Biomaterials Module1&2 - Biomaterial
Biomaterials Module1&2 - Biomaterial
Biomaterials Module1&2 - Biomaterial
• Course Objectives:
• Understanding: to define biocompatibility of
various materials and classify them according to
their suitability for the specific biomedical
• Apply: to identify the specific biomaterial to be
used for a specific tissue or organ replacement
• Analyze: to distinguish the advantages and
limitations of specific biomaterials for a specific
biomedical application
Course Outcome
After completion of the course the student will be able to:
• Give examples of application areas for different types of
• Apply knowledge from basic material courses to identify
material properties that are critical for metallic, polymer
and ceramic biomaterials, or their combination.
• Explain basic physical, chemical and mechanical processes
that may occur on biomaterials in use.
• Describe corrosion and degradation processes that occur
for different biomaterials and their consequences.
• Select proper type of biomaterial for given applications,
taking into account function, health risk and economic
Biomaterials-definition-classification-metal-ceramic-polymers, composites- Source,
application, advantage and limitations [6]
Metals and alloys-Stainless Steels, CO-based alloys, Ti and Ti based alloys and dental
metals corrosion and remedy, Ceramics-Aluminum oxides, calcium phosphate, glass-
Ceramics, carbon manufacturing and physical properties, deterioration of ceramics [10]
Polymeric implant materials-polyamides, PE, PP, Polyacrylates, Structure, properties and
application of biological materials-proteins, polysaccharides, Structure and property
relation of Tissues-Mineralized tissues, collagen rich tissues and elastic tissues [8]
Soft tissue replacements-Skin implants-sutures, tissue adhesives, percutaneous devices,
artificial skins, maxillofacial implants, ear and eye implants, vascular implants, heart and
lung assist devices, artificial kidney dialysis membranes [8]
Hard tissue replacements-long bone repair-wires, pins, screws, fracture plates, tooth
implants, joint replacement-knee and hip joint-materials of construction, limitations [8]
Module 1 CL 325
Definition of biomaterials
• A material used to make devices to replace a part
or a function of the body in a safe, reliable,
economic and physiologically acceptable manner
• Do they differ from biological materials?
Yes, biological materials are essentially obtained
from biological (animal or plant) origin e.g. wood,
bone etc.
Biomaterials -may or may not be obtained from
biological source -metals, polymers, ceramics etc.
that are used to make the artificial body parts are
termed as biomaterials.
Definition of Biomaterials
• A biomaterial is a synthetic material used to
replace part of a living system or to function in
intimate contact with living system.
A systemically and pharmacologically inert
substance designed for implantation within or
incorporation with living systems
The success of a biomaterial depends on
• Biocompatibility of the materials of construction-blood,
tissue etc. -Pharmacological acceptability(nontoxic,
non-allergenic, nonimmunogenic, noncarcinogenic
• Time dependent stability at body condition-thermal,
wear, fatigue, chemically inert to body
• Health condition of the recipient
• Competency of the surgeon
Adequate mechanical strength-tensile
• Proper density
• Cost efficiency
• Processability
• Reproducibility
Can be examined by (Definition) Can be described by
Leukocytic exudation occurs in the following sequence. First, the LEUKOCYTES move to the endot
helial lining of the small bloodvessels (margination) and line the endothelium in a tightly pack
ed formation (pavementing). Eventually, these leukocytesmove through the endothelial space
s and escape into the extravascular space (emigration). Once they are outside the bloodvessel
s they are free to move and, by CHEMOTAXIS, are drawn to the site of injury. Accumulations of N
EUTROPHILS andMACROPHAGES at the area of inflammation act to neutralize foreign particles by P
Cellular changes in inflammation.
1, Margination of neutrophils brings these inflammatory cells in close contact with the endo
thelium. 2, Adhesion of plateletsresults in the release of mediators of inflammation and coag
ulation. Fibrin strandsare the first signs of clot formation. 3, Pavementing of leukocytes is me
diated byadhesion molecules activated by the mediators of inflammation released fromplatel
ets and leukocytes. RBC, red blood cells.
