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The Relationship Between Students’ Computer Competency and Per-

ception of Enjoyment and Difficulty Level in Web-based Distance

By Yunfei Du, Wayne State University


This paper discussed the concept of computer competency and investigated the relationship between
students’ computer competency and their perception of enjoyment and difficulty level of web-based dis-
tance-learning courses. Participants were 237 entering graduate students in library and information sci-
ence from a mid-southwestern state university in the United States from year 2001 to 2003. Computer
competency was estimated by students’ self-report of their prior knowledge of information technology
skills in a survey called Computer Skill and Use Assessment. Statistical significance was found between
the correlation of computer competency and students’ perception of enjoyment level (p=.011) and diffi-
culty level (p=.001).

Introduction students with more flexibility, they realize the

potential challenge of learning from a distance.
Distance education has become an integral For example, the instructor needs sufficient in-
component of services from libraries, including structional and technical support in a same-
academic libraries that serve college of educa- time/different-place learning environment
tion. In recent years, library and information sci- (Besser, 1996, 819). Many of the library educa-
ence fields have been exploring innovative ways tors choose different-time/different-place models
of teaching and learning in digital era. For ex- to deliver courses over the Internet to reduce
ample, since the 1990s, distance learning in li- cost and eliminate technical challenges by two-
brary and information science education has way video-conferencing (lighting, sound, and
developed quickly in the United States. Distance wiring of classrooms, et al).
education via the World Wide Web, often com-
bined with on-site meeting requirements, has In asynchronous models, students can control
been a trend in library and information science the pace of instruction but students’ individual
fields (Association for Library and Information intellectual and technical background will impact
Science Education, 1999, 7). The 2003 Associa- learning effectiveness. An onsite environment
tion for Library and Information Science Educa- makes it possible for instructors to adjust teach-
tion Statistical Report shows forty-six out of fifty- ing strategies according to student feedback via
six ALA-accredited library schools reported eye-contact. Learners can think, watch, observe,
1,155 courses offered as distance education, in and participate while communicating with the
comparison to 1,008 courses in 2001, 489 instructor and classmates. In web-based learn-
courses in 2000, and 408 courses in 1999 (As- ing environments, students without adequate
sociation for Library and Information Science technological background may spend more time
Education, 2003). struggling with technology than working on
course content. Computer competency, or in-
While LIS practitioners and researchers are of- formation technology literacy, may influence
fering instruction in different formats to provide students’ satisfaction with their performance

