Ventures English GR 6
Ventures English GR 6
Ventures English GR 6
Grade 6
Learner’s Book
Shelter Mukande
UNIT 1: HOLIDAYS................................... 1 D. Verbs.............................................................. 25
A. Comprehension.......................................... 1 E. Using verbs and prepositions................ 26
B. Composition: Dialogue............................. 3 F. Using a verb, an object and a preposition..
......................................................................... 27
C. Handwriting exercise............................... 4
G. Spellings and dictation............................ 27
D. Nouns............................................................ 4
H. Listening and speaking........................... 27
E. Prepositions................................................. 5
F. Punctuation: Capital letters ................... 5 UNIT 5: PETER’S WONDERFUL DAY... 28
G. Listening and speaking: Juggling balls 6 A. C omprehension: Peter’s wonderful day ....
H. Sharpen your skills: Nouns.................... 7 ......................................................................... 28
UNIT 2: THE BAOBAB TREE.................. 8 B. Summary writing....................................... 31
C. Composition: The lost satchel............... 31
A. C omprehension: The Baobab or the
D. Handwriting exercise............................... 31
upside-down tree...................................... 8
E. Adverbs......................................................... 31
B. Summary writing....................................... 11
F. Listening and speaking: Adjectives..... 33
C. Composition: Formal letter..................... 11
G. S
harpen your skills: Verbs and adverbs.....
D. Using antonyms or opposites............... 12
......................................................................... 33
E. Spellings and dictation............................ 13
F. Listening and speaking: Phonic sounds...... UNIT 6: THE ESCAPE.............................. 34
.......................................................................... 13 A. Comprehension: The escape................. 34
G. Sharpen your skills.................................... 14 B. Descriptive composition ......................... 37
UNIT 3: THE ADVENTURE OF TOM C. Simple past tense...................................... 38
SAWYER..................................... 15 D. Irregular verbs............................................ 40
A. C omprehension: Cleaning up campaign ... E. Listening and speaking: Phonics.......... 40
......................................................................... 15 F. Sharpen your skills: Family tree............. 41
B. Handwriting exercise............................... 18
C. Descriptive composition.......................... 18
A. C omprehension: Rain-making ceremonies
D. Adjectives ................................................... 19
......................................................................... 43
E. Using adjectives and prepositions ...... 20
B. Summary writing....................................... 44
F. Listening and speaking............................ 21
C. Composition: Report writing................. 45
G. Sharpen your skills: New words........... 21
D. Handwriting exercise............................... 46
UNYORO, THE NURSE (1).... 22 E. Pronouns....................................................... 46
A. Comprehension: The tragedy we have 22 F. Emphatic pronouns.................................... 47
B. Summary writing....................................... 25 G. Reflective pronouns.................................. 48
C. Composition: A friendly letter................ 25 H. Listening and speaking........................... 49
I. Sharpen your skills: Hobbies................... 49
UNIT 8: THE GARDENING CLUB (1)..... 50 C. Composition: The accident I witnessed .....
.............................................................................. 79
A. C
omprehension: Thando and the
Gardening club........................................... 50 D. Handwriting exercise............................... 80
B. Composition: Formal letter..................... 52 E. Writing sentences...................................... 80
C. Using conjunctions... ................................ 53 F. Subjects and predicates.......................... 80
D. Spelling and dictation.............................. 54 G. Punctuation marks................................... 81
E. Listening and speaking: Phonics.......... 55 H. Using although and but.......................... 82
F. Sharpen your skill: Abbreviations......... 55 I. Listening and speaking: Phrases........... 82
J. Sharpen your skills: Sentences .............. 83
A. C
omprehension: Animals do
communicate.............................................. 57 A. Comprehension: A letter of complaint 84
B. Composition: A friendly letter................ 59 B. Composition: A business letter............. 87
C. Handwriting exercise .............................. 59 C. Handwriting exercise............................... 87
D. Prepositions................................................. 60 D. Punctuation: Quotation marks “ ”....... 87
E. Nouns and preposition.s.......................... 61 E. Punctuation: Exclamation mark !......... 88
F. Verbs and prepositions............................ 61 F.Listening and speaking: Rhyming words
G. Listening and speaking: Poem............. 62 .............................................................................. 89
H. Sharpen your skills: Fun with G. Sharpen your skills: Verbs...................... 89
Mathematics .............................................. 62
UNIT 14: THE WORLD OF CATS.......... 90
UNIT 10: TEST 1....................................... 63 A. Comprehension: The world of cats..... 90
Paper 1....................................................... 63 B. Summary writing....................................... 93
Paper 2....................................................... 67 C. Composition: My pet................................. 93
UNIT 11: THE GARDENING CLUB (2).. 69 D. Contractions................................................ 94
E. Spellings and dictation............................ 96
A. Comprehension: The new member..... 69
F. Listening and speaking: Dialogue........ 96
B. Composition: Friendly letter................... 71
G. Sharpen your skills: Puzzle. ................... 96
C. Handwriting exercise............................... 72
D. Subject verb agreement.......................... 72 UNIT 15: FISH FARMING........................ 97
E. Sums and quantities: much, many, little, A. Comprehension: Fish farming............... 97
few.................................................................. 73
B. Summary writing....................................... 100
F. Using either or… neither nor.................... 73
C. Composition: Project................................ 100
G. Pronouns and verbs. ................................ 74
D. Handwriting exercises............................. 100
H. Sharpen your skills: Word meanings. 75
E. Articles........................................................... 101
UNIT 12: THE ACCIDENT........................ 76 F. Using unless................................................. 101
G. L
istening and speaking: Reported speech
A. Comprehension: The accident.............. 76
......................................................................... 102
B. Summary writing....................................... 79
H. Sharpen your skills: Nouns................... 103
UNIT 16: VELD FIRES.............................. 104 UNIT 20: TEST 2....................................... 131
A. Comprehension: Veld fires..................... 104 Paper 1 ...................................................... 131
B. Summary writing....................................... 106 Paper 2 ...................................................... 135
C. Narrative composition............................. 107 UNIT 21: THE PILOT................................ 137
D. Present participle...................................... 107
A. Comprehension: The pilot...................... 137
E. Spellings and dictation............................ 109
B. Composition: My ambition ..................... 140
F. Listening and speaking: Passive voice 109
C. Using may and might .............................. 140
G. Sharpen your skills: Idioms ................... 110
D. Occupations................................................ 141
UNIT 17: MALARIA IS A KILLER........... 112 E. Spellings and dictation............................ 142
A. Comprehension: Malaria is a killer...... 112 F. Sharpen your skills: Jumbled words..... 143
B. Composition: Invitation letter................ 113 UNIT 22: THE TRAGEDY OF CHILD-
C. Prepositions................................................. 114 HEADED FAMILIES................. 144
D. Handwriting exercise............................... 115
A. C
omprehension: The tragedy of child-
E. Listening and speaking............................ 115 headed families.......................................... 144
F. Sharpen your skills: Malaria prevention116 B. Summary writing ...................................... 147
Let’s talk
You all have plans on how you are going to spend the holidays. Share your plans with a
friend. If you are going to travel, say when, how and where you are going. Give reasons why
you are visiting that place and how long you will stay.
The words in colour are from the dialogue which you are going to read below. In pairs, take
turns in answering the following questions then discuss your answers as a class.
