Techno India University

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1 、 1 ANNEXURE― ll


NEW DELH卜 ■10002


PART― I― Preliminarv

Constitution of the Expert Committee l. Prof. M.P. Poonia Chairperson

National Institute for Technical Teachers Training
& Research,
Chandigarh-160 019.
2. Prof. Sandeep Sen Member
Department of Compter Science & Engineering,
Indian Institue of Technology, Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-l l0 016.
Dr. P.T. Srinivasan Member
Prof. & Head (Retd.),
Department of Management,
University of Madras,
Chepauk, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu-600 005.
Prof. V. Ramachandran, Nominee of AICTE
National Institute of Technology,
Nagaland, Chumukedima,
Dimapur-791 103.
Ar. N. Ramaswamy, Nominee of Council of Architecture
Marithi Sadanam, Thamarakulam,
Kollam-691 001,
Prof. Souvanic Roy Nominee of AICTE
Bengal Engineering & Science University,
(School of Architecture, Town & Regional
Planning), Shibpur, Howrah-71 I 103.
Dr. Mohammad Arif, Member Secretary
Joint Secretary,
U n iversity Grants Commission,

Eastern Regional Offi ce,

Kolkata-700 098.

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Date(s) of the visit 11‖ &12ぬ August,2016

(‖ ) Any other information (Non-participation 1. Prof. Somnath Biswas Nominee of AICTE
of members, any special factor or Dept. of computer Science Engg.
situation/difficulties relevant to the report IIT, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Prof. B.K.Shreedhar Nominee of AICTE
National Instiute of Engineering, Mysore,
Mananthavady road, Mysore-570 008.
3. Dr. K.B. Akhilesh
Professor of Management Studies,
lndian Institute of Science,
Mysore-570 008, Karnataka
4. Dr. Ashok Kumar Dubey
Dept. of Bio TechnologY
Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology
Azad Hind FauzMarg, Sector-3 Dwarka,
New Dehi- I l0 078

PART― Ⅱ―Introduction

Brief introduction of the University Techno India UniversitY

(Refer l.l of the format) EM 4, Sector V, Salt Lake,
Kolkata-700091, West Bengal, India

Date of establishment of the 27.08.2012

University(refer 1.4 of the format)
(面 ) Brief description of the University and its
(iV) Brief description of the Trust/Society that techno India is a registered trust, which came into
governs the University existence in the year 2001 by way of imparting
technicat education in the state of West Bengal. In
its decade long journey it has already established a
good no. of technical institutions in West Bengal,
Jharkhand and Tripura.

PART― III‐ Summalw Report

Is the University duly established under the

yes. ttre University came into existence by the "The
law and as required in the UGC Techno India University, West Bengal Act, 2012"
Regulations?(refer l.l0 and 1.1 I ofthe enacted by the State Legislative Assembly of the
format) State of West Bengal.
-39 -
(ii) Is the Trust/Society involved in promoting I Yes.
the University sufficiently focused on
educational activities and independent of
their business or any other interest, ifany?

B. Organization Description

Does the University abide by UGC

Regulations on off-campus Centres
Not Applicable
University has not started any off Campus Centres
Yes No Not Applicable
(refer 2.4 of the format)
Does the University abide by UGC
Regulations on off-shore campus Centres Not Applicable
University has not started any off shore Campus
Yes No Not Applicable Centres
(refer 2.5 of the format)
(iii) Does the University offer courses under
distance mode with the approval of the No, the University is not running any course(s)
competent authority of the Government of under distance mode.
(refer 2.6 and2.7 of the format)

C。 Academic Activities

Are the courses offered by the University

narrowly focused or adequately diverse
Are the list of courses for the award of Yes.
degree as per the Section 22 of the UGC
(iii) Is the sanctioned intake is as per the
Sanctioning by Board of Governors to be as per
norms/intake sanctioned by the concerned
norrns and duly recorded.
statutory council(s)/UGC?
イ ,■
Whether courses run are approved by
concerned statutory council(s)?
ffirt facilities for
students especially for disadvantaged Toilets for PH to be Provided'

refer 4.5 of fOrrllat

ジmお rrned? Website needs to be updated with
complete details'
retr 4.7 and 4.8 oftheお m江
(Vil) ffiessalMechanism There is a grievance redressal committee'
and is that working ProPerlY?
refer 4.9 ofthe format

