment of wireless IoT nodes is required; shown RF design solutions for ultralow-power wireless
predictions indicate that trillions of these communication systems, focusing on specific needs
nodes will be needed. This trend raises sustainability and challenges in IoT applications. For example, RF
issues on environmental, economic, and societal levels. design solutions have been presented, focusing on how
Concerning environmental and economic problems, novel IoT system designs can be rapidly tested in their
a significant design challenge is to create wireless IoT respective application environments [3]. Other solu-
nodes that operate at ultralow power to avoid the eco- tions show how batteryless or passive IoT nodes can
toxicity of batteries and the prohibitive maintenance be created that provide security and privacy of data [4]
costs of battery replacement [1]. Another design chal- and passive sensing capabilities [5]. In addition, solu-
lenge is to reach high levels of integration based on tions demonstrate how to create passive miniaturized
low-cost CMOS technologies [2] to limit the carbon IoT nodes [6] and passive IoT nodes based on new sus-
footprint and costs associated with the nodes’ produc- tainable materials [7].
tion and end of life. Concerning societal issues, a sig- Thus far, specific ultralow-power wireless com-
nificant design challenge is to guarantee the security munication systems have been investigated and
and privacy of data in IoT nodes. classified for the particular wireless communication
Jasmin Grosinger ([email protected]) is with Graz University of Technology, Graz 8010, Austria.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233508
Date of current version: 10 March 2023
April 2023 31
The main criterion applied while The efficiency will decrease with lateral and angular
coil misalignments [19]. It is also associated with the
designing HF RFID tag coils is to read range of the RFID system. The read range of an
optimize the delivery of a sufficient RFID system is defined as the maximum communication
chip input voltage. range between the reader and the tag.
HF RFID Reader
models parasitic capacitive coupling between the coil The reader’s matching network typically consists
windings. Based on this circuit model, the respective of three parts [20]. Starting from the reader coil, the
resonance frequencies of the reader and tag coils can matching network consists of damping resistances
be determined by [16] applied to reduce the quality (Q) factor of the reader
coil and broaden the reader’s bandwidth. The Q factor
R R|T is optimized to maximize the magnetic field strength
fR|T = 1 1 - 2 . (1)
2r L R|T C R|T L R|T while maintaining an acceptable bandwidth for the
tag data transfer. Typically, a Q factor of 10–30 is
Additional components in the coil equivalent cir- chosen for reader coils, which offers a good tradeoff
cuits must be considered in the case of more sophis- [12]. In addition, the matching network consists of a
ticated coil designs. These can include RFID tags matching network that allows the impedance of the
exploiting system-on-chip and system-in-package con- reader coil to be matched to the 50 Ω input impedance
cepts [6] or broadband coil models investigating the of the reader chip. Furthermore, the matching net-
coexistence and interoperability of HF RFID systems work includes an electromagnetic compatibility filter
with wireless power transfer systems [17]. to reduce harmonics.
The power transfer efficiency h generally character-
izes the wireless power transfer in HF RFID systems. HF RFID Tag
The efficiency depends mainly on the coil’s charac- The tag has to be resonant to draw energy from the
teristics, positions, and orientations in space. In free reader’s magnetic field efficiently, i.e., with a tag reso-
space, the power transfer efficiency between two circu- nance frequency of f Tag = 13.56 MHz (in contrast to f T,
lar coils aligned coaxially is [13], [18], [19] which is the tag coil resonance in (1). The tag resonance
frequency f Tag can be calculated using the equivalent
1 ^ n 0 2r 2 fR N R N T r R2 r T2 h2 circuit shown in Figure 2 [11]:
^r 2R + z 2 h3
16R R R Chip
1 - ^C Chip + C Th R 2T
fTag = 1
L T ^C Chip + C Th
. (3)
where RChip is the chip resistance, and µ 0 = 4πE-7 H/m is 2r
free-space permeability. NR|T is the respective number
of coil windings. R R|T is the respective coil radius. z is The tag chip is modeled by an equivalent parallel
the distance of the tag along the reader coil center axis circuit of RChip and CChip. The tag coil inductance LT and
(i.e., z = 0 corresponds to the center of the reader coil). tag capacitances CChip and CT are adjusted to create a
RChip CChip
Reader Matching
Chip Network
Reader Coil Tag Coil
Figure 2. An example equivalent circuit of an HF RFID system [6], [11]. The equivalent circuit consists of a reader and a
tag. The reader is composed of a reader chip, matching network, and reader coil modeled by the inductance LR, resistance R R,
and capacitance CR . In contrast, the tag is composed of a tag coil modeled by LT, RT, and CT, and the tag chip is modeled by the
equivalent parallel circuit of RChip and CChip with the chip input voltage VChip. Inductive coupling between the reader and tag
coils is characterized by the coupling coefficient k [12].
32 April 2023
tag resonance at 13.56 MHz. This adjustment is made chips generally offer multiple input capacitance values
by building a dedicated resonance capacitance into the to support different coil sizes according to the ISO/IEC
chip in state-of-the-art tags, attaining the desired tag 7810 standard. The typical values of tag capacitances
resonance, as presented in Figure 3 [11]. HF RFID tag CChip and CT are, for example, 20 pF for standard ID-1
17 DESFire
22 16.5 Ultralight
15.5 K50
20 15
2 2.5 3
fTag (MHz)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
VChip (VRMS)
104 104
102 102
RChip (kΩ)
RChip (kΩ)
100 100
10–2 10–2
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
VChip (VRMS) VChip (VRMS)
20 20
15 15
CChip (pF)
CChip (pF)
10 10
DESFire Tag-it
5 Ultralight 5 K50
Classic FM248
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
VChip (VRMS) VChip (VRMS)
(b) (c)
Figure 3. The tag characteristics for six different chip examples from various vendors and an ID-1 tag coil [11]. (a) The
calculated chips’ tag resonance frequencies f Tag versus input voltage VChip. (b) The chip resistances RChip and capacitances
CChip of the three proximity tag chip products (DESFire, Ultralight, Classic) at 13.56 MHz. In contrast, (c) shows the
resistance and capacitance of the three vicinity tag chip products (Tag-it, K50, FM248). The chip resistances and capacitances
were measured with an RF current–voltage impedance measurement method and achieved, compared to previous work,
higher measurement accuracy of better than 1.5%. The measurement data are available online at IEEE DataPort doi:
April 2023 33
coils, as shown in Figure 1, with a credit card size of visible for the proximity chips for the measured input
85.60 mm × 53.98 mm. voltage range. As a side effect, the limiter detunes the
The recommended tag resonance frequency range tag resonance frequency at the respective clamping
for standard ID-1 coils of proximity tags is 13.56 MHz voltage to avoid overvoltage [11]. The three proxim-
<f Tag <16 MHz [21]. The recommended resonance fre- ity chip examples show a maximum limiter clamp-
quency is higher than the reader operating frequency, ing voltage of roughly 3 V, while vicinity chips have a
i.e., 13.56 MHz, to counteract card-loading effects, clamping voltage of approximately 10 V.
keeping the interaction of nearby tags low [12]. These The main criterion applied while designing HF
resonance frequency values can also be seen in Fig- RFID tag coils is to optimize the delivery of a suf-
ure 3, showing tag resonance frequencies between 15 ficient chip input voltage. The power transfer effi-
and 16 MHz for small chip input voltages. Figure 3 ciency h can usually be increased by increasing the
depicts the characterization of different chip examples magnetic field provided by the reader (i.e., increas-
from various vendors [11], showing the measurements ing the reader output power), decreasing the dis-
results of six chip examples, three proximity standard- tance between the reader and tag coils, expanding
based chips (DESFire, Ultralight, Classic), and three the radius of the tag coil, or increasing the number of
vicinity standard based (Tag-it, K50, FM248). The tag windings [18]. Increasing the number of coil wind-
resonance frequency is shown versus the chip input ings is often the most effective way to increase h as
voltage VChip for the different chips in combination local authorities limit the maximum magnetic field
with an ID-1 coil, following (1). Figure 3 also shows emission, and specific applications often limit com-
the measured parallel resistance RChip and capacitance munication distances and tag sizes. The most effi-
CChip of the proximity and vicinity standard-based cient planar coil design can be created by optimizing
chips versus input voltage. Resistance and capacitance the number of windings and the width of the con-
show a strongly nonlinear behavior versus voltage ductor if fixed dimensions are provided [18]. A high
VChip. When approaching the maximum operating Q factor of the tag is not favorable as a narrow-band
voltage of the chip, the influence of an internal volt- HF RFID tag is highly prone to detuning effects
age limiter becomes dominant to protect the chip inte- when placed close to the dielectric, conducting, or
grated circuit from overvoltage [4]. The limiter effect is ferromagnetic materials. More robust tags can be
Metal 10–7
Obstacle CST Sim. With Obstacle
ϑ = 0°
Num. Calc. With Obstacle
ϑ = 30° Num. Calc. Without Obstacle
Power Transfer Efficiency ( η)
ϑ = 60°
Tag Coil
10–9 ϑ = 0°
ϑ = 30°
10–10 ϑ = 60°
Reader Coil
(a) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Distance of the Tag Coil Along the y-Axis (∆y) in m
Figure 4. An example of the impact of a metal environment on the wireless power transfer efficiency of a vicinity-standard-
based HF RFID system [25]. (a) Arrangement of the reader and tag coils distanced at 50 cm. The distance ∆ of the tag coil
and the metal obstacle is 10 mm. (a) Power transfer efficiency at 13.56 MHz versus lateral misalignment ∆y and angular tag
misalignment j to the reader, i.e., compare numerical calculation with and without the metal obstacle. Next to the numerically
calculated results, the simulation results from CST are presented, aligning well with the analytical model shown in [25]. sim.:
simulation; num.: numerical; calc.: calculation.
34 April 2023
achieved by optimizing the inductance and resis-
In general, metal environments
tance of the coil to achieve a typical Q Tag of roughly
20 or less [18], [22]. severely impair the performance
of HF RFID systems.
Metal Environments
In general, metal environments severely impair the per-
formance of HF RFID systems [23]. Eddy currents are [25]. The rectangular single-turn reader and tag coils
induced on the metal surface in contact with or close to have a distance of 50 cm. Their wireless power trans-
a coil to satisfy the boundary condition, which states that fer efficiency is investigated at 13.56 MHz for a lat-
the magnetic field normal to the metal surface must be eral misalignment of the tag coil to the reader coil
zero [14]. The induced eddy current opposes the magnetic in the y-direction characterized by the distance ∆y
field generated by the coil, which significantly damps the and an angular misalignment of tag and reader coils
magnetic field in the vicinity of the metal surface, leading characterized by the angle j of the tag coil plane and
to a reduction in the coil inductance, which is a function the z-direction [19]. In addition, a metal obstacle is
of coil geometry and the number of windings. Accord- located behind the tag; the metal obstacle’s position
ing to (1) and (3), this reduction in inductance leads to is always constant to the tag coil. There is a consider-
an increase in the coil resonant frequency [24] and, sub- able decrease in power transfer efficiency of 50 × 10−3
sequently, to a decrease in power transfer efficiency [25], in the case of the metal next to the tag compared to
shown in Figure 4. no metal [25].
Figure 4 shows an example of the impact of a metal Different design strategies have been presented
environment on the wireless power transfer effi- to realize HF RFID systems that operate robustly
ciency of a vicinity-standard-based HF RFID system in metal environments. Table 1 shows these design
TABLE 1. A summary of HF RFID systems that operate robustly in metal environments (listed chronologically by
publication date). The read range of the custom-built designs is compared to the read range in free space
(metal environment/free space*) or with an off-the-shelf design in the specific metal environment
(custom-built/off-the-shelf design).
April 2023 35
strategies listed according to the years when the pro- Ferrite Material
totypes were first published. The table gives the metal The use of ferrite material leads to considerable read
location at the reader, tag, or between the reader and range improvement. The ferrite material provides
the tag. It also includes information on the reader and magnetic isolation of the coil from the metal, prevent-
tag coils, their sizes, the number of coil windings, and ing eddy currents from originating. This improve-
reader’s transmit power. In addition, the list presents ment was shown for HF RFID systems for the first
the exploited design strategy to realize a robust opera- time by NXP Semiconductors researchers in 2011
tion in the specific metal environment, detailing the [30]. They proposed inserting a flexible ferrite sheet
use of ferrite material. Finally, the presented custom- between the printed NFC coil and the metallic battery
built designs are compared in their read range with pack of a mobile phone, showing an improved read
off-the-shelf devices in the metal environment, or the range of 3 cm, in contrast to no established commu-
prototypes are compared in their read ranges in the nication in the case of a conventional printed coil in
metal environment versus free space. A read range the mobile phone. Compared to using an additional
analysis of Table 1 shows that a considerable read range ferrite sheet, in 2014, researchers from the Graz
improvement was achieved from 2011 onward using University of Technology and Infineon Technolo-
ferrite material, adaptive matching networks, and gies presented an NFC tag coil directly silver-inkjet
booster antenna designs. printed on a ferrite substrate [33]. This approach
improved the NFC tag’s mechanical and economic
properties, leading to a minimum tag thickness and
lower assembly effort. Also, the silver-inkjet printing
process is cheaper than other fabrication processes,
such as etching [38].
Figure 5 depicts the presented silver inkjet-printed
NFC tag prototype in [33] and its performance com-
parison with a silver inkjet-printed photo paper-
based tag in a metal environment. Both tags contain
Gap: 1.4 cm
printed coils connected to Infineon NFC chips with
Based Tag temperature sensors. A mobile phone was used as
the NFC reader to read the chip’s temperature val-
ues. A 100-µm-thick copper sheet is arranged below
the tag coils. Figure 5 shows the temperature readout
with both NFC tags. The researchers could read out
(a) the NFC tag with the ferrite coil in case the copper
sheet was directly attached to the back of the coil. In
NFC Reader contrast, they could only read out the NFC tag with
the photo paper coil for a spacing of 1.4 cm between
the coil and the copper sheet. The figure also shows
that the reading distance of the ferrite coil in a metal
environment is more significant than that of the photo
paper coil. The copper sheet at the back of the photo
Ferrite- paper tag antenna deteriorates the photo paper tag’s
Based Tag performance. Additional simulations and measure-
ments in a nonmetal environment showed that the
ferrite coil performed equally well as a custom-built
NFC Chip With NFC coil printed on a photo paper substrate, despite
Temperature Sensor further losses in the ferrite substrate. The ferrite coil
(b) outperformed the photo paper coil in a metal envi-
ronment, showing a read range of 10 cm in contrast to
0 cm in the case of the copper directly attached to the
Figure 5. (b) A silver inkjet-printed NFC tag prototype
tags (see Table 1).
[33]. The figure shows a performance comparison with
(a) a silver inkjet-printed photo paper-based tag in a metal
environment. The sizes of the four winding coils were Booster Antennas
45 mm × 75 mm connected to NFC Infineon chips equipped Using ferrite material in combination with booster
with temperature sensors. A mobile phone acted as an NFC antenna technology further improves HF RFID sys-
reader, reading the temperature values of both tags. tems in metal environments. Typically, we use booster
36 April 2023
Coupling Coil
Booster Antenna 1
Metal Plates
and Damping
Booster Antenna 2
Pickup Coil
NFC Reader
Ferrite Sheet
(a) (b)
Figure 6. (a) An HF RFID repeater prototype and (b) a read range measurement setup [37]. The repeater consists of
two booster antennas, ferrite material, tuning capacitances, and a damping resistor. The capacitances tuned the resonant
system to 13.56 MHz, while the damping resistor decreased the quality factor of the coupling coils. The measurement setup
consisted of an NFC reader and an NFC tag. The repeater was mounted on two 1-mm-thick aluminum plates with a
4.5-mm opening.
antennas to extend the read range of miniaturized siderable improvement in HF RFID systems in met-
RFID tags by increasing the effective tag antenna area al environments. The coil inductance change due to
[6]. A booster antenna consists of two parts, i.e., a large the metal environment can be readjusted by adapt-
pickup antenna and small coupling structure [39]. The ing the matching network in the specific HF RFID
pickup antenna focuses the available energy by the device. Researchers from the Ştefan cel Mare Uni-
reader, while the coupling structure acts as an alter- versity of Suceava presented this method in 2012
native transmit-receive part of the particular miniatur- [31], [32]. They showed a considerable increase in
ized tag. the read range of an HF RFID system by exploit-
Researchers from the Graz University of Technol- ing an adaptive matching network at the reader in a
ogy and NXP Semiconductors first exploited this metal environment.
favorable combination of ferrite material and booster Currently, researchers are working on wireless power
antenna technology [37]. In 2020, they presented a transfer systems in general, and HF RFID systems
stack of two booster antennas and ferrite material, a in particular, using real-time adaptive matching
so-called HF RFID repeater, to enable communication networks controlled by deep neural networks [40],
of an HF RFID reader with a tag enclosed in a metal [41], [42]. Their focus is on combating the reader
housing (i.e., the metal between the reader and the and tag coils misalignment in real time and the
label). The HF RFID repeater consists of two booster resulting decrease in power transfer efficiency.
antennas, as shown in Figure 6. One booster antenna Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technol-
is located inside the metal housing with a small open- ogy presented a system for wireless power transfer
ing. In contrast, the other booster antenna is located operating at 13.56 MHz using helical wire coils [42].
outside the metal housing. Their coupling coils are Eventually, these real-time adaptive matching sys-
centrally aligned to the opening, while their pickup tems will help operate HF RFID systems reliably in
coils are aligned with the reader and tag coils. In addi- metal environments.