1. What are your holiday plans?
2. Do you have a school-fellow? If yes, who is she/he?
3. Have you ever been to a village?
4. What is the weather like today?
5. Name a town in Zimbabwe which is on a plain.
6. The hilly part of the country is in which direction?
A Comprehension
Here is a dialogue between two boys discussing their holiday plans. In pairs, take turns in
reading the dialogue then answer the questions which follow.
Tom: Hurrah! Only 10 days to the holidays.
Jeff: I know I have been counting the days. I’m just sick of school.
Tom: So am I. What are you going to do with yourself…these holidays?
Jeff: I would like to go to the hills for a change, but that means money, and I don’t
think my father will give it to me. What are you going to do?
Tom: Oh! I shall go home. My home is in the hilly part of the village where it is fairly
cool in the summer, and I think I shall find plenty to do there.
Jeff: You are very lucky. My home is on plain land. It is very hot, and I soon get tired
of the small village life.
Tom: Well, look here! Why not come to my home and stay with me for a few weeks?
Jeff: That would be fine. But I don’t suppose your father would want me there. I
would only be welcome.
Tom: Not at all! Father told me last year, when I was at home, that I should bring one
of my schoolfellows with me, and have a good time. So come along!
Jeff: I would love that! It’s very kind of you.
Tom: Splendid! We can have some good time together.
Jeff: So we shall think of different things to talk about.
Tom: Oh! You need not thank me, because I shall have a much jollier time with you
there than if I were alone.
Comprehensions questions 1
Read the passage and answer the questions in correctly punctuated full sentences.
1. Who is eager to go on holiday?
2. How many days are left for the two to start their vacation?
3. Why was Jeff counting the days?
4. Who needs money?
5. Give two words which describe Tom’s home.
6. Jeff thought Tom was lucky. Why?
7. What do you think a plain looks like?
8. What is the difference between the two boys’ homes?
9. Why did Tom invite Jeff to his place?
10. What type of a friend is Tom?
Comprehension questions 2
There are four optional answers to each question bellow, choose the best for each
1. The boys’ school was closing in less than a____________.
A. ten days B. month C. fortnight D. week
2. The boys were talking about their ____________.
A. school B. homes C. holiday D. holiday plans
3. When Jeff said, “I’m just sick of school,” he meant that, he__________.
A. didn’t like school B. sick of school C. wanted a break D. disliked going home
4. At first, Jeff refused the invitation because _____________.
A. he was fearful B. he wanted to go to his village
C. he was tired of his village life D. he wasn’t sure if he would be welcomed
5. Tom invited Jeff to his place so he was the_____________.
A. school fellow B. friend C. visitor D. host
6. Accommodating someone in your home is_________.
A. hospitality B. homeless C. squatting D. refuge
7. A word which best describes Tom’s father is__________.
A. helpful B. rich C. welcoming D. caring
8. Tom and Jeff were____________.
A. collegemates B. classmates C. schoolmates D. best friends
9. In the end, the two boys agreed they were going to have a__________ time together.
A. playful B. friendly C. joyful D. enjoyable
Comprehension questions 3
If you were Jeff, would you agree/refuse the invitation? Give you answer in 10 lines stating
your reasons. If you agree to the invitation, what would you do to Tom and his family as your
B Composition: Dialogue
In pairs, give each other roles and dramatise the above dialogue. Add some gestures. Your
facilitator may assist.
You are going to write a dialogue between a facilitator and a learner who always comes to
school late. The facilitator has to probe why the student is always late. The student has to
highlight his/her problems. For example:
• distance • from a child headed family
• transport • abuse by a parent/guardian or any
• household chores other person
Let’s talk
There are lots of trees in Zimbabwe. Some of these trees are indigenous, whilst others are
exotic. The trees grow in and around the country. In pairs tell each other the meaning of
indigenous and exotic trees and then name the growing areas of these trees.
The words in colour are from the passage. Answer the following questions to prove that you
know their meanings.
1. If something is odd, it is ___________.
2. What is a habitat?
3. A word opposite in meaning to shrink is ___________.
4. Which musical instrument is hollowed and whose top part is covered by an animal skin?
5. In which region is your school?
6. Name one impressive thing you saw when you went for a school trip?
7. Which heritage site is found in Warren Park, in Harare?
8. Which shape has a circumference?
9. Name one source of Vitamin C?
10. The one who is good at carving is a ___________.
Read the following passage and answer the questions which follow.
These odd-looking trees are able to survive in very dry parts of Africa and in a variety of
habitats. The biggest trees, the baobab can store up to 100,000 liters of water in their thick
fibrous trunks using it through times of poor rainfall and times of drought. In severe years of
drought, the baobab’s trunk shrinks then enlarges again when the rains come and the water
is replaced in the huge trunk.
As the tree gets older, the middle of the trunk naturally gets hollowed out and is used as a
haven by some wild animals.
One of the main attractions of the Victoria Falls and is about 2 kilometers from the waterfall
and can be seen when travelling on the Zambezi River Drive, not far from the bank of the
It has become known as the “Big tree” because of its imprsessive size. This giant baobab is
one, if not, the largest tree in the region.
This giant massive, baobab is considered to be one of the biggest in Zimbabwe and is
famous both in the country and elsewhere in the world. It is protected and has been
designated a heritage site.
It is 20 meters high and over 16 meters in circumference. It is not old at 1500 years, by
baobab standards, and it still has two thirds of life expectancy to go. Considering its current
size, this is impressive indeed.
Some speculate that this African baobab tree is actually three trunks or trees joined together
to create the impressive girth. This conjecture, if true, could make the tree younger than the
original estimate.
It is known that David Livingstone saw and witnessed this tree in 1855, and it would have
been well over 100 years old when he passed by.
In the past, the tree was used as a meeting place for the early British explorers and the
intrepid travelers and traders passing through the area. It was a conspicuous landmark that
was easy to locate for get-togethers and meetings.
Livingstone did leave his mark on a different baobab tree near the falls. He carved his name
on a baobab tree on Garden Island above the precipice of the waterfall, where he first
witnessed this natural phenomenon.
Baobabs have lots of uses, including medicinal advantages, with many people liking to eat
the fruit which has Vitamin C. The leaves are also eaten and the fibres from the bark are
used to weave mats, bags and hats.
B Summary writing
A summary is a brief outline of a given passage. This is a means of highlighting the main
points of a story or topic.
How to write a summary
(a) Pick out important facts from each paragraph.
(b) Arrange the facts in order of appearance.
(c) Write a paragraph using the facts from the passage.
(d) M
ake sure the paragraph is written in short sentences and to the point.
(e) Make sure the summary adds up to the stipulated length in terms of number of words.
(f) The sense of the text must remain.
In pairs, re-read the above comprehension passage and then pick out important facts from
each paragraph. You can write them as phrases then practice writing the summary of the
above passage in not more than 20 words.
A formal letter is a business letter. It has two addresses, a reference and no greetings in the
letter. It’s mainly about business. You end the letter by writing your full names.
You have been experiencing water shortages in your area. Write a letter to the responsible
authority telling them about your problem. Say how this shortage is affecting the residents
and suggest solutions to the problem. The body of the letter should fill a page. Use the
following points and any others which you might think of:
Let’s talk
You have once gotten yourself into trouble, share with your partner what happened and how
it ended. Tell each other about the most unforgivable thing you did and how you got yourself
into trouble. What do you feel about that day? Would you like to do it again?
The coloured words are from the story. Answer the questions in pairs and then compare your
answers with the rest of the class.