• High strength-load bearing application
• Bio compatibility-blood, tissue compatibility
• Long term stability in body
• Variety is possible by alloy formation with
different compositions
• Can be processed in very fine structure also
which have flexible nature combined with high
• Corrosion resistance poor-can give adverse
effects to tissue causing inflammation, tissue
damage (necrosis)
• Passivation occurs
• Failure after a length of time and
rejection/replacement becomes mandatory
• high density
• heavier implant
• processing requires sharp tools and control
over heating
• Stainless steel-hip and knee joints
• Co based alloys- Stems of hip prosthesis,
dentistry, plates, screws
• Ti & Ti alloys- All other implants as Co and
Stainless steel except screws, plates etc. (due
to corrosion)
v Sherman vanadium steel-for bone fracture
plates & screws
Stainless steel
• The first metal developed specifically for human use was
“Sherman Vanadium Steel,” which was used to manufacture
bone fracture plates and screws. Limitation: inadequate
resistance against corrosion
• 18-8sMo stainless steel contains molybdenum to improve
corrosion resistance in salt water. This alloy became known as
type 316 stainless steel.
• In the 1950s the carbon content of 316 stainless steel was
reduced from 0.08 w/o to 0.03 w/o maximum for better
corrosion resistance to chloride solution, and it became
known as 316L.
Compositions of 316L Stainless Steel
Surgical Implants (ASTM, 2000)
Depending upon the heat treatment (to obtain softer material)and cold
working stainless steel (for greater strength and hardness) wide range of
properties are found.
Type 316L may corrode under certain body conditions e.g. highly stressed
and oxygen depleted region.
So these are suitable for temporary devices e.g. fracture plates, screws and
hip nails.
•There are few difficulties in handling the Austenitic stainless steel:
•It cannot be cold worked (as it hardens quickly) without intermediate heat treatment
•During heat treatments chromium carbide formation in the grain boundaries may cause
•Implants made of austenitic stainless steel cannot be welded
•Possibility of distortion during heat treatment
•Surface oxides formed during heat treatment must be removed by chemical or
mechanical means
•The surface is then cleaned, degreased and passivated in nitric acid (ASTM F86)
Practice problem-1
• These materials are usually referred to as cobalt-
chromium alloys.
• There are basically two types:
• one is the CoCrMo alloy, which is usually used to
cast a product, and the other is CoNiCrMo alloy,
which is usually wrought by (hot) forging.
• The castable CoCrMo alloy has been in use for
many decades in dentistry and in making artificial
• The wrought CoNiCrMo alloy has been used for
making the stems of prostheses for heavily
loaded joints (such as the knee and hip).
Properties of Co-Based Alloys
• One of the most promising wrought Co-based alloys is the CoNiCrMo alloy
originally called MP35N (Standard Pressed Steel Co.), which contains
approximately 35 w/o Co and Ni each. The alloy has a high degree of
corrosion resistance to seawater (containing chloride ions) under stress.
Cold-working can increase the strength of the alloy considerably.
• However, there is a considerable difficulty of cold-working, especially
when making large devices such as hip joint stems. Only hot-forging can be
used to fabricate an implant with the alloy.
• The abrasive wear properties of the wrought CoNiCrMo alloy is similar to
the cast Co-CrMo alloy (about 0.14 mm/year in a joint simulation test).
• The superior fatigue and ultimate tensile strength of the wrought
CoNiCrMo alloy make it very suitable for applications that require a long
service life without fracture or stress fatigue. Such is the case for the stems
of the hip joint prostheses.
• The modulus of elasticity for the cobalt-based alloys ranges from 220 to
234 GPa. These values are higher than the moduli of other materials such
as stainless steels.
Manufacturing Implants Using Co-Based Alloys
• The CoCrMo alloy is particularly susceptible to the work-hardening so that
the normal fabrication procedure used with other metals cannot be
• Lost wax method is employed as below:
1. A wax pattern of the desired component is made.
2. The pattern is coated with a refractory material, first by a thin coating with
a slurry (suspension of silica in ethyl silicate solution) followed by complete
investing after drying.
