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Received: 7 February 2020

| Revised: 31 May 2020

| Accepted: 4 June 2020

DOI: 10.1002/mrm.28396


In vivo 3D brain and extremity MRI at 50 mT using a permanent

magnet Halbach array

Thomas O’Reilly1 | Wouter M. Teeuwisse1 | Danny de Gans2 | Kirsten Koolstra1 |

Andrew G. Webb1,2
C.J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI, Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
Technical University Delft, Delft, The Netherlands

Andrew G. Webb, C.J. Gorter Center for
Purpose: To design a low-cost, portable permanent magnet-based MRI system capa-
High Field MRI, Department of Radiology, ble of obtaining in vivo MR images within a reasonable scan time.
Leiden University Medical Center, Methods: A discretized Halbach permanent magnet array with a clear bore diameter of
Albinusdreef 2, 2333 ZA, Leiden, The
Netherlands. 27 cm was designed for operation at 50 mT. Custom-built gradient coils, RF coil, gradient
Email: [email protected] amplifiers, and RF amplifier were integrated and tested on both phantoms and in vivo.
Results: Phantom results showed that the gradient nonlinearity in the y-direction
Funding information
H2020 European Research Council, Grant/ and z-direction was less than 5% over a 15-cm FOV and did not need correcting. For
Award Number: 670629; H2020 Future the x-direction, it was significantly greater, but could be partially corrected in post-
and Emerging Technologies, Grant/Award
processing. Three-dimensional in vivo scans of the brain of a healthy volunteer using
Number: 737180; Nederlandse Organisatie
voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Grant/ a turbo spin-echo sequence were acquired at a spatial resolution of 4 × 4 × 4 mm in
Award Number: Simon Stevin Meester a time of about 2 minutes. The T1-weighted and T2-weighted scans showed a good
2017 and WOTRO Joint SDG Research
Programme W 07.303.101
degree of tissue contrast. In addition, in vivo scans of the knee of a healthy volunteer
were acquired at a spatial resolution of about 3 × 2 × 2 mm within 12 minutes to
show the applicability of the system to extremity imaging.
Conclusion: This work has shown that it is possible to construct a low-field MRI
unit with hardware components costing less than 10 000 Euros, which is able to
acquire human images in vivo within a reasonable data-acquisition time. The system
has a high degree of portability with magnet weight of approximately 75 kg, gradient
and RF amplifiers each 15 kg, gradient coils 10 kg, and spectrometer 5 kg.

gradient design, Halbach array, low-field MRI, permanent magnets, sustainable imaging

1 | IN T RO D U C T ION purchase, maintenance, and siting costs associated with such

systems, all of which put them out of the financial reach of
In the past few years there has been renewed interest in de- much of the world’s population. In addition to financial con-
signing human MRI systems with field strengths significantly siderations, there are intrinsic advantages in terms of fewer
below those (1.5 T and 3 T) used for standard clinical ex- patient contraindications and reduced specific absorption
aminations.1 Much of the rationale arises from the very high ratio compared with higher field systems.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Magn Reson Med. 2021;85:495–505.  wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/mrm | 495

|    O’REILLY et al.