(宙 ‖) ii- tt following proper

pio..Jur. for formulation.ald revision of Refer IV― B
curriculum on Periodic basis?
retr 5.lt0 5.4 ofthe brln江 lass/tutorial sputent the
participation, assignment work' "t::t '"]lt; O"t:3::Ll
examination sYstem?
編ミ l
話U品 基sessmentS and end SemeSter
(refer 5.7 to 5.14)
asseSSments an of which cOntribute tO the flnal grade
Student perfOllllance lS
awarded to the suttect.
evaluated baSed on COntinuouS SCmeSter Assessments

じv∫概Ln蹴 臨羞城翼轟正
Evaluations Of ansWer are tO be donc intemany by thc
Jtted evJuation
respeCiVe faculty through Cen廿

based On class/tutorial
students are evaluated . . ,__・ ^ ^ヽ・1″ ″△C onA
work' class tests'.quizzes and

mid-semester examinations
and "ld semester
*f i"f't contribute to the final grade
examination uff of
awarded to the subject'

assessment are set by the

The questions fbr a particular
which are moderated by
respective faculty *"*U"tt'
appointed !V.ttl" Chairman
the Moderation Committee
of the Academic Council' Th; Rote of the moderators tl.t"tl**:
in the Moderation Committee ".1t'1t
:ilfe:iIIこ iIIi」 ζe[is perthe obieCtiVCs Ofthe COurSes
ofthe Un市 erSity.

No malpracticc has been reported SO far.

fair and Yes,the Universly maintains transparcnt procedurc

for admission;
穿甫棚 ;Jm?
模FT:Ⅷ∵ The Universiry admits through
various national
i"u"t una State Level Entrance Exams(wherever
慕 あI:ぶ LI・ s En」 nec● ns Arch■

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und Management courses while the University
conducts its own entrance examination for other
Do any special reservation on quota follow Not y"t. Aowever, in pursuant to Section 3(5) of the
clearly laid down policY? Techno India University, West Bengal, and Act
2012; the University reserves 5o/o of the total intake
to be filled from economically weaker persons in the
manner as to be laid down by the Department of
Higher Education, Government of West Bengal.
E. Fee Structure

Are the students sufficiently informed Yes. Fees structure given in University's website.
about the fees and charges PaYable?

Does the University follow its own Yes.

declared policy in collectin g any fees or
charges or are there some charged over and
above the publicly state fees structure?
(iiD Is the mode of fees collection transparent Yes. The mode of fees collection is completely
or are there complaints of payments uniform in the form of Pay Order/DD'
without receipts?
(iV) Are the fees reasonable compared to cost Yes.
involved in running the programmes and to
other similar institutions?
(v) Is the fee structure based on the policy or Fees structure is completely based on BOG
guidelines laid down by the Government? resolutions as the Govt. of West Bengal is yet to
frame out such policy for the private universities
functioning in the state till date.
(Vi) ls there any indication of the University No
being run solely and primarily for
commercial gains?

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F. Faculty

Does the University follow Pay Scales and Partially

service conditions laid down by the UGC?
tr ttre faculty well qualified and well Refer IV― A&B
trained for the courses?
(if required , please make comments
separately for each
Is the proportion of permanent faculty Adequate
adequate or is the University being mainly
run by deploying contractual faculty/guest
facultv/oart-time faculW?
(iV) Has the University followed due process Refer IV― B
for recruitment of facultY

G. Infrastructure

Are tt'te following infrastructure facilities


Refer IV― B
Refer iV― B
Hircd hostel
including hostels

Financial ViabilitY



the Uniu"tsity have adequate and


I. Governance System

Are various authorities and bodies In place, However record of working to be properly
responsible for the governance of the maintained.
university in place and working regularly

J. Governance System

How would you rate the research profile of Research facilities particularly for Sctence &
the University in terms of Research Technology faculty need argumentation.
orientation, environment, facilities and

K. Miscellaneous

Is the Non-teaching staff adequate, well Yes.

qualified and paid as per the norms of the
concerned state Government?
Do the academic results show evidence of Yes.
independent and rigorous evaluation prior
to the issue ofdegrees?
Has the University obtained necessary and No
desirable accreditations?