3. The wax is melted out in a furnace (100–150oC).
4. The mold is heated to a high temperature, burning out any traces of wax or
gas-forming materials.
5. Molten alloy is poured with gravitational or centrifugal force. The mold
temperature is about 800–1000oC and the alloy is at 1350–1400oC.
• Controlling the mold temperature will have an effect on the grain size of
the final cast; coarse ones are formed at higher temperatures, which will
decrease the strength. However, high processing temperatures will result
in larger carbide precipitates with greater distances between them,
resulting in a less brittle material.
How to calculate the Co atoms release rate?
• Experimental determination of the rate of nickel release from
the CoNiCrMo alloy and 316L stainless steel in 37oC Ringer's
solution is carried out generally.
• Problem 2:
• Calculate the number of Co atoms released during a year from the femoral head of
a hip joint prosthesis made of CoCrMo alloy. Assume that the wear rate is 0.14
mm/yr and that all of the atoms become ionized.
• Assume a nominal diameter of the prosthetic femoral head of 28 mm. The surface
area is A = 4π(1.4 cm)2 = 24.63 cm2.
• Half of this area is in contact with the socket portion of the joint. Therefore, the
volume of wear material is ½ x24.63 cm2x 0.014 cm/yr = 0.172 cm3/yr
(Atoms/year) =[0.65 0.172( cm3 /yr)x 8.83 (g/cm3 )6.02 x1023 (atoms/mol)]/[58.93 (g/mol)]
Since the density of Co is 8.83 g/cm3, and the atomic weight is 58.93, and the alloy is about
65% cobalt,
atoms/yr= 1.0 x 1022 atoms/yr, or 3.2 x 1014 atoms per second
• Ti was tolerated in cat femurs, as was stainless steel and Vitallium®
(CoCrMo alloy). The lightness of titanium (4.5 g/cm3 compared to 7.9
g/cm3 for 316 stainless steel, 8.3 g/cm3 for cast CoCrMo, and 9.2 g/cm3
for wrought CoNiCrMo alloys) and good mechanochemical properties are
salient features for implant application.
Compositions of Ti and Ti-Based Alloys
• There are four grades of unalloyed titanium for implant applications
• The impurity contents distinguish them; oxygen, iron and nitrogen should
be controlled carefully.
• Oxygen in particular has a great influence on ductility and strength.
• Ti6Al4V- The main alloying elements of the alloy are aluminum(5.5–6.5
w/o) and vanadium (3.5–4.5 w/o).
Chemical Compositions of Ti6Al4V Alloys (ASTM, 2000)
Structure and properties of Ti And its alloys
• Titanium is an allotropic material that exists as a hexagonal close-packed
structure (α-Ti) up to 882oC and a body-centered cubic structure (β-Ti)
above that temperature. The addition of alloying elements to titanium
enables it to have a wide range of properties:
• 1.Aluminum tends to stabilize the α phase, that is, increase the
transformation temperature from α to β phase
• 2. Vanadium stabilizes the β phase by lowering the temperature of the
transformation from α to β.
• The α alloys have single-phase microstructure which promotes good
• The stabilizing effect of the high aluminum content of these groups of
alloys makes for excellent strength characteristics and oxidation resistance
at high temperature (300–600oC).
• These alloys cannot be heat-treated for strengthening since they are single
phased since the precipitation of the second or third phase increases the
strength by precipitation hardening Process.
The mechanical properties of the commercially pure
titanium &Ti6Al4V
• The mechanical properties of the commercially pure titanium,
Ti6Al4V, are given in next page. The modulus of elasticity of these
materials is about 110 GPa, which is half the value of Co-based
• The higher impurity content leads to higher strength and reduced
• The strength of the Ti alloys is similar to 316 stainless steel or the
Co-based alloys. When compared by specific strength (strength per
density), the titanium alloy excels any other implant materials.