tion to the booster antennas, a ferrite core and ferrite Figure 7 shows an example real-time adaptive HF
sheets make up integral parts of the repeater. The ferrite RFID system using an adaptive matching network at
sheets isolate the various coils from the metal environ- the reader that consists of shunt-variable capacitors
ment, while the ferrite core guides the magnetic field and series inductors [40], [41]. A bidirectional coupler
through the small opening in the metal housing. This tracks the reflection coefficient at the matching net-
combination enabled the repeater to provide a reader- work input. At the same time, an RF phase and gain
repeater-tag system with an extended read range of detector receives the reflected power from the coupler
5 cm compared to the read range of 4.2 cm of the same and outputs a voltage signal to a microcontroller. The
reader-tag system in free space (i.e., without a repeater microcontroller acts on the adaptive matching net-
and metal). work based on a trained deep neural network, using
measurement data for testing. The measurement setup
Adaptive Matching is shown in Figure 7. A semiautomated test setup mea-
Next to using ferrite material and booster antenna sures the coil-to-coil transmission coefficient with a
technology, adaptive matching networks show con- vector network analyzer for different combinations of
April 2023 37
Using ferrite material in combination allowing for a batteryless operation, high integration,
and security and privacy of data. Thus, these systems
with booster antenna technology must operate robustly in harsh applications such as
further improves HF RFID systems in metal environments. The successful design strategies
metal environments. for a robust operation use ferrite materials, booster
antennas, and adaptive matching networks, consider-
ably improving the HF RFID systems’ performance in
intercoil distance d, azimuthal tilt angle i, and x-y axis metal environments.
misalignment ∆x and ∆y. Future work must focus on making HF RFID
systems more sustainable. Using biodegradable tag
Concluding Discussion materials would help reduce the tags’ and booster
A reliable and robust operation of HF RFID systems antennas’ carbon footprint. Although there have been
is mandatory to use these systems’ benefits for solv- presentations of biodegradable substrates, the realiza-
ing IoT sustainability issues that come along with the tion of highly conductive, biodegradable substrates
massive deployment of IoT nodes. In particular, the is still at the beginning. In particular, for passive,
recent development of HF RFID sensor tags [5], [43] batteryless, devices, highly conductive materials are
in combination with booster antennas [6], [37] makes a must to realize operation. Other trends to increase
the technologies very interesting for IoT applications, the sustainability of HF RFID devices cover technolo-
gies like plastic electronics complementing semicon-
ductors [44]. Also, the reader and tag would benefit
Matching System Reader and Tag Coils from fully integrated real-time adaptive matching
systems, leveraging robust system performance in
Signal harsh environments. In particular, tiny artificial
intelligence algorithms consuming microwatts of
power would be needed at the tag side. Ultimately,
Matching future work needs an interdisciplinary collaboration
Network Tag Chip between RF, computers, and material scientists to
realize a sustainable IoT.
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Qiaowei Yuan
for Calculating
the Maximum
Efficiency of a
-parameters are members of a family of circuit network parameters. Other
members are Z-parameters, Y-parameters, T-parameters, and ABCD-pa-
rameters [1]. The first published description of S-parameters was in the
thesis of Vitold Belevitch, in 1945 [2]. Kaneyuki Kurokawa popularized
the S-parameters referred to as power waves [3], making S-parameters
much easier to apply to microwave engineering when port voltages and cur-
rents are difficult to define and measure.
Scattering parameters, or S-parameters (the elements of a scattering matrix, or
S-matrix), describe the relationships between the ports’ incident power waves and
reflected power waves; thus, S-parameters are very useful in describing the electrical
behavior of linear electrical networks and can be applied to electronics, communication
systems design, and, especially, microwave engineering, including the design of ampli-
fiers, filters, couplers, and so on.
The S-matrix is a mathematical construct that quantifies how RF energy propagates through
a multiport network. The S-matrix can accurately represent and describe the properties of incredibly
complicated networks as simple “black boxes.” Therefore, the S-matrix has also been successfully used to
analyze the power transfer efficiency (PTE) and maximum PTE (MPTE) of various wireless power transfer
(WPT) systems [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15]. In 2009, Yuan et al [4], [5], [6], [7], [8] for-
mulated the PTE and MPTE for one transmitter and one receiver, the most popular WPT system, which is
Qiaowei Yuan ([email protected]) is with the Tohoku Institute of Technology, Sendai 982-8577, Japan.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233509
Date of current version: 10 March 2023
April 2023 41
TABLE 1. The applicable WPT systems using different approaches.
is referred to as the self-reflection coefficient because it refers block matrix from the M transmitters to the N receiv-
only to what happens at the ith port, while off-diagonal ers, and N # N is the block scattering matrix of the N
S-parameter s ij ^i = 1, f, M + N, j = 1, f, M + N h is re- receivers, respectively.
ferred to the transmission coefficient because it refers to The PTE denoted by h is the ratio of the output
what happens at the jth port when it is excited by a sig- power Pout over the input power Pin ; that is,
nal incident wave at the ith port.
To calculate the total transmitting power at all trans- h= (3)
mitting ports and total receiving power at all receiv-
ing ports in an M # N MIMO system, the following where Pout and Pin represent the total power con-
equation is used by grouping the transmitters as one sumed at all receiving ports and total transmitting
block matrix and the receivers as another block matrix. power at all transmitting ports, respectively. Here,
Then, the incident power wave vector A T with M ele- Pout and Pin can be obtained from the port incident
ments at the transmitting ports, A R with N elements power wave vector and port reflected power wave
at the receiving ports, reflected power wave vector vector, which are
B T with M elements at the transmitting ports, and B R
Pin = 1 ^ A T - B T h
2 2
with N elements at the receiving ports have the follow- 2
ing relationship: Pout = 1 ^ B R - A R h
2 2
; E=; E; E
(2) where is the Euclidean norm of a vector.
Combining (2) and (4) into (3), the PTE h will be
where S TT, S TR, S RT, and S RR are the M # M block scat- expressed by S-parameters, and incident power wave
tering matrix among the M transmitters, M # N is the vector A T at the transmitting ports and A R at the
transfer coefficient block matrix from the N receivers receiving ports will be expressed as
to the M transmitters, N # M is the transfer coefficient
A T H S *TR S RT *
; E ; * E; E
M Transmitters N Receivers h=- . (5)
Transmitters Receivers
; E ; * * E; E
42 April 2023
where vector A is the power incident waves at all ports. WPT systems consisting of two dipoles and two loops
Matrix C and matrix D are expressed, respectively, as are calculated and compared.
C=; * E (7a) Equivalent Two-Port Network
A SISO-WPT system with one arbitrary transmitter and
D=; E. (7b) one receiver can be equivalent to a two-port network,
as demonstrated in Figure 2, where a i and b i represent
The efficiency expressed in (6) is the generalized the incident power wave and reflected power wave at
Rayleigh quotient and has the maximum value h max port i ^i = 1, 2 h, respectively. Port 1 represents the trans-
because both matrix C and matrix D are Hermitian mitting port, and port 2 represents the receiving port.
matrices. From the generalized Rayleigh quotient, The S-matrix describes the relationship between a i and
(6) has the maximum value of the Rayleigh quotient, b i and can be obtained by either numerical electromag-
which is equivalent to the maximum among the fol- netic simulation or measurement using a vector network
lowing matrix’s generalized eigenvalues: analyzer (VNA).
April 2023 43
load impedance Z l, and Z out is the output impedance, 2
h max = 1 - (18)
looking into the left side from port 2, and includes 1 + 1 + k2 Q1 Q2
source impedance Z s . Applying the matching condi-
tion of (12), the MPTE of (9) will be where k = M L 1 L 2 is the coupling coefficient between
two coils, M is the mutual inductance, and L 1 and L 2
^ 1 - C opt 2
h s 21 2
h max =
. (13) are the self-inductances of the transmitting coil and
opt 2 opt 2
1 - s 22 C l - s 11 - 3 C l receiving coil, respectively; Q 1 is the quality factor
of the transmitting coil, while Q 2 is the quality fac-
Compared with the PTE in (9), C l is replaced with tor of the receiving coil. However, this approach is
opt opt
C l in (13), while C l and C opt
s are obtained by the fol- effective only when the k and Q factors can be sepa-
lowing formulations, respectively: rately measured; it cannot be applied to general cases
where the kQ product cannot be separately measured
B 1 ! B 21 - 4 C 1 2
C sopt = (14a) and estimated, and it is also not correct for weak
2C 1
coupling cases when two coils are separated too far,
opt B 2 ! B 22 - 4 C 2 2
as explained in [8]. Although the kQ product was
Cl = (14b)
2C 2
extended to a general SISO system based on Z-param-
where eters in [15], this extended kQ product is the interme-
B 1 = 1 + s 11 2 - s 22 2 - 3 2
(15a) diate parameter to obtain the MPTE in WPT systems
2 2 2
and further needed to calculate the MPTE, which is
B 2 = 1 + s 22 - s 11 - 3 (15b) essentially the same, derived using S-parameters in
C 1 = s 11 - Ds 22 (16a) (13). The MPTE based on Z-parameters can also be
C 2 = s 22 - Ds *11 (16b) found in [8].
D = s 11 s 22 - s 12 s 21 . (17)
E-WPT Software
Therefore, once the 2 # 2 S-matrix of the SISO-WPT To calculate the PTE and MPTE based on (9) and (13)
system is known, the MPTE can be calculated, and quickly and efficiently, a C#-based application, E-WPT,
both the optimal source impedance and load imped- presented in Figure 3, has been developed in our labo-
ance can be obtained. ratory. E-WPT is capable of calculating the PTE and
As mentioned before, two coils are the most popular MPTE between arbitrary transmitters and receivers
transmitter and receiver used in SISO-WPT systems. when the S-parameters of the equivalent two-port net-
The MPTE of two tightly coupling coils can be esti- works are known. The MPTE based on formula (13) is
mated conventionally using the kQ product based on achieved when both the source side and load side relate
circuit theory [8] as to their optimal impedances, respectively. E-WPT can
Optimum Impedance
Matching Circuit
(a) (b)
44 April 2023
also calculate the optimum impedances for achieving as used in [8]. The dipole–dipole pair represents the
the MPTE. capacitive coupling, while the loop–loop pair repre-
As illustrated in Figure 4, E-WPT was success- sents the inductive coupling. In Figure 5, both the
fully used to calculate MPTEs of various transmitters transmitter and receiver are composed of a dipole
and receivers prototyped by the competitors at a 2016 with a length of 2l, which will be set to 0.1 and 0.5m
WPT contest organized by the Institute of Electronics, for calculating the MPTEs, while in Figure 6, both
Information, and Communication Engineers Tech- the transmitter and receiver are composed of a loop
nical Committee on Wireless Power Transfer [18]. In with a circumference of 0.1 and 0.5m. All wires of
Figure 4, there is a dipole pair, loop pair, dipole and the transmitters and receivers are made of copper
loop pair, horn pair, and so on. E-WPT is open for free with a conductivity of 5.783 × 107 (S/m) and have the
use [18], [19] and will soon be developed to include the same radius of 0.65 mm. The operating frequency
MIMO-WPT system. is set to 6.78 MHz. In this article, m represents
As described in the flowchart of Figure 3(b), first, the wavelength.
E-WPT requires loading an S-parameter file from The MPTE h max versus the distance d between the
either data measured by a VNA or data from simu- transmitter and receiver is provided in Figure 7. Solid
lated electromagnetic software. Second, the char- lines represent the results obtained by M-RQ, while
acteristic impedance, source impedance, and load circles represent the results obtained by M-MC. As
impedance are set. Finally, E-WPT calculates the shown in Figure 7, the two MPTEs agree with each other
PTE, MPTE, and optimal source and load imped-
ances simultaneously. Moreover, E-WPT is capable of
designing a matching circuit to realize the optimal
source and load impedances.
Figure 4. Various transmitters/receivers (prototypes at the
2016 WPT contest). Dipole Pair (0.1λ)
ηmax (%)
40 Dipole Pair (0.5λ)
Figure 7. The h max versus d using M-RQ (solid lines) and
Figure 5. The dipole pair (SISO system). M-MC (circles).
April 2023 45
completely, confirming that the condition for achieving MPTEs of MISO-WPT Systems
the maximum eigenvalue of the generalized Rayleigh In this section, two types of MISO-WPT systems, included
quotient problem of (8) is nothing but the matching con- in Figure 8(b) and (c), are used as numerical models to cal-
ditions at the transmitting and receiving ports in the culate the MPTE versus the distance d by using M-RQ.
SISO case. From Figure 7, the MPTE decreases when For comparison, the 1 # 1 SISO system in Figure 8(a) is
the receiver moves away from the transmitter along the also included, which is a special case of a MISO system,
x direction for both the dipole and loop cases. For the where the transmitter number is one. Figure 8(b) is a 4 # 1
dipole pair with a dipole length of 2l = 0.1m and loop MISO system, and Figure 8(c) is a 16 # 1 MISO system.
pair with a loop circumference of 0.1m, the MPTEs of As detailed in Figure 8, the transmitting antenna
the two dipoles are larger than those of the loop pair element is a half-wavelength dipole antenna, while the
when the distance d is the same, and almost the same receiving antenna is a 0.1-wavelength dipole antenna;
performance is observed when the dipole length and d represents the distance between the center of the trans-
loop circumference are 0.5m except the case when the mitting antenna array and receiving antenna along the
receiver is located very near the transmitter. In both Z direction, and s represents the distance between two
the dipole case and loop case, the longer the antenna neighbor elements in the transmitting array antenna
element, the lower the MPTE in the near-field region, along X and Y directions. In the following simulation
which indicates that the electrically small element is results, s is set to 0.65m. The models in Figure 8(b) and
much more suitable for near-field power transfer, while (c) were used in [17] to define the boundary between
the electrically large element is much more suitable for the near-field region and far-field region of different
far-field power transfer. array antennas, where the M ^ M = 1, 16, 64 h transmitters
0.1λ 0.1λ
d d
0.5λ s
(a) (b)
0.1λ Top View
Bird’s Eye View
s s
s 0.5λ s
Figure 8. A SISO system and two types of MISO-WPT systems: (a) a 1 × 1 SISO, (b) a 4 × 1 MISO, and (c) a 16 × 1 MISO.
46 April 2023
were regarded as an M-element antenna array, and one To further confirm this point, the MPTEs of the 5 # 1
receiver was used as the testing antenna. and 17 # 1 MISO-WPT are also calculated and plotted
The MPTEs versus d are plotted in Figure 9, and in Figure 10, where the 5 # 1 MISO-WPT is the 4 # 1
the line of 1 d 2 is also plotted as a reference. The fac- MISO-WPT with an additional half-wavelength dipole
tor of 1 d 2 is the power varying versus the distance d located at the center of the transmitting array, while
when the receiver is located in the far-field region of the the 17 # 1 MISO-WPT is the 16 # 1 MISO-WPT with an
transmitting array antenna, according to the Friis trans- additional half-wavelength dipole located at the center
mission formula. From Figure 9, the MPTE of the 1 # 1 of the transmitting array; this means that the transmit-
SISO is much larger than those of the 4 # 1 and 16 # 1 ting antenna in the SISO-WPT case is kept in the 5 # 1
MISO-WPTs when the distance d is less than about and 17 # 1 MISO-WPT cases. From Figure 10, the MPTE
0.3m, indicating that one transmitter is the most effi- of the 5 # 1 MISO-WPT is larger than that of SISO when
cient way to deliver the power. However, the situation d # 0.3m and becomes the same as that of the 4 # 1
is reversed when the distance d is over 0.3m, where the MISO-WPT when d 2 m . The same performance is also
MPTE becomes higher when the transmitting antenna observed in the MPTEs of the 17 # 1 and 16 # 1 MISO-
number is larger, indicating that when the receiver is WPT cases. Due to the center element at the transmit-
far from the transmitters, the more transmitters that are ting array structure, the MPTEs of the 5 # 1 and 17 # 1
used, the higher the MPTE achieved. Moreover, when MISO-WPT cases are always larger than those of the
the distance d is over 0.3m, the MPTEs of the three SISO-WPT at any distance d, without the cross point in
types of WPT systems decreased nearly 1 d 2, varying the 4 # 1 and 16 # 1 MISO-WPT cases.
according to the Friis transmission formula. In [17], using the MTPE performance versus the dis-
In the near-field coupling, from Figure 9, the MTPE tance, instead of the traditional 2D 2 m boundary crite-
is dominantly affected by the distance between the rion, a new criterion for the boundary of the near-field
receiver and closest transmitting element. When region and far-field region was proposed. In the tra-
d # 0.3m, among the three types of structures, the ditional 2D 2 m boundary criterion, D represents the
receiving element of the 1 # 1 SISO is the closest to maximum dimension of the antenna, which means that
the transmitting element, and high transmission effi- the region boundary criterion depends on the antenna’s
ciency is obtained. However, even if d = 0, in the 4 # 1 physical size, with no relation to the antenna excitation
and 16 # 1 MISO-WPT cases, the distance between the conditions. From Figure 9, the distance when the MPTE
receiver and its closest transmitting element exceeds behaves close to the line of 1 d 2 when using our pro-
0.45m; therefore, when d # 0.3m, the 4 # 1 and 16 # 1 posed approach is different from that when using a
MISO cases obtain lower transfer efficiency than that 50-Ω load impedance, demonstrating that the near-
of SISO. However, when d 2 0.3m, the far-field coupling field and far-field region boundary also depends on
is dominant, and the array with a large number of ele- the excitation conditions, as emphasized in [17]. More-
ments has a high transmission efficiency. That is the over, from the calculation of the MPTE performance
reason why there is a cross point at 0.3m in Figure 9. versus the distance, M-RQ can be applied to obtain the
100 100
1 × 1 SISO
1/d 2 1/d 2
10 10
4 × 1 MISO 4 × 1 MISO
1 1 × 1 SISO 1 1 × 1 SISO
(50-Ω Load) 16 × 1 MISO 16 × 1 MISO
ηmax (%)
ηmax (%)
0.1 0.1
4 × 1 MISO
(50-Ω Load) 1 × 1 SISO
0.01 0.01 4 × 1 MISO
16 × 1 MISO
5 × 1 MISO
0.001 0.001 17 × 1 MISO
16 × 1 MISO
1/d 2
(50-Ω Load)
0.0001 0.0001
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
d/λ d/λ
Figure 9. The MPTE versus d when using M-RQ (solid Figure 10. The MPTEs of 4 × 1, 5 × 1, 16 × 1, 17 × 1
lines) and M-RQ with a 50-Ω load (dashed lines). MISO cases and a 1 × 1 SISO case.
