Me8692 Fea

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Important Questions

1. What are the different types of analysis methods?

2. Why polynomial type of interpolation functions is mostly used in FEM?

3. What are the properties of the stiffness matrix?

4. Define shape function.

5. What is a QST Element?

6. Write down the governing equation for two dimensional steady state heat conduction.

7. State the applications of axis symmetric elements.

8. What are the assumptions made in thin plate and thick plate elements?

9. What is a Jacobian matrix?

10. Define Gauss Quadrature.


1 The differential equation of a physical phenomenon is given by

. The trial function is y = x(10-x). The boundary conditions
are: y(0)=0, y(10)=0. Find the value of a1 by the following methods.
(i)Galerkin’s method. (ii)Least square method.

2 A beam AB of span ‘l’ simply supported at the ends and carrying a concentrated load ‘W’ at
the center ‘C’ as shown in figure. Determine the deflection at the mid span by using
Rayleigh-Ritz method and compare with exact solution. Use a suitable one term
trigonometric trial function.

3 For a tapered bar of uniform thickness t=10mm as shown in figure .find the displacements at
the nodes by forming into two element model. The bar has a mass density G = 7800 Kg/m 3,
the young’s modulus E = 2x105 MN/m2. In addition to self weight, the bar is subjected to a
point load P= 1 KN at its center. Also determine the reaction forces at the support.
4 Determine the first natural frequencies of Transverse vibration for a beam fixed at both the
ends. The beam may be modelled by two elements, each of length L, cross sectional area A,
young‘s modulus E.

5 Determine the shape functions for a constant strain triangular (CST) element in terms
of natural coordinate system.

6 Determine the shape functions N1, N2 and N3 at the interior point p for the triangular
element shown in the figure.

7 Derive the element stiffness matrix for axisymmetric triangular element.

8 The nodal coordinates for an axisymmetric triangular element are given in Fig.
Evaluate the strain – displacement matrix

9 The Cartesian (global) coordinates of the corner nodes of an isoparametric

quadrilateral element are given by (1,0), (2,0), (2.5, 1.5), and (1.5,). Find the jacobian

10 Evaluate the Jacobian Matrix for the isoparametric quadrilateral element shown in Fig.

11 Derive the shape function for eight noded rectangular element.

16. Compute the element matrix and vectors for the element shown in figure when the edges 2-3
and 3-1 experience convection heat loss.

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