• Titanium, nevertheless, has poor shear strength, making it less
desirable for bone screws, plates, and similar applications.
• Titanium derives its resistance to corrosion by the formation of a
solid oxide layer. Under in vivo conditions the oxide (TiO2) is the
only stable reaction product. The oxide layer forms a thin adherent
film and passivates the material.
Mechanical Properties of Ti6Al4V (ASTM, 2000)
Manufacture of Implants
• Dental Amalgam
• An amalgam is an alloy in which one of the component metals is mercury.
• The rationale for using amalgam as a tooth filling material is that since
mercury is a liquid at room temperature it can react with other metals
such as silver and tin and form a plastic mass that can be packed into the
cavity, and which hardens (sets) with time.
• To fill a cavity the dentist mixes solid alloy, supplied in particulate form,
with mercury in a mechanical triturator. The resulting material is readily
deformable and is then packed into the prepared cavity.
• The reaction during setting is thought to be:
γ +Hg γ+γ1+γ2
in which the γ phase is Ag3Sn, the γ1 phase is Ag2Hg3, and the γ2 phase is
Dental amalgams typically contain 45 to 55% mercury, 35 to 45% silver, and
about 15% tin, when fully set
• The strength of the restoration increases during the setting process, so
that the amalgam has attained one quarter of its final strength after one
hour, and almost all of its final strength after one day.
• Gold and gold alloys are useful metals in dentistry as a result of their
durability, stability, and corrosion resistance
• Gold fillings are introduced by two methods: casting and malleting.
Gold- Cast restorations
• Cast restorations are made by taking a wax impression of the prepared
cavity, making a mold from this impression in a material such as gypsum
silica, which tolerates high temperature, and casting molten gold in the
• Gold alloys are used for cast restorations, since they have mechanical
properties superior to those of pure gold
• Copper, alloyed with gold, significantly increases its strength. Platinum also
improves strength, but no more than about 4% can be added, or the
melting point of the alloy is elevated excessively. Silver compensates for
the color of copper.
• A small amount of zinc may be added to lower the melting point and to
scavenge oxides formed during melting. Gold alloys of different
composition are available. Softer alloys containing more than 83% gold are
used for inlays, which are not subjected to much stress.
• Harder alloys containing less gold are chosen for crowns and cusps, which
are more heavily stressed.
Gold- Malleted restorations
• Malleted restorations are built up in the cavity from layers of
pure gold foil.
• The foils are degassed before use, and the layers are welded
together by pressure at room temperature
• The pure gold is relatively soft, so this type of restoration is
limited to areas not subjected to much stress.
• In this type of welding the metal layers are joined by thermal
diffusion of atoms from one layer to another. Since intimate
contact is required in this procedure, it is particularly
important to avoid contamination.
Nickel-Titanium Alloys
The SME can be generally related to a diffusionless martensitic phase
transformation that is also thermoelastic in nature, the thermoelasticity
being attributed to ordering in the parent and martensitic phases.
The nickel-titanium alloys show an unusual property in that after the metal is
deformed they can snap back to their previous shape following heating.
This phenomenon is called the shape memory effect. The shape memory
effect (SME) of Ni-Ti alloy was first observed by Buehler and Wiley at the
U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory (NOL).
• The equiatomic Ni-Ti alloy (Nitinol R) exhibits an exceptional SME near
room temperature: if it is plastically deformed below the transformation
temperature, it reverts back to its original shape as the temperature is
• Shape memory alloys are used in orthodontic dental arch wires. They also
are used in arterial blood vessel stents, and may be used in vena cava
filters, intracranial aneurysm clips, and orthopedic implants. On a more
speculative level, they might find use in contractile artificial muscles for an
artificial heart.
Salient Features
The thermoelastic martensitic transformation exhibits the
following general characteristics:
1. Martensite formation can be initiated by cooling the
material below Ms, defined as the temperature at
which the martensitic transformation begins.