Although there is a significant loss in SNR at low fields, that is oriented along the bore, more closely resembling con-
the work by the Rosen group, in particular, has shown that di- ventional MRI systems.28,29
agnostically useful image quality can be achieved using fields Recently, our group described the design, construction,
as low as 6.5 mT using highly efficient sequences in combi- and characterization of a larger 27-cm clear-bore Halbach
nation with a very homogeneous magnetic field created by array magnet operating at 50 mT.30 A genetic algorithm was
a large electromagnet.2-4 Representing a slight increase in used to optimize the geometry of the 23-ring magnet, and
hardware complexity, combinations of prepolarizing electro- the inclusion of additional shimming rings to compensate for
magnets and lower field either electro-based or permanent material and construction imperfections resulted in a homo-
magnet-based readout systems have been used for imaging geneity of approximately 2400 ppm over a 20-cm diameter of
human extremities.5,6 More sophisticated field-cycling sys- spherical volume. Using simple gradient coils, 3D spin-echo
tems7-11 have also been used to obtain data over a wide range images at 3.5 × 3.5 × 3.5 mm spatial resolution were acquired
of field strengths, most recently in vivo data at 50 μT. in an imaging time of about 35 minutes from a phantom.
A fourth approach to low-field MRI, which has the advan- However, this time is much too long for a useful clinical scan;
tages of the relative simplicity of a single fixed field strength in addition, the gradient coils had too high a resistance to be
magnet, no requirement for a magnet power supply, and in- able to implement efficient imaging sequences with a high
creased portability, is to use/design a permanent magnet. duty cycle. Because our major aim for a portable MRI system
Although the original commercial C-arm or H-arm systems is to image pediatric hydrocephalus in resource-limited loca-
were large and heavy (>1000 kg) with field strengths of be- tions, we ultimately need the system to acquire images dis-
tween 0.1 T and 0.35 T,12 more recently, a relatively inex- tinguishing between CSF and white matter and gray matter.
pensive commercial system with significantly reduced size The role of imaging in pediatric hydrocephalus has recently
operating at 60 mT has shown very high quality images of been reviewed.31 As described in this review and earlier pa-
the brain, with potential applications in the emergency room pers,32 3D T1-weighted and T2-weighted images form the
(www.hyper​fine.io). However, even this system weights ap- essential anatomical sequences, with other sequences supple-
proximately 500 kg, which limits its transportability. menting these based on the particular feature of the disease
To reduce the weight of the magnet, a large number of being studied. Although much higher spatial resolution can
distributed small magnets, rather than two very large disc be achieved at high fields, the loss in SNR at low fields can
magnets as in most permanent magnet designs, can be used. be retrieved partially by the use of long echo trains in turbo
The most common geometry is a discretized version of a di- spin-echo sequences due to the long T2 value of CSF and the
polar Halbach magnet,13 which is an optimal design in terms very low specific absorption rate intrinsic to low-field MRI.
of producing the highest homogeneous magnet field within In this paper we design a long echo-train turbo spin-
the structure and minimal field outside. This discrete geom- echo sequence to image the CSF in healthy adult brain. The
etry is in practice constructed from many small individual Cartesian k-space coverage is restricted to an elliptical cover-
magnets. There are a number of papers in the literature that age to reduce the data acquisition time to less than 3 minutes
describe the design and construction of Halbach arrays for for a 4 × 4 × 4 mm isotropic spatial resolution. We also show
different applications, and analysis techniques for calculat- applications for extremity imaging, in which higher resolu-
ing both magnetic fields and interelement forces produced tion (~3 × 2 × 2 mm) in vivo images of the human knee are
by such arrays.14-16 For NMR and MRI applications, the captured in just over 10 minutes. Issues of temperature drift
Halbach array was first demonstrated using the k = 1 dipolar and image reconstruction in the presence of gradient nonlin-
mode, which produces a relatively homogeneous transverse earities are also discussed.
magnetic field, in a series of papers from Blümler et al,17-19
who constructed magnets capable of measurements on small
animals and plants. A number of other small-scale systems 2 | M ETHODS
have been constructed using modifications of this basic ap-