% D
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L. Strength and weakness of the University

Strength of the University Geographical Location: The University is

housed in Sector-V, Salt Lake, the IT Hub
of West Bengal and therefore it enjoys
b. Infrastructure includes centrally air-
conditioned building, Wi-fi facility etc
C Academicians well supported by technically
sound manpower
d. Ample amenities like in campus Bank,
ATM, Food Court
Good governance well backed by its
governing Trust having almost 20 years of
experience in imparting technical education

Financial support from its parent Trust

"Techno India"

g. The university has been able to create a

strong industry interface with the help of its
parent Trust.

h. Student computer ratio is 4:1 which is


1. All faculty of science departments is highly


Very good biotechnology and microbiology


(H) Weakness of the University a. Yet to get accreditation from several

accreditation bodies such as NBA, NAAC
b. Sports achievements are moderate.
c. Cultural participation is moderate.
d. Yet to get professional membership
e. Fee structure is high.
f. Unable to implement Sixth Pay
g. Laboratories in electrical & Electronics
department need improvement.

h. Maintenance is campus is poor.

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Part-IV- Recommendations

A. General observations and suggestions

(Please avoid repetitions of the points mentioned above)

The total number of institution established by the Society is three. The Society is financially
strong and seems able to assisting the university even in adverse time. Even a foundation is
started having equity of the order of 42 billion dollars, Iargest in the world.
The institution is located in a central area in Kolkata and established by persons with experience
running educational institutions has been able to attract experienced, qualified faculty' The
lnstitution is using 'Modular Objective Orient Dynamic Learning Environment' (MODULE)
which is innovative.

However, it is noted that in the institution, started in 2013, in the current year, the student's
strength in admission has dropp ed by 40%. The institutions is running a number of UG & PG
programs and the student strength is quite a few programs is low, making it unviable for offering
these programs effectively. The institution may consolidate some of these programs, initially,
and then gradually diversifu.
The faculty strength is as per AICTE/ACI/Bar Council of India. The cadre ratio is as a whole is
12.5:l,which is quite satisfactory. The faculty is qualified and retention ratio is also satisfactory.

B. Operations recommendations, which require satisfactory compliance by the University

before issue of Approval Letter.

1. An additional new building, built in the play ground area earrnarked in the site, needs to be

regularized by due approval ofthe statutory body.

2. The basement and ground floor of the main block has a built up area more than the approved
plan. Further this area, earrnarked as parking space is now being used as classrooms. This
deviation also needs to be regularizedby the due statutory body.

The faculty strength, with proper cadre ratio, for each department must be duly approved by

the board of governors. Then the posts should be notified and with a proper selection
committee selection shall be made.. The faculty selection made, including regularizing the
already appointed faculty, who hold qualifications as per norms.

4. Board of studies with experts for each programs should be constituted and the syllabus of the
all programs should be reviewed/ratified.

5. Various statutory committees such as Anti Ragging Committee, Sexual Harassment Cell and
SC/ST側 よ

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be formed for ensuring quality in all
aspects I ●′ ミ
An Ir,l^,nal euality Assurance cell (leAC) must
of teaching and learning.

and the profile of all faculty members

7. The website of the university needs to be updated
department-wi se must be furnished'

g. UGC Regulations need to be implemented'

Norms for Ph. D programs in accordance with

g. to be augmented for Science & Technology

Research faculty such as laboratories need

C. Final Recommendations
Letter/Approval Letter subject to
(whether the University should be granted Approval
compliance/ should not be granted approval Letter)
the stake
The Committee visited the university on
l lth and l2'h August' 2016' Feedback from all
has been
been obtained' Available infrastructure
holders such as students, faculty & staff has that
committee recommends
inspected by committee. on the basis of the observations'
fulfillment of all requirements pointed out by
subjected to compliance of the operational

(Name and Signature of the Expert Committee Members)

ご〆 b

(PrOiV・ Rarnachandran)
ⅣIember ヽ4ellnber of AICTE

(Prof. Souvanic RoY) (Ar. N. RamaswamY) N撫 ね野も

。 Member SecretarY
Member of AICTE Nominee of Council of Architecture

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