Martensite formation can also be initiated by applying
a mechanical stress at a temperature above Ms.
2. Ms and As (temperature at which the reverse austenitic
transformation begins upon heating) temperatures can
be increased by applying stresses below the yield
point; the increase is proportional to the applied stress.
3. The material is more resilient than most metals.
4. The transformation is reversible.
Properties of Ni-Ti Alloys
• A widely known Ni-Ti alloy is 55-Nitinol (55 weight % (w/o) or 50 atomic %
(a/o) Ni), which has a single phase and “mechanical memory” plus other
properties — for example, high acoustic damping, direct conversion of heat
energy into mechanical energy, good fatigue properties, and low temperature
• Deviation from the 55-Nitinol (near stoichiometric Ni-Ti) in the Ni-rich
direction yields a second group of alloys that are also completely nonmagnetic
but differ from 55- Nitinol in their capability of being thermally hardened to
higher hardness levels. Shape recovery capability decreases and heat-
treatability increases rapidly as Ni content approaches 60w/o.
• The efficiency of 55-Nitinol shape recovery can be controlled by changing the
final annealing temperatures during preparation of the alloy device. For the
most efficient recovery,the shape is fixed by constraining the specimen in a
desired configuration and heating to between 482 and 510oC.
• Both 55- and 60-Nitinols have relatively low moduli of elasticity and can be
tougher and more resilient than stainless steel, Ni-Cr, or Co-Cr based alloys.
• The Ni-Ti alloys also exhibit good biocompatibility and corrosion resistance in
Corrosion in metal implants
• If two dissimilar metals are present in the same
environment, the one that is most negative in the
galvanic series will become the anode.
• Galvanic corrosion can be more rapid than the
corrosion of a single metal.
• Implantation with alloys is therefore to be avoided.
• Galvanic corrosion can be possible in single metal if
there is inhomogeneity in the metal or its
Corrosion Vs. Biocompatibility
• Corrosion is the unwanted chemical reaction of a metal with its
environment, resulting in continued degradation to oxides,
hydroxides, or other compounds.
• Tissue fluid in the human body contains water, dissolved oxygen,
proteins, and various ions such as chloride and hydroxide.
• A s a re s u l t , t h e h u m a n b o d y p re s e nt s a ve r y a g g re s s i ve
environment to metals used for implantation.
• Corrosion resistance of a metallic implant material is consequently
an important aspect of its biocompatibility
• The lowest free energy state of many metals in an oxygenated
and hydrated environment is that of the oxide.
• Corrosion occurs when metal atoms become ionized and go
into solution, or combine with oxygen or other species in
solution to form a compound that flakes off or dissolves.
Micro-corrosion Cells in single metals
Grain boundary
Factors responsible are
• Repetitive deformation in metals in corrosive environment e.g. salts, ions etc. in body
fluid, fatigue testing, rubbing off passive layer, pitting cause local corrosion,
• Grain boundaries and crevices in the area of contact of a screw with bone plates.
Chemical reactions during corrosion in metal implants
• In the body an external electrical driving source may be present in the
form of a cardiac pacemaker, or an electrode used to stimulate bone
growth. At the anode, or positive electrode, the metal oxidizes. The
following reactions involving a metal M may occur:
If two dissimilar metals are present in the same environment, the one that is
most negative in the galvanic series will become the anode, and bimetallic (or
galvanic) corrosion will occur.
Galvanic corrosion can be much more rapid than the corrosion of a single
metal. Consequently, implantation of dissimilar metals (mixed metals) is to be
• Alumina-
• Zirconia-
• Calcium phosphate
• Titanium oxide
• Porous Calcium Aluminate
• Tri-calcium phosphate
• Glass- ceramics
Comparison of properties of metals with ceramics
Metals Ceramics
• Mechanical strength • Mechanical strength(Modulus
(Modulus of elasticity GPa) of elasticityGPa)–CP(40-117),
–steel(230GPa),Co- ZrO2(210), Al2 O3(380)
alloys(220-234), Ti
alloys(110) and
• Use-cementing for bone
• Use-hard tissue replacement,
implant fixation
total hip replacement
• Calcium phosphate has been used to make artificial bone.