proach.20-22 Magnets with an in-built linear gradient have also 2.1 | Magnet design
been proposed23 and designed,24,25 in which rotation of the
magnet around the sample enables 2D spatial information to Details of the magnet design have been published previ-
be encoded and reconstructed. More recently, such systems ously26 and are minimally described here. The Halbach mag-
have eliminated the need for rotating the system by adding net consists of 23 rings, with two layers of N48 neodymium
two coil-based phase-encoding gradients to achieve 3D imag- boron iron magnets (12 × 12 × 12 mm3) per ring. The array
ing.26,27 Arrays of permanent magnets can also be arranged in has a clear bore of 27 cm and a length of 50 cm between the
a so-called inward-outward pair, in which the magnets in two two outer rings. The ring diameters were designed using an
rings are arranged with their magnetization pointing radially optimization scheme to give the highest B0 homogeneity; the
inward and outward in respective rings, generating a B0 field source code is available at https://github.com/LUMC-LowFi​
O’REILLY et al.    
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eldMR​I/Halba​chOpt​imisa​tion. After measuring the field arms, respectively. There was a 4-kHz shift downward in the
using a 3D robotic device, additional shimming was imple- resonant frequency when the knee was inserted. The Q value
mented by defining a 32.5-cm-diameter, 28-cm-long cylin- decreased from 54 to 47 when the coil was loaded with the
drical grid of 15 rings of 60 potential magnet positions per knee, indicating that coil loss is dominant, as expected.33 A
ring. The filling of this grid was subsequently optimized thin copper sheet (50 µm) was placed inside the gradient coils
using a genetic algorithm that has previously been shown to to reduce the interaction between the self-resonant modes of
be suitable for creating tailored magnetic fields using per- the gradient coils and the RF coil, as well as to reduce noise
manent magnets,24 which had three options for each magnet coupled into the system from the gradient amplifier. Six
position: no magnet, a magnet following the k = 1 Halbach 800-pF chip capacitors were placed along the seam of the
orientation, and the magnet flipped 180º from that orienta- sheet to reduce eddy currents induced by switching of the
tion. The genetic algorithm minimizes the field variation over gradients. The resonance frequency of the RF coil increased
a 20-cm-diameter spherical volume with 3 × 3 × 3 mm N45 95 kHz when the coil was inserted into the magnet.
neodymium boron iron magnets being used to fill the grid. For in vivo brain imaging, an elliptical solenoid was con-
The optimal solution occupied approximately 600 of the 900 structed with a width of 18.5 cm, height of 24.5 cm, and length
grid positions, and once constructed reduced the field inho- of 20 cm, with 40 windings of 1-mm diameter copper wire.
mogeneity from 13 000 ppm to 2400 ppm, with most of the It is segmented in three places with 82-pf capacitors, with a
B0 deviations located toward the edges of this diameter of 1-pF to 30-pF variable capacitor placed in parallel with one
spherical volume along the z-axis. The total weight of the of the segmentation capacitors. Impedance matching used an
magnet, including all components, is about 75 kg. L-shaped matching network with 101 pF (68 pF + 33 pF) and
To minimize the environmental noise, the entire setup was 150 pF (82 pF + 68 pF) capacitors in the parallel and series
placed inside a 62.5 × 62.5 × 85 cm Faraday cage constructed arms, respectively. The resonance frequency increased 233
from 2-mm-thick aluminum sheets and 32 × 32 mm2 alumi- kHz when the coil was inserted into the magnet. The unloaded
num extrusion profiles. Because the body can act as a very Q was 88, and loading the coil with a human head resulted in
effective antenna, such as coupling to power lines in the sur- a 4-kHz decrease in the resonance frequency of the coil and a
rounding walls,21 the torso extending out of the Faraday shield decreased Q of 78.
was placed under a conductive fabric (Holland Shielding When either coil was used without the conductive sheet
Systems, Dordrecht, the Netherlands). No direct contact be- in place, the noise level increased by approximately a fac-
tween the skin and the conductive cloth was required for the tor of 10 due to the “body antenna” effect. When the sheet
shield to be effective. The sheet was connected to the same was carefully wrapped around the entire body, and physical
ground as the Faraday cage, as shown in Figure 1. contact with the Faraday shield was present at several points,
the noise level was essentially unchanged from a coil loaded
with a tissue-mimicking phantom within the solid Faraday
2.2 | Radiofrequency coil enclosure.