1. When do you become restless?
2. Have you been in an adventure? When? Explain what happened.
3. What made the chirping sound?
4. What made Tom shudder?
5. Why are you encouraged to mingle with your classmates?
6. In the passage below, the stairs creaked. What else makes the creaking sound besides
the stairs?
7. Give a word which means the same as ghastly.
8. When do you produce a moaning sound?
9. Why did the two boys waddle in the tall grass?
10. You see your reflection in a ___________ and in___________.
Read the passage. Then answer the comprehension questions which follow.
At half past nine that night, Tom and Sid went to bed as usual. They said their prayers, and
Sid was soon asleep. Tom lay awake and waited in restless impatience. When it seemed to
him that it must be nearly daylight, he heard the clock strike ten! This was despair. He would
have tossed and fidgeted, as his nerves demanded, but he was afraid he might wake Sid.
So he lay still and stared up into the dark. Everything was dismally still. By and by, out of the
stillness, little, scarcely perceptible noises began to emphasize themselves.
The ticking of the clock began to bring itself into notice. Old beams began to crack
mysteriously, the stairs creaked faintly. Evidently spirits were abroad. A measured, muffled
snore issued from Aunt Polly’s chamber. And now the tiresome chirping of a cricket that no
human ingenuity could locate began.
Next the ghastly ticking of death-watch in the hall at the bed’s head made Tom shudder. It
meant that somebody’s days were numbered. The howl of a far entity begun; he began to
doze in spite of himself, the clock chimed eleven, but he did not hear it, and then there came,
mingling with his half-formed dreams, a most melancholy caterwauling.
The raising of the neighboring window disturbed him. A cry of: “Scat! You devil!” and the
crash of an empty bottle against the back of his aunt’s woodshed brought him wide awake.
And a single minute later he was dressed and out of the window and creeping along the
roof of the “ell” on all fours. Then he “meowed” with caution once or twice as he went - then
jumped to the roof of the woodshed and thence to the ground.
Huckleberry Finn was there, with his dead cat. The boys moved off and disappeared in the
gloom. At the end of an hour they were wading through the tall grass of the graveyard.
A faint wind moaned through the trees and Tom feared it might be the spirits of the dead
complaining at being disturbed. The boys talked little and only under their breath, for the time
and the place and the pervading solemnity and silence oppressed their spirits. They found
the sharp new heap they were seeking, and ensconced themselves within the protection of
three great elms that grew in a bunch within a few feet of the grave.
Then they waited in silence for what seemed a long time. The hooting of a distant owl was
all the sound that troubled the dead silence. Tom’s reflection grew oppressive. He must force
some talk. So he said in a whisper!
“Hucky, do you believe the dead people like it for us to be here?”
Huckleberry whispered,
“I wish I knew. It’s awful solemn like, ain’t it?”
I bet it is.
There was a considerable pause while the boys canvassed this matter inwardly.
Comprehension questions 1
Answer the questions.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
2. Write five sentences in the passage that support the idea.
3. Write a summary about the story above.
Comprehension questions 2
Choose the most correct answer from the ones given in each question.
1. The story is about ___________
A. Tom Sawyer B. Sid C. Huckleberry Fin D. Aunt Polly
2. A word which best describes Tom Sawyer is__________.
A. naughty B. adventure C. caring D. friendly
3. What was the relationship between Tom and Aunt Polly?
A. Mother and son B. Aunt and niece
C. Aunt and nephew D. Brother and sister
4. ___________was Tom Sawyer’s friend.
A. Sid B. Huckleberry Fin
C. Aunt Polly D. Sid and Huckleberry Fin
5. Tom didn’t sleep because_____________.
A. he had a mission B. wasn’t feeling sleepy
C. Sid slept D. Aunt Polly was snoring
6. In the story, who shouted, “Scat? You Devil!”?
A. Tom Sawyer B. Aunt Polly C. Sid D. Huckleberry Fin
7. What do you find in a graveyard?
A. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Fin B. Graves
C. Corpse D. Dead cats
8. From the story __________ had a dead cat.
A. Sid B. Tom C. neighbour D. Huckleberry Fin
9. Form the passage, what showed that Tom Sawyer was afraid?
A. He heard the tickling of the clock B. He shuddered
C. He slipped off D. He was alert to all the noises in the night
Let’s talk
In life we come across many trying experiences, be it at home, work play or at school. In the
passage below, two health workers were confronted with a life changing experience. Due
to the fact that they were based in a remote area, their ability to deliver on their duties was
limited. Have you ever come across a challenge? In 50 words describe what life changing
experience you went through and when.
Words ending with –ion.
They waited and waited. Surely the bus would come. The woman on the ground cried. Oh!
Help me God. They waited and waited. They knew the road was very bad. Some days,
the buses actually never came. Soon it was too late, the woman quietly died. Waiting and
waiting. There’s no hope any more. Looking down, she asks herself, what was the woman’s
life for?
MUNYORO: I can’t do this anymore.
MURAPE: Why not? Just one woman has died, but we can still save others.
MUNYORO: So, it means nothing to you, this woman dying? To you this is just part of a
normal day’s work. Perhaps we should have left her to rot on the side of the
MURAPE: That’s not what I meant.
MUNYORO: (Pause) I know, I’m so sorry. I just feel so …
PROGRESS: (Offstage) Come. I think we must have a little talk.
MUNYORO: (She looks towards the spirits) I can’t, not now!
PROGRESS: Don’t worry, he can’t hear us.
MURAPE: Are you, all right? You look …
MUNYORO: It’s been a bad day.
MURAPE: Of course. Why don’t you go home?
MURAPE: (Looking warmly at her) Take care.
MUNYORO: And you. (Murape exits to one side. As Munyoro moves off, the spirits come
up to her. Pause)
WEALTH: Well? (Pause) Terrible thing. A waste of a life. You know why it happened?
Those roads … and the bus companies. They don’t want to come here. It’s
too far. And if a bus breaks down … they have to pay so much to fix it. Just
think what a reliable bus would have done today … (Pause; Spirits look at
each other)
POWER: If someone really cared about this area, about people, they’d start a bus
PROGRESS: I like that idea. That would be progress.
POWER: A bus to town four times a week, with your own breakdown service. What
do you think?
MUNYORO: Me, why me?
PROGRESS: Well, you haven’t been very successful so far, have you? I’ll be honest with
you. We like you. We want you to reach the top. Why not let us help you?
This is a marvelous chance for real development. You want the best for your
community, why not give them … a bus company!
MUNYORO: How could I do that? I’ve no experience … no money. (Spirits laugh)
Comprehension questions 1
Answer the following questions in full correct sentences.
1. What had happened to the woman when Murape said “I can’t do this anymore?”
2. What was Munyoro’s reaction to Murape’s statement?
3. In your view, could the two health workers have done better?
4. Murape felt like going home, why was this?
5. Why were the two nurses not able to save the woman?
Comprehension questions 2
Fill in the blank spaces using the correct words or sentences from the passage.
1. If only the community had a _____________ and _____________.
2. There was no professional _____________ at the clinic.
3. The clinic was in a _____________ part of the country.
4. The two nurses had to wait for a _____________ to try and transfer the patient to a
better medical facility.
5. In addition to the shortage of ___________ the ___________ were also bad.
Comprehension questions 3
Use true or false to answer the questions below.