• Recently, this material has been synthesized and used for
manufacturing various forms of implant as well as for solid
or porous coatings on other implants.
• There are mono-, di-, tri-, and tetra-calcium phosphates, in
addition to the hydroxyapatite and β-whitlockite, which
have ratios of 5/3 and 3/2 for calcium and phosphorus
(Ca/P), respectively.
• Hydroxyapatite acts as a reinforcement in hard tissues and
is responsible for the stiffness of bone, dentin, and enamel
• The mineral part of bone and teeth is made of a crystalline
form of calcium phosphate similar to hydroxyapatite
• The ideal Ca/P ratio of hydroxyapatite is 10/6 and the
calculated density is 3.219 g/cm3.
Properties of Calcium Phosphates (Hydroxyapatite) in
comparison to enamel
• Hard tissues such as bone, dentin, and dental
enamel are natural composites that contain
hydroxyapatite (or a similar mineral) as well as
protein, other organic materials, and water.
Enamel is the stiffest hard tissue with an elastic
modulus of 74 GPa, and it contains the most
mineral. Dentin (E = 21GPa) and compact bone (E
= 12~18 GPa) contain comparatively less mineral.
• The Poisson's ratio for the mineral or synthetic
hydroxyapatite is about 0.27, which is close to
that of bone (≈ 0.3).
Synthetic Polycrystalline hydroxyapatite has a high elastic
modulus (40–117 GPa) which is close to that of enamel.
Hydroxyapatite is excellent biocompatible material.
It appears to form a direct chemical bond with hard tissues.
Manufacture of Calcium Phosphates (Hydroxyapatite)
Types of artificial
knee joints
c) Walldius
e) Bechtol
Classification of replacements
• Hinged
• Non-hinged
The knee can be thought of as having 3
compartments - the medial, the lateral, and
the patellofemoral. In addition, there are 2
special cartilages within the knee joint called
the lateral and medial meniscus, which act as
shock absorbers within the knee joint. There
are also 2 ligaments within the knee, called the
anterior cruciate ligament and the posterior
cruciate ligament, which contribute to knee
Damaged knee
After replacement
Steps of Knee Replacement
Special bar on
Ball-point Screw in
Porous implant
PU backed PSA
Comparison of three types of PSA
Ligament, Cartilage, tendons
• Ligament-connective tissue that joins bone to
bone-strong, elastic, fibrous
• Covalent bonding
• Thickness,
• porosity
• Flexibility
• Rate of degradation
Materials indicate the nature of fillers and other additives(tackifiers, sealants etc.)
Fixation of dental resin
monomers with adhesive
through Ca+2
Percutaneous Devices
Skin implant
• Problems-
ØAttachment is not permanent
ØDowngrowth and/or overgrowth of epithelium
around the device
ØAny opening may cause bacterial infection
Factors and variables concerned
End-use factors
• a. Transmission of information: biopotentials, temperature, pressure, blood
• flow rate, etc.
• b. Energy: electrical and electromagnetic stimulation, power for heart assist
• devices, cochlear implants, etc.
• c. Matter: cannula for kidney dialysis and blood infusion or exchange, etc.
Engineering factors
• a. Materials selection: polymers, ceramics, metals, and composites.
• b. Design variations: button, tube with and without skirt, porous or smooth
• surface, etc.
• c. Mechanical stresses: soft and hard interface, porous or smooth interface.
Biological factors
• a. Implant host: man, dog,rabbit, sheep, etc.
• b. Implant location: abdominal, dorsal, forearm, etc.
Human factors
• a. Postsurgical care.
• b. Implantation technique.
• c. Aesthetic outlook.
Cross-sectional Image of PD-skin interface
Figure 1
Artificial Skins and Burn Dressing
Figure A
Figure B
Figure C
Figure D