April 2023 47
MPTE when the receiver is moved from the near-field Acknowledgment
to the far-field seamlessly. In Figure 9, the MPTEs cal- Special thanks to graduate students Riri Niizeki, Takumi
culated using Wen’s approach, which assumes that the Aoki, and Hiroshi Satake for their great efforts to pro-
receiver is loaded by 50 Ω, are also plotted in dashed mote this research when they studied in my laboratory.
lines. The MPTEs are quite lower than the MPTEs from
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structure to achieve the largest MPTE, which is quite a
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4) The MPTE, optimal excitations, and optimal load [17] Q. Yuan, “Array source excitation synthesis using approach of
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48 April 2023
Marie Mertens , Maede Chavoshi , Olivia Peytral-Rieu ,
Katia Grenier , and Dominique Schreurs
ccurate characterization of biological matter, promising alternative: it is label-free, does not require
for example, in tissue, cells, and biological ionizing radiation, and can be noninvasive. Moreover,
fluids, is of high importance. For exam- there is a significant difference in how different bio-
ple, early and correct detection of abnor- logical materials absorb, reflect, and transmit electro-
malities, such as cancer, is essential as magnetic (EM) waves [4] that is due to the difference
it enables early and effective type-specific treatment, in their dielectric properties. The dielectric properties
which is crucial for mortality reduction [1]. Moreover, are described by the frequency-dependent material
it is imperative to investigate the effectiveness and tox- parameter called the complex permittivity f ^ f h,
icity of pharmaceutical treatments before administra- which expresses how the material responds to an
tion in clinical practice [2]. However, biological matter external oscillating electric field. The complex per-
characterization still faces many challenges. State- mittivity of a material determines how the material
of-the-art imaging and characterization methods absorbs, reflects, and transmits EM waves at differ-
have drawbacks, such as the requirement to attach ent frequencies (Figure 1). Since each biological mate-
difficult-to-find and costly labels to the biological rial’s permittivity spectrum is different, it acts as an
target (e.g., COVID-19 rapid tests), expensive equip- EM fingerprint. A material’s complex permittivity can
ment (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging), low accu- be calculated from the reflection and transmission
racy (e.g., ultrasound), use of ionizing radiation (e.g., of EM waves through the material, described by the
X-rays), and invasiveness [3]. The characterization of S-parameters, which can be measured using a vector
biological matter using microwave (µW), millimeter- network analyzer (VNA) transmitting and receiving
wave (mmW), and terahertz (THz) spectroscopy is a EM waves over a range of frequencies. The amplitude
Marie Mertens ([email protected]) is with KU Leuven, 3001 Leuven, Belgium and Polytechnique Montréal, Montreal,
QC H3T 1J4, Canada. Maede Chavoshi ([email protected]) is with KU Leuven, 3001 Leuven, Belgium. Olivia Peytral-Rieu
([email protected]) is with LAAS-CNRS, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, 31400 Toulouse, France. Katia Grenier ([email protected])
is with LAAS-CNRS, Université de Toulouse, 31400 Toulouse, France. Dominique Schreurs ([email protected]) is with KU
Leuven, 3001 Leuven, Belgium.
50 April 2023
Dielectric Permittivity of Biomatter
50 Polarization
– +
– +
– +
ε = ε ′ − jε ′′
β-Relaxation γ -Relaxation
30 Polarization
+ – + – Dipolar
+ – + –
20 + – + – Polarization
+ – + –
+ Atomic
– +
+ Resonance
10 – + Electronic
– +
102 104 106 108 1010 1012
Frequency (Hz)
+ + Oscillations of E-Field
– +
– –
– +
E (t )
– – – +
+ + – –
– –
E (t )
– – –
+ – +
– – – –
– – –
– – + –
+ –
– +
– +
Time (s) +
Time (s)
Oscillations of E-Field +
ε = ε ′ − jε ′′
ε = ε ′ − jε ′′
April 2023 51
have slightly different relaxation frequencies. The vari- (e.g., intracellular fluid and particles) becomes pos-
ous relaxation mechanisms ( a -, b -, and c -dispersion) sible. Because of the disappearance of the space charge
are determined by distinct polarization mechanisms region, there is a decrease in polarization and as such a
for the different constituents of matter (cells and cell decrease in permittivity.
membranes, ions, molecules, atoms, and electrons) [5].
As such, the spectrum informs us about the different c -Dispersion
constituents of matter in different frequency bands. It Finally, c -dispersion occurs at frequencies near 24 GHz.
is essential to understand the fundamentals behind the This dispersion is highly influenced by the water
relaxation phenomena to understand how one could content of the material, which is often high for bio-
extract information on the biological and physiological logical matter. At frequencies below the c -dispersion,
state of a material from the frequency spectrum. the dipole constituted by the asymmetric shape of a
free water molecule vastly contributes to the induced
a -Dispersion polarization when it aligns to the external electric field.
The first relaxation is called a -dispersion. It is caused However, around 24 GHz, these molecules are unable
by the inability of ions to respond to a fast-changing to align with the external electric field [4], [6]. The
field and occurs at Hz to kHz frequencies. Unfortu- higher the free water content, the higher the orientation
nately, due to high measurement uncertainty through polarization and the higher the permittivity before the
unwanted measurement electrode polarization, c -relaxation. Given that water content varies among
a -dispersion can often not be interpreted accurately in different organs, tissues, and cells, measuring permit-
terms of permittivity [6]. tivity around the c -relaxation can help in differentiat-
ing between different organs for µW imaging, between
b -Dispersion live and dead cells, or between cancerous and healthy
The second relaxation is called b -dispersion. It is cells, and so forth. A separate dispersion is attributed
caused by the disappearance of Maxwell–Wagner to water molecules that are bound to other molecules.
polarization at the frequency of the dispersion at kHz Given the complexity of this d -dispersion, it will not be
to MHz frequencies. This Maxwell–Wagner polar- elaborated on here.
ization is caused by the presence of physical inter-
faces (e.g., cell membranes) that constitute the border Permittivity Resonances
between two different media, such as the intracellular The physical events underlying the resonances in the
and the extracellular fluid. At frequencies lower than THz part of the spectrum are rather complicated. How-
the b -dispersion and upon the effect of an external ever, we will attempt to describe the fundamental idea:
electric field, charges accumulate at the border and when the external electric field is oscillating at THz
create a space charge region, which contributes to the frequencies (1,000,000,000,000 oscillations per second),
permittivity. At frequencies higher than the b -relax- only a few very small biological structures are still able
ation, these interfaces are shortened, and they become to align to the electric field and can as such contribute
invisible to the electric field, which can now penetrate to the polarization. These small structures are 1) the
to the insides of the cell [4], [6] (see Figure 5). As such, electrons in the electron cloud surrounding their posi-
when investigating permittivity at frequencies beyond tive core and 2) atoms that are attached to each other in
the b -relaxation, examination of the cells’ contents a molecule. The electric field not only rotates them but
also pulls apart the positive
and the negative parts, after
→ → which a restoring force acts to
→ E (f < fβ) E (f > fβ)
E=0 bring them back together; the
structures then can be consid-
+ + + – + + – + + ered as if they were springs
– – – + – + – + – + + +
++ – + – – + –+ –– –
+ + – + – + – + – –– + + + [2]. At their resonance fre-
– – – – + – ++ +
––+ – + – + – + – +
– ––
++ + quency, the distance between
+ + – ––
+– + the positive and the negative
parts reaches its maximum,
No External Electric Field External Electric Field External Electric Field
Oscillating at Frequency Oscillating at Frequency first in the direction of the
Lower Than β-Relaxation Higher Than β -Relaxation external electric field (local
permittivity maximum), then,
Figure 5. An illustration of the concept of -relaxation, where the Maxwell–Wagner
b because of delay to the electric
polarization disappears because the electric field oscillations bypass the cell membranes at field, in the opposite direction
frequencies beyond the b -relaxation. (local permittivity minimum).
52 April 2023
This is illustrated in Figure 4. There is a peak in losses function of frequency. These properties can be inter-
because of the energy absorption that comes with the preted as explained above and employed to charac-
separation of the charges. Changes in the concentration terize biological matter. The general methodology
of some important biomolecules can be observed as a consists of 1) the measurement of the reflection and/
shift in resonant frequency in the dielectric spectrum or transmission of EM waves as S-parameters through
as their vibrational frequency lies in the frequency the MUT, followed by 2) a mathematical conversion to
range of 300 GHz to 1 THz [4]. dielectric permittivity. The former will be discussed
To conclude, the a -, b -, and c - dispersions and the below. The latter depends on the geometrical setup of
electronic and atomic resonances that appear in bio- the measurements, as well as the size and the shape
logical matter’s frequency spectrum are influenced of the MUT and the calibration method, and will not
by different biological events. Researchers can mea- be explained in detail further in this article. The basic
sure the whole frequency spectrum and deduct infor- principle is that the measurement results will be de-
mation about all these biological events at the same embedded, i.e., the effects of the setup will be removed,
time. Indeed, researchers can characterize biological until only the effect of the MUT’s permittivity is vis-
matter based on fundamental characteristics of the ible. Alternatively, an analytical description of the
spectra, such as how broad each dispersion is and at effect of the sample’s permittivity in the measurement
which frequency each relaxation occurs. Examples results can be employed, from which the permittivity
of how scientific research used these characteristics can directly be extracted.
for biological matter characterization are given in the The most common methodologies for measurement
following section. However, in practice, not many of S-parameters of biological matter for reflection and
have succeeded in really linking these parameters to transmission are explained below and illustrated in
specific biological events, and so the field still needs Figure 6 and Table 1. Some applications are given as
to advance in this area. Moreover, the frequency of well, and it is shown how the methods have been
characterization can be chosen according to which selected and adapted for measurements on biologi-
biological events are of interest to the research (e.g., cal matter. For example, biocompatibility of the
b -frequencies to obtain information on the number measurement device must be guaranteed, and pos-
of cells and cell membranes and c -frequencies when sible EM-heating effects must be prevented. The pre-
water content is of interest). ferred method depends on the frequency, the physical
Finally, before diving into the practical aspects of and chemical attributes of the biological MUT (liquid/
permittivity measurements, we ought to clarify one solid, size, etc.), and the requirements in terms of sen-
thing: one might wonder why we choose to consider sitivity and limit of detection among others. Moreover,
dielectric constant rather than impedance. Some [7] the operating bandwidth of the measurements plays a
prefer to consider impedances which, as opposed key role in selecting the technology. Broadband char-
to dielectric permittivity, are directly measurable, acterization provides a global measure on a broad
and no difficult mathematical transformations or range of frequencies and thus lets us know about
calculations are required to obtain them. For the the constituents of the matter on different scales but
characterization of two or more cells, which always requires technology that is appropriate for the whole
comprise the same geometry and are measured with spectrum. The technology can be hard to develop, and
the exact same method, one is completely right to the instrumentation can be costly and fragile. Nar-
consider impedances. However, as “dielectric electri- rowband characterization, however, focuses on one
cal (oxymoron) engineers” [7], we consider dielectric to a few discrete frequencies so that the device can be
permittivity to be the fundamental parameter. It is designed to be optimized to these frequencies using
a material characteristic and should as such, after cheaper and simpler components. These measure-
de-embedding, be independent of the measurement ments are often more precise and easier to develop.
method and size and shape of the material under Below we will first elaborate on broadband DS, and
test (MUT), which is not true for impedances. Even then the main approaches and applications for nar-
though still to be improved in practice, the dielectric rowband characterization will be explained.
permittivity of cells, tissues, and liquids of different
sizes should thus reflect only the content of the bio- Broadband DS
logical matter rather than the size, shape, and volume In this subsection, the most common approaches for
of the cell. broadband DS of biological matter are discussed. More
specifically, coaxial probes and coplanar waveguides
Dielectric Spectroscopy Techniques (CPWs) are first explained in depth, after which we
Dielectric spectroscopy (DS) is the measurement of summarize the upcoming technologies for sub-THz
a material’s fundamental dielectric properties as a and THz broadband characterization.
April 2023 53
Open-Ended Coaxial Probe 110 GHz). As the coaxial transmission line is cut off
An open-ended coaxial probe is commonly used for at the border with the MUT, its field fringes into the
measurements of the reflection of EM waves (S11) from liquid or semisolid biological matter, which affects
a biological MUT in the frequency range from ! 0.1 to the reflection of the EM waves [8]. The basic concept
10 GHz (and sometimes even for measurements up to is illustrated in Figure 7. The conversion method from
Broadband Narrowband
Coaxial Probe
Resonant Cavities
Free-Space Measurement
Biomedical Applications
of Dielectric Characterization
Figure 6. An illustration of different types of µW sensors for dielectric characterization of biological matter. CPW: coplanar
waveguide; CSRR: complementary SRR; PGL: planar Goubau line; SRR: split ring resonator.
TABLE 1. An overview of dielectric characterization methods for biological matter and their applications.
Broadband/Narrowband Planar/
Method Nonplanar Frequency Range Example Applications
Coaxial probe Broadband, nonplanar: 10 MHz to 110 GHz Mainly tissue characterization: e.g., breast tissue [10], liver tissue
[11], and renal calculi [12]
Coplanar waveguide Broadband, planar: <1 GHz to sub-THz Integration with microfluidics for measurements of small volumes:
e.g., single cell detection and analysis [21], [22], detection of
mitochondrial activity [26], and detection of skin melanoma [27]
Microwire Broadband, nonplanar: sub-THz Detection of protein resonances [33], [34]
Planar Goubau lines Broadband, planar: sub-THz to THz Lysosome DS [35]
Free-space Broadband, nonplanar: 50 GHz to THz Upcoming technology for FDS
Cavity resonator Narrowband, nonplanar Water-based solutions such as NaCl [37]
Planar resonators: Narrowband, planar Bacteria [44], [45], [46], [47], [48], glucose [51], [52], [53], [54],
SRR, CSRR, etc. [55], colon tissue [50], [56], skin tissue [57], and cells [39], [40]
CSRR: complementary SRR; FDS: frequency domain spectroscopy; SRR: split ring resonator.