1. The pregnant woman was alive when she got to the clinic.
2. The woman had four other children at home.
3. The woman was brought to the clinic in an ambulance.
4. Munyoro and Murape were in love.
5. Progress and Power were spirits.
6. Wealth worked with Munyoro and Murape at the clinic.
7. Progress was the driver of the ambulance.
8. The bus came on time to take the woman away.
9. Munyoro was able to organise a bus four times a week.
10. Remote means that the clinic was the center of town.
Let’s talk
You have all had memorable days. Share your experiences with a partner. What did you
enjoy most on this particular day? If the clock can be turned backwards, would you like to
have the same experience? And if so, why?
These are words which you are going to come across in the passage below. Read, define
and use them in sentences.
café waiter shoe laces midday vegetables salad circus
ring worry special promise clowns acrobats remember
Saturday morning was a long morning for James and Peter. They went with their father to
different stores and they were interested in some of the things they saw. Peter was tired
before ten o’clock and by midday he could walk no further. Just then, they met mother and
Susan, who had finished their shopping. “Is that the end of the shopping?” asked Peter.
“I think so,” his mother said. “We’ve done everything we planned.”
“Did you get my shoe laces?” said James.
“You didn’t ask me to buy them for you,” his mother said.
“No, I told Susan, “James told her.
“I’m sorry,” said Susan. “I forgot all about them.”
“Never mind the shoe laces,” said Peter. “I’m tired and hungry. I hope we won’t forget to eat.”
Father laughed and said, “Don’t worry. You won’t let us forget to eat. Come along all of you.
We’ll eat now.”
the ground. Then came the elephants, doing all kinds of tricks. One of them even did a dance.
A team of beautiful horses came next, and then some monkeys did their tricks in the ring. He
watched the acrobats who were very clever, jumping and swinging and catching each other.
Peter didn’t notice how quickly the time was going.
Finally, all the animals, clowns and the acrobats came into the ring together. They marched
around and the music played. Then the circus was over and the people started to move out
of the tent. Peter just sat there, looking at the ring.
“Come along,” said Susan, “you can’t sit there all night.”
Peter looked at her then knew that it was time to go home.
“I’ll never forget that,” he said. “It was the most wonderful day of my life. Thank you, father.”
On the way home, they talked about what they had seen at the circus. Only Peter was quiet
and he said nothing. They all thought that he was tired but they were wrong. In his mind
were pictures of elephants dancing and clowns rolling around the ring. He knew he would
always remember this as a very special, happy day.
Comprehension questions 1
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions correctly in full sentences.
1. Why was Saturday morning a long morning for Peter and James?
2. Who took the two boys out?
3. In the passage, it is said, “Peter couldn’t walk any further,” What is the meaning of this
4. In the passage, “Who went for shopping?”
5. Who wanted shoe laces?
6. Why did Susan had to apologize to James?
7. Father promised the children something special. What was it?
8. What did the family see at the circus?
9. What was the use of the “ring?”
10. Why was the day a special day for Peter?
Comprehension questions 2
Fill in the blank spaces to complete the sentences below.
1. The table they had was saved for______________ people.
2. The circus was held at______________ of the town.
3. The clear space in the middle was the ______________.
4. The first activity the family watched was performed by______________.
5. A word in the passage which means a group of people is ______________.
6. One who entertains people is a______________.
7. In the passage, ______________ did a dance.
8. ______________ marked the end of the circus.
9. ______________ didn’t participate in the conversation on their way home.
10. ______________ showed that Peter enjoyed himself at the circus.
F Listening and speaking: Adjectives
Get into pairs where one gives an adjective then the other forms the adverb from the adjective.
For example:
(a) heavy becomes heavily.
(b) polite becomes politely.
Copy the verbs below and then write after each, the adverb that best matches it.
Verbs Adverbs
1. fought exactly
2. listened intently
3. paused fiercely
4. copied roundly
5. applauded momentarily
6. spoke aimlessly
7. promised faithfully
8. leaned heavily
9. wandered fluently
10. arrived punctually
Unit TEST 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
There are 40 questions in this paper. Answer all the questions.
Read the passage and then answer the questions.
Hello everyone! I am a cockroach. My name is Parah. I am brown and black with fine long
fenders. I have a pair of strong wings which enable me to fly. I also have three pairs of hairy
I am lucky as I make my home in any dark corner of a house and even in rubbish bins.
These bins are then emptied into garbage trucks when the garbage is being collected. You
must know that I hate human beings as they cause our friends’ and families’ deaths.
I eat almost anything from rotten things to leftovers. My day starts at night, when almost
everyone in the house is asleep.
I look for food, and either eat it there or carry it to my home to eat, in case I get killed by my
During the day, I spend most of my time sleeping. Sometimes, I plan my food search. I also
plan where to look for it and hide it.
When I am neither sleeping nor planning, I peep out of a resting place for my enemies.
Below are four optional answers. Choose the correct one to answer the questions.
1. Who is Parah?
A. Boy B. A cockroach C. His name D. None
2. The cockroach uses his _____________ to fly.
A. hairy legs B. long fenders C. strong wings D. its colour.
3. The cockroach is lucky because_____________.
A. it has three pairs of legs B. human beings destroy them
C. it looks for food D. it lubbers anywhere it finds dark
4. The _____________ is nocturnal
A. human being B. cockroach C. garbage D. leftovers
5. The_____________ is the cockroach’s enemy
A. human B. leftover food C. dark D. garbage
6. A word in the passage which means the same as look quickly especially through a
narrow opening is_____________.
A. peep B. search C. garbage D. plan
Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete the following sentences.
7. While we_____________ by the school, we heard the siren ringing.
A. were passing B. are past C. was passing D. had passed
8. Myra always studies but now he_____________ television.
A. was watching B. is watching C. watched D. has watched
9. All athletes will be notified _____________email.
A. through B. by C. at D. with
10. Neither of the boys _____________ to collect their prizes.
A. are call B. have called C. is call D. were called
11. The Head showed the facilitator _____________ he lived.
A. how B. do C. doesn’t D. won’t
12. You will not do well in the test _____________ you work hard.
A. as B. since C. unless D. if
13. Frozen fish _____________ when they are not kept in the refrigerator.
A. melts B. melt C. is melting D. have melt
14. _____________ you have done your homework, you shall not go out tonight.
A. Although B. Should C. If D. Unless
15. _____________ you are free today, you shall not go away.
A. Though B. Unless C. But D. If
17. When did the writer notice the movement of the air conditioner?
A. When he was going to school B. When he came back from school
C. On his way back to school D. On his way after school
18. A word in the passage which means that the air conditioner was operated by hand
A. manually B. switch C. operated D. its own
19. How many people were in the house?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
20. _____________ pulled the writer’s feet.
A. The air B. The air conditioner
C. The invisible man D. Invisible footsteps
Read the following passage then answer the questions which follow.
Responsibilities of prefects
Prefects at school help the facilitators and the administration to ensure that the school’s
rules are followed. In other words, the duties of prefects are to ensure that the school runs
smoothly every day.
Their day starts with manning the gates. Here, they make sure every pupil who arrives late
is booked down for punishment or their names are taken to the facilitator on duty.
After ensuring that every pupil is punctual at assembly, they also make sure that silence is
maintained there. To do this, they stand at key points among their schoolmates.
Cleanliness of the school grounds is also their other duty. They make sure that the school
grounds are kept paper free. In this work, they are supported by the school head, the deputy
and the facilitators as well.
Discipline is also one of their duties. Like at assembly, they make sure the corridors are noise
free and that every pupil is where they are supposed to be. Anyone who loiters is reported
to the respective facilitator.
Fighting and theft are other things which prefects ensure do not happen in the school. Prefects
ensure that anyone who is caught on the wrong side of the rules is dealt with appropriately.