Education Libraries Volume 27, No. 2 Winter 2004 5
within an individual course and with their general knowledge can be tested via a pretest devel-
experience of web-based learning in general. oped specifically for a content domain. Tests
Thus, chances of dropping out may increase for can be multiple choices, free recall, true/false, or
those students dissatisfied with their distance matching among others. Some tests include a
learning experience (Sherry, Fulford, & Zhang, scale for learner to indicate their degree of con-
1998, 4). fidence in their answer (Tobias, 1982). Research
suggests an inverse relationship between level
Identifying factors impacting distance learning is of prior knowledge and instructional support. As
more valuable to education libraries because the level of prior knowledge rises, the need for
their students will be next generation of educa- instructional support decreases; conversely, as
tors, who would explore pedagogical innovations the level of prior knowledge decreases, the need
at the rest of their life. The current study looked for instructional support rises (Tobias 1976,
particularly at students at a library and informa- 1981; Jonassen & Grabowski, 1993).
tion science program. Many of them were school
librarians. This study explored how students’ Theoretical backgrounds related to the impor-
computer competency can impact their percep- tance of prior knowledge are transfer of learning,
tion of enjoyment and difficulty level in web- schema theory, information-processing theory,
based distance learning. and theory of structural knowledge. Transfer of
learning theory explains how prior skills and
Distance learning was defined in this study as knowledge transfer directly to new learning.
the application of telecommunications and elec- Schema theory explains the acquisition of new
tronic devices that enable learners to receive information through a learner’s active, construc-
instructions originating from some distant loca- tive integration of new information into existing
tion (Keegan, 1988; Holmberg, 1995, 51). In- networks of knowledge. Information-processing
struction may be synchronous or asynchronous. theory focuses on the roles of perception and
Distance education may employ correspon- attention in learning and memory (Jonassen &
dence study, or audio, video, or computer tech- Grabowski, 1993, 421). Structural knowledge
nologies. describes and facilitates the application of prior
knowledge to novel situations. It is the knowl-
Previous Studies edge of how ideas within a domain are interre-
There are abundant research studies measuring lated. In other words, structural knowledge de-
student satisfaction. Students’ attitudes, espe- scribes how prior knowledge is interconnected
cially their satisfaction with online courses, are (Diekhoff, 1983). Structural knowledge is also
important indicators of student success. Studies defined as conceptual knowledge, the concep-
show a direct relation between dissatisfaction of tual storage of meaningful dimensions in a given
distance learning and student retention. Librari- domain of knowledge.
ans and educators have been exploring factors In the library and information science world, a
that enhance students’ satisfaction in web-based more relevant concept is probably “computer
distance learning: learning styles, technology competency”, or “information technology liter-
support, and learning community, et al. (Simp- acy”. Simonson, Maurer, Montag-Toradi, &
son & Du, 2004; Frey, Alman, Barron, & Whitaker (1987) define computer literacy as (1)
Steffens, 2004). Previous studies reveal a pos- an understanding of computer characteristics,
sibility of effects of learning styles and individual capabilities, and applications; and (2) an ability
ability in web-based distance learning (Du, to implement this knowledge in the skillful, pro-
2004). ductive use of computer applications. Specifi-
One of the ability factors is students’ prior knowl- cally, Osika & Sharp (2002) identified technical
edge and skills of computers. There is abundant competencies for distance learning students as
research on the effects of specific knowledge seven skill groups: (1) computer operations and
and skills, such as prior knowledge of utilities, (2) file management, (3) word process-
computers, in distance learning. Prior knowledge ing, (4) Internet, (5) PowerPoint presentations,
is defined as the knowledge, skills, or ability that (6) spreadsheet, and (7) databases. On the
students bring to the learning process (Jonassen other hand, more recently Talja (2005, p. 21)
& Grabowski, 1993). Prior knowledge is one of introduced a social constructivist viewpoint of
the strongest and most consistent predictors of “computer literacy” and suggests a more dialec-
learning. Tobias states that prior knowledge can tical social constructs. In this study, computer

Education Libraries Volume 27, No. 2 Winter 2004 6
competency is defined as an individual’s knowl- H0(1): There is no difference in Enjoyment Level
edge and ability with computers. This knowledge when the subjects differ with regard to computer
enables an individual to use computers, soft- competency.
ware applications, databases, and other tech- H0(2): There is no difference in Difficulty Level
nologies to achieve a wide variety of academic, when the subjects differ with regard to computer
work-related, and personal goals, including a competency.
successful learning experience in web-based
courses. “Computer competency” can be an in- In this study, computer competency was meas-
dicator of “computer literacy”. In this study we ured by Computer Skill and Use Assessment,
use them interchangeably. which was developed by the researcher. The
survey was adapted from the Information Tech-
A related concept to “computer competency” is nology Knowledge and Skills Diagnostic Tool
“information literacy”. Information literacy is a (http://www.unt.edu/slis/apppacket/ITKS/ITKSas
concept well discussed in library literature, for sess.htm), by the School of Library and Informa-
example, by Snavely and Cooper (1997), Carbo tion Sciences (SLIS) at the University of North
(1997), Behrens (1994), Kuhlthau (1987), Texas. It is a technology skill self-assessment
McClure (1994), Bawden (2001), and Eisenberg, package for entering graduate students to
Lowe, & Spitzer (2004). Information literacy is a evaluate their computer competency. ITKS is a
set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize web-based self-assessment with 197 questions.
when information is needed and have the ability It has seven sections: Basic Computer Knowl-
to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the edge and Skills, Word Processing, Spreadsheet,
needed information” (American Library Associa- Database, Presentation, Internet, and web De-
tion, 1989). It is believed that the two concepts velopment. Enjoyment level and difficult level
are related but information literacy has broader were assessed by the Student Satisfaction Sur-
implications for the individual, the educational vey. The Student Satisfaction Survey consisted
system, and society. of 5 items with a semantic-differential scale of 1
to 7. The researcher chose the items for the in-
A few studies explored the effects of computer strument from studies by Rumpradit (1999), and
competency to web-based distance learning. Osborn (2000). Both surveys were validated in
Jiang (1999) found students’ previous computer previous studies (Du, 2004; Simpson & Du,
competency was not a statistical significant fac- 2004). Participants were entering graduate stu-
tor in predicting students’ perceived learning, but dents in library and information science from a
it has significant correlation with student-student mid-southwestern state university in the States.
communication (p=.01), learning styles (p=.03)
and time on learning (p=.03). His sample was Findings
287 web-based students from State University of
New York Learning Network. Yu, Kim, and Roh In total, 301 subjects participated in the Com-
(2001) found students' perceived need of web puter Skill and Use Assessment. Among them
use, technical training they had received, per- 237 students completed the Student Satisfaction
ceived usefulness of the web, and their com- Survey. Participants in this study were graduate
puter and web competencies had positive direct students enrolled in web-based distance learn-
effects on their web use in distance learning. ing courses at a mid-southwestern state univer-
sity in the United States from year 2001 to 2003.
Method The subjects were 100% online students; they
came to campus for software training because
This study surveyed the effects of students’ they had never taken a WebCT course. The
computer competency to their perception of en- subjects were essentially homogenous in age,
joyment level and difficulty level. Two research gender, and knowledge level. Fourteen of them
questions were explored: were male, the rest of them were females. Aver-
1. How can a student’s perception of enjoyment age age of the students was between 35 and 40.
level with the course be affected by different in- Over 50% of them were school librarians or
dividual levels of computer competency? schoolteachers working toward their master’s or
2. How can a student’s perception of difficulty school library certification. They all enrolled as
level with the course be affected by different in- regular master’s students. Eighty percent of all
dividual levels of computer competency? enrolled students participated in the study. The
Accordingly, two null hypotheses are: courses they took were taught 100% online.