For the phantom and knee imaging experiments, a 15-cm-

long, 15-cm-diameter solenoid with 57 windings was used 2.3 | Three-axis gradient coils
as a transmit/receive coil. The solenoid was segmented using
three nonmagnetic capacitors (47 pF; American Technical In a previous publication,30 simple quadrupolar Y and Z gra-
Ceramics E-series, Huntington Station, NY) spaced evenly dients were constructed. These had high inductance (203 µH)
along the length of the solenoid to avoid self-resonance ef- and very high resistance (10.0 Ω). Here, new gradient coils
fects. Impedance matching used an L-network with 33 pF with improved performance were designed, constructed, and
and 136 (2 × 68) pF capacitors in the parallel and series integrated. Gradient coils were designed using the target field

(A) (B)

F I G U R E 1 A, Magnet setup. The

shims and gradients are integrated into
the bore of the magnet. The entire setup is
placed inside an aluminum Faraday cage
to reduce environmental noise in the setup.
B, A conductive cloth is placed over the
subject to reduce the noise coupled into the
system through the body
|    O’REILLY et al.

approach34 adapted to produce their encoding fields commen- echo–based sequences with TEs on the order of tens of mil-
surate with the transverse B0 direction of the Halbach array. liseconds indicate that very rapid switching and rise times
This results in y-gradient and z-gradient coils that are similar (high slew rates) are not required. Spatial resolutions on the
in design to a quadrupolar design, but an x-gradient coil with order of several millimeters indicate that frequency-encod-
significantly improved performance compared with a simple ing gradient strengths on the order of tens of millitesla per
saddle design (full mathematical details are provided in de meter are sufficient, and much more inexpensive linear GPA
Vos et al35). designs can be used. Wright et al developed a desktop MRI
Gradients coils were constructed using 1.5-mm-diameter system capable of imaging objects approximately 2 cm in di-
copper wire pressed into 3D printed formers. The efficien- ameter. The GPAs used LM12 high-power op-amps capable
cies of the x-gradient, y-gradient, and z-gradient coils were of driving ±10 A into gradient coils with an efficiency of
0.59, 0.95 and 1.02 mT/m/A, respectively. The inductance of 0.45 G/cm/A.38 One recent example is the system constructed
the x-gradient was 180 µH with a resistance of 0.37 Ω, and to run educational MRI devices: The OpenMRI project uses
the inductances of the y-gradient and z-gradient were both two OPA 549 power op-amps (Texas Instruments, Dallas,
225 µH with resistances of 0.4 Ω. Schematics of the wire TX) in a bridged configuration, with a maximum output cur-
layouts for the three gradient coils are shown in Figure 2. rent of 8 A.39
Three-dimensional models for the x-gradient, y-gradient, and Because we do not need very high currents to achieve the
z-gradient coils are given in Supporting Information Figures desired spatial resolution (~3 mm,) high currents are not nec-
S2-S4, respectively. essary, and the maximum voltage (15 V) is chosen such that
simple air-fan and heatsink cooling can be used. Each ampli-
fier was constructed using a push-pull configuration. The de-
2.4 | Gradient amplifiers sign for each channel is shown in Figure 3. The basic design
is a pair of bridged operational amplifiers (U4A and U4B),
Gradient power amplifiers (GPAs) on most clinical 1.5T and which provide voltage gain to the input of a rail-to-rail power
3T superconducting whole-body scanners have maximum MOSFET amplifiers. The MOSFETs are used in a common
gradient strengths in the range of 40-80 mT/m, with slew source configuration, which by approximation makes the
rates of 150-200 T/m/s. The GPAs for these systems are ca- low-frequency loop gain and the output current independent
pable of simultaneously generating a driving current of 1 kA of the load impedance. The gate voltage does not have to
and voltage of 2 kV over a bandwidth of tens of kHz by cas- change to maintain the desired current at a different or chang-
cading the outputs of several pulse-width modulated stages. ing output voltage. A common drain configuration would not
Typically the current signal is controlled by active feedback have this advantage because its gate voltage then directly de-
using high-precision current sensors built into the circuit. pends on the output voltage. Stability, however, does depend
Gain accuracy and linearity are typically below 0.05%, and on the load impedance, because the load inductance and the
total harmonic distortion below 0.25%.36 The GPAs for pre- Cgd of the MOSFETs form two dominant poles. Simulation
clinical imaging are typically four-quadrant linear designs shows stable operation from 10 μH up to 500 μH. For sim-
with maximum output currents on the order of 40-80 A, with plicity, the circuit is shown as three separate, but connected,
maximum voltages of 100-200 V. These GPAs can also be modules, each of which is described in detail subsequently.
used for MR microscopy. In one example, Seeber et al de- The input stage consists of an operational amplifier, which
scribed a pulsed current gradient power supply for very high provides the necessary voltage gain sufficient to drive the
spatial resolution microimaging.37 MOSFETS. The output stage consists of a MOSFET rail-to-
However, for lower field systems aimed at creating low- rail common source stage. It consists of two power MOSFETs
cost, low-maintenance MRI systems, such high gradient arranged in a push-pull configuration. The output MOSFETs
performance is not required. In this type of system, spin are capable of delivering more than 90A and have a RDS ON

