MP18-169 (BIA, FMO, SOP Air Injection) Sept 24

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Department: FMO

Doc No: MP18-169

SOP Revision: 0
Date: 24-Sept-2018 Page 1 of 4

The purpose of this SOP is to provide general guidelines for the air injection system in
the anaerobic reactor (AR). AR air injection system is performed by 2 air blowers: one
(1) permanent and the second to balance.

This guideline applies to all Biotec biogas plants. H2S pre-treatment in the biogas
(biological treatment thanks to a layer of Thiobacillus sp bacteria on the top layer of the
water and on the inner layer of the cover).

3.1 AN Anerobic Reactor
3.2 POME Palm Oil Mill Effluent
3.3 H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
3.4 O2 Oxygen

The quantity of injected air is calculated based on the biogas produced on the previous
week of operation. The air injection system has been designed to operate 24hours/day.
The air injection has to be 5 to 6% of the biogas production projected for that day. Use
two air compressors and restrict the valve (if necessary) for supplying the air required
for H2S removal. The airflow required for the H 2S removal in the reactor has to be
adjusted by the use of the angle seat valve located in the air injection pipeline, just after
the flow meter.

Air Injection Calculation

The air injection is calculated based on the average biogas production of the previous month
and considering the amount of POME feed in the reactor the day before.
As such, the air injection will be estimated based on the Nm3 biogas / m3 POME as follows:

[email protected] -
Europe: 6 rue Louis de Geer B-1348 LLN, Belgique - Tel +32.10.392 202
Latin America: Casa Yambo, km 3, La Buitrera, Cali, Colombia - Tel : +57 2.325.98.29
Asia: C-10-2, Block C, Setia Walk Persiaran Wawasan, Pusat Bandar Puchong, 47160 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Tel : +603 5879 1410 Fax +603 5891 0461
Department: FMO
Doc No: MP18-169
SOP Revision: 0
Date: 24-Sept-2018 Page 2 of 4

POME (m3/day) day before * 33 (Nm3 Biogas/m3 POME) = Nm3 Biogas/day

Nm3 Biogas/day * 0.06 = %air injection
%air injection / 24 hours = Nm3 air/hour

Example 1:
Considering a feeding rate of: 508 m3 POME
508 m3 POME/day *33 Nm3 Biogas/m3 POME = 16,764 Nm3 Biogas/day
16,764 Nm3 Biogas/day * 0.06 = 1,006 Nm3 air to be injected
How to run the air blowers:

The following table shows how to operate the air blowers to feed the amount of air
estimated in the example 1:

Table 1. Air blowers operation as per example 1.


AIR BLOWER 1 35 Nm3/h 24 Whole day 840 Nm3/day
AIR BLOWER 2 35 Nm3/h 5 12:00 – 17:00 175 Nm3/day
TOTAL 1,015 Nm3/day

- Low level of air injection can increase the H2S concentration under cover reducing
the filters efficiency. Biotec H2S filtration system is an aerobic system, a certain
amount of oxygen must be assured to reach its maximum efficiency.
- An excessive air injection can cause methane dilution into nitrogen. For the proper
operation of the filters, the O2 percentage at the filter entrance should be between
0,5 -0,6%. At the engine entrance the O2 should be around 0,2 – 0,3%.
- Equilibrate the use of the compressor based on the hour-meter in panel at the
control room. All compressors should be used at the same rate. One air blower has
to be kept in stand-by unless high flow is required.

[email protected] -
Europe: 6 rue Louis de Geer B-1348 LLN, Belgique - Tel +32.10.392 202
Latin America: Casa Yambo, km 3, La Buitrera, Cali, Colombia - Tel : +57 2.325.98.29
Asia: C-10-2, Block C, Setia Walk Persiaran Wawasan, Pusat Bandar Puchong, 47160 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Tel : +603 5879 1410 Fax +603 5891 0461
Department: FMO
Doc No: MP18-169
SOP Revision: 0
Date: 24-Sept-2018 Page 3 of 4

Table 2. Operation Scheme of air injection for different amount of POME, please follow accordingly.


300 M3 AIR BLOWER 1 25 Nm3/h 24 Whole day 600 Nm3/day
350 M3 AIR BLOWER 1 30 Nm3/h 24 Whole day 720 Nm3/day
400 M3 AIR BLOWER 1 35 Nm3/h 24 Whole day 840 Nm3/day
AIR BLOWER 1 35 Nm3/h 24 Whole day 840 Nm3/day
450 M3 AIR BLOWER 2 35 Nm3/h 2 12:00 – 14:00 70 Nm3/day
TOTAL 910 Nm3/day
AIR BLOWER 1 35 Nm3/h 24 Whole day 840 Nm3/day
500 M3 AIR BLOWER 2 35 Nm3/h 5 12:00 – 17:00 175 Nm3/day
TOTAL 1,015 Nm3/day
AIR BLOWER 1 35 Nm3/h 24 Whole day 840 Nm3/day
550 M3 AIR BLOWER 2 35 Nm3/h 7 12:00 – 19:00 245 Nm3/day
TOTAL 1,085 Nm3/day
AIR BLOWER 1 35 Nm3/h 24 Whole day 840 Nm3/day
600 M3 AIR BLOWER 2 35 Nm3/h 10 12:00 – 22:00 350 Nm3/day
TOTAL 1,190 Nm3/day

[email protected] -
Europe: 6 rue Louis de Geer B-1348 LLN, Belgique - Tel +32.10.392 202
Latin America: Casa Yambo, km 3, La Buitrera, Cali, Colombia - Tel : +57 2.325.98.29
Asia: C-10-2, Block C, Setia Walk Persiaran Wawasan, Pusat Bandar Puchong, 47160 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Tel : +603 5879 1410 Fax +603 5891 0461

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