They, themselves set a good example to other pupils in the school so that teaching and
learning is not disturbed.
31. The major duty of prefects is to_____________.
A. ensure that the other children obey school rules
B. ensure that the school is clean and tidy
C. ensure that all the students are punctual
D. ensure that the school runs smoothly
32. _____________ is the prefect’s first task daily.
A. Menning the gates B. Maning the gates
C. Maming the gates D. Manning the gates
33. Their duty whereby the prefects call upon the staff’s help is_____________.
A. expelling their peers B. keeping the school paper free
C. disciplining their peers D. reporting to the school heads.
34. To loiter is to _____________.
A. dodge a duty B. be rude to prefects
C. to stand about idly D. to run around the school.
35. _____________ should lead by example.
A. The school head B. The facilitators
C. The prefects D. The facilitator on duty
Choose the most suitable word to complete the following sentences.
36. We walked silently along the _____________ path.
A. comfortable B. tall C. narrow D. deep
37. “Was there _____________at home?” asked Zolile
A. no one B. anyone C. someone D. everyone
38. I left my satchel_____________at the playground.
A. nowhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. everywhere
39. A person who sells goods on the street is a_____________.
A. vedor B. vendar C. vender D. vendor
40. Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.
A. If you don’t study Pamela you’ll never do well.
B. If you don’t study, Pamela, you’ll never do well.
C. If you don’t study Pamela, you’ll never do well.
D. If you don’t study, Pamela you’ll never do well.
Time: 1 hour 45 minutes
Section A: Composition (20 marks)
There are two composition topics in this section. Choose either a composition or a letter then
expound on the topic. The composition should be between 80 to 120 words in length. If you
choose to write a letter, the body of the letter should be 80 to 120 words.
A. T
here has been a school soccer match between your school and a nearby school. Narrate
what happened on this day. Your narration should be between 80 to 120 words. Use the
following points and any other you might think of:
• when was it?
• what were the players wearing?
• how did the spectators reacted?
• which school won?
• how did the day ended?
B. Y
ou have been selected to represent the school in a quiz competition. Write a letter of
appreciation to the quiz master for choosing you. Tell him/her how you are going to raise
your school flag high and how your parents will feel about your achievement. Use the
following points and any other you might think of:
• why you were chosen?
• your feelings about the competition.
• how you are to perform?
• how do your parents fell?
• salutation.
Section B: Comprehension and summary (15 marks)
Read the passage and answer the questions which follow.
The lorry started and Chike felt like a condemned prisoner. Some of the older boys frightened
him by telling him stories of people who had drowned while fording the river.
“There are stories on the river-bed and if you miss your step once you are finished,” said
At last they got to the river and the lorry stopped. Then each boy took off his shoes, wrapped
them in a bundle and carried them on his head along with his share of the load from the lorry.
Mark walked straight into the river and began to ford it. A sudden feeling of defiance came
upon Chike and he followed Mark.
Some of the bigger boys who had been boasting and laughing were now hanging back. The
water rose to Chike’s chest at its deepest point but he did not turn back. Once he stepped on
a slippery stone and nearly fell. But he quickly regained his balance. The water, which had
been going deeper and deeper, was now becoming shallow again. Chike was pleased with
himself. Soon he was on dry ground. He turned round proudly to see the others struggling
behind him.
The rest of the journey was bumpy and uneventful. But the experience had been very
important to Chike. It had given him a good deal of confidence in himself. He felt that any
person who could ford such a river deserved praise.
Answer the following questions using correctly punctuated sentences.
1. From the passage, the phrase “you are finished” means _______________ [1]
2. Why did the boys got off the lorry at the river and crossed it on foot? [1]
3. Who was Mark? [1]
4. Why did Chike follow Mark into the river? [1]
5. Explain why the bigger boys who had been boasting were now hanging back. [2]
6. Chike was pleased with himself for crossing the river because __________. [1]
7. How did Chike feel after he followed mark cross the river? [1]
8. What is the main idea in the passage? [1]
9. To ford a river is to_______________ [1]
Re-read the comprehension passage identifying important points from each paragraph and
write a summary of it in 35 words. The summary should be written incorrectly punctuated
sentences. [5]
Let’s talk
There are needy people in our communities who want our help. In pairs, identify them and
discuss how best you can help them. Share your thoughts with the rest of the class. Your
facilitator may assist you. Give examples from your area.
These are words which you are going to come across in the passage below. Use a dictionary
to find their meanings and then use them in sentences.
odd grateful donation orphans handouts
vulnerable responsibility child-headed pursue traumatized
luxury affected marginalized generation
career benefactors advanced diploma dilemma
hope inadequate guardians basic-necessities
Passing time on little-paying odd jobs, Trevor is only too grateful for the regular donation
of sugar beans handed out to orphans and vulnerable groups such as his family and the
elderly by an International Aid Organization working in the area.
Zimbabwe’s children, in many instances are forced by circumstances to carry out adult-
related duties.
“I am the one who heads the family and we largely survive on handouts from Non-
Governmental Organizations (NGO)’s and church,” he says shyly. “My father died in 2008.
My mother passed away in 2005. It was very difficult to adjust to the situation. I knew that
life was never going to be the same again as I was left with a big responsibility.”
Trevor’s case is only one in Zimbabwe’s growing problems of child-headed families. According
to UNICEF, there are over 50 000 child-headed families in Zimbabwe.
Tsitsi Singizi, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) communications officer for Zimbabwe,
says an average of 100 000 children are living without parental care and supervision.
“Without a doubt most of the child-headed households are a consequence of HIV and
AIDS,” she said. “The loss of a parent has serious consequences for a child’s access to basic
necessities. Often in these households, food shortages are common, clothing is a luxury and
basic health and education are severely limited, as these children struggle for survival.”
UNICEF has been central in assisting and counselling children affected by the loss of their
Children in child-headed households are marginalized, often living in rural and farming
areas. Few are in towns and cities. Both groups are hardly recognized by their communities.
As in Trevor’s case, even his immediate community has failed to realize his talents and other
disadvantaged ones, creating a lost generation.
Trevor only managed to write and pass eight ordinary level subjects last year through the
help of his church.
He wanted to pursue a career in accounting, but his benefactors could no longer afford to
pay even for the cheapest government school for him to take up advanced level classes, he
A try-anything-that-can-come along approach has not yielded fruits.
“I tried applying for a nursing diploma, but I was unlucky. I tried temporary teaching and
they said I didn’t meet the conditions,” he adds.
Apart from dealing with his dilemma, Trevor has to counsel his traumatized brother.
Let’s talk
Do you have a camera? Describe the camera to a partner. What is the use of this machine?
In this unit, you are going to learn about the use of the camera. Besides taking photographs
of our surroundings, how else can we study our environment? Share your thoughts with a
Here are words from the passage below. Read and find their meanings from the dictionary.
camera naturalists explore hobby amateur
conservation rare thrill preserve roaming
shutters crocuses daffodils habitat shelter
climate waterhole
A Comprehension: Photographs
Read the passage and then answer the questions which follow.
One of the best ways to study the world around us is to take pictures with a camera. Going
out to take pictures helps us focus on our surroundings, more so than if we are just out for
a stroll. Photography also helps us develop affection for the creatures in our world. It helps
us remember what we have seen. Pictures may show us things our eyes would never have
Photography is an especially useful tool for a naturalist. These are the people who study
nature. Some naturalists are professional scientists, but others explore living things as a
hobby. For some bird watchers, a camera is as important as a pair of binoculars hanging
around their necks.
