Inorganic List
Inorganic List
Inorganic List
1. Oxides
Formula English name
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
N2O Dinitrogen oxide, nitrogen (I) oxide, nitrous oxide
NO Nitrogen oxide, nitrogen (II) oxide, nitric oxide
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen (IV) oxide
N2O5 Dinitrogen pentaoxide, nitrogen (V) oxide
SO2 Sulfur dioxide, sulfur (IV) oxide, sulfurous oxide
SO3 Sulfur trioxide, sulfur (VI) oxide, sulfuric oxide
CaO Calcium oxide (lime)
MgO Magnesium oxide
Al2O3 Aluminum oxide (alumina)
SiO2 Silicon dioxide, silicon (IV) oxide (silica)
ZnO Zinc oxide
Cu2O Copper (I) oxide, cuprous oxide
CuO Copper (II) oxide, cupric oxide
FeO Iron (II) oxide, ferrous oxide
Fe2O3 Iron (III) oxide, ferric oxide
CrO3 Chromium trioxide, chromium (VI) oxide
MnO2 Manganese dioxide, manganese (IV) oxide
2. Peroxides
Formula English name
H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide
3. Hydroxides
Formula English name
NaOH Sodium hydroxide
KOH Potassium hydroxide
Ca(OH)2 Calcium hydroxide
Ba(OH)2 Barium hydroxide
Al(OH)3 Aluminium hydroxide
Fe(OH)2 Iron (II) hydroxide, ferrous hydroxide
Fe(OH)3 Iron (III) hydroxide, ferric hydroxide
Cu(OH)2 Copper hydroxide
NH3∙H2O Aqueous ammonia
4. Hydracids
Formula English name
HF Hydrofluoric acid, hydrogen fluoride
HCl Hydrochloric acid, hydrogen chloride
HBr Hydrobromic acid, hydrogen bromide
HI Hydroiodic acid, hydrogen iodide
HCN Hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen cyanide
H2S Hydrosulfuric acid, hydrogen sulfide
5. Oxoacids and thioacids
6. Salts
Salts are binary compounds. Various combinations of anions (derived from acids) and
cations (typically a metal, derived from metal hydroxides) listed below should be
Formula English name Charge
F fluoride -1
Cl- chloride -1
Br- bromide -1
I- iodide -1
CN- cyanide -1
S2- sulfide -2
HS- Hydrogen sulfide -1
CO32- carbonate -2
HCO3- Hydrogen carbonate -1
NO2- nitrite -1
NO3- nitrate -1
PO43- phosphate -3
HPO42- Hydrogen phosphate -2
H2PO42- Dihydrogen phosphate -1
SO32- sulfite -2
HSO3- Hydrogen sulfite -1
SO4-2 sulfate -2
HSO4- Hydrogen sulfate -1
ClO- hypochlorite -1
ClO2- chlorite -1
ClO3- chlorate -1
ClO4- perchlorate -1
CrO4- chromate -2
Cr2O72- dichromate -2
MnO4- permanganate -1
Formula English name Charge
Li lithium +1
Na+ sodium +1
K+ potassium +1
Ca2+ calcium +2
Mg2+ magnesium +2
Ba2+ barium +2
Al+3 aluminium +3
Pb+2 Lead (II) +2
Pb+4 Lead (IV) +4
Bi+3 bismuth +3
Ag+ silver +1
Cr+3 Chromium (III) +3
Co+2 Cobalt (II) +2
Ni+2 Nickel (II) +2
Zn+2 Zinc +2
Mn+2 Manganese (II) +2
Cu+ Copper (I), cuprous +1
Cu+2 Copper (II), cupric +2
Fe+2 Iron(II), ferrous +2
Fe+3 Iron (III), ferric +3
Hg2+ Mercury (II), mercuric +2
NH4+ ammonium +1
7. Others
NH3 ammonia