F I G U R E 2 Three imaging gradients are designed using the target field method, adapted for the Halbach configuration with the B0 field
oriented across the magnet bore (left schematic); the line color indicates the direction of current flow. The gradients were constructed using copper
wires placed into a 3-mm-thick 3D printed structure
O’REILLY et al.    
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F I G U R E 3 The three modules used

in each of the three gradient amplifiers

of 3.3 A per 1-V input from the ±10 V 16-bit digital-to-

analogue gradient drivers of the MR console. Figure 4 shows
the gain as a function of input voltage, indicating a linearity
of the output current as a function of input voltage of less
than 1%. First-order resistor–capacitor filters (fc = 7 kHz)
were placed on the gradient lines to reduce RF noise intro-
duced by the gradient amplifiers and gradient lines entering
the Faraday cage.
A Magritek Kea2 spectrometer (Aachen, Germany) was
used to generate gradient wave forms and RF pulses as well
as digitizing the generated echoes. The RF pulses gener-
ated by the spectrometer were amplified by a custom-built
F I G U R E 4 Plot of the linearity of the output current of the
1-kW RF amplifier (schematics are provided in Supporting
gradient amplifier as a function of the voltage supplied by the digital- Information Figure S1).
to-analogue boards of the MR spectrometer

2.5 | Phantom studies

of 25 mΩ. The fast intrinsic diodes of these O-(2-[18F]fluo-
roethyl)-L-tyrosines are capable of conducting current from Images were acquired from a phantom consisting of forty-
the gradient coil back into the power supply. Their TO247 five 35-mm-long, 8-mm-diameter tubes filled with water
package has a large surface area that results in a low thermal arranged on 3D-printed 7 × 7 rectangular grid (four corner
resistance. L2 creates a phantom zero in the feedback loop holes empty) with the center of the tubes spaced 17 mm apart.
that moves the poles of the amplifier to a better position for Data were acquired using a 2D spin-echo projection sequence
stability and sets the closed-loop bandwidth of the amplifier with the following scan parameters: FOV = 256 × 256 mm,
to about 7 kHz. R22+C10 will damp the self-resonance of the 128 × 128 data points, TR/TE = 6000 ms/100 ms, and pulse
gradient coil. This helps stabilizing the amplifier further for duration = 100 µs. Images were acquired with the main axis
a wide range of inductances. The instrumentation amplifier of the phantom in the +y (vertical) and +x (horizontal) axes,
(AD8221ARZ) is a classic three op-amp design, with 80-dB both perpendicular to the B0 field.
common mode rejection ratio up to 10 kHz (unity gain) and a
2-V/μs slew rate, with 8 nV/root Hz noise at 1 kHz.
The current slew rate is a function of the maximum 2.6 | In vivo imaging protocols
voltage (15 V), maximum current used (10 A, although the
full range of the amplifier is up to 30 A), and coil induc- All images were acquired from healthy volunteers giving in-
tance and resistance, and was measured to be approximately formed consent according to the policies of the local ethics
30 T/m/s. Each gradient amplifier produces an output gain committee.
|    O’REILLY et al.

For brain imaging, all data were acquired with a bandwidth from previously published formulas and measurements.41 The
of 20 kHz, a 90º pulse length of 100 μs with a power of 47 dBm, estimated T1 values were 200, 140 and 70 ms, and T2 values
and a 180º pulse length of 100 μs with a power of 50 dBm. were 47, 84 and 20 ms, respectively. To obtain signal from all
Phase cycling of successive 180º pulses in the turbo spin-echo tissues (with no attempt to optimize contrast between tissues),
train followed the regular Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill modula- data were acquired using a 3D T1-weighted turbo spin-echo
tion. k-Space acquisition was restricted to an elliptical coverage sequence with the following parameters: FOV = 256 × 256 ×
in the two phase-encoding directions, to reduce scan time. All 256 mm, acquisition matrix = 128 × 128 × 128, TR/TE = 115
data were filtered using a sine-bell squared filter. B0 homoge- ms/15 ms, ETL = 3, acquisition bandwidth = 20 kHz, and RF
neity over the brain, measured as the FWHM of the Fourier pulse duration = 100 µs. k-Space data were acquired on a cen-
transform of the FID signal, was approximately 600 Hz. ter-out trajectory and filtered using a sine-bell squared filter.
Because the aim of the work is to map areas of CSF, B0 homogeneity over the knee, measured as the FWHM of the
seen mostly as bright areas on a darker background, we Fourier transform of the FID signal, was about 400 Hz.
used a T2-weighted sequence with long effective TE. Based
on a series of low-resolution inversion-recovery images
with TI varying between 100 ms and 2800 ms, the T1 of 2.7 | Gradient nonlinearity correction
CSF was estimated to be about 1750 ms, with the T2 value
assumed to be only slightly lower, as it is well-known that Fourier-based image encoding assumes a linear relationship be-
at very low field T1 ≈ T2 for mobile liquids. Both the T1 tween space and gradient magnitude. Because of the relatively
and T2 relaxation times of brain tissue are much shorter, low length-to-diameter ratio (~1:1) possible for our gradient
being reported on the order of 500 ms and 250 ms, re- coils, there are significant image distortions arising from gradi-
spectively.40 Three types of images were run: T2-weighted ent nonlinearity, particularly along the x-axis (along the bore of
for bright CSF, T1-weighted for a rapid anatomical image the magnet). A basic distortion correction is implemented by
(CSF dark), and an inversion-recovery sequence that pro- replacing the standard inverse fast Fourier transform by
duces good contrast but measurable signal intensities from
𝜌 (x,y,z)
both CSF and brain tissue. The spatial resolution was cho- ∑ ∑∑ (
s kx ,ky ,kz ei2𝜋kx Gx (x,y,z) ei2𝜋ky Gy (x,y,z) ei2𝜋(Gz (x,y,z)+ΔB0 (x,y,z))t ,
sen to fulfill the relatively coarse requirements for pediatric =
x y z
imaging (hydrocephalus) within a very short imaging time
of 2 minutes per 3D data set. where ρ is the reconstructed proton density; Gx,Gy, and Gz are
The sequence parameters for the sequences are as follows. simulated gradient field maps (from Biot-Savart calculations
For T1-weighted imaging, FOV = 192 × 192 × 256 mm, ac- using the wire geometries); and t is the readout time. This
quisition matrix = 48 × 48 × 64, TR/TE = 500 ms/10 ms, approach to gradient nonlinearity correction is analogous to
echo train length (ETL) = 6, and acquisition time = 2 minutes that used in conjugate phase reconstruction,42 which is known
23 seconds (k-space data were acquired on a center-out trajec- to break down for large deviations in the encoding fields. In
tory); for T2 weighted imagine: FOV = 160 × 192 × 256 mm, such cases, model-based reconstructions have been shown to
acquisition matrix = 40 × 48 × 64, TR/TE = 3000 ms/20 ms, be more effective,43 although they are significantly more com-
ETL = 40, effective TE = 410 ms, and acquisition time = 1 putationally expensive. The algorithm was implemented using
minutes 48 seconds (k-space data were acquired on a low-high Python 3.7 and Numpy 1.17. The optimized einsum function
linear trajectory); and inversion recovery: FOV = 160 × 192 × of Numpy was used to reduce memory consumption and re-
256 mm, acquisition matrix = 40 × 48 × 64, TI/TR/TE = 100 construction time. Reconstruction time for a 128 × 128 × 128
ms/3000 ms/20 ms, ETL = 40, acquisition bandwidth = 20 voxel data set was 43 seconds on an Intel Core i7-6700 quad-
kHz, and acquisition time = 1 minutes 48 seconds (k-space core CPU with 32 GB RAM. The algorithm was also adapted
data were acquired using a center-out trajectory). to run on a GPU using the CuPy Python library. Reconstruction
In addition to these relatively low-resolution images, we time for a 128 × 128 × 128 voxel data set when executed on a
also acquired a higher resolution image to demonstrate that Nvidia GTX 1660 super with 6 GB on-board RAM was less
the SNR is sufficient to acquire images at this resolution (FOV than 1 second.
= 256 × 256 × 256 mm, acquisition matrix = 64 × 128 ×
128, TR/TE = 500 ms/20 ms, ETL = 4, acquisition band-
width = 20 kHz, and acquisition time = 13 minutes 2 sec- 3 | RESULTS
onds). k-Space data were acquired on a center-out trajectory.
For an illustrative case of knee imaging, in which higher Figure 5 shows 2D projection phantom images, which illus-
spatial resolution is desirable and imaging times can be in- trates the degree of geometric distortion particularly along
creased somewhat, we imaged the knee of a healthy volunteer. the x-axis due to the nonlinearity, and eventual compression
Relaxation data for muscle, fat, and cartilage were estimated point of the x-gradient coil. Also shown is the result of the
O’REILLY et al.    
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F I G U R E 5 Images acquired of a phantom of tubes (8 mm diameter, 30 mm long), each placed 17 mm apart on a rectangular grid. Minimal
distortions are seen in the central transverse plane; more significant distortions are present in the central coronal plane and are caused primarily by
nonlinearities in the x-gradient field

need to be applied. For the in vivo data, the heating intro-

duced by the body is much greater. The rate of drift is approx-
imately 800 Hz per hour, corresponding to 160 Hz over our in
vivo imaging time of 12 minutes.
Figure 7 shows in vivo images of the brain of a healthy
volunteers, with a slice through the center of the ventricles
shown, as this is the area of most interest with respect to ap-
plications in hydrocephalus.
Figure 8 shows in vivo images of the knee acquired from
a healthy volunteer. A single 3D data set was acquired, and
the images shown are three central and 20-mm offset planes
through the data set.
Figure 9 shows the results of the gradient nonlinearity
correction, which shows improvement in the center of the
F I G U R E 6 Measurement of the B0 drift measured spectroscopically FOV, but as expected is unable to deal with the severe nonlin-
during the phantom and in vivo experiments. Data were acquired over the earities close to the gradient null and reversal points at either
entire sample within the active volume of the RF coil ends of the gradient coil.

correction algorithm, which improves the reconstruction

along this axis quite considerably. 4 | DISCUSSION
Figure 6 shows a plot of the main field drift during exper-
iments, measured from the resonance frequency of the proton We have designed and constructed a low-cost, portable, low-
spectrum acquired from the whole sample. For the phantom field MRI system operating at 50 mT for in vivo imaging. We
it is clear that the gradients produce negligible heating (and would characterize the novelties of the problem of compact-
therefore field drift) in the experiment, so correction does not ness, low cost, and sustainability as follows:
|    O’REILLY et al.

F I G U R E 7 Images acquired with different weighting at a spatial resolution of 4 × 4 × 4 mm: T1-weighted (2.5-minute data-acquisition time)
(A); T2-weighted (2 minutes) (B); inversion-recovery turbo spin-echo sequence (2 minutes) (C); and higher resolution image (2 × 2 × 4 mm) from
a different volunteer (13 minutes) (D)

F I G U R E 8 Left: Coronal, transverse, and sagittal (reformatted from a single 3D acquisition) knee images using a 3D turbo spin-echo
sequence with the following parameters: FOV = 256 × 256 × 256 mm, acquisition matrix = 128 × 128 × 128, TE/TR = 10 ms/130 ms, and
acquisition time = 11 minutes 50 seconds. No gradient distortion correction has been applied to the images. Right: Projections taken through two of
the central axes of the images

F I G U R E 9 Central slices after

applying the gradient correction algorithm.
The remaining distortions in the image are
located in areas of very strong gradient
nonlinearity and reversal points for which
the algorithm is unable to compensate

1. Being able to design a permanent magnet array with 5. Designing gradient and RF amplifiers that operate for the
readily available commercial small magnets that are specific tasks required (gradient slew times, operating fre-
inexpensive (ie, do not require very fine tolerances); quency) rather than being multipurpose, much more ex-
2. Being able to form the housing for such an array with pensive and heavy units.
readily available and inexpensive plastics, which can be
readily machined with acceptable tolerances; In terms of power consumption and requirements, the
3. Potentially being able to repair the magnet very simply by RF amplifier runs off standard 110/240 V main supply and
replacing individual magnets or rings of magnets should has to supply about 500 W at a duty cycle of less than 1%.
damage occur; The gradient amplifier also runs off a standard 110/240 V
4. Having each of the electronics components be run from main supply and has to provide 300 VA at a duty cycle of
standard power outlets, and ultimately be battery/solar/ about20%. In terms of heating, the RF amplifier and gradi-
diesel engine powered; and ent amplifier both contain heat sinks and have simple air fan
O’REILLY et al.    
| 503