In the past, amateur naturalists often gathered a collection of animals they had hunted and
stuffed. People on safari, for example, would travel to different parts of Africa to shoot as
many wild animals as they could!
Today, photo safaris have largely replaced hunting. Eager photographers drive miles into
conservation parks to “shoot”--- with a camera. They photograph rare animals like cheetahs
or gemsbok, an antelope found in the Kalahari Desert. Showing the pictures off back home
is a much greater thrill when you know that your subject is still roaming the plains without
If you were to go on photo safari in Africa, you would probably bring quite a bit of equipment
with you. But with a simple camera, you can learn a lot about nature in a local park, wildlife
reserve, forest or swamp.
The camera can help us see things that move too fast or too slowly for our eyes to catch.
Like the propellers of an airplane, the legs of a galloping horse are blur when seen with the
unaided eye.
Today, electronic shutters on very special cameras may take a picture in one-millionth of a
second. An ordinary camera, by contrast, has a shutter speed of about 1/50th of a second.
Although this may sound terribly fast, if your camera’s “click” scares a squirrel as you snap
its picture, you will find out just how fast animals can get out of the frame!
One easy way to avoid blurry images is to photograph things that move very slowly. A picture
of crocuses or daffodils in spring sunshine might cheer you up on a dreary day. A close-up
study of a leaf may amaze you with how detailed nature can be. Many photographers have
a passion for photographing plant life, and except for the wind, these things tend to stay still.
Photographers know that plant pictures can be especially beautiful because they can leave
the shutter open longer. That helps them catch a richer, detailed photograph. They might
also choose to use a tripod; it can keep the camera steady all the while the shutter is open -
much steadier than you could hold it with your hands alone.
What if you enjoy taking shots of animals in their natural habitat? What if you just have to
have a photograph of that jaguar--- or that graceful springing deer? Many animals, of course,
consider humans to be a threat and they choose to stay as far away from us as possible.
One way to get close to a wild animal is to construct a blind. This is a shelter in which a
photographer is hidden from an animal’s view. To use a blind, you have to know just where
your subject is going to appear. In a dry climate, for instance, when there aren’t many sources
of water, animals will often return to the same stream or water hole. Photographers will
construct blinds nearby to shoot the animals when they come to drink.
Comprehension questions 1
Answer the following questions using correctly punctuated sentences.
1. What is the use of the camera in the passage?
2. What is the advantage of a picture when studying the world around us?
3. Define the word naturalists.
4. Give one example of a naturalist.
5. What is the advantage of a camera to the naked eye?
6. A word in the passage which means the same as discover is ______.
7. In the passage, a camera is being compared to _______.
8. What is the use of binoculars?
9. What is a hobby?
10. Give one example of a naturalists.
Comprehension questions 2
Do this exercise in your groups.
1. The opposite of an amateur is a ___________.
2. Long ago people used to hunt animals for food. Nowadays instead of hunting, people
are now___________.
3. “To shoot with a camera” means to___________.
4. List the rare animals mentioned in the passage.
5. A word which means the same as rare is___________.
6. The Kalahari Desert is found in which country in Africa?
7. How can a photographer avoid blurry images?
8. What is an image?
9. What is the use of shutters on a camera?
10. What is an animal habitat?
Comprehension questions 3
Answer these questions in full correct sentences.
1. Why are human beings a threat to wild life?
2. A shelter in which an animal is hidden from the photographer’s view is called a_______.
Let’s talk
Zimbabwe inherited its name from the Great Zimbabwe monument. Have you ever been to
this site? What did you like best? If you haven’t been to Great Zimbabwe, do you wish to visit
there? If yes, say why? What have you heard about this place? Who were the first people to
live at Great Zimbabwe? What did they use to construct this monument? Share everything
you know or heard about this monument with your partner.
These are words which you are going to come across in the passage below. Read and define
tourist overseas monument foreign currency stunned
architect population locality destruction visible
Great Zimbabwe is a very important tourist attraction in our country. Every year, thousands
of people come from overseas to visit this great monument. Most of these people come from
Europe and United States of America.
The visitors come and spend money in our hotels. They also buy some of our items like hand-
made baskets and leather goods. In this way, our country earns foreign currency to buy
items from other countries.
Every visitor to Great Zimbabwe is stunned by the dignity of the stone buildings
(madzimbabwe). One disappointing thing about these buildings is that the architects left no
written records. Yet the monument is the most distinguished in Africa, south of Sahara.
The eastern side of Great Zimbabwe is decorated with a chevron design. The craftsmen who
build here wanted to promote their own culture. The chevron sign, built with the stones was
common in old art all over the world.
The people who settled around Great Zimbabwe were of the Karanga tribal group. It remains
a mystery why these people suddenly disappeared from the area in 1450. They left the
buildings untouched. The only destruction visible today is the result of trees pushing their
roots through the stonework. The other damage has been caused by cattle and wild animals
grazing there.
Some reasons have been put forward to explain the sudden disappearance of people from
Great Zimbabwe in 1450. Some historians say the population grew so large that they could
not get enough firewood in the area. Other historians say that there was no salt left in
the locality so the people decided to leave. Fire and salt were very important during those
times. Probably this explains why these Karanga people settled in the surrounding areas like
Charumbira, Chivi and Mushawasha.
Comprehension questions 1
Answer the following questions using correctly punctuated questions.
1. Who were the first people to live at Great Zimbabwe?
2. What are tourists?
3. Why is the Great Zimbabwe monument an important resort in Zimbabwe?
4. From which countries do these tourists mostly come from?
5. List three handmade items in the passage.
6. Where in Zimbabwe is the Great Zimbabwe monument?
7. A word which means the same as shocked, in the passage, is ____________.
8. Who was supposed to leave written documents at the monument?
9. Explain how the architects who built Great Zimbabwe promoted their own culture?
10. What is now destroying this monument?
Let’s talk
Name the ball games that you know? Which is your best and why? You have once participated
in a ball game. Tell your partner how you felt playing for your school?
What did you fear most? Did you enjoy playing in the school team? Describe the school team
members and their roles in the game? Who was the best player? How did that game end?
Here are some words you are going to come across in the passage below. Read and match
them with their meanings in column B.
Nervous Cold and unwelcoming manner.
Crowd Break.
League Way of thinking or behaving.
Rattle Stretched tightly.
Veteran Done object or person striking against another.
Frosting Inexperienced newcomer to a team.
Televise Fearful.
Rookie Group of people for a particular purpose.
Attitude Mass of spectators.
Collision Person with a long experience.
Busted Firm, trust in ability.
Confidence One object/person against each other.
Tense (In cricket) time during which a team/player is batting.
Inning Break violently.
A Comprehension: The big day
Here was no question about it, I was now more nervous than I would ever been before a
game. “When do we go out?” Big Jim Davis looked at his watch. “In ten minutes. Take it
easy.” How’s the crowd? “Full house, forty-two thousand people in the stand today.” Forty-
two thousand people were in the ball park to watch a big-league baseball game. And it
wasn’t the first day of the season either. It was now September and the pennant races
were beginning to tighten up. But it was the first day in the big leagues for me and I was
wondering how I would do out there. This was my big chance. Would I be good enough or
would I somehow blow it? Big Jim sensed how I felt “You will do all right, kid. Just keep your
mind on the game and don’t let anybody rattle you.”
