Insurance Car Claim Project Data Visualisation
Insurance Car Claim Project Data Visualisation
Insurance Car Claim Project Data Visualisation
Project Objective
The main aim of the project is to analyse the dataset of car insurance using tableau. The analysis and
recommendations will cater towards the business objective of a Typical Insurance Company providing
car insurance to both personal and commercial users.
1) There are several factors which are provided in the dataset. However, there may be other unseen
factors that are not considered
2) YOJ and birthdate will lead to number of years/age computed as at 2020.
3) The dashboard presented are intended to analyse the car insurance claims in details, in order for the
insurance company to have an informed understanding of their customer base and to provide a better
customer service.
Data Dictionary
The dataset has data on 10284 client’s car insurance information, it includes the customer
demographic information (birthdate, income, value of house owned, marital status, gender, education
level, occupation, travel time.), the insurance claim information (worth of car, claim amount, claim
frequency, age of car etc).
Major findings:
1) Income range of the majority of customers<100,000.
2) Occupation wise students and homemakers are the major group with car insurance
3) From the perspective of education, graduates of high school and Bachelors buy car insurance.
4) Professionally, jobless, blue collar, clerks and students prefer to buy car insurance. However, the
underlying reason is not clear at this point.
In this datasheet, the type of car bought by the income range can lead to the following conclusion:
1) Income Range<50000 and between 50000-100000, has a strong preference for Minivan and SUV.
2) The other income ranges does not exhibit any strong liking for any specific car type
11)Education vs Income Range
It is quite evident that the income range of highly educated customers are much higher than
those who have passed high school or less. It is also evident that female customers have a
higher income in every education group compared to their male counterparts.
14)Claims Dashboard
The insurance claims dashboard has been prepared to provide a quick-access snapshot of all the
relevant information.
Major findings are
• Highest number of insurance claim is amongst SUV and minivans
• Majority of claims are by female customers
• Majority of claims are in the initial years of purchase; claims decrease with age of the vehicle
Frequency of insurance claim is highest in the initial years of car age
17) Storyboard
2 storyboards have been created to explore the insurance claims of
• Female SUV owners
• Male drivers
In general, the claim for SUV is the highest among all car types
This table tells us throughout the life cycle of the SUV, there is high claim amount for the SUV
Insurance claim value of minivan and pickup is high in the initial years and the value will go down.
However, it is not error-free as the insurance claim is still relatively high along the years.
Based on the analysis of the provided data, some recommendations are provided in the table below
Criteria Recommendation
Price range for car types Insurance for SUV/Pickup/Minivan and Panel
truck to be provided at a premium pricing