54 April 2023
reflection to permittivity is well established, and the In CPWs, the electric field lines in the dominant
method requires minimal sample preparation and is mode of propagation, quasi-TEM mode, are oriented
easy to use [9]. The coaxial probe has mainly been used as shown in Figure 8(a) [14]. The propagation of the
to characterize biological tissue, from normal, benign, electric field will be affected by any biological matter
and malignant breast or liver tissue to renal calculi and put on top of the transmission lines. The effective per-
muscle [10], [11], [12]. The measurement methodology mittivity of the CPW lines is a mathematically com-
had to be adapted largely for biological tissue when plex combination of the permittivity of the dielectric
researchers noticed that the practices were not proper and the permittivity of the material on top of the lines
for biological matter. Indeed, it was found necessary to (the unknown editor of Microwaves101 [15] provides
control the precise position and pressure of the probe on us with the rule of thumb that it is approximately
the tissue as compressing the semisolid would change the average). In most devices, a microfluidic channel,
its dielectric properties [6]. Moreover, in a large-scale sometimes with hydrodynamic traps, functions as bio-
breast tissue investigation performed by Lazebnik et al. captor and is constructed on top of the CPW lines [Fig-
[10], it became clear that an analysis of the content ure 8(b)], mainly on the signal line and gaps where the
of excised tissue before measurement was of critical field is largest, to allow the electric field to be affected
importance. A large difference was found between by the biological matter that is pumped through the
dielectric properties of normal breast tissue and malig-
nant tissue, but it appeared to be largely determined by
the adipose (fatty) content of the tissue sample, which
was higher in the excised healthy samples. The differ-
ences between healthy and malignant tissue were far
smaller when this adipose content was accounted for
[10]. Nevertheless, other studies still showed promising Reflection
results: O’Rourke et al. [11] showed that the dielectric
properties of ex vivo malignant liver tissues are 19%
to 30% higher than normal tissue. Moreover, the renal Figure 7. Open-ended coaxial probe method.
calculi (kidney stone) category can be statistically dif-
ferentiated by dielectric properties over the frequency
range from 500 MHz to 18 GHz [12]. →
April 2023 55
channel [16], [17]. In fact, as the position of the biologi- Sub-THz and THz Measurements
cal object (e.g., cell or organelle) must be controlled In this section, we list interesting technologies for broad-
to maximize the sensitivity, “trapping” structures band sub-THz and THz measurements (0.1 THz to
can be added to the microfluidic structure [18], [19]. 10 THz). These frequency ranges show great potential
As the CPW operates in the GHz frequency range, for dielectric characterization. THz time domain spec-
where the electric field can probe the inside of the cells troscopy (TDS) has been shown to be able to detect drug
through the shortening of the capacitive effect of the effectiveness through comparison of absorption coeffi-
cell membrane, it is used extensively in investigating cients and refractive indices in [30]. It was found that these
the intracellular components of different cell lines and coefficients and indices showed the trend toward healthy
their reaction to chemical and physical treatment [18], tissue when a drug was administered and the negative
[20], [21], [22]. Moreover, CPW lines can be adapted to effect on the healthy cells, respectively. Moreover, in [31],
measure the dielectric properties of biological matter promising results were obtained showing significant dif-
of different sizes, from in vivo tissue characterization ferences in the THz absorption spectrum for different his-
down to single cells, making it a promising technique tological types, pathological grades, and glioma-specific
to monitor the effects of drugs on different biological biomarkers in measurements of healthy and cancerous
entities in a label-free, noninvasive, and nondestruc- brain tissue. In [32], myocardial amyloidosis (deposition
tive way [16], [17]. Different studies have shown the of specific protein causing heart stiffness) was detected
possibility to monitor cell electroporation, electroche- using THz TDS, combined with convolutional neural
motherapy, and the effect of saponin and mitochon- networks. Finally, as mentioned in the explanation of
drial activity at the single-cell or cells-in-suspension dielectric permittivity, the frequency spectrum overlaps
level as represented respectively in the first and sec- with the resonance frequencies of important proteins and
ond images of Figure 9 [21], [22], [23], [26]. For instance, biomolecules in this range. To extend these methods for a
in [23], it was found that saponin, which affects the more accurate frequency domain analysis with higher fre-
cell membrane and allows for exchange of contents quency resolution, there is a need to establish frequency
through the membrane, effectively caused a reduc- domain spectroscopy methods at THz frequencies. Tech-
tion in dielectric contrast between the extracellular nologies are being developed to cope with the high loss of
and intracellular medium. Furthermore, mitochon- EM power into lossy biological MUT and the high noise
drial activity can be monitored. This is important as it that is inherent to these frequency bands. For instance,
can be an indicator for how cells will react to therapy. [33] showed the use of a microwire to detect resonating
Moreover, melanomas (skin cancers) have been stud- proteins at 0.314 THz excited by visible light. Moreover, a
ied directly in vivo and can be detected using µW protein concentration change effectively caused a change
spectroscopy with a sensor in contact with the skin in the measured resonance frequency in [34]. Planar alter-
of the subject, as represented in the fourth image of natives are being researched as well, such as the PGL, a
Figure 9 [27]. Finally, the dielectric characterization of fine ML with no ground onto which the Goubau mode
microtissue (3D cell aggregates as a model for cancer can be excited through the CPW to PGL transition. This
tissue) is emerging with the device represented in the mode shows high confinement around the line and can
middle of Figure 9 [19], [28]. In conclusion, the CPW be used for measurement of extremely small structures
allows studies in multiple biosample scales as summa- close to the line. In [35], transmission through lysozymes
rized in Figure 9 [19], [23], [27], [28], [29]. was successfully measured using PGL. More research is
Biosample Scale
In Out RF In RF Out
Lymphoma Cells
Suspension Microtissue in PBS
One Trapped Lymphoma Cell
Figure 9. Examples of µW transmission-based sensors depending on biosample scale for dielectric characterization showing
the versatility of CPW sensors in biological applications [19], [23], [27], [28], [29].
56 April 2023
necessary to investigate the further capabilities of PGL. fres " fres , and Q 0 " Q 1 .
0 1 (4)
Finally, research is ongoing for the use of free space mea-
surements of biological cells and tissues. Interestingly, Nevertheless, challenges in resonance-based bio-
the sub-THz to THz measurements are hovering on the logical matter measurements arise from the fact that a
border between THz spectroscopy and visible light spec- considerable portion of them consists of a highly lossy
troscopy, slightly farther from our field of knowledge but substance: water. The loss decreases the quality factor,
definitely not less important. Researchers are exploring flattening the resonance dip and making it difficult to
the borders of both the µW and light (toward quantum) find the resonance frequency.
theories and verifying how they can be crossed. Various types of planar and nonplanar µW resonant
sensors are used for DS of different biological matter,
Narrowband Characterization of ranging from aqueous biological solutions, like glucose
Biological Matter or saline solutions, to cells and tissues. Here we subdi-
The technologies and applications discussed so far are vide the narrowband technologies into nonplanar cav-
mainly used for broadband DS of biological matter, ity resonators and planar resonators.
i.e., in a wide frequency range. However, broadband
permittivity information is not necessarily needed in Nonplanar Cavity Resonators
many cases; for example, if one is interested in study- In the case of nonplanar cavity resonators, devices such
ing the presence or absence of a specific substance, as coaxial resonators have been developed to study the
solution concentrations, and viability and growth of concentration of solutions. As the name implies, a cav-
cells or organisms like bacteria, among others, at a ity consists of a hollow space filled with the sample,
single frequency or in a small frequency range, nar- and the resonance behavior changes according to the
rowband techniques can be more precise and faster to sample’s permittivity.
investigate dielectric properties of materials. As discussed previously, in wideband open-ended
Narrowband measurements often employ a reso- coaxial probe measurements, the sample is in contact
nance-based µW sensor that concentrates the electric with the end of the probe, changing the impedance.
field at frequencies near a specific frequency, depending Instead of relying only on the conventional com-
on the application. The term “resonance” in this section mercially available probes, the idea of designing a
is different from the one used in the prior sections; here closed-ended coaxial resonator by replacing the inner
we mean the resonance of a circuit, due to its compo- dielectric of the coaxial probe with the MUT is pro-
nents. Depending on the structure of a sensor, it can be posed in [36]. In both cases, the sample is in contact
modeled as a resonant circuit, including an inductance with the probe, which makes the probe susceptible to
L, capacitance C, and a term relating to conductivity (or contamination and the measurements prone to error.
inversely, resistance) G or R. Depending on modeling, To avoid any direct contact with the sample, cavities
they can be connected in a series or parallel form. for contactless measurement have been introduced
This is how these resonant sensors come into play: [37], [38]. In these cavities, a container is placed inside
the sensor behaves as a series or a parallel RLC cir- or close to the cavity, and the electric field is perturbed
cuit with its components tuned by the MUT’s prop- when the container is loaded with the sample. Figure 10
erties. For instance, the resonance frequency fres and illustrates a cavity resonator with a container for con-
the quality factor Q define the resonance behavior of tactless liquid characterization.
the sensor. Although the precise relation depends on For instance, a cylindrical resonator for contactless
sensor configuration and calibration, we can approxi- measurement of NaCl solution (0%–5%) was proposed
mately assume that the resonance frequency (deter-
mined by the equivalent inductance L and capacitance
C) is related to the permittivity as
D q
fres = 1 ? 1 (2)
2r LC f L L1
Q? 1 . (3)
tan d 0 20 40 (mm)
Thus, the interaction of the highly concentrated Figure 10. A cylindrical resonator with a container for
field and the MUT determines the system’s frequency loading the sample for contactless measurement of liquid
response by changing concentration [35].
April 2023 57
in [37]. This sensor includes a probe inserted into a cav- Following the studies on DS for cells and bacteria
ity and a container to be filled with the saline solution. [41], [42], [43], SRR-based sensors have been developed
Among the main propagation modes (TE111, TM010, for real-time monitoring of bacteria concentration and
and TE011), the one with the highest quality factor and growth [44], [45], [46] and the effect of glucose or antibiot-
the largest separation from the other modes is chosen ics on this growth [47], [48]. As illustrated in Figure 11(a),
(TE011). Based on the perturbation theory, the variation the resonance frequency changes the most when the sam-
in permittivity Df is obtained. ple is placed over the ring gap, and so the bacteria growth
medium is placed over the sensitive gap in SRR, and the
Planar Resonators corresponding capacitance and conductance gradually
Despite having a higher quality factor, nonplanar reso- change over time, which is measured through the change
nant sensors are often bulky, whereas in biomedical in amplitude of the reflection or the transmission as well
applications of DS, an appropriate platform for sam- as the resonance frequency shift. The time-dependent
ples with a volume as small as nL or μL is required. variation of the resonance amplitude for two different
Although bulk sensors can be integrated with micro- volumes of Escherichia coli [Figure 11(b)] corresponds to
fluidics [39], miniaturized planar sensors are more eas- the bacterial growth. As the simulation results in Figure
ily compatible with various microfluidic systems such 11(c) and (d) confirm, the changes in the loss tangent con-
as lab-on-a-chip, organ-on-a-chip, cell sorting and tribute to changes in the amplitude, which can be trans-
trapping, and flexible electronics and wearables. lated into bacterial growth.
In fact, basically any structure that forms an RLC cir- SRRs have also been implemented in tissue studies,
cuit on a planar technology, such as CPW or microstrip, focusing on the tissues’ dielectric characteristics as a
can be utilized as a planar resonant sensor, including key feature of their physiological state. A microstrip
but not limited to split ring resonators (SRRs), their ring resonator (MRR) with CPW access has been
dual counterparts complementary SRRs (CSRR), and devised to measure the dielectric parameters of ani-
interdigitated capacitors combined with other men- mal tissues [49]. The sensor is made up of an MRR
tioned structures or solely with an inductance. on the top surface with CPW feed lines on the other
In this section, we will discuss how various µW side, and the sample is loaded as a superstrate on
planar resonators have been introduced to the fields the MRR. The advantage of the proposed configura-
of chemistry and biology, focusing on more recent tion compared with a simple MRR with a microstrip
advances in applications of SRRs and CSRRs. feedline is that the sample-induced losses do not affect
the signal propagation in feedlines. The same as the
SRRs applications of Goubau line for broadband measure-
Planar SRRs make it possible to observe the occur- ment of biomatter, at higher frequencies (~600 GHz), a
rences close to the surface of a sensor, thanks to inter- THz-imaging technique based on SRR integrated with
action of a biomatter with the highly concentrated PGL is proposed in [50]. With a bare sensor resonance
electric field in the slit of a split ring. One newly devel- frequency of 596 GHz, healthy and cancerous colonic
oped example is a hairpin resonator for melanoma cell tissue models cause 130- and 155-GHz frequency
detection [40]. As the cell is trapped in a channel, the shifts to lower frequencies, respectively. Nevertheless,
EM wave goes through the growth medium, enters the the effective sensing depth of the sensor is limited to
cells, and passes through the growth medium again to a few micrometers, limiting its performance in deeper
reach the other electrode. Although it is usually pre- analysis of a tissue.
ferred to evaluate the change in transmission ampli-
tude, the reflection (S11) change is more pronounced CSRRs
than the transmission (S21) change in this case. A CSRRs are one of the most popular planar resonators
higher variation in reflection due to the nonhomo- because of the strong electric field perpendicular to the
geneous interface between the cell and the medium CSRRs’ surface, improving the penetration depth. This
explains this difference. is important especially when a sample is not sensed in
While trapping techniques often accommodate sin- direct contact to the sensor as, for example, sensing the
gle-cell DS, Watts et al. [39] introduce a biosensor that blood beneath multiple layers of skin or in a container
consists of a double SRR that detects the free-flowing to investigate blood glucose concentration or in vivo
live cells moving in the microfluidic channel along the tissue characterization. Omer et al. have developed
gap. This sensor cannot be considered entirely planar several glucose sensors in a hexagonal CSRR form
as it has a copper cavity for stimulation, and the gold (honey cell) [51], [52], [53] and three circular CSRRs
ring resonator is deposited on a glass coverslip. Nev- [54], [55] for wearable applications. An illustration is
ertheless, this hybrid configuration produces a large given in Figure 12. These studies not only present a
quality factor, even with lossy water. novel structure compared with a single CSRR but also
58 April 2023
develop 1) a dipole antenna tag reader for distant sens- [56] developed a flexible tubular device using CSRRs
ing and 2) a radar-driven portable sensor to overcome with high penetration depth to characterize colorec-
the need for high-cost and bulky VNAs. The sensor’s tal tissue. The prototype is designed to be deployed
selectivity and specificity remain the main constraints in patients’ colons and evaluate the tissue’s health or
in using DS for glycemia. The presence of other sub- malignancy in six directions (Figure 13).
stances such as ions, proteins, and other molecules can Skin tissue and its abnormalities have also been
negatively affect the repeatability and reproducibility considered as a possible application of resonant µW
of the measurements. However, the glucose concen- sensors [57] and CSRRs; as in [58], the performance of a
tration in the blood is dominant compared with these CSRR-based sensor on a detection of cancerous cells in
other components [51], enabling the design of µW sen- a skin tissue phantom is validated using simulations.
sors for glycemia monitoring as a potential noninva- Variation in the amplitude and phase of reflection and
sive replacement for currently available invasive and transmission coefficients in the frequency range of
minimally invasive solutions. 2–18 GHz is correlated to the presence of cancer cells
Similar to the case of blood glucose biosensors, non- with higher water content in the epidermis of their
invasive in vivo tissue spectroscopy requires a good developed skin model.
penetration depth such that the signal passes through The resonant sensors and the characterized biologi-
different layers. Furthermore, flexibility and spatial cal matter are not limited to what we discussed here;
resolution are essential. For instance, Maenhout et al. the research in this area is ongoing, aiming to improve
0 0.2
Bare Resonator Control
Material on Ring Gap E. coli –3 µ L
–3 Material on Coupling Gap Fitting Curve–3 µ L
E. coli –9 µ L
∆ Amplitude (dB)
–6 9 mm Fitting Curve–9 µ L
S11 (dB)
6 mm 0.1
–9 (a)
6 mm
9 mm
1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8 0 7 14 21 28 35
Frequency (GHz) Time (h)
(a) (b)
S11 (dB)
S11 (dB)
Figure 11. The planar SRR sensor for bacterial growth monitoring in a real-time manner with (a) effect of putting the sample
on the coupling gap or the ring gap, (b) shift in the amplitude of resonance during time due to bacterial growth and permittivity
variation, and (c) and (d) simulation results that show resonance frequency and amplitude changes for different matter with
different permittivity [44].
April 2023 59
the specifications such as quality factor and sensitivity, field as drastically as it did a lot of scientific domains in
for a more precise detection. the last decades: machine learning algorithms can be
applied in the design process [24] or in data analysis,
Conclusions and Future Perspectives such as for classification [25] or personalized sensor
In conclusion, the field of DS is large and growing. calibration, to improve the performance of DS. Despite
This nonionizing, noninvasive, and label-free char- the advances in sensor miniaturization as well as mea-
acterization technique is already employed for bio- surement techniques and instruments, bringing DS to
logical matter in the detection of cancer biomarkers, point-of-care applications remains challenging. Large,
glucose sensing in diabetes patients, and many more complicated, and costly VNA setups which require
areas and can be adapted for the characterization of calibration before measurements restrain the applica-
any type of biological matter on a continuously low- tion of the sensors for untrained users. Moreover, it
ering scale as the operating frequencies rise through causes the devices to be a chip-in-a-lab rather than a
the development of new measurement technologies lab-on-a-chip. Recent progress in the development of
and equipment. The biomedical applications of DS VNA-on-a-chip is considered a game changer in that
are not limited to the ones mentioned here, neither regard and is expected to bring the devices into the
are the technologies only valuable on their own. Com- mobile testing domain. Finally, DS combined with
bining different DS techniques as well as combining µW heating brings up new possibilities in cancer
DS techniques with other characterization methods, theranostics; the tumor can be detected through DS
e.g., electrochemical analysis, can allow us to achieve (diagnostics) and specifically targeted as its dielec-
measurements in a broader frequency range [59], [60]. tric properties alter its sensitivity to ablation tech-
Moreover, artificial intelligence has yet to improve this niques (therapeutics).
D1 D2
Lc Lc
Signal Line
Substrate Sensing
Cc Rc
(Coupling Part) Region
Figure 12. A triple CSRR sensor for noninvasive glucose measurement and equivalent electrical model of a single CSRR
loaded with MUT [54].
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subsurface bacterial growth,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 850–862, Aug. 2008, doi: 10.1109/JMEMS.2008.921726.
15, no. 1, pp. 122–132, Feb. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TBCAS.2021.3055227.
62 April 2023
LC Oscillators
he rapid development of wireless com- Conventional single-mode LC oscillators, which
munications, software-defined radios, adjust their resonant frequencies merely by capacitive
and ultrawideband (UWB) engenders an tuning through switched capacitors or varactors, often
ever-increasing demand for clock gener- suffer from relatively small frequency-tuning capabil-
ators that fully covers multiple frequency ity as the increased variability in frequencies normally
bands [1], [2], [3]. As the “heartbeat” that pumps leads to deteriorated phase noise due to the degraded
clock generators, such as phase-locked loops (PLLs), Q of the LC tanks. The TR of an LC oscillator with
microwave oscillators with wideband frequency capacitive tuning can be represented as
tuning range (TR) are thus attracting a great deal of
research interest. C p + C max - C p + C min
TR = 2 (1)
C p + C max + C p + C min
LC oscillators are well known for their superior phase where C p refers to the parasitic capacitance from the
noise over ring oscillators and their other counterparts cross-coupled pairs, and C max and C min correspond to
due to the sufficiently high quality factor (Q) of the LC the maximum and minimum capacitances from the
tank. Therefore, LC oscillators are often selected as tuning capacitors.
optimal architectures in applications such as base sta- Due to its limited on-off capacitance ratio (C max /C min),
tions and cellular phones. a single-mode LC oscillator normally covers a
Pei Qin ([email protected]), Quan Xue ([email protected]), and Wenquan Che ([email protected]) are with the Guangdong
Provincial Key Laboratory of Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz, the School of Microelectronics and the School of Electronic and Information
Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233511
Date of current version: 10 March 2023
6/8/ ...
