Q 928 Hyeidusg
Q 928 Hyeidusg
Q 928 Hyeidusg
Course Description:
The course highlights decision-making approach to business ethics, good governance, risk
management, and assessment and review of internal controls by using case studies, lectures and
reflections. Learners will be able to apply and integrate concepts and theories and develop
sensitivity to values particularly Christian values involved in business decisions. Likewise, learners
shall apply an ethical decision-making process and evaluation and review of internal controls in
solving real-life cases. Good corporate governance, observation of business ethics and
implementation of risk management and strong internal controls are elements to self-regulation
that leads to good corporate citizenship.
Learning Outcomes:
Course outline:
Week Topics
UNIT 1: Corporate Governance
1 • Introduction to corporate governance
2-3 • Corporate Governance Responsibilities and Accountabilities
• Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Code of Corporate governance
4 • SEC Code of Corporate Governance, continued
5-6 • Introduction to Ethics
• Business Ethics
7-8 • Common Unethical practices of business establishments
• Ethical Dilemma
• Advocacy against corruption
• Initiatives to improve business ethics and reduce corruption
MIDTERM EXAMINATION – October 30 – November 4, 2023
Unit 3: Introduction to Risk Management
10-11 • Basic principles of risk management
• Risk Management Framework
• Steps in Risks Management Process
12 • Practical Insights in Reducing and Managing Business Risks
13-14 • Internal Control: A vital tool in Managing risk
• Fraud and Error
15 • Errors and Irregularities in the transaction cycles of the business entity
16-17 • Internal Control Affecting
- Assets
- Liabilities and Equity
FINAL EXAMINATION – January 18-20, 2024
Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Control by Ma. Elenita Cabrera and
Gilbert Anthony B. Cabrera, 2019-2020 Edition, Published by GIC Enterprises
Corporate Governance Matters, D. Larcker and B. Tayan. 2016, 2nd Edition, Pearson.
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance. George E. Rejda, Michael J. McNamara. 12th
Edition, Pearson.
Online sources:
Grading System
As the College currently follows Hybrid Delivery of Learning on its instruction, the following
general guidelines and policies are set by the School to be followed by the faculty-in-charge and
the students of the course.
• Attendance
Checking of attendance during face-to-face classes is a requirement and will be strictly
• Academic Integrity
Observance of the outmost academic integrity shall be observed by the students of the course.
Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty shall not be tolerated by the
faculty-in-charge or the Institute.
• Accomplishment of Requirements
All requirements given by the instructor/faculty-in-charge of the course to the students
shall be referred to as “work output”. Each work output must be accomplished by the students
until the schedule set by the instructor/faculty-in-charge. Final student’s output must also be
accomplished by the schedule set by the instructor of the course.
• Line of Communication
The course’s official line of communication shall be through the following: