Techno India University
Techno India University
Techno India University
1 、 1 ANNEXURE― ll
PART― I― Preliminarv
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Prof. B.K.Shreedhar Nominee of AICTE
National Instiute of Engineering, Mysore,
Mananthavady road, Mysore-570 008.
3. Dr. K.B. Akhilesh
Professor of Management Studies,
lndian Institute of Science,
Mysore-570 008, Karnataka
4. Dr. Ashok Kumar Dubey
Dept. of Bio TechnologY
Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology
Azad Hind FauzMarg, Sector-3 Dwarka,
New Dehi- I l0 078
PART― Ⅱ―Introduction
B. Organization Description
C。 Academic Activities
based On class/tutorial
students are evaluated . . ,__・ ^ ^ヽ・1″ ″△C onA
work' class tests'.quizzes and
mid-semester examinations
and "ld semester
*f i"f't contribute to the final grade
examination uff of
awarded to the subject'
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und Management courses while the University
conducts its own entrance examination for other
Do any special reservation on quota follow Not y"t. Aowever, in pursuant to Section 3(5) of the
clearly laid down policY? Techno India University, West Bengal, and Act
2012; the University reserves 5o/o of the total intake
to be filled from economically weaker persons in the
manner as to be laid down by the Department of
Higher Education, Government of West Bengal.
E. Fee Structure
Are the students sufficiently informed Yes. Fees structure given in University's website.
about the fees and charges PaYable?
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F. Faculty
G. Infrastructure
Refer IV― B
Refer iV― B
Hircd hostel
including hostels
Financial ViabilitY
I. Governance System
Are various authorities and bodies In place, However record of working to be properly
responsible for the governance of the maintained.
university in place and working regularly
J. Governance System
How would you rate the research profile of Research facilities particularly for Sctence &
the University in terms of Research Technology faculty need argumentation.
orientation, environment, facilities and
K. Miscellaneous
% D
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h. Maintenance is campus is poor.
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Part-IV- Recommendations
The total number of institution established by the Society is three. The Society is financially
strong and seems able to assisting the university even in adverse time. Even a foundation is
started having equity of the order of 42 billion dollars, Iargest in the world.
The institution is located in a central area in Kolkata and established by persons with experience
running educational institutions has been able to attract experienced, qualified faculty' The
lnstitution is using 'Modular Objective Orient Dynamic Learning Environment' (MODULE)
which is innovative.
However, it is noted that in the institution, started in 2013, in the current year, the student's
strength in admission has dropp ed by 40%. The institutions is running a number of UG & PG
programs and the student strength is quite a few programs is low, making it unviable for offering
these programs effectively. The institution may consolidate some of these programs, initially,
and then gradually diversifu.
The faculty strength is as per AICTE/ACI/Bar Council of India. The cadre ratio is as a whole is
12.5:l,which is quite satisfactory. The faculty is qualified and retention ratio is also satisfactory.
1. An additional new building, built in the play ground area earrnarked in the site, needs to be
2. The basement and ground floor of the main block has a built up area more than the approved
plan. Further this area, earrnarked as parking space is now being used as classrooms. This
deviation also needs to be regularizedby the due statutory body.
The faculty strength, with proper cadre ratio, for each department must be duly approved by
the board of governors. Then the posts should be notified and with a proper selection
committee selection shall be made.. The faculty selection made, including regularizing the
already appointed faculty, who hold qualifications as per norms.
4. Board of studies with experts for each programs should be constituted and the syllabus of the
all programs should be reviewed/ratified.
5. Various statutory committees such as Anti Ragging Committee, Sexual Harassment Cell and
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be formed for ensuring quality in all
aspects I ●′ ミ
An Ir,l^,nal euality Assurance cell (leAC) must
of teaching and learning.
C. Final Recommendations
Letter/Approval Letter subject to
(whether the University should be granted Approval
compliance/ should not be granted approval Letter)
the stake
The Committee visited the university on
l lth and l2'h August' 2016' Feedback from all
has been
been obtained' Available infrastructure
holders such as students, faculty & staff has that
committee recommends
inspected by committee. on the basis of the observations'
fulfillment of all requirements pointed out by
subjected to compliance of the operational
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(PrOiV・ Rarnachandran)
ⅣIember ヽ4ellnber of AICTE