– – Buffer CLKP_PLL-OUT
Buffer Digital Circuit
Counter Oscillator Related
Other Circuit
Fref DIV
Buffer TDC 1/2/3/4
Figure 1. A conventional solution with four oscillators versus an optimal solution with one oscillator covering a one-octave
band in all-digital PLLs. DIV: divider; MUX: multiplexer; FCW: frequency control word; OSC: oscillator; CKO: clock output;
TDC: time to digital converter; DIG: digital; Fref: reference frequency; Ckin: clock in; CLKP/N: clock P/N.
64 April 2023
frequency of the oscillator. TLS makes use of the differ-
A bridge circuit has been proposed
ent loadings in the secondary coils of the transformer
that help change the effective inductances for LC tanks, as an effective method for
thus tuning the resonant frequencies. In MS, multiple alleviating the Q degradation
oscillator cores are combined and alternately turned
from the IS.
on and off to satisfy different frequency requirements,
thus broadening the frequency TR. As for MRS, it takes
advantage of the even and odd resonant modes of LC the switches or their combinations, different equivalent
resonators to achieve more resonant modes for the LC inductances can be achieved. Taking the switched
resonators. These techniques are all useful methods inductor with one shunt switch as an example, assum-
for obtaining a wide-frequency TR in microwave LC ing that the impedance of L 1 is Z 0 # (1 - a) /2 and L 2 is
oscillators; they all obtain different working principles Z 0 # a/2 (0 # a # 1, Z 0 = R 0 + j~L 0), the series imped-
and have different advantages and disadvantages. ance between A and B can be calculated as (2) [15].
Thus, the following sections discuss the details of each
Z A - B = Z 0 # ^1 - ah +
of these techniques, including their basic concepts, Z 0 # a # R SW
. (2)
Z 0 # a + R SW
design examples, merits, and drawbacks.
Neglecting the parasitic capacitance, when the
IS switch is off, Z A-B equals (3).
In general, an LC oscillator adopts an individual induc-
Z A - B = R 0 + j~L 0 . (3)
tor (L d) as its inductive element, and its resonant fre-
quency is adjusted by varying the switched capacitors In addition, assuming R 0 % ~L 0 and R SW % ~L 0,
or varactors (C d), that is, the single-mode LC oscillator, when the switch is on, Z A-B is then simplified as (4).
as exemplified in Figure 2(a). However, as mentioned
previously, switched capacitors or varactors normally Z A - B . R 0 ^1 - ah + R SW + j~L 0 ^1 - ah . (4)
are not sufficient to support the oscillator obtaining a
frequency TR above 40%. In such cases, one approach This indicates that there are two different effective
to extend the frequency TR is to truncate the inductors inductances under the on and off states. Considering
into several segments by IS, thus increasing the effec- the equivalent inductances as coarse tuning and the
tive inductances. Figure 2(b)–(d) displays several typi- variable capacitors as fine tuning, the frequency TR
cal methods to realize the IS, such as shunt switches of the LC oscillator using switched inductors can be
and bridge circuits. greatly increased compared to that of a single-mode
Shunt Switches Obviously, when the switch is on, R SW is directly
As we can see from Figure 2, the individual inductor inserted as the effective series resistance into Z A-B;
(L d) can be directly truncated into segments by one or thus, it will degrade the tank Q and deteriorate the
more shunt switches or transformed into a bridge cir- phase noise. So, the switch needs to be well designed
cuit and then divided into segments by switches. As for with a large transistor size to alleviate the degrada-
the shunt switches in Figure 2(c), by turning on and off tion of Q. However, a switch with a large transistor
Ld /2 Ld /2
A A L1,1
Cd Cd L1 L1 L2,1
Ld /2
Figure 2. (a) A conventional single-mode LC oscillator with an individual inductor (Ld), (b) the drain inductor, (c) the shunt
switches, and (d) the bridge circuits. VDD: power supply; VSS: ground.
April 2023 65
reduces the self-resonant frequency of the inductor switch, this oscillator obtains both high- and low-fre-
and also decreases the frequency TR due to its para- quency bands with a measured overall frequency TR
sitic capacitance. Thus, the tradeoff of these design of 87.2% ranging from 3.3 to 8.4 GHz and a measured
parameters has to be carefully considered in the oscil- phase noise ranging from −122 to −117.2 dBc/Hz at a
lator design. 1-MHz offset under a power consumption from 6.5 to
The number of shunt switches or inductor seg- 15.4 mW [11].
ments corresponds to the number of coarse tuning LC oscillators with multiple parallel switches have
bands. A switched inductor with one shunt switch also been investigated as a means to broaden the fre-
has been designed in several LC oscillators [11], [12]. quency TR [13], [14]. Figure 4 shows a circuit schematic
Figure 3 displays a circuit schematic of the oscillator of the LC oscillator with three shunt switches and its
with one shunt switch; the realization of the switched inductor realization in [13]. The switched inductor is
inductor; the measured frequency; and the measured constructed by cascading four inductor loops with
phase noise in [11]. By turning on and off the shunt three shunt switches between the adjacent sections.
Bank Selection
8 –114
Lower Band Upper Band
Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)
7 –116
384-MHz Frequency Overlap
0 2 4 8 16 32 3 4 5 6 7 8
Capacitor Control Frequency (GHz)
(b) (c)
Figure 3. (a) The schematic of the IS LC oscillator with one shunt switch and the realization of the truncated inductor in [11],
(b) the measured frequency TR, and (c) the measured phase noise. VSW: V_switch. (Source: Taken from [11].)
66 April 2023
This oscillator is incorporated in a millimeter-wave
Compared to IS, TLS seems more
(mm-wave) signal generation circuit with a # 4 multi-
plier, where direct measurement results for the oscilla- appealing in mm-wave applications
tor were not demonstrated. The measured frequency due to its higher flexibility in layout
TR for the final signal generator ranges from 85 to
125 GHz with the phase noise varying from −108 to
−102 dBc/Hz at a 10-MHz offset over the output fre-
quency range [13]. Neglecting the parasitic capacitance, when the
switch (SW) is off, Z A-B equals Z 0 .
Bridge Circuits Assuming R 0 % ~L 0 and R sw % ~L 0 at high fre-
A bridge circuit has been proposed as an effective quency, when the SW is on, Z A-B is given by (6).
method for alleviating the Q degradation from the IS.
As shown in Figure 2(d), a bridge circuit is connected Z A - B . R 0 ^1 - a 2h + R SW # a 2 + j~L 0 ^1 - a 2 h. (6)
in parallel by one or more unbalanced switches. Taking
a bridge circuit with one switch as an example, if we From (6), the effective series resistance of the
assume that the impedance of L 1, 1 (L 2, 2) is Z 0 # (1 + a) SW i s de c r e a s e d by a fac tor of a 2, wh ic h w i l l
and that of L 1, 2 (L 2, 1) is Z 0 # 1 - a), where a = ^TL/L h, somewhat alleviate the tank Q degradation. Fig-
0 # a # 1, and Z 0 = R 0 + j~L 0, the series impedance ure 5 shows a circuit schematic of an LC oscillator
between A and B is calculated as (5) [15]. using multiple unbalanced switches in the bridge
circuit with the realization of the bridge inductor
R SW + Z 0 ^1 - a 2h and the measured results. In Figure 5(b) and (c),
ZA - B = Z0 # . (5)
R SW + Z 0 the measured results show a wideband frequency
R3 = 12 µm SW2
R4 = 30 µm
Three-Bit Vc1–3
Diff. Port
Vtune Layout of NMOS Switched
Differential Inductors
Mc1 Mc2
Figure 4. The schematic of the IS LC oscillator with three shunt switches and its inductor realization in [13]. Diff.: differential.
(Source: Taken from [13].)
April 2023 67
TR covering from 9.9 to 20.3 GHz and a moderate not highly effective; thus, further investigation to explore
phase noise ranging from −103 to −84 dBc/Hz with this technique is necessary.
5.2–7.1 mW of power consumption [15]. Although
the bridge circuit theoretically could alleviate the TLS
Q degradation from the switches, the realization of Like IS, TLS applied in LC oscillators is also uti-
the bridge inductor in this design does not reduce lized to tune the effective inductance in the LC tank.
the phase noise because it employs multistacked However, compared to IS, TLS seems more appeal-
metal layers. ing in mm-wave applications due to its higher flex-
In summary, the IS technique provides an effec- i bility in layout i mplement at ion. As show n i n
tive way to realize wideband LC oscillators. However, Figure 6, TLS can be categorized into three main
the phase noise of the oscillator is affected by the series types: namely, series loaded switching [16], [17],
switches in the inductive path. Although some methods [18]; parallel loaded switching [19], [20], [21], [22],
have been proposed to alleviate this effect, they are still [23], [24]: and two-port loaded switching [25], [26],
Mode 4
Mode 5
–90 Mode 2
Mode 4
Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)
Mode 5
Mode 3
Q′ Q Mode 2
–100 Mode 3
Mode 1 VDD = 1.2 V
Figure 5. (a) The schematic of an LC oscillator using multiple unbalanced switches in the bridge circuit and the realization
of the bridge inductor in [15], (b) the measured frequency TR, and (c) the measured phase noise. VIA: Via; VCNT: V_control.
(Source: Taken from [15].)
68 April 2023
[27], [28]. In the following, these three methods will also reported in this work. The measured frequency
be discussed in detail. TR is from 57 to 65.5 GHz, and the phase noise varies
from −105.9 to −110.8 dBc/Hz at a 10-MHz offset under
Series Loaded Switching a power consumption of 6 mW [17].
As shown in Figure 6(a), series loaded switching con-
tains two coils, the primary coil and the secondary coil, Parallel Loaded Switching
where the secondary coil is divided into various series Parallel loaded switching achieves multiband opera-
segments, and each is connected by switches. By turn- tion by replacing the secondary coil of the transformer
ing on different switches or their combinations, the with several parallel secondary coils, as shown in Fig-
loading of the transformer changes, leading to variable ure 6(b). Regardless of whether these coils are loaded
equivalent inductances from the primary coil. with switches, variable capacitors, or variable resistors,
Assuming the transformer to be ideal with a coupling the equivalent inductances from the primary coil can
coefficient of k and the secondary coil to be simplified be tuned. Multiple switches were employed to load the
as N = 1, the equivalent inductance (L eq) and resistance parallel coils in [20], [21], [22], and variable capacitors
(R eq) can be calculated as (7) and (8), where R represents were applied in [19], [23].
the equivalent resistance of the transistor SW, and C Since the switch loaded transformer has been ana-
refers to its parasitic capacitance in parallel with R [17]. lyzed in (6)–(8), the variable resistor loaded design is
analyzed here. As shown in Figure 6(b), assuming one
L eq = ideal transformer with a single-turn secondary coil
R 2 61 - ~ 2 CL 2 ^1 - k 2 h@ + ~ 2 L 22 ^1 - k 2h (N = 1) and a variable resistor (R v) loaded in the sec-
2 2
R ^1 - ~ CL 2h61 - ~ CL 2 ^1 - k h@ + ~ L 2 ^1 - k 2h
L1 # 2 2 2 2 2 2
ondary coil with parasitic capacitance (C v), the equiva-
(7) lent inductance (L eq) and resistance (R eq) can then be
R 2 L 1 61 - ~ 2 CL 2 ^1 - k 2 h@ + ~ 2 L 1 L 22 ^1 - k 2 h derived as (11) and (12), where both are functions of R v
2 2
R eq = . (8)
Rk 2 L 2 and C v [24].
R 2v L 1 61 - ~ 2 C v L 2 ^1 - k 2h@ + ~ 2 L 1 L 22 ^1 - k 2h
2 2
When the switch is turned on (R " 0), L eq is simpli-
R 1 - ~ C v L 2h61 - ~ C v L 2 ^1 - k h@ + ~ L 2 ^1 - k 2h
L eq =
2 2 2 2 2 2
fied as (9), reaching its minimum inductance (L eq_min).
When the switch is turned off, it is acquired as (10), (11)
approaching the maximum inductance (L eq_max). R 2v L 1 61 - ~ 2 C v L 2 ^1 - k 2 h@ + ~ 2 L 1 L 22 ^1 - k 2 h
2 2
R eq = . (12)
R 2v k 2 L 2
L eq_min = L 1 ^1 - k 2 h (9)
1 - ~ CL 2 ^1 - k h
2 2 As described in (11), if ~ 2 C v L 2 1 1, L eq increases
L eq_max = L 1 # . (10) with the increment of R v, and the maximum L eq is cal-
1 - ~ 2 CL 2
culated as (13).
Several LC oscillators have been designed by employ-
L eq_max = L eq ^R v " 3h = L 1 c 1 + k 2 m.
ing this series loaded switching technique [16], [17], [18]. ~ L2 Cv
Figure 7(a) gives a circuit schematic of an LC oscillator 1 - ~2 L2 Cv
using this technique. To realize multiple subbands, six
switches are loaded symmetrically at different loca- Conversely, the minimum L eq is simplified as (14).
tions on the secondary coil. An oscillator designed
with asymmetrical locations of the series switches is L eq_min = L eq ^R v " 0 h = L 1 ^1 - k 2 h. (14)
L3 L2 L3 LN
L1 Either M1P/N
L1 ••• L1 L2 Cv
or M2P/N
Figure 6. TLS: (a) series loaded switching, (b) parallel loaded switching, and (c) two-port loaded switching. SWN: the Nth switch.
April 2023 69
In practice, there is no clear boundary for series 64 frequency bands from 52.2 to 61.3 GHz with
and parallel loaded switching when N = 1 in the the loaded switch arrays providing coarse tuning
secondary coil. A wideband LC oscillator using through V b1-V b6 and the variable resistor providing
switches and a variable resistor loaded transformer fine tuning through Vfine . The capacitive elements
was designed in [24]. Its circuit schematic, the mea- are all loaded in the secondary coil. Thus, the uni-
sured frequency TR, and the measured phase noise formity of this oscillator is improved, and the K VCO
are shown in Figure 8(a)–(c), respectively. It achieves (720 MHz/V at band 8) is reduced by a factor of 10 com-
pared to that of a conventional oscillator. The measured
phase noise ranges from −94 to −118.75 dBc/Hz at a
10-MHz offset with an average power consumption
of 8.7 mW for the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)
core [24].
S2P S2N An LC oscillator with the classical parallel switch
loaded TLS technique is shown in Figure 9. The trans-
former is composed of one primary coil and two
Vtune K
Vb 1
Vb 6
(a) 64
Oscillating Frequency (GHz)
66 62
Frequency (GHz)
64 60
60 58
58 V DD = 0.4 V
56 V DD = 0.5 V
56 V DD = 0.6 V
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 54 V DD = 0.7 V
Vtune(V) V DD = 0.8 V
V DD = 0.9 V
Mode 0 Mode 1 Mode 2
Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5
–0.3 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2
(b) Tuning Voltage (V)
(at 10-MHz Offset)(dBc/Hz)
Phase Noise at 10-MHz Offset (dBc/Hz)
Mean Phase Noise –105.9 dBc/Hz –65
Phase Noise
–108.3 dBc/Hz
2.5-dB Variation
–110 –85
–110.8 dBc/Hz –90
–115 –95
70 April 2023
secondary coils. By turning on different loaded switches structures, the LC oscillator can operate at two bands,
in the secondary coils, this oscillator can work with three thus increasing its frequency TR.
frequency bands with a frequency TR of 14%, as shown Figure 10 shows the circuit schematic of the trans-
in Figure 9(b), ranging from 49.23 to 56.62 GHz. The former-based two-port loading LC oscillator proposed
measured phase noise varies from −87.5 to −93.7 dBc/Hz in [27]. It oscillates in the high band when the switch is
at a 1-MHz offset under an average power consumption turned on, while it operates in the low band when the
of 7.2 mW [21]. switch is turned off. A frequency TR of 22.3%, ranging
from 62.1 to 78.3 GHz, was achieved in this design with
Two-Port Loaded Switching the phase noise measured from −84.5 to −90.9 dBc/Hz
Two-port loaded switching is realized with the load- at 1 MHz and from −105.8 to −112 dBc/Hz at 10 MHz, as
ing at the secondary coil of the transformer inversely shown in Figure 10(b) and (c). There are other methods
connected back to the primary coil, thus generating the to realize two-port loading, such as the oscillator in
so-called two-port loading effect for the primary coil. [26], which is operated by exploiting a one-port scheme
As displayed in Figure 6(c), there are two main types in the low band while employing a two-port scheme in
of two-port loading methods that have been proposed the high band.
in [25], [26], [27]. Using either M 1P/N or M 2P/N, the load- In summary, these three methods for TLS can all
ings are both inversely connected back from the sec- extend the frequency TR of LC oscillators. Although
ondary coil to the primary coil. By incorporating these the switches are not directly added in the main tank
SW1:On, SW2:On
2 µm
SW1 54
L1 SW2
GND Lc2 52
7 µm
4 µm
2.1 µm
68.68 µm
M3 M4
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
Frequency (GHz)
(a) (c)
Figure 9. (a) The schematic of the LC oscillator with parallel switch loaded TLS technique in [21] and its transformer
realization, (b) the measured frequency TR, and (c) the measured phase noise. DCI: digital control inductor. (Source: Taken
from [21].)