Big Jim Davis was a veteran of ten years in the big leagues, never missing a game. A real
pro, he was a good man to have on your side. Nothing seemed to bother him. He is the kind
of a guy who makes it easier for the rest of us and we all respect him.
Forty-two thousand people out there and that was only the frosting on the cake. The game
was being nationally televised and that meant that millions of people across the country
would be also watching staring at the screen. Staring at me, my throat was drying again, so
I walked over to the locker room fountain and took another drink.
My parents would be sitting before the TV set at home watching. And my sister too. Actually,
Mom and Sis never really cared much about baseball. Dad is the real fan but they would be
watching the game today. I was still young. A mere rookie. I suppose I would come up as fast
as anybody, but looking back now, it seems like a long, long road stretching into the past.
When I was just a little kid, I would stand on the sidelines watching my father on the playing
field and wishing I were out there too. I would follow every ball, every play. I wish dad could
have made it to the top himself. He was that good. But I guess he just never got the breaks.
Or maybe other things came first with him, like being with me while I was growing up.
No, dad hadn’t made it into the big leagues, but I knew he was relieving his life in me-
following my career and maybe thinking about how it might have been if things had been
just a little different.
Even during off-season, I never let myself get soft or stale. I always kept in shape and watched
my diet. I would jog at least three miles every day because I was determined to be in tip-top
shape when my big chance came.
There had been a collision at first base on a close play and when the dust had settled,
Robertson lay on the ground with a busted ankle. He was out of the season and they wanted
me to report to the Baltimore right away.
I had just enough time to pick my suitcases, phone my parents to tell them the news, and
then catch a plane to Chicago and from there to Baltimore.
Now I went to the locker room mirror and stared at myself again.
Yes, I was here. I had finally made it. I had always thought that I was as good as anybody
in the game. I had that confidence you needed but still, right now I was about as tense as a
person could be worried. I took a deep breath. Well, I had come a long way and now it was
too late to have reservations or doubts.
Big Jim looked at his watch again. “Time to earn our money.”
Comprehension questions 1
Answer the following questions using correctly punctuated questions.
1. The ball game being discussed in the passage is ______.
2. Why is the writer feeling nervous?
3. How did the writer come to participate in this game?
4. Between his parents, who played baseball?
5. How many people had come to watch the game?
6. “Big Jim Davies was a veteran.” This statements means he was a ______.
7. In which month was this game being played?
8. “The game was nationally televised.” Means this game was _______.
9. Why did the writer take another drink of water?
10. When did the writer start playing baseball?
Comprehension questions 2
Choose the correct answer from the passage and answer the following questions.
1. A word in the passage opposite in meaning to amateur is _______________.
2. Why did the writer say this game was his big chance?
3. Jim Davis has been playing baseball for _______________ years.
4. How many people from the writer’s family were going to watch the game on television?
5. As a young boy, the writer watched his _____________ playing the game.
6. Give two reasons why the writer’s father stopped playing baseball.
7. The writer was playing in place of _______________.
8. Why is it important to play a game with the right attitude?
9. Explain how the writer kept in shape?
10. When did the game begin?
B Summary writing
Re-tell the story about the big day. Pick out what you think are the most important parts in
the story. Arrange those facts in order of appearance in the passage. Write a summary of
this story. Your summary should not exceed 20 words.
C Narrative composition
Re-tell the story you read in the passage above. Tell your partner what you enjoyed most in
that story. Have you ever watched a game being played? Share your experience at a league
match anywhere in Zimbabwe. Write a composition narrating all that happened at that
league. Use the following points and any other you might think of.
• name the game.
• when was the game played?
• who were the participants?
• what were they wearing?
• tell about the crowd.
• the most interesting part in the game.
• how did the game end?
D Forming nouns
The word cook is a noun as well as a verb. Many words in English do more than one kind of
work. Dance, play, dream, cover, are both nouns and verbs. We can make a verb become a
noun by adding a suffix that is a letter or letters at the end of the verb. For example:
(a) Explode explosion
(b) Compel compulsion
Exercise 28.1
Form abstract nouns from the following verbs.
1. Clear 4. Intend 7. Act 10. Fly
2. Explode 5. Defy 8. Inquire
3. Lose 6. Judge 9. Deceive
Let’s talk
You have heard of domestic animals being stolen. Discuss what you know and what you feel
about the situation. Discuss in pairs.
These are words which you are going to come across in the passage below. Read the
following sentences. Define the words in bold and use them in sentences.
1. The rain clouds were heavy.
2. The child can now crouch.
3. There were no stars at midnight.
4. The student didn’t want to be disturbed.
5. The shadows were so frightening.
6. The thieves followed the eastern direction.
7. Running water creates dongas.
Read the following passage and answer the questions which follow in correctly
punctuated sentences.
The night was dark, with the moon and stars hidden behind heavy clouds. Farmers waited for
rain but the dark clouds over the country were not yet ready. Perhaps it would rain tomorrow
and the dry land would once again become green.
In the darkness, other people waited. They were not farmers but they also wanted the rain.
The people who waited were preparing to steal cattle from a farmer. There were six of them,
strong men who knew the country very well.
They crouched in the darkness, waiting to make sure that the farmer and his family were
asleep. The cattle were kept not far from the house and any noise would disturb the farmer.
It was after midnight that the men moved. They crossed the ground like shadows, crouching
and silent. They reached the kraal where the cattle stood quietly and one of them opened
the gate. The cattle moved out with very little noise and the men followed them. For half
an hour the animals were allowed to move slowly and choose their own direction. By that
time they were so far from the house that the noise would not disturb the farmer, the men
gathered the cattle together and moved quickly across the country. They travelled in the
direction of the hills, which could be seen as a dark line below the clouds.
When the cattle came to a fence, one of the men went forward quickly to cut the wire. The
cattle were driven through the fence and then travelled on in the same direction. Just before
dawn, as the cattle were close to the hills, the rain started. The men smiled, because they
knew that the rain would wash away their tracks. By daylight, the group was safely among
the hills and no marks were left for the farmer to follow.
The rain fell for a few hours, wetting the dry ground and turning dry dongas into rushing
rivers. Roads and paths were turned to mud, and nothing moved. People stayed at home, in
the shelter of their houses until the clouds moved on and the sun was shining again.
Comprehension questions 1
Read the passage and answer the questions which follow.
1. Why was the night so dark?
2. Which two groups of people were waiting for the rains?
3. When did the farmers anticipated the rains?
4. What would make the land look green?
5. Explain why the six men crouched in the darkness.
6. What would disturb the farmer from his peaceful sleep?
7. When did the six men move towards the kraal?
8. What was in the kraal?
9. Why did the men travel towards the hills?
Comprehension questions 2
Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences from the ones given below.
soundlessly herd kraal one drove crouched
1. The thieves ___________ the cattle across the village.
2. ___________ man opened the kraal.
3. Cows live in a ___________.
4. A word which means that the thieves did not want to be noticed is they ___________.
5. A group of cattle is known as a ___________.
6. The thieves smiled when the rains fell because ___________.
Comprehension questions 3
Re-read the comprehension passage then answer the following questions in groups of
1. Give 3 words which describe the night in question.
2. A word which best describes the thieves is ____________.
3. Why did the cattle not make noise?
4. Why were the cattle allowed to move freely?
5. When did the thieves gather the cattle together?
6. The thieves cut the fence so that they would get passage to the ____________.
7. Why were there no marks for the farmer to follow the thieves?
B Summary writing
Re-read the comprehension passage. In fours, pick out important points from the passage
then write a summary of 15 words. The summary should be written in correctly punctuated
Write a report on what happened at your school on the first day of the new year.
