DKR L2 Teachers Book Book1
DKR L2 Teachers Book Book1
DKR L2 Teachers Book Book1
Skills Language
Reading: Can understand a simple text if supported Focus: Demonstrative: this, these; Interrogative: Whose?;
by pictures. Possessive form: ‘s; Possessive adjectives
Listening: Can understand basic phrases or sentences Function: Identifying your things
about things people have if supported by pictures.
Speaking: Can talk about personal possessions Phonics
(e.g. toys, pets), using simple language. Short vowels: medial + initial
Writing: Can use capital letters and end punctuation E, e, I, i
correctly in simple sentences.
Vocabulary Courage: Follow your dreams.
Picture Dictionary: beach, cloud, fall, fork, human, love,
mermaid, ship, storm, swim
Find Out
Subject area: Geography
Phonics: leg, red, big, sit
Topic: Storms
Values: dream, look, walk
Big Question: How do you know it’s a storm?
Find Out: cloud, dark, heavy, house, lightning, loud, rain,
Project: Make a Storm in a Glass
strong, thunder, tree, wind, window
Read Together
Learning Objectives Materials
Reading: Can identify key information in a text to Reader: pp. ii–15
answer simple yes/no questions. Reader Audio: Before You Read, Story (complete)
Speaking: Can name everyday objects in their Teacher’s Notes: pp. 3–6
immediate surroundings or in pictures, if guided by Photocopiables: pp. 1–6
questions or prompts.
Teacher’s Notes p. 3
Extra Activities
Refer to the Introduction on p. 7 for ideas on introducing
Teacher’s Notes pp. 4–6
the story to the class.
Photocopiables pp. 4–6
WHILE YOU READ The following topics and themes are found in the story.
In the Teacher’s Notes, you will find instructions on how
R Reader pp. 1–14 to connect these topics to the story as well as activity
ideas. In most cases, the related activities are best done
Teacher’s Notes pp. 3–4 after reading the story with the class. However, in some
Photocopiables pp. 1–3 cases, an activity can be done before reading the story
as an introduction to the topic. Some activities have
Refer to the Introduction on p. 7 for ideas on reading the accompanying photocopiable activity sheets.
story with the class. 1 Different Bodies
2 Recognizing Things
3 Underwater World
Extra Activities
Teacher’s Notes pp. 5–6
Workbook p. 4, Activity 1
Photocopiables pp. 4–6
1 Match the words (a–f) to the sentences (1–6).
• Ask individual students to read out the words a–f. Extend the lesson by using any After You Read topics,
• Tell students to look at the picture in item 1. Read out themes, or activities which you haven’t already used in
the incomplete sentence. Ask students what Ariel is Lesson 1 of this unit.
looking at (a human thing). Then ask which word(s) 1 Different Bodies
in a–f match the sentence. 2 Recognizing Things
• Students do the activity individually. 3 Underwater World
• Check answers. Ask individual students to call out the
words (a–f) that match each sentence. Then get them
to read out the completed sentence.
W Workbook p. 8
Presentation • Read out the Writing tip.
• Draw a KWL chart on the board: • Students look at the following pages of the Reader and
What I know What I What I have say what they can see at the end of the sentences:
wonder learned • p. 4 (three periods, a question mark) Elicit or remind
students that we use a question mark at the end of
• Know: Get students to share anything they know about • p. 7 (three periods, two exclamation marks)
storms Write this on the chart in the Know column. Elicit from students that the exclamation marks
Ask guiding questions and show a picture to activate here show a strong emotion.
students’ schema. • p. 9 (three periods, two question marks)
• Wonder: Ask students what they wonder about storms. • p. 10 (two periods, one exclamation mark)
Write their questions in the Wonder column. Don’t • p. 11 (two periods, one exclamation mark)
provide any answers at this stage in the lesson. • Play the audio for these pages and get students
Students might ask: Why are there storms? Why are to repeat.
clouds sometimes white and sometimes dark? What
makes lightning? What makes thunder? How dangerous
is lightning? Workbook p. 8, Activity 2
Learning Objectives Materials
Reading: Can recognize simple words and phrases Workbook: p. 9, 50, 56
related to familiar topics if supported by pictures. Equipment: A coin and counters of different colors for
Speaking: Can talk about personal possessions each pair or group of four students
(e.g. toys, pets), using simple language.