Education Libraries Volume 27, No. 2 Winter 2004 7
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics of Computer Competency Items

Item Name Mean SD Skewness Kurtosis

Q1_FILE 6.14 1.04 -1.29 1.34
Q2_WORD 6.62 .70 -1.97 4.11
Q3_SPREAD 5.23 1.45 -.54 -.38
Q4_CUT 6.54 1.05 -3.37 13.72
Q5_PPT 5.14 1.66 -.78 -.13
Q6_EMAIL 6.67 .72 -3.36 17.52
Q7_INTER 6.22 1.03 -1.99 6.37
Q8_LIST 4.51 1.81 -.45 -.64
Q9_ACCESS 2.05 1.42 1.26 .58
Q10_HTML 2.88 1.82 .61 -.75
CC* 5.2 .80 -.66 1.15
Note. CC (Computer Competency) stands for average of all ten items. 1 = least alike, 7 = most alike

Computer Competency

Table 1 illustrates the descriptive statistics for Several reasons may have contributed to the
the question items. Each item has a semantic- distribution of the current data. Firstly, students
differential scale, ranging from 1 to 7. One indi- may have a tendency to rate themselves higher
cates the lowest proficiency and 7 stands for the if they are familiar with some skills. That might
highest proficiency. The researcher expected yield negatively skewed scores in question items
the mean scores of the items to be between 4 1 to 6. Secondly, this ALA accredited library
and 5. From Table 1, the author found students program expects that entering students have
in this sample rated themselves fairly high at adequate skills in basic computer operation and
basic computer skills, such as Q1 (Open/Run can complete basic academic works, such as
files and Programs, mean score = 6.14), Q2 (MS compiling homework using a word-processor.
Word, mean score =6.62), Q3 (Spreadsheet, The students are supposed to pass the ITKS
mean score = 5.23), Q4 (Cut and Paste, mean self-test when they apply for this program. There
score = 6.54), and Q6 (Using Email, mean score is a possibility that students who failed to pass
= 6.67). Students were not familiar with com- the ITKS self-test but claimed to pass it were still
puter languages, such as Q9 (Access Database allowed to enroll in the program. Thus, the
Language, mean score = 2.25), and Q10 scores of computer competency tend to be
(HTML, mean score = 2.88). higher than expected.

Table 2: Satisfaction Measurement Variables

Name Mean SD Skewness Kurtosis
Enjoyment Level 5.48 1.39 -.88 .21
Performance Satisfaction 6.00 1.21 -1.55 2.7
Difficulty Level 4.90 1.40 -.71 .29
Grade Expectation 6.83 .42 -2.18 4.04
Retention Tendency 6.23 1.48 -2.05 3.41
Satisfaction Level* 5.89 .79 -1.14 .90
Note. * Satisfaction Level is the average of all five items (N = 237).