6. Uncle is to nephew as aunt is to ______________.
7. Bird is to nest as bee is to ______________.
8. Duck is to duckling as dog is to ______________.
9. Food is to famine as water is to ______________.
10. Dog is to paw as horse is to ______________.
Exercise 29.2
Here is another way of making those comparisons.
Exercise 29.3
Insert the missing words in the following analogies.
Exercise 29.4
Complete each of the following analogies.
Unit TEST 3
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
There are 40 questions in this paper. Choose the best option to answer the questions.
Read the passage below and answer questions that follow.
Child abuse is fast becoming a problem in Zimbabwe. There are various forms of this problem.
For example, children can be abused sexually or through ill-treatment at home and other
According to recent newspapers reports, most victims of child abuse are below the ages of
sixteen. Most of these children are abused by people who are very close to them, such as
parents, guardians, older siblings, maids, neighbours or family friends.
What makes child abuse difficult to deal with is that most victims do not report it to their
parents, close relatives or the police. This is usually because in the majority of cases, abused
children are threatened with death or withdrawal of material support. Children should,
however, remember that no one has a right to abuse them. They should, therefore be
courageous enough to report any form of abuse to their parents, other family members or
the police.
5. Child abuse is difficult to deal with because______________.
A. victims do not have any one to report to.
B. most victims do not report the abuse
C. victims feel it is not necessary to report
D. the police do not listen to reports by children
6. What threats are usually passed to abused children by their abusers?
A. travelling on holiday B. payment of school fees
C. buying of necessities D. death or withdrawal of material support
Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences.
16. Who was out of work?
A. Jimmy’s mother B. Jimmy’s father C. Jimmy’s sister D. Jimmy’s friend
17. Why was Jimmy shivering with cold?
A. He had worm socks and underclothes on.
B. He did not have warm socks and underclothes on.
C. He was careless.
D. He was ill.
18. What kind of food had Jimmy taken?
A. Bread and butter. B. Porridge and butter.
C. Sadza and stew. D. Rice and chicken.
19. __________ is the word in the passage which means ‘unlucky’.
A. Thought B. Everything C. Unfortunate D. Underclothes
20. How much money did Jimmy have?
A. Lots of money. B. A little money. C. One dollar. D. Plenty of money.
21. Who was lying home sick?
A. Jimmy B. Father C. Little sister D. Mother
Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences.
22. The thief stood __________ still __________ a rock by the wall.
A. too B. neither nor C. either or D. as as
23. May you __________ Takunda your pencil please?
A. borrow B. lent C. lend D. rent
24. Every night Sekai __________ them talk in low voices.
A. hear B. heard C. hears D. head
25. Mrs. Kachipi saw the thief __________ the house silently.
A. enter B. entering C. entered D. enters
26. Today it is too hot __________ play in the sun.
A. that B. so C. to D. this
27. Chenai is big __________ to carry the bucket full of water.
A. enough B. but C. although D. though
28. It has __________ raining day and night this week.
A. be B. been C. being D. bad
29. Last night our newly born baby cried __________.
A. soundly B. bitterly C. merrily D. loudly
30. They __________ on the ground more dead than alive.
A. lie B. laid C. lay D. lied
play both indoor and outdoor games like table tennis and football. In class, you will do your
hobby, that is, paint pictures, and sing songs.
Mrs. Brown taught her son all the sporting games she could think of. Pat enjoyed them very
much, but he had always used to be by his mother’s side, so Mrs. Brown was rather worried
and thought, “How will we both feel when he finally goes to school?”
But on the first day at school, Pat was very sweet. He did not cry nor refuse to go to school.
Mrs. Brown was very happy.
On the second day, when Pat was asked to put on his uniform for school, everything changed.
“But I do not like school! Why are you taking me there again?”
31. The name of Pat’s school was __________.
A. Chishawasha B. Country C. Beautiful D. Primary Education
32. Mrs Brown wanted to send pat to school because __________
A. had become of age B. he liked him to go to school
C. Pat liked school D. she wanted to go abroad
33. Mrs Brown was worried because Pat __________.
A. was a good child B. he liked school activities
C. was not good at school D. always wanted to be with her
34. An example of an indoor game in the story is __________.
A. football B. lawn tennis C. hockey D. table tennis
35. How do we know that Mrs Brown liked him?
A. She sent him to school.
B. She told him stories.
C. She played with him.
D. She got worried that they were going to separate.
Time: 1 hour 45 minutes
Section A: Composition (20 marks)
1. Answer either (A) OR (B)
(A) Write a composition about an important meeting held at your school recently. Your
composition should be between 100 to 120 words in length. Use all the following points
and any other which you may think of to write your composition.
• the date for the meeting
• the purpose of the meeting
• who called for the meeting?
• who attended the meeting?
• what was agreed at the meeting?
(B) You are just out of hospital after a nasty accident. Write to a friend telling him/her about
it. Use all the following points and any other you may think of to write the letter:
• when the accident happened.
• where the accident happened.
• what type of accident it was; car, fire and so on.
• what/who caused the accident.
• who rescued you.
• how you were taken to hospital.
• your experiences at the hospital.
• how are you feeling now?
Peter put his books into his bag and prepared to set off on the three and half kilometer
walk home. Suddenly, his friend John popped his head around the classroom door. “The
headmaster wants to see you, Peter,” he said.
Peter made his way to the office, trying to remember his actions of the past few days, why
should Mr Mutanda want to see him?
He saw the headmaster standing beside the school principal, Reverend Father Alexander,
near the school office.
“Peter,” called Mr Mutanda, “Reverend Father Alexander has something to give you.”
As Peter approached, Jess, the minister’s huge dog, came bounding to meet, her tail wagging
in recognition. Peter patted her on the head.
“Good morning, father,” he said, almost bursting with curiosity. The principal lifted a box
which had holes about the size of a coin drilled in the sides and handed the box to puzzled
boy. Peter lifted the hinged lid and grasped, “Oh ---- it’s a puppy.”
“Oh, thank you, Reverend,” he cried. I have always wanted a dog for myself.
“You and Jess are such good friends that l decided to keep one of her litter for you,” replied
Reverend Father Alexander.
“I promise you, I will look after it very well,” Peter said gratefully.
“Now run off home and show your friend your dog……,” replied the principal.
Peter set off home. He had already decided to call it Shumba because he was sure it would
grow up as brave and strong as a lion. His dog would never be like so many other dogs he had
seen, hungry, diseased and spending hours sleeping in the sun or searching for unwanted
scraps of food. His parents were not pleased at first, when he arrived home with a pet. On
one hand, his father said, “It would chase his goats and frightened the neighbour’s children.
His mother, on the other hand, wondered how she would manage to feed it, but when she
saw the tears in her son’s eyes she said, Oooh! Well I feed six mouths every day. One more
won’t make much of a difference!”
1. What was Peter doing when he was called by the headmaster? [1]
2. What two actions show us that the principal’s dog was friendly with Peter? [2]
3. Explain in your own words the phrase, “Bursting with curiosity.” [2]
4. Why did Peter decide to call his dog Shumba? [1]
5. State two things which Peter disliked about the other dogs he had seen. [1]
6. Why was Peter’s father not happy about the puppy? [1]
7. Why was his mother worried when she saw his son with the dog? [1]
8. What eventually made his mother allow Peter to keep the puppy? [1]
9. Write a summary of the above passage. Your summary should not be more than 30
words. [5]