cooling. A thermal camera indicated that the maximum com- because these are acquired at a coarser digital resolution
ponent temperature reached in the gradient amplifier was ap- of 4 × 4 × 4 mm, there is a correspondingly smaller effect.
proximately 60°C. Several methods can also potentially be used to reduce the
In vivo images of the brain and the knee have been ac- total imaging time, such as simple half Fourier, compressed
quired. For the brain scans, our ultimate aim is to image sensing and parallel imaging, using multiple receivers.
pediatric hydrocephalus in resource-limited settings. As dis- Noise measurements performed with each of the com-
cussed by Obungoloch et al,44 the required spatial resolution ponents of the system present and absent indicate that there
is not high by conventional standards, and so we determined are some improvements still to be made in terms of SNR.
how rapidly it is possible to acquire images with sufficient With a 50-Ω terminated input to the Magritek spectrome-
spatial resolution. These were acquired within a couple of ter, the noise level is 0.18 μV for a 100-kHz bandwidth (the
minutes, with sufficient contrast between brain tissue (white rms noise level is compared with an internal 1-μV reference
matter/gray matter) and CSF, to be able to determine areas of signal produced by the spectrometer), corresponding to
fluid accumulation. 0.7 nV/square root Hertz, which is within experimental
This type of system can also be used for applications in error of the theoretical limit of 0.9 nV/square root Hertz.
which the imaging time can be increased, and could be used This level remains unchanged when the 50-Ω load is lo-
as a point-of-care device. As an example, we showed that we cated at the end of a long coaxial cable, which is passed
can acquire in vivo images of the human knee with a nominal through the Bayonet Neill–Concelman interface to the in-
2 × 2 × 2 mm resolution with a SNR of about 20:1 within side of the Faraday cage. When the impedance-matched RF
12 minutes. coil is connected, the noise level is unchanged. Connecting
To estimate the true resolution, there are several com- the RF amplifier introduces no additional noise, but when
ponents in addition to digital resolution that must be con- the gradient amplifier is turned on, the noise level increases
sidered. These include frequency drifts due to temperature to 0.33 μV. This indicates that some degree of coupling ex-
changes (in vivo and gradient induced), the degree of B0 ists between the gradient coils and RF coil. The first-order
inhomogeneity over the imaging region of interest with re- gradient filter reduces this by approximately 10%, but there
spect to the strength of the frequency encoding gradient, and is still room for improvement in reducing the noise level.
T2 decay during the turbo spin-echo train. Taking each in We also note that there are a series of harmonic spikes that
turn, temperature-induced B0 drift causes by heat radiated occur every 200 kHz, arising from the gradient amplifier;
from the body (the thermal sensitivity, due to the tempera- however, given the small imaging bandwidth used, this is
ture sensitivity of the magnet remanence, is approximately not a problem with the current setup.
2.5 kHz per degree Celsius) were measured for the knee We also anticipate that the Halbach magnet geometry
scans to be approximately 160 Hz over the 12-minute im- can be expanded for future applications, moving away from
aging session, which corresponds to a FWHM of the point the very simple cylindrical symmetrical structure illustrated
spread function in the frequency-encoding dimensions of here, such as hemispherical46 or linear geometries47 that
around 1.9 mm for the 240-mm FOV and 20-kHz band- might be appropriate for breast and adult head, and spine im-
width used. However, these are very easily corrected by aging, respectively.
applying a corresponding phase shift to the k-space data.
The NMR-measured inhomogeneity over the knee corre- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
sponded to a FWHM of about 400 Hz: Imaging with a pixel This work was supported by Horizon 2020 European
bandwidth of 300 Hz/pixel gives a point spread function Research Grant FET-OPEN 737180 Histo MRI, Horizon
of 1.3 pixels, or 2.6 mm in the frequency-encoding dimen- 2020 ERC Advanced NOMA-MRI 670629, Simon Stevin
sion. The echo train length of three echoes with an effective Meester Prize, and NWO WOTRO Joint SDG Research
TE of 15 ms and estimated T2 of muscle of about 200 ms Programme W 07.303.101. We are grateful to Drs. Martin
means that the point spread function due to T2 decay during van Gijzen and Rob Remis at the Technical University Delft
the echo train is subpixel45 in the corresponding phase- for collaborative discussions. We would also like to thank
encoding direction. Combining the effects of sampling and Dr. Lukas Winter for advice on RF amplifier construction
linewidth gives an estimated resolution of 3.3 mm in the as well as the design of the robot used for mapping the static
frequency-encoding direction, and about 2 mm in each of magnetic field.
the phase-encoding direction. Of course the former reso-
lution could be reduced using a higher readout bandwidth DATA AVAILABILIT Y STATEMENT
per pixel, at the cost of reduced SNR, using the gradients to The ring diameters were designed using an optimization
perform first-order B0 shimming and including knowledge scheme to give the highest B0 homogeneity; the source code
of the B0 field distribution in the image reconstruction. is available at https://github.com/LUMC-LowFi​ eldMR​ I/
Similar calculations can be applied to the brain data, but Halba​chOpt​imisa​tion.
|    O’REILLY et al.

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