April 2023 71
There are indeed some designs that compact chip size are much more favorable. By design-
ing the inductive elements into compressed structures,
have combined several individual such as overlapped eight-shaped inductors [31] and
oscillators into a combined multicore transformers [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37],
MS oscillator. [38], [39], [40], [41], the oscillators can be condensed into
acceptably compact chip sizes while simultaneously
realizing a wide-frequency TR through MS.
path, the series resistance from the switches still feeds
back to the primary coil through the magnetic cou- Dual-Core Switching
pling, thus degrading the tank Q and the phase noise. A dual-core switching LC oscillator with hybrid
In addition, multiple coil coupling introduces design eight-shaped inductors was proposed in [31], and its
complexity for the transformers, especially in low-fre- schematic is displayed in Figure 11(a). Although eight-
quency applications. Thus, TLS is more appealing in shaped inductors have moderate Qs, they are immune
high-frequency applications, such as mm-wave. to stray magnetic fields, and can mutually cancel the
self-generated magnetic fields that keep the Q of the
MS inductor unaffected by the adjacent coils. While some
A straightforward method to realize an LC oscillator coupling effect may survive that marginally impacts
with a wide-frequency TR is to employ multiple oscil- the coils, this effect is much less than that of cou-
lators connected in parallel and commutate these oscil- pled circular or rectangular inductors. As shown
lators by alternately switching them. This is somewhat in Figure 11(a), the two eight-shaped inductors are
like the architecture that was shown in Figure 1. There overlapped with a smaller inductor inside a bigger
are indeed some designs that have combined several inductor. By employing two different metal layers, the
individual oscillators into a combined MS oscilla- two inductors occupy no extra chip area other than
tor [29], [30]. Yet directly combining these oscillators that of the larger inductor. When the two active cores
occupies a large chip area, and MS oscillators with a are switched on, this dual-core switching LC oscillator
OP S1 76
Frequency (GHz)
K 70
C1 68
L1 L2 C2
I2 66
M2 62
ON S2 60
–0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Voltage (V)
High Band Low Band
(a) (b)
–80 –100
Low Band
at 10 MHz (dBc/Hz)
–82.5 –102.5
Phase Noise
Phase Noise
–85 –105
–87.5 –107.5
–90 –110
–92.5 –112.5
–95 –115
60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80
Oscillation Frequency (GHz) Oscillation Frequency (GHz)
(c) (d)
Figure 10. (a) Schematic of the LC oscillator with two-port loaded switching TLS technique in [27], (b) the measured frequency
TR, and (c) the measured phase noise. Op: output_P; ON: output_N. (Source: Taken from [27].)
72 April 2023
can achieve a very wide-frequency TR in excess of the are utilized with three inductors placed in a con-
one-octave band. Figure 11(b) and (c) shows the mea- centric configuration.
sured frequency TR of 75% ranging from 2.4 to 5.3 GHz Since this oscillator targets the sub-6G working
and the measured phase noise ranging from −139 to band, the inductance of each inductor would be at
−149 dBc/Hz at a 10-MHz offset under a power con- least several hundred pH. Two-turn inductors are thus
sumption from 4.4 to 6 mW [31]. exploited, with the stacked metal layers in a small
chip area. As shown in Figure 12(b) and (c), by com-
Triple-Core Switching mutating these oscillators with the cross-coupled pairs
It is possible to further broaden the frequency TR of alternately turned on, this oscillator achieves three
an LC oscillator by combining more cores. Figure 12(a) continuous frequency bands with a measured fre-
shows a circuit schematic of an LC oscillator using quency TR of 128% ranging from 1.3 to 6 GHz and a
triple-core switching. Three inductors are coupled phase noise ranging from −112 to –120 at a 1-MHz offset
together as separate inductive elements for three LC under a power consumption of 4.35–9.15 mW over all
oscillators. To obtain multiband operation, the cou- frequency bands, a very competitive TR performance.
pling factors among the inductors must be kept small.
Vertical coupling inductors are thus not good options Combined Dual-Core and TLS
here because triple inductors may require the use of When the operating frequency goes up to the mm-
several bottom metal layers, leading to a Q degrada- wave, the combination of MS and TLS would be a good
tion of the inductor. In [32], planar coupling inductors method for the design of wideband LC oscillators [38],
Vdd Vdd
M1 M2 M3 M4
2 –160
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0.1 1 10
Coarse Tuning Word <4:0> Frequency Offset (MHz)
(b) (c)
Figure 11. (a) The schematic of the LC oscillator with dual-core switching in [31], (b) the measured frequency TR, and (c) the
measured phase noise. (Source: Taken from [31].) FOM: figure of merit; HB: high band; LB: low band; PN: phase noise.
April 2023 73
MRS can work based on either the coupled inductors, a small frequency discontinuity
appears from 76.2 to 78.5 GHz between modes 4 and 5,
switched inductance or switched which can be alleviated by adjusting the coupling factors
capacitance in even and odd modes to shift up the frequency of mode 4.
of the LC resonators. Therefore, the MS technique directly realizes the
extension of the TR by switching the active cores. Unlike
other techniques, no extra switches introduce other par-
[39], [40], [41]. Figure 13(a) gives a circuit schematic of asitics; thus, there is no extra TR loss introduced by this
an LC oscillator using the combined dual-core switching technique. From the referenced works, it appears that
and transformer parallel loaded switching techniques. As the MS technique could approach the ideal frequency
is clear from the figure, five single-turn inductors are pla- TR by using multiple single-core LC oscillators.
narly coupled together with two coils directly connected
to the drain terminals of the cross-coupled transistors as MRS
the primary coils and the other three coils loaded with MRS takes advantage of the switched inductance or
parallel switches as secondary coil loadings. Coarse tun- capacitance between even and odd modes in the LC res-
ing is obtained by either of two active cores; midrange onators, extending more resonant modes for LC oscil-
tuning is realized through the loaded switches; and fine lators. It is a very promising technique for designing
tuning is acquired by the variable capacitor array. The wideband LC oscillators while simultaneously obtain-
combination of MS and TLS techniques generates six fre- ing low phase noise. Unlike the aforementioned three
quency modes for the LC oscillator. techniques, which have no obvious beneficial effect on
Figure 13(b) and (c) shows the measured frequency TR the phase noise, MRS could realize a wide-frequency
ranging from 57.5 to 90.1 GHz with a frequency TR of 41.1% TR while at the same time improving the phase noise
and a phase noise ranging from −112 to −104.5 dBc/Hz at performance through its multicore configuration. To
a 10-MHz offset [39]. Because of inaccurate modeling of realize even and odd modes in LC resonators, the LC
8.2 –108
Current Consumption (mA)
7.2 –112
Phase Noise
5.2 –120
4.2 –124
3.2 –128
2.2 –132
1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1
Oscillation Frequency (GHz) Oscillation Frequency (GHz)
Mode 1 Mode 1 Measurement Mode 1 Simulation
Mode 2 Mode 2 Measurement Mode 2 Simulation
Mode 3 Mode 3 Measurement Mode 3 Simulation
(b) (c)
Figure 12. (a) The schematic of the LC oscillator with triple-core switching in [32], (b) the measured frequency TR, and
(c) the measured phase noise. (Source: Taken from [32].)
74 April 2023
oscillator normally has to work with at least two simul- and capacitors seen from Z 11 and Z 22, while Figure 14(b)
taneously active cores, which naturally decreases the depicts another transformer-based symmetrical LC
phase noise of the oscillator by 3 dB. resonator with one additional capacitor (C C) coupled
To realize MRS, almost all LC oscillators employ between the two sides of the transformer.
inductor-based or transformer-based LC resonators In even mode, the voltages across the two loops
[41], [42], [43], [44], [45], [46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51], [52], (A " C and B " D) are in phase (blue line in Figure
[53], [54], [55], [56]. Figure 14(a) displays a schematic 14); thus, VAC = VBD . The centric inductor (L CM) sees a
view of an LC resonator with symmetrical inductors differential voltage at its two terminals, which makes
its inductance count as part of the total inductance.
Hence, the resonator can be simplified into two shunt
LC tanks with L = 2 (L1 + L CM) and C = C 1 . The reso-
nant frequency is easily found as (15).
~ even =
1 . (15)
2^L 1 + L MhC 1
~ odd =
1 . (16)
2L 1 C 1
Without considering C C, the transformer-based
resonator in Figure 14(b) could be made equivalent
to Figure 14(a) by equating the transformer into a
Frequency (GHz)
60 A B
Z11 C1 LCM C1
50 Z22
0 0.6 1.2 1.8
Varactor Tuning Voltage (V) C D
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 L1 L1
Mode 4 Mode 5 Mode 6 (a)
Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)
–106 A B
–108 M
–112 Z11 C2 L2 L2 C2
–114 Z22
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Frequency (GHz) C D
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3
Mode 4 Mode 5 Mode 6
Figure 13. (a) The schematic of the LC oscillator with
combined dual-core and TLS in [39], (b) the measured Figure 14. Multimode resonance realized by (a) the
frequency TR, and (c)the measured phase noise. (Source: inductor-based LC resonator and (b) the transformer-based
Taken from [39].) LC resonator.
April 2023 75
introduces an extra coupled C C that produces addi- of a dual-mode LC oscillator simply using switched
tional equivalent capacitances between the even and inductance. As shown in the layout sketch in Figure 15(a),
odd modes. The calculated resonant frequencies in the two inductor coils correspond to L 1 in Figure 14(a),
even and odd modes are respectively given as (17) and while the long horizontal line refers to L CM . By adopting
(18) for Figure 14(b). a switch array to control the phases of the signals at four
ports, this oscillator can operate in two frequency bands
~ even =
1 (17)
^L 2 + MhC 2
covering from 14.8 to 18.7 GHz and from 20.8 to 26.6 GHz,
as shown in Figure 15(b). There appears to be a frequency
~ odd =
1 . (18)
^L 2 - M h (C 2 + C C)
discontinuity between the two bands; this can be modi-
fied by adjusting the parameters or patterns of the induc-
MRS can work based on either switched induc- tors based on (14) and (15). The measured phase noise
tance or switched capacitance in even and odd modes of this oscillator is shown in Figure 15(c), where it dem-
of the LC resonators. Thus, many of the LC oscillators onstrates that the oscillator obtains an optimum phase
reported have incorporated these two elements into noise of −115.1 dBc/Hz at a 2-MHz offset while consum-
their designs to realize wideband frequency TR and ing only 4.8 mW of dc power, demonstrating simultane-
low phase noise simultaneously. ous low phase noise and low power consumption [43].
There are also some other oscillators that merely exploit
Switched Inductance/ the switched capacitance, such as [42].
Capacitance-Based MRS
Switched inductance- or capacitance-based MRS tech- Switched Inductance and Capacitance
niques have been widely used in a variety of LC oscil- Combined MRS
lators to realize both wide TR and low phase noise [41], As mentioned earlier, the inductance and capacitance
[42], [43], [44], [45]. Figure 15(a) shows a circuit schematic can both be switched between the even and odd modes
Vout1+ Vout2+ M
M1 2
SW Vin
+ +
– –
M2 M1
Vout1– Vout2–
28 9 –80
Measured Frequency L = Leven L = Lodd
26 Simulated Frequency 8 –90
Power Consumption (mw)
22 6
20 5 –110
18 4 –120
16 3
L = Leven L = Lodd –130
14 2
0 10 20 30 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 10 20 30
Control Code Control Code
(b) (c)
Figure 15. (a) The schematic of the dual-mode resonant LC oscillator with switched inductance-based MRS in [43] and the
inductor realization, (b) the measured frequency TR, and (c) the measured phase noise. LDM: L in differential mode; PDC: power
of DC. (Source: Taken from [43].)
76 April 2023
of the LC resonator, indicating that each corresponds to cross-coupled capacitors producing the switched capac-
two resonant modes. By combining these modes, it is itance through electric coupling. A switch array at the
possible to realize quad-mode resonance for LC oscil- center is employed to clamp the quad-core with spe-
lators. In fact, an LC oscillator that subtly combines cific phases corresponding to the required even and
the switched inductance and the switched capacitance odd modes. The measured frequency TR and phase
between the even and odd modes of the LC resona- noise are shown in Figure 16(b) and (c), with a 73.2%
tor has been proposed to achieve four reconfigurable frequency TR from 18.6 to 40.1 GHz and an optimum
resonant modes in [54]. As shown in Figure 16(a), the phase noise of −108.5 dBc/Hz at a 1-MHz offset, respec-
four reconfigurable resonant modes are realized with tively [54]. The quad-mode and quad-core configuration
two symmetrical transformers forming the switched of this oscillator achieves simultaneous wideband fre-
inductance through magnetic coupling and several quency coverage and low phase noise.
–Gm –Gm
2D C C
Switch Cm Cm Cm Cm
–Gm –Gm
41 –60
at 100 kHz at 1 MHz at 10 MHz
Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)
35 –80
Frequency (GHz)
29 –100
23 –120
17 –140
0 1.1 2.2 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Control Voltage (V) Frequency (GHz)
(b) (c)
Figure 16. (a) The schematic of quad-mode resonant LC oscillator with switched inductance and capacitance combined MRS in
[54] and the transformer realization, (b) the measured frequency TR, and (c) the measured phase noise. (Source: Taken from [54].)
April 2023 77
Combined MRS and Other Techniques other techniques, such as TLS, to alleviate the parasitic
The improvement in resonant modes for MRS LC oscil- contribution from the mode selection circuits. An LC
lators is often limited by the parasitics of the mode selec- oscillator with combined MRS and TLS techniques was
tion or tuning circuits due to the increased complexity proposed in [55]. As shown in Figure 17(a), the oscilla-
of the switch array and other tuning circuits. To address tor introduces an additional tertiary magnetic coupling
this challenge, one approach is to combine the MRS with loop as the transformer-switching loading to extend
n:1 LF LG
– + + –
+ – – + VDD VDD
LC i1 i2
(a) (b)
Offset: 100 k, 1 M, 10 M
Odd Mode –90
6 –150
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 6 8 10 12 14 16
Frequency Control Word Frequency (GHz)
(c) (d)
Figure 17. (a) The schematic of the triple-mode LC oscillator with combined MRS and TLS techniques in [55], (b) the layout
implementation, (c) the measured frequency TR, and (d) the measured phase noise. 100k, 100,000; 1 M, 1 million; 10 M:
10 million. (Source: Taken from [55].)
1.48 mm
0.9 mm
Oscillator Output
Core Buffer
Core Area
0.39 mm2
470 µ m
170 µm
Decoupling Decoupling
Capacitors Capacitors
(a) (b)
Figure 18. Microphotographs of (a) the quad-mode LC oscillator in [54] and (b) the triple-mode LC oscillator in [55]. (Source:
Taken from [54] and [55].)
78 April 2023
more resonant modes. The transformer switching
130-nm CMOS
130-nm CMOS
22-nm FD-SOI
Process (nm)
40-nm CMOS
90-nm CMOS
90-nm CMOS
65-nm CMOS
65-nm CMOS
65-nm CMOS
65-nm CMOS
65-nm CMOS
65-nm CMOS
incurs negligible switch loss and Q degradation for the
oscillator. Further, as shown in Figure 17(b), the induc-
tor coils in the main LC tanks and the tertiary coil are all
packed together as a multicoupling transformer struc-
ture, which saves a large amount of chip size. Based on
the even and odd switching modes from MRS and the
additionally introduced resonant mode from the TLS,
this oscillator achieves three continuous frequency
bands from 8 to 17 GHz with a frequency TR of 72%,
as shown in Figure 17(c). The measured phase noise
is shown in Figure 17(d), demonstrating a phase noise
from −119.1 to −112.3 dBc/Hz at a 1-MHz offset [55].
To sum up, the MRS technique outperforms other
approaches for simultaneously achieving wide-fre-
quency TR and low phase noise. However, it employs
V DD (V)
multiple active cores to realize the phase noise reduc-
tion, which accordingly consumes more dc power
compared to other techniques. The oscillators using
the MRS technique thus work with at least two cores.
Figure 18 demonstrates the microphotographs of the
quad-mode LC oscillator in [54] and the triple-mode
LC oscillator in [55].
TABLE 1. The performance comparison of LC oscillators with multimode switching techniques.
Comparative Analysis
−122.2 to −104.5
−130.3 to −122.7
−110.8 to −105.9
−143.1 to −134.7
−118.75 to −94
The primary techniques for realizing multimode
−149 to −139
−112 to −106
PN@10 MHz
switching in microwave LC oscillators have been
frequency coverage, but there are several other
characteristics of LC oscillators that are not discussed
−108.5 to −100.3
−119.1 to −112.3
in detail due to space limitations.
−122 to −117.2
−120 to −112
Thus, a comparative analysis of the state-of-the-
−103 to −84
PN@1 MHz
−93 to −87
−91 to −83
in microwave LC oscillators.
A comprehensive review of multimode switch-
April 2023 79
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April 2023 81
The Rich History of Women in Tech
■ Sherry Hess
y Ja nu a r y “ Wome n i n
Microwaves” (WIM) col-
WIM Subcommittee: Who We Are
and What We Do,” [1] introduced the
amazing women serving on the WIM
Subcommittee and talked about our
goal of building a network of women
in microwaves that attracts, scales,
and connects and how we are working
to achieve that goal. I mentioned two
promotional videos inspired by Prof.
Rhonda Franklin, chair of the WIM
IMS2021 virtual event.