Education Libraries Volume 27, No. 2 Winter 2004 8
Student Satisfaction Correlation

As mentioned before, the researcher expected Since the dependent variable, computer compe-
the mean scores of each items to be distributed tency, yields continuous scores, multiple regres-
around 4 to 5 with a bell-shape curve. Table 2 sion analysis was applied to test the significance
indicates a leptokurtic and negative skewed dis- of correlation between computer competency
tribution of both Grade Expectation (Q4) and and student satisfaction level. The author con-
Retention Tendency (Q5), with Kurtosis more ducted five individual regression analyses on
than 1 and Skewness less than -1. The data each question in the student satisfaction survey
shows that most of the students expected an and found statistical significance in two Student
“A”, rather than a bell shape distribution, possi- Satisfaction items: Enjoyment Level (answers to
bly around “B”, as suggested by statistical theo- question 1 of Student Satisfaction Survey as the
ries. This distribution likely occurred because dependent variable) and Difficulty Level (an-
graduate students are expected to get at least a swers to question 3 of Student Satisfaction Sur-
“B” or better. Graduate students in the sample vey as the dependent variable). The results are
also had a strong tendency toward retention, listed in the next two tables.
meaning that these students had a strong moti-
vation to stay in this ALA accredited library pro- The next table indicated that there was a statis-
gram. This University has one of only three ALA tically significant correlation between computer
accredited programs in the State of Texas. The competency and students’ Enjoyment Level. The
Satisfaction Level score, or the average of mean correlation coefficient, or β weight, is .164 (p =
scores of all five items, reflected a normal distri- 0.011). That means that computer competency
bution of the sample. as the independent variable may predict stu-
dents’ Enjoyment Level on web-based courses,
with a correlation coefficient of .16.

Table 3: ANOVA for Enjoyment Level

Source Sum of Squares df MS F p β

Regression 12.64 1 12.64 6.61 .011 .164
Residual 457.15 239 1.913
Total 469.79 240
Note: Dependent Variable: Enjoyment Level. Independent Variable: Computer

From the table below, we can conclude that competency as the independent variable may
there was a statistically significant correlation predict students’ impression of difficulty level of
between computer competency and students’ web-based courses, with a correlation coefficient
Difficulty Level (see Table 4). The β value is of .205.
.205 (p = 0.001). That indicates that computer

Table 4: ANOVA Report for Difficulty Level

Source Sum of Squares df MS F p β
Regression 20.27 1 20.27 0.49 .001 .205
Residual 461.99 239 1.93
Total 482.27 240
Note: Predictors: Dependent Variable: Difficulty Level. Independent Variable: Computer competency

There were no significant correlations between .080; p = .217). There was no significant corre-
computer competency and Performance Satis- lation between computer competency and the
faction (r = .052, p = .421), Grade Expectation (r average of all five items (r = .118; p = 0.069 >
= .034, p = .599), and Retention Tendency (r = 0.05). Even though the correlation is not statisti-

Education Libraries Volume 27, No. 2 Winter 2004 9
cally significant, the p-value is fairly close to .05. via telephone, instant messaging, video confer-
The correlation coefficient (β) implies there ence, et al (Lowe & Malinski, 2000).
might be a significant result if the sample size
were larger. The researcher believes there might The researcher found no statistically significant
be some practical significance in enhancing stu- relationship between computer competency and
dents’ computer competency in web-based dis- pooled score of student satisfaction from all five
tance learning. However, we need more studies question items. He sampled students from dif-
to investigate that assertion. ferent majors and from different online classes.
Different course types may yield a significant
Conclusion and Implications level of “within group variance” and thus yielded
non-significant results. The researcher believes
Different student computer competency levels with a larger sample size significant results may
impact students’ perception of Enjoyment Level be found. Computer competency may not the
and Difficulty Level. Students feel web-based only factor predicting students’ success in web-
courses are easier if they have enough com- based distance learning. Further studies are
puter background. It is notable that a significant needed to explore the interaction of computer
relationship between learning style and enjoy- competency and different course delivering plat-
ment level was found in previous studies (Simp- forms, such as GUI-based (such as WebCT) vs.
son & Du, 2004). The results of this study sug- text-based (Blackboard) systems.
gest additional factors that impact student en-
joyment level in distance learning. References

The findings of this study are valuable to educa- American Library Association (1989). Presiden-
tion libraries. Understanding the effects of com- tial Committee on Information Literacy. Final
puter competency may help faculty to deliver Report. Chicago: ALA. Retrieved February
learning materials more effectively online. Stu- 3, 2005, from: http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/
dents in education or school library programs acrlpubs/whitepapers/presidential.htm
with higher level of computer competency are Association for Library and Information Science
likely to be more satisfied with distance learning. Education. (1999). Educating Library and In-
Such students will be more creative with peda- formation Science Professionals for a New
gogical innovation, such as utilizing Internet re- Century: The KALIPER Report. Oak Ridge,
sources, using databases, and creating digital TN: ALISE. Retrieved February 2, 2005,
media in teaching and learning. Those en- from: http://www.alise.org/publications/ kali-
hanced skills may help them to achieve a wide per.pdf
variety of academic, work-related, and personal Association for Library and Information Science
goals. Education (2003). 2003 Statistical Report.
Oak Ridge, TN: ALISE. Retrieved February
To better serve distant students and enhance 2, 2005, from: http://ils.unc.edu/ALISE/2003/
student retention, we suggest technology sup- Curric/Curriculum01.htm
port in distance education programs. Our results Bawden, D. (2001). Information and Digital Lit-
are consistent with findings from previous stud- eracies: A Review of Concepts. Journal of
ies (Yu et al., 2001) suggesting that technology Documentation, 57(2), 218–259.
support should be provided to learners in order Behrens, S.J. (1994). A Conceptual Analysis
to facilitate the participation of web-based learn- and Historical Overview of Information Liter-
ing. acy. College and Research Libraries, 55(4),
Students without adequate technology back- Besser, H. (1996). Issues and Challenges for
ground should be given tutorials or training ses- the Distance Independent Environment.
sions to help them adjust to the online environ- Journal of the American Society for Informa-
ment. Distance learning programs in libraries tion Science, 47(11), 817-820.
should provide onsite training sessions to en- Carbo, T. (1997). Mediacy: Knowledge and
hance computer competency for students with- Skills to Navigate the Information Super
out enough prior knowledge of computers. In Highway. Proceedings of the Infoethics Con-
addition, distance programs might consider de- ference, Monte Carlo, 10–12 March 1997.
ploying budget in supporting students and an- Paris: Unesco.
swer students’ technical questions in real-time

Education Libraries Volume 27, No. 2 Winter 2004 10
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in the Evaluation of Structural Understand- fect of User Interface Elements and User
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227-233. fidence, and Satisfaction on the World Wide
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tance Education in Library and Information Sherry, A. C., Fulford, C. P., & Zhang, S. (1998).
Services, 1(3), 51-64. Assessing Distance Learners' Satisfaction
Eisenberg, M. E., Lowe, C. A., and Spitzer, K. L. with Instruction: A Quantitative and a Quali-
(2004). Information Literacy: Essential Skills tative Method. American Journal of Distance
for the Information Age. Westport, CT: Li- Education 12(3), 4-28.
braries Unlimited Simonson, M. R. Maurer, M. Montag-Torardi,
Frey, B. A., Alman, S. W., Barron, D., & Steffens M.& Whitaker M. (1987), Development of a
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Holmberg, B. (1995). The Evolution of the Char- Simpson, C. & Du, D. (2004). Effects of Learning
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Education Libraries Volume 27, No. 2 Winter 2004 11
Appendix: Computer Skill and Use Assessment

Rate your ability to do each of the following:

(circle the appropriate number, from 1 (no knowledge/ability) to 7 (expert user))

No knowledge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Expert user

1. Find, open and run files and programs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. Create a document using a word processor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3. Use a spreadsheet to create a document 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4. Cut, copy, and paste text 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5. Create a presentation document on a computer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6. Send and receive e-mail 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7. Search for information on the Internet/World Wide Web 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8. Subscribe and post messages to a “listserv” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9. Program a computer using a database language

(such as Access, Foxpro or Oracle, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10. Create or edit a Website (using html, Java, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

11. Electronically send and receive files 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

12. Generally, how satisfied are you with your computer ability (choose one)
O Very Dissatisfied
O Dissatisfied
O Dissatisfied with reservation
O Satisfied
O Very Satisfied
O No Basis for Judgment/ Not Applicable


Yunfei Du is an Assistant Professor, Library and Information Science Program, at Wayne State
University, Detroit. E-mail: [email protected]

Education Libraries Volume 27, No. 2 Winter 2004

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