In this article, I’ll tell you more
about these videos, which are a
must view! The first one, “History
of Women in Tech/MTT-S” (https://
718057869/eeeb58a78e), shines a light
on our rich history of women in engi- WIM space are inspired to follow as the U.S. Department of Commerce
neering and tells the stories of great we continue to push science and in- in 1973. She invented a gigacycle/
women engineers making meaning- dustry forward. gigahertz range signal generator
ful contributions beginning in the The great and diverse women en- using semiconductor material in
mid-1920s. These women forged paths gineers showcased in the video in- magnetic and electric fields.
that we modern engineers within the clude both early women engineers and
women engineers continuing the tra-
Sherry Hess ([email protected]), an
dition of excellence today.
IEEE MTT-S Women in Microwaves committee • Betsy Ancker-Johnson: An Ameri-
member, is with Cadence Design Systems, can physicist, she was the first
San Jose, CA 95134 USA. woman vice president in the au-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233490
tomotive industry and the first
Date of current version: 10 March 2023 woman presidential appointee to
82 April 2023
• Kawthar Zaki: An Egyptian-Amer- technique used to manipulate RF B e l gium, she has served on the
ican electrical engineer, she is frequencies at irregular intervals MTT-S AdCom committee since
the first female IEEE Microwave that was jam proof. 2009 and is heavily involved in
Theory and Technology Society • Zoya Popovic: A Serbian-Amer- WIM. She is the editor-in-chief of
ican microwave engineer and IEEE MTT Transactions and a Dis-
IEEE Fellow, she has received tinguished Microwave Lecturer,
numerous awards for her re- and she became the first female
search and educational activities MTT-S president in 2019.
• Rashaunda Henderson: An electri-
cal engineer investigating novel
passive components and integra-
tion techniques for millimeter-
(MTT-S) member to become a Fel- wave circuits and systems, she is
low; first woman Ph.D. in electri-
cal engineering at the University
of California Berkeley; and first
woman professor in the College and is a Distinguished Professor
of Engineering at the University in the Department of Electrical,
of Maryland. Computer, and Energy Engineer-
• Beatrice Alice Hicks: An American ing at the University of Colorado,
engineer, she invented a gas den- Boulder. She has won the IEEE
sity switch that was used in the Microwave Prize twice. the second woman to be elected as
U.S. space program, including the • Linda Katehi: A Greek-American MTT-S president and first female
Apollo moon landing mission, engineer, she holds 19 patents president of color. She is a profes-
and is the first female chancellor sor of electrical engineering at the
at the University of California, University of Texas, Dallas.
Davis. Previously, she was the The second video, “WIM Sizzle”
( ht t ps://v i me at ter now/
highlights that although few in
numbers, women engineers through-
out history have made huge contri-
and was both a cofounder and butions to our “high-tech” industry.
the first president of the Society Engineering has evolved and become
of Women Engineers. more welcoming to women as the in-
• Hedy Lamarr: An Austrian-Amer- O’Donnell Foundation Chair in dustry comes to understand that there
ican film actress, she had no Engineering at Texas A&M and is strength in diversity and that it is key
formal training in engineering, was elected to the National Acad- to solving the most complex problems.
but she taught herself, and in emy of Engineering for her con- As I’ve said many times, we, the engi-
1941, she co-invented the Secret tributions to 3D IC and on-wafer neers falling within the WIM umbrella,
packaging design as well as to and our male counterparts, too, need
engineering education. to keep pushing, and we need to sup-
• Dominique Schreurs: A Belgian port each other; share our knowledge
electrical engineer who is a full and experiences; and guide and mentor
p r o f e s s o r at K U L e u ve n i n those coming through the ranks.
[1] S. Hess, “MTT-S MGA WIM subcommit-
tee: Who we are and what we do! [Women
in Microwaves],” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol.
Communications System, which 24, no. 1, pp. 74–76, Jan. 2023, doi: 10.1109/
is still used today for secure MMM.2022.3211602.
com mu n icat ions. She holds a
patent for the frequency hopping
April 2023 83
The IMWS-AMP 2022 Postconference Report
■ Quan Xue, Wenquan Che, Haoshen Zhu, Wanchen Yang, Wenjie Feng ,
Shaowei Liao, Xiang Yi, and Pei Qin
he 2022 IEEE Microwave The- and Chongqing, China, in 2021. This
ory and Tech nolog y Societ y workshop not only provides an inter-
(MTT-S) International Micro- national academic exchange platform
wave Workshop Series on Advanced for scholars and engineers in the field
Materials and Processes for RF and of microwave technology but also a
THz Applications (IMWS-AMP 2022) good opportunity for young scholars
was successfully held in Guangzhou, and students to show their innova-
China, from 13 to 14 December 2022. tive achievements.
IMWS-AMP is an annual interna- IMAGE LICENSED BY INGRAM PUBLISHING IMWS-AMP 2022 was organized by
tional academic forum in the field South China University of Technology,
of electromagnetics and microwave including in Chengdu, China, in 2016; cosponsored by Shenzhen Key Labora-
technology that has been successfully Pavia, Italy, in 2017; Michigan, USA, tory of Electromagnetic Information
held many times around the world (see in 2018; Bochum, Germany, in 2019; of South University of Science and
Figure 1). The conference was initi-
ated and successfully held in Suzhou,
China, in 2015. Since then, several
editions have been held successfully,
84 April 2023
Technology and Guangzhou Alumni the continuous impact of the COVID-19 academic conference. Prof. Rashaunda
Association of University of Electronic pandemic, only a small-size on-site Henderson, president of the MTT-S in
Science and Technology of China, and opening ceremony was organized at 2022, delivered a speech on behalf of
funded and technically sponsored by the campus, while all the other attend- the MTT-S to all the attendees. Che,
the MTT-S and the IEEE Guangzhou ees participated in the workshop activi- on behalf of the TPC, introduced
Antennas/Microwaves Branch. Prof. ties virtually. A large number of online information regarding the technical
Quan Xue, dean of the School of attendees, up to 525, took part in the issues of the conference. Later, three
Electronics and Information/School opening ceremony of IMWS-AMP 2022, famous experts in the microwave field
of Microelectronics of South China which was recorded (see Figure 2). delivered the keynote speeches (see
University of Technology, served as As the general chair of IMWS-AMP Figure 3). Prof. Raafat Mansour from
the general chair of the conference, 2022, Xue delivered a welcome speech the University of Waterloo, Canada,
and Prof. Wenquan Che, School of at the opening ceremony, express- introduced microwave and millime-
Electronics and Information, served ing a warm welcome to experts and ter-wave (mm-wave) devices based
as chair of the Technical Program scholars from around the world and on phase-change materials and their
Committee (TPC). Several other pro- hoping to promote cooperation and applications in future communica-
fessors performed as cochairs of other exchanges between researchers and tion systems. Prof. Kai Kang from
committees of the conference. Due to research institutions through the the University of Electronic Science
April 2023 85
and Technology of China introduced presented the latest theoretical progress and circuits based on new materials
the development history, status, and in the design and synthesis of micro- and processes, microwave/mm-wave
latest research results of mm-wave wave devices. chips, microwave circuits and systems,
integrated circuits and phased-array The topics involved in IMWS-AMP advanced RF packaging technology,
systems. Prof. Ming Yu from Southern 2022 included microwave and tera- advanced materials and processes,
University of Science and Technology hertz circuits and devices, antennas and other frontier research directions
86 April 2023
Figure 5. The closing and award ceremonies of IMWS-AMP 2022.
in the electromagnetics field. The con- Awards and six Honorable Mention IMWS-AMP 2022 received strong sup-
ference received contributions from 12 Awards (see Figure 5). In addition, spon- port from Huawei Technology, Huizhou
countries and regions, including the sored by the IEEE MTT-S Education Gaoshengda Technology, and Jiangsu
United Kingdom; the United States; Committee, the Ph.D. Student Initiative Jiangjia Electronics.
Canada; Singapore; Australia; Japan; Program was launched at IMWS-AMP IMWS-AMP 2023 will be hosted
Hong Kong/Macao, SAR, China; and 2022. Forty-five early-stage Ph.D. stu- f rom 13 to 15 November 2023 i n
mainland China. A total of 552 papers dents from more than 20 universities Chengdu, China, and is organized by
(the largest number of papers in the in China were selected to participate the University of Electronic Science
nine-year history of IMWS-AMP) in the program. They were allowed to and Technology of China. The general
were accepted for presentations and participate at all the conference events chair for IMWS-AMP 2023 is Prof. Yu
for possible publication in IEEE Xplore without paying the registration fee Jian Cheng.
(excluding the abstract papers). The and also had opportunities to meet
conference had 42 sessions, including senior professors in panel discussions. Acknowledgment
296 oral reports, 10 poster sessions, and Meanwhile, a Women in Microwaves Wenjie Feng is the corresponding
256 poster reports (see Figure 4). The special session was also organized author.
conference held a student paper con- alongside IMWS-AMP 2022, with more
test and selected six Best Student Paper than 60 attendees joining this event.
April 2023 87
Nano Versus Commercial
■ Nathan Hunt , Jonathan Scott , and Lee Streeter
h e Na noV NA (Na no), f i r st a refined and respected Keysight ENA, The Nano is thus only doing a full
introduced by that name in model E5061A. We address the ques- calibration on one port and a sim-
2019, is a handheld, battery- tion: “How much can be done with a ple calibration on the receiver-only
powered, microwave vector-corrected Nano, and what can’t you get without a port, assuming it represents a perfect
network analyzer (commonly just a full-cost VNA?” match. This is good for measuring S11
“VNA”) whose hardware and soft- and something close to true S21. This
ware are open-source [1]. A version 1.0 Design Differences will be noted in the “Measurements”
is surprisingly cheap, with a price tag The most fundamental difference section, where S11 measurements tend
of as little as US$50 as of 2021, and yet between the Nano and a “full two- to be more accurate than S21. If you
it can reach up to 1.5 GHz in frequency. port” commercial VNA is that the want to measure S 22 and S12, you
Preassembled units are available from Nano is really a “one- have to put the device
at least one supplier in each of a num- port ” VNA wit h a n under test (DUT) in
ber of places in Asia, Europe, and the extra receiver. Behind The most backwards. In general,
United States [1]. These machines are port 1 of both instru- fundamental unidirectional VNAs
already used for educational [2], [3], ments is a directional cover the majority of
amateur/ham radio [4], and applied component capable of
difference real-world, everyday
engineering [5], [6], [7], [8] purposes. separately sensing both between the usage. Nevertheless,
forward and reverse Nano and a as we will see later,
Introduction traveling waves. In the unidirectional VNAs
This article will compare a Nano to a case of most commer-
“full two-port” preclude the use of some
professional instrument. The profes- cial VNAs, there is a commercial of the rather more con-
sional instrument used in the article is directional coupler or VNA is that the venient calibration tech-
bridge, and the option niques, such as “unknown
of sourcing signal at all
Nano is really a thru” [9], [10] and “adapter
Nathan Hunt (nathan.hunt@millibeam. ports. In the case of the “one-port” VNA removal” [11].
com) is with Millibeam 2016, Sydney, NSW, Nano, the second port with an extra The commercial
Australia. Jonathan Scott (jonathanscott@
simply has a receiver, VNA we have chosen is with the University of Waikato,
which is to say that it
receiver. reaches 3 GHz. Most
Hamilton 3240, New Zealand. Lee Streeter
([email protected]) is with the School can sense magnitude “serious” VNAs start
of Engineering, University of Waikato, and phase of a signal on that port, but at this frequency, mostly because it is
Hamilton 3240, New Zealand. can neither source signal nor sense any a relatively easy frequency to reach.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233500 energy that might be reflected from the The frequency range covers the origi-
Date of current version: 10 March 2023 port because of imperfect match. nal 2.5-GHz Wi-Fi band, and it is
88 April 2023
cost-effective to do so. The Nano V2 similarly. The intermediate frequency using the E5061. This provides insight
that we will use here reaches 1.5 GHz, bandwidth is 1.3 KHz, averaging 16 into the baseline accuracy of the Nano.
and that with reduced dynamic range samples per frequency point and 201 Figures 1 and 2 present the results.
because of the use of harmonics of the frequency points across the frequency Of interest is the residual reflec-
source. There are versions of the Nano range. Before carrying out these com- tion of the load in Figure 2. S11 starts
that span up to at least 6 GHz; the inter- parative measurements, however, we at about –48 dB, rising to about –35 dB
ested reader can find links in [1]. Unless start by measuring the calibration at 1 GHz. The phase of the load’s
otherwise stated, the Nano has been standards supplied with the Nano reflection allows the resistance of
calibrated with the supplied standards
and using its inbuilt firmware calibra-
tion. The Nano firmware allows the
user to alter the value of the resistance 1 200
of the load standard in its calibration kit.
This will be used in the next section. 150
Vector calibrations rely upon repeat- 0.6
ability of connectors. Commercial VNAs 0.4 100
Phase (Degrees)
t y pical ly use N-t y pe or 3.5 -m m
Magnitude (dB) 0.2
connectors. The Nano uses SMA con- 50
nectors, compatible with 3.5 mm but 0
lacking the precision, and potentially 0
not rated for multiple reconnections.
–0.4 –50
This may be satisfactory, but it will
represent a source of error that will –0.6
increase with continuous usage. The –0.8
user should be aware of this. We are
–1 –150
not going to address the problem of 0 0.5 1 1.5
wear and reliability here. Frequency (GHz)
It should also be noted that the
Nano Open Magnitude (S11)
E5061 was calibrated using an Arance Nano Short Magnitude (S11)
Electronics 6650F27-F calibration kit and Nano Open Phase Degree (S11)
the Nano only with its included calibra- Nano Short Phase Degree (S11)
tion kit. A problem due to availability is
that the 6650F27-F has only female SMA
Figure 1. The S11 of the calibration standards, short and open, supplied with the Nano,
calibration standards and the Nano only
measured using the E5061A calibrated with the 6650F27-F calibration kit.
male SMA calibration standards. This
leads to a slight difference in where the
calibration plane lies with respect to the
DUT, since an adapter was required on
–34 20
one or the other machine so that the
DUT could be properly connected. A –36
quality adapter was used, so this causes –20
very small errors as may be seen in the –40
Phase (Degrees)
Magnitude (dB)
April 2023 89
the load to be calculated. The load is
≈50.4 Ω at low frequency, 1 MHz. Most
0 Nano users will only have a digital
multimeter (DMM) to measure the
Magnitude (dB) –0.5 load’s resistance. The dc value is also
50.4 Ω, meaning that a dc measure-
–1 ment is quite satisfactory. This value
can be entered into the Nano calibra-
–1.5 tion to improve accuracy.
The change with frequency visible
–2 Nano Rigid Cable (S11) in the magnitude in Figure 2 is likely
5061 Rigid Cable (S11)
to be a small series inductance. The
0 0.5 1 1.5 phase is made up of a contribution
Frequency (GHz) from the inductance and the length of
the load from calibration plane to resis-
Figure 3. A comparison of S11 of a 1,050-mm length of rigid coaxial cable fitted with tive element, which could be unwound
male SMA connectors. The far end of the cable has been left unconnected. The E5061 was if the user were interested.
short-open-load (SOL)-calibrated with a 6650F27-F calibration kit, and the Nano was
calibrated with the supplied SOL standards of the default calibration kit.
A 50 Ω rigid coaxial cable (Jinayi,
0.1 RG402) was used as the initial DUT for
1.02 m
measurement comparisons. A coaxial
cable was measured because check-
0.1 ing cables is a common application, its
characteristic impedance is known, and
0.1 the result of the measurement is easy to
anticipate. It also illustrates the phase
shift in the signal due to line length.
0 The cable was coiled to minimize
excessive bending in between measure-
0m 0.2 m 0.3 m 0.5 m 0.7 m 0.9 m 1m 1.2 m ments. Either end of the cable was sol-
dered with male SMA connectors.
Figure 4. The TDR measurement using the NanoVNA of a 1,050-mm length of rigid
Consider the input reflection coef-
coaxial cable fitted with male SMA connectors. The far end of the cable has been left
unconnected (open). The Nano provides only a screen dump, not data, for this mode. ficient of the cable with the far end
left open. One would expect to see
–20 near complete reflection at low fre-
quency, with loss rising, accompanied
–25 by ripples from (connector?) mismatch.
–30 Figure 3 shows the two machines’
measurements. They are similar up to
1 GHz. Above that, the Nano shows
Magnitude (dB)
90 April 2023
length of 1,020 mm; we attribute the series and parallel resonances of the useful as the commercial machine in
discrepancy to the value of the relative crystal. Both machines would allow this application.
velocity factor. resonance Q to be found accurately.
For completeness, Figure 5 shows In Figure 8 the crystal is connected Attenuator
the S11 of the coaxial cable obtained directly to the ground. The x axis To test the dynamic range of the instru-
when connecting both ends to the two now spans only 200 Hz. The Q factor ments, and to run through an exercise
ports of the VNAs. This means that is higher, and the agreement remains that might well be carried out in a
the cable has been terminated to 50 Ω excellent. Around the resonance point, laboratory with the help of a VNA, a
at port 2, and so we expect very few with 201 points in a sweep, points are “homemade” attenuator was designed
reflections (S11) and most of the power 1-Hz apart. The Nano is every bit as and built. It is constructed in coplanar
is delivered to port 2 (large S21). The S11
of the Nano is mostly 10 dB above the
E5061 values and has a slightly differ-
ent ripple structure. We attribute this
April 2023 91
resistors, to see how good the CPW is
0 as a “thru” device. This thru, and each
progressive stage, is measured with
–0.5 both VNAs. The Nano result implies
that the basic board with connectors
–1 is not as good as the E5061 says it is.
Magnitude (dB)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Frequency (GHz)
92 April 2023
decreasing attenuation with frequency, affecting the wanted measurements. results with the Nano are very close to
easily attributed to stray capacitance Figure 12 shows each of the “impor- those of the E5061, although they show
and radiative transmission across the tant” S-parameters of the coupler, the more ripple in every case. S21 and S31
cut in the main conductor on the board. thru, sampled, and isolated cases. The easily confirm that the coupler is within
Nevertheless, we wanted more
attenuation. Another stage was added.
This lead to the “–40 dB” traces. Once 0
again, the Nano tells us that we are
doing a worse job than the E5061 per-
ceives. This might be a problem if we –20
seek to improve our attenuator: the –30
Magnitude (dB)
Nano will be all but useless in report- –40
ing whether a small change improves
things, as it is contributing most of
the ripple and nastiness. The trend is –60
good, the detail is obscured. –70
Pressing on to the next stage and –80
the “–60 dB” traces, it is clear that we
did our design well, as the very low-
est frequency data sit at about the –100
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
right level. Sadly, we are not very good Frequency (GHz)
attenuator-makers, and both VNAs
Nano CPW Thru (S11)
agree on this. Disappointingly, the two 5061 CPW Thru (S11)
disagree by up to 25 dB, about exactly Nano CPW –20 dB Attenuator (S11)
where we went wrong, so again the 5061 CPW –20 dB Attenuator (S11)
Nano CPW –40 dB Attenuator (S11)
Nano would be of little use in pursuit
5061 CPW –40 dB Attenuator (S11)
of improvement. Nano CPW –60 dB Attenuator (S11)
Meanwhile, Figure 11 depicts the 5061 CPW –60 dB Attenuator (S11)
same progression, but looks at the input
return loss or S11. It is probably a good Figure 11. A comparison of S11 of the CPW attenuator. Traces progressively show the
thing we are easily satisfied with 10 or input match with no attenuator stages, and with one, two, and then three separate
more decibels of return loss, because the 20-dB π networks.
Nano is often in serious disagreement
with the E5061 on how we are doing.
Directional Coupler
Directional couplers are intriguing –10
components symbolic of the magic pos-
sible in the microwave and RF world –20
of traveling waves [14]. They are com-
Magnitude (dB)
April 2023 93
specification, and substantially agree In several instances, the simple A second directional structure, the
with the E5061. S41 is much lower and “one-port plus response” calibration of ability to source signal from port 2, and
it is more susceptible to the shortcom- the Nano resulted in spurious ripples an extra receiver channel would enable
ings of a simple two-port calibration. in the measured trace. If a smaller error unknown-thru and adapter-removal
Here the Nano trace shows several margin is desired in any of these cases, calibrations. An unknown thru is use-
decibels of ripple that are absent in then one has to buy the professional ful in the case where a well-known thru
the E5061. Figure 13 enlarges the S21 VNA. In particular, construction of is not available [10]. This turns out to be
trace from Figure 12. a “clean” device, free a common circumstance. This calibra-
The Nano is struggling from undesirable inter- tion enables any device to be used as a
to accurately measure The Nano nal reflections, would be thru, provided the device is reciprocal
S21, as observed earlier, was able to impossible without the and the phase shift to within one-quar-
and a user who sought
to fix a problem in a
achieve decent superior performance
of a professional instru-
ter of a wavelength is known. That thru
can connect otherwise-incompatible
coupler that was caus- results on every ment, because the Nano connectors or bridge a mechanical gap
ing even one-tenth of a measurement introduces too much of that cannot be reduced to zero or pre-
decibel of ripple would
be unable to discrimi-
we threw at its own shortcomings.
Dynamic range of
vent stretching and bending of near-
rigid cables. It will allow calibration to
nate between that in it, and mostly the Nano was fine up measure an “insertable device,” given
the coupler and that with adequate to 1 GHz, consider- only one gender of calibration stan-
caused by shortcomings
in the measurement.
accuracy. ing that harmonics are
used above 300 MHz.
dards. (An insertable device is one that
has one male and one female connec-
We failed to reach the tor, so that it can be connected in series
Discussion Nano’s dynamic r a n g e l i m it . T h i s with other devices without an addi-
T he Na no V NA p e r for m s we l l was essent ially because the cali- tional adapter. Most attenuators, unlike
against the E5061 Keysight ENA. bration limitations kicked in first. ours, are insertable, for example.)
The word fantastic comes to mind, The range is clearly better than –60 dB, Adapter removal is equally marvel-
given the price. The Nano was able to which seems more than adequate. ous. Consider the difficulty of measur-
achieve decent results on every mea- It is a shame about the inability to ing a device that has an SMA connector
surement we threw at it, and mostly implement a full two-port calibration on one end and an N-type on the
with adequate accuracy. A surpris- with the Nano. Not only would this other. If an adapter’s behavior can be
ing result was finding that the Nano give S12 and S22 but it would correct calibrated out, a more accurate mea-
can resolve to within 1 Hz. This fre- for poor port 2 match, at least one (the surement of the DUT can be found.
quency resolution will enable fine major?) cause for extraneous ripples in The authors’ expectation is that
bandwidth measurements. many measurements. once the appeal of better calibration,
and the simplicity of extra hardware,
are understood, the Nano will acquire
the ability to carry out these full two-
0 port calibrations. It will be worth the
–0.2 few extra dollars of hardware.
[1] “About NanoVNA.” NanoVNA. [Online]. Avail-
Magnitude (dB)
94 April 2023
radio frequency and communication labo- [8] A. Cataldo et al., “Portable microwave reflec-
We want
ratory course delivery,” American Society tometry system for skin sensing,” IEEE Trans.
for Engineering Education, Washington, Instrum. Meas., vol. 71, 2022, Art. no. 4003308,
to hear
DC, USA, Apr. 2021. Accessed: Mar. 27, 2022. doi: 10.1109/TIM.2022.3154804.
[Online]. Available: [9] A. Ferrero and U. Pisani, “Tho-port network
analyzer calibration using an unknown
‘Thru’,” IEEE Microw. Guided Wave Lett.,
vol. 2, no. 12, pp. 505–507, Dec. 1992, doi:
from you!
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-radio-frequency-and-communication-laboratory [10] K. Wong, “The ‘Unknown Thru’ calibration ad-
-course-delivery vantage,” in Proc. 63rd ARFTG Conf., Jun. 11, 2004,
[4] P. Salas, “NanoVNA network analyzer,” QST pp. 73–81, doi: 10.1109/ARFTG.2004.1387858.
Mag., American Radio Relay League, Newing- [11] J. Randa, W. Wiatr, and R. L. Billinger, “Com-
ton, CT, USA, May 2020, pp. 39–42. parison of adapter characterization methods,”
[5] D. Lung, “Checking out TV antennas with a $130 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 47, no.
VNA,” Insight RF Technol., pp. 26–27, Jan. 2020. 12, pp. 2613–2620, Dec. 1999, doi: 10.1109/22. 809014.
checking-out-tv-antennas-with-a-130-vna [12] C. Wen, “Coplanar waveguide: A surface strip IMAGE LICENSED BY GRAPHIC STOCK
[6] J. Gonzalez-Teruel et al., “Measurement of the transmission line suitable for nonreciprocal gy-
broadband complex permittivity of soils in the romagnetic device applications,” IEEE Trans. Mi-
frequency domain with a low-cost Vector Net- crow. Theory Techn., vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 1087–1090, Do you like what you’re reading?
work Analyzer and an Open-Ended coaxial Dec. 1969, doi: 10.1109/TMTT.1969.1127105.
probe,” Comput. Electron. Agriculture, vol. 195, [13] “Coplanar waveguide calculator.” Micro- Your feedback is important.
no. 106847, pp. 1–11, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.1016/j. waves101. Accessed: Aug. 30, 2022. [Online]. Let us know—
compag.2022.106847. Available: https://www.microwaves101.
[7] Q. Wang, W. Che, G. Monti, and M. Mon- com/calculators/864-coplanar-waveguide send the editor-in-chief an e-mail!
giardo, “Measurements for wireless power -calculator
transfer by using nanoVNA,” in Proc. 34th [14] H. J. Riblet, “A mathematical theory of directional
General Assem. Scientific Symp. Int. Union Ra- couplers,” Proc. IRE, vol. 35, no. 11, pp. 1307–1313,
dio Sci. (URSI GASS), Aug./Sep. 2021, pp. 1–3, Nov. 1947, doi: 10.1109/JRPROC.1947.233573.
doi: 10.23919/URSIGASS51995.2021.9560402.
Administrative Committee
Call for Nominations
April 2023 95
Solution to Last Month’s Quiz
■ Takashi Ohira
he RF voltage source vs(t) has a sinusoidal wave-
vL (t) vD (t)
form, which can be expressed as
The puzzle in the January 2023 issue of IEEE Micro- v s (0) = Vo . (4)
wave Magazine [1] reminds us of an important law on
the inductor and diode (L + D). That is, a series L + D For the waveform (1) to satisfy this initial condition, the
generally performs zero-voltage switching (ZVS) quadrature component must meet
when D turns on. Defining the time origin t = 0 at that
VQ = Vo . (5)
moment, the ZVS law can be expressed as
Therefore, the correct answer to last month’s quiz is (b).
v L (0) = v D (0) = 0. (3) Even though the circuit is so simple and thus equations
are also as simple as (1) to (5), we could not reach the
From (2) and (3), we quickly find solution without knowing the ZVS law.
96 April 2023
ur se lf
e e Yo 3
S 2
A t I M S 2 0
Connecting Minds. Exchanging Ideas.
IEEE MTT-S International
Microwave Symposium
11-16 June 2023
San Diego California
APRIL 2023 2023 IEEE MTT-S International 2023 IEEE 32nd Conference on
2023 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Conference on Numerical Electrical Performance on Electronic
Technology Conference (WAMICON) Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Packaging and Systems (EPEPS)
17–18 April 2023 Modeling and Optimization 15–18 October 2023
Location: Melbourne, FL, USA (NEMO) Location: Milpitas, CA, USA
28–30 June 2023
2023 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada 2023 International Topical Meeting
and Microwave Circuits (WMCS) on Microwave Photonics (MWP)
19–20 April 2023 JULY 2023 15–18 October 2023
Location: Waco, TX, USA 2023 Sixth IEEE International Location: Nanjing, China
Workshop on Mobil Terahertz
MAY 2023 Systems (IWMTS) 15th International Conference on
2023 IEEE 27th Workshop on Signal 3–5 July 2023 Advanced Technologies, Systems,
and Power Integrity (SPI) Location: Bonn, Germany and Services in Telecommunications
7–10 May 2023 25–27 October 2023
Location: Aveiro, Portugal SEPTEMBER 2023 Location: Nis, Serbia
2023 IEEE MTT-S International
2023 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference NOVEMBER 2023
Wireless Symposium (IWS) (IMBioC) 2023 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International
16–19 May 2023 11–13 September 2023 Microwave and Optoelectronics
Location: Qingdao, China Location: Leuven, Belgium Conference (IMOC)
5–9 November 2023
JUNE 2023 2023 48th International Conference Location: Castelldefels, Spain
2023 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz
Conference and Expo (WPTCE) Waves (IRMMW-THz) IEEE Conference on Microwaves,
5–9 June 2023 17–23 September 2023 Communications, Antennas, Bio-
Location: San Diego, CA, USA Location: Montreal, QB, Canada medical Engineering, and Electronic
Systems (COMCAS)
2023 IEEE/MTT-S International 2023 European Microwave Week 6–8 November 2023
Microwave Symposium—IMS 2023 17–22 September 2023 Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
(co-located with RFIC 2023, ARFTG) Location: Berlin, Germany
11–20 June 2023 2023 International Workshop on
Location: San Diego, CA, USA OCTOBER 2023 Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and
2023 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Millimeter-Wave Circuits (INMMIC)
Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and 8–11 November 2023
Technology Symposium (BCICTS) Location: Aveiro, Portugal
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2022.3233507 14–18 October 2023
Date of current version: 10 March 2023 Location: Monterey, CA, USA
98 April 2023
Paper submission deadline: May 8, 2023
Coilcraft 13
Comsol 7
Remcom 5
Organizing Committee IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and
THz Applications (IMWS-AMP 2023) is organized by University of Electronic Science and Technology of
General Chair China, co-sponsored by National University of Singapore Research Institute (Chongqing), IEEE Microwave
Yu Jian Cheng, University of Electronic Science and Technology Theory and Technology Society (IEEE MTT-S), and IEEE Chengdu Joint AP/MTT Chapter. IMWS-AMP 2023 is
a continuation of a series of annual international events held in Suzhou, China (2015), Chengdu, China
of China, China
(2016), Pavia, Italy (2017), Michigan, USA (2018), Bochum, Germany (2019), Virtual (2020), Chongqing,
China (2021) and Guangzhou, China (2022). The purpose of this platform is to boost technical and
General Co-Chair educational activities as well as exchanges and collaborations within the international microwave
Yong Xin Guo, National University of Singapore, Singapore community. IMWS-AMP2023 will be held in Chengdu, China on Nov. 13-15, 2023. IMWS-AMP2023 will
Wen Quan Che, South China University of Technology, China feature both invited and contributed papers. Distinguished researchers will be invited to deliver keynote
speeches on technology trends and significant advances in relevant topics. Contributed papers are solicited
TPC Chair for the same topics as listed below:
Cheng Wang, University of Electronic Science and Technology Topics
of China, China The topics include, but are not limited to, the following technical areas:
Advanced Materials
TPC Co-Chairs Wide bandgap and other emerging semiconductor materials based electronic devices and circuits
Qiang Cheng, Southeast University, China Advanced materials for RF electronics and antennas
Kuang Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Engineered metamaterials and plasmonics for absorption, cloaking, and wave manipulation
Spin-wave and magnetic crystal materials
Lin Sheng Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Emerging Devices & Circuits
Ming Chun Tang, Chongqing University, China
Emerging electronic and optoelectronic devices
Bing Zhang, Sichuan University, China Advanced silicon, integrated passive devices and integrated circuits
Cryogenic devices and circuits for quantum sensing & control
ISC Co-Chairs Passive/active microwave and terahertz devices and circuits
Maurizio Bozzi, University of Pavia, Italy Compound semiconductor monolithic integrated circuits
Christophe Fumeaux, University of Adelaide, Australia Progressing Packaging:
Ke Wu, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada Integrated passive devices and advanced packaging for RF applications
Kwai Man Luk, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Low-temperature co-fired ceramic and liquid crystal polymer based microwave devices and circuits
Large-area printing, inkjet printing and 3D printing materials and processes for RF and THz applications
Fan-out wafer/panel level packaging for 5G mmWave and IoT, etc.
Mauro Ettorre, Michigan State University, USA
Large-scale Antennas & Microsystems
Yue Ping Zhang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Antennas with advanced/complex/artificial materials and processes
Richard W. Ziolkowski, University of Technology Sydney, Microwave and millimeter wave antennas and antenna arrays
Australia Analog, RF, millimeter wave and THz microsystems
Electronic Paper Submission
Award Committee Chair Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts in electronic (PDF) format only. All papers must be
Kai Kang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of written in English and limited to three pages including text, references, and figures. A template is available
China, China on the IMWS-AMP 2023 website. Papers submitted will be peer reviewed and all papers presented at the
conference will be included in IEEE Xplore pending quality review. Note that one-page abstracts can also be
acceptable, but it will not be included in IEEE Xplore.
Award Committee Co-Chairs
Special Issues in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (IEEE T-MTT):
Zhang Ming Zhu, Xidian University, China Authors of all papers presented at IEEE IMWS-AMP 2023 are invited to submit an expanded version of their
Wen Hua Chen, Tsinghua University, China papers to a Mini-Special Issue of IEEE T-MTT. A significant extension of the conference paper is required, so
Wen Jie Feng, South China University of Technology, China that the novelty and quality of the manuscript is the same as that of regular manuscripts of IEEE T-MTT.
Zhi Hao Jiang, Southeast University, China Every paper will be reviewed in the same manner as all other regular submissions.
Best Paper Awards
Publication/Web Co-Chairs: Awards for Best Student Papers will be presented to the winners at the conference. The Awards Committee
will judge the papers primarily on originality, significance, technical soundness, presentation, and reviewers’
Ya Fei Wu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
reports. To qualify for the Best Student Paper, the author must be a full-time student who presents, as the
China, China first author, the paper at the conference.
Xiao Wei Zhu, Southeast University, China Special Sessions
Special sessions of Young Professionals (YP) and Women in Microwaves (WiM) will be organized in the
Sponsorship/Publicity Chair conference. The other special sessions are welcome and the requests to organize should be submitted to
Bo Zhang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of the committees no later than July 10, 2023.
China, China PhD Student Initiative Program
PhD Student Initiative is sponsored by IEEE MTT-S Education Committee. Through this scheme, the plan is
to invite mid-stage PhD students (without any paper at IMWS-AMP 2023) from universities or institutes in
Local Arrangement Chair
China to participate in this conference. The registration fee for the selected candidates will be waived, and
Qiao Liu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of they will be allowed to attend all the events during the conference.
China, China Exhibitions
Xia Qin Li, University of Electronic Science and Technology of Exhibition of company products is solicited for the areas related to the topics. Interested parties could
China, China contact the Conference Secretariat.
Important Dates
Finance Chair Paper Submission Deadline: Aug. 1, 2023
Qin Wan, University of Electronic Science and Technology of Notification of Acceptance: Sept. 15, 2023
China, China Pre-registration: Oct. 15, 2023